Rasmussen released a new poll yesterday showing Maria Cantwell up by 11% points over Mike!™ McGavick.
The poll dated July 17 has Cantwell at 48% and McGavick at 37%. Cantwell’s lead over McGavick is outside of the 4.5% margin of error, meaning that she has fully pulled ahead of McGavick after being in a statistical tie (although numerically leading) for three months. At 37%, Mike!™ is exactly where he started last November, down from his peak of 41% in May. Cantwell has gained 4% since last month. Additionally, her favorability has increased three points to 56% since last month.
Apparently, Cantwell’s new campaign ad is largely responsible:
The latest Rasmussen Reports election poll of 500 likely voters was taken a week after the launch of the 30-second television spot, “First,” which touts Cantwell’s accomplishments on behalf of Washington state’s families.
Wow…a four point rise after a one week media blitz!
Surely, McGavick will respond by unleashing his own media blitz very soon. Oh…wait…what was it Goldy was saying just last month?
McGavick has been running a paid media campaign
I’ve been disappointed that Cantwell waited so long to start her campaign (I finally saw the first Cantwell lawn signs in Spokane about 2 weeks ago), but now that she has, the size of Mike?’s deficit is becoming clear. Mike? has been running unopposed for the last 6 months, and he still can’t get past 41%. That’s encouraging.
Alaska’s Senatorial Candidate Mike McGavick is having a very bad week.
McGavick isn’t the only Republican in trouble. Goldmark is actually in a statistical tie with McMorris in his latest poll (39% to 37%). Check it out here: http://www.ewpolitics.com/?p=8
Um, internal campaign polling on Goldmark/McMorris?
No thanks, I may be a liberal, but even I don’t drink FlavorAid from the Democrat People’s Temple.
Now, if Elway or someone else who isn’t paid to spin says the race is a dead heat, I’m buying it. But the 5th is a tough one for D’s, and I’m not ready to go with internal campaign numbers (for all I know, they push-polled it).
To add to my comments in 4, the primary’s in a few weeks. If Goldmark and McMorris are pretty close then, I’ll be impressed (the 1994 wave was pretty apparent in the primaries, too- I was working in Olympia with some D candidates and there were some LONG faces that Tuesday night in September).
What’s the best way for the insurance industry to get more clout in D.C.? Convert the CEOs of insurance companies into congressional candidates!
Dear God….Diogenes would be just as frustrated searching in the ranks of the Republican Party. Is there any single one of these people who isn’t crooked as hell?
Sorry for the OT post, but… do you go to Drinking Liberally in Spokane? Is it worth it? I’m pretty busy for the next couple of months, but I should have the time to get more involved after the end of September, and I’d like to direct some of my energy toward local races and issues, like Goldmark, Bonnie Mager, etc.
Goldy, what is your response to Robert Mak’s report about your involvement in the attempt to smeark McGavick?
s/b smear
Mike! suffers from not only being a Republican but anybody who has ever had an insurance claim isn’t going to be happy with an insurance company showering their ex-executive with gold…
Don’t you mean Mike :( McLawsuit?
Where can I get a job paying $28 million for 2 months of part-time work? Oh, that’s right, you have to become a Republican first.
Hey, I’ll sell my soul to the devil, but a measly $28 million to become a fucking wingnut? Ain’t enough.
Sticky-fingered Mike!’s numbers should hit 25% in about a week, after voters start thinking about whether they want a CEO who looted his company representing them in the Senate.
I thought the news article about the suit in the PI today was hilarious. A large paragraph suggesting that the whole suit was Goldy’s doing? RFOLLOLOL (or something like that)
As if any attorney with the tiniest experience in corporate law and interest in politics wouldn’t have noticed there was something not-kosher about that $28 million windfall. And any shareholder with significant shares who cares about the long term viability would have had their stock-loss radar go “BOING” upon hearing of it, unless they themselves were in on the scam. Don’t have to be a genius to wonder why your company is funding the GOP in a corrupt fashion.
Also note that EVERY Democrat excuses Hillary calling pollster Dick Morris a “FUCKING JEW BASTARD!” Because she is the Democrat Queen, the MSM will not touch this.
“Today we march, tomorrow we vote Democrat!” [30 million Mexican illegals] Atlas has Shrugged.
“Is there any single one of these people who isn’t crooked as hell?” Commentby ArtFart— 8/2/06@ 4:45 pm
Why do you need to ask?
Of course Goldy didn’t return phone calls on Tuesday – He’s not in town!
McGavick is one of those “producers” Reddick is always talking about — you know, the people who take all of the money, do none of the work, and take none of the risks.
It’s not possible to smear McGavick. Anything anybody says about that scumbag is true.
Why doesn’t McGavick want voters to know he’s a Republican?
Looks like the lawsuit has actually gotten filed. The lawsuit website has a case number of CV 06-1080 MJP stamped on the copy of the complaint now:
It still doesn’t show up on the U.S. District Court website, but maybe there are still cases filed yesterday that aren’t there either. It is interesting that they didn’t include a filing stamp on the copy that they are posting on the website.
The lawsuit is assigned to Judge Marsha Pechman.
So why did Maria “Doesn’t know shit about commodity market econmics” Cantwell VOTE AGAINST drilling in Gulf of Mesko?
Does she like high gas prices? Does she like screwing the little guy? Apparently…
Funny how everybody forgets how Cantwell got her millions to buy, er campaign for her seat. Also interesting to note who is bringing the lawsuit against McGavick.
Fortunately the ploy is transparent.
Hmmm…seems I remember that Real Networks actually grew, and came to employ a larger number of people there, while Cantwell worked there. Just about the opposite of what happened during Mike!’s watch at Safeco.
I actually crossed paths with Maria while she was at Real. She was out pounding on doors, signing up resellers and generally beating the bushes to scare up additional business. She may not have exactly been Miss Congeniality, but it would appear the lady actually did work to earn her paycheck while there.
So… Maria worked to get her bucks. McGavick was a “turn around” guy. And also like the top of the Amway/Ponzi pyramid scam. Cheney was another such scammer. Fake “free market.”
Republicants admire this advanced scamming routine, and aspire to hit similar jackpots without ever paying any dues.
Once again, this is the “primary”, not the final election of November. There are “two” candidates who are running as Democrats, Cantwell and Tran. Cantwell is not running against McGavick at this point, she is running against Tran. You might say, “Tran has no chance, so why bring her into the discussion?” The only means to make any sort of correction in a state party platform is the primary race. That’s the “only” means of discussing issues within the party in a public forum. When in-party candidates are excluded from the discussion, much less consideration, the process known as democracy is abridged, and the party becomes a machine. Is that what you really want to support?
On the issues, Tran seems to represent true Democratic (and democratic) values much more than Cantwell.
Greg @ 28:
I don’t see anyone here excluding Tran.
It has to do with the slavery rider the Republicans attached to the bill.
50 shares out of millions is hardly significant, as a matter of fact it’s microscopic.
SAFECO lost a billion, fired their CEO, hired Mike! and it took him 11 months to get the company back to profitability. There are numerous websites out there that will give you a chart breaking down where the company was when he was hired and where it is now.
The little shareholder should be happy Mike! was there to increase her dividends, and steer the company towards growth instead of disaster.
Who’s paying her legal bills? We want full disclosure and why didn’t her dear Mom and Grandfather file a lawsuit, since they surely own more shares than little shareholder.
Hey soundcrossingonaleakyraft — why doesn’t Mike! McGavick doesn’t want voters to know which party he belongs to?
SAFECO lost a billion, fired their CEO, hired Mike! and it took him 11 months to get the company back to profitability. There are numerous websites out there that will give you a chart breaking down where the company was when he was hired and where it is now.
rhp6033 has already addressed this in the other thread:
Wow, I was wrong. Imagine that. Goldy was involved in hooking up this shareholder with an attorney.
It was obvious to me a long time ago that we should have found a candidate to run against ole Doc Hastings. There are no safe Republican seats this year.
Hmmm. Where’s all the usual suspects for a Cantwell thread? Auntie-Goldy? Jaybo?
Don’t they still like Mike :( ?
It was obvious to me a long time ago that we should have found a candidate to run against ole Doc Hastings.
Capital idea!!
38 – Listen to Weekday on KUOW at 9am for an hour with Richard Wright, Democratic candidate for WA-04.
Time I guess to resurrect that law ya’ll wanted; to block donations of “in kind” to political campaigns.
naw, ya’ll aren’t that consistent in your ideology…its only ok to attack Eyman and KVI, not your own lefty causes
Ahh the rabbit. Pullin’ out them big guns there brother. You intellectual giant you. I’m all breathless and a twitter at your forcefullness. Take me now you big palooka.
Jeebus. If you all could pull your heads out for just a couple breaths you could look at this objectively. But you won’t because you can’t stand to look at Cantwell and see that she, well, is pretty aweful.
You can’t look at the leadership in the other WestCoast states and say Oh Shit, we are this close to going down the tubes with CA and OR. No, you just keep putting them D’s in office regardless of where our state is going. Sooner or later you’ll have to elect someone to pull your sorry asses out of debt and 100% it won’t be a D.
debtfree debtfree
debt consolidator debt consolidator
va assumable mortgage va assumable mortgage