I’ve got mixed feelings about polling data. On the one hand, when they say what I want, I like them. On the other hand, when they don’t say what I want… not so much.
The truth is that this far out from the race, reporting polling data is more useful at shaping public behavior than predicting it. That’s why Republicans have been so keen on waving the latest Rasmussen Reports poll that shows the contest between Sen. Maria Cantwell and Republican challenger Mike McGavick narrowing to a 44 percent to 40 percent margin. Rasmussen calls it “a tossup.”
Yeah… whatever.
Forget for a moment that Rasmussen is widely considered to be a partisan Republican pollster, and that computerized, auto-dial polls in general aren’t considered to be all that accurate. Yeah, ignore the fact that many news agencies, including The Associated Press, The Hotline and Roll Call have a policy of not reporting on robo-polls, and that CNN polling chief Keating Holland says he finds them unreliable:
Rasmussen Reports uses another questionable technique to gather its polling data: interactive voice technology (IVT), in which a computer does the calling and the interviewing. Though Rasmussen himself said that it is “easier to get people to talk to a computer than it used to be,” polling units that use IVT have a reputation for low response rates. “It’s a far cry from having an interviewer,” Belden said. Holland does not let CNN report results from IVT polls. “I find [IVT] polls unreliable,” he said. “I’ve actually been polled, and it was far too easy to screw around with it, which I did.” He added, “People feel a bigger obligation to tell the truth to a real person.” SurveyUSA, another prolific polling organization, also uses IVT.
Yeah, forget all that. And while your at it, forget the fact these polls tend to swing all over the place. (Does anybody really believe that Gov. Christine Gregoire’s approval margin has swung 11 points in the past month? Um… because of what?) And forget the fact that despite all the ups and downs, Strategic Vision’s May 2006 poll has Sen. Cantwell almost exactly where she was last August.
Go ahead… ignore all of that. It’s not the point. Let’s just accept the Rasmussen poll as cold, hard fact.
And in that context what leaps off the page at me is: how the fuck does McGavick expect to win with only 40 percent of the vote?
I don’t need a poll to tell me that Cantwell’s refusal to throw her base a bone on the Iraq war is hurting her support amongst anti-war Democrats. We all know that. What’s surprising to me is how little traction McGavick is managing to generate despite a yearlong campaign and hundreds of thousands of dollars of unanswered advertising. Back on April 4, Rasmussen had him at 40 percent. That’s exactly where they have him today. Big whoop. The McGavick folks can talk all they want about “closing the gap”, but they haven’t closed anything — it’s Cantwell’s numbers that have moved, not McGavick’s.
Let’s be honest, these aren’t much better than Will Baker numbers… just a few points higher than what you automatically get for sticking an “R” next to your name. Sure, some angry Democrats are awfully pissed at Cantwell, but there’s absolutely no indication that this is leading anybody to vote for McGavick.
And when it comes right down to it, does anybody really believe that more than a handful of anti-war Democrats are going to vote for McGavick just to punish Cantwell? For that matter, does anybody believe that Green Party candidate, scofflaw, and first-time-voter Aaron Dixon can possibly draw much more than a couple points? I don’t think so.
McGavick is going to have to give the public a reason to vote for him if he’s to have a chance of winning in November, and his cynical “civility” campaign is just not gonna do it. Meanwhile Cantwell is sitting on a $6 million war chest she hasn’t even started to spend, and if McGavick doesn’t hurry up and define himself, she’s gonna do it for him.
So believe the polls if you want. But if you do, I suggest you believe the entire poll.
Roger Rabbit supports the troops. http://www.operation-helmet.org/
Cantwell’s in a good spot right now.
The bad news for pukes is that Gregoire’s approval rating has swung from negative to positive in her first year, no doubt because of the great job she’s doing as governor. The vicious GOP smear campaign against her is wearing off.
McGavick’s poll numbers will drop like a rock when Cantwell starts running ads touting his $14,000,000 annual salary. People will think, “No wonder my insurance premiums are so fucking high!” When the rubber meets the road, people aren’t gonna vote for Insurance Mike.
Alaska’s Senatorial Candidate Mikey McGavick is no threat to Senator Cantwell. Period.
“how the fuck does McGavick expect to win with only 40 percent of the vote?”
At least Insurance Mike can take a small comfort from knowing that he’s slightly more popular than David “Mother Beater” Irons, Jr. — and cigarette smoke.
The reason why insurance is so high is because they have to insure democrats who turn around and file bogus lawsuits. Democrats are the party of trial lawyers after all. Either that or out right fraud. Just ask Mike Web. Hehe
Don’t worry. King County will come up will hundreds of Democrat votes a day or two after the election. Maybe more if needed. Like Detriot, Philly, Chicago and Harare, Zimbabwe, votes can just “come out of nowhere”!! hehe
My favorite quote about Sen cantthinkandwalkwell is regarding the fact she rated a pitiful, pathetic, oh so sad but true 80th (of 100) “most popular” senator …
“ Cantwell ranked at 80; poor luck for her that the lowest-ranking of the senators is also the only one in the region up for election this year. “
Dont forget Milwaukee,New York, San Francisco, St Louis. All liberal runned fraud factories. Let try to name some cities who cheat for the republicans…. Ah wait there are none. Nevermind.
Dan no need to name cities. Let’s name states- Florida and Ohio
@4 McGavick’s poll numbers will drop like a rock when Cantwell starts running ads touting his $14,000,000 annual salary.
So how did Cantwell finance her previous campaign?
Actually Florida should be commended for stopping what happened here. We have a fraudulently elected governor. Any day you lefties want an independent investigation into Ohio I would be all for it. Of course you lefties never will because we would find out Bush won by 50,000 more votes. You must be for voter IDs right K? Hehe
I think Democrats should cheat. Republicans do it, so we need to, in order to level the playing field. I talked to Dean Logan about it, but he said, “No, we have to run honest elections, no matter what other people do.”
You had your investigation in the Washington election. Remind me, who is the governor?
Who picked the venue?
I don’t go as far as Ann Coulter, though. She says someone should “frag” (i.e., murder) Rep. John Murtha. I’m not in favor of murdering her — I just wish she’d step in front of an unmarked car with covered license plates.
I wish Cantwell, well
for five years she ahs been almost as effective at the Seante as Peter Sellers would have been. She has been invisible .. a leader with no cause can not lead.
So far McGavick seems to have no idea about campaigning, or does he? His name recognition has gotten as high as hers and by and large he has avoided the SS (stupid stands not schutzstafel) that afflict som much of the Bush white shirtted storm troopers.
WHERE IS MARIA on the issues?
Gee, smoke, which party is in the majority? Which one controls the flow of legislation. And is she in that party?
Any clue how the R’s have been running the show in DC?
You had your investigation in the Washington election. Remind me, who is the governor?
Commentby K— 6/22/06@ 9:10 pm
Really!! KCRE has had an independent investigation into the 2004 election. Where at? Ah this will be interesting. I cant wait.
I wonder what the finding is on why KCRE could not match 400 plus votes to their voter registration. I am waiting K. I hope this is not another “Did you see John Kerry’s military records” moment.
Gee Dan, I guess you slept through that whole Chelan thing. Just speaks to your credibility. A joke like your handle.
I thought so. Way to go paper tiger.
22 – a joke like I-912 and David Irons. More predictions anyone?
does that $6mm include her phony borrowed $$ for her deflated real stock?
did rob chip in some more, or is it all just emilys list stuff?
And just how is calling your bullshit on the fact that you pursued your allegations in a venue of your choice and lost a “paper tiger”?
We live in a country of laws. THe laws were followed. Were mistakes made. sure. I recall some evidence of dead votes cast for Rossi. I recall unproven allegations about Sims favoring Gregiore. I recall you all forgetting that Sims ran against her and did not throw his support behind her. I recall write ins for him in numbers large enough to erase doubt.
A judge from a solidly Republican County ended it. The Republican Party did not appeal.
And your point is?
And so Good night and good luck.
The KCRE will count more fraudulnet votes in favor of the dems in 2066. Wait thats a fact not a prediction.
Hey Goldy: If Kos is worried, Dems are worried!
Now, http://www.suntimes.com/output.....vak22.html
To bad the MSM never investigate KCRE like they did in Florida. Of course why would the lefty media expose fraud by the dems. Oh well.
Nothing gets WrongOne more worked up than sore losing over 2004 and Dem women in politics…
Some people just can’t get a life…
27 – I’ll go out on a limb and predict that one will go just as well as the ones some wingnut crapheads made about I-912.
Polls do make a difference because there are people who are led by polls. . . they’re called sheep but they still vote.
from your lips to God’s ears.
my #33 was in response to goldy’s post, not #32.
Dan Rather, Consider adding “Kennedy” to your name so you can rape, drink and drive, and the dumb ass Democrats will say nothing and vote for you in every election! JCH Kennedy
rabbit @1, How do we know that this operation helmet is legitimate? Why should we trust that Bush-hating Cher to really do what she says; it could be just a bunch of crap to make the Marines look bad. And why don’t Sen.Kerry and the other libs who claim to support our troops get up and demand these helmet pads on the floor of the senate if it’s a legitimate problem? I don’t hear the dem politicians talking about it.
Don’t worry, Dufus, the insurance companies spend plenty on smart lawyers to make sure no undeserving claims, and many deserving claims, don’t get paid. They gotta conserve their funds to pay executive salaries.
Oops, that was a double negative. Let’s try again.
Don’t worry, Dufus, the insurance companies spend plenty on smart lawyers to make sure illegitimate claims, and plenty of legitimate claims, don’t get paid. They gotta conserve their funds to pay executive salaries.
“We have a fraudulently elected governor.”
Commentby Dan Rather— 6/22/06@ 9:05 pm
Two million dollars wasted proving in court that your guy got 4 fraudulent votes and Gregoire is the legitimate governor, and you still can’t admit defeat. What a sad, pathetic, crybaby you are.
“The KCRE will count more fraudulnet votes in favor of the dems in 2066.” Commentby Dan Rather— 6/22/06@ 9:59 pm
You’ll be dead by then, so don’t worry about it.
I’m very flattered that you compare me to Clinton, but alas, I am not as smart as Clinton, although I get laid more than he does.
Oh, before I forget — “Yo” is a contraction of the word “yahoo” (as in “trailer park yahoo”) and is properly spelled “Y’o.” Like many wingnuts, Y’o can’t spell his own fucking name.
Click here for picture of Y’o’s trailer: http://www.oldwoodies.com/img/rv/redneck-rv.jpg
Goldy already did, but since you’re too stupid to figure that out, here it is again: http://www.surveyusa.com/clien.....4e08492815
Y’o is in a bad mood tonight. He must of gotten hold of a bad batch of Wild Turkey.
Excuses are like assholes — everybody’s got one.
“Operation Helmet Founder to Testify Before Congress
“Montgomery, TX, June 07, 2006 –(PR.COM)– Dr. Bob Meaders, founder and president of Operation-Helmet.org, a 501(c)3 charity and team member of AmericaSupportsYou.mil, will testify before the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces at the request of Rep Curt Weldon (PA-R) on Jun 15th, 2006 at 3pm ET.
“Dr. Meaders will be providing expert testimony on the current helmet needs of our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines. He will discuss the four major types of helmets in use in the military today and the effect of using a pad system vs. a suspension system. Dr. Meaders will testify to the benefits of such an upgrade in making our troop’s helmets more stable, comfortable, and protective.
“Operation Helmet is a nonpartisan, charitable grassroots effort that provides helmet upgrade kits free of charge to U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
“Operation Helmet depends on tax-deductible donations. For $70-$100, depending on the manufacturer, added safety and comfort can be provided for a trooper.
“100% of donations go toward helmet kits. There are no administrative costs deducted and the Operation’s books are available for inspection by anyone who wants to see them.”
(From a press release) http://www.pr.com/press-release/11906
Note that Dr. Meaders was asked to testify before Congress by a REPUBLICAN congressman; that the IRS has granted Operation Helmet 501(c)(3) charitable organization tax exempt status; and that Operation Helmet is a “nonpartisan” group.
Here’s a news story about the wife of a Marine who is raising money for Operation Helmet. http://www.santamariatimes.com.....news06.txt
The International Association of Fire Fighters supports Operation Helmet. http://www.iaff.org/across/new.....helmet.htm (I can hear the trollfucks already: “Omigod, the IAFF is a union, so Operation Helmet must be a scam!”)
Well, if unions are supporting our troops, then supporting the troops must be a commie plot, huh.
Operation Helmet has a seal of approval from DoD’s American Armed Forces Information Service: http://www.defenselink.mil/new....._5066.html
Time magazine this week reports the FDA has approved a vaccine against cervical cancer, which kills 4,000 young American women per year, that is being hailed as a medical breakthrough — history’s first cancer vaccine — but conservative groups are opposing distribution and sale of the vaccine because they believe it will encourage premarital sex. They believe the risk of getting cervical cancer, which is caused by a sexually transmitted virus, discourages extra-marital sex. So, they don’t want the vaccine to hit the market.
Now, whoever claimed these motherfuckers are pro-life was lying through his teeth! Their respect for life ends when the baby is born.
This poll is restricted to liberals. That’s because I don’t want the results skewed by liars. The poll question is:
Do you think the conservative posters on this board will put their money where their mouth is, and support our troops by sending a $99 donation to Operation Helmet, like Roger Rabbit did?
1. [ ] Yes
2. [ ] No
To keep this poll honest, I’m simply not going to count any responses from wingfucks, and don’t think I don’t know who they are.
As we all know, a lot of Bush’s tax cuts are being spent on yachts. Of course, some people get bigger tax cuts than others, and yachts come in all price ranges.
For a photo of Y’o’s yacht, click here: http://www.redneckyachtclub.com/trailerpark.jpg
Here’s a photo of Y’o getting married to his sister. http://blog.davisvillage.com/images/redneck.jpg
From now on, whenever any of these troll blowhards brays about “supporting the troops,” I’m going to ask them if they’ve sent a donation to Operation Helmet. If I can do it, they can do it, too. But I betcha every last damn one of them is a welsher.
This article describes how deeply Jack Abramoff’s tentacles reached inside the BIA. http://articles.news.aol.com/n.....8;cid=2249
The Christian Science Monitor reports that, according to a Pew Research poll, 83% of Americans — including 76% of people identifying themselves as Republicans — support raising the federal minimum wage of $5.15 by $2 an hour. http://csmonitor.com/2006/0622.....ml?s=widep
Republicans claim raising the minimum wage costs jobs, but in fact the reverse may be true: The low minimum wage forces workers to quit because they can’t afford to work. http://csmonitor.com/2006/0622.....ml?ref=aol
Roger Rabbit posted 91.6% of the last 24 posts. If you don’t like it — fuck you, and fuck the armadillo you rode in on!
Have you guys wrote your apology to Bush yet for calling him a liar on the WMD issue yet?
Hell no, he did lie about it.
If you think Ricky Santorum “discomverd” anything, you are a wingnut liar, too.
A billon and 2,500 Americans because mustard gas shells buried in the desert could give someone putting their hand inside one a burn?
That doesn’t even qualify as a weapon. An environmental nuisance, maybe.
Michael @ 12
Dan Rather @ 13
“Actually Florida should be commended for stopping what happened here. ”
Florida did not stop what was happening. They wanted to actually count all their votes, but were prevented from carrying out their Constitutionally-protected privilege to run their own elections by the Republicans on the Supreme Court.
Rep. Jane Harman of California, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, charged Thursday that Republicans’ release of the report was a last-ditch effort to justify the war.
“Rolling out some old fairly toxic stuff sounds to me like a desperate claim by those who wish that we could find some new way to rationalize the ongoing devastation in Iraq,” she said.
How ’bout if we wait until they actually find some WMD?
The reason why this is desperate stuff is these shells have been known to be there before the Iraq war, the Iraq Survey Group found them and reported on them in their 2004 report and they have continued to be found since.
There a munitions buried all over Iraq. That has been known the nineties.
No evidence has surfaced to support the Bush administration’s prewar contention that Saddam was reconstituting his nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs.
The first head of the ISG, David Kay said in January 2004 that “we were almost all wrong” in thinking that Iraq had such weapons.
Chuck @ 65
Here’s one time when Buch told the truth:
Dear Leader Bush commenting on the Duelfer Report:
�The chief weapons inspector, Charles Duelfer, has now issued a comprehensive report that confirms the earlier conclusion of David Kay that Iraq did not have the weapons that our intelligence believed were there.�
Duelfer Report:
�While a small number of old, abandoned chemical munitions have been discovered, ISG judges that Iraq unilaterally destroyed its undeclared chemical weapons stockpile in 1991. There are no credible Indications that Baghdad resumed production of chemical munitions thereafter, a policy ISG attributes to Baghdad�s desire to see sanctions lifted, or rendered ineffectual, or its fear of force against it should WMD be discovered. �
The recent Santorum report was a bit of misinformation leaked by John Negroponte to influence the fall elections and/or the Congressional Iraq debate.
Let’s see 500 shells, that comes out to 5 dead US service personnel, 40 wounded, and hundreds of dead Iraqis.
That’s a bad deal.
per shell.
The ISG report said that although the munitions might be effective as terrorist weapons, they did not pose a “militarily significant threat” and could not cause mass casualties.
In other words, not WMD.
Ann Coulter refused to explain — and even expanded upon — her recent claim that Rep. John P. Murtha is “the reason soldiers invented fragging,” military slang meaning the intentional killing of a member of one’s own unit. On a Denver radio show, Coulter referred to her fragging comment as one of her “best lines”.
Won’t somebody please frag Ann Coulter. Just kidding.
“Have you guys wrote [sic] your apology to Bush yet for calling him a liar on the WMD issue yet?”
No, but we can expect Santorum to have written his apology by this time next week.
“The reason why insurance is so high is because they have to insure democrats who turn around and file bogus lawsuits. Democrats are the party of trial lawyers after all.”
Sorry, it won’t hold up. Insurance lobbyist have to look pretty hard to find bogus lawsuits to use in their slader campaigns. A lot of the time even those examples don’t hold up to scrutiny, once someone has a chance to examine the facts of the case. But the insurance industry has gotten pretty good at turning a one-sided argument into urban legend.
The real fact is that insurance company lawyers use bogus defenses and delaying tactics with impuunity on a regular basis, and get away with it – wearing down the claimant until they settle for less than the true value of their claim.
A friend of mine, a trial lawyer, was regularly harranged by his neighbor (a doctor), who blamed trial lawyers for all his business problems and insurance rates. Then his wife was injured in a car accident, caused by a drunk driver. By the end of the litigation he had changed his tune completely, as my friend beat back one frivilous defense after another). The doctor then decided that trial lawyers were the best thing to happen to civilization (apart from modern medicine), and agreed that they earned every penny.
You see how this works? Goldie puts up a rational discussion regarding polling numbers and their impact, and the right-wingers even have me going off on a wild-goose chase discussing trial lawyers. I think the trolls have evening meetings, where they pass out multiple “talking points” designed to re-direct any discussion which might not be too comfortable for them.
An example of the tactic in action:
The WMD bullshit is clearly part of the noise machine strategy for the fall election.
They want to attack the Dems for standing up on the floors of the House and Senate and asserting that no WMDs were found, but, since Bush already has acknowledged there were none, they need to unring that bell.
Since it’s an indefensible position (until the lie get repeated enough) and the web noise wasn’t cutting it, persons who could attract the attention of the traditional media for TV time were needed, but who wouldn’t hurt the Republicans when they got the deserved raspberries for saying, now, that WMD had been found.
Who better than a Congressman who holds a seat in Congress that the Republicans have owned since 1873 (Pete Hoekstra), a dweeb who is so far down in the polls he needs scuba gear (Santorum), and a guy who couldn’t get fired if he were caught in flagrente delecto with one of his generals (Rumsfeld)?
This strategy builds a controversy where none exists. A perfect Rovian attack on an opponents strength.
Back to the poll numbers:
I’ve mentioned before (in another post) that any increase in McGavick’s numbers are probably just due to increased name recognition. He is trying to slip in now as a “stealth candidate” – without anyone knowing he is really a Republican, a Bush supporter, and an insurance lobbyist. Once they get to know him, his numbers are going to drop again.
The “civility” campaign is hillarious. That means he doesn’t want the Cantwell campaign to point out his defects. When they do, he will act injured and offended, claiming that he isn’t He will have others throw mud at her, and Roves’ rogues have probably already set up “independent committees” (a’la’ Swift Vote Veterans) to throw the mud at Cantwell, while he “remains above the frey”.
We need lots of contributions so the Cantwell campaign can get a good media buy. McGavick should be hit with a new add every week, asking (a) does McGavick think Paris Hilton should get a pass on the estate tax, so that our children can pay increased taxes in the future to help pay for the deficit? (b) Can McGavick really be fair on issues dealing with regulation of the insurance agency, given his background as an insurance industry lobbyist and CEO of an insurance company? Have a Katrina victim insured by Safeco talk about how little SAFECO paid on their claim, using obscure policy language that’s in everyone’s policy now, and point out that it’s in every SAFECO policy now, inserted during McGavick’s tenure as SAFECO CEO. Point out, every day, that McGavick was given a HUGE severence package – far and away greater than anything he was entitled to under his contract, and ask what, exactly, SAFECO thinks it is buying for those funds? Gee, this is fun – we could do this all day.
No meeting, FauxNews distributes the marching orders.
Like terrorists cells, the organizational structure takes over.
Joel Connelly
has examples of McSafeco’s “civility”.
Earlier this month, McGavick denounced Cantwell for voting not to end a filibuster against Republicans’ bid to permanently end the estate tax, a measure whose benefits would flow to the richest 1 percent of Americans.
When a right-wing group aired attack TV spots on Cantwell, however, McGavick made a show of civility with a wonderfully worded release.
“An ad that places Senator Cantwell’s head on the body of a vulture goes too far,” it intoned.
“Have you guys wrote your apology to Bush yet for calling him a liar on the WMD issue yet?” Commentby Chuck— 6/23/06@ 5:51 am
Where’s the WMDs?
Chuckie is trying to recycle the tired old wingnut bullshit about of 1980s-vintage junk left over from weaponry supplied to the evil dictator by his pal Reagan.
There’s stuff under Chuck’s sink that’s more dangerous than the alleged WMD’s. Let’s have Chuck arrested!
Since Republicans think due process is passe, we can skip the lawyer and trial, and just declare him guilty and put him on the bus to Supermax.
-The truth is that this far out from the race, reporting polling data is more useful at shaping public behavior than predicting it. That’s why Republicans have been so keen on waving the latest Rasmussen Reports poll –
Indeed, on KUOW’s Weekday this morning, host Marcie Sillman and guests Knute, Erica and Danny all took the robo-poll at face value. The discussion was “why is Cantwell in trouble?” Talking about falling for the usual GOP manipulations. On the other hand, maybe this bogus poll will get the lazy “take it for granted” Democrats out of their chairs.
The Smirking Chimp is STILL a fucking liar.
A thief and a cheat to boot.
Again I can never figure out what is so wrong with that beast “the richest 1% of Americans.” Why do liberals hate money so?
How strange to live in such a free land and spend much of your life excercised about beings you’ve never met, mythological personages that never impinge on your own life: the poor, the richest 1% of the country, evil corporate execs…
…the immigrants I see in my neighborhood, from Somalia, the Sudan have a love for America, a faith in her that is at once more trusting more childlike and tender than anything any of the rabid leftists here on this site bring to the table.
I gotta add @93 to the list with Y’O. D’Ass cannot spell his own name.
D’Ass@94 what a load of bilge :”…the immigrants I see in my neighborhood, from Somalia, the Sudan have a love for America, a faith in her that is at once more trusting more childlike and tender than anything any of the rabid leftists here on this site bring to the table.”
Curiously you only ‘see in my neighborhood” these Somali’s. The ones I talk to are still bitter about the closure of the Maka Mini Market. I don’t know any Sudanese that I know of, but the Ethiopians I know are greatful that they are no longer used for target practice by Mengistu and nis thugs. . .but a trusting an childlike view of America hardly squares with their lively understanding of the hazards of living in America. . .oooone of m\y acquaintances was murdered in the parking garage under Cutter’s Restaurant. The cabbies have their own worries and stories.
Yeah we need to support a multimillionaire insurance salesman for US senate, he is the primary reason so many people are uninsured.
I have a great strategy for Cantwell. 1st Ask: Where is Mike? (he takes no positions) 2nd: Swift boat his ass with all those disgrunteled employees. 3rd: find an issue he’s against but washington voters are for, (mike would have voted to invade iraq too)