Here were are, just a few months past the great G.O.P. gubernatorial invasion sweep. And we are already seeing evidence of widespread buyer’s remorse:
It’s not like they weren’t warned about overreach.
(This counts as an open thread.)
by Darryl — ,
Here were are, just a few months past the great G.O.P. gubernatorial invasion sweep. And we are already seeing evidence of widespread buyer’s remorse:
It’s not like they weren’t warned about overreach.
(This counts as an open thread.)
Pack of sniveling fascists. Fuck ’em all, and Stafan Sharkansky and pudge and puddy, too.
People continually let themselves get suckered into believing that Republicans are actually fiscally conservative and want smaller government, when all they really want is to continue the redistribution of wealth upwards, or to fight culture wars.
They’ve already largely won the class war, so it’s not surprising that they’re moving on to culture issues.
Does anyone know if Sharkansky is collecting wingnut welfare from someone like Dunmire?
The old shake-down artist is putting up another liquor store initiative.
The GOP’s claim of a mandate after November’s election was, of course, delusional. The actions of these governors demonstrate just how far removed from the core of the American populace that the GOP is.
These rethuglicans are so stupid they actually believe their own lies. RepubliCONS is about right.
Washington State is in the next round of targets.
This may be redundant, but this article says many of Wisconsin’s Republican voters now regret voting for Scott Walker.
Roger Rabbit Is Not Dead!!!
However, my posting activity will be limited while I recover from eye surgery, and I can’t drive right now, so I won’t be able to attend DL for at least several weeks.
Very sloppy reporting….But hey, what do you expect from MSNBC? They’re as much the liberal cheer squad as Fox is the right wing one…
HEADLINE Olympia…..
A woman, Jane Doe, who voted to put Governor Gregoire in office is now regretting her vote..Some other communist voters are now doubting their vote.
Right Stuff,
There really isn’t any comparison between Fox News and MSNBC. Both have a partisan bias, surely, but, facts matter on one network and not on the other. MSNBC has no one that compares to Beck, Hannity, or O’Reilly when it comes to hyperbole and ideological invective.
isnt it strange that proud communist thinks that the leftist propaganda station known as PMSNBC is on the up and up….hahhahahhhahhaha
perhpas the shills on PMSNBC seem normal and honest to you simply by the fact that you are going to agree whatever they say no matter what.
Maxie, m’boy,
Do you understand that there is a difference between a Communist and a leftist? If so, please tell me what the difference is. As always, Maxie, you blather without adding one dime of substance to any discussion.
@9 “They’re as much the liberal cheer squad as Fox is the right wing one…”
I suppose that’s true if you define “liberal” as anything that is NOT rightwing propaganda lies.
Oh, and Fox got caught the other day trying to manufacture a phony story about “human shields” in Libya, the object of which was to discredit all the non-Fox networks.
Oh, and one more thing, Fox also got caught having one of their camera teams with the “human shield” group — and lying about it.
@11 Yes, we know you stupidity-worshippers have a hard-on for MSNBC because they report facts instead of rightwing lies.
oh Proud Communist, you are a silly lad.
We all know you yearn for the great collective.
Simple question, which you avoid–tell me if you recognize a difference between a Communist and a leftist, then tell me what that difference might be. No more evasion, little fella.
You know, I hear carrots are good for the eyes….I’m sure as a rabbit you keep a good stash.
Seriously, I hope you make a quick and full recovery.
Nice stroke, RS.
RE: “Feest” and all the related spews…
It’s an AP wire story, not MSNBC. Doh! Here’s how the local ABC news station in Michele Bachmann’s district carried it:
And this is the way Forbes picked-up the AP story:
Getting all snarky and gloatful isn’t nearly as impressive when your head is up your Horse’s Ass.
“Just because you’re not stupid doesn’t mean you’re a liberal”
Yes Demoncraps 14,253 trillion and counting….and who has buyers remorse…
A:) 0.001 return on your bank accounts
B:) 0.004 on your CD’s
C:) Stock market flopping like a dead flounder
D:) Muni bonds – States all broke
E:) Silver and Gold skyrocketing up 50% in 6 mo
OK Libs lets take a quiz which one would you Obamanamas put your cash in?
……I’m waiting!
OK Let me give you a simple Liberal’s Quiz
Fill in the blanks
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 25Pts
Correct the following with a single stroke
5+5+5 = 550 25 pts
Write anything in the space Below
|___________________________| 25 pts
Draw a rectangle with 3 lines 25 pts
I’ll get back to you with the answers after I watch all you brilliant brain childs work!
OK Let me give you a simple Liberal’s Quiz
Fill in the blanks
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 25Pts
Correct the following with a single stroke
5+5+5 = 550 25 pts
Write anything in the space Below
|___________________________| 25 pts
Draw a rectangle with 3 lines 25 pts
I’ll get back to you with the answers after I watch all you brilliant liberal brain childs work!
Ministry for Education
Exam Sheets
For teachers level 1
Time allowed 1 Minute
@21: And the majority of that debt accumulated under Republican presidents . . . where was your faux outrage when Reagan or Bush or Bush were running up the deficit?
Hey Limp Dick @24
What were you getting at here?
LD keeps repeating the right-wing lies, such as “stock market flopping like a dead flounder…” (@ # 21, above).
Which is really stupid, considering how easy it is to check.
Ending DJIA (at end of Presidency:
Bush I: 3,254.0
Clinton: 10,587.59
Bush II: 8,281.22
Obama: 12,226.15 (as of 10:39 a.m. today).
I know you usually only repeat your mantra on the occassional days when the stock market is down, ignoring the long string of “up” days. But you slipped up this time, after a few days of losses due to the situation in Libya and Japan, it’s been going up for several days now and quickly made up any down days.
And we’ve still got a full year and a half before the next election, and all indications point to the economy being posed again for another expansion. Even Boeing is hiring in the Puget Sound region!