In yet another blow to the city’s media outlets, Seattle City Councilmember Tim Burgess has announced that no, in fact he won’t challenge Mayor Greg Nickels this November after all:
Despite dissatisfaction with some aspects of Nickels’ performance, “There are many many thing where we are in sync,” Burgess said. Absent major policy differences, he argued, the race would degenerate into a contest of “personality and style.”
Yeah… well… that’s exactly what a lot of reporters were hoping for, prompting The Stranger’s Dan Savage to quip “I may have to run.”
I think I can safely speak for all of your publication’s competitors in saying run, Dan, run!
I wonder if Dan will run on a platform of Santorum?
@ 1
Only if he has a bug up his ass.
OH YES! I think there are quite a few people who are interested in what will “come out” when Dan Savage runs. If it comes down to God (on one side) vs. seeing God while your prostate is being prodded, well, he who screams the loudest will win!
I suppose this is might further Seattle’s reputation as The Anal Canal of the Universe…but not as much as if goldy were to run.
Unfortunately Dan Savage doesn’t live in Seattle. If he could run it would certainly be entertaining.
Forget about one party region – this is a one candidate region. Chopp: unopposed, Pedersen: unopposed, Constantine: unopposed, Phillips: unopposed, Nickels: unopposed. We saw this in the judicial races in 2008. It’s pretty obvious why this is. And no, I don’t think it indicates a healthy governance system.
He would be almost as great as Jean Godden.
Dan Savage is the person who supported such idiocy as the ‘ad supported’ monorail.
He was for attacking Iraq because he hated the hippies at the Weekly.
Past time that Seattle had ranked choice or IRV.
Tim Burgess has announced that no, in fact he won’t challenge Mayor Greg Nickels…
Thank you for small miracles. Here’s a guy who ran a dirty campaign for city council against a guy who is progressive and came from a labor background. A dirty campaign from a guy who watered down the WTO accountability report. A guy who is a shill for the Seattle Police Officer’s Guild. A guy who, well, hasn’t really done much of anything leadership wise since he got elected. We can do without.
Maybe the real problem is anyone who is smart enough to run, who has real progressive credentials, knows better then to set themselves up to be a target of the Old Money Seattle Smear Machine, of which, ironically enough, Savage’s newspaper has been a part of (perhaps unwittingly) from time to time.
the Old Money Seattle Smear Machine
ooooo . . . . I LOVE conspiracy theories. Who, exactly, are the members of this “Machine?”
Is it the heirs of the Boeing fortune, lounging at the Rainier Club? Maybe some twenty-somethings whose ancestors were forest-rapers? Do tell!
. . . . But if “Savage’s newspaper” is a part of that Machine, then it’s a Fag Machine, right?
Say “YES” to War on Iraq
by Dan Savage Ovetober 2002