Sounds a lot like “sour grapes” to me.
Apparently this guy was against limited government and was a strong advocate of massive deficit spending.
Sounds like a Democrat to me.
@1 Apparently this guy was against limited government and was a strong advocate of massive deficit spending.
Unlike his opponent Trey Gowdy, who believes that abortion should be illegal (not limited government) and that Arizona’s law allowing police to check people’s papers on mere suspicion of being here illegally is “a splendid idea” (really, really, really not limited government).
Saying that you’re against limited government doesn’t mean much when the positions you take require you to have unlimited government.
Inglis wasn’t bulldozed because he supported deficit spending. After all, Republicans were encouraged to support deficit spending throuout the Bush administration.
He was buldozed because he wouldn’t agree with the Tea Party’s assertions that Obama was a Nigerian Mulsim, and that the back of your Social Security card is a number which lists you as property serving as collateral for the federal debt.
Teh crazy got him.
The Riddle of Steelspews:
Wait a second, it was just a few short days ago that the progressives here stated that the Republican party ran the Tea Party….or was it vice versa? I mean you guys have claimed both numerous times.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Lee @ 2–
Sanctity of innocent life is a complex issue…but I get your point.
However, on protecting our borders..
I have always believed governments role should be limitied to National Security/Public Safety and Infrastructure. That’s it.
This Arizona Law is a matter of National Security. We must secure our borders.
Bluecollar Libertarianspews:
Can I buy stock in the bank that owns me? Then watch as it goes down. I’ll screw them over by being lazy.
Tea Party Express is run by a conservative consulting firm named Russo Marsh + Rogers. The Tea Party is like a rabid dog that Republicans keep in their back yard. Problem is, some Republicans tend to get bit in the process.
Cynny, the folks spewing this lunacy are your political kin. Nuttiness and fearmongering are the defining characteristics of contemporary GOP “thinking.”
Ah… The Tea Party.
We should be celebrating them, seeing how they’re insuring wins for Democrats in places like Colorado where the Republican front runner (and Tea Bagger favorite) in the governors race thinks bikeshare programs are part of a UN plot to take away our freedoms!
In other news Bill Haslam Knoxville TN’s bicycle loving, moderate Republican mayor has won the Republican primary in TN’s governors race.
So, more bad news for Puddy, Cyn, Lost and Pudge. People like Haslam have a hell of a lot more in common with me than they do with them.
Aside from never having served in Washington, Haslam benefited in his race from gaffes by the other candidates. Wamp last month seemed to suggest that Tennessee should secede from the United States over the mandates in the new health-care reform law. Wamp later backed away from the idea. The other major competitor in the primary, Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey, got in trouble for a comment – posted on YouTube – in which he suggested that Islam may be a cult. The lieutenant governor, who had been backed by 20 tea party organizations, got 22 percent of the vote.
Wait a second, it was just a few short days ago that the progressives here stated that the Republican party ran the Tea Party….or was it vice versa?
Seems to me that, the Tea Baggers and the Republican Party are such a cluster fuck at the moment that it’s impossible to say one way or the other.
So you believe the crap that these people are spewing? Banks own us? Obama’s a communist? The UN is trying to takeaway our freedoms using bike share programs?
The Riddle of Steelspews:
@11..that may be true – but that would also mean that some people in here are pulling shit out of their ass in trying to say one party rules the other.
If I was a Democrat, I would be much more worried about how the Democrat politicians are working out, rather than spending energy on worrying about Republicans and Tea Party members.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You KLOWNS understand that the Tea Party and other Constitutional Conservatives really need to do next to nothing the next 3 months.
The Progressives are committing Political Suicide.
The old political axiom is when your opponents are killing themselves (like Mrs. ObaMao’s ‘nother vacation to Spain–$375,000 while the REAL Unemployment Rate is now at 17%)
Stand out of their way.
It is hysterical watching the Blame Bush and other excuses for their unpopular, destructive actions like ObaMaoCare.
Pick on the Tea Party all you want.
IT’S NOT WORKING! But I guess it makes y’all feel like you are doing something.
proud leftistspews:
Talk about an oxymoron: “constitutional conservatives.” Let me see, now, which party is it that so hates the Constitution that it would get rid of certain Amendments, like the 14th, for instance? Which party is it that talks about having another Constitutional Convention? Cynny, your dishonesty is matched only by your lack of self-insight.
that would also mean that some people in here are pulling shit out of their ass
Happens everyday, here, Fox, CNN, CNBC…
On the one hand, I’m laughing all the way to the bank about the Tea Party folks. On the other hand, I’m worried about the shutting out of moderate, competent, Republicans, and the shear level of crazy some of them engage in.
The Dem’s are the Dem’s. Not really good enough, but better than the Republicans.
There are apolitical ways to change and build things and I find myself shifting from the political to the apolitical. In the end we’ll probably change things and windup dragging the political class along, kicking and screaming, after the fact.
So, I’ll take that as a yes to my question @12.
These Tea Party people just get crazier and crazier. In Maine, a woman who runs the Maine Patriots (not a football team) website was accosted in a parking lot and forced to give up the password to the site, where it has been taken over by other Tea Partiers who feel that she has sold out their cause.
Here is a comment about this incident I found on a blog, which about sums up the whole tea party movement:
The fundamental problem is that these groups are heavily populated by emotional ten-year-olds, and their organizations behave much like the impromptu “clubs” that kids create. There’s always a big debate about the “no gurls” rule, followed by angry departures, the formation of rival clubs, and tears before bedtime.
proud leftistspews:
Teabaggers–the gift that just keeps giving, the gift that just might keep the Ds in power in both houses of Congress.
“Pick on the Tea Party all you want.
Why not? It’s certainly got your shorts tied in a knot, you stupid, dumbfuck KLOWN.
Can you say South Carolina? Complaining about GOP politics in South Carolina is a lot like mentioning the number of mosquitoes in Alaska.
Re 10
I’m curious, what’s this obsession with bikes?
What? You mean, thinking, reading, typing, and dreaming about bikes 24/7 is an obsession?
I fined it interesting and telling that in CO there’s a tea party backed Republican candidate for governor claiming that a bike-share programs are evidence of the UN trying to take over country that doesn’t have a snowballs chance in hell of wining. While, in TN there’s a moderate Republican that’s done a ton of work to promote cycling running for governor that has a good shot at winning.
When you look at the politics of cycling*, the anti-bike crowd and the Tea Party folks are pretty much a match while the middle and the left tend to be neutral to pro-bike. Just another way to judge which way the country is going.
*Why the fuck do we even have a “politics of cycling”? That’s messed up.
I enjoy riding bikes as much as the next guy, I guess. I was just curious.
You people referring to teabagging and tea baggers, this is a public blog and I really don’t want to hear about the disgusting hobbies that you indulge in. I think it would be a lot better if you stuck to the facts at hand instead of your favorite pastimes. Thank You for doing this,
A proud member of the Tea Party
You guys came up with the name, not us. I use them interchangeably, Tea Bagger, when I want to get a “rise” out of you (hehehe…). Tea Party when I’m having a real discussion.
The HA comment threads are a bit of a sewer and we like it that way. If you want to have a nice, safe, clean, discussion, there are plenty of other places on the internet that can provide you with that.
What do you make of the Tea Party backed candidate for governor in CO that thinks the UN is trying to take away our freedoms through the use of bike sharing programs?
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
which party is it that so hates the Constitution that it would get rid of certain Amendments, like the 14th, for instance?
That’s easy proud leftist.. DUMMOCRAPTS
They read things into the law which can’t be found!
26@ Michael
No it isn’t that, I am just tired of hearing about liberal hobbies. Your teabagging should be kept in your bedroom….
proud leftistspews:
Puddy @ 28
Tell me, which party, or political constituency, is currently advocating for repeal of the 14th Amendment?
@30 Speaking of krazy wingnuts and old documents they purport to love but actually hate, I hear that Phyllis Schafly’s spawn has finished rewriting the Bible in order to get all that progressive peace and love crap out of it.
@25 “A proud member of the Tea Party”
No, you’re just another dumbfuck teabagger with Johnny Tremain syndrome like the rest of those freaks.
He’s kinda funny when you consider all the kinky stuff that the righties have been in the news for over last couple of years.
WASHINGTON – They’re called “anchor babies,” and they’ve become the latest target in an ongoing attack on illegal immigration in the United States.
In a crucial election year during which immigration has become a hot-button issue, several prominent Republicans claim illegal immigrants are taking advantage of the U.S. Constitution’s 14th amendment — which guarantees American citizenship to any child born here — by giving birth in the U.S. in order to anchor themselves to the country’s welfare state.
“Birthright citizenship, I think, is a mistake … we should change our Constitution and say if you come here illegally and you have a child, that child is automatically not a citizen,” Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, said in a recent interview.
It says: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” The shorthand is “birthright citizenship,” and it overruled all those post-Civil War efforts to deny citizenship to former slaves and, incidentally, keep them out of the voting booth.
But it irks some lawmakers, among them, Sen. John Kyl, R-Ariz., Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, plus a good number of Republican candidates for federal and state races.
And again!
The 14th Amendment was ratified after the Civil War to ensure that children of freed slaves would be granted citizenship, and scholars say it is on solid legal ground. The Supreme Court upheld the amendment when it ruled in favor of a man born in the U.S. to Chinese immigrants and granted him citizenship back in 1892.
But Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-CA) says it’s been more than a century since the Supreme Court has weighed in on the issue — and it’s long overdue. Bilbray has been fighting since the 1990s to change the 14th Amendment citizenship clause. He says in these tough economic times, the law must be reviewed.
And then there was that meeting I went too at Peninsula High School, outside of Gig Harbor, where Clint Didier just could not shut up about the evils of brown people and their anchor babies and how we should get rid of the 14th Amendment.
It’s really interesting how little credibility the far right has left and yet the more moderate folks can’t shut them down.
“evils of brown people and their anchor babies and how we should get rid of the 14th Amendment”
If wingnuts want to commit political suicide, that’s fine by me.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
Tell me, which party, or political constituency, is currently advocating for repeal of the 14th Amendment?
Not Lindsay Graham, Not John Kyl, not others. It’s how libtardo morons characterize the dabate. read Huffington Post and hat’s what Arianna wants peps to think. That’s what the fools on the Darryl and Lee network (MSNBC) say. No one wants to GET RID OF THE 14th AMENDMENT proud leftist.
Another of your Kitsap County wild fantasies.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
Michael some time ago farted this
Yeah, and then he made some crack about anchor babies that I didn’t quite catch.
Gold ol’ ylb can verify the veracity of Puddy’s find. Then yesterday Michael farts this
where Clint Didier just could not shut up about the evils of brown people and their anchor babies
So Michael, if you ddn’t quite catch the quote then, how do you know what Didier really said? Puddy did a quick search on Didier and it’s not reported as you “claim”. And since Puddy was just in Southern CA last weekend and listened to people complain about their state deficit, where greater than $10 Billion a year, year over year supports anchor baby births, how do you jock strap illegals coming to America and taking your place in hospital beds?
Typical fear mongering from the HA libtardo class. And of course Steve Steve Steve, member of the mongrel class, laps up anything against conservatives.
“Puddy was just in Southern CA last weekend and listened to people complain about their state deficit, where greater than $10 Billion a year, year over year supports anchor baby births”
heh- Puddyfacts.
So Michael, if you ddn’t quite catch the quote then, how do you know what Didier really said?
Both! He carried on for quite a bit about the evils of brown people, which included a crack about anchor babies.
how do you jock strap illegals coming to America and taking your place in hospital beds?
Um… I’m not even sure WTF you’re talking about, but I’ve consistently argued for more troops patrolling the border and for better enforcement of employment laws. You could look that up!
proud leftistspews:
The 14th Amendment seems pretty clear on its face, yet Puddy would claim leftists want to “read something into it” by granting citizenship to any baby born on our soil. Who do you think wants to read something into the Amendment (or, alternatively, repeal it)? Righties or leftists?
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
Nope proud leftist… another moronic answer from Kitsap County. You read it as it gives license for gays to get married. Too bad your memory is slow. Did you forget your gay married commentary late last week?
Of course you did. You are an expert in mendacity.
proud leftistspews:
Mendacity, Puddy, moi? You’ve hurt my feelings.
Seriously, there is no question that a vast number in your political party want to do something about the 14th Amendment. Your rightwing friends should not claim to be constitutionalists when they want to strike or alter one of the most important amendments to the Constitution. Civics test: can you tell me why the 14th Amendment is so important, Pud?
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
Hey Steve Steve Steve, Puddy can bring the Alaska Air ticket receipts. But then again when you drink Stupid Solution you’d claim tehy are forgeries.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
Proud Leftist…
You are asking Puddy a civics lesson when most of the moronic class here don’t know history.
Ummm… let Puddy guess… wow that’s a tough one… hmmm… Puddy gotta think… uhhh… oh yeah after slavery were ex-slaves people. Slavery… something near and dear to the DUMMOCRAPTS. They are keeping blacks slaves today. Just check how DUMMOCRAPTS administer the big cities today.
Now you gonna raise the equal protection for gay marriage right proud leftist? Where is marriage discussed in the 14th Amendment proud leftist? It was the basis for another great decision hated by DUMMOCRAPTS! Desegregation.
You can’t put BLACK history past Puddy proud leftist. Butt Puddy can always deliver white history to you!
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
Mendacity, Puddy, moi?
It was the Republicans that got the 14th passed in the first place! There’s a hell of a lot more philosophical and historical precedent within the Republican Party for keeping it intact than there is for throwing the 14th out. These people aren’t real Republicans, they’re just a bunch of crazies, thugs, and crooks.
My my True Conservative friends support gay marriage. Some are fairly libertarian and just don’t see making sure that marriage contracts are always signed by a man and a women is something the government needs to be involved in. Others, are concerned about the possible abuse of power by BOTH government and corporations and see marriage as a check on that power and see no reason why someone shouldn’t have that protection do so to sexual preference.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
My my True Conservative friends
Such a way with words Michael. So you have blacks come and visit too?
I was wondering when you guys are going to the find time to hate on Asians? I imagine they’re feeling a little bit left out of this year’s wingnut race hate campaign. Hey, come to think about it, I did read the other day about some wingnut getting down on “chinks”. Oh yeah, that’s right, he worked for Beitbart.
I see that Mark Williams is again in the leadership of a teabagger group. But teabaggers aren’t racists, no siree. They just don’t like black people. Or Latinos. Or Asians.
proud leftistspews:
Puddy @ 47,
Not surprisingly, you failed entirely in explaining why the 14th Amendment is one of the most important of all amendments to the Constitution. You failed your Civics test. Let me now quote from the 14th (which is, indeed, one of our wordier additions to our Constitution), and you tell me why this language is important, Puddy:
“No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
How did this language fundamentally change American constitutional law, Puddy?
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
Wow proud leftist… Slavery and Desegregation are not important to proud leftist.
Why do you hate black people proud leftist?
Please explain that answer above on how Puddy failed his “civics” lesson on the 14th Amendment.
Proud leftist hates black people and laws that gave black people freedom to live and freedom to attend the college of their choice.
Great job but EPIC FAIL!
Thanks for clarifying your progressive self!
proud leftistspews:
I suspect, deep in your heart (and I do believe you have a heart), you know that I don’t give a rat’s ass about the color of a person’s skin. Unless, of course, the color of a person’s skin has caused that person to be treated inequitably. Then, I get my ire up.
Let me give you a hint about the 14th Amendment beyond what you’re talking about–you’re a States Rights sort of guy as a conservative, aren’t you? Why do people in that category not like the language from the 14th I quoted above? What is its relationship to federalism? C’mon, Puddy, I’m sure you must understand this basic stuff.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
Proud leftist Puddy understands more than the basic stuff. Puddy understands the legal shenanigans you are trying to pull here to demonstrate gays should have the same “equal protection” and allowed to marry. The problem with that argument is what is equal? Can they procreate? Nope! Does a penis enter a vagina and leave a deposit after stimulation (some a minute other much longer) the way God designed it with Adam and Eve. You claim to be a leftist Christian so tell me Proud, did God create Adam and Eve or was it Adam and Steve? Did God tell them to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth? Come on Proud Leftist, can’t back out now since you remind us biannually that you are the son of a preacher man. You can ask ylb for the number of times you mentioned it. He’ll tell you!
To Puddy equal protection goes all the way to why men marry women. Procreation. Yet y’all stop at the marriage part.
Now watch the sillies appear and discuss those who chose not to have children. This issue is they could have children because it’s the NATURAL way of a penis into a vagina. What? With the sewer called HA as Michael aptly said earlier this week what is wrong discussing natural biology. Oh you mean a penis into some hairy man’s ASS? Well Puddy don’t know about that Proud leftist, do you since you are championing the cause here?
BTW PL, did daddy marry you and the mrs? Would he married you if it was Proud Leftist and Steve Steve Steve?
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
One other thing Proud Leftist… is marriage a state civil law or a federal civil law?
If you say federal then is DOMA constitutional? You progressives argue it violates the Equal Protection Clause because it SHOULD protect “discrete and insular minorities.” Now who may they be proud leftist? THe SCOTUS has had two major opportunities to declare gays “discrete and insular minorities” butt they haven’t. All of these cries of voilation are a crock. It’s the tyranny of the minority on the majority! Somehow there is no race, creed or national origin argument here.
If you say state, then how come all the attacks on California which the PEOPLE PASSED A LAW, not the politicians? If marriage is set by the state why the attacks on Proposition 8? California peeps determine what their state recognizes as marriage. PLAIN AND SIMPLE! Oh yeah… that’s right when people pass laws that disagree with the progressive view of things people are stupid right Proud leftist? They need to be shut down and shut up. Now you are entering “K” territory! Remember what he said about Clint Didier a week ago? Ask ylb to replay the “K” commentary.
It was P R I C E L E S S!
proud leftistspews:
You didn’t address my question at all. Then, you proclaim rot like this: “It’s the tyranny of the minority on the majority!” I know that is a current rightwing rant, but, please . . . Can we be adults for a moment?
Actually, Puddy, my questions above have nothing to do with the gay marriage issue you keep bringing up. I guess I will have to give you another clue regarding the significance of the 14th Amendment. The first 10 amendments–speech, press, religion, due process, jury trial, etc.–were not part of the nation’s original Constitution, right, Pud? That’s why they are called amendments. Then, there was a war between the states, which your side lost. Amendments 13, 14, and 15 followed. Before that war, there was a question about whether the first 10 amendments applied to the states. I’m giving you a huge hint here, Puddy–why is the 14th so important?
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
Actually, Puddy, my questions above have nothing to do with the gay marriage issue you keep bringing up
You mena you are forgetting your rant an hour last week? Wanna see some of them again? It is the tyranny of the minority over the majority.
And this “man” wants to have a cogent argument with commentary like this
Then, there was a war between the states, which your side lost.
My side were slaves dude. So how did “we” lose? You mean DUMMOCRAPTS lost. Those are your peeps. We slaves were chatter remember?
It was originally ratified to protect freed slaves Proud Leftist. Anything you say otherwise is just conjecture! So how did the SCOTUS 1873 Slaughterhouse decisions affect the 14th Amendment?
Puddy’s side lost? That’s a nuff said discussion killa right there Proud Leftist.
proud leftistspews:
Damn, Pud,
I thought you might do better. You never hooked into the civics issue, then you post this kind of crap: “My side were slaves dude.”
Hey, dude, when I’m talking about your side now, I’m talking about the contemporary slavekeepers who are the Republican Party. No chance I will apologize for that. The GOP is racist and you are part of it. I don’t get that, dude. I really don’t get that.
Thankfully, some of these Puddy rants don’t require the use of Puddy Decoder goggles.
“If marriage is set by the state why the attacks on Proposition 8?”
So what was your problem with “Massa2shits”, Puddy?
“To Puddy equal protection goes all the way to why men marry women. Procreation.”
Ms. Wingnut is a little old for that. I take it that you intend to deny us our right to marry. Unless you want to find out first hand the things she can do to you with a carrot peeler, or maybe with a fire hose and a cold, steel funnel, I suggest that you don’t mess with her.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
contemporary slavekeepers who are the Republican Party
W H A T are you babbling about? It’s DUMMOCRAPTS who are today’s contemporary slavekeepers. They are as racist as ever. Somehow facts elude peeps from Kitsap County.
Did you forget how John Effin Kerry got spanked for his lack of blacks in his 2004 campaign by none other than Jesse Jackson?
Did you forget how Barack Obama’s campaign in middle America white DUMMOCRAPTIC primaries intimidated white DUMMOCRAPTIC voters? Puddy placed the documentary film on HA. Ask ylb for the link. Wait a minute… you don’t want to know the truth. Seems most HA Libtardos like staying ignorant so their positions aren’t “compromised” when they rant.
Just look at every DUMMOCRAPTIC run city in America. And when a minority ventures from the reservation it’s DUMMOCRAPTS who go on a personal vindictive witch hunt!
So Proud Leftist why did you evade the question around your preacherman father marrying you?
Why did you evade the question of would you father marry you and another man?
Why did you evade the question of wanting to shut up and shutdown any opposition to your “progressive” positions?
Why did you evade the questions of Slavery and Desegregation? That civics lesson not important to you and your puny argument?
Why did you evade the question of the SCOTUS Slaughterhouse decisions?
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
And Proud Leftist… maybe these facts can enter your head since Steve Steve Steve can’t comprehend them. Shirley Sherrod made a visit to the GA NAACP. The GA NAACP videotaped the event. FireDogLake and Mediaite, two leftist web sites claimed the GA NAACP owned and controlled the tape. So it was some black GA NAACP person who attended the event to sent Breitbart the two snippets he put on one of his sites. FDL and M both admitted the tapes were not doctored or edited. They both said the problem was Odumba’s fault due to a rush to judgment. Yet your pal Steve Steve Steve needsto stay ignorant so his positions isn’t “compromised” when he rants on this.
You can just STFU about your “peeps”, Puddy. You turned your back on them years ago. Your descent into hatred and self-loathing is made clear to all as you spew your vile hatred towards the courageous Mrs. Sherrod and the NAACP.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
Ahhh more self-loathing over how Steve Steve Steve the DUMMOCRAPT attacks anyone who leaves the reservation.
two leftist web sites claimed the GA NAACP owned and controlled the tape. So it was some black GA NAACP person who attended the event to sent Breitbart the two snippets he put on one of his sites.
zzzzZZZZzzzz.. Lots of unfounded claims and appeals to authority.
No one knows how the tape was obtained and edited except maybe for Breitbart and he’s a documented liar, right wing bullshit artist and unhinged self-promoter.
All the right wing fools who crowed reverse racism, blah, blah looked yet again like the angry, resentment driven idiots they are.
No, Puddy. Whenever you go after a Shirley Sherrod, whenever you go after the NAACP, when you go after black farmers who’ve been screwed, and when you go after gays, you’ve got to get past me and everybody else willing to take a stand for right against wrong. This isn’t about some left-right paradigm. We stand against racism and bigotry. You’re on the wrong side.
Ted Olsen not only schooled your ass on Fox News Sunday just now, he also shed some light on something for me. When he closed he spoke of conservative values. He wasn’t describing your values, Puddy. He didn’t describe Klynical’s values. He described mine. Of the three of us, my values are closer to the true conservative ideals. What you and the KLOWN bring us is neither liberal nor conservative. The only thing you bring is hate.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
Oh but poor ylb, they do know how the two tape snippets were sent. GA NAACP owns the tapes and keeps them locked up. No one gets access unless they say so. This is public record. Just like NAACP Ben Jealous was in the audience. Sherrod acknowledged him at the 45 second mark. Puddy placed it in your database copy.
This is why Puddy sez the truth is not in you ylb. You have the links. You have the posts. And by your own words because they will make a libtardo look bad you won’t replay those facts.
This is why Puddy sez facts and libtardos are like oil and water. They don’t mix.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
The only thing you bring is hate.
Apparently you forget the posts you’ve left on HA all these years Steve Steve Steve. They surely weren’t about love love love.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
appeals to authority
Who said FireDogLake and Mediaite were authorities? All Puddy wrote and you can check it in your database was FireDogLake and Mediaite place the blame at Odumba’s feet.
More wingnut projection I hear it’s a Psych 101 thing. When you do that, it’s not anybody’s fault but your own that you don’t like what you see.
“Just like NAACP Ben Jealous was in the audience. Sherrod acknowledged him at the 45 second mark.”
Still defending Breitbart and hating on Mrs. Sherrod and the NAACP, huh, Puddy? Truly, it must take a shitload of hatred and self-loathing for you to continue to go down that road.
Nope you haven’t proved it one iota. How were they edited? Who edited them? Who left out the context?
So firedoglake condemned Vilsack for jumping the gun. So what? It was stupid. Entirely separate issue from Breitbart posting the stuff in the first place, pursuing a vendetta against the NAACP calling the Tea baggers out for what they are – fringies with race issues.
You appeal to authority all the time. You cite Jesse Jackson on civil rights and now firedoglake on this.
Doesn’t prove a damn thing except right wingers are stupid.
The truth is not in me? It’s hardly in the likes of you.
Bottom line is that Shirley Sherrod whose family is a victim of the worst racism learned to put aside racial resentment to help a family in need.
Yet Breitbart used that heavily edited tape to paint the NAACP as racist and an innocent person got stuck in the crossfire. How anyone can excuse that miserable bastard Breitbart is beyond me. What did he publish? “Context is Everything”? Uh-duh…
Puddy keeps saying that shit as though firedoglake held Breitbart blameless. From the link to politico, emphasis mine,
The conservative blog Gateway Pundit on Wednesday announced that it had broken what it thought was the news that Jealous had been in attendance. The blog based its post on the full video of the speech in which Sherrod thanked the “president” in the room.
Gateway Pundit assumed that the “president” Sherrod was speaking of was Jealous, and that assertion was picked up by other conservative outlets eager to find a new avenue through which to attack the NAACP after the Sherrod story fell flat.
But NAACP spokesman Chris Fleming told POLITICO that Jealous was not at the Georgia event.
“It’s patently false,” Fleming said. “He was not in attendance.”
Branch presidents of the NAACP are often referred to by the title president and their last name, and Felling indicated that very likely was whom Sherrod was referring to in her remarks.
Bottom line? Puddy hates the NAACP. Puddy hates Shirley Sherrod. Puddy would do anything, including lie and repeating lies, to destroy them. The questions to be asked? Why does Puddy hate black people? Did he really sell out his race for a tax cut, for 30 pieces of silver? Is simple self-loathing? Or is it both? I say the answer is pretty damned obvious.
That piece of shit Breitbart was on Michael Savage (kindred spirits, I’d guess) claiming that President Obama is orchestrating a campaign to take him down.
Maybe someone should explain just how it is that this so-called “inept” administration is so fucking clever as to intrench commie-fascism in America in only 18 months, all while methodically taking out the opposition.
Sounds a lot like “sour grapes” to me.
Apparently this guy was against limited government and was a strong advocate of massive deficit spending.
Sounds like a Democrat to me.
Apparently this guy was against limited government and was a strong advocate of massive deficit spending.
Unlike his opponent Trey Gowdy, who believes that abortion should be illegal (not limited government) and that Arizona’s law allowing police to check people’s papers on mere suspicion of being here illegally is “a splendid idea” (really, really, really not limited government).
Saying that you’re against limited government doesn’t mean much when the positions you take require you to have unlimited government.
Inglis wasn’t bulldozed because he supported deficit spending. After all, Republicans were encouraged to support deficit spending throuout the Bush administration.
He was buldozed because he wouldn’t agree with the Tea Party’s assertions that Obama was a Nigerian Mulsim, and that the back of your Social Security card is a number which lists you as property serving as collateral for the federal debt.
Teh crazy got him.
Wait a second, it was just a few short days ago that the progressives here stated that the Republican party ran the Tea Party….or was it vice versa? I mean you guys have claimed both numerous times.
Lee @ 2–
Sanctity of innocent life is a complex issue…but I get your point.
However, on protecting our borders..
I have always believed governments role should be limitied to National Security/Public Safety and Infrastructure. That’s it.
This Arizona Law is a matter of National Security. We must secure our borders.
Can I buy stock in the bank that owns me? Then watch as it goes down. I’ll screw them over by being lazy.
Tea Party Express is run by a conservative consulting firm named Russo Marsh + Rogers. The Tea Party is like a rabid dog that Republicans keep in their back yard. Problem is, some Republicans tend to get bit in the process.
Cynny, the folks spewing this lunacy are your political kin. Nuttiness and fearmongering are the defining characteristics of contemporary GOP “thinking.”
Ah… The Tea Party.
We should be celebrating them, seeing how they’re insuring wins for Democrats in places like Colorado where the Republican front runner (and Tea Bagger favorite) in the governors race thinks bikeshare programs are part of a UN plot to take away our freedoms!
In other news Bill Haslam Knoxville TN’s bicycle loving, moderate Republican mayor has won the Republican primary in TN’s governors race.
So, more bad news for Puddy, Cyn, Lost and Pudge. People like Haslam have a hell of a lot more in common with me than they do with them.
Seems to me that, the Tea Baggers and the Republican Party are such a cluster fuck at the moment that it’s impossible to say one way or the other.
So you believe the crap that these people are spewing? Banks own us? Obama’s a communist? The UN is trying to takeaway our freedoms using bike share programs?
@11..that may be true – but that would also mean that some people in here are pulling shit out of their ass in trying to say one party rules the other.
If I was a Democrat, I would be much more worried about how the Democrat politicians are working out, rather than spending energy on worrying about Republicans and Tea Party members.
You KLOWNS understand that the Tea Party and other Constitutional Conservatives really need to do next to nothing the next 3 months.
The Progressives are committing Political Suicide.
The old political axiom is when your opponents are killing themselves (like Mrs. ObaMao’s ‘nother vacation to Spain–$375,000 while the REAL Unemployment Rate is now at 17%)
Stand out of their way.
It is hysterical watching the Blame Bush and other excuses for their unpopular, destructive actions like ObaMaoCare.
Pick on the Tea Party all you want.
IT’S NOT WORKING! But I guess it makes y’all feel like you are doing something.
Talk about an oxymoron: “constitutional conservatives.” Let me see, now, which party is it that so hates the Constitution that it would get rid of certain Amendments, like the 14th, for instance? Which party is it that talks about having another Constitutional Convention? Cynny, your dishonesty is matched only by your lack of self-insight.
Happens everyday, here, Fox, CNN, CNBC…
On the one hand, I’m laughing all the way to the bank about the Tea Party folks. On the other hand, I’m worried about the shutting out of moderate, competent, Republicans, and the shear level of crazy some of them engage in.
The Dem’s are the Dem’s. Not really good enough, but better than the Republicans.
There are apolitical ways to change and build things and I find myself shifting from the political to the apolitical. In the end we’ll probably change things and windup dragging the political class along, kicking and screaming, after the fact.
So, I’ll take that as a yes to my question @12.
These Tea Party people just get crazier and crazier. In Maine, a woman who runs the Maine Patriots (not a football team) website was accosted in a parking lot and forced to give up the password to the site, where it has been taken over by other Tea Partiers who feel that she has sold out their cause.
Here is a comment about this incident I found on a blog, which about sums up the whole tea party movement:
The fundamental problem is that these groups are heavily populated by emotional ten-year-olds, and their organizations behave much like the impromptu “clubs” that kids create. There’s always a big debate about the “no gurls” rule, followed by angry departures, the formation of rival clubs, and tears before bedtime.
Teabaggers–the gift that just keeps giving, the gift that just might keep the Ds in power in both houses of Congress.
“Pick on the Tea Party all you want.
Why not? It’s certainly got your shorts tied in a knot, you stupid, dumbfuck KLOWN.
Can you say South Carolina? Complaining about GOP politics in South Carolina is a lot like mentioning the number of mosquitoes in Alaska.
Re 10
I’m curious, what’s this obsession with bikes?
What? You mean, thinking, reading, typing, and dreaming about bikes 24/7 is an obsession?
I fined it interesting and telling that in CO there’s a tea party backed Republican candidate for governor claiming that a bike-share programs are evidence of the UN trying to take over country that doesn’t have a snowballs chance in hell of wining. While, in TN there’s a moderate Republican that’s done a ton of work to promote cycling running for governor that has a good shot at winning.
When you look at the politics of cycling*, the anti-bike crowd and the Tea Party folks are pretty much a match while the middle and the left tend to be neutral to pro-bike. Just another way to judge which way the country is going.
*Why the fuck do we even have a “politics of cycling”? That’s messed up.
RE 23
I enjoy riding bikes as much as the next guy, I guess. I was just curious.
You people referring to teabagging and tea baggers, this is a public blog and I really don’t want to hear about the disgusting hobbies that you indulge in. I think it would be a lot better if you stuck to the facts at hand instead of your favorite pastimes. Thank You for doing this,
A proud member of the Tea Party
You guys came up with the name, not us. I use them interchangeably, Tea Bagger, when I want to get a “rise” out of you (hehehe…). Tea Party when I’m having a real discussion.
The HA comment threads are a bit of a sewer and we like it that way. If you want to have a nice, safe, clean, discussion, there are plenty of other places on the internet that can provide you with that.
What do you make of the Tea Party backed candidate for governor in CO that thinks the UN is trying to take away our freedoms through the use of bike sharing programs?
That’s easy proud leftist.. DUMMOCRAPTS
They read things into the law which can’t be found!
26@ Michael
No it isn’t that, I am just tired of hearing about liberal hobbies. Your teabagging should be kept in your bedroom….
Puddy @ 28
Tell me, which party, or political constituency, is currently advocating for repeal of the 14th Amendment?
@30 Speaking of krazy wingnuts and old documents they purport to love but actually hate, I hear that Phyllis Schafly’s spawn has finished rewriting the Bible in order to get all that progressive peace and love crap out of it.
@25 “A proud member of the Tea Party”
No, you’re just another dumbfuck teabagger with Johnny Tremain syndrome like the rest of those freaks.
He’s kinda funny when you consider all the kinky stuff that the righties have been in the news for over last couple of years.
And again!
And then there was that meeting I went too at Peninsula High School, outside of Gig Harbor, where Clint Didier just could not shut up about the evils of brown people and their anchor babies and how we should get rid of the 14th Amendment.
It’s really interesting how little credibility the far right has left and yet the more moderate folks can’t shut them down.
“evils of brown people and their anchor babies and how we should get rid of the 14th Amendment”
If wingnuts want to commit political suicide, that’s fine by me.
Not Lindsay Graham, Not John Kyl, not others. It’s how libtardo morons characterize the dabate. read Huffington Post and hat’s what Arianna wants peps to think. That’s what the fools on the Darryl and Lee network (MSNBC) say. No one wants to GET RID OF THE 14th AMENDMENT proud leftist.
Another of your Kitsap County wild fantasies.
Michael some time ago farted this
Gold ol’ ylb can verify the veracity of Puddy’s find. Then yesterday Michael farts this
So Michael, if you ddn’t quite catch the quote then, how do you know what Didier really said? Puddy did a quick search on Didier and it’s not reported as you “claim”. And since Puddy was just in Southern CA last weekend and listened to people complain about their state deficit, where greater than $10 Billion a year, year over year supports anchor baby births, how do you jock strap illegals coming to America and taking your place in hospital beds?
Typical fear mongering from the HA libtardo class. And of course Steve Steve Steve, member of the mongrel class, laps up anything against conservatives.
“Puddy was just in Southern CA last weekend and listened to people complain about their state deficit, where greater than $10 Billion a year, year over year supports anchor baby births”
heh- Puddyfacts.
Both! He carried on for quite a bit about the evils of brown people, which included a crack about anchor babies.
Um… I’m not even sure WTF you’re talking about, but I’ve consistently argued for more troops patrolling the border and for better enforcement of employment laws. You could look that up!
The 14th Amendment seems pretty clear on its face, yet Puddy would claim leftists want to “read something into it” by granting citizenship to any baby born on our soil. Who do you think wants to read something into the Amendment (or, alternatively, repeal it)? Righties or leftists?
Nope proud leftist… another moronic answer from Kitsap County. You read it as it gives license for gays to get married. Too bad your memory is slow. Did you forget your gay married commentary late last week?
Of course you did. You are an expert in mendacity.
Mendacity, Puddy, moi? You’ve hurt my feelings.
Seriously, there is no question that a vast number in your political party want to do something about the 14th Amendment. Your rightwing friends should not claim to be constitutionalists when they want to strike or alter one of the most important amendments to the Constitution. Civics test: can you tell me why the 14th Amendment is so important, Pud?
Hey Steve Steve Steve, Puddy can bring the Alaska Air ticket receipts. But then again when you drink Stupid Solution you’d claim tehy are forgeries.
Proud Leftist…
You are asking Puddy a civics lesson when most of the moronic class here don’t know history.
Ummm… let Puddy guess… wow that’s a tough one… hmmm… Puddy gotta think… uhhh… oh yeah after slavery were ex-slaves people. Slavery… something near and dear to the DUMMOCRAPTS. They are keeping blacks slaves today. Just check how DUMMOCRAPTS administer the big cities today.
Now you gonna raise the equal protection for gay marriage right proud leftist? Where is marriage discussed in the 14th Amendment proud leftist? It was the basis for another great decision hated by DUMMOCRAPTS! Desegregation.
You can’t put BLACK history past Puddy proud leftist. Butt Puddy can always deliver white history to you!
It was the Republicans that got the 14th passed in the first place! There’s a hell of a lot more philosophical and historical precedent within the Republican Party for keeping it intact than there is for throwing the 14th out. These people aren’t real Republicans, they’re just a bunch of crazies, thugs, and crooks.
My my True Conservative friends support gay marriage. Some are fairly libertarian and just don’t see making sure that marriage contracts are always signed by a man and a women is something the government needs to be involved in. Others, are concerned about the possible abuse of power by BOTH government and corporations and see marriage as a check on that power and see no reason why someone shouldn’t have that protection do so to sexual preference.
Such a way with words Michael. So you have blacks come and visit too?
I was wondering when you guys are going to the find time to hate on Asians? I imagine they’re feeling a little bit left out of this year’s wingnut race hate campaign. Hey, come to think about it, I did read the other day about some wingnut getting down on “chinks”. Oh yeah, that’s right, he worked for Beitbart.
I see that Mark Williams is again in the leadership of a teabagger group. But teabaggers aren’t racists, no siree. They just don’t like black people. Or Latinos. Or Asians.
Puddy @ 47,
Not surprisingly, you failed entirely in explaining why the 14th Amendment is one of the most important of all amendments to the Constitution. You failed your Civics test. Let me now quote from the 14th (which is, indeed, one of our wordier additions to our Constitution), and you tell me why this language is important, Puddy:
“No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
How did this language fundamentally change American constitutional law, Puddy?
Wow proud leftist… Slavery and Desegregation are not important to proud leftist.
Why do you hate black people proud leftist?
Please explain that answer above on how Puddy failed his “civics” lesson on the 14th Amendment.
Proud leftist hates black people and laws that gave black people freedom to live and freedom to attend the college of their choice.
Great job but EPIC FAIL!
Thanks for clarifying your progressive self!
I suspect, deep in your heart (and I do believe you have a heart), you know that I don’t give a rat’s ass about the color of a person’s skin. Unless, of course, the color of a person’s skin has caused that person to be treated inequitably. Then, I get my ire up.
Let me give you a hint about the 14th Amendment beyond what you’re talking about–you’re a States Rights sort of guy as a conservative, aren’t you? Why do people in that category not like the language from the 14th I quoted above? What is its relationship to federalism? C’mon, Puddy, I’m sure you must understand this basic stuff.
Proud leftist Puddy understands more than the basic stuff. Puddy understands the legal shenanigans you are trying to pull here to demonstrate gays should have the same “equal protection” and allowed to marry. The problem with that argument is what is equal? Can they procreate? Nope! Does a penis enter a vagina and leave a deposit after stimulation (some a minute other much longer) the way God designed it with Adam and Eve. You claim to be a leftist Christian so tell me Proud, did God create Adam and Eve or was it Adam and Steve? Did God tell them to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth? Come on Proud Leftist, can’t back out now since you remind us biannually that you are the son of a preacher man. You can ask ylb for the number of times you mentioned it. He’ll tell you!
To Puddy equal protection goes all the way to why men marry women. Procreation. Yet y’all stop at the marriage part.
Now watch the sillies appear and discuss those who chose not to have children. This issue is they could have children because it’s the NATURAL way of a penis into a vagina. What? With the sewer called HA as Michael aptly said earlier this week what is wrong discussing natural biology. Oh you mean a penis into some hairy man’s ASS? Well Puddy don’t know about that Proud leftist, do you since you are championing the cause here?
BTW PL, did daddy marry you and the mrs? Would he married you if it was Proud Leftist and Steve Steve Steve?
One other thing Proud Leftist… is marriage a state civil law or a federal civil law?
If you say federal then is DOMA constitutional? You progressives argue it violates the Equal Protection Clause because it SHOULD protect “discrete and insular minorities.” Now who may they be proud leftist? THe SCOTUS has had two major opportunities to declare gays “discrete and insular minorities” butt they haven’t. All of these cries of voilation are a crock. It’s the tyranny of the minority on the majority! Somehow there is no race, creed or national origin argument here.
If you say state, then how come all the attacks on California which the PEOPLE PASSED A LAW, not the politicians? If marriage is set by the state why the attacks on Proposition 8? California peeps determine what their state recognizes as marriage. PLAIN AND SIMPLE! Oh yeah… that’s right when people pass laws that disagree with the progressive view of things people are stupid right Proud leftist? They need to be shut down and shut up. Now you are entering “K” territory! Remember what he said about Clint Didier a week ago? Ask ylb to replay the “K” commentary.
It was P R I C E L E S S!
You didn’t address my question at all. Then, you proclaim rot like this: “It’s the tyranny of the minority on the majority!” I know that is a current rightwing rant, but, please . . . Can we be adults for a moment?
Actually, Puddy, my questions above have nothing to do with the gay marriage issue you keep bringing up. I guess I will have to give you another clue regarding the significance of the 14th Amendment. The first 10 amendments–speech, press, religion, due process, jury trial, etc.–were not part of the nation’s original Constitution, right, Pud? That’s why they are called amendments. Then, there was a war between the states, which your side lost. Amendments 13, 14, and 15 followed. Before that war, there was a question about whether the first 10 amendments applied to the states. I’m giving you a huge hint here, Puddy–why is the 14th so important?
You mena you are forgetting your rant an hour last week? Wanna see some of them again? It is the tyranny of the minority over the majority.
And this “man” wants to have a cogent argument with commentary like this
My side were slaves dude. So how did “we” lose? You mean DUMMOCRAPTS lost. Those are your peeps. We slaves were chatter remember?
It was originally ratified to protect freed slaves Proud Leftist. Anything you say otherwise is just conjecture! So how did the SCOTUS 1873 Slaughterhouse decisions affect the 14th Amendment?
Puddy’s side lost? That’s a nuff said discussion killa right there Proud Leftist.
Damn, Pud,
I thought you might do better. You never hooked into the civics issue, then you post this kind of crap: “My side were slaves dude.”
Hey, dude, when I’m talking about your side now, I’m talking about the contemporary slavekeepers who are the Republican Party. No chance I will apologize for that. The GOP is racist and you are part of it. I don’t get that, dude. I really don’t get that.
Thankfully, some of these Puddy rants don’t require the use of Puddy Decoder goggles.
“If marriage is set by the state why the attacks on Proposition 8?”
So what was your problem with “Massa2shits”, Puddy?
“To Puddy equal protection goes all the way to why men marry women. Procreation.”
Ms. Wingnut is a little old for that. I take it that you intend to deny us our right to marry. Unless you want to find out first hand the things she can do to you with a carrot peeler, or maybe with a fire hose and a cold, steel funnel, I suggest that you don’t mess with her.
W H A T are you babbling about? It’s DUMMOCRAPTS who are today’s contemporary slavekeepers. They are as racist as ever. Somehow facts elude peeps from Kitsap County.
Did you forget how John Effin Kerry got spanked for his lack of blacks in his 2004 campaign by none other than Jesse Jackson?
Did you forget how Barack Obama’s campaign in middle America white DUMMOCRAPTIC primaries intimidated white DUMMOCRAPTIC voters? Puddy placed the documentary film on HA. Ask ylb for the link. Wait a minute… you don’t want to know the truth. Seems most HA Libtardos like staying ignorant so their positions aren’t “compromised” when they rant.
Just look at every DUMMOCRAPTIC run city in America. And when a minority ventures from the reservation it’s DUMMOCRAPTS who go on a personal vindictive witch hunt!
So Proud Leftist why did you evade the question around your preacherman father marrying you?
Why did you evade the question of would you father marry you and another man?
Why did you evade the question of wanting to shut up and shutdown any opposition to your “progressive” positions?
Why did you evade the questions of Slavery and Desegregation? That civics lesson not important to you and your puny argument?
Why did you evade the question of the SCOTUS Slaughterhouse decisions?
And Proud Leftist… maybe these facts can enter your head since Steve Steve Steve can’t comprehend them. Shirley Sherrod made a visit to the GA NAACP. The GA NAACP videotaped the event. FireDogLake and Mediaite, two leftist web sites claimed the GA NAACP owned and controlled the tape. So it was some black GA NAACP person who attended the event to sent Breitbart the two snippets he put on one of his sites. FDL and M both admitted the tapes were not doctored or edited. They both said the problem was Odumba’s fault due to a rush to judgment. Yet your pal Steve Steve Steve needsto stay ignorant so his positions isn’t “compromised” when he rants on this.
You can just STFU about your “peeps”, Puddy. You turned your back on them years ago. Your descent into hatred and self-loathing is made clear to all as you spew your vile hatred towards the courageous Mrs. Sherrod and the NAACP.
Ahhh more self-loathing over how Steve Steve Steve the DUMMOCRAPT attacks anyone who leaves the reservation.
zzzzZZZZzzzz.. Lots of unfounded claims and appeals to authority.
No one knows how the tape was obtained and edited except maybe for Breitbart and he’s a documented liar, right wing bullshit artist and unhinged self-promoter.
All the right wing fools who crowed reverse racism, blah, blah looked yet again like the angry, resentment driven idiots they are.
No, Puddy. Whenever you go after a Shirley Sherrod, whenever you go after the NAACP, when you go after black farmers who’ve been screwed, and when you go after gays, you’ve got to get past me and everybody else willing to take a stand for right against wrong. This isn’t about some left-right paradigm. We stand against racism and bigotry. You’re on the wrong side.
Ted Olsen not only schooled your ass on Fox News Sunday just now, he also shed some light on something for me. When he closed he spoke of conservative values. He wasn’t describing your values, Puddy. He didn’t describe Klynical’s values. He described mine. Of the three of us, my values are closer to the true conservative ideals. What you and the KLOWN bring us is neither liberal nor conservative. The only thing you bring is hate.
Oh but poor ylb, they do know how the two tape snippets were sent. GA NAACP owns the tapes and keeps them locked up. No one gets access unless they say so. This is public record. Just like NAACP Ben Jealous was in the audience. Sherrod acknowledged him at the 45 second mark. Puddy placed it in your database copy.
This is why Puddy sez the truth is not in you ylb. You have the links. You have the posts. And by your own words because they will make a libtardo look bad you won’t replay those facts.
This is why Puddy sez facts and libtardos are like oil and water. They don’t mix.
Apparently you forget the posts you’ve left on HA all these years Steve Steve Steve. They surely weren’t about love love love.
Who said FireDogLake and Mediaite were authorities? All Puddy wrote and you can check it in your database was FireDogLake and Mediaite place the blame at Odumba’s feet.
More wingnut projection I hear it’s a Psych 101 thing. When you do that, it’s not anybody’s fault but your own that you don’t like what you see.
“Just like NAACP Ben Jealous was in the audience. Sherrod acknowledged him at the 45 second mark.”
Still defending Breitbart and hating on Mrs. Sherrod and the NAACP, huh, Puddy? Truly, it must take a shitload of hatred and self-loathing for you to continue to go down that road.
Nope you haven’t proved it one iota. How were they edited? Who edited them? Who left out the context?
So firedoglake condemned Vilsack for jumping the gun. So what? It was stupid. Entirely separate issue from Breitbart posting the stuff in the first place, pursuing a vendetta against the NAACP calling the Tea baggers out for what they are – fringies with race issues.
You appeal to authority all the time. You cite Jesse Jackson on civil rights and now firedoglake on this.
Doesn’t prove a damn thing except right wingers are stupid.
The truth is not in me? It’s hardly in the likes of you.
Bottom line is that Shirley Sherrod whose family is a victim of the worst racism learned to put aside racial resentment to help a family in need.
Yet Breitbart used that heavily edited tape to paint the NAACP as racist and an innocent person got stuck in the crossfire. How anyone can excuse that miserable bastard Breitbart is beyond me. What did he publish? “Context is Everything”? Uh-duh…
Not what this says:
Politico leans right wing. Is it wrong?
Puddy keeps saying that shit as though firedoglake held Breitbart blameless. From the link to politico, emphasis mine,
Bottom line? Puddy hates the NAACP. Puddy hates Shirley Sherrod. Puddy would do anything, including lie and repeating lies, to destroy them. The questions to be asked? Why does Puddy hate black people? Did he really sell out his race for a tax cut, for 30 pieces of silver? Is simple self-loathing? Or is it both? I say the answer is pretty damned obvious.
That piece of shit Breitbart was on Michael Savage (kindred spirits, I’d guess) claiming that President Obama is orchestrating a campaign to take him down.
Maybe someone should explain just how it is that this so-called “inept” administration is so fucking clever as to intrench commie-fascism in America in only 18 months, all while methodically taking out the opposition.