REUTERS — The father of the unborn baby being carried by the 17-year-old daughter of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is God, Palin said Tuesday in a statement released by the campaign of Republican presidential candidate John McCain.
The unexpected revelation, coming just one day after announcing that Alaska Gov. Palin’s daughter Bristol Palin is about five months pregnant, is intended to knock down criticism of the McCain campaign’s vetting process, while cementing Gov. Palin’s own standing with the Republican Party’s influential evangelical base. “We have been blessed with five wonderful children,” the Palin’s statement said, “And soon we will all be blessed with this miraculous birth.”
“Bristol and God are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family. We ask the media to respect our daughter and God’s privacy as has always been the tradition of children of candidates.”
An aide to Arthur Culvahouse, the chair of McCain’s vice presidential search committee, has confirmed that the campaign was aware of Bristol Palin’s condition before tapping her mother as a running mate, but considers virgin conception a “private, personal and religious matter” that would not impact Gov. Palin’s ability to carry out her duties.
In other news, the New York Post has found God’s MySpace page, where he describes himself as a “fucking redneck” who “lives to play hockey.” He also claims to be “in a relationship,” but states, “I don’t want kids.”
Which I suppose explains what happened to Jesus.
That was fantastically funny, Goldy. Nice!
I go to the Cesspool, and you get Brillance.
I guess questioning your potty mouth and you availabilty to be best man moved me there.
Oh now I get it.
Dont forget the Kid like to shoot Sh_T too.
Jake Tapper asks: “What would the response be if Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, and his wife Michelle had a pregnant unmarried teenage daughter?”
I can answer that. Mona Charen, Ann Coulter, and Michelle Malkin would sprout bat wings and fangs and start divebombing, Peggy Noonan would issue a pained sigh that would ruffle nun’s robes from here to Hoboken, Laura Ingraham and Bill Bennett would engage in a finger-wagging contest to condemn our loose licentious liberal culture, and Jennifer Rubin at Commentary’s Contentions would crash into the wall doing cartwheels.
Bristol Palin should be left alone, but Wolcott is dead-on about conservative hypocrisy on the story. Just think back to 1994 and the story of Susan Smith, who drowned her two children. Then-Congressman Newt Gingrich was not exactly reluctant in seeking to milk that story for political purposes. “I think that the mother killing the two children in South Carolina vividly reminds every American how sick the society is getting and how much we need to change things,” he said. “The only way you get change is to vote Republican.” (As it turned out, “Smith had been molested as a young girl by her stepfather, Beverly Russell, a big Republican leader in South Carolina…At Smith’s trial Russell admitted to having sex with her two months before the murders.)
And Wolcott’s also right about the real significance of the current soap opera, namely that it raises questions about “McCain’s judgment, Sarah Palin’s reproductive stance, the paucity of what we actually know about the governor herself
If you are not the best blogger in the country, you are certainly the funniest.
Let me kiss your ass some more: You are the cleverest, smartest, wittiest and best looking.
OK, I went too far. Maybe you are not quite the best looking. But your kid is the cutest blogger child. (Thank God for her mother).
Errrrrrr …..
Goldy, I hope your life insurance is paid up! This is the sort of thing that led “them” to get Alan Berg.
If you need a place to hide, we have a safe place to offer.
God so pisses me off for “spoiling” Bristol.
Until this morning, I was hoping something would “stir” between Bristol Palin and Meghan McCain.
That would be hot.
I would pay huge for pictures.
If you look at the pictures of Bristol with the baby, you can see that they intentionally used the child to mask the pregnancy.
The child’s pregnancy should be off limits. However her mother and father’s parenting ability and belief in “abstinence” training can and should be called into question.
And as some other poster brought up in a previous thread, how come her daughter was given the “choice” to keep the baby, yet mom does not believe anyone else should be given that privilege?
Hehehe… I love it.
I’m sure the young lad will be a welcome addition to at official White House dinners and the like.
Just musing:
What if this is just a cover up. I mean, she could be the mother of both babies. Would not be the first time siblings were born 9 months apart.
Republicans are sneaky bastards.
She will be gone by Wednesday. Family matters and the scrutiny of her daughter (barely holding back tears) are just (boo-hoo) too much to put (sob) the family (sniff) through. We will return (sigh) to Alaska and (weeping) focus on our family. (bawling)
Can’t you just see him: “Johnny, prez, how the fuck they hangin'”? “Hey, Cindy is hot. You still tappin’ that, man what a pair fuckin tits for an old lady”.
Apparently you leftwing nutjobs have missed what your candidate said about this:
“I have said before, and I will repeat again: People’s families are off-limits,” Obama said. “And people’s children are especially off-limits. This shouldn’t be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin’s performance as a governor or her potential performance as a vice president. So I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories. You know, my mother had me when she was 18, and how a family deals with issues and teenage children, that shouldn’t be a topic of our politics.”
Once upon a time, in a state far, far away (i.e. not part of the contiguous 48) there was a 17 year old girl. The girl engaged in sexual relations with a man six years older than her. The girl decided to keep the baby, and when she was three months pregnant (and by that time, had turned 18), she married the baby’s father. When the child was two years old, the father left the mother and her child, moving far, far away. The parents got divorced, and the father left the child with little more than the father’s name.
Who is this child I am talking about? And why aren’t you listening to what this child is saying about leaving Sarah Palin’s children alone?
@ 14 That sort of class is why Obama is OUR guy.
BUT, attacking the self righteous Ms. Palin for HER immorality is NOT the same as attacking her daughter.
I owe you one this time. You were right about McCain. If he is not scum, then he must be a Manchrian Candidate.
Has anyone asked WHO benefits form Ms. Palin’s candidacy ….
the nut religious right
BP .. aka Kuwaiti Oil
gun toting criminals
Are people in Kansas really dumb enough to fall for this act again?
15 Richard ,
Who is attackinh Bristol? Show me and I will join you.
The attack is on the hypocrite who put the young girl in this position.
Asx fro Bristol, we all wish hwer well. If her Dragon Lady of a Mom feals the same way she lought to resign. Maybe she can found a speaker bureau with John Edwards, Karl Rove, and Billy Grahma’s daughter.
A great example of having too much time on one’s hands. Since gainfull employment eludes Goldy (and many others here), it should come as no shocker.
I predict the righties will dump this bitch Palin and quickly.
Once again – just try to imagine – and it shouldn’t be very hard – what the right wing turds would be saying if the situation were reversed! OMG this is fantastic.
The McSame campaign is imploding right before our eyes. And the first polls show Palin performing WORSE with women than with men. There goes the notion that they can get disaffected Clinton voters! WOOT!
The one thing that really worries me about Sarah Palin is her intense hatred and vendetta against her former brother-in-law. It doesn’t matter so much whether she broke the law or abused her power as governor in attempting to get him fired from the Alaska State Patrol. What is truly worrisome is her bitterness, her obsession, and her lack of forgiveness. Those are not good qualities to have in a leader. Nor is this type of behavior consistent with the “Christian values” that Palin professes to believe in.
This is why I liked Goldy on the radio. Remember when he would have a comic on every so often?
Speaking of radio, why do hosts only have other hosts who are aligned with them politically fill-in for them? I like Dori for the entertainment value, but I would have a lot more respect for him if he had the guts to have Goldy sub for him once in a while, rather than boring Frank.
Anyone think Goldy would do the same blog piece if the candidate were Muslim, substituting Allah and Mohammed for God and Jesus? I don’t. Not a slam on Goldy so much as the double standard in our society. Christians are fair game and okay for liberals slam. Muslims are not. It’s a hate-crime or intolerant or not PC or something. Never figured out the difference.
Goldie, maybe I’m missing the finer points of sarcasim, but this one is over the top for me. I understand that as a secular Jew the concept of Immaculate Conception is pretty unbelievable to you. But I’m not willing to ridicule your lack of belief, please don’t ridicule my faith.
As you might remember, though, I’m perfectly willing to condemn those that try to use religion in politics. I think doing so damages the church more than it does politics, but neither one comes off very well.
As for Palin’s daughter – although I’m tempted to agree that it shows that McCain hadn’t vetted Palin well (current sources say he was probably her third choice, after Lieberman and Church, but their pro-abortion stance was anathama to the Republican Party). But in the end of the day, I’m going to agree with Obama – that it’s none of our damn business.
It’s hard enough to be a seventeen year old under any circumstances, much less in the fish bowl of public life. And teenagers often don’t do what you tell them to do, with significant consequences.
I really feel sorry for the girl, who last week was probably trying to figure out how she was going to break the news to her parents, and suddenly she is thrust into the public spotlight, with her mother’s future being impacted by what she probably thought at the time was her own private … well, whatever she thought it was. Now she’s a campaign issue, and the whole world knows about it.
I figure we can cut the kid a break and let her deal with this problem without making it any worse.
Pope@ 20: Well, I guess you could say that McCain and Palin are alike in that regard. Low anger threshold, inability to use judgement to temper anger, etc. Heck, McCain even took a swing at Jesse Helms on the Senate floor, and Helsm was at least a decade older than him, and a member of the same party!
Goldy is still reeling because McCain did what Obama failed to do – put a strong female candidate on the ticket. Hurts to have your boy’s big speech upstaged, doesn’t it?
Richard Pope was right, Bristol Palin’s situation is EXACTLY the same as Obama’s mama so he has no room to talk. No wonder BHO appeared so gracious in his comments on this subject. What he was saying was “candidates children are off limits, and so is the history of my conception”
Speaking of parents, wtf is up with black men naming their boys after themselves, giving them their first name? Anyone know what Barack’s father’s name was? Yep, Barack. He named is son after himself! Sick.
BTW, Barack Sr., and I quote, “fathered 27 children by 17 different women.”
Troll @ 25
BTW, Barack Sr., and I quote, “fathered 27 children by 17 different women.”
I cannot find this quote anywhere on the internet using the Google. Give it a few days, and the Google will dig up one hit — for your comment above.
That’s what I was quoting… myself in the future looking back to today.
Where is Lee? Is he still recovering from Hempfest?
I think someone – some poster – should do a little research and see what all the different polls say AFTER the Palin pick. What polls has who ahead?
I’m too lazy to look it up myself, but I’m curious.
From right now about the RNC protests …
“Splinter group” broke windows, threw benches, vandalized squad cars, police say.
Sorry. I got off-topic. Go ahead and delete me. I deserve it. I should have put this in open thread.
Seems to me the right wing turds were calling Sandy Burger a traitor when he did the exact same thing. I can’t wait to watch the usual hypocrites on the right defend this asshole since he’s a republican. As usual – the right is concerned about the rule of law except when it’s not!
Picture on front page of right now… a ST. PAUL police officer macing a protester.
Again, St. Paul has a Democrat as a mayor.
Yeah, leave the poor kid alone.
Focus on the MOTHER instead. What a piece of work she is.
One heartbeat away from the Oval Office? Compared to Joe Biden?
It’s sick!
“That’s just wrong”, said Neville Hampster-Smythe the Fourth. “Everyone knows it’s only acceptable for the English to do that.”
Why I will not vote for Palin
– If she cannot handle her family, how can she handle the country? Shows she doesn’t have leadership values.
– She left her village in AK with almost $20 million in debt. Shows she doesn’t have fiscal skills.
– It was her choice to have her last baby, yet she would do all in her power to take that choice away from all other women. Shows she doesn’t have compassion or empathy.
@4. Exactly true. the conservatives would have a frenzy criticizing Obama’s character, but since it’s one of their own, it’s now acceptable?
Damn, just keeping whose kid belongs to who can get confusing in this mess. It does give a whole new meaning to Hockey Mom!!!
The sad part is these kids are not ready to be parents. I highly doubt that all options were given to the young girl.
Republican Troll doesn’t want you to know that the FBI is controlled by the republicans and the republicans are the one ordering the illegal treatment of protesters in St. Paul.
Oops more poop on the bitch Palin. Looks like she isn’t that offended by earmarks after all.
I guess you can assume that whatever a republican is against, they aren’t REALLY against it if it helps them!
Some idiot called “diamondshards”:
It would be EXACTLY the same only if Obama’s grandmother, knowing that her daughter was pregnant, had just been chosen as a candidate for Vice President. By accepting McCain’s offer of the position, Governor Palin made Bristol’s situation a topic for public discourse.
Show me your proof that the FBI is controlling the local police in the Twin Cities. I want links to news stories. I’ll be patiently waiting for your proof.
We heard it, but we don’t march in lock-step to order like you righties like to do. We’re not attacking Bristol, we’re going after righties and their stoopid, hypocritical, whack ideology.
Btw… Chelsey Clinton, who you fuckers showed no mercy, makes a far better role model than Bush twins or young miss Palin.
Pop quiz:*
#1 Would you rather have your kid turn out like
A) One of the Bush twins
B) Bristol Palin
C) Chelsea Clinton
*Dear righties, this isn’t attacking Bristol it’s attacking the poor parenting skills and whack ideas of her parents. One of which is running for vice president.
Given the fact that there is a likelihood that Chelsea was sexually molested by Bill when she was a pre-teen (studies show that men who have affairs with much younger women have a higher incidence of molesting an offspring), I would rather be A or B.
@14 We don’t work for Obama’s campaign and no Republican lying hypocrite is off-limits where we’re concerned! Go fuck your goat again — she’s lonely.
@15 We’re not talking about the child, Richard. All of this discussion is about the candidate and her (and her party’s)hypocritical meddling in other people’s private lives. And also about deception by the candidate.
If Palin didn’t want to expose her family to the limelight, all she had to do was say “no” to McCain. No one is forced to be a candidate for Vice President of the United States. When you ask voters to put you one heartbeat away from the presidency, you’re volunteering to make yourself an open book. Everything about you — your record, your public statements, your private behavior, your character, your judgment, your integrity — is subject to scrutiny.
Having accepted McCain’s nod, any complaints from Palin about that must now ring mighty hollow. She is a public figure whether she likes it or not. That’s a high public office she’s running for.
I finally figured out why Palin doesn’t seem presidential. Her haircut isn’t short and dykie. Seriously. If she had more of a Hillary-do, it would fill me with more confidence about her.
Man, I wished I had a Troll Filter/blocker. Nothing he says advances any conversation.
Funny how the “anarchists” who break a few windows and kick over a few trash cans always show up at the same time and place as the police and rightwing media photographers. I wonder who’s paying these agents provocateur — the police, the rightwing media, or the RNC?
From the Twin Cities paper the StarTribune:
“We are prepared for this type of activity to continue all week, although we certainly hope that the violence is done and the rest of the week will be peaceful,” said Minneapolis Police Capt. Amelia Huffman. Minneapolis is one of many agencies working with St. Paul on security.
The small but persistent band of self-described anarchists were blamed for attacking delegates, smashing windows, puncturing car tires, throwing bottles and starting at least one fire.”
And with that, I believe I have just won this argument.
@16 “Are people in Kansas really dumb enough to fall for this act again?”
Unfortunately yes, the Idiot Class (of all economic strata) will vote for the McCain-Palin ticket in great numbers. Add a few million touch-screen votes created on a computer keyboard, and they could walk away with the White House again.
At least Bush won’t have a compliant Congress in his third term.
That’s something the Rubber Stamp Class (i.e., MSM) isn’t talking about, but should be. If McCain is president and the Democrats control Congress (and there’s no chance they won’t), nothing will get done and America will continue to wallow in its misery of disappearing jobs, falling wages, vanishing pensions, and hard-working families being bankrupted by health care gouging. We will have, on a national scale, the same gridlock that stymied progress in Washington State on education, transportation, health care, and everything else during the 10 years that obstructionist Republicans controlled the state senate by a vote or two. Gregoire had to play a decade of catch-up when she came into office and now they’re accusing her of being a “big spender.” The same thing will happen at the federal level if McCain wins, except with far more serious consequences than Dino Rossi bleating about a Democratic governor and legislature having to make good 10 years’ worth of GOP irresponsibility. If McCain is elected, huge deficits will continue, the dollar will continue falling, inflation will rage, unemployment will rise, economic growth will limp along at close to zero, and the earnings chasm between the Pirate Class and the working and middle classes will continue to widen. How can any intelligent person with a conscience vote for McCain? They can’t. If you vote Republican, you’re a traitor.
I made $400 this morning on my Starbucks stock without getting out of bed. Comparing that to an 8-hour work day, it’s the same as working for $50 an hour, except I have no commuting hassles, no work expenses, and get a 2/3rds discount on my taxes! Why would anyone go to a job? I don’t. I do no work and produce nothing, and I’m more prosperous than I ever was as a wage earner. Go figure.
Meanwhile, crude fell another 6 bucks today, to below $110, providing further evidence that the recent huge runup in oil prices (and, consequently, the costs to consumers of gasoline and heating oil) in the so-called “free market” was a result of massive fraud. You know, like the electricity-price fraud that corporate thieves imposed on us while Republican “free-marketeers” looked (wink-wink) the other way.
Personally, I think anyone who was an Enron energy trader should be summarily executed without trial.*
* Hey, just kidding! Ann Coulter joke. Give ’em a fair trial first, then hang ’em.
@20 Frankly, I think the father is nuts to marry into that neurotic family. On the other hand, maybe he deserves such in-laws.
@22 “I really feel sorry for the girl, who last week was probably trying to figure out how she was going to break the news to her parents …”
If GOP propaganda is to be believed, they’ve known about it for months, or at least for many weeks.
@24 “Goldy is still reeling because McCain did what Obama failed to do – put a strong female candidate on the ticket. Hurts to have your boy’s big speech upstaged, doesn’t it?”
That noise you hear in the background is Democrats celebrating McCain’s veep pick.
@25 Is there a point in there somewhere?
@27 Last time I checked Barack got an 8-point bounce last month and has a 43 electoral vote lead over McCain. To win this election, McCain has to win two-thirds of the tossup electoral votes.
To win, McCain has to carry Florida and Ohio and Virginia and North Carolina and Minnesota and not lose any of the states leaning to him. That would give him 270 electoral votes — not a single one to spare.
McCain ..
the Manchurian Candidate.
I have an idea … lets do a Manchurian candidate night at DL! We can run the original movie and “cast” it with McCain campaign characters.
Palin’s beehive hairdo is straight out of a bad 1950s movie, her religion is straight out of an 1880s tent revival, and her politics are circa 1910.
Troll you are only capable of winning arguments in your VERY tiny mind. We don’t argue with you, we mock you. You’re cheap entertainment. That’s why I’ve never called you worthless. You do have worth. You’re like the court jester. You’re a simpleton who is too stupid to know he’s being laughed at. But you just keep thinking you won something. Have fun with yourself.
Troll has plenty of “fun” with himself. If you know what I’m talkin’ about. (Snickering on way to kitchen for a bagel.)
FWIW here is the plot and the cast
After Raymond (McCain) returns from the Korean War as a decorated hero, the other members of his platoon can’t really remember what he did to win his medal. Two of the soldiers start having recurring nightmares, and one of them decides to investigate Raymonds current activities. What dark and sinister secrets are being withheld by the Government and the Army ?
Raymond Shaw is an insufferable man, who came back from the Korean War awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. He distances from his domineering mother. His C.O. Ben Marco has been having nightmares that lead him to believe that the circumstances that led to Raymond getting the medal are not true (we could cast Colin Powell in this role?). While his superiors don’t think he knows what he is talking about, he is sent on leave. And when he goes to visit Raymond, he meets his valet whom he believes, through his dream, betrayed him in Korea. He fights him and is arrested, when he goes to see Raymond, he learns that another man from their unit also has the same dream. When his superiors learn of this they decide to give him a chance to find out what’s going on.
In Korea in 1952, a US Army patrol is ambushed by Communist soldiers. A year later the squad, having escaped, returns to the US, where Staff Sergeant Raymond Shaw is to receive the Medal of Honor for single-handedly saving the lives of the squad. Shaw is the son of Elanor Iselin (Cindy McCain), wife of US Senator John Yerkes Iselin, and Mrs. Iselin turns the return of Raymond into a political rally that brings out building hostility between son and mother over the ambitions of Johnny Iselin. But there is more involved, for the actions of Raymond Shaw are not what everyone believes they are, and the nightmares of a US Army officer, Bennett Marco, leads to investigation of Raymond that unlocks a stunning political conspiracy that sweeps up Johnny and Elanor Iselin, and which only Bennett Marco can possibly stop.
Frank Sinatra … Maj. Bennett Marco
(who will play Frank???)
Laurence Harvey … Raymond Shaw
(John McC)
Janet Leigh … Eugenie Rose Chaney
(Sarah Palin)
Angela Lansbury … Mrs. Iselin
(Cindy McCain)
Henry Silva … Chunjin
James Gregory … Sen. John Yerkes Iselin
(Daddy Bush?)
Leslie Parrish … Jocelyn Jordan
John McGiver … Sen. Thomas Jordan
Khigh Dhiegh … Dr. Yen Lo
James Edwards … Cpl. Allen Melvin
Douglas Henderson … Col. Milt
Albert Paulsen … Zilkov
Barry Kelley … Secretary of Defense
Lloyd Corrigan … Holborn Gaines
Madame Spivy … Female Berezovo
what’s wrong with hockey, city boy?
@61 Nothing’s wrong with hockey; but when I hire a president, I want a good president, not a good hockey player.
Ah, exruse a me prease, honorable Rabbitson. Many round eye say FDR great president. He no pray hockey. Correct? If he so great, why he intern my people?
Roger, if Ken Dryden was an American, I would be highly supportive of his potential candidacy.
Ditto Frank Mahovlich.
I think that is an amazing point! I am in awe of your sharp mind and intelligence! Sir, you have a gravitas and insight that I have not seen on this blog in quite some time. I hope you visit here again. Thank you.
At least Bush won’t have a compliant Congress in his third term.
Hmmmm… I wouldn’t be so sure of that. Bush has had a working conservative majority on all the big issues for the last two years.
If we don’t elect more progressives and McSame squeaks through this Nov then it’s the same old shit till 2010 – now if that doesn’t convince people to change things I don’t what will.
63 and 65:
Why do all the Comedy Store washouts end up here at HA?
What have we done to offend God?
Given the fact that Troll probably has sexual desire for his own kids, AND he teaches them to lie, you have to wonder how he gets internet access from the sex offender unit at McNeil Island?
just a quick google search…
what a cute couple!
Nice shotgun. Now I really like the fucking
kid. Better than a pansy ass liberal.
Don’t any of you folks have kids ?
Hard to believe this . Hope Obama wins if any of the comments have substance about McCain and his choice .
But wow , she is only a kid having a kid .