Hey… it turns out not all “extreme right-wing” Republican state legislators are closeted homosexuals. Who knew?
State Rep. Jim Dunn will be stripped of his committee assignments and denied travel reimbursement after the 17th District lawmaker made what even Dunn acknowledged was an “inappropriate” remark to a woman at a legislative function in the Tri-Cities last month.
“We want to have zero tolerance for our members for inappropriate comments,” said House Republican leader Richard DeBolt. “We asked (Dunn) to go get sensitivity training. Until he does that, he won’t be serving on any committees.”
Dunn told Postman that he can’t remember exactly what he said to the “young lady”…
He was buying her a drink and said something like, in his words, “I’m buying you this so I can take you home, something like that.”
Yeah. Something like that. Though judging from Dunn’s photo, I’m guessing he’d have to buy an awful lot of drinks before he’d ever have a chance of a young lady coming home with him. Maybe a fifth of Everclear and roofie. And a paper sack over his head.
Dunn says he didn’t really mean it, which is of course what we all tell ourselves after we strike out, but that’s not really the point. Rep. Sharon Tomiko Santos (D-37), who was at the table, says the remark was far more explicit and inappropriate than Dunn recollects, and describes a Republican sitting next to her as “absolutely mortified.”
How explicit? Well, Dunn claims that DeBolt actually asked him to resign, potentially putting this rare, Republican, swing-district seat into Democratic hands. It beggars the imagination.
Nah… no it doesn’t. Post in the comment thread your guess of what Dunn actually said, and we’ll vote on the most creative suggestions in a later post.
Will Richard DeBolt get the Speaker’s Roundtable to send out sex (harassment) offender notification postcards against Jim Dunn, if he refuses to step down? This kind of tactic might actually work in a contested Republican primary …
“What? You want me to table that agriculture bill? Well, only if I get to table you first.”
Jim Dunn is by far the second craziest member of the State Legislature (beat out only by Cock Roach of course). How the hell does he keep getting re-elected?
Curtis told him that “his wife knew he liked men when they got married, but she was not into that, so he only did that when he was out of town,” the detective wrote in his report.
some simple logic
heterosexual pigs outnumber homo pigs
and a homo most likely would not have offered a drink before the first sex act
some guesses;
“I’m buying you this drink so I can take you home and show you some hefty Republican pork.”
“Hopefully I can get you drunk enough to ignore my shortcomings.”
“Ever seen a Republican naked?”
Now,the Dems need to build a good candidate in that District – one that is as clean as new snow, younger, good looking, family man or woman – the yr of the woman? – and pick up the seat.
Dwight get on it.
Rs don’t say fuck in public, so it was something like ” I want to see you naked… and just wondering if those tits are real?”
“I’m buying you this drink so I won’t die a virgin.”
Well, have never been in the skin of a Nazi, for sex and stuff, you know – here goes —
“Hi sweet tits, I just bought this new super sized red dildo and I want you to go up to my room with me and shove it up my ass and work it all around for an hour or so. And I have some good grass to smoke. My wife knows and it is OK with her.
When we get naked I will show you my secret collection of Hitler pictures, they always gets me so.so hot.”
“I am buying you this drink. In return, how about you slide down that banister and warm up my dinner?”
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
Not even Mrs. Rabbit would fall for that!
The Piper
“I know there has never been a sophomore homecoming queen, but come home with me and I’ll show you how to win an election”
“Hey baby, No wide stance here. I need all the help I can pushing this thing past my belly.”
Hey there; I know Dick Cheney, so if you don’t want to get shot in the face, drink up.
Hi I am a Republican legislator, I’d like to buy you a drink, then maybe we can go to your place and I can meet your brother.
Suppressing the vote, stealing elections, crushing democracy & the middle class, successfully standing in the way of action on global warming… this is heady stuff (it’s making the Republicans concupiscent.)
Or maybe we are witnessing mother nature punishing those who have the gall to deny her reality and claim they can control her.
“We want to have zero tolerance for our members for inappropriate comments,” said House Republican leader Richard DeBolt. “We asked (Dunn) to go get sensitivity training.”
I thought sensitivity training was just PC, liberal, commie Gulagogism. Wow, must have been really damn offensive.
How very quaint – your social ideas match you taste in verse – constitpted
I’m guessing he said, in his best German,
“I’m buying you this drink so I can take you home for you to…büch dich…noch einmal !!
Either we need an absolute prohibition on people involved in politics socializing together, or a requirement that everyone involved in any social gathering become equally drunk.
I’m guessing he’d have to buy an awful lot of drinks before he’d ever have a chance of a young lady coming home with him. Maybe a fifth of Everclear and roofie. And a paper sack over his head.
Given your fat bald visage, I trust you write here from experience.
“I bought you this drink, it was $8. I expect you to knock that off the bill when we get back to my place.”
Harold at 19:
Women generally find intelligence to far more attractive than looks. Goldy has intelligence and, judging by his picture, a pleasant nature about him.
You, based on your primitive writing and lack of wit, not so much.
Women generally find intelligence to BE far more attractive than looks. Goldy has intelligence and, judging by his picture, a pleasant nature about him.
It is beginning to look like we need to go to a Buddhist theocracy if we wnat to have electable, retainable leaders.
OR ,, we COULD go to a system like the old Chinese empire ..EUNICHS!!!!
Combine this with the Reprican desire to make everything elective and there may be a huge market for the castraati!
Of course, has anyone noted that women never get caught in flagrante delicto ?. Maybe the Repricans, to play it safe, should have a moratorium on a male (unless castrated) candidates?
And how come the Dems get caught only in .. shall we say .. more firring circumstances?? Compare Gary Hart on the YACHT monkey business or Bill Clinton sharing his cigar with Monica or JFK and MARILYN with any of the sordid Reprican stories. Maybe …. Dems have better taste?
I like the latter idea. I could never stand the idea of Nancy Reagan or Laura Bush redecorating the house built by Jackie.
This raises one more non sequitur: If Hillary is the Prexy, does BILL GET TO REDECORATE THE WHITE HOUSE!!!
What a kick that might be! Imagine … original Playboy Images adorning the walls, a mirror on the sealing and a water bed in the Lincoln bedroom! Of course Bill would also want to restaff the servants and ..err change their uniforms! Do you think HRC would be upset if her hubby contracted with Hooters to staff the WH? Of course the girls would have to dress as French Maids!
Sheesh! I post something in accord with the prevailing sentiment, I included my own commentary, what I posted wasn’t copyright protected, and it was clever and witty!
Will nothing satisfy you?
The old Limeliters standard, “Have Some Madeira, M’Dear,” says it pretty good, and to delete it simply because it’s all good is cutting off your nose to spite your face. Typical of an academic, you have no sense of humor!
But…I have no illusions as to fairness…
BTW…I can only guess what Jim Dunn said, but if I was the father of the woman to whom he said it, he’d need to hide pretty good.
But Dunn is in the tradition of Democrats such as groping Mike Lowrey and Brock Adams, who, it was alleged by the daughter of long-time Democratic Party supporters, molested her after drugging her. See http://www.historylink.org/ess.....le_id=5739 and http://query.nytimes.com/gst/f.....A960958260
Have some madeira, m’Darryl…It’s as close to a good time as you’ll ever get.
The Piper
Piper at 10:
You know, just as I suspected, sharp criticism of the bloggers for being crude. Nary a word about your dear legislator being crude, rude and lewd.
Duplicitous indeed.
Piper so it is all Bill Clinton’s fault too.
The old news references are disingenuous at the very least. It is agreed that both parties have cads in their midst. It is just that your party claims the high Christian road. When you do that you are open to not only attack on the behavior, but on the sanctimony too. Deal with it. Or switch parties.
@25…Mrs. Carl…
He know you cavort around while he’s out?
My posting of the lyrics for Have Some Madeira M’Dear was about as critical of Rep. Dunn, R-Lech, as you could ask for.
Perverts in your party merely disgust me; in my party, they infuriate me, and I want their heads on a platter.
There was a time in this state when the most lucrative part-time job around was serving in the state legislature. You never paid for a meal, a vacation, sex, TV’s, cars, or what ever you needed.
Truly, you were bought and paid for.
Much the same could be said for the relationships between large manufacturers and their suppliers.
We all should rejoice that we’ve moved beyond that, and whenever it crops up, we all should join forces in quashing its resurrection.
If you’re going to talk the talk, then be prepared to walk the walk.
I’m quite prepared to unrelentingly attack sanctimony in my own “house.” That Republicans haven’t been zealous and unrelenting in that regard has hurt them at the polls, and I’ll be the first to admit it.
Behavior like Rep. Dunn’s, whenever it’s done, regarding it as “cute” or somehow “acceptable” is neither. We send people to Olympia and elsewhere to do the people’s business, not make crude (there’s that word) overtures at public expense to waitresses or others.
Crude overtures and crude blogging both stem from being innately crude…Life should be lived on a higher plane.
Put me down as opposed to crude, no matter its form or manifestation.
I do appreciate the quick and severe admonishment of Rep. Dunn by Rep. DeBolt. More than a slap on the wrist, my guess is that Rep. Dunn won’t be serving beyond his current term in office.
The Piper
There’s no fool like an old fool. Ask Piper.
“For you, the mustache ride is free!”
And when Piper said ‘I’m quite prepared to unrelentingly attack sanctimony in my own “house.”’ I nearly fell out of my chair laughing.
The mental image of him dope-slapping himself will keep me giggling all afternoon.
Piper at 27:
I see that you ably defended yourself to my wife but you failed to defend (because there is no defense) my argument of bringing up old news.
Funny how that works.
By the way, Mrs Left Foot rarely comments here. If you see Mrs it is here and not an alter ego of mine. I do use those now and again, usually for humor, and I usually cop to it right away. She rarely cavorts, mostly she lurks.
It’s a Repug and thus it must have gone down something like this:
“You only get the oxycotin if you suck me off in the next ten minutes! Okay. Now, nine minutes!
“No more lines until we get upstairs, get naked, and i make a mess on your face & chest.”
So, Piper says, “Perverts in your party merely disgust me; in my party, they infuriate me, and I want their heads on a platter.”
And this from a guy who wears a plaid skirt, carries an hairy purse, and squeezes a dead sheep.
Nothing queer about old Piper…
@32 chadt … now now … Piper inthists that its a KILT, not a Skirt! He is, after all, a manly man.
While we are on the subject of perversions, there is a hilarious phot posted at my website of two guys in costume sitting hand in hand in front of a painting of the Virgin Mary! They seem to be competing for who the most rich .. one has a gold robe, the other merely ermine trim and gold piping on his dress.
I am not sure what they are discussing but I read somewhere that they are both into unusual sexual preferences .. IU understand the guy in gold has dozens of wives and concubines while the other fellow is celibate!
Doesn’t this strike you as wierd? What would they have to talk about? Maybe they share a love for horses?
OK, so you have an answer for the skirt.
Let’s hear you justify the purse and the sheep (deceased).
I can see a live sheep as a blood relative, but is this some sort of cult of trying to reanimate dead family members?
@33 etc
On deeper consideration, I will certainly concede that he is at least as prolix as H.P. Lovecraft, and his party affiliation IS a horror, but that leaves us, still, with the hairy purse.
free speech anyone?
look…when is everyone going to get this? there is NO law that says you have the right to never be offended, okay?
geez….what next? who cares what he said or to whom.
unless it was threatening …and i don’t mean in the “it could be construed that way” way…i mean “i am going to beat your ass till you drop” way….it is free speech and people just need to suck it up. remember when you didn’t listen to a thing your parents said?
yeah…like that.
i realize that every uber liberal is the perpetually offended but really, tell me what is american about being politically correct?
don’t worry so much about what people say…worry more about what they do.
What the hell was THAT all about???
She should bring a translator when she visits this dimension.