From Katherine Harris’s web site:
TAMPA, FL- Congresswoman Katherine Harris, the Republican candidate for the United States Senate, soundly defeated Bill Nelson this evening by a 54% to 45% margin in the straw poll conducted at the Lakeland Bi-Annual Politics in the Park. The Harris campaign continues to build momentum, engendering tremendous grassroots support throughout the state with a pro-growth, pro-family message that resonates across the political spectrum.
Congresswoman Harris commented, “I appreciate the strong support of a majority of voters who are disillusioned with Bill Nelson’s lack of leadership and his record of voting against Florida’s best interests. I will fight for Florida in the United States Senate.”
The Lakeland Bi-Annual Politics in the Park straw poll illustrates the widespread support that exists for Harris’ consistent message of cutting taxes, eliminating wasteful spending, protecting the institution of marriage and opposing amnesty for illegal citizens. Congresswoman Katherine Harris is the only candidate with a demonstrated record of leadership who will fight for Florida’s values in the U.S. Senate.
See, this is what they mean by “Katherine Harris Crazy.” You can’t make this shit up.
Really… you can’t make this shit up.
I miss Ellen Craswell…
…and Dixie Lee Ray.
(But not THAT much.)
The field of scientific research in the DPRK [“Democratic People’s Republic of Korea”] successfully conducted an underground nuclear test under secure conditions on October 9, 2006, at a stirring time when all the people of the country are making a great leap forward in the building of a great, prosperous, powerful socialist nation. [Kim Il-JDB]
The field of scientific research in the DPRK [“Democratic People’s Republic of Korea”] successfully conducted an underground nuclear test under secure conditions on October 9, 2006, at a stirring time when all the people of the country are making a great leap forward in the building of a great, prosperous, powerful socialist nation. [Kim Il-GBS]
The field of scientific research in the DPRK [“Democratic People’s Republic of Korea”] successfully conducted an underground nuclear test under secure conditions on October 9, 2006, at a stirring time when all the people of the country are making a great leap forward in the building of a great, prosperous, powerful socialist nation. [Kim Il-Daddy Love]
Why is Babuy Bush afraid of N. Korea? He says he went to Iraq because they WANTED nukes. Here we have a guy who’s PROVED HE HAS nukes and Bush freaks! What a coward.
Nelson leads Harris 53 percent to 35 percent, according to the Mason-Dixon Polling & Research Inc. poll commissioned by Florida newspapers and released this week. Ten percent were undecided, and 2 percent planned to vote for other candidates.
From Sept 28 poll, in the Sun Sentinel in Fl.
She is truly Kathrine Harris crazy.
Funny how that works.
“No market is “free,” all markets are regulated. The question is how they will be regulated, for whose benefit, not whether they are “free.”
Edward Herman
Hey Doctor JCH Kennedy
How is Bush’s North Korea containment policy working?
Spreading democracy in Iraq?
Making America stronger?
JCH are you a Jesus Freak?
If Jesus was alive today, he would be a Democrat. Obviously.
Divide and conquer
by Noam Chomsky
(interviewed by David Barsamian)
Talk about the divide-and rule policy of the British Raj, playing off Hindus against Muslims. You see the results of that today.
Naturally, any conqueror is going to play one group against another. For example, I think about 90% of the forces that the British used to control India were Indians.
There’s that astonishing statistic that at the height of British power in India, they never had more than 150,000 people there.
That was true everywhere. It was true when the American forces conquered the Philippines, killing a couple hundred thousand people. They were being helped by Philippine tribes, exploiting conflicts among local groups. There were plenty who were going to side with the conquerors.
But forget the Third World-just take a look at the Nazi conquest of nice, civilized Western
Europe, places like Belgium and Holland and France. Who was rounding up the Jews? Local people, often. In France they were rounding them up faster than the Nazis could handle them. The Nazis also used Jews to control Jews.
If the United States was conquered by the Russians, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Elliott Abrams and the rest of them would probably be working for the invaders, sending people off to concentration camps. They’re the right personality types.
So did Reichert’s incompetence help Ridgeway kill more women than he would of with an intelligent investigator working the case?
I think that is a valid question.
Just mention the word(s) photo-op and he would disappear into his makeup trailer for a few hours…..
He has one thing going for him. The common guiding principle of all Republican candidates.
excerpted from the book
Profit Over People
by Noam Chomsky
Among Madisonian scholars, there is a consensus that “the Constitution was intrinsically an aristocratic document designed to check the democratic tendencies of the period,” delivering power to a “better sort” of people and excluding those who were not rich, well born, or prominent from exercising political power (Lance Banning). The primary responsibility of government is “to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority,” Madison declared. That has been the guiding principle of the democratic system from its origins until today.
In public discussion, Madison spoke of the rights of minorities in general, but it is quite clear that he had a particular minority in mind “the minority of the opulent.” Modern political theory stresses Madison’s belief that “in a just and a free government the rights both of property and of persons ought to be effectually guarded.” But in this case too it is useful to look at the doctrine more carefully. There are no rights of property, only rights to property that is, rights of persons with property. Perhaps I have a right to my car, but my car has no rights. The right to property also differs from others in that one person’s possession of property deprives another of that right if I own my car, you do not; but in a just and free society, my freedom of speech would not limit yours. The Madisonian principle, then, is that government must guard the rights of persons generally, but must provide special and additional guarantees for the rights of one class of persons, property owners.
Madison foresaw that the threat of democracy was likely to become more severe over time because of the increase in “the proportion of those who will labor under all the hardships of life, and secretly sigh for a more equal distribution of its blessings.” They might gain influence, Madison feared. He was concerned by the “symptoms of a leveling spirit” that had already appeared, and warned “of the future danger” if the right to vote would place “power over property in hands without a share in it.” Those “without property, or the hope of acquiring it, cannot be expected to sympathize sufficiently with its rights,” Madison explained. His solution was to keep political power in the hands of those who “come from and represent the wealth of the nation,” the “more capable set of men,” with the general public fragmented and disorganized…
re 11: The most remarkable proof of the lies the Bush administration used to get us into this war are the DATES YOU PROVIDE of when these Democratic politicians said these things, coupled with the fact that the whole country had been bamboozled into a war fever where no dissent was tolerated. A realistic politician might say things that he knew better than.
Live to fight another day. That day is today.
It takes a very special person to actual stand out as a crazyperson in today’s Republican Party.
Now JCH is stealing MWS posts. JCH, the information these politicians used to make these decisions was provided by the BUSH ADMINISTRATION.
I am surprised that you did not know better than to try something like this.
Come November, we can put this crap behind us and get on with the business of government. With Democrats in charge.
Funny how that works.
Elephant asses are shooting blanks cause they got NOTHING except lies
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is anyone asking any of the 54%what they will do once Katherine Harris goes away for a good long time after the conclusion is rendered in the Abramaoff indictment? If they elect her knowing that she’s done this, they deserve NO representation. idiots!
#10 JCH……I don’t know why people are still floating that argument out there. The fact is because the UN weapons inspectors were there and they were being given access and they were able to disprove these statements makes your argument moot.
I vote, absentee ballot, in Florida. I voted for Krazy Kate, & I’ll tell you why. Bill Nelson mostly votes with the Republicans, & so as far as that’s concerned, it won’t make much difference which of the 2 is elected. Two things tipped me over to Harris: 1) Nelson voted for the Military Commissions bill, a law that is a threat to everyone; & 2) Nelson is as dull as dishwater, while Krazy Kate is aalways good for a laugh.
“batshit crazy” doesn’t even BEGIN to describe her.
…and yet, “Doctor” Kennedy, not a single democrat sent soldiers off to die needlessly in Iraq, nor did any Iraqis die because of the democrats. But hey! You spin the incompetence of BushCo© any way you think will fly…
Well, what would you expect from the “Lakeland Bi-Annual Politics in the Park” — its obviously just a bunch of BI-sexuals covorting annually in the Park? I’m sure K’s numbers would have been much better if it was just a straw poll of heterosexuals.
You, go! Girl!
Harris Unfairly Trumpets Results of a Straw Poll in the Park
By Bill Rufty
One of the biggest frustrations for public opinion pollsters and academics dealing with applied statistics is the misuse of and sometimes downright bending of the truth when it comes to poll results, especially by politicians.
Readers of poll stories then begin to doubt scientific polls and blame pollsters, writers, everybody, it seems, but the people who purposefully distort the numbers.
And what a perfect example we have from the campaign staff of U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris, R-Longboat Key, who sent out statewide press releases Friday trying to say she is leading Democratic incumbent U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson.
The Harris campaign took results from a straw vote at the Lakeland Chamber’s Politics in the Park held on Thursday and sent screaming headlines to news media.
The press release made it appear that Harris, who is still down in all the general polls being conducted, has risen ahead of Nelson among Florida voters.
The truth is you couldn’t vote at Politics in the Park unless you paid $25. The Ledger even ran a picture of Harris helping a six-year-old vote in the straw ballot.
Recent, scientifically-conducted polls show that among most likely voters in Florida, Nelson still leads Harris by double digits.
Such misuse of statistical information often has politicians and the general public doubting the validity of polls. Yet, every major campaign has its own private opinion pollsters and knows exactly what the real truth is.
Here is a very quick idea of what a poll can and cannot do.
The Theory of Random Sampling goes like this: If you don’t have the ability to ask every person in a given universe — in this case the 10.4 million voters in Florida — about an issue, then you can take a sample of those people in a manner so that everyone has a chance to be chosen for the sample. And the results will be fairly close to what you would get if you interviewed all 10.4 million.
The scientific method is used to produce a poll and pollsters are always concerned with variables — things that could skew the results. It’s sort of like the old high school science project, you have to make sure no one sneezes in the Petri dish.
That means for a poll involving voting you must make sure in your sample that the percentage of Democrats, Republicans and independents interviewed, as well as percentage of men and women, are the same as those in the general population.
That was not likely the case among those voting in the Politics in the Park straw ballot where both sides have been known to buy extra tickets for family, friends and co-workers.
Other variables have to be watched in a poll as well, like the order in which questions are asked and the way questions are asked. They must be neutral. And it is also necessary, in the case of voting, that people responding are registered voters and those considered most likely to vote.
Chamber sponsors of the straw ballot know this and have frequently said the straw ballot is just for fun, but the Harris campaign turned it into something else. The distortion of the straw ballot results as a legitimate poll are inexcusable.
One of the most recent reputable polls conducted on the race was in late September by Mason Dixon Polling and Research Inc. of Washington, D.C. It shows Nelson with 53 percent of the vote, Harris with 35 percent, 2 percent for other candidates and 10 percent undecided.
During the Watergate hearings of half a lifetime ago, U.S. Sen. Sam Ervin, D-North Carolina, told one of his country tales of a mountaineer from Black Mountain telling a store clerk about his bill, “I know figures don’t lie, but liars do figure.”
Harris has been criticized in the past for losing so many staff members. But in this case it would seem she could well afford to fire the person who wrote and released such distortions.
Comment by Buzzy — 10/10/06 @ 6:01 am
Well, Buzzy, good for you – Logic like that got Ahnold in place – and that turned out brilliantly for California. It warms the cockles of my heart to know that there’s dipshits like you out there.. – Why are the donk MSM afraid to show the flag?
Well, Buzzy, good for you – Logic like that got Ahnold in place – and that turned out brilliantly for California. It warms the cockles of my heart to know that there’s dipshits like you out there.. Commentby BigBear— 10/10/06@ 9:40 am
So you liked Grey-out Electricity Davis? Why did they reject Bustamante again?
I don’t care how many times I hear it, I refuse to believe that significant numbers of conservatives will stay home in November and thereby assist the Democratic Party to regain control of Congress. Democrats and the Old Media have been working hard to create this perception for several months, citing poll after poll to support their claims. It reminds me of the exit poll manipulation orchestrated by the Old Media and Democrat operatives in 2004 to create the GOP-deflating perception that John Kerry was winning big. Gore lost……….Kerry lost………..And the polls were wrong.
Now JCH is stealing MWS posts. JCH, the information these politicians used to make these decisions was provided by the BUSH ADMINISTRATION.
Again Carl, you leave out pertinent information.
1.) 1998, 1999, 2000 GBW was NOT president. The information provided was from donk to donk!
2.) Clinton supplied George Tenet as DoI.
They never learn, do they?
Return with me now to those days of yesteryear, the days when Bill Clinton was in the White House and the Democrats controlled the House and Senate.
The date: October 22, 1994.
The headline in the liberal bible, the New York Times, read as follows: “U.S. and North Korea Sign Pact to End Nuclear Dispute: Many Details are Kept Secret.” Said the story confidently: “Under the broad agreement concluded here late Monday, North Korea will freeze its nuclear activities, [and] renounce any ambition to become a nuclear power…” In addition, the Times trumpeted what the North Koreans would get in return for these two concessions. “In exchange, an international consortium will replace North Korea’s current graphite nuclear reactors, which are considered less dangerous because they produce little weapons grade plutonium.”
Said the North Korean chief negotiator of the deal: It is “a very important milestone document of historic significance” that would resolve his country’s nuclear dispute with the United States “once and for all.” Kang Sok Ju went on some more about this new agreement he had negotiated with the Clinton Administration, and it’s worth reprinting in full. Reports the Times:
He said the agreement, once put into effect, would resolve “all questions of the so-called nuclear weapons development by North Korea” that have raised “such unfounded concerns and suspicions. We have neither the intention nor the plan to develop nuclear weapons,” Mr. Kang said.
And Bill Clinton believed him. The Times reported it this way: “At a news conference in Washington, President Clinton said the treaty ‘was a good deal for the United States.'”
There was one other player in all of this as well. The Times took care to say that “former President Jimmy Carter held talks in Pyongyang with North Korea’s dictator Kim Il Sung, that defused the crisis and led to new negotiations with the United States.” For his part, Carter went on record earlier in the year in meetings with the North Koreans to say that “I personally believe the crisis is over.” What did the North Korean leader (the current dictator’s father, Kim Il Sung) think of Carter’s efforts? “He told me,” said Carter, that “he was very grateful I had gone [to North Korea], and thought it [Carter’s effort to make peace and help give the North Koreans light-water reactors] was a very fine accomplishment.”
The Times concluded that “Bill Clinton will be the biggest winner, a master negotiator on a critical security issue.” Five days later, when the North Koreans expressed skepticism the United States would really give them what they wanted, the Times headlined this story: “Clinton, in Letter, Assures North Koreans on Nuclear Reactors.” Said the President in a letter to Kim Jung Il: “I will use the full powers of my office” to assure that the dictator got what he wanted.
Clinton, the “master negotiator” of “a good deal” did just that. And on October 8, 2006, the world learns that in spite of everything that Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and their respective Democratic national security teams believed, the North Koreans have just exploded their first nuclear weapon.
Clinton, the “master negotiator” of “a good deal” did just that. And on October 8, 2006, the world learns that in spite of everything that Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and their respective Democratic national security teams believed, the North Koreans have just exploded their first nuclear weapon.
Oh yea, that Rumsfeld !
“…Rumsfeld was sitting on the board of a Zurich-based engineering firm that won a $200 million contract to provide the design and key components for a pair of North Korean nuclear reactors. The company is ABB. Rumsfeld served on the board from 1990 to 2001. He was the only American serving on the board. And he has never acknowledged ABB’s role building the reactors in North Korea. But a former ABB director recently told Fortune magazine that Rumsfeld was asked to lobby in Washington on ABB’s behalf…”
@ 11 am Tues.10.10.06
MY 2 HOUR DEBATE WITH LIBERTARIAN AND GREEN WILL AIR WTV 23 –AND I NEED SOMEONE WITH EQUIPMENT TO RECORD IT FOR ME — PLEASE! I will be at Montlake Ale House DrinkingLiberally on Tues. Eve and will gladly treat you to some of that Ale!
— Robin Adair, Independent for US Senate. (also
PO Box 55698, seattle 98155
protecting the institution of marriage and opposing amnesty for illegal citizens.
what the hell is an illegal citizen?
Since the moonbats love Saddam and islamofascists they should meet the fate of these poor Iraqis:
Prison guards under Saddam Hussein used to bury detainees alive and watch women as they bathed, occasionally shooting over their heads, a former female prisoner testified Monday in the genocide trial of the ex-president.
Speaking in Kurdish through an Arabic interpreter, the 31-year-old witness recalled what she saw as a 13-year-old girl who was detained during Saddam’s offensive against the Kurds in the late 1980s. …
A prison warden she identified as Hajaj – whose name has been given by earlier witnesses in the trial – “used to drag women, their hands and feet shackled, and leave them in a scorching sun for several hours.”
“Soldiers used to watch us bathe,” said the woman. The guards also fired over the women’s heads as they washed.
The woman said several relatives disappeared during the offensive against the Kurds. “I know the fate of my family (members). They were buried alive,” she testified.
The prosecution presented the court with documents showing that remains of the women’s relatives turned up in a mass grave.
let me get this straight: they took a poll in a park in Lakeland and are using that as an indicator of the election outcome? for those who don’t know the area, Lakeland is a fairly rural area, the kind that tends to vote red… if she took a poll in a West Palm Beach park Harris wouldn’t be so hasty in declaring victory…
What amazes me about this straw poll is that she still couldn’t get that many votes. Here she is voting for the kids, collecting dollars for the campaign, and still people didn’t vote for her. Sad fall from the pedestal upon which she once stood to insure that votes were counted just they way her handlers needed them to be counted in 2000.
Is that really a “straw poll ballot” Katherine is helping that 6-year-old with, or is she registering her to vote in the real thing in November?
JCH, you’re deluded. The old ‘the media is to blame for the perception’ can’t possibly work for you. It’s painfully, OBVIOUSLY clear what the media (controlled by a minimal number of corporations, all who have business in front of the thug-controlled congress) have become. Witness the Cheney technique of leaking a story, waiting until it broke in the NYT, and then claiming the article as the supporting evidence for the claim. We’re onto you, pal.
Doctor? Esquire? Yet able to goof off during the day writing wingnut blog posts? Glad you’re not my researcher/physician/attorney.
PHOENIX-The state will ask a justice of the nation’s high court to let county election officials require voters to produce identification for next month’s general election. Attorney General Terry Goddard said Tuesday legal papers will be given to Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, possibly by the end of the week, asking him to void an order by the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals barring the state from enforcing the voter ID provisions of Proposition 200 while a legal challenge to them works its way through federal court. [………Voter ID: Democrats lose. It’s that simple. Plus……….Border Patrol, US Marshals and Homeland Security at every poll.]
JCH.. Shame we can’t get independant observers (UN or whoever) at the polls too.. because the republicans would be caught red-handed trying some very dirty tricks. Ohio alone in 2004 was a joke. I’ll agree with your voter-ID.. if you agree with my voter verifiable ballot-receipts (where they keep a copy indicating their vote – one that they can validate after the election too.) – We’ll then know only legal voters are voting .. and that we can be sure our votes are getting counted accurately.
Maybe Sheriff Dave can improve his numbers if he gets a boob job.
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