As a service to my many right-wing readers, I just thought I’d tactfully mention the fact that CHRISTINE GREGOIRE IS GOVERNOR! I know a lot of you are still in denial, but fortunately, her first major act as GOVERNOR was to sign the Mental Health Parity Act… so now you can all get the grief counseling you desperately need.
In other news, Stefan continues his hunger strike until King County Elections finally releases the “big binder”… um… even though they’ve already released the binder to Rossi’s attorneys. Whatever.
And speaking of Rossi (who parenthetically, is NOT governor,) it’s been 128 days since his “official” gubernatorial campaign ended, but he still hasn’t disbanded his campaign staff yet. Ever wonder what they do down at campaign headquarters all day? Well I think this little gleaning from his monthly PDC expenditure report says it all:
02/18/2005 DIRECT TV $88.94 PO BOX 60036 LOS ANGELES, CA 90060
(I know there’s a good joke in here somewhere about his favorite TV channel. Any suggestions?)
As a service to my many right-wing readers, I just thought I’d tactfully mention the fact that CHRISTINE GREGOIRE IS GOVERNOR!
Yeah. Not only that but the first legislative year is nearly over. That’s right, 25 percent of her effective term is going to end very soon when the legislature finishes up.
Actually, I think that Christine Gregoire is temporarily Governor only until the judges render their various decisions.
Direct TV? Isn’t that the outer space channel? Now … live … from a UFO parked somewhere between the Moon and Mars ….
Bob, just a heads up, nobody cares what YOU think!
The BIG BINDER will have the last word boys…
Logan & Huennekens blew it procedurely in many, many ways.
The poll book reconciliations are attrocious as are the efforts to rectify discrepancies BEFORE certification.
The BIG BINDER should have been completed BEFORE certification in order for Election Official Logan to identify, investigate and then report discrepancies to Canvassing Board member LOGAN (and his faithful sidekick Sir Lawrence Phillips).
Depositions will wipe the smiles off your pathetic faces.
leave it to our pet IDIOT to keep harping on the same thing. he does not have enough brain cells to think for himself or talk about any other subject…..pure and simple p*nis envy syndrome
Bob@2. By your thinking pro se, Christine is Governor Pro Tem; no such position or provision in law re GOVERNOR. Wishfull thinking.
Mr. Cynical: There you agreeing with Goldy again. “The BIG BINDER will have the last word boys…” Goldy said that already. That is Plagerism. The Big Binder that you scoffed about existing EXISTS?????
Lighten up pn Mr. C. He is out of glue. You can only sniff so long and it eats past your nose.
Not only that, Rossi won’t be able to file bankruptcy, cutting his loses, unless he hurrys-up. The new bill passed Senate, is onward to Republican controlers, the House. No doubt it will be passed and will lower the boom on high income brackets who file chapter and also chapter after chapter. This bill, compliments of G.W and crew.
Don@3. Your so darn psychic, your radar is right on. Mr. Cynical is jealous of men who have big antenna.
Some people just get so touchy about things. Eewww. Gonna write something about the monorail, Goldy? It ain’t half what it could be, if you ask me. Please pants SMP. I’ll bet it’s wearing gilt silk underwear.
Cynical, c’mon, you’ve been promising that since Day 1 here and you’ve never delivered. Pretty sad for a guy who regularly manages to post in ALL CAPS and has probably broken three exclamation point keys!!!
Nothing you’ve ever said has panned out – it’s all just wishful thinking on your part when you believe the paranoid rantings of your BIAW buddies prove anything outside of your little echo chamber. So why are we supposed to believe you now? The binder was completed, it just wasn’t in some format that Stefan could misuse to misrepresent the actual findings.
So sad for you. I’m beginning to think you’re the “CPA” (certifiable public a$$wipe) who cried wolf.
That’s right, 25 percent of her effective term
Effective? now that’s a misnomer…
OOPS, make that ASS WIPE!
1159 words you can’t put on an NFL jersey!
Goldy: Rossi Watches.
Thanks for the Rossi PDC report, good bird-dogging. Rossi can get (for free) more direct at Horsesass than he can possibly store in a small compartment or should I say eat. Big Brother Rossi is watching us. Better than TV. Looks as if he still has watch time leftover on his watch. I’d suspect he watches thrillers, like past peformances of the gone-by-the-ways, Lawrence Welk and Minnie Pearl. His own act has gone-to-the-dogs; dog and pony show. Rossi’s own performance is what he should be watching. This is no dress rehearsal, his slip is showing. KUNAMATATA TO CHRISTINE.
You entirely missed Eriks point. The GOVERNOR OF WASHINGTON is seeing to what gets done. What needs to be done in the first quarter, whether tagged as effective or not effecive, matters not. Point is: As Governor, she has the early edge covered. Sore-ass can go lick his wounds or as Goldy pointed out. Rossi should get one with his much needed and overdue grief counseling.
My apologies to you Eric if you find some rightwing thinking rubbed off on me causing me to misrepresent your meaning. :-)
He’s Probably watching “Desperate Housewifes” It’s number one in the Red States anyway. Mrs Rossi was pretty desperate after measureing The mansion master bedroom for twin beds, and not getting in.
Come on! Master Rossi wanted the Master bedroom all to his self so he could Master-Debate in his sleep. I think that comes under the privacy act.
Thing is you can tell that Chrissys “boy” sleeps in a different room till called on my the missus!
Your suggesting Chrissy wears Brogue-Irons? You bet your boots she does. She kicked the s… out of Rossi and he is still wimpering.
Goldy: Rossi’s favorite TV channel is Katheran Crier, Court TV. Fear Factor is not suited for wimps.
Hey Goldy chew on this straight from the PDC
He’s watching the Movie Channel..looking for “Jaws”.
He wants to see if the ending changes…..No, the Shark still gets blown up, but not after causing a bunch of trouble, because he was hungry (for attention).
OOPS… but after causing a bunch….
Yes but Christine has a Job to pay for it. Dino should fight that Bankruptcy Bill, but sending a letter to his congressman.
But I am sure he is one of the exempt, under the “Leave no Credit card company behind plan”
WOW I can surf the PDC too…
Reps. will jump on the cruise issue knowing diddle sqat about why the cruise. They might even suggest the intent of Christine’s cruise was a subversive measure, she was seeking to gain more illegal votes in foreign waters. I think her favorite direct TV channel is SURVIVOR. You go girl!
Kind of like you know diddle squat about why Rossi has TV, gee maybe he was wathcing the national news saying what a major fuck up our election system is. thanks for bringing my arguement full circle.
That Jiffy Lube was a legal expenditure and part of the process in defense of Rossi’s attack. Your forgetting to make allownaces for greasing the other end of the stick.
So let’s see here…..the brain trust of tolerant liberal commenters has now, just in this post alone implied that Dino Rossi’s[or his supporters] anatomy is lacking, he suffers[as do his supporters] from mental illness, he and his wife don’t sleep together, he has strange sexual habits, he will be in bankruptcy,glue sniffing, UFO’s and wimps……..
Did I miss anything?
Talk about fools……..have you heard of slander/libel?
For the “tolerant “left you are such bigots. Didn’t you forget to throw in gay? I’m sure that was just a small oversight on your part……as that’s usually where you all go……
rangero6@32. What I do know about lubrication is that Christine has the grease. What I don’t know about what Rossi watches on TV is as irrelevant as what I know about lube jobs. So, going around the horn to get to full circle, what I do know is that Rossi’s sqeaking wheel won’t get the grease.
christmasghost@34. I honor your sainthood.
christmasghost@34. In spite of your well said wordsmithing, you fail on one point. Public officials are not protected re libel and slander as are the general public PER LAW. They give up that right when filing for public office.
christmasghost@34. re leftys are “fools” and “bigots.” Now that is a foolish bigoted statement from bigot who does not like bigotry.
You are obviously a very angry and disturbed individual with a fetish for some strange things. Mental health parity passed, you should check back in to Western State.
Yeah she is, but the previous saying “every vote counted” should have been “every vote counted, legit or not until lil Crissy gets what she wants.” Only then its OK to move on. How pathetic……Makes voters loose faith in the integrity of the system. Shame, shame. Thanks.
Chee@ 34….by your own accounts Dino Rossi is not a public official…right? Perhaps you should get your facts straight. Or how about just actually having something to really say for a change that isn’t in the NAH NAH NAH category?
The maturity level on HA is appallingly low……..
Sad really…as I’m almost sure…almost…that some of you may have more than a couple of brain cells floating around in there.
ranger06. Your convoluted reverse compliment is most welcome. I write for the Stranger magazine.
christmasghost@41. Reading lesson 101. Rossi by virtue of his filing has come under the law that does not protect him, not being in public office does not change that and also he has been an official prior. The law also address Public Figures. He fits all of the above and by these three descriptions he loses his rights. I would not expect you to know that unless care enough to.
That certainly explains alot, you are an arrogant SOB, with little regard for truth or logic. Gee, not dissimaliar to your rag of a “paper”
ranger06 @25,28,30
Yes, but I did it first. That’s what makes me an artist.
“ranger06. Your convoluted reverse compliment is most welcome. I write for the Stranger magazine.”
Comment by Chee— 3/11/05 @ 10:31 am
You write for the fake Berkeley Barb? Do none of you ever doing ANYTHING original? EVER??? Seattle should just change it’s name to Copycat City…..
Name one thing that Seattle did first and is famous for…I really want to see what you can come up with.
do you have syphilis and one ear?
Seattle first named their City Seattle, Washington. BNF believers, but I have to catch my call waiting, can’t keept the Pope waiting any longer. He is returning my call about requesting christmasghost be geanted sainthood.
“I would not expect you to know that unless care enough to.”
You are really arrogant……..WHY?
ghost@49. Down to nitty-gritty works if your at the level of.
Chee says…”Seattle first named their City Seattle, Washington. BNF believers, but I have to catch my call waiting, can’t keept the Pope waiting any longer. He is returning my call about requesting christmasghost be geanted sainthood.”
And you “write” for a living……that’s rich…..
And look where you went right away without even a pause when i asked you a simple question…..NAH NAH NAH….
So Seattle has never done anything original? Since Seattle was a chief’s name you are saying they are line stealers too?
ghost@51. Nothing actually constitutes original for it takes existing componants to arrange the stolen in another fashion at another time. Many civilizations had advanced methods we know are reclaiming as origional. Same with thought; parroting. Archaic,learned.
Down to nitty-gritty works if your at the level of.
Comment by Chee— 3/11/05 @ 11:01 am
Once again…no answer[EXCEPT nah nah nah…]…still Googling away to find even one thing Seattle has done that’s original?
Mardi gras? Nope.
Monorail? Nope.
Fish market? Nope…..
Really, is there anything?
CHEE SAYS…’Nothing actually constitutes original for it takes existing componants to arrange the stolen in another fashion at another time. Many civilizations had advanced methods we know are reclaiming as origional. Same with thought; parroting. Archaic,learned.”
Comment by Chee— 3/11/05 @ 11:10 am
This is the best you can do? Oh, brother….that’s sad. It’s so ZEN of you though. And where I come from that is no compliment…..
There isn’t even a really interesting history with Seattle is there? Did it just ooze into existance?
Sorry Chee…but I don’t know what BNF means……
Mark @ 40
Granted, some voters have lost faith in the integrity of the system — mostly those who talked themselves into believing the GOP bullshit. After the dust settles and the background noise fades away it will be obvious to everyone except the most partisan paranoiacs that Gregoire won the election. Rossi will regret contesting the election because his own lawsuit is going to bite him in the ass.
ghost @ 41
The legal test is public “figure” not “official.” If you run for office, you have a dartboard painted on your back, win or lose.
ghost @ 46
I do admire the originality of GOP partisans. They’re very creative. For example, they daily create allegations and fantasies out of thin air. No one on our state has that talent.
ghost @ 53
The way most Seattleites drive when it’s raining seems quite original.
typo @ 59
oops should say “no one on our side”
Don @60 and 61……….the raining part is very funny. So is the freudian slip in 59/61……..LOL.
No one has anything original about Seattle then?
Don @ 57 re: pseudo-Mark @ 40
First of all, that ain’t me @ 40. Second, I’d have to disagree with you, Don, that only the most hardcore partisans lost faith in the integrity of elections. I think that all of this noise about the election has revealed that the emperor has no clothes — that our elections have a lot more flaws than most thought they did. You are correct in asserting that the hardcore WA GOP will have lost faith, just like some Dems nationwide now think that every election won by the GOP is somehow rigged.
Here’s the sad part. Because most people are NOT engaged in the world around them and are wrapped up in their own personal bubbles, most will FORGET that they lost faith in the electoral process at some point. Either that, or they’ll just swallow the pablum fed to them by the Legislature and will assume that all is well.
Meanwhile, Another Democrat deals with election issues as well. See a pattern here?
Orlando Mayor Surrenders in Ballot Probe
2 hours, 33 minutes ago
U.S. National – AP
By MIKE SCHNEIDER, Associated Press Writer
ORLANDO, Fla. – Mayor Buddy Dyer, a judge and two campaign workers surrendered Friday on felony charges that they violated a state law barring payments for the collection of absentee ballots.
Defense attorneys quickly denied the allegation against Dyer, Judge Alan Apte, Dyer campaign manager Patti Sharp and Ezzie Thomas, a campaign consultant to Dyer and Apte.
The indictments were issued a day earlier by a grand jury looking at whether Thomas illegally collected absentee ballots in predominantly black neighborhoods for Dyer’s and Apte’s campaigns before last year’s election.
The successful campaign, which cleared the threshold that triggers a runoff by only 234 votes, has drawn accusations of fraud, and the runner-up is seeking in court to have the results thrown out.
Dyer has said he signed checks and approved invoices worth about $10,000 for Thomas during his campaign to win his first full term in March 2004. The documents do not say what Thomas was being paid to do, and Dyer has said he didn’t know, either.
Thomas’ attorney said the indictment doesn’t guarantee Thomas will prosecuted, and that both men were surprised by the indictment.
“You have to have intent to commit a crime,” Dean Mosley said. “My client never had any intent to commit any crime.”
The other three declined comment to reporters as they left the Orange County Jail after booking, but Sharp’s attorney, Bill Sheaffer, said the defendants had committed no crime.
Sheaffer said the indictment resulted from “a number of circumstances that have created an imperfect storm. The circumstances being powerful political operatives, witnesses who have not told the truth and a rogue grand jury that does not have the ability to discern the truth.”
Earlier this year, Dyer testified in the case by mayoral runner-up Ken Mulvaney that he was not involved in the field work for the 2004 campaign in this city of 186,000.
“I was mayor. I spent most of my time being mayor,” Dyer said in the deposition. “I spent very little time actually on the campaign.”
The four were charged with violating a state law enacted after Miami’s 1998 mayoral election was thrown out because of fraud committed in the collection of absentee ballots.
Thomas was charged with accepting pecuniary gain for absentee ballot possession or collection; the other three were charged with providing such gain. Both charges are third-degree felonies punishable by up to five years in prison.
Under Florida law, public officials charged with a felony are usually suspended by the governor until their case is decided and are removed if convicted. Gov. Jeb Bush is reviewing the charges against Dyer, but indicated he will suspend him.
“In cases where there has been a felony indictment, we have consistently suspended, irrespective of the circumstances,” Bush said. “I think consistency is important in this so there are no accusations of favoritism or the opposite.”
Thomas was also hired by Dyer’s campaigns for state attorney general and Orlando mayor for get-out-the-vote activities. Thomas also has worked for some of central Florida’s most prominent politicians, including Sen. Mel Martinez when he was a local county official, and Secretary of State Glenda Hood when she was mayor.
Dyer, a former state senator, was first elected mayor in February 2003, filling the last of Hood’s term after she was appointed to state office.
Breaking Election News: George W Bush is President.
In light of the kind reminder of our uber-liberal host, I thought I’d return the favor and remind the uber-libs that George W Bush is the president.
And I am so glad Ms Fraudoire has made Mental Health counselling free to all the uber-libs here. Now you can finally get treatment for your POST.
Mark @ 63
My response @ 57 is intended for Mark @ 40 whoever he is. There may be more than one Mark posting here, after all it’s a fairly common name.
prr @ 64
Being indicted and being guilty are not the same thing. Maybe they are, maybe they aren’t, we’ll have to see how it plays out. Most of us understand that it’s one thing when individuals who happen to be affiliated with a given political party act on their own instigation without knowledge or approval of the party organization. This happens on both sides, and is not a basis to tar the party (and certainly not the party’s followers). It’s quite a different thing when a party or campaign organization adopts as a deliberate tactic conduct that is illegal, unethical, or dirty pool.
Some of Rossi’s fans and boosters have bandied around a great many baseless and irresponsible accusations against Christine Gregoire and the WSDP. This election was close, but it was not stolen. The GOP has thrown a lot PR out into the blogosphere and mediasphere, but the court will ignore the hype and base its decision on the true facts, and when that process is completed it will be clear that Rossi has no case.
Don @ 66
“when that process is completed it will be clear that Rossi has no case”
I presume that is (Retired) Lawyer Don talking and not Former Judge Don. Or did you routinely judge cases before all of the facts were presented?
VRWC @ 65
If you’re going to make jokes about the Libs, please get the details right. Dems are the ones who are supposed to play fast and loose with the facts.
It is PEST: Post-Election Selection Trauma.
Orlando Mayor indicted and suspended in election case
Special election will be held to replace him
Don…I am pretty surprised…oh not really…that a former judge would make the statements about the election not being rigged, stolen, cheated…whatever you want to call it.You haven’t seen the evidence yet.
Number one, neither you nor I ,nor anyone else on here actually knows WHO won the election. Even the SOS doesn’t know. And your pet Dean Logan doesn’t know…so you know HOW?
Remember folks…this is why they say there is nothing more dangerous or unpredictable than a judge ……they are really just a politician and a lawyer rolled up into a robe together……..
Rossi doesn’t plan on presenting any evidence about the election being rigged, stolen or cheated. He’s not alleging official fraud.
What does not knowing who won the election, have to do with overturning it?
Mark @ 67
Judges can’t prejudge cases or express political opinions (or any other kind of opinions, except legal opinions relevant to the case at hand).
I am not currently a judge, therefore I am free to express political opinions and, if I wish, to prejudge legal cases in which I am not personally involved and which are being decided by someone else.
Does this explanation clear things up?
Don @ 72
Relax. My comment was more tongue-in-cheek than serious. You clearly have many strong opinions — some well-reasoned and correct and others, well…
In all seriousness, did you have such strong feelings when you were on the bench? Do you think they impacted how you ruled? Can I ask at what level you were a judge?
thom hartmann’s discussion on more details into voting machine rigging. Maybe Rossi is pissed off because they ended up doing a hand count that screwed up the rigged central tabulators he and his friends had so painstakingly hacked.
christmasghost @ 70–
Let’s see now…
Don was a failed “entrepreneur” (AMWAY Salesman) for 10 years.
He was a government hack attorney for 30 years.
Now Don claims he was a Judge???
The only thing a pinhead like Don likely judged was the “cutest butthole” in the Fremont District Gay Pride Parade!
“Rossi doesn’t plan on presenting any evidence about the election being rigged, stolen or cheated. He’s not alleging official fraud.
What does not knowing who won the election, have to do with overturning it?”
Yeah…there you go. Why worry about the fact that none of us KNOW who won the election but we put someone in that office anyway.It’s not an election then Joe…it’s a selection. I sincerely hope that you have these same low standards for the other aspects of your life….but I doubt it…..
Funny how that entitlement gene kicks in huh?
But to answer your question….EVERYTHING.
And I really doubt that you have any idea what the evidence is that Rossi is going to present…..
Mr.Cynical@75…very, very interesting info…….
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:…
A time to weep (now)
A time to laugh (soon)
A time for Don to roar(???)
A time for Don to mellow (now, definitely now)
A time for Torrid Joe to blog (all day long)
A time for Torrid Joe’s employer to catch him blogging (???)
A time for Carla to say something meaningful(???)
(Well, we’re still waiting on that one ;))
(p.s. – Carla, Can you post a picture on your site just like Michelle does? I really want to see what preemptive karma can do to a person)
A time for Mr. Cynical to dispense with humor (always)
A time for lefties to laugh a little (any day now)
And most of all,
A time for Goldy to be the first to congratulate Dino Rossi as the truly elected Governor of the great state of Washington.
(Yes, you heard it here first. You know it’s true. Groundbreaking news as only HA can deliver. Pictures to follow at 10)
The only thing a pinhead like Don likely judged was the “cutest butthole” in the Fremont District Gay Pride Parade!
Sad you came in last? Perhaps this explains why you remain married to “Mrs. Cynical” despite your clear disgust with her looks.
More on point, would you even take yourself seriously after a comment like that?
Zapporo….if you are waiting for Carla to say something meaningful, you will have a very long wait.
Great post….still laughing thanks……..
Jimminy Cricket
You are serious
Like leaving home in the morning with different color socks on
Like cutting yourself five times whilst shaving
Like meeting the Swedish bikini team on a remote tropical island without contraceptives handy
Like a 4 alarm fire
Like a massive coronary
Like a pretender in the governor’s mansion
CJ @79 – I enjoy your posts tremendously. Reason, wisdom, humor, balance, the total package.
prr@64. Bet you didn’t get permission from Mike at Associated Press to publish his article. Try linking nect time.
Awww…I’m not here all day and ya’ll miss me.
Christmasghost misses me so much it posts on my blog now. LOL
I don’t know who Michelle is…but I don’t post my photo cuz I’m just not that in need of the attention. But apparently zapporo go to all this trouble.
Imagine if zapporo actually put energy into something meaningful.
Carla – You are so sweet. Thank you for noticing. I prefer to engage in meaningful political dialogue and have fun at the same time (Goldy’s site rocks eh?). Michelle is one of the more obscure, lesser known bloggers, not nearly as famous as you are. My understanding though is that preemptive karma is at least as dangerous to your health as cell phones, if not more so with all that cow killing going on.
Please have a heart! Don’t do the picture for yourself, do it for your huge fanbase. Anyway, here’s some place where you might fit in. When you post the picture, just remember that everyone looks better in pinstripes!!!! ;):
Carla might fit in best?
Cheers, xoxoxoxo! Your biggest Fan!
ZAPPORO……heh heh heh heh…..carla doesn’t get it and that makes it all the sweeter. thanks…you made my day………LOL.
The way y’all keep having to SAY that Gregoireovich is governor almost makes it sound like you’re thinking that if you say it enough, it might make this election contest go away. If you’re not worried about what could happen, then why would you have to remind us that she is the one currently sitting in the gov. office? Frankly, it doesn’t look too good out there, with all the evidence piling up of unmatched voters/ballots, etc. and with all the illegal votes. I don’t see how it ends in anything but an election set-aside and here we go again in the fall.
ghost @ 76
“Yeah…there you go. Why worry about the fact that none of us KNOW who won the election but we put someone in that office anyway.It’s not an election then Joe…it’s a selection. I sincerely hope that you have these same low standards for the other aspects of your life….”
Why not? These are the same low standards applied to call George W. Bush “president.”
ghost @ 76
“Mr.Cynical @ 75 … very, very interesting info…….”
You are a propellor-beanie who doesn’t know the difference between “opinion” and “info.” Hint: Nothing Cynical says is “info” therefore it must be “opinion.”
M @ 86
No we’re not worried, yes the judge will make it go away, and I’m sorry you can’t tell the difference between evidence and bullshit but that’s your personal problem.
M @ 86 there is alwasy the chance that the election could be set asside. But there will not be enough time for an election this fall. This case will probably drag out to August or later. Then the Supreme Court gets to do it all again. Perhaps the fall of 2006, but I doubt it. You will probably get your next chance in the Fall of 2008. Good luck for these next several years.
Don @ 87-89
I see you are back from a night on the town @ 3:00AM.
You were probably out practicing your “judging skills” huh?
Wait until you see the BIG BINDER Don. Not only is it messy, but they fail to clearly identify precindt discrepancies. The pollbook reconciliation process was supposed to be done BEFORE certification.
Perhaps Hack Guv’mint Attorney/Cutest Butthole Judge/Failed AMWAY salesman DON worked with his pals Logan and Huennekens to create this pornographic BIG BINDER that has obviously lead to a messy case of PREMATURE CERTIFICATION!!
The judge has already commented (sort of a pre-ruling) that there’s no legal provision for a “re-vote” and that Governatorial (Gubernatorial?) elections can’t be held on odd-numbered years, it’s not just a matter of having enough time. So, even where the Republicans to miraculously prevail, the earliest we would have another election for the Governer’s seat is November of 2006. I find it highly doubtful that the Democratic legislature would vote to institute a special election before then. Besides, if the Republicans did prevail, the Democrats would doubtlessly appeal to the Supreme Court.
In between any unlikely election set aside, Lt. Gov., Brad Owen would serve as governor.
And during that new election, it would be an entirely new race, with new candidates, a new primary, etc.
The number of Republicans who continue to believe the BS that Vance has been peddling reminds me of all the people who believe we found WMDs in Iraq.
The way the system works, your right on the button about the year. However, I am not about to give any leeway about setting aside the election. My take is that it is not going to happen. Rossi case and the recall of Reed both will die of natural causes and long after stink to high heaven. Taint can’t be removed.
The sour cry of foul from the reapers only centered on treatment of the governor’s race. Washington’s elected Governer had an astute point when she said, revote all positions. Went over the reapers head like a fart in church, fell on deaf ears. Reapers didn’t give a rat’s ass about that. Proof being, you don’t hear them TINKLE “we don’t know who won THE RACES in Washington State. Rossi’s repugnant weave may very well be what drives him not to look at the bigger picture. Those who view the world thru their this-is-a-man’s-world eyes can be very self-centered. Add in losing to a woman, and you have a sour stomach. Take some Tums Rossi.
Chee @ 93 well stated. The repugs have no idea as of the amount of harm they are doing to their own party. In 2008 it will be a landslide democratic win for governor, whoever runs.
Dear Left WingNuts–
The Governor’s Race was decided by 129 votes.
The Judge will look at the CUMMULATIVE impact of ALL the various cases of negligence and error.
Despite your bellaring about the need for the R’s to PROVE FRAUD…you will be very disappointed when this election is set aside.
The BIG BINDER is filled with mysteries and creates more questions and problems than it solves.
129 votes is puny.
Mr. Cynical@95.
Your walking and talking in your sleep again. The nightmare of Rossi failing to prove his case may awaken you or you will have another wet dream to tell.
It’s good to see that you can leave this site for a week and come back to find the same bullshit that was here last week.
My take on this (being a rightwing nut job) is that the court case ain’t going anywhere. (after we go thru the supreme court process) It’s dangerous for us to take anyone out of office because we believe that the election was tainted. Sure, Dino’s pet lawyers can find all sorts of reasons that he should have won. But, pulling Chrissy out of office means that it could go against us in the future too.
I still believe that Chrissy political career is over in 2008 and if Dino isn’t careful his is over with in 2004.
I also would like to bring back dueling with pistols. Chris Vance and Paul Berendt…count to ten turn and fire. here’s hoping you both hit your target.
129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129. That is how you count sheep? Your needling is stuck on your 33 and a third turntable.
reggie@97. Now there is an example of realistic thinking, right to the core of the revote issue in Rossi’s case.. Indeed it is about the odds being against it and due to the disorder that would occur.
Chee-to Brain
“Disorder that WOULD occur”????
Let’s see, 20 years of Dem rule have left us with a cureent $2.2 BILLION Deficit, people driving up each others asses in KingCo nearly all hours of every day, incredibly flawed elections, ineffective LEFTIST Bureaucratic goo wherever you turn etc. etc.
And businesses are running away from this state.
Mr.Cynical@101: Mrs. Cynical must not have had time to give you your morning Ex-Lax.
Funny how they don’t mention the Orlando Mayor is a DEMOCRAT. Yeah, Republicans more likely to cheat…yeah Goldy.
@103. This is not a sounding from Zen, it is a proven fact of life. Given a set of certain circumstances…everyone is a cheat, everyone is not a cheat.
Chee at 82
get a life.
Based on “preliminary data” from the Grant County elections Department, 30-40% of illegal aliens are registered and voting; with another 30-40% registered and AFRAID to vote, nevertheless registered.
Registering alone is a serious fine and jail time; registering and voting is added jail time and fine. The illegalk aliens are most likely to play “ignorant” and merely say they were asked if the wanted to register, so they did. They will claim their English is not good enough for them to understand.
If they got a driver’s license, their English has to be good enough to know what it means to BE or NOT to BE a US Citizens.
Randomly picking 62 names from the DOL List who reside in Grant County, WA, with either a Hispanic, Russian, or Foreign sounding last name, the Grant County Elections Department was asked to identify the following, and see their response:
1. Are they registered voters in Grant County; SEE LIST
2. Do you have a completed registration signed by the individual attesting they are a U.S. Citizen; YES
3. Does Grant County ask the individual if they are a US Citizens and/or does the county require proof of US Citizenship when the individual registers to vote; NOT AT THAT TIME- WE TELL THEM TO READ THE OATH ATTESTING TO THAT FACT
4. Did these individuals vote in the 2004 Primary and the 2004 General Elections. SEE LIST
From 62: 51 were registered to vote. Though 51 were registered to vote, only 23 of the 62 had voted, some going back 11 years. 28 of 62 were registered but had NEVER voted or were inactive voters.
The 23 who were are registered and had voted represent a 37% of the random sample of 62.
We will have to determine how many of these people who registered are U.S.
Citizens, and who are illegal Aliens. After we determine that, we’ll have to get this information for the other 38 other counties and see how those numbers play. Whichever way you cut it, there is no way we can ever be assured of honest elections, devoid of illegal aliens voting, without a 100% re-registration of all voters in this state.
This is “preliminary data” and we are working on getting the rest for Grant County, and plan to prioritize getting this data for the other 38 counties, specially Eastern WA where a high concentration of illegal aliens are known to reside.
If the 37% holds true for all 39 WA counties, based on INS figures of 136,000 to 235,000 illegal aliens in our state, we had between 50,230 and 87,000 illegal aliens Registered to vote and voting in our September 2004 Primary and November 2004 General Election.
You go my brother! Well said. Cheers!