There were hints, and clues, and even outright claims, but now it’s official.
I mean, if you can believe hack journalist David “Goldy” Goldstein…Darcy Burner is running for Congress in Washington’s 1st congressional district.
For me that’s great news—I live in the 1st CD. Looking at the redistricting proposals, chances are excellent that Darcy Burner will be my next representative.
Darcy joins a somewhat crowded field of Democrats for the 1st CD, including State Rep. Roger Goodman, Former state Rep. Laura Ruderman, and State Rep. Marko Liias. I would be happy to be represented by any of these folks. (Okay…maybe not so much Ruderman, who seems to be great at fundraising, but what else? I simply don’t know.) Darcy, just by entering the race, becomes the front-runner.
This isn’t just my opinion. Remember the poll that Publicola got wind of (and that I mentioned here) a couple days ago? It shows Burner unquestionably in the lead.
If the redistricted 1st CD bears any resemblance to its old self, a Democratic candidate coming out of the primary will almost certainly win the general. Rep. Jay Inslee (who is vacating the seat to run for Governor) has held the district since 1999. The district has voted increasingly Democratic in recent presidential elections: Al Gore won by 53%, John Kerry won by 56%, and Barack Obama won by 62%.
On top of that, the Republicans have no candidates of any note running. Well…James Watkins, the guy who challenged Inslee in 2008, is running again.
I met Darcy during her first congressional run against Rep. Dave Reichert. I have interacted with her, perhaps, a dozen times since then, including doing one interview. My excitement at today’s announcement is genuine…I really want her to represent me! My reasons haven’t changed much from what I wrote back in 2006:
It was clear to me from that first meeting that Ms. Burner was an extraordinary individual—she struck me as smart, well-informed, articulate, disciplined, confident, and full of energy. I had no idea whether these attributes could translate into success in campaigning and politics, but I thought that Darcy exhibited many of the good attributes that I wanted in a political leader, and she didn’t seem afflicted with the negative attributes found in so many political leaders.
I couldn’t vote for Darcy in 2006 or 2008—my house is located a bit north of the 8th CD in the 1st CD. For the 2012 election cycle, I am most pleased to welcome Darcy to the 1st!
(You can contribute to Darcy Burner’s campaign here.)
I note she is no longer calling herself a former Microsoft executive. Hopefully she has gained some experience these past few years and will not need to rely on dishonest embellishment of her record this time around.
Maybe the third time will be the charm.
There goes the wingnuts’ dream of running Reichert against Darcy again!
@1 Darcy has a degree in economics from Harvard and is a former Microsoft executive. She’s not a sexual harasser and she hugs rabbits. What’s not to like?
All the lying and bad behavior is on your side. Your most prominent presidential candidate, for example, made his bones by shuttering businesses and laying off tens of thousands of workers. And he wants to run as a job creator? That’s comical! Your party’s top-polling candidate is now the country’s most prominent liar/sexual harasser.
Oh, and then there’s those four rightwing militia freaks who were arrested yesterday for plotting to blow up goverment buildings and kill innocent American citizens …
I love how everyone is cherry picking info from a poll that no one has seen. Where is this mysterious poll? Let’s see it in its entirety.
The reason Darcy got beat twice before is because she is not qualified for the job. What has changed since her last 2 losses? What has she done for our state? Where has she been?
Rachel’s Charity Blossoms Into A Movement
Little Rachel Beckwith is back in the news, and her story keeps getting bigger and bigger.
First, we learn that a California man who had been on a transplant waiting list for five years received one of Rachel’s kidneys. He’s doing fine, and of course, made a donation to Rachel’s charity.
But the bigger story is that another California man is turning Rachel’s birthday wish into a movement: He wants the ninth birthdays of all children everywhere to become a “giving holiday.” It’s a brilliant idea: In this troubled and cynical world, teach the idea of giving to others to young children, to instill charitable attitudes and habits that will stay with them throughout their lives.
Meanwhile, Rachel’s mom is planning to visit Ethiopia next year to see some of the water projects first-hand.
@5 Running scared now, are you? You ought to be.
I don’t know exactly what it is about Darcy that gets under our trolls’ skins so much, but I’m lovin’ it!! Man I love to watch wingnuts squirm!
Why all this grief? The election is still a year away.
> but I’m lovin’ it!!
Two timer loser, during a time when she had the wind behind her back? What a retread. And you loved her then, too . . . which doesn’t bode well for her THIRD attempt.
Roger Rabbit @8
Indeed…there is nothing like the name “Darcy Burner” to bring the hate-trolls out of their cave.
Pretty fucking amusing!
@10 You’re already deluding yourself that GOPers can take the 1st CD? Go ahead, try it, I DARE YOU!!! Throw millions at this election! Run Rossi against her! Bring in Karl Rove!!!
“Okay…maybe not so much Ruderman, who seems to be great at fundraising, but what else? I simply don’t know.”
Maybe you should write a separate post to explain your position on that. Ruderman has a legislative record. She is a team player who in 1998ran for legislature when she was to originally run for Congress, she abandoned her congressional campaign to make way for Jay Inslee. She beat an entrenched Republican in what was at the time, a red district.
You have a right to your opinion, but I would be interested in why she is any less qualified than Darcy?
Darn it – I was hoping she’d be running in the 8th again. Reichart might lose to a real candidate; Burner would have been an easy opponent for him… Again. Damn redistributing.
Well, she’s better suited for the 1st; but she shot herself in the foot twice before, so I’m not hopeful she won’t do it again. The lack of a any semi-decent opponent definitely helps, tho.
@6 Hope and change made real by people from all over the world responding to the unfulfilled dream of a nine year-old girl from Issaquah. This is truly one of the stories of our times.
I would be most pleased if I someday learn that our president has reserved seats for Rachel’s family at the State of the Union and that he will be granting Rachel a few words of honor and respect before the nation and the world. Who better to receive that honor than her?
@14 Ruderman quit legislating to run against Sam Reed (lol) and has been a professional fundraiser since. Her legislative record isn’t anything to scoff at but it was in a period that is much different than what we’re faced with currently. The mindset and tenacity it requires to be an effective legislator in the current day, whether in Olympia or DC, is something both she and Burner (even more-so) lacks.
I think the current, moderate legislators in the field are much better suited for duty in DC.
laughable. No political experience outside of writing polarizing blogs and “organizing,” a carpetbagger, twice defeated by bumbling Reichert… Need I continue?
@12 You’re already deluding yourself that GOPers can take the 1st CD?
Which has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Darcy Burner is a retread. She will find a way to lose AGAIN, no doubt. In fact, it’s almost certain if the HA faithful get behind her. The kiss of death!
Really? David Goldstein must be jacking off to the news right now.He seems to be obsessed with getting her elected to congress.Now I do think she would be a pretty good Congresswoman ,so if I lived in her district I’d probably vote for her.
Reichert’s not qualified for office and he got elected….and now he’s mentally unfit. And will most likely be re-elected. (if he runs)
# 20: Yep, it’s amazing how high the bar seems to be for a Democrat to gain office, and how low it gets for Republicans willing to take orders.
Darcy Burner is a christmas gift for the GOP. She killed her cat (losing the PETA vote), she burned her house down (losing the firefighters endorsement), she doesn’t vote (losing the voters who vote), and now she announces that her residency is actually outside of the state and is not in the district she wants to run in (losing the residents vote). You go girl!
The Wingnut Wishful Thinking Go-Kart is in high gear in this thread!
Indeed, better the first than the eighth..
LOL! Sheriff Dopey Dave has that in spades!
Darcy “House” Burner initially attempted to run as a centrist candidate in 2006. That year was her best showing. In 2008 a Democratic landslide year she was progressive and did worse. Now she is an unabashed liberal. She won’t get out of the primary.
The more voters see her the less they like. She lies, panders, and has done nothing for her community. She should run against McDermot since he is as old as dirt. At least Goldy and Roger Rabbit will get Darcy mailers for the next year so they can rub a few more out over their Darcy porn.
She is the only candidate who ever made people think Riechert was smart.
“She is the only candidate who ever made people think Riechert was smart.”
Oh please. Reichert voters are low-information voters. They don’t think, period. And Shurrif Hairspray doesn’t need to be smart to appeal to that crowd; in fact, with that group having smarts is a liability. His supporters think intelligence is a disease.
I’m still voting for Roger Goodman in the 1st. I think he’s an ideologically good fit for the District and he has the most relevant experience.
I think Darwyle needs a rag to clean up the mess between his legs..
geezus dude, and I thought goldy had a crush on her…..
how come she isnt running in the 8th? oh, I forgot, she already tried that….TWICE. fail.
Nice to see a nice crowded race. The race in the 1st CD should be a fun one to watch.
I am not a fanboy of Darcy, BUT …
in a world of lawyer-wants-to-be-a-senator, business suits-with-expensive-hair, cowboys-who-should let-their-hosses-talk, senescent-ex-psychiatrists, the-sheriff-who-could-not-get-his-man ,,,,,,
Darcy is a very smart, highly educated, techocrat /cum economist. Godamnit I LIKE knowing there is at least one candidate who shows a lot more about a lot things than I do!
That’s a great ad, btw.
Yawn…another triple loser. Not a good year to be running as a democrat
Care to put some cash on your prediction? (Ah, forget it, reactionaries like you never acknowledge your mistakes, nor pay your debts.)
Be happy to, we’ll bring the Costco purchased Bourbon to the next Drinking Liberal
and we’ll have a shot
@34 You are always welcome to attend DL. Bring your wingnut buddies with you. We’re not looking for a civil war. Liberals are people who believe in the possibility of disagreeing without hating or killing over differences of opinion.
I personally haven’t been to DL for nearly a year because of medical problems. I’m trying to make arrangements to get there. I can’t transport myself. If I make it, and you decide to come, I’ll buy you a beer with my state pension money. Of course, I’ll secretly hope you choke on it. If you survive I might let you buy me one.
P.S., I love good bourbon (bad bourbon — not so much) and always drink bourbon straight. No mixer, none at all, ever. I figure if a rabbit can’t drink a whiskey straight, either the whiskey’s no good, or the rabbit’s no good.
CD#1 resident here. Avid voter. And conservative (in the traditional sense). Therefore definitely NOT a 21st century Republican, or (worse yet) Tea Party hypocrite leeching off of socialism.
REALLY hate to see Jay go.
REALLY looking forward to voting for Darcy Burner!
Best damn place in the world to live, CD#1.
Thanks Darcy! You can definitely do a good job of representing rational economic views like mine.
Heh Roger, By God you’re on! My favorite Burbon is Woodford reserve and I do no damn sissy mixers in it! Yuk
Bottoms up.
I’ll pick up a bottle at Costco and we’ll toast to the new year and Change!
PS Roger, My son recommended I pick up a wounded rabbit call (no offense) but I’ll be using it to call up a certain Coyote who cornered my dog today. I managed to get him before he was breakfast.
So a wounded Rabbit whistle, a couple glasses of straight Woodford whiskey, a couple of 22’s, lawn chairs, and a bright moon….and the kid and I will be enjoying just another evening on the ranch
Roger. You should know better.
Reichert voters are NO information voters..
NO information can possibly penetrate their thick skulls.