Last month, George Bush showed that he can reach for newer and greater heights when he broke the Gallup poll record for highest disapproval ever recorded for a president over the last 70 years.
The records keep rolling in…but, this month, Bush is an equal opportunity record-breaker. He has reached a new high and sunk to new lows for May:
The month started out with a new high (my emphasis throughout):
A new poll suggests that George W. Bush is the most unpopular president in modern American history.
A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Thursday indicates that 71 percent of the American public disapprove of how Bush his handling his job as president.
“No president has ever had a higher disapproval rating in any CNN or Gallup poll; in fact, this is the first time that any president’s disapproval rating has cracked the 70 percent mark,” said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.
“Bush’s approval rating, which stands at 28 percent in our new poll, remains better than the all-time lows set by Harry Truman and Richard Nixon (22 percent and 24 percent, respectively) but even those two presidents never got a disapproval rating in the 70s,” Holland added. “The previous all-time record in CNN or Gallup polling was set by Truman, 66 percent disapproval in January 1952.”
Bush shows that he has also mastered the lows on Sunday when Rassmussen Reports gave their weekly and monthly approval/disapproval summaries:
For the week ending May 9, just 32% of Americans approved of the way the George W. Bush performed his role as President. That’s down two percentage points from last week and the lowest level ever recorded by Rasmussen Reports. The decline in the President’s ratings come as the Rasmussen Consumer Index also hovers around record lows—72% of Americans believe that economic conditions are getting worse.
Sixty-five percent (65%) disapprove of the President’s Performance, up two points from a week ago.
[…]The weekly figures also represents a two-point decline from the numbers recorded during the full month of April. During that month, 34% of Americans gave the President their approval. That too was an all-time low, the lowest full-month approval rating ever for the President measured by Rasmussen Reports.
[…]Prior to this month, the President’s lowest approval rating was 35%, recorded in June, 2007. In two other months, his approval has been as low as 36% (May 2007 and March 2008).
And just yesterday, a new low from a new ABC/Washington Post poll:
Public disgruntlement neared a record high and George W. Bush slipped to his career low in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll. Eighty-two percent of Americans now say the country’s seriously off on the wrong track, up 10 points in the past year to a point from its record high in polls since 1973. And just 31 percent approve of Bush’s job performance overall, while 66 percent disapprove.
The country’s mood – and the president’s ratings – are suffering from the double whammy of an unpopular war and a faltering economy. Consistently for the past year, nearly two-thirds of Americans have said the war in Iraq was not worth fighting. And consumer confidence is near its lowest in weekly ABC News polls since late 1985.
Bush’s approval rating has been extraordinarily stable – before today’s 31 percent it had
been 32 or 33 percent in nine ABC/Post polls from last July through last month.
Whew…and that is just the last couple of weeks!
As this election season geared up, we heard a lot of wishful thinking on the part of Righties suggesting that 2006 was the one and only opportunity for Democrats to make significant gains. In part the rationale seemed to be that candidates wouldn’t have a Bush administration to drag ’em down. Maybe…but there has been an avalanche of bad omens for Republicans lately: Bush’s new records, congressional special elections going Democratic in previously strong Republican districts, record high Democratic identity, and unprecedented fundraising asymmetries in favor of the Democrats.
Isn’t it time to reevaluate these Republican loyalists? I mean, when does the pattern of self-deception and delusions qualify as psychopathology?
Well, I’ll admit that I thought 2006 was going to be the high water mark for Congressional challengers, including Darcy, but certainly these numbers do bode well for her, no matter how you look at ’em.
But let’s admit it, never mind Iraq, Katrina, scandals, etc., if gas was still $1.50, these negatives would be much lower. The rest of the country can be traveling in that proverbial handbasket, but when it hits their own pocketbook, then people get mad.
Even some of the most moronic of the inbred GOP realize the party is toast. You have right wing freaks like Bob Barr starting a Libertarian Presidential bid….you have the most unpopular President in US history….a war most sane people think is criminal….an incredibly horrible economy….and a GOP candidate who’s got at best a questionable past….how can any moron think it’s going well for the GOP? I guess self-delusion is a vert powerful drug. I’ve heard more than a dozen republicans say recently they’re either not voting at all or voting Dem. They’re as tired of AWOL Bush as the rest of us.
Now, if he chooses to attack Iran – I bet we ain’t seen nothing YET in terms of low approval ratings!
What I find interesting is how MANY Republicans no longer proudly declare themselves to be Republicans. Nope, now all of them (that I know or see on other message boards) insist that they aren’t Reps, they now call themselves “Conservatives”.
Don’t want the stench of that label any more. The so called “Conservatives” are also seeing their OWN investments taking a slide and gasping at the cost of filling their OWN gas tanks.
btw…Thomas Frank’s regular Wednesday column debuted today in the Wall Street Journal. Check it out.
@3: Someday soon, people will routinely ask, “They shoot republicans, don’t they?”*
*Grover Norquist humour
Don’t forget the flood of reliable Republicans losing in special elections this year in reliably Republican districts. Witness Democrat Travis Childers whomping Republican Greg Davis 54-46 yesterday in MS-01, which voted 62% for The Chimp in 2004.
Oh, Dave Reichert! We won’t miss you.
And Republicans are now officially under 200 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives.
“Marty Wiseman, a political scientist at Mississippi State University, said if Democrats can carry districts that traditionally have been safe bets for the GOP, “Republican strategists have to be terrified.”
This is from a link about ANOTHER Democrat kicking ANOTHER republican’s ass in a special Congressional election. We won that piece of shit Trent Lott’s seat! Man if we can win in a KKK-infested, right wing, bible-thumpin shit-hole like Mississippi, then we can win anywhere.
I know it sucks to be a republican but man, it must REALLY suck lately. Just how fucking stooooopid do you have to be to be a republican cheerleader these days?
And yet… despite all this…. The Sound Politics gang thinks Dino is a shoo in.
@5 DL
You are so correct. That 8 point win by Childers, even though he is a very conservative Democrat, in the heart of old dixie spells disaster for anyone running for office this year with an R after their name. Bush is destroying the GOP.
I guess the dumb fuck Republiscum Christian Buybull freaks didn’t pray hard enough. Their imaginary friend in the sky let them down again. Maybe Jesus isn’t a Republican!?!?!
“Sunday, May 11, 2008
Wright’s Words Have A Familiar Ring…
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
And HOW about this from former Dukakis Campaign Manager Susan Estrich—
“Susan Estrich: Could Obama Be Another Dukakis?
Monday, May 12, 2008
By Susan Estrich
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
Susan Estrich is a die-hard Liberal Law Professor who is also very, very bright & politically astute.
Go ahead and ignore her words KLOWNS!
Keep dreamin’!!
McCain was running as fast and as hard from George W Bush as anyone his age could in North Bend yesterday.
McCain’s problem is that he’s too old to run as fast as required to put enough space between him and Bush.
But nobody any age is that fast. The GOP will need to leave it to their next generation.
Where was Dino yesterday? Was he dodging a conversation about nuclear plants and global warming? Or was he dodging McCain? Or all those Dan Evans Republicans on that stage?
McCain was visiting Dino’s home district about 20 minutes from Dino’s home. There must have been a deliberate decision by Rossi to distance himself from McCain.
Today’s Rasmussen Poll:
“Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows Barack Obama attracting 47% of the vote while John McCain earns 46%. Obama has now held a statistically insignificant lead over McCain for nine straight days. Seven of those nine days have found the candidates just one point apart. Prior to this past week, Obama had not been ahead of McCain for a sustained period of time since mid-February.”
O-blah-blah really needs states like West Va.
Last nights results show how vulnerable he is.
Also 29% of Democrats want Hillary to run as an Independent. The next Ross Perot. The next Joe Lieberman.
Also 29% of Democrats want Hillary to run as an Independent. The next Ross Perot. The next Joe Lieberman.
Why would we care if she were the next Joe Lieberman? The Democratic Party has gotten significantly stronger as Joe Lieberman has left it. I think that’s an indication that someone has negative popularity.
cynical – dream on – Obama leads in the national polls are increasing and Barr will suck the wind out of McCain. McCain will self destruct – he is simply not bright enough and too corrupt to be president. All your crap about Wright adds up to nothing – especially since you are trying to compare a Christian to a Muslim (guess you can’t tell the difference) and are using a clinton supporters ramblings to justify that Obama will lose. Face it – you racists can’t stand the idea of a black President. Obama will crush McCain in the general election and spend his first four years cleaning up the mess of the most incompetent and unpopular president EVER. The GOP is toast -even the deep south (Mississippi)is rejecting the politics of division and incompetence that has driven our country into the ground.
Mr. Cynical Fool:
Voting for Barr?
If the Democratic Party has gotten “sufficiently stronger” since Lieberman left it, why is it the Democratically controlled Congress can’t get anything done?
And why is it that the Democrats who are now getting elected are more like Lieberman than, say, a McDermott or The Darcy? Pro-life, pro-gun, and definitely not chi-chi ala Pelosi – could it be Democrats across the country are becoming more conservative in the knowledge that such is the only way to win elections?
If so, what does that mean to a substantially more liberal than they Prexy candidate? Is it good news…or bad?
The Piper
All these numbers are good news, but we can’t let up. Dems need to unite and drive a stake through the hearts of those misearable bastards while we have them down.
Piper: the democratic congress can’t get things done because:
1. there is a republican president who can veto things
2. there are enough republican obstructionists that the slight majority in the senate can’t over come them.
Do we need to give you a civics lesson?
Piper – Republicans are not trusted on ANY of the ten most important issues for Americans in the latest Rasmussen poll. The GOP is going down – they can’t even win in Mississippi.
The corrupt and inept Bush admisnitration and their best buddy McCain have alienated over 70% of americans – the other 30% are die-hard republicans or total fools (hard to tell the difference between these two groups of reality deniers).
You mean all George Bush has to do is say, “Boo!” to the Dems in Congress to make them hide under their desks?
He has vetoed how many bills?
If they had an gumption, wouldn’t they be trying to force his hand?
Are Republicans hurting these days? Have they lost their way? No argument from me…But the core values of liberty and freedom that once were at the heart of the GOP still are winners with the American people.
If Barack Obama can get so badly waxed in a Democratic “must have” state like West Virginia, then you’ve got your troubles, I’ve got mine.
The Piper
Pooper you missed a beat there. Apparently those “core values” you just talked about weren’t such a winner with the Americans in Mississippi who just turned out a GOP Bush butt boy in favor of a Democrat. Keep that head of yours in the ground Pooper. It’s safer down there where there are no facts.
How could the Chimp be unpopular? He gave up golf as pentance for the 4,000 American military dead (did he give up ping pong for the wounded?). And above all, he wears a lapel flag pin. Americans just don’t posses the necessary grey matter, like that displayed by Mr. Clynical and Piper, for instance, to truly appreciate Bush. We Dems can’t understand the true Republican concepts like “liberty and freedom”. Like the liberty of the imperial presidency to grant freedom to eaves drop on political enemies to the Telco companies.
Hey Piper
Republican “core values of liberty and freedom” such as giving up golf for the duration of your war. That is the only sacrifice Bush has made for his mistakes.
Americans don’t appreciate the last seven years of republican values and rule and the GOP is going to pay “big time”, as Cheney is want to say.
12 Cyn
I can’t believe anyone would read all that crap you posted. I didn’t, and I am sure Im not alone. If you want to post something that references an extended piese such as that, fair use and the rules here at HA demand that you excerpt the piece and then link to the entirety of it or cite a paper reference if it is not online.
But I’ll tell ya, the Wright issue doesn’t mean shit to anyone but a Republican.
@2 – Some of the more moronic stil insist on being moronic, and are living in denial, and are still in support of nonsense and hypocricy. Some prime examples leave comments on this very blog, supporting the Republican movement.
@22 – maybe the Democrats are playig politics, why mess with trying to make George Bush look any better than he is – do nothing and let the people think it is a Republican problem and then take over in November.
Quinnipiac has Obama leading McCain nationally by 47%-40%.
I don’t know when I’ve seen a poll with McCain over 45%. Usually he’s hanging down around the GOP dead-ender numbers of about 41% or less.
And why is it that the Democrats who are now getting elected are more like Lieberman than, say, a McDermott or The Darcy? Pro-life, pro-gun, and definitely not chi-chi ala Pelosi – could it be Democrats across the country are becoming more conservative in the knowledge that such is the only way to win elections?
Because they’re winning in more conservative districts, numnuts. And have you forgotten that most Democrats are both pro-gun and pro-life (as well as being in favor of sensible gun regulations and pro-choice), or did you take your long hiatus from getting your ass slapped around by me in these comment threads in order to forget all of that?
The country isn’t gravitating to the left solely because it doesn’t believe in conservatism (although it’s certainly part of it). The country is moving to the left because conservatives stopped believing in the importance of liberty.
22 PS
I don’t have numbers on Bush’s vetos, but he hasn’t had to. THe Republicans in the Senate are still on track for an all-time-high number of filibusters. The House has passed bill after bill that cannot come to the floor of the Senate (for the famed “up-or-down vote” that used to be such a Republican chant until they won the minority) for passage. Republicans have been diligently protecting the president’s sorry ass, and the recent special elections should give you a hint of what they will receive in return.
I was gonna write my usual hostile bullshit…I use this space to vent my unbelievabe frustration (as you all know) at how the republicans have bullshitted and buffaloed the American People for the last 26 or so years…
But with the House Seat in Mississippi going Dem it is clear that the “Reagan Revolution” is over, the rape and pillage of the middle and lower economic classes will be coming to an end, and the long road of National reconstruction will begin.
Thank God.
It had to happen. This dumbass destructive philossophy that SOUNDS so seductively good has had to be thoroughly discredited and now completely dismantled.
Congrats Goopers! You completely fucked your own shit up by being the greedy clueless bastards you really are. Thank you so much.
Funny. Daily Kos references Paul Begala complaining in 2006 about Dean spending most of the DNC’s money in places like “Utah and Mississippi.” In fact, he said Dean was
Now we just won the reddest of Red Mississippi House seats, and put the GOP under 200 seats. Who’s laughing now?
McCain cannot, I repeat, cannot match the Democrats in all 50 states. He doesn’t have the money or manpower to organize and campaign every state that’s in play right now, and neither does the RNC (they’re too busy fighting off Liddy Dole’s challenger because they REALLY need the Senate).
It goes without saying that Dave Reichert will not be receiving a lot of party-based money this year. They have to just cut loose the marginal guys to protect the “safer” seats, which are also in play.
Yes, it’s a good year, unless you are a Republican.
Drudge reports today a 29% approval rating for president Bush.
BUT WAIT! The Democrat-controlled congress has an 18% approval rating! What’s up with THAT? Care to run a post on this, Gold one?
Are Republicans hurting these days? Have they lost their way? No argument from me…But the core values of liberty and freedom that once were at the heart of the GOP still are winners with the American people.
Of course the core values of liberty and freedom are still winners. That’s why the GOP is getting crushed. Just think for a second about the following GOP positions and what they say about the Republicans and their beliefs in liberty and freedom:
1. Anti-choice position on abortion (again, not the same thing as pro-life)
2. No amnesty for illegal immigrants trying to feed their families
3. The Patriot Act – increased powers to law enforcement to detain American citizens
4. The Military Commissions Act – removing habeas corpus as a fundamental principle
5. Increased Spying authority by the executive branch
6. Opposition to gay marriage
7. Opposition to sensible drug policy
8. Establishing occupations over foreign lands
9. Using heavy-handed tactics to influence foreign government lawmaking ability
10. Allowing for torture to be used by American officials
11. Extraordinary rendition
Shall I continue?
We have no idea how good the Democrats will be in standing up for the core American values of liberty and freedom, but we know full-well that the Republicans stand opposed to those values. And that’s why they’re in deep trouble this year.
Regarding @19, in liberal districts like WA-08 the Republicans field fairly moderate candidates and I’ll bet that the Piper doesn’t bat an eyelash about it, even though it clearly shows the Republians’ rank hypocrisy and lack of core principles.
33 W
Watch the elections this eyar and learn what it means. I don’t think you’ll enjoy the lesson.
BUT WAIT! The Democrat-controlled congress has an 18% approval rating! What’s up with THAT? Care to run a post on this, Gold one?
They have an 18% approval rating because Bush and Cheney are still running the country and we’re still in Iraq. I don’t approve of this Congress at all. Few people on the left do. What you appear too dumb to understand is that that low number is not a result of being too antagonistic to the Republicans, it’s the result of being not antagonistic enough.
I’ll bet my politics are closer to Travis Childers’ than yours.
He won in Mississippi by running as a conservative with a pro-gun, pro-life (read that opposed to abortion), and anti-tax increase candidate.
In other words, he campaigned on issues traditionally the province of the GOP.
Is this bad news for the Republican Party? No doubt about it – in a lot of respects the national party has forgotten what got them elected in landslides in 1980, 1984, 1988, and the takeover of Congress in 1994.
The huge mistake that’s been made is to borrow pages from the Democratic playbook: pander, pork, and profligacy.
Now, you have Democrats running in districts where the values are conservative as conservatives with those values. Will they be able to stick? Anyone’s guess.
What it does show, though – and this is a lesson that the HA Happy Hooligans need to take to heart – is that voters will disregard party labels if the candidate’s message resonates with them. Obviously, Travis Childers’ conservative, traditional values, lower taxes message is what they wanted to hear.
It will be interesting to see how many times he strays off Nancy Pelosi’s reservation to vote with Republicans.
Still, Childers has more in common with the way I think than the vast majority of what passes for “thinking” among the HAHHs.
The Piper
#38: sure Piper – You can justify about anything, I see. Democrats are winning in deep conservative districs and are winning in swing districts with liberals. People don’t like Bush, the war or the way the republicans have screwed up the economy and are corrupt.
70% unfavorable is a record for a president.
Oh- and quit trying to pretend you don’t know the obstructionists republicans have filibustered anything meaningful happenning in the Senate in cooperation with bush.
People are not as stupid as to be fooled by republican talking points. We know what party manufactured the war in Iraq, ruined the economy, failed to rein in the banking industry in the name of the “free market and less regulation”, is in bed with corporate lobbyists and conspired with Abramoff. Republicanism leads to corporate excesses, damages the economy and leads to unnecessary military adventurism. Simple lessons the american public have understood – and will now play out at the ballot.
Most, as in meaning a majority of democrats are pro-life? Are you serious?
Which one of the democrat presidential candidates was pro-life?
How many of the happy hooligans are pro-life?
Sensible gun regulations, don’t we already have enough gun laws? What are you thinking, add another 7 laws to the books an then criminals will stop using guns?
You probably posted your “ass slapping” arguments on your other blog like you usually do.
No one likes the president. Heck, damn near 30% of Republicans don’t like MacCain enough to vote for him in the primaries.
38 Piuper
In reality, Democrats won’t win lots of deep-Red seats. But we won’t have to. Watch and learn as we change the colors on the map.
So pro-life now means we want babies to live but we support mothers killing them?
If you don’t consider it a life, how can one be pro-life? If one considers it a life, how can one defend ending it.
Most, as in meaning a majority of democrats are pro-life? Are you serious?
Which one of the democrat presidential candidates was pro-life?
How many of the happy hooligans are pro-life?
All of us are pro-life. All of the Democratic candidates are pro-life. All of us are pro-choice as well. Believing that abortion should be outlawed is not pro-life, it’s anti-choice.
Sensible gun regulations, don’t we already have enough gun laws? What are you thinking, add another 7 laws to the books an then criminals will stop using guns?
No, I don’t think that at all, and neither do many people on the left. But you also need to have basic rules about buying guns (age restrictions, restrictions on selling to ex-felons and people with mental health problems, and registrations to assist law enforcement).
You probably posted your “ass slapping” arguments on your other blog like you usually do.
I always do, Marvin. And thanks for the material. You too, Crackpiper.
40 MS
Your insecurity is showing. When someone says “Democrats favor sensible gun regulations” (which if you ask them, most Americans do), why do you then assert that he means “more laws?” He didn’t say that. Is that your straw man du jour? I mean, just like every other fucking day?
So pro-life now means we want babies to live but we support mothers killing them?
If you don’t consider it a life, how can one be pro-life? If one considers it a life, how can one defend ending it.
I consider a fetus a life. I also consider a deer a life. Do you believe that hunting should be outlawed or are you not really pro-life? Or do you deny that a deer has a life?
What I would say Democrats actually believe is that the State does not have a legitimate interest in regulating female sexuality or reproduction.
“Most, as in meaning a majority of democrats are pro-life? Are you serious?”
Damn right. The difference is that unlike the Rebpulicans, we believe in defending the lives of people after they’re born, as well as beforehand.
@47 How about religious, or cultural beliefs? I would say that Democrats certainly believe that the state *has* a legitimate interest in regulating those areas.
Hey Rethugs — how’s your brand selling these days?
@48 Yeah, you’ll defend them before they’re born, alright… Right on out of the womb and into death.
@50 Hey Roger, why is it that Dems still run from the ‘Liberal’ label?
Slow news day?
You guyz hating Bush isn’t anything new.
As far as being worse. Didn’t you declare that a long time ago? So Bush being even worse that that is supposed to actually mean something?
Get over yourselves and elect someone into the White House for a change.
Hint: If you didn’t field so many clowns you’d probably already have the White House.
So far, I see more of the same: Mr. 146 hours of experience vs Mrs. failed healthcare.
#37: It’s funny that dems don’t take responsibility for their own low approval rating. They are so reflexively blaming everything on Bush that now they have given to blaming him for things that THEY do. SO even when the democrat congress has an 18% approval rating compared to the president’s 29% rating, that’s now W’s fault. Really? Somehow the republican congress under Bill Clinton managed to have much higher approval ratings than THIS congress now has.
Because in America, the term has come to represent something very different from what it means in much of the rest of the world. In Europe and Australia, the term ‘liberal’ refers more to laissez-faire economics and social policy. Here, people who support laissez-faire economics tend NOT to support laissez-faire social policy.
Here we had everyone from O’Reilly to Hannity to Limbaugh to Coulter railing against ‘liberals’, but what they mainly railed against was libertarianism and individual freedom. In that way, the term liberal came to apply to principled conservatives as much as it applied to Democrats, even though it was meant to apply to Democrats. Why on earth would any Democrat subscribe to a term that doesn’t really fit their overall political outlook and is also meant to be derogatory? That makes no sense.
It’s funny that dems don’t take responsibility for their own low approval rating. They are so reflexively blaming everything on Bush that now they have given to blaming him for things that THEY do. SO even when the democrat congress has an 18% approval rating compared to the president’s 29% rating, that’s now W’s fault.
Absolutely not. When 70% of the country hates the President and his policies, but Congress doesn’t do anything about that, then that Congress will have low approval ratings. I doubt anyone here approves of the performance of Congress. We’re not part of the 18% who approve. Are you really that stupid that you can’t figure that out?
Somehow the republican congress under Bill Clinton managed to have much higher approval ratings than THIS congress now has.
At the time. But all of those people are now being voted out by an American public that has significantly wised up since then about the reality of what the Republicans stand for.
Speaking of taking away choice and freedoms…did you know if caught playing online poker in this state you can be charged with a Class C Felony??? That is the equivilent of 5 DUI’s!!!! And this was passed by our very own legislators!!!
Exactly. This is why anybody here who thinks that the Democrats are flawless on issues of liberty and freedom really needs to think twice.
Piper avers: “But the core values of liberty and freedom that once were at the heart of the GOP….”
That is fatuous BS, Piper, suitable only for the rubber chicken circuit. The core values of the GOP have always been extreme nationalism, a penchant to appropriate the public domain for private gain, and a smug self-satisfied social darwinism overlaid with a thin veneer of free market pixie dust. Lincoln and T.R. were the exceptions, George W. Bush is its avatar.
Those are your party’s “core values”.
What’s the difference between a regulation and a law?
If someone violates a regulation, are there any consequences such as a fine or incarceration?
Pooper how do you reconcile republican Gov. Ahhhhnold? Pro-choice, pro-school, pro-environmental?
You have an ideology – you don’t have any facts. There’s a difference.
Exactly. This is why anybody here who thinks that the Democrats are flawless on issues of liberty and freedom really needs to think twice.
As a general rule, that is exactly twice as many times as republicans consider liberty and freedom.
As for Hannah, I sympathize. I guess robbing the state of tax revenue is a serious offense (snark).
Our idealistic state legislators are hell bent on piggybacking a socially progressive agenda (a good thing) on the top of a regressive and rotten tax structure. In the long run this won’t work.
@62 – Proud
So you say “I guess robbing the state of tax revenue is a serious offense (snark).”
So instead of taxing the online poker players, they make it a felony to play online? How much tax do we get from the tribal casinos? (Don’t answer that, we all already know)
Seems ridiculous our state legs can waste time creating a law that punishes people sitting in their home playing a poker game, not hurting anyone, more than a drunk driver! No priorities there obviously!
“How could the Chimp be unpopular?”
Another liberal progressive racist in the tradition of Roger “Chimp Face” Rabbit, slingshot gives anti-simian bigots a bad name. With so many good ways of showing how bad your candidate is, must you demean yourself by drawing attention to skin-deep characteristics? You affirm our fear that the Democrat Party has been hijacked again by the unreconstructed red-neck Klan.
Roger “Chimp Face” Rabbit does have redeeming social value: he points the way to an exit strategy you desperately need. How do you get Clueless Clinton out of the way? To use Rabbit’s word, “rapture” the bad bitch to Methodist Heaven. Problem solved.
Make than 143 DAYS
@64: Hannah. Perhaps I did not make myself clear. The Legislature is trying to collect a tax or herd players into casinos where the tax can be collected. This is a serious issue as the legislature tries to (1.) protect existing state sanctioned gambling (a franchise); and (2.) Protect a revenue source.
However, it is an effort that I do not condone by any means, because I believe it rather silly and misguided. In regards to the rather bizarre level of punishment here, I agree with you.
State tax reform is the answer. That means a progressive income tax.
Once again I ran Pooper off this thread. All you have to do to defeat a republican is cite facts. As soon as they take their head out of their ass, they see they’re fucked and they cut and run.