Wow…tons of news from the MA in the past 12 hours. I don’t usually do posts on news items, but this is a pretty extraordinary circumstance. I’m going to do a bit of live blogging in the short time I have available.
Please keep this comment thread on-topic of the bombing and the manhunt.
9:18: I frequently learn of breaking news quite quickly. For the Boston marathon bombings, I am among the 10% who heard the news 6 or more hours after it happened.
9:20: KUOW 94.9 FM has ongoing coverage. CNN has a livestream…but, you know, be careful what you believe (e.g.).
9:31: And for a political connection, we get some idiotic tweets from Ann Coultergeist.
9:34: Excellent current summary from Mother Jones.
9:41: I couldn’t embed the video mentioned by MikeBoyScout, but here, from another source, is the uncle of the suspects:
9:43: CNN reports that both suspects are naturalized U.S. citizens, as of September of last year.
9:46: Via SJ in the comment thread (and my correction to the link)…inside news on the location of the suspect.
10:30: I’ve heard it mentioned several times on CNN that Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the 26 year-old suspect, was killed when he was run over by his younger brother. If true (and I’ve seen this reported elsewhere), it add another bizarre twist to this bizarre-iferous set of events. But I also have to wonder if this is psyops rather than truth. I mean, could this be a ruse designed to dispirit 19 year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev?
11:12: The Family Research Council has figured out why tragedies like this occur (or, at least, what “compound[s] the problem”: “abortion, family breakdown, sexual liberalism, or religious hostility!” Oh,Gay Marriage, what Doom hast Thou wrought?
11:42: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev graduated from “Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, a public high school in Cambridge.” Holy shit…I think that is the same high school that HA comment thread personality (and typo-robot) SJ told me he graduated from! Now debating submitting an FBI tip….
4:56 pm: The suspect is, apparently, surrounded in a boat in someone’s backyard. This thing is likely to come to an end soon. Here is a live feed.
5:23 pm: Hmmm…it looks like Glenn Beck is working hard to become the King of the Boston Trufers: “They have until Monday and then The Blaze will expose it.” “It” being the involvement of a “Saudi national” You Go Glenn!
5:44 pm: On-site news reports are the suspect is in custody. An ambulance has arrived, presumably for the suspect.
This surreal week started in Boston, and now seems to be ending in Boston in a surreal way as well.
MSNBC has video of a press mobbing of the suspects’ uncle. Worth watching as a counter balance to the anti-Muslim anti-Chechen BS you’ve heard.
Take a look at THE Ave.US
It turns out that I have an inside source in Boston’s Security forces.
Photo of Sean Collier, 26, the MIT security officer who was shot dead last night-
From over at Slate
Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Dead Bombing Suspect: “I Don’t Have a Single American Friend”
Seems like a completely lost individual. Not only has he allegedly murdered and maimed innocents, he took his own brother down with himself.
BuzzFeed has a good internet scour
What We Know About Boston Marathon Bomb Suspects Dzhokhar And Tamerlan Tsarnaev
Alleged Twitter account of Dzhokhar Tsarnev
The first one is truly strange. Puddy agrees the others are idiotic. CNN best coverage? Wasn’t CNN who claimed they caught and arrested the suspect? Wasn’t CNN who claimed one was a dark-skinned” male?
16 Eerie Images Of Boston On Lockdown
As a tourist who has always enjoyed visiting Boston for business or pleasure, just wow.
And it ain’t a ‘lockdown’ it is Shelter In Place, and everybody is cooperating.
Deleted – decided it wasn’t sufficiently on-topic.
@10 Kap’n Kornflake – Serial RENEGER,
I did not see an accompanying link for your accusation of Liberal Scientist being part of the “hope-they’re-white crowd”. You got one?
Or maybe you’re just posting lies again?
OBTW, you don’t get more Caucasian than central Russian ethnicity.
Republican politicians, always surprisingly stoopid!
@ 12
OBTW, you don’t get more Caucasian than central Russian ethnicity.
Something for everybody, MBS.
Which is why on the 4/18 thread I said that this is how you’d spin it. You’re nothing if not predictable, MBS.
@13 Kap’n Kornflake – Serial RENEGER,
I have not spun anything, but if you would like my “spin” here it is:
It has never been about where we are from, the color of our skin or the religion we practice.
It has been and shall always be about the humanity we bring.
Suspect Picked Up Car From Mechanic Day After Bombing
My money is on she was thinking she was snarky and clever. “heehee, CNN reported something that turned out wrong the other day…my network doesn’t get things wrong.”
@ 14
It has never been about where we are from,
Unless from eastern WA or a southern red state…
the color of our skin
Unless a (implicitly privileged) white person, as Lib Sci has previously written, or a black politician espousing conservative principles, also brought up by Lib Sci as ‘minstrel show’ behavior…
or the religion we practice.
Unless it’s one of those religions to which rural white people cling bitterly.
MBS, it would be nice if it were true.
RE @12 above, Arkansas State Rep. Nate Bell (R) decided he was definitely in the running for STOOPIDEST Republican Comment of the Week and is looking to lock that down by Tweeting an apology:
I would like to apologize to the people of Boston & Massachusetts for the poor timing of my tweet earlier this
The response can only be summarized as
“Poor timing”? You need to apologize for WHAT YOU SAID, @NateBell4AR, not WHEN YOU SAID IT.
Speaking of CNN quality and the consequences thereof:
Pete Williams and the threat to CNN
Chuck Todd also trying to avoid bonehead statements (and I don’t mean he’s avoiding Chris Matthews in the hallway):
MSNBC comes perilously close to Brian Ross-level blunder
I saw the Republicans are using the immigrant status of the bombers to slow down immigration reform.
I thought that conservatives didn’t approve of the idea of exploiting a tragedy for political gain?
Ohhhhh,….. They don’t approve of those on the left using tragedies to push new legislation. It’s OK if you are a republican.
Remembered 9/11, Republican didn’t miss any opportunities for political exploitation there, did they?
@10 Cheapshot Bob is so far off topic he deletes himself!
Yep, the cycle of reaction and violence will continue until we stop it. We CAN stop it.
20)That always seems to be a lot of that goinng around.
It’s fun to watch Wingnuttia tromping on their collective dicks about ILLEGAL VOTING this morning!
Obviously, we need laws to prevent bomb-throwing Chechen terrorists from ILLEGALLY VOTING via the ruse of obtaining naturalized citizenship.
Looks like the Freepers are blaming the “Obama administration” for not deporting the older, non-citizen, bomber after he was convicted of domestic assault in 2009.
Yep, that’s right folks, it seems DHS should comb through the court records of every courthouse in the country looking for people with foreign-sounding names who have slapped around their girlfriends, etc.
And, of course, deport them all in the interest of national security. Who knows, one of ’em might turn into a terrorist years later.
Many a crime career has been launched by a seemingly minor offense. For all we know, Bonnie and Clyde’s rampage started with a parking ticket.
The uncle says his brother’s family came to the U.S. under asylum in 2003. If true, the Bush administration let them in.
Well, we’re reaping the seeds that we’ve planted over decades of imterfering and meddling in Islamic countries’ affairs. All we manage to do with our interference is build a never-ending supply of terrorists.
@ 20
I saw the Republicans are using the immigrant status of the bombers to slow down immigration reform.
If by ‘slow down’ you mean hold more than two hearings before introducing a major immigration reform bill for vote, then, yes,
Yes, we are doing that.
Given the debacle of the ACA implementation after it was rammed through Congress, the GOP has no interest in seeing the same thing happen with immigration.
It took arm-twisting to get Leahy to offer two hearings rather than the one he had scheduled.
This might make him waste a whole third afternoon.
What, you don’t think the life of an eight year old boy and a MIT police officer is worth some extra effort?
(Did I do that children and first-responder plea thing right? It’s not usually a right-wing ploy, so I don’t have much experience using them as pawns.)
According to WCVB-TV (Boston), authorities now say the Tsarnaev brothers weren’t involved in the 7-Eleven robbery that triggered last night’s events.
@28 Well, Bob, if ACA is the template GOPers use for immigration reform, the hearings will sound like this:
They just happened to be in the neighborhood??
@27 That seems like a pretty random series of dots to connect to suspects who’ve lived in the U.S. since they were kids.
@31 Their family resided in the neighborhood, and at least one of them had an apartment in the neighborhood; so no, they didn’t just “happen” to be in the neighborhood.
From 32,
It’s a pretty big area to consider, from Morocco all the way east and south to China, Russia, Indonesia, the Philipines and other Islamic coutries and ares.
They’re after revenge. It’s irrational, but that’s what it’s all about.
They lived in the neighborhood and managed, as people on the lam, to get involved in a hold-up of a 7-11 being conducted by a third (presumably) party?
Either these guys are the most unlucky terrorists out there or they’re dumb as a box of rocks!
I suspect this manhunt will end in the suicide of the person involved. I don’t think he’ll get taken alive.
@ 32
@27 That seems like a pretty random series of dots to connect to suspects who’ve lived in the U.S. since they were kids.
And yet, RR, you seem to insinuate that George W. Bush’s administration @ 26 should have known that those kids would turn out bad.
@ 26
Hey, RR, which should have aroused greater suspicion:
Two adolescent boys coming into the US as shell-shocked refugees from a war-ravaged part of the world?? ’cause that sounds pretty suspicious and GWB43 should have jumped on it, right?
Or an adult with a Chechen name and a known history of domestic violence, returning to the US after hanging out in Russia awhile?
Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev traveled to Russia last year and returned to the U.S. six months later, government officials told The Associated Press.
Naw, nothing there to arouse suspicions in the Obama administration, is there?
Yes, RR. You are being mocked.
@34 “They’re after revenge. It’s irrational, but that’s what it’s all about.”
Did they tell you that?
@35 The local TV station is saying they weren’t involved in the 7-Eleven holdup.
@38 “Yes, RR. You are being mocked.”
Considering the source, I couldn’t be more pleased! =:-D<
@38 So tell me, Bob, how do immigration authorities determine whether kids coming from another country are “shell-shocked”? Do these kids have a glassy look in their eyes? A thousand-yard stare?
Also, does exposure to war and upheaval in their homeland disqualify asylum seekers from admittance? Is that a pretty common reason for immigrants to seek asylum in the U.S.?
And since when is an 8 or 9 year old boy considered an “adolescent”? His older brother was, but I wouldn’t call the 19-year-old who, according to his father, was brought here in 2002 when he was 8 years old and “adolescent” as of that time.
@ 42
So tell me, Bob, how do immigration authorities determine whether kids coming from another country are “shell-shocked”? Do these kids have a glassy look in their eyes? A thousand-yard stare?
Well, apparently you blame the Bush administration for not strip-searching them with cavity examinations in the middle of Customs.
Maybe that’s why TSA spends so much time scanning babies and toddlers. Never know when those little shits might be packing C-4.
As to my use of the term ‘adolescent to describe someone who might have been 9 years old:
Many researchers and developmental specialists in the U.S. use the age span 10 – 24 years as a working definition of adolescence.
Sebelius says I was off by a year. Sue me.
That glassy-eyed look? It’s what I get after exchanging with an idiot like yourself, RR.
40) looks like the convenience store robbery got swept up in the moment. Everybody trying to scoop each other.
Well, we can surmise that Tamerlan had a bad influence on his younger brother Dzokhar, maybe in somewhat the same way John Mohammed was a bad role model for Boyd Malvo.
Perhaps immigration officials can be forgiven for not spotting Dzokhar as a potential terrorist when he came here with his family in 2002, as he was only 8 years old at the time, and terrorist tendencies are hard to spot in kids of that age. I’m not saying they’re not there, but it just doesn’t show up as readily in juveniles as it does in adolescents and adults.
But certainly, when Tamerlan pranced through airport security back in 2002, TSA guards should have spotted his glassy-eyed look. He was 15 then, and that’s plenty old enough for glassy eyes and a thousand-yard stare to be a dead giveaway that the seeds of terrorism were growing malevolently inside this kid. By then, TSA workers had several weeks of experience at screening airline passengers, so they should’ve been able to spot this kid.
But, Tamerlan having somehow slipped through the TSA security net, arguably due to negligent supervision of TSA by the Bush administration, he should have been deported after he was convicted of slapping around his girlfriend. This behavior clearly marked him as a typical Muslim woman-hater. It’s inexplicable why the newly elected president, Obama, let himself get distracted by a looming Great Depression and wasn’t on top of this.
Even worse, after this obvious terrorist left the U.S. to visit Russia, he was let back in upon his return! It’s inexcusable that nobody in TSA or ICE saw “terrorist training camp” stamped in his passport to account for what he did while in Russia.
But the worst failure of all was the obvious clue right in front of everyone’s eyes that this guy was a killer. His name! The clue is his name! Add an “e” to “Tamerlan” and you get “Tamerlane.” The “e” probably got dropped in the transliteration from Cyrillic to English. In other words, his parents named their little terrorist after Tamerlane, one of the most brutal mass killers of all time, obviously out of admiration for the Mongol chieftain who ravaged the steppes of Central Asia seven centuries ago. Hell, considering where the family came from, he could even be a direct descendant! It was right there in front of us the whole time.
Yes, Bob. You are being mocked.
@43 “That glassy-eyed look? It’s what I get after exchanging with an idiot like yourself, RR.”
I just reported you to Homeland Security. I felt it was my duty.
Really. We all gotta be on the lookout for these glassy-eyed maniacs. Innocent lives are depending on us.
@ 45
It’s inexplicable why the newly elected president, Obama, let himself get distracted by a looming Great Depression and wasn’t on top of this.
I’d do a Top Ten Reasons why he wasn’t more vigilant but I’m working so no time, really.
10) He was working on his NCAA bracket picks.
9) Picking up the Nobel took awhile.
8) Flying out to wherever the IOC committee was meeting to plead for Chicago to be the 2016 pick took some time.
7) He got drunk at the beer summit – there’s that Boston connection again.
6) Golf with the old high-school buddy who patronizes hookers.
5) Martha’s Vineyard – pick your year.
4) He was at Sears choosing mom jeans before throwing out the first pitch at the All-Star game.
3) Choom Gang reunion – he got smoked out and was ill for weeks.
2) He was casting the tiebreaking vote to keep Chrysler from going under after no one else in the room was willing to let Biden vote.
1) Since he beats Michelle, he didn’t view the guy’s crime as domestic violence.
OK, so I’m on a break.
@ 46
I just reported you to Homeland Security. I felt it was my duty.
I take back 30% of everything I’ve ever said about you. That was truly funny, Roger.
@48 “I’m working so no time, really.”
4/18 open thread: 160, 163, 165, 166, 172, 173, 174, 176, 178, 181, 188, 189, 194, 197, 200, 206
This thread: 10, 13, 17, 19, 28, 37, 38, 43
Well, I’m not working, I’ve been sitting here on my fat rabbit ass watching my stocks go up. Not even adolescent Chechen terrorists can keep good stocks down.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
A clearer picture of last night’s events is emerging from NBC’s reporting.
After the FBI published photos of the suspects yesterday afternoon, the bombers panicked and tried to flee from the city.
It’s not clear why they killed the MIT officer, but the reason for the carjacking is obvious: It provided them with a getaway vehicle and cash. (They took the driver to three ATM locations and used his ATM card to withdraw $800.)
The fact they were trying to make a getaway also explains why they were so heavily armed and engaged in a shootout with the police when cornered: They expected to be pursued.
Where the survivor is now, is anyone’s guess, but he’s had enough time to possibly get out of Boston, and it seems logical that’s what he’ll try to do. If he didn’t make it through the dragnet, he probably crawled into a hole somewhere. In that case, if I were him (disclaimer: I’m not him), I’d head for the waterfront in hopes of stowing away on a ship. If he can get out of the U.S. and make it to South America or a country like Pakistan, Afghanistan, or Chechnya, nobody will ever find him.
Looks like the shelter in place order request is lifted. The MBTA will resume shortly.
@52 Yeah, Bama definitely shoulda spotted those glassy-eyed Chechnyan kids as a future security threat, putz. Sheesh, what a putz.
@54 With everyone in Boston looking for this guy, it isn’t likely he’ll ride on MBTA, if he’s still around. I’m sure they’ll have tons of security. I’d look for him at the docks, see #53.
56) I was thinking about the effort to get it back up and running, although they got experience, with SANDY. Although the MBTA Commuter trains run all day, those will resume tomorrow. I am sure some of the crews on the early trains, used their hours of service.
He could hide out in Boston for a long time, but he wouldn’t have much of a life there. He’ll try to make it to a foreign country where he can breathe free with minimal chance of being found. His best odds of making it through the police perimeter are in the first 24 hours. There are 7 possible ways for him to get out of Boston: Walk, hitchhike, ride, drive, rail, plane, or ship. Let’s examine each of these.
1) Walk — Not a bad way to move through a city if you can blend in, but unworkable in an urban environment when your picture is being broadcast everywhere and thousands of cops are looking for you. In the countryside, it’s slow and exhausting, and only works for relatively short distances, unless you’re adept at living off the land. You’d have to travel cross-country because you can’t risk being spotted on the roads, but that’s difficult and carries high risk of being confronted by a landowner. Highly unlikely he’s traveling this way.
2) Hitchhiking — No, too much risk of being recognized and reported by any motorist who sees him hitchhiking or gives him a lift.
3) Ride — Some relative or friend could drive him out of the city to some destination. But that requires him to trust the relative or friend, and he may not feel sure he can. This also exposes the relative or friend to prosecution for rendering assistance.
4) Drive — The advantage of driving himself out of the city and across country is he can travel alone and no one else will know where he is or where he’s going. But getting stopped by a cop for a minor traffic infraction would be curtains, and he’d run the risk of being recognized by other travelers, plus he has the problem of getting a car that police won’t be looking for. So it’s unlikely he’s traveling by car.
5), 6) Rail, plane — Security everywhere, not feasible. Which leaves us …
7) Ship — He doesn’t even have to get out of Boston. He doesn’t have to travel cross-country at the risk of being spotted. If he can make his way to the waterfront and get aboard a freighter, he can be out of the country within hours or a day or two, and make it to a foreign country within a few days, before an international manhunt can get into action. He might even find a cooperative foreign crew. Stowing away without getting caught by the crew would be harder, but probably easier than most or all of his other escape options.
8) No plan — On the other hand, it’s possible these guys didn’t have an escape plan, in which case the fugitive likely is fucked. He may succeed in hiding out for a few days, but he’ll eventually have to surface, if for no other reason than he’ll need food and eventually money. When he does, high probability of being spotted and apprehended. In this case, his best chance is to improvise an escape plan, and I think his best bet is to head for the wharves.
So, if I were the cops, I’d have officers lined up elbow to elbow on Boston’s waterfront, checking IDs of everyone entering cargo handling areas or approaching a dock or ship.
Looks like they are on the trail again in Watertown, no details yet.
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Breaking News: Body found in boat in backyard in Watertown (Source: WCVB-TV)
Apparently there was a shootout at the scene where the backyard boat is.
The live stream of the current events is here:
CBS News ✔ @CBSNews
FBI now acknowledges they interviewed Tsarnaev 2 years ago at the request of a foreign country about possible extremist ties
Hey, RR:
Wouldn’t that be the Obama administration’s FBI @ 26?
A person was found hiding in a boat in a Watertown backyard, there was a flurry of gunfire, and now several SWAT teams are moving into position to approach the boat.
@65 Shut up, I’m busy, they may have just killed Suspect 2.
Apparently someone spotted blood on the boat and that’s what exposed his hiding place. The location is within “running” distance of last night’s shootout. The TV station is talking about “a body in a boat” and there’s no shooting at this point.
Well, it looks like this part of the story is over. Now, are there any others involved still at-large? There must be some supporting players in this story.
Too bad they couldn’t take both of them alive, so they have a chance to find out whether he has other ties. But given last night’s shootout, I’m sure the police were taking no chances.
69, 70 — Nothing’s confirmed yet.
WCVB-TV now reports the person in the boat is the suspect and “he is moving.” So they’ve got him alive, if this report is accurate.
More shots fired about 10 minutes ago. The state police helicopter has left.
The suspect is still alive Roger.
@74 I don’t think anyone knows that for sure. I’m watching the live feed from WCVB-TV of Boston, which has camera crews on the scene. Police are taking their time to approach the boat where the suspect is believed to be.
Well he became a US citizen so in this case Puddy sez he has to be mirandized!
Well Puddy watching Fox News Feed, WFXT-25 and they are saying he’s still alive.
Older brother went to Russia Jan 2012-July 2012. Did he mozy down to Chechnya?
Hmmm… we’ll see. Butt we’ll no he’s not gonna be waterboarded!
Fox reporting Police have the suspect in custody! Best news source in the country! Cheering!
They’re now saying Suspect 2 is in custody and an ambulance is moving in.
People are cheering and law enforcement officers are shaking hands.
@80 Horseshit. WCVB-TV is the best source, because they’re on the scene.
Caucasian Al-Qaeda types.
Will he get the death penalty or will Holder/Obummer ask for life in prison?
@76 I’m surprised, puddy. I expected you to waterboard him.
So was Fox-25 Roger. That’s why Puddy posted more than a minute faster than you!
Good day!
Over on the earlier thread, cheapshotBob, DotWAM, linked to a pajamas media site with the following headline:
cheapshot was using this as a cudgel to advance both fake-voter-fraud and terrorists-love-gun-control, both right wing tropes.
The headline in question now reads:
Think cheapshotBob will man up and own the bullshit he was spewing for the bullshit it was?
Nope, me neither.
I noticed it was 2 ambulances, probably for security reasons.
As for unpopular court cases in Boston, interesting one about the Boston Massacre, their lawyer’s name is on the courthouse where the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court meets, although this case will go Federal.
It demonstrates they can come here, become American citizens and they still hate America!
@ 89
So are you, and so DO you.
@89 So what? A lot of Republicans are born here, are American citizens, and hate America or at least 47% of it.
Well, the lessons for future terrorists are:
1. Always wear a good disguise when going out to plant the bomb – facial recognition software has really come a long way!
2. Always plan the escape before planning on who, where and when to attack.
The lesson for the US government is to stop meddling in Islamic countries’ affairs. Also, it’s time to withdraw all US troops from the Middle East.
From 85,
I was watching some ex-CIA guy saying that the suspect should be taken to one of those super-secret foreign locations for ” a little chat.” Well, that probably is going to mean torture, courtesy of the CIA.
Torturing is NOT our way, and engaging in it will come back to haunt us!
I was up at 0400, as is my usual time. Got onto a news aggregator that is one of my primary sources for my morning coffee-and-fuck-off time. There was a link in one of the comments to the Boston PD scanner/radio traffic. So I listened to that for a few hours until I left for school. I listened to much of the manhunt live as it was happening.
The older brother was wearing a suicide vest and carrying a dead mans switch. When the cops finally shot his ass, after he and his brother had thrown several grenades at them and shot one of the cops dead, the younger brother got back in the stolen truck they had jacked earlier from some poor woman and took off. He ran over his brothers body, and sped down the street. The older brother was still moving after that so the cops moved in and handcuffed him. That is when the vest was discovered, and the cops backed off several hundred feet until they could get remote controlled robots to come in and try to get the bomb off his body. That failed, and they had to detonate the bomb in place.
Ugly. Thats just fuckin UGLY.
Someone had found a note pinned to a bus stop bulletin board, apparently from the younger brother, swearing that he would never be taken alive. The cops spotted the man on foot on Arsenal Street and tracked him to his neighborhood in East Watertown about 6 blocks north where his Aunt or Moms house, unclear to me which, was located. That was the house they eventually blew up this afternoon. The note was reported by someone living less than two blocks away from that house, and had been found up on a bus stop bulletin board on Mt. Auburn Street, several blocks north of that house.
They had the area cordoned off and were searching house to house, including inside homes, every house in the area. There was some apparent chatter about the contents of the note, and it may have implied that the younger brother had gone around his neighborhood planting bombs in peoples basements. Several people in the neighborhood at various times were reporting unknown persons in their yards in the bushes, or getting into their basements.
The cops kept running out of batteries for their radios and a lot of the radio traffic was about resupply for stuff like batteries, water and shit like sandwiches and coffee. The graveyard and midnight shifts were not pulled off the streets until they were over 18 hours on duty, and several cops were reporting being over 20 hours.
Thats a rough fuckin days work.
More of your standard daily bomb throwing! So sad!
Thank you for saying that.
Did ya hear Shep Smith from Fox News ask about the Miranda warning? No, you were listening to lesser news channels?
Yay! No warning! It is a Public Safety Exception… Special interrogation begins!
From 96,
Yes, I don’t approve of torture. We can learn more by engaging in relaxed conversation with people of interest, just like we learned so much from Rudolph Hess by sending in a German-speaking US soldier to play chess with Herr Hess. The conversation yielded much, and no torture was used!
You sound giddy at the prospect of torture. Make no mistake this individual is evil and should be punished to the fullest extent. That said, they’ve had his apartment with some others inside. Special interrogation for its own sake is nothing to cheer.
@ 99 to puddles
Isn’t this the same guy who earlier claimed his sons were “innocent and framed”?
@100 “Spayed”
The village idiot gleefully clapping and sputtering about the prospect of an individual human being tortured, and our collective civil rights being trampled.
Tell me, piddl, what would your Jesus say about your glee over the torture of one of His children?
Piddl, do you accept that Dzokhar Tsarnaev is a child of God?
@95 What’s with your fixation on “bombs”?
I notice piddl @101, and cheapshotBob on the other thread, making snide comments about the father of the Tsarnaev brothers.
There is no data to suggest that Tsarnaev the father has done anything wrong. We do see a terrified and grief stricken father.
What kind of monsters pick on a man in his position? Is this a Christian thing to do? (I don’t know, I’m an atheist, but I’m trying to understand Christians like piddl.)
Oh no, it seems Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was an Obummer supporter. Seems the Timothy David Sirota McVeigh 2.0 white man narrative took another hit!
Meh, whatever. Goofiness all around.
And only you da dipshit who has proffered that horse manure! Twist something said into something never thought of! jackASS! The father said the sons were framed earlier!
The poor guy who was shown in that horrible picture being wheel chaired away missing his legs ID’d the younger son in the hospital for the FBI!
No wonder Lib da Schmucko is a moron. If it’s not on Daily Kooks Lib da schmucko hasn’t seen it!
Seems the older brother was married with a 3 year old daughter.
This is a crime?
Or is this the plaintive cries of an anguished father – someone who had been beaten by the KGB and came to the USA as a refugee – whose sons had done something heinous and unexpected?
And this has exactly what to do with what you’ve said about the father?
What sort of monstrous imbecile are you?
Piddl, my questions stand….
Were the Tsarnaev brothers children of God?
Would Jesus look happily on your gleeful celebration of coming torture?
Please answer, I’m dying to know.
Wrong again. Terrorists acts in the USA far more commonly perpetrated by white males, hands down.
The white male redneck Republicans of the country, particularly the racist and/or violent ones, thank you for your unwavering support, however.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
@107 Oh nos! Bama palling with terrorists again! It takes one to be voted for by one!*
* Actually, if you ask me, piddl’s evidence is damned thin.
Person playing Puddybud,
“The father said the sons were framed earlier!”
So? That’s not illegal, immoral or unexpected. Given that he likely has much less access to public and social media than most of us do, he probably really believes his sons are innocent. (And, legally, his sons ARE innocent until proven guilty.)
I suspect YOUR father would probably deny that HIS son has posted the ungodly, misanthropic crap that you post in these comment threads.
And confronted with evidence, he would probably weep as denial gave way to truth.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy
Nope. He’d be proud Puddy standing up against leftists! Daddy always said stand for something. He was a Pinkerton!
For contending, correctly, that while males commit most of the terroristic violence in this country?
Why are you apologizing for violent white men?
While there undoubtedly will be widespread public demands to execute this cretin, a far worse punishment would be making him spend the next 60 to 75 years living in a concrete box at Florence with nothing to do all day except tap messages in morse code on the wall to Ted Kaczynski next door. And then one day Ted will die of old age, and won’t tap anymore.
@120 Maybe he’s jealous?
Your hero Lib da schmucko!
Nuff SAID Sucka!
Hardly! Koro disease!
According to piddl, Sirota is a ‘race baiter’ for pointing out that white males are the most violent demographic in our society.
cheapshotBob accuses me of racism and using skin color as a weapon for pointing out that our society is deeply racist and that while males are a particularly privileged demographic.
Two masterpieces of right-wing victimhood and upside-downism, and cynical, cynical disingenuousness.
Here’s David Sirota’s article:
What, exactly, is “race-baiting” about these remarks?
Newsflash to puddles- your posts are becoming incomprehensible.
Is this a new standard being applied? If it’s old, it’s certainly never been enforced. He’s been posting unintelligible gibberish for years.
Don Joe @ 126,
You literally said what I was going to say to our resident loony play actor.
Regarding Sirota’s statement: How ironic that the suspected bombers turn out to be White, American AND (at least one of them) Muslim!
Nothing, of course.
It’s a piddl (and cheapshotBob) tactic of throwing out lurid accusations as a way of muddying the waters before they slither away.
Did Sens Graham or McCain ever suggest that the Obama Administration should treat Kevin William Harpham as an enemy combatant?
Liberal Scientist @ 128,
It isn’t enforced in open threads. But this isn’t an open thread.
In a topical thread, comments that appear to have no bearing on the topic are susceptible to deletion.
From 121,
Florence or maybe Pelican Bay or Marion.
Lib da schmucko, Sirota is a race baiter! He was hoping and praying the Boston bombers were white Americans, probably more in line with Timothy McVeigh! Well only one was by naturalization. But both were Muslim. That’s been proven now this evening on main stream sites. Sirota is another reason we who think right know you leftists are NUTZ!
Let’s see if Darryl allows it?
Here are more of Sirota’s race baiting comments just from the last seven months
1) The effectiveness of Mitt “Romneycare” Romney’s attack on Obamacare reflects the power of bigotry in America in 2012:
2) Notice the stunning study showing that even the politics of health care is defined by rank bigotry:
3) Why is Obama called a Marxist but Biden never is? Because it’s the new n-word:
4) Five definitive signs that in 2012 racism & White Privilege dominates American politics & political news coverage:
5) Ask yourself: If Obama’s teen daughter was pregnant, would the Christian Coalition call it a “private” matter?
6) Ask yourself: Would a white politician would be criticized for saying this about Trayvon Martin? Hmm…
7) That’s White Privilege talking. Whites think that addressing the problem is somehow “perpetuating” it. They want to ignore it.
Just what did Puddy really say vs. what you THOUGHT Puddy said?
Where did Puddy say torture Lib da Schmucko?
You prove my points, over and over, piddl.
Sirota is pointing out the problems with the enduring racism in our culture. He’s advocating for a better society.
You have aligned yourself with the new White Peoples Party, and are clearly uncomfortable with anyone, but perhaps most painfully by a ‘race traitor’ like Sirota, pointing out that while male privilege is a malignant force in our society.
You are a sad, pathetic, twisted little monster.
You said it here, @97
or are you going to spin ‘special interrogation’ as something other than physical coercion, ie torture, that you were gleefully applauding?
Reddit now says it wants to help find the missing Brown University student who some on their site said was one of the suspects. I guess it is the least they can do.
@ 138
“Sirota is pointing out the problems with the enduring racism in our culture.”
Apparently you haven’t gotten the memo, ‘cuz there are no racists in America any more, and, if there are, they certainly aren’t Republicans.
Puddy’s completely clueless. The extent of cluelessness is amazing. Liberals don’t try to pretend that racism doesn’t exist. Indeed, most liberals will readily admit that liberals can be just as racist as anyone else. The difference between liberals and conservatives is that liberals don’t try to sweep racism under the rug while indiscriminately throwing the label of “race baiting” at anyone who deigns to point out that racism is alive and kicking in America.
Seems piddl has slithered away…unwilling to own his shit…again.
Here on the remote reaches of the dry side, I’m reliably informed by friends of the eccentric paranoid survivalist element that the whole things is a government set-up to justify the billions spent by DHS on armored cars, guns, ammo and chemical agents. Both brothers were dupes but were supposed to die for the cause. Even more ominous, this was personally ordered by Obama, The Texas fertilizer plant explosion was also DHS handiwork.
Connect these dots….
cheapshotBob trots out his hero, a statistics dude and Intelligent Design proponent, Ross McKitrick, as a ‘debunker’ of consensus global warming, a few days ago on one of our threads. (The alleged ‘debunking’ wasn’t).
Ross McKitrick, said crackpot, is a signatory, along with a bunch of other crackpots of various flavor – bigots, young earth creationists, NRA apologists – to a document that says, among other things…
One of the other signatories to this insanity is Tony Perkins, infamous bigot and all-around evil dimwit.
The same Tony Perkins comes out today and says this, in speaking about both Newtown and the Boston bombings…
We are beset by morons and sociopaths.
Glen Beck gives the Government an ultimatum.
Or What Mr. Beck? You gonna do something, you lying, smarmy self serving little cheesedick? Why haven’t you been committed to an institution yet?
Why aren’t these guys being arrested for incitement to riot? Beck and Limbaugh and Jones, These guys are subversives and borderline terrorists.
143. Nobody can be that paranoid. Really?
Person playing Puddybud,
All you’ve shown is that you don’t understand Sirota’s point.
Sirota is playing chess, and you are playing
checkerstiddlywinkswith your flaccid penis dribbling piss all over your shoes.Oh…and next time you are tempted to write “Let’s see if Darryl allows it?” it is a sure sign that you need to TAKE IT TO AN OPEN THREAD, ya moron.
146) might be a few, the question is how many?
Answer in the Friday Night Comics Thread
Yeah, Mother Jones and using taped conversations.