Today Horsesass.Org is participating in a Washington United for Marriage and Daily Kos blog swarm to help support the marriage equality campaign in Washington State. HA is joined by bloggers from Bilerico Project, Pam’s House Blend, Good As You, AMERICABlog Gay,the Prop 8 Trial Tracker, the Seattle Lesbian, The Bent Angle, on the-Ave, MadProfessah, HRC, Hella Bus, Step Forward, LGBT POV, FrontiersLA, the Left Shue, Peace Tree Farm and more.
This has been an incredible week! On Tuesday a three judge panel from the Ninth Circuit Federal Court of Appeals ruled Proposition 8 unconstitutional. In the majority opinion, the court wrote,”Prop 8 served no purpose, and had no effect, other than to lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians in California.”
On Wednesday, the Washington State House passed a same-sex marriage bill, and now it the bill is headed to Governor Gregoire’s desk for her signature. She promised to sign the bill before Valentine’s Day!
Please click here to thank Governor Gregoire.
Governor Gregoire’s leadership was instrumental to the success of passing a marriage bill in Washington State. She not only supported the bill, but she introduced the bill. This is as much her legislation as it is our community’s legislation.
Please join us during this blog swarm to thank Governor Gregoire for her leadership and her friendship. There is little doubt our opponents will make their voices heard, but we know that together our voice for equality is so much stronger.
When our friends speak up for us, we need to speak up for our friends, so join us in thanking Governor Gregoire today!
Did you sign the thank you petition? Share it with your friends:
Sorry, but this is bullshit. Sen. Ed Murray introduced this bill each of the past seven years, and for that entire time the Dem. leadership and Gregoire sat on their hands, refusing to support it. It was only this year, when the number of votes needed was getting close enough to assure passage, that Gregoire got behind it.
It helped, sure, but Gregoire’s support was opportunistic in the extreme. That’s not “leadership.” A leader would have advocated for the bill before it was close to passage. She deserves thanks for her support, but the credit for making all those votes possible goes to Murray’s years of hard work and the steady support of activists from the GLBTQ community.
I partially agree. Gregoire, like Clinton and even Obama may will support civil rights for gay folks, but really only when there’s enough obvious public support to make it safe. And to be fair, they’re politicians. Rare is the politician who goes out in front of public opinion (or at least political opinion) and pushes for something just because it’s right. I’m sure in Obama’s 2nd term (not to spoil the surprise of the upcoming election) he’ll magically “evolve” and support gay marriage now that it has slightly over 50% support nationwide (depending on your poll). It’s like almost all politicians say their for reforming our silly non-functional drug laws…when they’re out of office. But while they’re in office, they toe the line. Sad but all too common.
If gays marry, they will lose their single tax-filing status and the Gummint will collect more taxes without raising taxes.
I would think that fiscal conservatives would be cheering this decision.
Thanks $author You share some great gay gay men, thanks for sharing all.