Sweet Jesus! You know the Wingnuts have huddled on the right-most precipice of crazy when Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has to step in as the voice of moderation:
Calling it “a bridge too far,” Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer on Monday vetoed the state legislature’s controversial “birther bill” and also rejected a bill that would have permitted guns on college campuses.
The bill to permit guns on college campuses wasn’t so much about moderation as it was about poor authorship:
The bill would have initially allowed guns to be brought into classrooms, but was revised to limit gun possession to sidewalks and roads on campuses.
Brewer told Fox News that while she is usually a supporter of pro-gun legislation, she vetoed the bill because it “was just very poorly and sloppily written and it just was not defined in the manner of which people could interpret it or could it be enforced.”
In smacking down Teh Birfers Brewer expressed some concern…
“I never imagined being presented with a bill that could require candidates for president of the greatest and most powerful nation on earth to submit their ‘early baptismal or circumcision certificates’ among other records to the Arizona secretary of state,” she said in the letter. “This is a bridge too far.”
Huh? So Arizona lawmakers wanted the presidency limited to folks who have undergone genital mutilation and practice a subset of religions that baptize infants?
For infidels who are neither circumscribed nor baptized as infants, perhaps an original invitation to the placenta feast would work?
Well…good on Jan, although she may have ulterior motives—I just guessin’ she does not have an official Certificate of Circumcision Circumcision Certificate.
Arizona Sen. John McCain, who really wasn’t born in the United States, applauds.
But Teh Crazy is being upheld by Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal:
Gov. Bobby Jindal would sign a bill requiring presidential candidates to provide a copy of their birth certificate to qualify for the Louisiana ballot if it reaches his desk, a spokesman said Monday.
A spokesman says Gov. Bobby Jindal will sign a bill to require presidential candidates to provide a birth certificate as proof of citizenship.
“It’s not part of our package, but if the Legislature passes it we’ll sign it,” press secretary Kyle Plotkin said.
(And if the birfer legislation is part of the package, one must wonder if the candidate’s package would be part of the legislation.)
And Indiana is considering joining the Birferati:
Indiana Senator Mike Delph is seeking a summer study committee review of whether Indiana should require Presidential candidates to prove they meet the constitutional requirements of age, residency and citizenship.
(And The Donald is just getting warmed up, while awaiting the results from his investigative teams in Hawaii and Kenya.)
So…maybe not such a bad day for Birfers. In fact, it is turning out to be a downright joyous day, since a new Public Policy Polling poll of Iowa Republicans found:
There is a significant birther presence in Iowa- 48% of Republican voters say they don’t think Barack Obama was born in the United States…
I hear placenta makes an excellent pizza topping.
I didn’t know that 48% of Republicans in Iowa are batshit crazy.
Learn something every day.
1 – Ever watch Steve King on CSPAN?
What a flippin’ loon!
My mom was born outside Auburn WA and doesn’t have a birth certificate. She, like lots of other Americans, was born at home on a farm. I’ve got a bunch of other (older) relatives that don’t have birth certificates because they weren’t born in hospitals.
Other people get adopted and their birth records get get lost along the way. Shit happens.
Hmm… I wonder if the fact that my SSI # matches someone 3 about years younger than me would freak the righties out. I was born at Tacoma General Hospital in ’68, but getting me set up with an SSI # was overlooked and no one ever asked for the number until I was 3. Back in the day, it wasn’t that big of a deal.
40% seems to be the “magic” number in polls. No one would advance a candidate/issue/idea if they didn’t think it could grab at least 40% support in a poll. I’m not saying everytime, but it comes up agan and again.
That being said, obviously no free-thinking person of average intelligence thinks anyone should have to submit a birth certificate / picture of his/her dingus, etc. in order to run for office.
Once the Celebrity Apprentice season finale is over, maybe we can go back to the tyranny of CFL light bulbs. Or if we should completely defund the Dept of Health & Human Services, the FAA, why not both? Anything to eradicate that $1.6T deficit in half a budget year, because it’s possible, right trolls? But DON’T TOUCH war spending, it’s just a DEM WET DREAM to live in a country that’s not CONSTANTLY BOMBING THE LIVING FUCK out of other countries. Rowdy Roddy Piper is coming and we have to pay him, or something.
And Bobby Jindal, JC Watts, whoever, deep down people of color who fellate the old-white-man power base must despise themselves and every other sad swarthy savage who came before them.
Cows placentas have nodules on them that look just like pepperoni.
Kindergarten teachers should be able to come to school strapped. Those little fuckers are out of control.
Fluoride in the water was a big issue in the sixties with conspiracy nuts. The reasoning went that communist agents, by using the same technology that put the fluoride in the water, could dose the water with LSD.
Even the upright would have no resistance to hippie blandishments concerning sex, drugs, and Rock ‘n’ Roll.
@6 How DARE you limit the rights of 6 year olds to pack Uzis to kindergarten? That’s Texas. That’s how they do things! What we need is everyone in that class to have a gun, to defend themselves. That would make it fair.
The republicans are in charge, now and forever. They read
18841984 and liked what they read. Get used to it.@8 Damn it. that was “1984”. Where’s my edit button when I need it. Ruins my whole rant.
I’m just trying to get the laws updated to reflect what’s going on in society. Since 6 year-olds are coming to kindergarten packin’ teachers should be able to protect themselves from those kids. Unless the teachers are union, of course.
I actually have my birth certificate, or at least the one my Mom put in my baby book which may be as real as Trump’s, but I never got an SSN until I needed a passport to go to Mexico when I was maybe 8.
It wasn’t an auto at birth thing I guess.
Oh yeah, that’s what we need!
The 6 year old drops a pistol out of his backpack that goes off so that gives the teacher, Miss Honey, the opportunity to reach her Glock and pump 17 rounds in the 6 year old to protect herself.
Yeah, that’s one way to assert authority in the classroom.
“Jimmy, sit down, or you are next. Now, wipe that 2nd hand blood off and keep reading your ABCs.”
I was joking about the kindergarten teachers needing to protect themselves.
@11 Same here. There is no social security number on an Iowa birth certificate. Those are TWO entirely separate documents.
This just in…Arizona to Iowa…F**K IOWA!
No one from Iowa could EVER run for President under the Birth Bill from Arizona. Like Hawaii (and most other states) there is no “long form” birth certificate.
I JUST last week got my birth certificate from Iowa (I lost mine years ago). Guess what wingnut crazy freaks…it looks like Obama’s! It’s one page, just has my name, parents name, hospital name/address, date/time of my birth and 2 or 3 state fields like registration number. NOTHING ELSE! There is no “long form”. If there’s some other magical medical form or hospital records, great, but that’s NOT my “birth certificate”. My birth certificate from Iowa, that I used years ago to get my passport, and I just got replaced last week, is ONE PAGE. That’s it. God the Republicans have lost their minds. Donald Trump is their front runner? When he “fake ran” in 2000 he was for UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE and wanted a TAX on millionaires to pay for Medicare. Wow…how he’s “grown” in the last…er…11 years. ROTFLMAO. INSANE!
Obama’s birth certificate from Hawaii looks just like mine from Iowa (different layout, same information). But according to the insane nutty anti-science anti-reality anti-fact Republicans, that is NOT my birth certificate, I’m ineligible for being President and must be a secret Kenyan. What a joke that party has become!
@13. Sorry, given the crazy of conservatives recently, I thought you were serious. Besides, it’s Texas.
@14. IMHO. This just proves how racist they are. They wouldn’t be enacting laws like this if mccain was in the white house cause he’s WHITE even though mccain was not born here. They are enacting laws like this in the desperate hope that it keeps another person of color from ever being prez.
@16 I just wonder why that hate Iowa and want to keep all Iowans from becoming President? Is Iowa infected by the secret Kenyan army?
“Huh? So Arizona lawmakers wanted the presidency limited to folks who have undergone genital mutilation and practice a subset of religions that baptize infants?”
Yeah, they don’t want any Jews in the Reichstag, er, I mean White House.
I remember wingers talking about changing the rules so that Arnold Schwarzenegger could run for President.
19: That was before Swartzenegger singed legislation allowing free vacinations to be available to undocumented alien children (germs don’t check your citizenship status), fought the Bush administration over California emmission standards (state’s rights only apply to former Confederate states, I guess), and said the tax constraints in California were unworkable.
Now there is no way he could get past the Tea Party to win a Republican nomination, either in California or anywhere else in the nation.
These days, being rational is considered a mortal sin within the Republican Party.
Oh, and speaking of “packages”, I ran across this the other day – I’m still chuckling over this headline:
Republicans dismayed by size of Obama’s Package
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Little platypussy just can’t keep up can he?
so tell me who was trying to change the law?
pretty simple question – even for you.
names? links? anything?
That was a long time ago little man…look it up. I’m not your research assistant.
thats what I thought..more hot air.
My birth certificate (from Alaska) is the size of a credit card and includes my name, birthdate, and SSN. Guess I can’t run for President in Arizona either.
Orin Hatch for one.
Thank you for coming through.
Hatch was dead ass wrong – and thankfully nobody passed such stupid ass legislation…which proves that the desire to change the constitution was held by a very very tiny few people.