Hmmm, Securitas is a Sweden-based security firm with offices in the U.S., and the cars are driving on the right side of the street so this isn’t in Europe, and there are train tracks under the traffic circle, so it’s probably a U.S. east coast city, maybe Washington D.C. or Baltimore?
It occurred to me Swedes might drive on our side the street, but I was too lazy to look it up.
What arrogance! Unless this is the Lagamorph side of the road?
SJ trollpatrolspews:
Lee .. I hope this is OK, since this game is done.
I got my last Times today. I read the endorsement of Hutchinson AND the description of her from the front page.
It now seems the Times feels we shpoiuld vote for her in the hope thyat:
==Charles Simonyi will bail out the County.
==Her experience begging money from Seattle’s wealthy can be useful in raising funds for the County.
==Labor problams dealing with dirty fingered cellists will be generalized to sheriff’s deputies.
== Empathy for Chopin is an effective form of flood controll??????????????????????????????????????????????
BTW take a look at the Seattle Times’ Editorial Board. Daddy Blethen, Junior, Mommy Blethen. Golden Retriever Blethen, Blethen Mistress, Blethen Butler, and a copywriter.
Roger, if you somehow believe that right-side driving would eliminate Europe, I have to assume that you’ve never been there.
Or at least, not since September 3, 1967. That’s the day on which the last nation on the European continent (yes, it was Sweden) switched to right-side driving. The only remaining Euro-jurisdictions with left-side driving are all offshore — the UK, Ireland, Cyprus, and Malta. Even the British territory of Gibraltar drives on the right.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 “What arrogance!”
Nah, just laziness. Arrogance is a whole ‘nother ballgame. You have to work at being arrogant. I’m too lazy to be arrogant. I don’t like to work.
WASHINGTON — Federal drug agents won’t pursue pot-smoking patients or their sanctioned suppliers in states that allow medical marijuana, under new legal guidelines to be issued Monday by the Obama administration.
Hmmm, Securitas is a Sweden-based security firm with offices in the U.S., and the cars are driving on the right side of the street so this isn’t in Europe, and there are train tracks under the traffic circle, so it’s probably a U.S. east coast city, maybe Washington D.C. or Baltimore?
Too easy. Stockholm, Sweden
Dammit, I was in Stockholm looking around! Congrats #2. It was the second choice while Puddy was looking at the first choice.
It occurred to me Swedes might drive on our side the street, but I was too lazy to look it up.
Here are the Stockhlm selections…
Securitas Sverige AB
Hästholmsvägen 32, Nacka – +46 10 470 10 00
Directions and more »
Securitas Alert Services
Lindhagensplan 70, Stockholm – +46 8 657 62 00
Directions and more »
Securitas Sverige AB
Lindhagensplan 70, Stockholm – +46 10 470 10 00
Well done!
It occurred to me Swedes might drive on our side the street, but I was too lazy to look it up.
What arrogance! Unless this is the Lagamorph side of the road?
Lee .. I hope this is OK, since this game is done.
I got my last Times today. I read the endorsement of Hutchinson AND the description of her from the front page.
It now seems the Times feels we shpoiuld vote for her in the hope thyat:
==Charles Simonyi will bail out the County.
==Her experience begging money from Seattle’s wealthy can be useful in raising funds for the County.
==Labor problams dealing with dirty fingered cellists will be generalized to sheriff’s deputies.
== Empathy for Chopin is an effective form of flood controll??????????????????????????????????????????????
Roger, if you somehow believe that right-side driving would eliminate Europe, I have to assume that you’ve never been there.
Or at least, not since September 3, 1967. That’s the day on which the last nation on the European continent (yes, it was Sweden) switched to right-side driving. The only remaining Euro-jurisdictions with left-side driving are all offshore — the UK, Ireland, Cyprus, and Malta. Even the British territory of Gibraltar drives on the right.
@7 “What arrogance!”
Nah, just laziness. Arrogance is a whole ‘nother ballgame. You have to work at being arrogant. I’m too lazy to be arrogant. I don’t like to work.
One thing this blog needs is tags for posts then it would make bringing up all the Birds Eye Contests a snap.
Feds to Issue New Medical Marijuana Policy
WASHINGTON — Federal drug agents won’t pursue pot-smoking patients or their sanctioned suppliers in states that allow medical marijuana, under new legal guidelines to be issued Monday by the Obama administration.
I’ll talk to Goldy about that. It should be do-able.