Last week’s contest was won by milwhcky. It was the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky, where a sinkhole swallowed up some classic cars.
This week’s contest is a random location somewhere on Earth, good luck!
by Lee — ,
Last week’s contest was won by milwhcky. It was the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky, where a sinkhole swallowed up some classic cars.
This week’s contest is a random location somewhere on Earth, good luck!
Osaka, Japan
What I’ve gathered from a brief online search…
On the left is a shopping center.
On the right is a casino.
You can see these buildings up close in Google Street View.
Quite frankly, big Japanese cities make me uncomfortable.
@2 how in the heck do you do it?
1st clue – the Japanese writing on the Mega sign.
2nd clue – the elevated highway
3rd clue – the buildings were not very tall and not crammed together (not in central Tokyo).
I did some Google searches for “Mega” and “123” in Japan, but the results were scattered and not helpful, so I had to simply find this one Where’s Waldo style, by skimming through the available birds eye view photos until I spotted those buildings.
I started with Tokyo. I spent about five minutes following the major east-west highways on the map, looking for those yellow and red signs, but I didn’t find them there. I hopped over to Osaka and found it about a minute later.
@4 ahhh. all I could see is MEGA and 123 – couldn’t really distinguish the Japanese writing.
Good win! I didn’t have a good sense of how hard this one would be. A lot of Japan has views, but I don’t think I’ve seen 20% of it all.
Sure, Japan, who else would put suicide barriers on a freeway?
I thought Japan immediately without even seeing the Mega sign – the left-side traffic and also the octagonal building corners are very common there. Osaka would’ve been the first place I looked – the Tokyo freeways tend to run either through areas more built-up or more industrial.
Also, not that many Japanese cities actually have freeways running through the central city – they tend to follow the European/Vancouver BC model of not having torn down existing neighborhoods when limited access highways were developed. Tokyo’s the biggest exception because so much of the central city was destroyed in WWII.
Spent some time living in Osaka in the ’80s (as well as Okayama city), and thoroughly enjoyed it. My ex still lives there, so I visit semi-regularly. If you’re in the area, hop a train to Kyoto (50 km away) for the day – the temples are amazing.