Last week’s contest was won by milwhcky, who remains undefeated in 2014. The correct answer was Middletown, CT.
This week’s contest is related to something in the news from January, good luck!
by Lee — ,
Last week’s contest was won by milwhcky, who remains undefeated in 2014. The correct answer was Middletown, CT.
This week’s contest is related to something in the news from January, good luck!
No driveways, garages, no parking lot at the church. Narrow streets (paths?) through the village. Only one car in the picture. Not the U.S. Nova Scotia? Northern Europe?
I disagree. This looks very much like a typical small Appalachian town. A few dozen homes nestled between railroad tracks and a small river. I’m willing to bet there’s a mill nearby.
Poisoned river? WV? Freedom Industries?
3: I checked that, and it appears not. Near as I can tell, here’s where the spill happened, and the main road is on the wrong side of the Elk River compared to the original pic.
@2 If this is Appalachia, where are the pickups?
Yeah, I nearly chose that, but knew it would be solved quickly (comes right up when searching for Freedom Industries). But this location is related to the overall story in WV (hint: look through some progressive blogs…)