Last week’s contest was won by It was the Skagit Valley Hospital in Mt. Vernon.
This week’s is related to something in the news from March, good luck!
by Lee — ,
Last week’s contest was won by It was the Skagit Valley Hospital in Mt. Vernon.
This week’s is related to something in the news from March, good luck!
Hmmm, let’s see, what shootings occurred in March? There’s a list somewhere around here …
That oddly-shaped structure in the lower left is a big clue, but I have no idea what it is. It’s some sort of manufacturing or processing facility dug into a hillside. No loading docks visible from this side, only a single loading door that seems inadequate for the building size; this doesn’t look like a warehouse. Very little outside storage — what type of business does that describe?
I get the feeling all these buildings are part of a complex. Iran nuclear facility? Does Iran have any green vegetation? Certainly not in the minds of the mullahs, it’s all brown desert there.
The biggest news item in March is Obama’s trip to Israel, and the biggest issue between the U.S. and Israel is Iran’s nuclear program, and the shape and layout of these buildings does sort of look like a plutonium-processing plant, which is what makes we wonder if that’s what it is. I don’t know if they have trees in Iran, but I know they have cars there.
I could be way off, but I’m gonna guess it’s a bomb plant in Iran. This doesn’t look anything like a conventional factory or warehouse. Too many odd sizes and shapes, it’s gotta be some sort of special facility.
There was stuff in the news about the ongoing mess at Hanford, but again, the greenery would seem to rule that out as well.
That stripey-looking thing in the lower right is a stairway to the roof. Why do they need that? No roof-mounted HVAC fixtures, which makes me think it’s not in the United States; you don’t see uncluttered roofs like this here. The cars suggest this is a workday but you don’t see people outside. Many very odd things about this photo.
large hadron collider Wheeee!!!
mar 14 they expressed confidence they found a Higgs Bosun particle. Thank you Wikipedia recap of the news for March!
#5 good find!
Good win!
The only thing that comes out of that building are data!
I got most of it right; it’s a nuclear complex and not in the U.S.
@poster child
Been missing for long? Bet he was glad to get it back.