Last week’s contest was won by Brian. The correct answer was the church at the end of the movie Sixteen Candles, which is located in Glencoe, IL.
This week’s is a random location in Washington, good luck!
Also, this week’s View From Your Window contest at Andrew Sullivan’s blog looks like it could be from around these parts, but I haven’t pinpointed it yet. Does anyone know?
I was thinking Sullivan’s was on Lake Union but the shoreline isn’t crowded enough. Sure looks like it’s in the area to me though.
Calvary Cemetery & Calvary Ct. S.E., Olympia
Good win!
I still have no idea on that. He posts the answer on Tuesday.
Wow. That cemetery shot is about two blocks from where I live.
I’m going crazy trying to find the Sullivan shot. I keep coming back to Vancouver/Victoria BC, and then tossing that again. Got to take a break.
RE: View from your window…trees are wrong for here. The tall one looks like some sort of araucaria (monkey puzzle family) tree. The other trees are not typical either.
Nice get
As to the Sullivan it’s actually a view much closer to my neighborhood these days. It’s Double Bay in Sydney Harbour from the tall building at 2 Marathon Road, Darling Point, NSW.
@6 RE: Sullivan contest … Still looks like a Douglas Fir to me … but the population density’s higher than we have in WA. Also have looked at lake cities like Madison … no luck. Thinking Europe, but the boats keep pulling me back to North America.
@7 I hadn’t looked at Sydney — don’t know why not. Did look at NZ. I think I pictured the more rugged parts of Sydney Harbour and discounted it. Congratulations.
Andrew Sullivan’s is not around here. While there is a lake in the background, we don’t moore our boats like that.
With regard to today’s picture… at least the neighbors are quiet.