While I’m a firm believer that the key to establishing and maintaining a progressive majority is to elect progressives to those very local offices that comprise the heart of grassroots politics, outside of Seattle, I don’t cover these sort of races — council, school board, commissioner, etc. — nearly often enough. Unless there’s some sort of scandal or boneheaded blunder to make fun of, I’m at least as guilty as my friends in the local legacy media of allowing very local politics to fly way too far below our radar.
But occasionally a curious piece of local politicking catches my attention, such as the press release sent my way from first-time candidate Maureen Judge announcing she’s earned the endorsements of the entire 41st Legislative District delegation in her race for Mercer Island City Council, Position 3. That includes not only Democrats, Sen. Brian Weinstein and Rep. Judy Clibborn, but Republican Rep. Fred Jarrett. Now I don’t know much about Mercer Island politics, but I’m guessing this kind of broad bipartisan support, combined with the $8,000 she’s already raised in her first month of campaigning, might scare off additional challengers.
That said, in the interest of full disclosure, I should also mention that I do know a few things about the candidate. Okay… I happen to know Maureen pretty damn well. Um… she’s my baby’s momma.
(In case you’re wondering, Katie has my eyes. And my sick sense of humor.)
And while I suppose this sort of disclosure might raise red flags amongst Mercer Island Republicans, they should at least take comfort in the fact that Maureen had the apparent commonsense to divorce me. Can’t get much more bipartisan than that.
So for what it’s worth, “Mo” has my full support. Send her money. And if you live on the Island, send her your endorsement.
As for her opponents, well, they have my sympathy. Mo has already proven to be an energetic and effective campaigner, and damn, she’s a helluva lot more likeable than I am. Go ahead, try to beat her at something she really cares about. Hell, I never did.
People like your ex are too nice for politics, Goldy. That was in a gentler time. What we need now are a bunch of old-time union guys with steel pipes and bricks.*
* Just kidding! This post is merely a satirical sendoff on what passes for humor in wingnut ranks.
Well, if a Republican endorsed her, she must be a Republican, which would explain some things. While Democrats sometimes endorse Republicans, it doesn’t work the other way around. Republicans aren’t that open-minded. You have to be one of theirs to get a nod from them. Hell, you have to be one of theirs just to get ’em to acknowledge you exist.
I just want you to know, Goldy, that whatever happened wasn’t your fault. You were right.
wow, goldy, nice looking family.
what are you trying to do? ruin her chances? heh heh heh….just kidding, i wish her the best of luck and as you already said ,she did have the good sense to divorce you, right?
so that should definitely play in her favor.
I realize that this post was not entirely motivated by the idea “to elect progressives to those very local offices that comprise the heart of grassroots politics” – but it should have been.
Frankly, it is in these smaller races that you and other local blogs can have their biggest impact. So why don’t you cover these races more? Why don’t we know more about the local races outside of Seattle? I would love to know who is who when it comes to the school board and on up.
Is it a problem with:
– too little outreach from these candidates?
– not broad enough topics for the general audience here?
– not enough interest from you or other blogs?
Nindid @5,
It’s all those things.
The way this should work is to build an infrastructure of progressive local blogs to cover the very local politics, and when there’s a newstory or analysis of wider interest that pops up, it will work its way up the food chain.
But I can’t be expected to pay attention to what’s happening in a school board race Ferry County.
Cute kid.
I’m one of those union guys you mentioned.
Where do I show up?
(just kidding—or not)
Knowing she has Fred Jarrett’s endorsement is good enough for me. He’s a throwback from the before the jihadis took over the Republican party. I worked in local and state politics for years and got to know him well. Even hough I worked on liberal and progressive causes, Fred was always willing to give issues a fair hearing and, if you made your case for a good idea, you had his support.
He’s one of the rarest of beasts — a centrist Republican who cares about good responsible government that serves the people. If the party recruited more people like him they could make a serious challenge to the current Democratic stranglehold on state offices. But don’t count on that anytime soon. Fred’s a thoughtful, gracious pragmatist and the true-believers who run the party just can’t stand that.
aarggh; “endorsed by Darcy Burner”
so she has no brain? another robot from Emily’s list?
Well now we know where your daughter got her good looks.
Oh come on Rabbit… Liberal here, but frankly I’d hardly call Fred Jarret a Republican. Fred’s a good guy and a centrist frankly… the kind of Republican I kind of admire actually.
While I’m a liberal, this is a respectable endorsement from a respectable guy and this doesn’t make Maureen a Republican at all.
I dunno, they say “Poverty Rock” is trending democratic.
In any case, good luck ‘Mo’.
Good sense to divorce you…that’s enough of an endorsment for me too. I hate to agree with the fascist ghost on anything. Looks like Kate might be the candidate in 48′
I needed this post and the comments of others here to focus my attention on these Mercer Island races this year. Thanks to all who have contributed.
There’s a phrase gaining some traction on the Island: “We’re in the Middle [geographically, politically, and many other cuts on society].” This thought will be a factor, with the Mercer Island City Council and its various Commissions and Boards (Design, Utility), right in the middle of regional issues like transportation and water policy the years ahead.
I also want to compliment Smartypants and agree with those smartly written comments about Fred Jarrett:
“Fred was always willing to give issues a fair hearing and, if you made your case for a good idea, you had his support.
“He’s one of the rarest of beasts — a centrist Republican who cares about good responsible government that serves the people. If the party recruited more people like him they could make a serious challenge to the current Democratic stranglehold on state offices. But don’t count on that anytime soon. Fred’s a thoughtful, gracious pragmatist…”
A significant year in politics in Central Puget Sound.
Goldy, don’t you know there’s no need for the apostrophe in “baby’s” anymore? She yo baby momma, word!
And hey, how about answering those emails I sent you??