I’ve watched both conventions, and Republicans impressed at times, especially when they talked about families and the family values they believe in — and I don’t question that they do — but the GOP doesn’t have inspiring speakers like Rep. Lewis, who literally risked his life to win civil rights for all Americans; nor did they give the stage and microphone to ordinary Americans from all walks of life, as the Democrats have done. These are real people — students, teachers, factory workers, dads, moms — telling real stories and it’s very touching. But, most of all, there’s nothing fake or scripted about it. In the end, after all the parsing and debating of issues, when it comes to mark our ballots, it ultimately comes down to whether we feel confidence in the people whose names we’re making off. You just know when someone has what it takes. You also know when they don’t. It’s a feeling. I can’t describe it any other way.
Roger Rabbitspews:
People diss Joe Biden for his gaffe, but he’s on fire tonight.
Serial Conservativespews:
@ 1
But, most of all, there’s nothing fake or scripted about it.
Oh, please. It’s ALL scripted. Everything except Clinton’s speech (apparently the text had around 3,200 words and he used 2,000 more than that).
Jesus H. The saddest thing about what you said is that you just might believe it’s true.
Genius here wants us to think Joe Biden doesn’t go
off script.
Oh please indeed…
Who gives a shit about inspirational speeches? How do they balance the Budget and create new jobs? It’s about action. What is the plan? Obama will try to tell us that change takes time. He will try to rekindle 2008 but has a record to try and defend and broken promises to try & explain.
But alas, here comes the Republican big money starting tomorrow. It is being called carpet-bombing the airwaves.
Romney has held on to his cash for this.
Obama has already outspent Romney by $170 Million and is woefully underfunded at this time http://www.foxnews.com/politic.....on-speech/
Obama’s only choice is to raid the entire DNC treasury, which is also hurting. Obama will leave other candidates for the House, Senate & Governor’s to fend for themselves.
This is what is going to happen.
How will it all turn out??
I guess we won’t know that until 11/6.
Good luck…although I really don’t mean that.
You hardcore true believers might not hold Obama accountable for his 2008 promises, but who cares. It’s the undecideds that matter. And guess what? The vast majority of them do care about a report card on past promises..like cutting the National Debt in half, impact of ObamaCare, jobs etc.
Romney is ready to play hardball and force Obama to defend his record with the carpet-bombing ad campaign. Romney laid down the gauntlet today-
CONCORD, N.H.—Mitt Romney accused President Barack Obama of trying to institute a “promises reset” instead of explaining to the country why he had not delivered on the goals he vowed to accomplish in his first term.
Making a surprise appearance at the launch of a veterans group in support of his campaign, Romney lashed out at Obama ahead of his speech at the Democratic National Convention, predicting the president will offer the country nothing but empty rhetoric.
“What I’d like him to do is report on his promises, but there are forgotten promises and forgotten people,” Romney said.
He accused Obama of not delivering on plans to create jobs, reduce the deficit and jumpstart the economy. “I think this is a time for him not to start restating new promises but to report on the promises he made,” Romney said. “I think he wants a promises reset.”
Nice of Romney to call not being successful on promises a “promises reset” by Obama.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 “How do they balance the Budget and create new jobs?”
I asked myself that question nearly every day between 2001 and 2008, and then I fired those guys and hired these guys.
But here’s another question: Is balancing the budget our most important priority? Really? More important than feeding the hungry? Taking care of the unemployed? Providing medical care for children, seniors, and veterans?
The test of how serious someone is about something is what they’re willing to do to achieve it. What are Republicans willing to do to balance the budget? Cut military spending? Nope. Raise their own taxes? Absolutely not. What they want to do is raise other people’s taxes so they can cut their own even more, and cut programs that benefit other people so they can spend even more on weapons of war. (Are they expecting another war?)
Get serious, Gatorade. Then we’ll talk some more.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 Do you have any fucking idea what you look like when you call Gabby Giffords struggling to walk onto that stage under her own power and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance a “set prop”?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 She doesn’t seem like the type who would go hunting with someone whose case is being decided by the court on which she sits. I’ll take her over Scalia on SCOTUS any day.
The Republican’s have had a few years to work with the President and the Democrats to do something about the debt, they’ve yet to do that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 They decided to work for failure instead.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 Seriously, they did, and it’s been a very long time since a political party has deserved an election ass-kicking more than the GOP does this year. If voters had any sense, not only would Obama be re-elected, but there wouldn’t be a single Republican left in the House, and no more in the Senate than are not up for re-election this year, when the dust settles on Nov. 6.
Serial Conservativespews:
@ 14
So, the failure of the Grand Bargain. You’re hanging that on Boehner? Really, Michael?
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
Fun Fact: Joe Biden is the only American Vice President in the eleven years who hasn’t shot a friend in a face.
— @LOLGOP via TweetDeck
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
So, the failure of the grand bargain. You’re hanging that on Boehner? Really, Michael?
Um, yeah. Douchebag.
Serial Conservativespews:
@ 19
Explain, please, Lib Despair. This should be good.
“Obama’s only choice is to raid the entire DNC treasury, which is also hurting. Obama will leave other candidates for the House, Senate & Governor’s to fend for themselves.
This is what is going to happen.
How will it all turn out??
I guess we won’t know that until 11/6.
Good luck…although I really don’t mean that.”
WHOA, there, little fella. Don’t panic! Get a grip…take some deep breaths. Focus! Take your blood pressure meds, and keep the nitroglycerin close by….
Gawd, I really take pleasure in your pain, Klown. Michelle, the Big Dog and Biden have fucked your mind up and now here comes The One, the Milk Chocolate Messiah. This is what it’s all about.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 Boehner couldn’t deliver the votes of his own caucus. He was bargaining with an empty hand.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Although Boehner deserves no credit, he can’t really be blamed, because it was out of his hands. The Tea Partiers in his caucus made sure there would be no Grand Bargain or any other bargain.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
Is balancing the budget our most important priority? Really?
Good question. Why do so many good Democrats drink this f*cking kool-aid about balancing budgets? Balancing the budget right now is economic poison. Look at what’s happening in Great Britain and other nations who have deliberately chosen austerity. Utter f#cking disaster. That policy is merely a sop to the creditor class, neoliberal elites, and corporate pigs.
I see PuttyButt is still a lickspittle.
Serial Conservative can’t hold a KKKandle to Pbuttbutter, but hey, a guy’s got to start somewhere on the path of abject bootlicking to the comfortable.
Obama is a war criminal and a prevaricator. Sadly, since the inmates now run the asylum in the GOP, I’m going to vote for him anyway. Conservatism: A disease worth fighting by all available means.
So, the failure of the grand bargain. You’re hanging that on Boehner? Really, Michael?
The Republican’s flat out stated that job one was to undermine the president and the Democrats. It’s not just Boehner. Boehner’s biggest issue is that he can’t get his own house in order and deliver votes.
“Hey, it’s a moving set prop.”
“Do you have any fucking idea what you look like when you call Gabby Giffords struggling to walk onto that stage under her own power and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance a “set prop”?”
Would have been a tough sell for him, agreed. However, you should look at that long WaPo piece about it. Obama was held by the short and curlies by his far-left flank, who wanted higher taxation. In that piece, it was the reason he blindsided Boehner with the last-minute demand for another $400B in ‘new revenues’.
Boehner’s hand wasn’t empty. But he’d already drawn three.
Had Obama not blindsided Boehner, Boehner would have likely gotten it through the House. You know it would have passed the Senate.
Serial Conservativespews:
@ 26
The Republican’s flat out stated that job one was to undermine the president and the Democrats.
One Republican did, in similar words. Not Boehner.
“We are moving forward, America.”
Never said Boehner said that. Boehner’s issue is that he has a house full of crazy people to try and wrangle and can’t. If it were just Boehner and Obama that mattered a deal would have been cut a long time ago.
While we’ve cut oil imports, that’s as much or more things that Obama didn’t have anything to with and the recession as anything Obama actually did.
“One Republican did, in similar words. Not Boehner.”
All Republicans in Congress acted it out, following the lead of the “one” man who said it, the Senate Minority Leader. That’s not exactly some back bench voice hollering out of the wilderness, Bob.
And the governors and Fox News and Republican media pundits.
“It’s time to do some nation building right here at home.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 “Obama was held by the short and curlies by his far-left flank, who wanted higher taxation.”
Who are you trying to kid? There isn’t a rational economist in this country who didn’t say it would take a combination of revenue increases and spending cuts to bring deficits down. Obama offered Boehner and his caucus a ratio of $10 of spending cuts for every $1 of tax cuts — you call that “far-left”? — and they rejected it.
Now, the GOP presidential candidate says he’ll balance the budget by increasing military spending and giving millionaires more tax cuts. Who’s he trying to kid? Who are you trying to kid?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 “$10 of spending cuts for every $1 of tax increases”
kim jong chillinspews:
I can’t wait till biden becomes a weekly cast member on snl….
“We also believe in something called citizenship.”
Gekko is doomed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 The Tea Party caucus in the House wanted the Treasury to default. They aren’t the whole Republican Party, but they are part of the Republican Party, and it’s the job of the party’s leaders to lead and control their party. If they can’t do that, they have no business being there.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 I can’t wait to see you disappear back down your hole on Nov. 7.
“You did that!” “You made that possible!”
Hmm, I do believe America is starting to see a shining city on a hill. Heh.
“I’m hopeful because of you!”
It’s over, Gekko.
36. Michael spews:
“It’s time to do some nation building right here at home.”
Yeah. so what does he propose specifically to do that?? Nothing.
Romney/Ryan have laid out a specific plan starting with the oil pipeline and mining our own resources for a change. That’s how real wealth is created. North Dakota style.
Then repeal the costly ObamaCare.
The list goes on & on.
Obama done good!
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
And I have been to the mountaintop…
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
It’s over, Gekko.
Once I was able to speak without choking up, my words were, “Romney is SO fucked…”
But that’s negative.
Yes, we can. The man smacked Rmoney directly and hard, and then offered vision and hope and boldness.
I am again SO proud of my people.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 “Then repeal the costly ObamaCare.”
No. Got any more requests?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 Obama has such a big heart, and it’s so wide open, that at this point I’m almost willing to say even Republicans are part of Obama’s vision for America. If they want it. If they don’t, well, that’s their sorrow.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
A more perfect UNION.
You are the reason.
Epic. Yes, we can. Si, se puede.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
If they want it. If they don’t, well, that’s their sorrow.
Bob, join us. Please.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
…the costly ObamaCare.
You want to know what’s costly, bub? This: Our diversion of scarce resources to a bloated bunch of narcissistic self-absorbed whiney corporate fat cats who rob the regular people blind and call it “freedom”.
Fuck them.
Real Americanspews:
Wow. That my traitorous republican fiends, is how you do a political convention. By reminding Real American’s what a shit pile the America Hating republicans left you with, and the great strides you have been able to make, despite the unyielding obstruction from republican politicians and their billionaire puppet masters.
Sucks to be an America hating republican tonight.
NY Delegate threatens to kill Romney!!
Typical of you unhinged assholes.
The Secret Service is looking into an incident in which a New York delegate at the Democratic National Convention said she would “like to kill” Mitt Romney if she ever sees him.
Julia Rodriguez made the remark Wednesday in a brief interview with a reporter for The Blaze website.
She said she thinks the Republican presidential candidate will ruin the country.
“He will destroy this country, completely. Romney will destroy this country,” she said. “If I see him, I would like to kill him.”
Do you soul-less fiends condone this?
I’ll bet most of you feel this way.
Real Americanspews:
@54 Correct in her assessment, incorrect in her remedy. Nothing is needed to stop the Romney-Ryan ticket that would absolutely ruin the country than voting for Barack Obama.
Now, FlaGatoad, why do republicans hate the US, and it’s troops?
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
If you heard the President’s speech and said to yourself, “We have to make sure people can’t vote,” you might be a Republican.
— @KagroX via Twitter for iPhone
Cereal – we haven’t heard from you about voter suppression – where do you stand?
“Do you soul-less fiends condone this?”
Nah, but I do condone exploding Klown heads. I imagine that you don’t like that one much.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
Do you soul-less fiends condone this?
I’ll bet most of you feel this way.
The straws you grasp at grow thinner and thinner.
Hope and change, buddy. Let your hate go, come join us.
Preamble to the Constitution
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
“We honor the strivers, the dreamers, the risk-takers who have always been the driving force behind our free enterprise system – the greatest engine of growth and prosperity the world has ever known.
But we also believe in something called citizenship – a word at the very heart of our founding, at the very essence of our democracy; the idea that this country only works when we accept certain obligations to one another, and to future generations.” President Barack Obama September 6, 2012
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
America, I never said this journey would be easy, and I won’t promise that now. Yes, our path is harder – but it leads to a better place. Yes our road is longer – but we travel it together. We don’t turn back. We leave no one behind. We pull each other up. We draw strength from our victories, and we learn from our mistakes, but we keep our eyes fixed on that distant horizon, knowing that Providence is with us, and that we are surely blessed to be citizens of the greatest nation on Earth.
You mean the oil pipeline that’s already being built? The pipeline just needed a little re-route in Nebraska.
That’s how real wealth is created. North Dakota style.
You mean the “real wealth” that’s already being created by drilling for oil and gas in North Dakota.
Then repeal the costly ObamaCare.
Costly to whom? The Affordable Care Act has already put a bunch of money back in people’s pockets and will result in savings to the government over time.
David Axelrod, Obama’s Chief Henchman, tries to influence Gallup Poll! You’ve got to be kidding me. This confirms what I’ve been telling you about all these left-wing Blog Poll analysis trying to show Romney has no chance based on silly assumptions. They are trying to influence Public Opinion so folks on the Left won’t lose hope. http://www.foxnews.com/politic.....able-poll/
Shame on Axelrod. A new low.
NY Delegate threatens to kill Romney!!
Want to see the list of Republicans that have threatened to kill Obama? Seen the explosion right-wing hate groups since Obama took office? in How about all the folks that dressed up his posters to make him look like Hitler or compared him to Stalin?
That you didn’t have the good sense to not go there speaks volumes.
Shh… It’s time for grownups to have a conversation.
Sure, show me the list of Republican delegates who have threatened to kill Obama. I’m waiting Michael.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
Just go back to your goatshed. We’re having a party here, and you’re an asshole.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
…show me the list of Republican delegates who have…
Another illiterate republican. Shoo.
Washington state will not see any of the $100 Million++ of carpet-bombing ads. But these states will. States with () delegates #.
These states will see some–
Connecticut (7)
Minnesota (10)
New Mexico (5)
Oregon (7)
Pennsylvania (20)
But these 126 Toss-up States will see the most
Colorado (9)
Florida (29)
Iowa (6)
Michigan (16)
Nevada (6)
New Hampshire (4)
North Carolina (15)
Ohio (18)
Virginia (13)
Wisconsin (10)
Obama & Biden’s speeches will be forgotten by the undecideds when they see what Obama has done to this Country. Obama will be held accountable by a shitload of money.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
I have, and I will.
-Barack Hussein Obama, 8/6/2012
Michael, I’m waiting for your list of Republican delegates who threatened to kill Obama.
waiting, waiting, waiting..
There aren’t any Michael, are there?
Shame on you for lying!!
“Ours is a future filled with hope.”
Comparing the President’s speech to Romney’s is like comparing a shiny silver dollar to a dull nickle. Same with the conventions. The Democrats did some serious wingnut butt kicking over the three days.
Bob was whining something the other day about this only being a three day convention. If he has a lick of sense, then by now he’s glad it wasn’t four.
If this was a boxing match the ref would have called a TKO on Tuesday night.
And slinging shit for Mitt and Lyin’ Ryan is Charlie Daniels Jr. who was last sighted in the stockyard wallowing in the mud.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
He never said delegates, and you know that, asshole.
Why can’t you people be honest? Is that it? Is the rightwing the home of liars?
@68 You must not have gotten the memo. You just lost, Klown.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
Michigan and Pennsylvania are on your ‘carpet bombing’ list – and they’ve already been abandoned!
what a gullible fool you are.
Real Americanspews:
It is almost sad to see the broken, and whimpering posts by Flagatoad.
Cheer up, little fella, Romney will still have his millions in off shore accounts. I am sure he will strap you to the top of his yacht and let you be a servant. That was his plan all along.
Not only is Obama being crushed in Fundraising and guilty of outspending Romney by 2-1 (Obama spent $170 MILLION more than Romney thru July), the Democrat PACs are getting crushed even worse. http://www.usatoday.com/news/p.....57651028/1
Watch the Democrats whine about all the Republican Money. Yet Obama choose to outsepnd Romney by $170 MILLION thru July.
Sounds to me like Romney is a much better fiscal manager and has more generous donors that you selfish tightwads!
How many of you have donated over $1,000 to Obama??
Ummm, did you here that on Hillary’s disclosure statement that it shows your hero Bill has 3 Cayman Island accounts? That’s 3 asshole.
Too Damn Funny!
So what about old Bill’s offshore accounts??
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
This ‘carpet bombing’ thing is kind of funny.
We talk of lifting people up. We know we’re all in this together. We can add. We are creating a more perfect UNION.
They want to carpet bomb Americans and keep them from voting.
What a bunch of soul-amputated fiends. What ugly cynicism and dead spirit, what cold greed and merciless hate.
“what a gullible fool you are”
The Klown obviously didn’t get the memo.
Real Americanspews:
Flagatoad, stop. using. words.
You should be a big boy and realize when you have dug yourself too deep.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
Money spent defining your opponent as a cold, soulless asshole early is priceless.
Real Americanspews:
@78, one more reason I will not be voting for Clinton this November.
But surely you knew he was not on the ticket? Right.
Maybe not. Every thing you post indicates you have no hold on reality.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
If you’re spending a billion dollars of Sheldon Adelson’s money in October explaining that you’re not really a soulless wooded asshole, you’re losing.
“They want to carpet bomb Americans and keep them from voting.”
Nothing could make a racist Klown happier than screaming in a little old black lady’s face, “You can’t vote!!”
Real Dumb American–
Clintons Have Three Cayman Island Accounts
Securities and Exchange Commission documents and financial- disclosure forms filed by Hillary Clinton show that Bill Clinton, 61, has a financial stake in three investment entities registered in the Cayman Islands by Burkle’s Yucaipa Cos. LLC.
In 2004, Hillary Clinton, a New York senator, said she wanted to close the “loopholes” for “people who create a mailbox, or a drop, or send one person to sit on the beach in some island paradise and claim that it is their offshore headquarters.”
Do you want copies of the documents? No wonder Clinton didn’t criticize Romney for this stuff. He is doing it himself!!
Too Damn Funny
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
Yup. But he’s going to lose. And his nasty ilk are dying away.
You hardcore true believers might not hold Obama accountable for his 2008 promises, but who cares. It’s the undecideds that matter. And guess what? The vast majority of them do care about a report card on past promises..like cutting the National Debt in half, impact of ObamaCare, jobs etc.
Obama has kept many promises. His record is very good..
“They want to carpet bomb Americans and keep them from voting.”
Nothing could make a racist Klown happier than screaming in a little old black lady’s face, “You can’t vote!!”
huh?? Untrue. It’s only leftist assholes that want to quiet the opposition. And then come unhinged like the alcoholic you are.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
Fool is still confused about who’s running in this election, and certainly about who’s losing – or perhaps that’s why he’s talking about Bill Clinton in anything but glowing terms.
Sucks to be him.
Real Americanspews:
@86, I should have figured you couldn’t read.
Here are a few of President Obama’s Rock The Vote Crew featuring Shakira, Usher, Stevie Wonder and the tune “Higher Ground”. Shakira has been working with Lady Gaga’s people on a new release this month.
Obama will be held accountable by a shitload of money.
Heh.. So much lying, sensible people will just shut off the tube..
Real Americanspews:
@89 “And then come unhinged like the alcoholic you are.”
Flagatoad, you are projecting too much. I know it is hard for you, but for your family, seek help. Letting go of the republican lies is your first step to sobriety.
The latest poll of polls shows a National deadheat.
Undecideds historically break against the incumbent.
Madame Steve must have little, teeny-tiny crystal balls he stares at to be so confident with so little evidence.
@84 If the Adleson types see that they’re losing big, the cash would dry up for more than just Michigan and Pennsylvania. They’d probably ditch Gekko pretty much altogether and bet bigger on the Congressional races. A dumbfuck Klown might throw good money after bad but those big money boys likely won’t.
Don’t drink. And know Steve is an alcoholic.
We’ll leave it at that.
Wow, what a group of economic intellectuals! They certainly must have a plan to deal with the debt and lack of jobs. They all are 1%ers!!
I thought you guys despised rich people?
WOnder, Usher super rich.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
One metric has been moving, however, and it may portend future movement in favor of the president. President Obama’s job approval numbers have moved up quite nicely over the past five days. What’s more: the job approval tracking poll is a three-day, and not a seven-day, sample. Obama stood at a lackluster 43/48 in the Gallup release this past Sunday, which would have been the “post-convention” sample. Today? Obama stood at 49/45, a net improvement of nine points.
“And then come unhinged like the alcoholic you are.”
Project much, Klown? What’s next out of you, a psycho-laugh?
God, how I love it when a Klown head explodes.
Wishful thinking alcoholic Steve.
The big money is already in dumbass.
And there is more to come.
You have deluded yourself into believing a tie in the polls guarantees Obama a victory.
That is not backed by anything in history steve.
Have another drink.
A DailyKos analysis based on a couple days??
And 1 poll?
You are grasping at straws, aren’t you.
You ought to get on your knees and start praying.
Oh yeah, you are your own God. I forgot.
Shakira will be Rocking the Latino Vote for President Obama in Florida. Check out her new song released today.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
Remember this…
“My opponent and his running mate are…NEW to foreign policy.”
I loved how everyone before rarely mentioned Romney by name, particularly Michelle and Bill Clinton, and let Barack smack him directly and smack him hard.
Michael, I’m waiting for your list of Republican delegates who threatened to kill Obama.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
You have deluded yourself into believing a tie in the polls guarantees Obama a victory.
You have deluded yourself into believing that national polls predict the outcome. And your side just pulled out of Pennsylvania and Michigan. What’s next? Abandon Ohio? Virginia? Nevada?
Sucks to be you. Let go of your hate and build a better country. Come join us.
“Don’t drink. And know Steve is an alcoholic.”
Hmm, both denial and projection in just eight words. Only eleven syllables. Only a psycho-Klown could do that.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
you are your own God
Nope, that’s the Mormons, I think. Can’t keep track of all you crazies.
I’m just me, no god, no skydaddy, just trying to be good.
@106 “Come join us.”
Bob, maybe. But not the Klown.
@102 Why do 16 out of 16 professional oddsmakers think Mitt is a loser? When we look at the Bookies and Intrade they seem to be with Darryl. You should put your money where your ranting mouth is. A $100 bet on Mitt now will pay back $300 if you win.
Looks like I was wrong about Nevada. The Republican’s have been doing a lot of work there and the state’s chock-full of Mormons so I thought Obama would lose it, but he’s holding onto it.
“Have another drink.”
I imagine that you’re pretty much plastered by now. That’s probably bad news for the goat, huh, Klown?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@68 “what Obama has done to this Country. Obama will be held accountable by a shitload of money.”
Funny how, after all Obama has done to this country, the people who hate him still have all the money.
What a brilliantly executed convention.
All that was missing was a long rambling dialogue with an empty chair. :-D
And I especially love that the wingnutosphere has gone tilt over the cletus. Wingnuts, going to party like it is 1998.
The Big Dawg scores a twofer. He’s clearly up for Secretary of Department of Explaining Shit and he caused the wingnuts to go full tilt.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@78 Bill isn’t running for president, and I didn’t vote for him when he was. Also, I’m confident Romney won’t get blowjobs in the Oval Office; but, unfortunately, he intends to fuck me over every other way he can.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@116 “All that was missing was a long rambling dialogue with an empty chair. :-D”
And music pirated from artists who won’t vote for them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
But then, helping themselves to what doesn’t belong to them is second nature for Republicans. They do it without thinking because they do it so much.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
Dick Morris is presently explaining to Greta Van Susteren how the Democratic convention has completely failed.
*eye roll*
Apparently we didn’t destroy Mitt Romney, according to the Jabbba-the-Hutt lookalike Morris, in prime time. Who knew?
Our President honored our troops tonight and recommitted our nation to keep our promise to our veterans.
Romney never mentioned them at all. He was too busy glorifying himself as what Republicans view as the only true American heroes, the 1%. Not firefighters. Not teachers. Not police. Not our troops. No, the only heroes of the Republicans are Galtian Lords.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
Looks like I was wrong about Nevada. The Republican’s have been doing a lot of work there and the state’s chock-full of Mormons so I thought Obama would lose it, but he’s holding onto it.
I used to think that, but I was reading that the proportion of Mormons has been shrinking for decades, and is something like 6%. They’re a force in Republican primaries, but have been far eclipsed by the UNIONIZED hospitality workers in Las Vegas and Reno/Tahoe.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
Yes our road is longer – but we travel it together. We don’t turn back. We leave no one behind. We pull each other up.
-Barack Hussein Obama, 8/6/2012
For the goat’s sake, I hope the Klown has passed out already.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
I just went over to the sad, sad SoundPolitics.
They’ve had 4 posts today (a big number for them) and a total of 22 comments.
So, so sad.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The delegate who mouthed off about wanting to “kill” Romney, will get what everyone who talks like that about a presidential candidate gets: A visit from the Secret Service.
“Julia Rodriguez, … who said in a video interview … she would kill Mitt Romney if she saw him, should expect to be hearing from the Secret Service.
“Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan confirmed … the agency is aware of the video and is taking ‘appropriate follow-up measures.’
“As part of that process, Secret Service personnel will try to determine Rodriquez’s intentions, as they did when they met with rocker Ted Nugent earlier this year.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Maybe Ted Nugent can mentor her for her upcoming interview — he knows how that process works, ha ha ha
Gabby Gifford was absolutely awesome in leading the Pledge tonight. To see her walk across that stage was an inspiration.
A Klown would make some foul, hateful remark about her, but I think she’s an incredibly beautiful, remarkable woman, and in the ways that count, more beautiful now than ever.
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles)spews:
One whole SP post and 7 comments were devoted to “god” and “Jerusalem”
Another had this title:
Which Two Men Have Done The Most To Build The Republican Party Since World War II?
Another one that starts…
Here’s John Fund’s latest book on vote fraud, this time co-authored by Hans von Spakovsky…
Ooooo, can’t wait to get my hands on that amazing work of fiction…
And….one post, and five comments, titled:
Clinton Nominates “The One”
“So, so sad.”
I visited earlier today. Loserville.
George 'Kingfish' Stevensspews:
re 5: Take two corporate tax reductions and relax a few regulations and you’ll feel better in the morning.
Tea for everyonespews:
Joe Biden’s Owebamma’s insurance policy!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@127 “A Klown would make some foul, hateful remark about her”
See #10.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Usual suspects, Obama will win re-election in 2012. It’ll be good overall because the Reps will control the House and at least gain in the Senate. A nice Mexican stand-off will ensue until January 2017 when, most likely , a Rep will win the election for prez. Then, if we’re lucky, the Dems will control the Senate and have a near majority in the House. As long as the government is divided, we’ll be OK: they won’t be able to do much harm.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@132 “Obama will win re-election in 2012 … the Reps will control the House and at least gain in the Senate.”
That’s my take, too. But I think venturing to predict 2017 is a bridge too far. That’s a long way off and a lot will change before then.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Hmmmmm…could be! I think independents will probably be more inclined to look at the Reps once Obama completes his second term. It’s like wanting to order something different for breakfast at the diner other than ham and eggs every day. Eventually even oatmeal starts looking pretty good!
127. Steve spews:
Gabby Gifford was absolutely awesome in leading the Pledge tonight. To see her walk across that stage was an inspiration.
I agree. It was awesome. Especially the part where she proudly & loudly proclaimed
I’ll bet that made you atheist pricks cringe, huh?
125. Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles) spews:
I just went over to the sad, sad SoundPolitics.
They’ve had 4 posts today (a big number for them) and a total of 22 comments.
So, so sad.
Nearly all the comments here were made by 6 people..
You, Roger Rabbit, Steve, SC, me, Michael
You delude yourself into thinking any of these Blogs are vote-changing. Get a life dickwad.
60. Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles) spews:
09/06/2012 AT 8:27 PM
gehy…..did you get a shiver down your leg too?
@136 Geez, what’s your problem, Klown? Wow, posting at nearly 2:00AM in the morning. Three hours in the barn and yet you’re still in such a bad mood? The goat must have kicked you in the balls or something.
I’ve watched both conventions, and Republicans impressed at times, especially when they talked about families and the family values they believe in — and I don’t question that they do — but the GOP doesn’t have inspiring speakers like Rep. Lewis, who literally risked his life to win civil rights for all Americans; nor did they give the stage and microphone to ordinary Americans from all walks of life, as the Democrats have done. These are real people — students, teachers, factory workers, dads, moms — telling real stories and it’s very touching. But, most of all, there’s nothing fake or scripted about it. In the end, after all the parsing and debating of issues, when it comes to mark our ballots, it ultimately comes down to whether we feel confidence in the people whose names we’re making off. You just know when someone has what it takes. You also know when they don’t. It’s a feeling. I can’t describe it any other way.
People diss Joe Biden for his gaffe, but he’s on fire tonight.
@ 1
But, most of all, there’s nothing fake or scripted about it.
Oh, please. It’s ALL scripted. Everything except Clinton’s speech (apparently the text had around 3,200 words and he used 2,000 more than that).
Jesus H. The saddest thing about what you said is that you just might believe it’s true.
Genius here wants us to think Joe Biden doesn’t go
off script.
Oh please indeed…
Who gives a shit about inspirational speeches? How do they balance the Budget and create new jobs? It’s about action. What is the plan? Obama will try to tell us that change takes time. He will try to rekindle 2008 but has a record to try and defend and broken promises to try & explain.
But alas, here comes the Republican big money starting tomorrow. It is being called carpet-bombing the airwaves.
Romney has held on to his cash for this.
Obama has already outspent Romney by $170 Million and is woefully underfunded at this time
Obama’s only choice is to raid the entire DNC treasury, which is also hurting. Obama will leave other candidates for the House, Senate & Governor’s to fend for themselves.
This is what is going to happen.
How will it all turn out??
I guess we won’t know that until 11/6.
Good luck…although I really don’t mean that.
Politicians who want to win over undecided voters. Movitivate their base to GOTV. Convince money to move off the sidelines..
Smart people care..
Dumb people live off propaganda from right wing hate talk radio and Roger Ailes
This chick is supposedly on Obama’s short list for Supreme Court nominee if another spot opens up.
Maybe not so much after tonight. Wow.
You hardcore true believers might not hold Obama accountable for his 2008 promises, but who cares. It’s the undecideds that matter. And guess what? The vast majority of them do care about a report card on past promises..like cutting the National Debt in half, impact of ObamaCare, jobs etc.
Romney is ready to play hardball and force Obama to defend his record with the carpet-bombing ad campaign. Romney laid down the gauntlet today-
Nice of Romney to call not being successful on promises a “promises reset” by Obama.
@5 “How do they balance the Budget and create new jobs?”
I asked myself that question nearly every day between 2001 and 2008, and then I fired those guys and hired these guys.
Hey, it’s a moving set prop.
And former Rep. Giffords next to her.
But here’s another question: Is balancing the budget our most important priority? Really? More important than feeding the hungry? Taking care of the unemployed? Providing medical care for children, seniors, and veterans?
The test of how serious someone is about something is what they’re willing to do to achieve it. What are Republicans willing to do to balance the budget? Cut military spending? Nope. Raise their own taxes? Absolutely not. What they want to do is raise other people’s taxes so they can cut their own even more, and cut programs that benefit other people so they can spend even more on weapons of war. (Are they expecting another war?)
Get serious, Gatorade. Then we’ll talk some more.
@10 Do you have any fucking idea what you look like when you call Gabby Giffords struggling to walk onto that stage under her own power and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance a “set prop”?
@7 She doesn’t seem like the type who would go hunting with someone whose case is being decided by the court on which she sits. I’ll take her over Scalia on SCOTUS any day.
The Republican’s have had a few years to work with the President and the Democrats to do something about the debt, they’ve yet to do that.
@14 They decided to work for failure instead.
@15 Seriously, they did, and it’s been a very long time since a political party has deserved an election ass-kicking more than the GOP does this year. If voters had any sense, not only would Obama be re-elected, but there wouldn’t be a single Republican left in the House, and no more in the Senate than are not up for re-election this year, when the dust settles on Nov. 6.
@ 14
So, the failure of the Grand Bargain. You’re hanging that on Boehner? Really, Michael?
Um, yeah. Douchebag.
@ 19
Explain, please, Lib Despair. This should be good.
Mr. NOT Cynical @ 5
“Obama’s only choice is to raid the entire DNC treasury, which is also hurting. Obama will leave other candidates for the House, Senate & Governor’s to fend for themselves.
This is what is going to happen.
How will it all turn out??
I guess we won’t know that until 11/6.
Good luck…although I really don’t mean that.”
WHOA, there, little fella. Don’t panic! Get a grip…take some deep breaths. Focus! Take your blood pressure meds, and keep the nitroglycerin close by….
Gawd, I really take pleasure in your pain, Klown. Michelle, the Big Dog and Biden have fucked your mind up and now here comes The One, the Milk Chocolate Messiah. This is what it’s all about.
@17 Boehner couldn’t deliver the votes of his own caucus. He was bargaining with an empty hand.
Although Boehner deserves no credit, he can’t really be blamed, because it was out of his hands. The Tea Partiers in his caucus made sure there would be no Grand Bargain or any other bargain.
Is balancing the budget our most important priority? Really?
Good question. Why do so many good Democrats drink this f*cking kool-aid about balancing budgets? Balancing the budget right now is economic poison. Look at what’s happening in Great Britain and other nations who have deliberately chosen austerity. Utter f#cking disaster. That policy is merely a sop to the creditor class, neoliberal elites, and corporate pigs.
I see PuttyButt is still a lickspittle.
Serial Conservative can’t hold a KKKandle to Pbuttbutter, but hey, a guy’s got to start somewhere on the path of abject bootlicking to the comfortable.
Obama is a war criminal and a prevaricator. Sadly, since the inmates now run the asylum in the GOP, I’m going to vote for him anyway. Conservatism: A disease worth fighting by all available means.
The Republican’s flat out stated that job one was to undermine the president and the Democrats. It’s not just Boehner. Boehner’s biggest issue is that he can’t get his own house in order and deliver votes.
“Hey, it’s a moving set prop.”
“Do you have any fucking idea what you look like when you call Gabby Giffords struggling to walk onto that stage under her own power and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance a “set prop”?”
It makes him look like a Klown.
And now … the President of the United States.
@ 23
Would have been a tough sell for him, agreed. However, you should look at that long WaPo piece about it. Obama was held by the short and curlies by his far-left flank, who wanted higher taxation. In that piece, it was the reason he blindsided Boehner with the last-minute demand for another $400B in ‘new revenues’.
Boehner’s hand wasn’t empty. But he’d already drawn three.
Had Obama not blindsided Boehner, Boehner would have likely gotten it through the House. You know it would have passed the Senate.
@ 26
The Republican’s flat out stated that job one was to undermine the president and the Democrats.
One Republican did, in similar words. Not Boehner.
“We are moving forward, America.”
Never said Boehner said that. Boehner’s issue is that he has a house full of crazy people to try and wrangle and can’t. If it were just Boehner and Obama that mattered a deal would have been cut a long time ago.
While we’ve cut oil imports, that’s as much or more things that Obama didn’t have anything to with and the recession as anything Obama actually did.
“One Republican did, in similar words. Not Boehner.”
All Republicans in Congress acted it out, following the lead of the “one” man who said it, the Senate Minority Leader. That’s not exactly some back bench voice hollering out of the wilderness, Bob.
And the governors and Fox News and Republican media pundits.
“It’s time to do some nation building right here at home.”
@29 “Obama was held by the short and curlies by his far-left flank, who wanted higher taxation.”
Who are you trying to kid? There isn’t a rational economist in this country who didn’t say it would take a combination of revenue increases and spending cuts to bring deficits down. Obama offered Boehner and his caucus a ratio of $10 of spending cuts for every $1 of tax cuts — you call that “far-left”? — and they rejected it.
Now, the GOP presidential candidate says he’ll balance the budget by increasing military spending and giving millionaires more tax cuts. Who’s he trying to kid? Who are you trying to kid?
@37 “$10 of spending cuts for every $1 of tax increases”
I can’t wait till biden becomes a weekly cast member on snl….
“We also believe in something called citizenship.”
Gekko is doomed.
@30 The Tea Party caucus in the House wanted the Treasury to default. They aren’t the whole Republican Party, but they are part of the Republican Party, and it’s the job of the party’s leaders to lead and control their party. If they can’t do that, they have no business being there.
@39 I can’t wait to see you disappear back down your hole on Nov. 7.
“You did that!” “You made that possible!”
Hmm, I do believe America is starting to see a shining city on a hill. Heh.
“I’m hopeful because of you!”
It’s over, Gekko.
36. Michael spews:
Yeah. so what does he propose specifically to do that?? Nothing.
Romney/Ryan have laid out a specific plan starting with the oil pipeline and mining our own resources for a change. That’s how real wealth is created. North Dakota style.
Then repeal the costly ObamaCare.
The list goes on & on.
Obama done good!
And I have been to the mountaintop…
Once I was able to speak without choking up, my words were, “Romney is SO fucked…”
But that’s negative.
Yes, we can. The man smacked Rmoney directly and hard, and then offered vision and hope and boldness.
I am again SO proud of my people.
@44 “Then repeal the costly ObamaCare.”
No. Got any more requests?
@47 Obama has such a big heart, and it’s so wide open, that at this point I’m almost willing to say even Republicans are part of Obama’s vision for America. If they want it. If they don’t, well, that’s their sorrow.
Epic. Yes, we can. Si, se puede.
Bob, join us. Please.
…the costly ObamaCare.
You want to know what’s costly, bub? This: Our diversion of scarce resources to a bloated bunch of narcissistic self-absorbed whiney corporate fat cats who rob the regular people blind and call it “freedom”.
Fuck them.
Wow. That my traitorous republican fiends, is how you do a political convention. By reminding Real American’s what a shit pile the America Hating republicans left you with, and the great strides you have been able to make, despite the unyielding obstruction from republican politicians and their billionaire puppet masters.
Sucks to be an America hating republican tonight.
NY Delegate threatens to kill Romney!!
Typical of you unhinged assholes.
Do you soul-less fiends condone this?
I’ll bet most of you feel this way.
@54 Correct in her assessment, incorrect in her remedy. Nothing is needed to stop the Romney-Ryan ticket that would absolutely ruin the country than voting for Barack Obama.
Now, FlaGatoad, why do republicans hate the US, and it’s troops?
Cereal – we haven’t heard from you about voter suppression – where do you stand?
“Do you soul-less fiends condone this?”
Nah, but I do condone exploding Klown heads. I imagine that you don’t like that one much.
The straws you grasp at grow thinner and thinner.
Hope and change, buddy. Let your hate go, come join us.
Preamble to the Constitution
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
“We honor the strivers, the dreamers, the risk-takers who have always been the driving force behind our free enterprise system – the greatest engine of growth and prosperity the world has ever known.
But we also believe in something called citizenship – a word at the very heart of our founding, at the very essence of our democracy; the idea that this country only works when we accept certain obligations to one another, and to future generations.” President Barack Obama September 6, 2012
You mean the oil pipeline that’s already being built? The pipeline just needed a little re-route in Nebraska.
You mean the “real wealth” that’s already being created by drilling for oil and gas in North Dakota.
Costly to whom? The Affordable Care Act has already put a bunch of money back in people’s pockets and will result in savings to the government over time.
David Axelrod, Obama’s Chief Henchman, tries to influence Gallup Poll! You’ve got to be kidding me. This confirms what I’ve been telling you about all these left-wing Blog Poll analysis trying to show Romney has no chance based on silly assumptions. They are trying to influence Public Opinion so folks on the Left won’t lose hope.
Shame on Axelrod. A new low.
Want to see the list of Republicans that have threatened to kill Obama? Seen the explosion right-wing hate groups since Obama took office? in How about all the folks that dressed up his posters to make him look like Hitler or compared him to Stalin?
That you didn’t have the good sense to not go there speaks volumes.
Shh… It’s time for grownups to have a conversation.
Sure, show me the list of Republican delegates who have threatened to kill Obama. I’m waiting Michael.
Just go back to your goatshed. We’re having a party here, and you’re an asshole.
Another illiterate republican. Shoo.
Washington state will not see any of the $100 Million++ of carpet-bombing ads. But these states will. States with () delegates #.
These states will see some–
Connecticut (7)
Minnesota (10)
New Mexico (5)
Oregon (7)
Pennsylvania (20)
But these 126 Toss-up States will see the most
Colorado (9)
Florida (29)
Iowa (6)
Michigan (16)
Nevada (6)
New Hampshire (4)
North Carolina (15)
Ohio (18)
Virginia (13)
Wisconsin (10)
Obama & Biden’s speeches will be forgotten by the undecideds when they see what Obama has done to this Country. Obama will be held accountable by a shitload of money.
Michael, I’m waiting for your list of Republican delegates who threatened to kill Obama.
waiting, waiting, waiting..
There aren’t any Michael, are there?
Shame on you for lying!!
“Ours is a future filled with hope.”
Comparing the President’s speech to Romney’s is like comparing a shiny silver dollar to a dull nickle. Same with the conventions. The Democrats did some serious wingnut butt kicking over the three days.
Bob was whining something the other day about this only being a three day convention. If he has a lick of sense, then by now he’s glad it wasn’t four.
If this was a boxing match the ref would have called a TKO on Tuesday night.
“We Take care of Our Own” Bruce Springsteen Philadelphia Pa. September 3, 2012
And slinging shit for Mitt and Lyin’ Ryan is Charlie Daniels Jr. who was last sighted in the stockyard wallowing in the mud.
He never said delegates, and you know that, asshole.
Why can’t you people be honest? Is that it? Is the rightwing the home of liars?
@68 You must not have gotten the memo. You just lost, Klown.
Michigan and Pennsylvania are on your ‘carpet bombing’ list – and they’ve already been abandoned!
what a gullible fool you are.
It is almost sad to see the broken, and whimpering posts by Flagatoad.
Cheer up, little fella, Romney will still have his millions in off shore accounts. I am sure he will strap you to the top of his yacht and let you be a servant. That was his plan all along.
Not only is Obama being crushed in Fundraising and guilty of outspending Romney by 2-1 (Obama spent $170 MILLION more than Romney thru July), the Democrat PACs are getting crushed even worse.
Watch the Democrats whine about all the Republican Money. Yet Obama choose to outsepnd Romney by $170 MILLION thru July.
Sounds to me like Romney is a much better fiscal manager and has more generous donors that you selfish tightwads!
How many of you have donated over $1,000 to Obama??
Ummm, did you here that on Hillary’s disclosure statement that it shows your hero Bill has 3 Cayman Island accounts? That’s 3 asshole.
Too Damn Funny!
So what about old Bill’s offshore accounts??
This ‘carpet bombing’ thing is kind of funny.
We talk of lifting people up. We know we’re all in this together. We can add. We are creating a more perfect UNION.
They want to carpet bomb Americans and keep them from voting.
What a bunch of soul-amputated fiends. What ugly cynicism and dead spirit, what cold greed and merciless hate.
“what a gullible fool you are”
The Klown obviously didn’t get the memo.
Flagatoad, stop. using. words.
You should be a big boy and realize when you have dug yourself too deep.
Money spent defining your opponent as a cold, soulless asshole early is priceless.
@78, one more reason I will not be voting for Clinton this November.
But surely you knew he was not on the ticket? Right.
Maybe not. Every thing you post indicates you have no hold on reality.
If you’re spending a billion dollars of Sheldon Adelson’s money in October explaining that you’re not really a soulless wooded asshole, you’re losing.
“They want to carpet bomb Americans and keep them from voting.”
Nothing could make a racist Klown happier than screaming in a little old black lady’s face, “You can’t vote!!”
Real Dumb American–
Clintons Have Three Cayman Island Accounts
Do you want copies of the documents? No wonder Clinton didn’t criticize Romney for this stuff. He is doing it himself!!
Too Damn Funny
Yup. But he’s going to lose. And his nasty ilk are dying away.
Obama has kept many promises. His record is very good..
85. Steve spews:
huh?? Untrue. It’s only leftist assholes that want to quiet the opposition. And then come unhinged like the alcoholic you are.
Fool is still confused about who’s running in this election, and certainly about who’s losing – or perhaps that’s why he’s talking about Bill Clinton in anything but glowing terms.
Sucks to be him.
@86, I should have figured you couldn’t read.
Here are a few of President Obama’s Rock The Vote Crew featuring Shakira, Usher, Stevie Wonder and the tune “Higher Ground”. Shakira has been working with Lady Gaga’s people on a new release this month.
And the delusions have completely taken over…
QUICK! Haldol dart gun!
Heh.. So much lying, sensible people will just shut off the tube..
@89 “And then come unhinged like the alcoholic you are.”
Flagatoad, you are projecting too much. I know it is hard for you, but for your family, seek help. Letting go of the republican lies is your first step to sobriety.
The latest poll of polls shows a National deadheat.
Undecideds historically break against the incumbent.
Madame Steve must have little, teeny-tiny crystal balls he stares at to be so confident with so little evidence.
@84 If the Adleson types see that they’re losing big, the cash would dry up for more than just Michigan and Pennsylvania. They’d probably ditch Gekko pretty much altogether and bet bigger on the Congressional races. A dumbfuck Klown might throw good money after bad but those big money boys likely won’t.
Don’t drink. And know Steve is an alcoholic.
We’ll leave it at that.
Wow, what a group of economic intellectuals! They certainly must have a plan to deal with the debt and lack of jobs. They all are 1%ers!!
I thought you guys despised rich people?
WOnder, Usher super rich.
Speaking of polls…
“And then come unhinged like the alcoholic you are.”
Project much, Klown? What’s next out of you, a psycho-laugh?
God, how I love it when a Klown head explodes.
Wishful thinking alcoholic Steve.
The big money is already in dumbass.
And there is more to come.
You have deluded yourself into believing a tie in the polls guarantees Obama a victory.
That is not backed by anything in history steve.
Have another drink.
A DailyKos analysis based on a couple days??
And 1 poll?
You are grasping at straws, aren’t you.
You ought to get on your knees and start praying.
Oh yeah, you are your own God. I forgot.
Shakira will be Rocking the Latino Vote for President Obama in Florida. Check out her new song released today.
Remember this…
I loved how everyone before rarely mentioned Romney by name, particularly Michelle and Bill Clinton, and let Barack smack him directly and smack him hard.
Didn’t say delegates. Assassination threats against Barack Obama has it’s own Wikipedia page.
You have deluded yourself into believing that national polls predict the outcome. And your side just pulled out of Pennsylvania and Michigan. What’s next? Abandon Ohio? Virginia? Nevada?
Sucks to be you. Let go of your hate and build a better country. Come join us.
“Don’t drink. And know Steve is an alcoholic.”
Hmm, both denial and projection in just eight words. Only eleven syllables. Only a psycho-Klown could do that.
Nope, that’s the Mormons, I think. Can’t keep track of all you crazies.
I’m just me, no god, no skydaddy, just trying to be good.
@106 “Come join us.”
Bob, maybe. But not the Klown.
@102 Why do 16 out of 16 professional oddsmakers think Mitt is a loser? When we look at the Bookies and Intrade they seem to be with Darryl. You should put your money where your ranting mouth is. A $100 bet on Mitt now will pay back $300 if you win.
But, but, carpet bombing!!! Sheldon Adelson!!! MONEEEEYYYYY!!!
Looks like I was wrong about Nevada. The Republican’s have been doing a lot of work there and the state’s chock-full of Mormons so I thought Obama would lose it, but he’s holding onto it.
“Have another drink.”
I imagine that you’re pretty much plastered by now. That’s probably bad news for the goat, huh, Klown?
@68 “what Obama has done to this Country. Obama will be held accountable by a shitload of money.”
Funny how, after all Obama has done to this country, the people who hate him still have all the money.
What a brilliantly executed convention.
All that was missing was a long rambling dialogue with an empty chair. :-D
And I especially love that the wingnutosphere has gone tilt over the cletus. Wingnuts, going to party like it is 1998.
The Big Dawg scores a twofer. He’s clearly up for Secretary of Department of Explaining Shit and he caused the wingnuts to go full tilt.
@78 Bill isn’t running for president, and I didn’t vote for him when he was. Also, I’m confident Romney won’t get blowjobs in the Oval Office; but, unfortunately, he intends to fuck me over every other way he can.
@116 “All that was missing was a long rambling dialogue with an empty chair. :-D”
And music pirated from artists who won’t vote for them.
But then, helping themselves to what doesn’t belong to them is second nature for Republicans. They do it without thinking because they do it so much.
Dick Morris is presently explaining to Greta Van Susteren how the Democratic convention has completely failed.
*eye roll*
Apparently we didn’t destroy Mitt Romney, according to the Jabbba-the-Hutt lookalike Morris, in prime time. Who knew?
Our President honored our troops tonight and recommitted our nation to keep our promise to our veterans.
Romney never mentioned them at all. He was too busy glorifying himself as what Republicans view as the only true American heroes, the 1%. Not firefighters. Not teachers. Not police. Not our troops. No, the only heroes of the Republicans are Galtian Lords.
I used to think that, but I was reading that the proportion of Mormons has been shrinking for decades, and is something like 6%. They’re a force in Republican primaries, but have been far eclipsed by the UNIONIZED hospitality workers in Las Vegas and Reno/Tahoe.
-Barack Hussein Obama, 8/6/2012
For the goat’s sake, I hope the Klown has passed out already.
I just went over to the sad, sad SoundPolitics.
They’ve had 4 posts today (a big number for them) and a total of 22 comments.
So, so sad.
The delegate who mouthed off about wanting to “kill” Romney, will get what everyone who talks like that about a presidential candidate gets: A visit from the Secret Service.
“Julia Rodriguez, … who said in a video interview … she would kill Mitt Romney if she saw him, should expect to be hearing from the Secret Service.
“Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan confirmed … the agency is aware of the video and is taking ‘appropriate follow-up measures.’
“As part of that process, Secret Service personnel will try to determine Rodriquez’s intentions, as they did when they met with rocker Ted Nugent earlier this year.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Maybe Ted Nugent can mentor her for her upcoming interview — he knows how that process works, ha ha ha
Gabby Gifford was absolutely awesome in leading the Pledge tonight. To see her walk across that stage was an inspiration.
A Klown would make some foul, hateful remark about her, but I think she’s an incredibly beautiful, remarkable woman, and in the ways that count, more beautiful now than ever.
One whole SP post and 7 comments were devoted to “god” and “Jerusalem”
Another had this title:
Another one that starts…
Ooooo, can’t wait to get my hands on that amazing work of fiction…
And….one post, and five comments, titled:
“So, so sad.”
I visited earlier today. Loserville.
re 5: Take two corporate tax reductions and relax a few regulations and you’ll feel better in the morning.
Joe Biden’s Owebamma’s insurance policy!
@127 “A Klown would make some foul, hateful remark about her”
See #10.
Usual suspects, Obama will win re-election in 2012. It’ll be good overall because the Reps will control the House and at least gain in the Senate. A nice Mexican stand-off will ensue until January 2017 when, most likely , a Rep will win the election for prez. Then, if we’re lucky, the Dems will control the Senate and have a near majority in the House. As long as the government is divided, we’ll be OK: they won’t be able to do much harm.
@132 “Obama will win re-election in 2012 … the Reps will control the House and at least gain in the Senate.”
That’s my take, too. But I think venturing to predict 2017 is a bridge too far. That’s a long way off and a lot will change before then.
Hmmmmm…could be! I think independents will probably be more inclined to look at the Reps once Obama completes his second term. It’s like wanting to order something different for breakfast at the diner other than ham and eggs every day. Eventually even oatmeal starts looking pretty good!
127. Steve spews:
I agree. It was awesome. Especially the part where she proudly & loudly proclaimed
I’ll bet that made you atheist pricks cringe, huh?
125. Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles) spews:
Nearly all the comments here were made by 6 people..
You, Roger Rabbit, Steve, SC, me, Michael
You delude yourself into thinking any of these Blogs are vote-changing. Get a life dickwad.
gehy…..did you get a shiver down your leg too?
@136 Geez, what’s your problem, Klown? Wow, posting at nearly 2:00AM in the morning. Three hours in the barn and yet you’re still in such a bad mood? The goat must have kicked you in the balls or something.