Florida Pastor Terry Jones leads congregation in Sunday hymns.
After tense negotiations with Florida Pastor Terry Jones, I have agreed to call off my plans to shred and compost the Christian Bible in exchange for him dropping his plans to publicly burn copies of the Islamic Quran.
Call it a stunt if you will, but you can’t deny I get results.
This idiot had been visited by all sorts of folks trying to convince him to drop his plans to burn the Koran. He met with Muslum leaders, Pentecostal leaders, and was telephoned by a variety of Evangelical leaders. His President, the Secty of State, the commander-in-chief of U.S. forces in Afganistan, the governor of Florida, and the Gainsville mayor all publically called for him to drop the idea. Even the Vatican weighed in.
But as of this morning, he complained that he hadn’t received a phone call from the White House, the State Dept., or the Pentagon. He hinted that if he did, he might “re-think” his plans.
Reminds me a lot of the current North Korea leader, willing to “consider” releasing hostages as long as someone important enough asks him nicely to do so. He’s got a real ego problem, he just wants someone important to call him to feed his inflated ego.
Now he’s finally dropped the plans in the face of overwhelming opposition, but he wants the “Mosque” (actually a proposed Islamic community center) in New York removed in exchange. He’s still trying to jump in front of an issue so he can play the leader role.
Of course, if they do change the plans, he will take all the credit. And just like Reagan’s “arms for hostages” deal, after a couple of months he’ll find some other issue, and threaten to burn the Koran unless he gets his way again.
Well, how about kquran – make up your fucking mind k or q- composting?
That’s the REAL Terry Jones.
As much as I’d like to give you the credit for stopping this potential deadly disaster, I think our Quran burning evangelical Christians in FL thought the weekend would be better spent filling the coffers of our favorite grifters; former half-term Governor and full time faiure, Sarah Moosilini Palin and Glenn, I work for the funding source of teh evil non-mosque not actually located at ground zero, Beck.
All of the real murikans trolling this board are encouraged to re-restore America this weekend in Anchorage, Alaska Saturday September 11th to mark the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
Tickets are available at Ticket Master (the preferred shyster of real murikans) between $73 and $130 also too plus a “meet & greet” at $225.
michael jewberg, i mean bloomberg, said it was ok to burn the koran.
mot distorts the truth as usual.
CNN World
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has defended the right of the Rev. Terry Jones to go ahead with the plan, even though he condemns the idea as “distasteful.” “The First Amendment protects everybody, and you can’t say that we are going to apply the First Amendment to only those cases where we are in agreement,” Bloomberg said this week, citing the section of the Constitution that promises freedom of speech.
Can everyone step back from this and note how scary this is in context. One wingnut crazy guy, doesn’t matter if his church is 20 people (Westboro Baptist Chruch) or 500 people…this one guy is impacting international events and causing this sort of commotion.
There’s something wrong in the world already if one guy doing something this stupid childish and petulant can cause this much potential damage, backlash and harm to our troops (which according to Ann Coulter makes him a traitor). I understand everyone thinks their “books” are holy and magic (Bible, Book of Mormon, Quran, Vedas and Upanishads, etc). And yes you’d be irked and upset if you saw someone burning one…or say making an art picture out of a cross in a jar of piss (remember).
Everyone take a giant valium and realize it’s just books and a symbolic act by one guy out of a country of 300 million. This guy isn’t even the MOST crazy guy we have. He doesn’t represent all Americans or American official policy anymore than the 9/11 terrorist represented Islam, Pakistan or Florida.
We need to be able to recognize when something like this is just ONE nutty guy and not give him this sort of publicity, which just feeds their crazy.
Alki @7,
That’s the way the media works. Hence my initial moment in the spotlight.
“your post….”
I do wonder about how “moderate” the reaction will be world wide.
However, as I type this, I understand that this one pastor with dozens of parrishners is getting massive press. Ditto the reaction from the loony idots worldwide who go crazy over this event. Of all the muslims in the world, we are going to be shown pictures of protests, burning flags etc etc etc. Surely a massive overstatement as to the “effect” by the press.
In the end, media gets a pay day.
You know, This has become so sensationalized, I have the perfect idea.
The media is guaranteed to love it.
Since the good General, Gen Petraeus has inserted himself into the mess, I recommend the following.
Immdediately invite the good pastor and his loony dozens to Kabul. The military could have them there in less than 24 hours. Set the good pastor up with a big sign announcing his event.
The media can make it a pay per view program. (don’t want the kids watching) and see what happens… I’m sure the good pastor will follow thru? right? He is a man of conviction, who believes he is directed by God to do this? right? Well then, step up and show us all how true a believer you are……..
@10. Nice. very nice.
# 10: Yep, no need to “fight terrorism” in Gainsville, Florida through symbolic acts, when they can go right into the heart of the enemy! Heck, just give them a parachute and a pistol, and kick them out of the door over Kandahar so they can “fight terrorism” at it’s source!