I’ve had some complaints that it’s really not fair to chart the performance of the Dow Jones Industrial Average under George W. Bush compared to other presidents, as the DJIA isn’t all that broad a measure of market performance. So here’s a chart of the S&P 500… which has done even worse under Bush than the Dow.
FYI, had you invested $100 in an S&P 500 index fund on inauguration day of 2001, it would now be worth less than $46 in inflation adjusted dollars. So much for the CEO president.
Cyniliar will now regale us with his tales of huge profits and great stock buys.
Cyniliar, the floor is yours…….
Thank you. It is possible to make money in a down market. Only idiots hold long-term during an obvious recession…that means you MLF!
Oh and BTW…the DOW was at 12,500 in January, 2007 when the Democrats took control of Congress…you know, Congress, the group that actually makes the laws??!!
The DOW is down nearly 5,000 points since the Democrats took control of Congress in January, 2007 or nearly 40%!
They are the worst performing Congress since the Hoover era.
You KLOWNS have blamed Bush so long, you have actually forgotten who makes the f***ing laws!
Thanks for the reminder of the catastrophe since the Democrats took control of Congress.
re 2: And thank you CyniKlown for your amusing failure to note that only one house of congress is controlled by the Democrats. Reality is amazingly resistant to your cockamamie appraisal of who is and is not to blame.
Dear Asshole at 2,
You dumb fucking son of a bitch. List, name or cite ONE FUCKING law that the Dems passed that led to this breakdown. Just one you slime ball. ONE FUCKING RULE OR LAW. JUST ONE.
The truth is this was set in motion by a party that was convinced it would always be in power. They deregulated everything and now that it is in the fucking toilet you have have the the balls (made of crystal, I might add) to say that a Democratic congress caused this conflagration of financial upset.
This crisis is of Republican making. Greed is the culprit. Lust for power is right there holding Greed’s hand. And standing at the alter. presiding over their marriage was George Fucking Bush. Take the responsibility, asshole. It is yours. Enjoy it.
Don’t forget your fucking talking points bullshit and shove that up your considerable ass too. You have the mind of a lemming and the backbone of an amoeba.
Go fuck yourself, Asshole.
Ok bitter old man.
Name one law the Dems proposed that Bush vetoed that would have prevent this catastrophe?
You are a loser mlf.
The Unions are toast….sadly, because of asshole’s like you.
The Dem’s had 2 years to see this coming and act…yet they sat on their hands & fat asses gloating over being in charge.
How wonderful.
The FACT is the Market tanked AFTER the Dem’s took control.
the Market tanked AFTER the Dem’s took control.
That’s a lie Cyn. The chimp’s still got many days left to do damage and he has a working conservative majority in the Congress to help him do it.
Go ahead ask me how he has that majority. I’d be happy to explain it to you – again.
I am neither bitter nor old. I am angry with what your party has done to my country.
You can stick your head in the sand and whistle Dixie. That is about all your party has left anyway, Dixie. Otherwise you would have squat.
Well we have the White House, the Senate and the Congress. I guess all you do have is squat.
Tell me now how you really won by losing. Tell me how this is all part of the grand plan.
Hey, cut Cynical some slack! Everything the stupid goatfucker has ever believed in has recently turned to shit.
Remember the ‘Clinton’ recession — after W was pres.?
The fact of the matter is that Clinton presided over the largest economic expansion in U.S. history — and the Republicans ruined it.
Republican = Liar
Cyn is patting himself on the back because he cashed out of the stock market and dumped into an annuity paying a piddling 5 some percent. I remember when that was the standard rate of return on a passbook account.
And he comes to HA.org to gloat?
Pretty sad excuse for a retirement. Gee even that whacko ChristmasGhost learned to stay away and is now howling like a crazed banshee on her own blog.
Poor girl just can’t accept the new Prez’ skin color. For some people, Presidents just aren’t supposed to look like that.
I thought it was all Clinton’s fault….
Rush says we should call this catastrophe the Obama Recession. Like it’s his fault some slimy bankers sold 54 trillion dollars of worthless (WORTHLESS) “swaps” to other bankers, and bought new mansions with the commissions.
Steve is right. The Right Wing World is imploding faster than the speed of light.
Credit where credit is due folks. Both parties had their hands in the pie for the last 12 years. What is true is that since your dear leader has been elected we’ve lost 21% of value on the Dow. Not exactly a ringing endorsement of the commissar by the business community, is it?
The worldwide crisis is largely panic driven with some structural problems making that panic more effective in destabalizing financial markets. In ordinary times a 5% mortgage failure would be difficult, but not disastrous. In ordinary times high fuel prices would cause a hiccup, but not a heart attack. Combine those factors with runs on banks driven mainly by a liberal media wanting a change in the Oval Office and Congress and you have a full-scale credit crisis.
If you really want to blame someone by all means blame corrupt Republicans, but at least be consistent. Corruption by Barney Frank and his pals didn’t help. Nancy Pelosi hasn’t exactly been a shining star pointing the way out of the mess. Harry Reid is next door to worthless and always has been. If it’s wrong it is wrong whether the person has a D or an R after their names. And keep your buddies at the alphabet networks and the newspapers in mind too. Scream fire in the theatre loudly enough and the fault is entirely yours if someone gets hurt.
By the way, where was Lord Obama, his highness, at the G20 meeting discussing a crisis that will affect his job as president? I think he missed that one. Probably had to meet with the interior decorator for his new digs.
re 14: You are lost in a sea of misinformation. Obama was not invited to the G-20 summit, and, as you may know, there is only one head of state in this country at a time — if you don’t count Dick Cheney.
@12 “Cyn is patting himself on the back because he cashed out of the stock market”
Only in his dreams. Politics isn’t the only thing he lies about. The stupid fuck has no investments. He has no ranch. When the BIAW lays off their worthless staff, we’ll likely never hear from Cynical again.
14 – A brainwashed right wing liar you are. So much bullshit in your screed it’s hardly worth commenting.
Let’s just say recent events are the culmination of 30 years of bad policy since 1980 with some respite in the 90’s which reached the nadir of badness with the current king of ineptness in the White House. He has some time yet to do even more damage which he is taking full advantage of – eliminating remaining shreds of environmental and species protection working up to the largest release of Republican criminals in history.
Oh didn’t you vote for him twice?
Goldy: There’s a typo in your chart. The second Bush II should be Bush I.
Still waiting for an accurate argument…
Headless Lucy is an accurate screen name, apparently. Mein Fuhrer was invited, he chose not to attend. I do know that there is only one head of state, and Dick Cheney is the Vice President. I have attended meetings vital to a job following recent promotion. It would seem to me that the economic situation would mean the annointed one would make time in his busy schedule to at least get up to speed on his new job, but i guess not. I realize liberals don’t care about things like facts, but for the record, he is. So other than a gratutitous and silly rant did you have a real argument against the statements, Miss Headless? Yeah, didn’t think so.
As for YLB, please educate me on the “bullshit in my screed,” and stop reading science fantasy novels that use outdated words like ‘screed.’ I realize liberals aren’t strong on logic, but simply saying something is bullshit is not a logical refutation of anything. It is, to borrow a phrase, bullshit. I confess my ignorance of the vast span of connectedness between environmental issues and the economy, but that is at best a red herring, and at worst simple stupidity. I incline toward believing the latter.
Yes, I did vote for President Bush twice. Both times the best of a bad lot, but still better than anything the Democrats have fielded in my voting past. Oh well, with the Messiah maybe you feel like you hit a home run. Only time will tell, but with the corrupt pikers in Congressional leadership, even a qualified President-Elect would have an uphill battle. What price your inexperienced mass of ambition unleavened by anything resembling decency?
lostinaseaofblue @14 and @19 – Priceless. Thank you for such a succinct summary of our current malaise. I will only add that corruption by Dems such as Barney (I’m doing a Fannie Mae exec while dolling out favors)Frank and Christopher (thanks for the Countrywide VIP loan) Dodd are what passes for leadership in this Dem Congress. God help us all…
@14: Are you as stupid as you seem?
No wonder you are lost and no wonder your beloved republican party has been so thoroughly trounced at the polls.
Now you are blaming Obama – who is not yet President – for the inept and bankrupt policies of the last 8 years of Bush?
And if you voted for Bush you are partly responsible for:
An unnecessary war
Over 4,000 service men and women dead
The largest budget deficit in history
the worst economy since Hoover
the most corruption ever
the biggest incompetence from Brownie to Gonzalez
After you apologize for all that mess- then we can talk.
Oh, and by the way idiot – unless you have changed your citizenship (and I think that would be hard to do since other countries don’t take in cretins easily) Obama is YOUR president. Duly elected by the widest margin popular vote margin in twenty four years and the most votes ever cast for a presidential candidate.
There’s no point in arguing with the likes of #2, #14 & #20.
They’ve been drinking the Kool-Aid for so long that any change in their diet will kill them.
Bush is their infallible moron god, and no mere “reality” can change that.
The self-proclaimed “Party of Personal Responsibility” has a pathological inability to take responsibility for anything.
But we already knew that.
@19: If idiots like you, who know nothing about economics, think that the economy can be turned around in a month or even a year – that is pipe dream. The economic mess created by the republicans will take years to clean up. The pathetic lack of energy policy, the deregulation of the banks led by Phill Gramm (that brought us the banking crisis) and the steady erosion of the middle class and the lack of adequate health care that has made our companies less competetive. All those will take time to fix.
@19 total idiot:
That does not even make sense. And you make no sense.
Grow up and get a job – on second thought, McDonalds is probably too complicated for you.
The nerve of a Bush supporter (the worst president ever) criticizing Obama before he even starts…..you guys take the cake for brazeness and lack of reality-based thinking.
correctnotbright: Are you as stupid as you seem? . . . Obama is YOUR president.
ok, if you say so . . .
As for YLB, please educate me on the “bullshit in my screed,”
Correctnotright hit most of it But in summary you play the same tired drumbeats that right wing idiots are known for these days, i.e.
1) the evil media brainwashed the public
2) Dems do it too (used to be it’s Bill Clinton’s fault)
3) I hate Obama, Obama is a terrorist, the annointed one, etc..
IIRC, you came here on election night, to HA.org of all places. Instead of shrugging, grudgingly accepting his victory and even congratulating Obama on a brilliant campaign and history-making moment, you descended to name-calling and pathetic whining at the utter defeat of your candidate, McSame.
I mean didn’t you expect that outcome? Wasn’t it obvious? Or like some idiots on the right were you counting on the PUMAs or some other such wishful nonsense?
Keep it up. You’re doing a great job exemplifying exactly what so many people rejected last Nov 4.
I noticed you listed carter in this but failed to mention double digit unemployment, double digit inflation as well as double digit interest rates. When you cant get a job, a house or even food at the grocer how do you buy stock. Obama is the next Carter, mark my word! By the way, I think Carters heart was in the right place and he is an honest good man but as a president he was lost!
27 – Carter was an FDR compared to the Chimpanzee in the White House most right wing idiots voted for twice.
As for “lost”, that describes the right wing for the next 8 years. Hopefully much longer.
Blah Blah Blah, but still no answer. Yes Republicans did make mistakes and yes some were corrupt. To that extent they are responsible too. If you folks could read English you’d have read admissions of Republican co-responsibility.
At 26, absolutely I hate President Elect Obama. I find the idea of a US president who hates the US and is a socialist oddly offensive. Am I going to congratulate him on his victory? Not in this lifetime. Again, I know liberals hate logic. I’ll try anyway. You play the same drumbeats is not an answer to the essential I made. It is just an insult, and not a particularly clever one. Until you hold your pals to the same standards you hold Republicans too nothing will change, Messiah or not.
At 24 and 21, keep studying your ESL courses. You might get the hang of this English thing eventually. And my career is doing pretty well. Thanks for asking. Business doesn’t think much of ‘the one,’ though. Take a glance at the stock market numbers since Nov 4th. That is the effect of the election of your Furher. Comprende? Anything? Hello?
Every non-biased source thinks the media coverage of the last election was a joke. The most balanced source was FOX news, which is supposed to be the most biased. The alphabet soups just rolled over on their backs and begged for a biscuit from his holiness.
Keep blaming the Republicans for a bipartisan mess all you want. It might help the commissar’s utter failures to do anything about it. After all, you don’t have the originality or intelligence to really think about a problem in non-partisan terms. Maybe it will help sad-sacks like you folks to blame others for your pathetic little lives to keep bringing up Bush and Palin until everyone around you begs you to stop.
One of the things a chart like this tends to distort is the difference between a one-term President (or less) and a two-term President. Eisenhower, Reagan, and Clinton all had large advances over two terms in office.
But Kennedy was only in office only about two years before he was assasinated, although he had a small adance during those years, and likewise Ford was in office only about 2-1/2 years, and he likewise had a small advance. If you were to combine the Kennedy-Johnson years, it would be a moderate adavance, but if you add the Nixon/Ford years, it would just about be a wash over two terms, as was Carter after one term.
At 26, absolutely I hate President Elect Obama. I find the idea of a US president who hates the US and is a socialist oddly offensive. Am I going to congratulate him on his victory? Not in this lifetime.
Name one practicing socialist in the world who can look at Obama’s record and proclaim him a socialist. You won’t find one. Nothing in Obama’s public record indicates championing of any out of the mainstream ideas. Speaking of socialism though, there’s been quite a bit of it going on – signed into law by that brain-dead chimp you voted for twice. Imagine that. Nationalizing the banks. Pretty weak sauce though when you consider that the American taxpayer couldn’t even get the same deal that uber-socialist Warren Buffet got from the banks he bailed out. So where was the “capitalist” solution to the crisis from chimp-boy and Paulson?
Obama has lived and thrived in more places in this country than you can ever dream – from Hawaii to Kansas to Illinois to school in Los Angeles, Boston and New York City. He could have wrote his ticket on Wall Street or any big name law firm. Instead he chose public service. Of course he loves this country.
Sigh… Again you blame the media who gave the monkey-boy and his gang a total pass on his wars and most of his ugly policies until it got too embarrassing. The people turned their thumbs down on that corrupt administration long before the media finally woke up. But why not blame the media? It’s so typical of the right wing to point the finger at everyone but itself. Why not keep doing the same thing expecting different results? I keep calling you insane. You keep proving it.
So you hate at the drop of a hat or at the direct orders of right wing propaganda. You’re a reflexive hater, all primed for a run of Clinton years II with the AM radio set to that corrupt, fatuous, pill-popping, sex tourist who evaded service to his country with a boil on his fat ass. As a dutiful student of right wing insanity, I diagnose “Obama Derangement Syndrome”.
One of the things a chart like this tends to distort is the difference between a one-term President (or less) and a two-term President. Eisenhower, Reagan, and Clinton all had large advances over two terms in office.
A single stock index is simplistic for a variety of reasons. The impact of its rise or fall is much more significant now than 25 years ago because many more people today own stocks through their IRAs and 401Ks. That’s not factored in. On the other hand, other measures of economics wealth are ignored altogether: the appreciation of homes and wages, pension values, health benefits, inflation, number of jobs created, measures of employment, etc, etc. Various measures of net worth would be more interesting data to look at.
Wow, you folks simply cannot answer an argument with an argument. You step to the side and go off on tangents. You insult rather than refute, and still you don’t answer the argument.
Here it is in a nutshell. So long as big money is involved in politics there will be corruption. Doesn’t matter if the politician is a Republican or a Democrat or a Bull-Moose party candidate, there will be corruption. You can blame Republicans until you’re blue in the face as well as the politics. Until you start holding the corrupt with a D after their name accountable as well nothing will change.
As for Obama, reflexive hate has nothing to do with it. I hate him for what he is, not what his background or color or anything else is. Certainly I don’t care what Rush Limbaugh or Keith Olberman or anyone in between thinks. Unlike most liberals I can actually form an opinion without outside prompting based on a logical assessment of the facts.
Here are the facts. ‘Nothing in Obama’s record” is a result of his voting ‘present’ in lieu of principled stands on anything. “Nothing in his record” is an idicator of how little of his job as an elected official he has ever done, either in Illinois or in the US Senate. He served for just over 100 days before skipping work to run for president. He did this while collecting a salary from you and I to do a job he had no intention of doing. Does “call me if you need me” ring any bells? Look at his interviews before running for president and his written articles before seeking high office and you get a clear picture of a Cesar Chavez look alike.
I don’t hang out with friends who hate this country, because I couldn’t. I don’t go home to a wife who hates this country, because I couldn’t. I don’t sit in a pew and listen to rascist anti-american rantings because I couldn’t. This is because I love my country.
As to the media, it is nothing more than a PR firm for the left. Call it paranoid, or look at the objective facts. 30 investigators from NBC in Alaska and Arizona to piece through Palin’s and McCains trash barrels and friends and none in Illinois to look at Shady Obama. I believe there were 2 positive articles about McCain, a war hero, to the flood of fluff articles about the great one. Media bias is a fact, not an opinion. I know ‘truth’ and ‘liberal’ are opposites, but try to at least peer at reality from your left field position.
And don’t bother trying to hold me to account for the bail-out. True conservatives hate it. True conservatives think anyone who made bad decisions should pay the consequences. This is true of Warren Buffet and also of the home-owner who got in over his head. It should be true of the auto industry as well. Bush bailed on true conservative principles in this bail-out.
@33 “I can actually form an opinion”
As ignorant and hate-filled as you are, I doubt that anybody here gives a flying monkey fuck what you might think.
Nice retort Steve! It’s up to your usual standards of stupidity, so at least you’re consistent.
Ignorant how? Please demonstrate what I said that is not true, or shut up.
Hate filled? I have friends who are well meaning if misguided liberals. They just realize about me what I do about them. We both sincerely believe different things. This doesn’t make them evil or sinister, just wrong. They think the same of me. I hate only what is hypocritical or actively deceptive. Like Obama.
By the way, this is called ‘civil discourse’. You might try it. Profanities and hate don’t go as far as you seem to think they do.
I have friends who are well meaning if misguided liberals.
Hah! Careful of your associations, according to you these people hate their country. How does Obama differ so much from your liberal friends?
Obama cast 4000 votes in the Illinois State Senate of which 130 he voted “present” for many reasons – bad provisions in the bills, party tactical strategies including purely political reasons to preserve political capital. Voting “present” isn’t unusual. I challenge you to find any Republican with a similar background who hasn’t voted “present” on a number of issues. Like most narratives bleated by the right wing it deflates like a cheap tire when examined closely.
You say you hate Obama for “what he is” and then you don’t elaborate or you’re suddenly vague. It’s pretty apparent to me what “that” is.
It’s the morbid fears and anxieties you project upon him, that peculiar mental illness so endemic to the right wing.
You hate Obama because you loathe yourself.
I hate only what is hypocritical or actively deceptive.
Then you have no choice but to do what the right wing for years has accused those who disagree with them.
Hate Bush.
But again, that would mean you would hate yourself for voting for him twice.
@33 “I hate him for what he is”
@35 “Profanities and hate don’t go as far as you seem to think they do”
Sure, whatever. I’ll try working on reducing the profanity, you ignorant goatfucker.
I’ll try working on reducing the profanity, you ignorant goatfucker.
And he’s one of the more articulate members of the HA “family.”
Maybe our lost friend could actually take a cue from Obama on the one President Obama’s been reading a lot about lately.
The first Republican President – Lincoln.
Four terms in the Illinois House and one two year stint in the House in D.C. before, after a lengthy hiatus, vaulting himself into the Presidency.
I bet many at the time would say that Lincoln lacked administrative experience, was a divisive figure and had too much ambition for his good. Many certainly hated him right out of the gate. Yet he navigated the near-fatal waters of one of the greatest crises ever to befall this nation with sheer political brilliance and convincing moral authority. We came out of that time just as divided but we came out of it together in order to weather even more crises like two world wars and an economic collapse.
Many forget that it was better we did that together than separated by the ugly walls of tribalism.
Keep trying to change the subject and you still don’t answer the point.
Democrats are bad politicians and people on occasion, too. Until you realize that and hold them as accountable as those you don’t like we will continue to have problems. You won’t really have much of a choice in the next 2 years with your party in control of the government. Oh, wait. I forgot that left wing lunatics don’t actually need facts or reality to cast false aspersions.
YLB, I resent the implication of rascism you were too cowardly to state outright. How many times do I have to things like unpatriotic, socialist, inexperienced and overly ambitious for you folks to get it? That is what ‘that’ is. Before Colin Powell decided revenge and a post in the Obama government mattered more than integrity I would have voted for him. I would vote for Condaliza Rice. Nothing about his skin color bothers me. I judge him on the content of his character. And he still has been collecting a Senatorial salary for 2 years for a job he won’t do.
Obama compared to Lincoln?! My God.
30 investigators from NBC in Alaska and Arizona to piece through Palin’s and McCains trash barrels and friends.
Palin I can imagine. No one knew who she was before McCain named her his running mate. There was ample material for media to gather just from anyone who crossed paths with her. Alaska is barely larger than Seattle in population. And why not go through the trash? She was going to be a heartbeat away from a freaking 72 year old cancer survivor.
McCain? Now that’s a whopper. McCain again got a huge pass from the media until it got too embarrassing. No politician cultivated the media harder. But the man sold out any shred of credibility when his campaign adopted Rovian tactics. The media had already been taken for a ride by Rove and his thugs, they weren’t about to be taken for another.
YLB, I resent the implication of rascism you were too cowardly to state outright.
Where did I bring up race? I said morbid fears and anxieties and those were only too apparent.
The Ayers, Khalidi stuff was garbage! Khalidi himself had a great phrase for it: “an idiot wind”. How perfect for the right wing!
There’s no evidence that Obama ever bought Wright’s more controversial statements and he deftly addressed those concerns.
The guilt by association garbage subscribed to by the right could have been equally applied to McCain and Palin in a number of instances and it would have made just about as much sense in McCain’s case not so much in Palin’s.
I could forgive Palin in a second if she came out and denounced Alaskan secessionists.
How many times do I have to things like unpatriotic, socialist, inexperienced and overly ambitious for you folks to get it?
It’s all lies. Unpatriotic is bullshit. Socialist is REALLY, REALLY bullshit. Inexperienced? About as much as Lincoln. Dick Cheney had a LOT of experience. Terrific resume. Where did that get us?
OVERLY AMBITIOUS? So what? What politician isn’t? Lincoln was ambitious.
Silly. Now we brace for stupid.
And he still has been collecting a Senatorial salary for 2 years for a job he won’t do.
Uh. Doesn’t this apply to McSame as well?
I shake my head. It’s totally ok that a dry drunk and business failure who had nothing but all the doors open to him can aspire to the highest office in the land but it’s not ok if a Community Organizer, Civil Rights lawyer, Constitutional Law instructor, 8 year state legislator and junior U.S. Senator seizes the same opportunity.
This is America. Why do you hate her so much?
Ahhhh. Look what the poor deluded “Obamabots” with money went and did?
You were saying again lost?
@39 “And he’s one of the more articulate members of the HA “family.””
I’ve got two things to say to you. One, I don’t waste words on an America-hating piece of shit. Two, you asswipes fuck goats. Enough said.
@46 “This is America. Why do you hate her so much?”
Oh, he doesn’t hate America. He only hates 70% of it.
Obama compared to LINCOLN!!
Wow, you idiots really are delusional about your Messiah.
When Congress was debating the bail-out which shouldn’t have happened McCain suspended his campaign to do his job. Obama: Call me if you need me. We don’t, Obama, Mr President-Elect so please just perform that office like you did your others and the country may actually survive.
And STILL no answer to the basic argument. The ploy you people use is called straw man. You hope if you change the subject obnoxiously enough it will distract your interlocutor from his valid points you can’t answer. Sorry, didn’t work.
So, how about Barney Frank and his little boy toy at Fannie Mae. How about Nancy Pelosi and her official 777 flying to and from San Fransicko. How about Harry Reid and his corruptions too numerous too list.
Answer the question or shut up.
And by the way, you represent at most 20% of America. The effimenate incompetent and ridiculous 20% who can’t figure out why their lives are so awful and want someone to blame. You absolutely do not represent decent hardworking Americans trying to do their best day after day.
@48 “You absolutely do not represent decent hardworking Americans trying to do their best day after day.”
Delusional. And just who do you think you represent? Decent hardworking Americans? What’s that mean to you? Hardworking white people? Or maybe just hardworking far-right Christian white people? Hardworking white far-right Christian goatfuckers?
You lost huge. You’re going to continue to lose. Change or fucking get used to it.
I and most non-union non-liberals represent real America.
I represent people who get up and go to work every day. As it happens I love my job, but I’ve dutifully performed jobs I didn’t because I owed it to the people risking everything they had worked hard for to sign my paychecks. I represent people who pay their bills and don’t whine about how someone ‘made’ them sign a debt. I represent people who stand by their kids and their marraiges in tough times because they made promises they intend to keep. I represent people of all colors and religious backgrounds who are trying to make it without the help of government because I don’t need it and definetely don’t want it. All foreign concepts to die-hard liberals, but think about it Steve, YLB and all the other hollow men on this blog.
Do you know any other word but goatfucker and variants on it Steve? Yeah, thought not.
Lost huge? Really? 4 or 5 percent is huge in a presidential election for you folks, but a slim margin in California’s prop 8. Interesting. You might note that most of Obama’s victory was not a mandate for him but a repudiation of Bush. They were not endorsing communist or socialist or progressive philosophies. They were expressing the fear the media so expertly instilled. Don’t try to push it to far, lefties or the pushback will be awful for you in 2010.
Change? To your immature silly worldview? Not here, not now, not ever. So long as decent Americans resign themselves to the tyranny of the minority the US will continue it’s decline. Maybe we will lose, but not without a fight.
“All foreign concepts to die-hard liberals”
That’s some crazy shit you believe.
“Do you know any other word but goatfucker and variants on it Steve?”
Goatfucker is shorthand for the Republican prediliction for perversion – a meme, if you will. I suppose you’ll deny that Republicans have a problem with this. You wouldn’t be the only one.
“They were expressing the fear the media so expertly instilled. Don’t try to push it to far, lefties or the pushback will be awful for you in 2010.”
I’m sure you guys will do just fine in 2010. heh
“Maybe we will lose, but not without a fight.”
Does that mean you’re gonna leave your mother’s basement? Heavens!
You’re one delusional goatfucker. You know that, don’t you? I mean, I’d hate to be the one to break it to you.
“I mean, I’d hate to be the one to break it to you.”
Sorry, I lied. I get a kick out of it. That’s because I see you as an America-hating traitor. You are the rank underbelly of the foul right-wing beast. You and your ilk are disgusting and vile, and you deserve no place on the American political stage. In other words, you fuck goats.
Hmm, I was going to mention that you’re dumber even than Pudz but then it dawned on me that your probably just another one of stupid goatfucker’s sockpuppets. I mean, nobody’s dumber than Pudz. Not even Marvin. Speaking of Marvin, tragic about how hard he took the events of the 4th. Sigh! I guess we won’t be seeing much of him again, poor sap.
With every nonsensical and off point word you write you prove my point Steve. Thanks for arguing my side by being such an inept idiot.
Still no refutation of the original argument. You guys really are awful at this political debate stuff!
I and most non-union non-liberals represent real America.
You said something to this effect on election night. I’ve worked in Information Technology all my career and I hold the ones who have done best in my Industry, people like Gates, Jobs, Gordon Moore, etc., in pretty high esteem. Hardcore capitalists every one of them.
Yet because I don’t dittohead, follow every footnote of the Sludge Report, National Review, NewsMax, Wingnut Daily or Weekly Standand and come here to HA.org to laugh at right wing idiots drag in talking points from all those places, because I hold in the deepest contempt purveyors of lies and fear like Rupert Murdoch, because of all that I’m NOT a “real” American.
Well you know where you can stick that. I don’t care to discuss anything further with you. The best revenge against those of your execrable ilk will be a successful 8 years of the Presidency of Barack Obama.
And if you didn’t look, the Stock Market went up 6 percent today upon news of Obama’s choice for Treasury.
Yeah that “socialist’s” pick.
Purveyors of lies and fear like NBC, ABC, CBS and the New York Times, you mean.
This financial crisis didn’t have to happen. You and your cronies in the media made it happen to further political agendas and that is purely evil. People in my industry have lost jobs and homes due to your friends in the media yelling fire in a crowded theater, but no one holds those folks to task. No, you blame Republicans only. Not your putrid Democratic politicians. Not the alarmist media, just Republicans. I hope you lose your job and home as well and maybe learn a lesson about spreading panic. I hope you and your liberal buddies and the unions that ruined American industry are all on the bread lines wondering what the hell happened.
The stock market went up because we know which weasel will be the next Treasury Secretary. Business doesn’t care. Business plans around corrupt thieves like Obama. They only want to know which thieves they have to avoid. That is why the market rose.
If our Dear Leader has a successful presidency it will be in spite of him, not because of him. It will be because business cares more about profit than about the moral principles of good governance, terms Obama couldn’t begin to understand.
I’m impressed that an IT dork could learn words like ‘execrable.’ Good job. Maybe you’ll pull your head out of your technical journals and video games long enough to see what the real world works like. Or not.
And still not refutation of the original argument. Thanks for conceding that I was correct. Have a nice eveing, jack-asses. Oh, sorry, Donkeys.
What is true is that since your dear leader has been elected we’ve lost 21% of value on the Dow. Not exactly a ringing endorsement of the commissar by the business community, is it?
The stock market went up because we know which weasel will be the next Treasury Secretary. Business doesn’t care.
Yes, it contradicts itself. A beacon of right wing thinking.
The market hates uncertainty. What they knew was that Obama is a socialist jack-ass. What they didn’t know was which underling would interpret his majesties commands. No contradiction to an intelligent mind, but liberal and intelligent are contradictory.
And I’m still waiting to hear what partisan hacks plan to do about corruption in their own ranks. Anyone? Anyone?
@60 You come here stating that, “I hate President-elect Obama”. You say that you want Americans who don’t agree with your political views to lose their jobs and homes. You want to see them in breadlines. You call these decent, loyal Americans socialists, jackasses, dorks, lunatics, inept idiots, effeminate, cowardly, incompetent, ridiculous, and hollow men. You say that only you and your ilk get up and go to work, pay bills, stand by your kids, and that these are “foreign concepts” to those who do not agree with your political views. You say that President-elect Obama hates America. You say that only you and your ilk represent real Americans. You say that we at HA fail to refute your arguments and that we aren’t very good at political debate. Of course, you say that you are the one who brings “civil discourse” to this blog.
Listen up, goatfucker. You present no arguments worthy of refutation. You simply spew right-wing hate and I’m one of the tens of millions of Americans who are sick and tired of your bullshit. I dare you to slither from your fucking hole and say any of that to my face. I know you won’t.
So you ran away, huh? Yup, you’re the coward I figured you to be. Good riddance to you.