Pssst, John, (I spell John this way, not the pretentious way), Palin, when discussing Ayers, was quoting the New York Times. Go talk history with them.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again about blacks today. They fuck up their own lives, then blame it on racism.
re 1: I bet there are some places you wouldn’t say it again.
Marvin Stamnspews:
What’s up jon??
Longing for the days a democrat could treat a black man the way a good democrat treats those dirty dumb mumbling african amercians?
Does the video bring a tear of pride to your eye?
Marvin Stamnspews:
1. Troll spews:
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again about blacks today. They fuck up their own lives, then blame it on racism.
I don’t really agree with that.
I’m sure you meant…
Democrats fuck up the lives of blacks and blame it on republicans.
reformed republicanspews:
@1: Palin could not quote anything more than three letters long – remember, she doesn’t READ any newspapers, ya’ know. Or was it she reads all of them, whatever THEY put in front of her.
The Ayers “story” is a non-story. There is no “there” there. As I pointe out in the last thread – ya’ got nothing but republican talking points there. Delbert has a few lies thrown in – but he has nothing too.
I doubt all those Southern Democrats moved north.
Most of the southern states are close to 60% for McCain.
What runs deeper politics or prejudice?
Marvin Stamnspews:
6. 2cents spews:
What runs deeper politics or prejudice?
When obama loses, all the blame will be on the racist democrats.
It’s nothing new.
It’s called the Bradley effect, less commonly called the Wilder effect.
You see, unlike 30 or so years ago when democrats wore their white sheets with pride, these days democrats pretend better. When polled, they say yes for voting for a black man. Once in the secrecy of the voting booth their deep held racism prevents them for voting for a black man… even a bright, clean and articulate one.
Martin Luther was a Republican. His dream didn’t include a bunch of “God damn Democrats!”
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
When obama loses, all the blame will be on the racist democrats.
You can say that again. I am an “equal opportunity rejecter” when it comes to liberals. I must have voted against hundreds of lily white liberals over the years, it’s about time I vote against a black one.
reformed republicanspews:
Too bad you trolls are in dreamland. Obama is winning and this election will be an historic landslide. Republican have betrayed all their principles:
Balanced budget – gone
Unnecessary wars – gone
Less government interference – gone (illegal wiretapping)
good on the economy – gone (worst economy since the great depression)
Deregulation – oops
My Left Footspews:
Pssssst, Asshole (thats how I spell Troll, not the fake Democrat way)
Democrats never win elections by landslides. The only way Obama can win is to depress the republican vote, which won’t happen. McCain secured victory when he picked Palin thus ensuring a strong evangelical turnout.
My Left Footspews:
One hit too many on the crack pipe or one huff too many from the paint can?
My Left Footspews:
Dumb doggie,
Can you read a poll? Can you get a feel for the electorate just by reading, listening and paying attention? I am guessing no.
McCain has cratered. Hence the personal attacks. Palin has been exposed as a poser. The end game is near.
Poor dumb puppy, still eating your own shit.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
How can anyone with any truth in them argue that democrats are not racists. Only democrats vote in former KKK leaders as Senators. Case closed.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
You can’t blame dems for gloating that they are up in th polls with more than 4 weeks left until the election. If my party lost as many POTUS elections as them I would do the same thing.
Martin Luther King Sr. was a Republican, however so was Lincoln. There is no evidence Martin Luther King Jr. was.
Almost ninety percentage of African American voters voted for Gore, Mondale, Dukakis, Carter, Clinton and Kerry.
The conservatives have killed all good will the Republicans once had with African Americans and with people like Jane Balough’s Dog who can blame them.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Jesse Helms, Republican
Trent Lott, Republican
Robert KKK Byrd, Democrat
Which one of the above was a leader in the KKK?
Case closed!!
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Of course a liberal would equate someone who was against wasteful social spending (Jesse Helms) with someone who lynched black people (Robert KKK Byrd).
As a lawyer you’re pathetic.
Save your HAHAHA’s for the loony bin when Obama wins.
Why does Jane have a dog? Doesn't she like goats?spews:
Troll the redneck racist simple minded fucking Republican. Your covers just fell off.
Why does Jane have a dog? Doesn't she like goats?spews:
“Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) on Monday will launch a multimedia campaign to draw attention to the involvement of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in the “Keating Five” savings-and-loan scandal of 1989-91, which blemished McCain’s public image and set him on his course as a self-styled reformer.
Pushing back against what it calls McCain’s “guilt-by-association” tactics, the Obama campaign is e-mailing millions of supporters a link to a website,, which will have a 13-minute documentary on the scandal beginning at noon Eastern time on Monday. The overnight e-mails urge recipients to pass the link on to friends.
The Obama campaign, including its surrogates appearing on radio and television, will argue that the deregulatory fervor that caused massive, cascading savings-and-loan collapses in the late ’80s was pursued by McCain throughout his career, and helped cause the current credit crisis.”
“If McCain raises Rezko personally in the Tuesday debate, Obama must turn to him, face him, and say something like this personally. Everyone knows that Obama hates to do this, but, really, this is a test of strength. “With all due respect, John, there is only one candidate here tonight who has been found guilty of public misconduct — and that is you in the Keating Five scandal. You pressured federal regulators to let your banker friend and political supporter run amok — and it ended up costing the taxpayers billions to fix the mess you and other DC insiders helped to create. I have never engaged in personal or public wrongdoing of any kind, and you know it.””
Why does Jane have a dog? Doesn't she like goats?spews:
If you compare their behavior to their stated conservative values Republicans are not really conservatives. They are a party of hypocrisy. They have done immense damage to this country and the world.
Marvin Stamnspews:
I don’t care that the economy is falling apart and that we are losing two wars-as long as I get to come here every day and make stupid comments I’m happy.
Marvin Stamnspews:
And I’m voting for the honorable maverick John McCain because…uhh that Obama is a Muslim gay terrorist.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 “Democrats fuck up the lives of blacks and blame it on republicans.”
Explain how we manage to do that when Republicans are running everything.
Stammerin Marvinspews:
At a time of extreme economic crisis at home and two wars abroad, John McCain is gambling that an attack mounted by Sarah Palin on Barack Obama’s tangential ties to 1970s radical bomber Bill Ayers will reverse the Arizona Senator’s steadily diminishing prospect of victory on November 4.
This strategy carries high risks.
First and foremost, a number of experts in the field doubt that when the economy has been on the brink of collapse, when the situation in Afghanistan is worsening, and the debate over the US war in Iraq has intensified, negative campaigning is an effective political tool. Vanderbilt political scientist John Geer, who has studied attack ads and found that they can be politically useful under certain circumstances, says that in the case of Palin’s offensive, “unless [the McCain campaign] hits on some new, credible theme, voters are likely to view these attacks as desperate.”
Geer said he expects “the campaign will get very nasty. McCain is a fighter and if anyone thinks Obama will not continue to respond, they forget he cut his political teeth in Chicago.” Geer warned that “the public wants to know what these candidates will do once in office. So too much negativity will not be useful to either candidate.”
Robert Y. Shapiro, a Columbia political scientist, argues that “negative ads have a better chance of working in low-information contexts, but the current campaign is beyond that, with the possible exception of genuinely undecided voters in key states who are becoming engaged late in the election.” Ayers and Jeremiah Wright, he said, “are old news and will seem trivial compared to what looks like a genuinely enormous economic crisis and two wars in progress — with no end in sight.”
Hey, how did Jon get ahold of Robert Byrd’s (D-West Virginia) personal home video collection?
The slavery party (Democrat party) isn’t very informed of their racist past it would appear. I guess ignorance really is bliss.
A Senator who could be McCain’s daddy and who has served in the Senate longer than Palin’s state hardly should be considered the voice of the Democrats.
The Southern states are heavily Republican now so I guess they are the party of slavery now.
Daddy Lovespews:
1 T
Yes, Sarah Palin was citing (not quoting; the article doesn’t mention “palling around”) THIS NY Times article of October 4 that said :
…the two men do not appear to have been close. Nor has Mr. Obama ever expressed sympathy for the radical views and actions of Mr. Ayers…
I wonder how she missed that? Like she even read it.
Daddy Lovespews:
7 MS
When obama loses, all the blame will be on the racist democrats. It’s nothing new. It’s called the Bradley effect, less commonly called the Wilder effect.
I know I’m going to feel like the guy who tells you there’s no Sanata Claus, but there is no Bradley effect.
Daddy Lovespews:
Go with Byrd as a slur if you want, but the people who know more than a kindergartener know that the Democrats fully embraced civil rights (beginning with FDR banning civil service discrimination and Truman integrating the miltary) in 1965, which sent the Southern racists running to the Republican Party, where they’ve stayed ever since.
Byrd himself has renounced his past in the KKK and is a stanuch supporter of civil rights. That is a LOT more than anyone can say about Trent Lott, Jesse Helms, or the whole unrepentantly racist crop of current Republicans, including the one who publicly called Obama “uppity” recently, and the Republican who is part of the John McCain-Sarah Paliin Virginia Leadership Team, and Treasurer of the Buchanan County (VA) Republican Party who wrote a pamphlet claiming that Barack Obama favors “Mandatory Black Liberation Theology classes,” would make Al Sharpton Secretary of State, would “hire rapper Ludacris” to paint the White House black.
Nice bunch of guys.
Daddy Lovespews:
Americans need to ask themselves if they’ve ever befriended a convicted felon who advised his supporters on how best to shoot federal officials in the head. John McCain has.
Americans need to ask themselves if they’ve ever used the money of a convicted criminal to help them buy their house. John McCain has.
Americans need to ask themselves if they’ve ever befriended a radical televangelist who has lashed out at the Roman Catholic Church, calling it, among other things, “the great whore” and “a false cult system.” John McCain has.
Americans need to ask themselves if they’ve ever sought economic advice from a far-right former lawmaker who “has diminished American solvency and power beyond the wildest dreams of anti-American terrorists.” John McCain has.
Americans need to ask themselves if they’ve ever befriended a radical televangelist who blamed the attacks of Sept. 11 on Americans. John McCain has.
Or maybe it’s not meaningful who a candidate has met in their lives. Is it?
@36:Any troll who is still trying to tie current democrats to racist policies either has not been paying attention for the last 40 years or is deliberately trying to mislead.
Who recently voted against the renewal of the civil right act?
John McCain voted against the MLK holiday.
Get real – these trolls are absurd. The only African americans who vote with the republicans are the rich, indoctrinated and “look down on others” types. Puddy used to say he would vote for Obama – but now he just parrots the republican party talking points. How sad.
Calling all puddies and Jane Dogs.
For weeks, the outcome of the battle to extend the act had been in doubt. Republican leaders had planned a vote in June. But they abruptly canceled it after conservative lawmakers objected to several provisions of the act, including one that requires the Justice Department to review any proposed changes to voting procedures in states covered by the law, most of them in the South. They said the provisions were unnecessary.
The rebellion was an embarrassment for the Republican leadership. In early May, House and Senate leaders of both parties assembled on the steps of the Capitol to pledge their support for the act and celebrate what they described as its imminent approval. President Bush had also thrown his support behind it.
To mollify those conservatives, House leaders agreed to allow them to offer four amendments on Thursday, including one that would have required the Justice Department to demonstrate why the voting procedures in certain states should still be under federal oversight.
Representative Phil Gingrey, Republican of Georgia, argued that his state, for one, had made great strides in voting rights for minorities. “A lot has changed in 40-plus years,” Mr. Gingrey said. “We should have a law that fits the world in 2006.”
From the NYT article on the passage of the civil rights act, 2006, in therepublican congress. the opposition cam from conservative republicans. Case closed as the dumb trolls say.
Tell Rep. John Lewis, who marched with MLK, that the republicans are the party of civil rights. I want to see him laugh. looks politically neutral, I’d go with Republican on MLK…
Hardly a credible source. The NYT is the house organ of the Democratic Party. Their puff piece on Obama-Ayers was a whitewash published on a Saturday to avoid any readers at all.
Ask Roger if NYT co. stock is a good investment.
Marvin Stamnspews:
15. My Left Foot spews:
Can you read a poll? Can you get a feel for the electorate just by reading, listening and paying attention? I am guessing no.
Still believing in polls?
Remember this bit of beliving in polls?
Since Labor Day, the media have released about 20 polls on the presidential race. Three show a dead heat, one shows George W. Bush leading by a single percentage point, and the rest show Al Gore leading by one to 10 points. In the latest polls, Gore leads by an average of five points. It’s fashionable at this stage to caution that “anything can happen,” that Bush is “retooling,” and that the numbers can turn in Bush’s favor just as easily as they turned against him. But they can’t. The numbers are moving toward Gore because fundamental dynamics tilt the election in his favor. The only question has been how far those dynamics would carry him. Now that he has passed Bush, the race is over.
And we all know how that turned out. It turned out so bad that gore had to complain that machines didn’t interpret the hanging chads correctly.
Marvin Stamnspews:
27. Marvin Stamn spews:
My little mindfucked sockpuppet.
Marvin Stamnspews:
28. Marvin Stamn spews:
My little mindfucked sockpuppet.
It’s cute when liberals have to resort to sockpuppets.
After obama loses I’m sure the rest of the left wing-nuts on here will become sockpuppets.
Marvin Stamnspews:
22. Jane Balough’s Dog spews:
Of course a liberal would equate someone who was against wasteful social spending (Jesse Helms) with someone who lynched black people (Robert KKK Byrd).
From what I read in robert byrds autobiography. earning the rank of grand kleage was not easy. You don’t earn the rank for only lynching a couple of those dirty dumb mumblin’ african americans.
At 1:01 there is a picture of what looks like a FBI guy dumping something in a swimming pool. Does anybody know what specifically is going on in this photo? Is it a famous photo?
Marvin Stamnspews:
39. delbert spews:
Dr. MLK Jr. – /000028998/ looks politically neutral, I’d go with Republican on MLK
Imagine how disappointed MLK would be if he came back to life and saw the african american community blindly following the democrat party into the condition the black community is in today. The number of black children being slaughtered at the hands of whites, now legally condoned and called abortions. The failing school districts that blacks are forced to attend. The perverse justice system that puts blacks in jail for crack and lets whites go free for coke. The liberal attitude that a single mother is as good as a 2 parent household.
MLK is turning in his grave.
And we all know how he would be referring to obama… the same way white liberals referred to colin powell and condi rice.
@46: What utter tripe!
Poor Marvin you have no clue. MLK was against the war in Vietnam – her certainly would be against the unnecessary war in Iraq.
MLK was for healthcare – he would be against the McCain plan that will insure less people.
MLK was against policies that favor the rich – he would oppose the McCain tax cuts for the rich.
Only in the fantasy world of a righwingnut would MLK EVER favor the republicans of today. You think the corrupt lobbyists party that is against civil rights would be the party that MLK would be in favor of….hahhahaha you are really taking too many of those mind altering pills. Just plain stupid!
Pssst, John, (I spell John this way, not the pretentious way), Palin, when discussing Ayers, was quoting the New York Times. Go talk history with them.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again about blacks today. They fuck up their own lives, then blame it on racism.
re 1: I bet there are some places you wouldn’t say it again.
What’s up jon??
Longing for the days a democrat could treat a black man the way a good democrat treats those dirty dumb mumbling african amercians?
Does the video bring a tear of pride to your eye?
I don’t really agree with that.
I’m sure you meant…
Democrats fuck up the lives of blacks and blame it on republicans.
@1: Palin could not quote anything more than three letters long – remember, she doesn’t READ any newspapers, ya’ know. Or was it she reads all of them, whatever THEY put in front of her.
The Ayers “story” is a non-story. There is no “there” there. As I pointe out in the last thread – ya’ got nothing but republican talking points there. Delbert has a few lies thrown in – but he has nothing too.
I doubt all those Southern Democrats moved north.
Most of the southern states are close to 60% for McCain.
What runs deeper politics or prejudice?
When obama loses, all the blame will be on the racist democrats.
It’s nothing new.
It’s called the Bradley effect, less commonly called the Wilder effect.
You see, unlike 30 or so years ago when democrats wore their white sheets with pride, these days democrats pretend better. When polled, they say yes for voting for a black man. Once in the secrecy of the voting booth their deep held racism prevents them for voting for a black man… even a bright, clean and articulate one.
Martin Luther was a Republican. His dream didn’t include a bunch of “God damn Democrats!”
When obama loses, all the blame will be on the racist democrats.
You can say that again. I am an “equal opportunity rejecter” when it comes to liberals. I must have voted against hundreds of lily white liberals over the years, it’s about time I vote against a black one.
Too bad you trolls are in dreamland. Obama is winning and this election will be an historic landslide. Republican have betrayed all their principles:
Balanced budget – gone
Unnecessary wars – gone
Less government interference – gone (illegal wiretapping)
good on the economy – gone (worst economy since the great depression)
Deregulation – oops
Pssssst, Asshole (thats how I spell Troll, not the fake Democrat way)
‘Nuff said!!
re 8: Martin Luther was a Republican? I’m amazed!
Democrats never win elections by landslides. The only way Obama can win is to depress the republican vote, which won’t happen. McCain secured victory when he picked Palin thus ensuring a strong evangelical turnout.
One hit too many on the crack pipe or one huff too many from the paint can?
Dumb doggie,
Can you read a poll? Can you get a feel for the electorate just by reading, listening and paying attention? I am guessing no.
McCain has cratered. Hence the personal attacks. Palin has been exposed as a poser. The end game is near.
Poor dumb puppy, still eating your own shit.
How can anyone with any truth in them argue that democrats are not racists. Only democrats vote in former KKK leaders as Senators. Case closed.
You can’t blame dems for gloating that they are up in th polls with more than 4 weeks left until the election. If my party lost as many POTUS elections as them I would do the same thing.
Jesse Helms, Republican
Trent Lott, Republican
Case closed!!
Southern Strategy = Richard Nixon
Martin Luther King Sr. was a Republican, however so was Lincoln. There is no evidence Martin Luther King Jr. was.
Almost ninety percentage of African American voters voted for Gore, Mondale, Dukakis, Carter, Clinton and Kerry.
The conservatives have killed all good will the Republicans once had with African Americans and with people like Jane Balough’s Dog who can blame them.
Jesse Helms, Republican
Trent Lott, Republican
Robert KKK Byrd, Democrat
Which one of the above was a leader in the KKK?
Case closed!!
Of course a liberal would equate someone who was against wasteful social spending (Jesse Helms) with someone who lynched black people (Robert KKK Byrd).
As a lawyer you’re pathetic.
Save your HAHAHA’s for the loony bin when Obama wins.
Troll the redneck racist simple minded fucking Republican. Your covers just fell off.
If you compare their behavior to their stated conservative values Republicans are not really conservatives. They are a party of hypocrisy. They have done immense damage to this country and the world.
I don’t care that the economy is falling apart and that we are losing two wars-as long as I get to come here every day and make stupid comments I’m happy.
And I’m voting for the honorable maverick John McCain because…uhh that Obama is a Muslim gay terrorist.
@4 “Democrats fuck up the lives of blacks and blame it on republicans.”
Explain how we manage to do that when Republicans are running everything.
At a time of extreme economic crisis at home and two wars abroad, John McCain is gambling that an attack mounted by Sarah Palin on Barack Obama’s tangential ties to 1970s radical bomber Bill Ayers will reverse the Arizona Senator’s steadily diminishing prospect of victory on November 4.
This strategy carries high risks.
First and foremost, a number of experts in the field doubt that when the economy has been on the brink of collapse, when the situation in Afghanistan is worsening, and the debate over the US war in Iraq has intensified, negative campaigning is an effective political tool. Vanderbilt political scientist John Geer, who has studied attack ads and found that they can be politically useful under certain circumstances, says that in the case of Palin’s offensive, “unless [the McCain campaign] hits on some new, credible theme, voters are likely to view these attacks as desperate.”
Geer said he expects “the campaign will get very nasty. McCain is a fighter and if anyone thinks Obama will not continue to respond, they forget he cut his political teeth in Chicago.” Geer warned that “the public wants to know what these candidates will do once in office. So too much negativity will not be useful to either candidate.”
Robert Y. Shapiro, a Columbia political scientist, argues that “negative ads have a better chance of working in low-information contexts, but the current campaign is beyond that, with the possible exception of genuinely undecided voters in key states who are becoming engaged late in the election.” Ayers and Jeremiah Wright, he said, “are old news and will seem trivial compared to what looks like a genuinely enormous economic crisis and two wars in progress — with no end in sight.”
I love the moral equivalence
$200,000,000 vs $50,000
Hey, how did Jon get ahold of Robert Byrd’s (D-West Virginia) personal home video collection?
The slavery party (Democrat party) isn’t very informed of their racist past it would appear. I guess ignorance really is bliss.
A Senator who could be McCain’s daddy and who has served in the Senate longer than Palin’s state hardly should be considered the voice of the Democrats.
The Southern states are heavily Republican now so I guess they are the party of slavery now.
1 T
Yes, Sarah Palin was citing (not quoting; the article doesn’t mention “palling around”) THIS NY Times article of October 4 that said :
I wonder how she missed that? Like she even read it.
7 MS
I know I’m going to feel like the guy who tells you there’s no Sanata Claus, but there is no Bradley effect.
Go with Byrd as a slur if you want, but the people who know more than a kindergartener know that the Democrats fully embraced civil rights (beginning with FDR banning civil service discrimination and Truman integrating the miltary) in 1965, which sent the Southern racists running to the Republican Party, where they’ve stayed ever since.
Byrd himself has renounced his past in the KKK and is a stanuch supporter of civil rights. That is a LOT more than anyone can say about Trent Lott, Jesse Helms, or the whole unrepentantly racist crop of current Republicans, including the one who publicly called Obama “uppity” recently, and the Republican who is part of the John McCain-Sarah Paliin Virginia Leadership Team, and Treasurer of the Buchanan County (VA) Republican Party who wrote a pamphlet claiming that Barack Obama favors “Mandatory Black Liberation Theology classes,” would make Al Sharpton Secretary of State, would “hire rapper Ludacris” to paint the White House black.
Nice bunch of guys.
Americans need to ask themselves if they’ve ever befriended a convicted felon who advised his supporters on how best to shoot federal officials in the head. John McCain has.
Americans need to ask themselves if they’ve ever used the money of a convicted criminal to help them buy their house. John McCain has.
Americans need to ask themselves if they’ve ever befriended a radical televangelist who has lashed out at the Roman Catholic Church, calling it, among other things, “the great whore” and “a false cult system.” John McCain has.
Americans need to ask themselves if they’ve ever sought economic advice from a far-right former lawmaker who “has diminished American solvency and power beyond the wildest dreams of anti-American terrorists.” John McCain has.
Americans need to ask themselves if they’ve ever befriended a radical televangelist who blamed the attacks of Sept. 11 on Americans. John McCain has.
Or maybe it’s not meaningful who a candidate has met in their lives. Is it?
@36:Any troll who is still trying to tie current democrats to racist policies either has not been paying attention for the last 40 years or is deliberately trying to mislead.
Who recently voted against the renewal of the civil right act?
John McCain voted against the MLK holiday.
Get real – these trolls are absurd. The only African americans who vote with the republicans are the rich, indoctrinated and “look down on others” types. Puddy used to say he would vote for Obama – but now he just parrots the republican party talking points. How sad.
Calling all puddies and Jane Dogs.
From the NYT article on the passage of the civil rights act, 2006, in therepublican congress. the opposition cam from conservative republicans. Case closed as the dumb trolls say.
Tell Rep. John Lewis, who marched with MLK, that the republicans are the party of civil rights. I want to see him laugh.
Dr. MLK Jr. – looks politically neutral, I’d go with Republican on MLK…
Hardly a credible source. The NYT is the house organ of the Democratic Party. Their puff piece on Obama-Ayers was a whitewash published on a Saturday to avoid any readers at all.
Ask Roger if NYT co. stock is a good investment.
Still believing in polls?
Remember this bit of beliving in polls?
And we all know how that turned out. It turned out so bad that gore had to complain that machines didn’t interpret the hanging chads correctly.
My little mindfucked sockpuppet.
My little mindfucked sockpuppet.
It’s cute when liberals have to resort to sockpuppets.
After obama loses I’m sure the rest of the left wing-nuts on here will become sockpuppets.
From what I read in robert byrds autobiography. earning the rank of grand kleage was not easy. You don’t earn the rank for only lynching a couple of those dirty dumb mumblin’ african americans.
At 1:01 there is a picture of what looks like a FBI guy dumping something in a swimming pool. Does anybody know what specifically is going on in this photo? Is it a famous photo?
Imagine how disappointed MLK would be if he came back to life and saw the african american community blindly following the democrat party into the condition the black community is in today. The number of black children being slaughtered at the hands of whites, now legally condoned and called abortions. The failing school districts that blacks are forced to attend. The perverse justice system that puts blacks in jail for crack and lets whites go free for coke. The liberal attitude that a single mother is as good as a 2 parent household.
MLK is turning in his grave.
And we all know how he would be referring to obama… the same way white liberals referred to colin powell and condi rice.
@46: What utter tripe!
Poor Marvin you have no clue. MLK was against the war in Vietnam – her certainly would be against the unnecessary war in Iraq.
MLK was for healthcare – he would be against the McCain plan that will insure less people.
MLK was against policies that favor the rich – he would oppose the McCain tax cuts for the rich.
Only in the fantasy world of a righwingnut would MLK EVER favor the republicans of today. You think the corrupt lobbyists party that is against civil rights would be the party that MLK would be in favor of….hahhahaha you are really taking too many of those mind altering pills. Just plain stupid!