Thom with the Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Chris Hayes: FAUX News’ despicable manufacture of ‘white-victimhood’.
Millennials — The laziest generation?
This Week in The G.O.P. War on Voters™:
- O’Donnell: Colin Powell criticizes voter suppression tactics by G.O.P.
- Pap: Stand up for your right to vote…now.
- Al Sharpton: Powell spanks the G.O.P. over voting suppression.
- Maddow: North Carolina GOP’s massive voter suppression effort:
- Chris Hayes: DOJ sues Texas over voting suppression.
Michael Brooks: Scott Brown considers awesome Presidential run.
O’Donnell: Lewis Black hits back at Gov. Perry.
Maddow: Gov. McDonnell’s scandal deepens with stock revelations.
War Criminals:
- Sam Seder: Obama administration requests immunity from war crimes for George W. Bush and company.
- Young Turks: DOJ wants blanket immunity for war criminals.
ONN: The Presidential Democrakiosk Debate.
Thom takes a long, hard look at Carlos Danger.
Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: Week in Review.
The Oily Topic of Texan Canadian Cruz:
- Sam Seder: How Canadian is Sen. Cruz?
- Ted Cruz, “I am not a Canadian!”
- Ann Telnaes: Senator Ted Cruz will renounce his Canadian citizenship.
- Young Turks: FAUX News birfer hypocrisy.
- Maddow: The Ted Cruz lovefest in Texas.
- Maddow: North Carolina GOP-led board closes voting precinct, targets campus voting
- Sam Seder: Curz to renounce his Canadianness.
- Alex Wagner: Ted Cruz squirms over his birth certificate.
- Rep. Cruz takes it on the chin
- Al Sharpton: No Canada!.
Biden and Obama speak on college affordability.
Farron Cousins: The Republican circular firing squad.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
The newest Obama:
NSA Bugs Some People:
- Ann Telnaes: NSA breaks privacy laws.
- Mark Fiore: Glenn Greenwald killed the Internet.
- Michael Brooks: UK Detains Glenn Greewald’s S.O.
- Ann Telnaes: The White House gets a new dog.
Obama mocks Congress with Schoolhouse Rock quip (via Crooks and Liars).
Red State Update: This Ain’t My First Racist Rodeo (Podcast episode 40).
Thom politically corrects FAUX News nutburger Steve Doocy.
Who had the worst week in Washington (D.C.).
White House: West Wing Week.
Rev. King’s March on Washington
- Sam Seder: 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington.
- 50 years after MLK.
- Hoodies up for the 50th anniversary march on Washington (via Crooks and Liars).
Mental Floss: Foods named after people.
Alex Wagner: Secretly, GOP hypocrites are taking advantage of “Obamacare”.
Young Turks: God smites Creation Museum worker.
Thom: ALEC is messing with Texas.
Obama’s Fault?!?
- Sam Seder: LA Republicans blame Katrina response on Obama!?!
- Sharpton: G.O.P. blames Obama for Katrina!
- Young Turks: Obama blamed for Katrina response?!?
Maddow: Virginia Republican Bob Goodlatte road-blocks path to immigration reform.
Texas Lt. Gov. to cop: Do you know who I am?.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.