Phone weirdness means a short post today and I don’t know about the rest of the week.
Friday Open Thread
Carl, Carl. You keep telling me to write or call my legislators. But what should I call them about? What’s the state of several important bills working their way through the legislature, preferably organized by category? Good news! The good folks at Range Media have you covered.
Wednesday Open Thread!
– Burien is a delightful city, why not just not be jerks to homeless people? Anyway, it’s good that they’re getting their day in court.
– As a member, I support REI workers on the board. Also, the bill mentioned in the article.
– Mass deportation is bad.
– A lot of shit going on right now. Good time to call your representative or legislator.
Friday Open Thread
When the marijuana initiative ran, Governor Inslee was opposed to it. But as soon as it passed, he supported implementation. I hope that can be the case on social housing now that the initiative has passed pretty overwhelmingly despite Mayor Harrell and most of the City Council members supporting the other option. It’s a tougher needle to thread when your pictures were on the mailer, but I do hope they try.
If you live in the city and want the Council to actually work to make social housing a reality, well they’re hearing from Amazon, maybe they could hear from you.
Wednesday Open Thread
– Tonight is the last freezing night for a bit, and it won’t be as cold as the previous few days. If you’re in Western Washington, you survived the worst of this winter. I’m proud of you.
– Also, proud of the social housing initiative. Unless Amazon’s money buys a late swing (I don’t think it will, but it’s a lot of money), it looks like the better one survived. There is a hell of a lot more needed, but this is an important step for more, and more affordable housing.
– If we want to push against a racist future, we should know about our racist past.
– I heard from your member of Congress and legislators. They said you didn’t call, so probably don’t care how they vote. Is that right? It doesn’t seem right.
Monday Open Thread
Maria Cantwell is not meeting the moment when it comes to Trump’s nominees. Not sure if she thinks she will be able to work with them or other nominees would be worse. Or if she thinks they’re greal. But Trump is filling his cabinet and other senior staff with cruel jerks. They deserve to be voted down. If you want to call her, it’s business hours in DC and will be in her local offices soon. You may get an intern or a voicemail. Here’s a quick script.
My name is [name] from [city/town in WA]. I am calling because I am disappointed in how many Trump nominees Senator Cantwell has voted for. [I am particularly disappointed with X because of Y, Scott Bessent after handing over the key to Treasury to those weirdos at DOGE, for example.] I hope you will reject more of his terrible nominees going forward.
Thank you for your time,
Read it out loud and make it your own before calling, but please do call today.
– I could read every story about where your poops go (second segment). Figuring out how to deal with waste is such a vital function of government.
– I would like no parking requirements, but lower is better.
– Opponents are giving you the runaround, vote yes on 1A. Get your ballot postmarked or dropped off by Tuesday February 11.
– And, hey. Write your legislators and Members of Congress. Do it today.
Wednesday Open Thread
What has 2 thumbs and was so distracted by the snow this morning it forgot to do an open thread? This guy!
Ooooh, look at Jonny 2 thumbs.
Anyway I have been been encouraging people to contact your legislator or member of Congress. I suspect that you can find something to ask your member of Congress, but I will suggest asking them to stop Elon Musk from bull in a China shopping the whole country. For the legislature, I like HB 1343 to make sure that student aid isn’t in jeopardy if you protest.
Monday Open Thread
Man, I don’t know, man. I think local and state politics matter in profound ways. But I would like it if the Federal government would not be broken by jerks and weirdos. I don’t know man, it’s really gross.
Anyway, if you want to contact yourUS Representative or your legislator, now is a great time.
Friday. Morning. Open. Thread!
– Cal Anderson Park knows what’s up.
– May 10 for 2 new stations on the 2 line.
– Trump’s anti trans executive order is terrible.
– Yesterday was the best day to write your legislators or member of Congress. Today is the second best day.
Wednesday Open Thread
– I moved to the Seattle area as a kid, and sometimes I get very confused about what we’re nostalgic for. Burgermaster? I guess.
– Get pasteurized milk. Raw milk? Do you even know what a cow is?
– Monday’s thread was about the special election, but reminder: cast your ballot, preferably for 1A if you’re in Seattle, by February 11.
– Man, Burien. Don’t be homeless isn’t a solution to homelessness.
– Anyway, today is a good day to contact your legislator or member of Congress.
Monday Open Thread!
Washington state people, there are local special elections. Many, but not all, jurisdictions are having elections. If yours is, you should have received your ballot. Get it dropped off or postmarked by February 11.
In general, I hope you support levies and bond measures. I don’t know the details in your area.
I also hope if you’re in Seattle, that you vote for 1A. It’s not the solution to homelessness and affordable housing in the city, but it is an important step, and a better plan than 1B.
A long time ago, back when buses ran in the Transit Tunnel, I was going from Pioneer Square to Convention Place and just got on the first bus, that happened to be at the end of the route. I got on and the only other people were the driver and a couple sitting in the very back. The man was playing a ukulele to the woman. Fantastic.
This moment, back when buses ran in the tunnel, back when there was a Convention Place station, is the last time I was charmed by hearing someone else’s music on public transportation.
But now? Every other ride someone is playing music. It’s very annoying. The other day, it wasn’t just a phone without headphones, but an actual speaker. Fucking hell dude. And sometimes I have to hear your podcast, with commercials? I’m advertised to enough on public transportation without an annoying ad for mattresses or whatever.
Sorry now for the sudden tone shift, I’m trying out a footer. Hey, today is a good day to contact your member of Congress or one of legislators.
Wednesday Open Thread
More people biking the Fremont Bridge. You guys. I don’t know how much that’s people coming back to work Downtown and how much it’s bike specific.
Amazon workers taking the Interurban Trail to work will probably boost that this year as they’re required to work from the office. I have mentioned that I haven’t noticed a huge uptick in people in coffee shops around Amazon; I also haven’t noticed more bikes. Yet.
Anyway, it’s cold as fuck, go warm up.
Friday Open Thread
– Have you been waiting for the state rebate to get an e-bike? Well good news, come April you can get it.
– District 2, so many candidates.
– Man just the other day I saw a driver run a red and almost hit a blind man. Imagine feeling so entitled to do that that you get out of your car and attack them. Seriously, if any of you fuckers feel like that, give up driving.
– I have many problems with Clarence Thomas, but you have to admit he has expertise.
– Still working on an outro for openthreads. Tootles? G’Bye. Just back to wash your filthy hands without the COVID-19 link? You should wash your hands still. I’ve used enough men’s rooms to know many of you aren’t; Maybe something Bob Ferguson specific?