I was going to mention this in this morning’s open thread, but there was no way to do it in a sentence without it sounding like I was goofing on Joni Balter (although, obviously, I have in the past and may again depending on what she writes). I think it’s absolutely the right move for Balter to leave the ed page and go back to news. I don’t have any recollection of her as a reporter, but people I know, even people who are skeptical of her as an editorial writer tell me she was good at it. So we’ll see based on what she writes. If it’s solid reporting, great. If it’s nonsense dressed up as reporting, well that’s too bad.
But regardless of how Balter turns out, The Seattle Times should focus more on reporting than on editorials. It’s their bread and butter and they don’t have as much competition. While some blogs that aren’t affiliated with newspapers have reporting, a good deal of the reporting in this town comes from The Seattle Times. I hope this signals something more than just one move.