Whip your fucking caucus. I mean I’m a Democrat, so the disorder you’ve sewn with your incompetence is usually fun to watch. But now that we’re a few days away from y’all not passing a clean continuing resolution, it’s time to do your job. It’s time to recognize that you are in the majority, so you have an obligation to do the basic stuff to keep the lights on.
I mean when your party was in the minority, you could rant on and on about continuing resolutions and debt ceiling rises, and whatever else it is you rant on and on about. And you could back your temper tantrum up with a vote against them because you knew that the Democrats were going to act like responsible adults and pass these things. Well, now you’ve gerrymandered your way into the majority, despite more people voting for Democrats for the House, so fucking act like you’re in the majority.
Have a vote on the clean resolution and fucking threaten your members who vote against it. Take away their plumb committee assignments. Make them do fundraising in North Dakota in January. Just — and I know this will sound silly — remind them that it’s their fucking job, for God’s sake. And don’t just get enough to squeak by with the support of the Democrats: fucking act responsibly and pass the damn thing with mostly Republican support. It’s your job when you’re in the majority. If you don’t like it, quit.
Carl Ballard