Looks like the Reichert folk are starting to feel the heat from Darcy Burner, whose campaign to unseat the first term, 8th Congressional District Republican just jumped into the national spotlight with a spectacular first quarter fundraising report. Burner out-raised Reichert two-to-one during the quarter, including an impressive $90,000 in the final two days of the reporting period… and her $536,000 total is more than any Democrat has ever raised at this point in any 8th CD race. Ever.
Up until now the standard GOP response to Burner has been to merely dismiss her as a novice and a political lightweight… but no more. Local Republicans are nervous, and you can see it in the rhetorical beads of sweat dripping off the knotted brows of our good friend Stefan over at (un)Sound Politics.
Sounding like a pale imitation of, well… me… Stefan set out yesterday to strike a deadly blow against the surging Burner campaign, but the only damage he managed to inflict was to his own, already battered and bruised credibility.
Stefan makes three charges against Burner, that 1) she has inflated her resume by claiming to be a “former Microsoft executive;” 2) that she’s neither a regular voter nor involved in her community, and 3) that there are “funny inconsistensies” [sic] in her “stories” about leaving Microsoft.
Gee. Going after inflated resumes and sparse voting records. I wonder where Stefan got that idea? What… he couldn’t find any mother beating or horse associations in her background?
From the way Stefan thematically borrowed from some of my better known scoops, one might think I was as much his target as Burner. And ordinarily I’d be flattered by such mimicry… that is, if Stefan hadn’t done such a crappy job of it. I take great pride in my muckraking — in both its accuracy and its impact — and as the local blogosphere’s most effective practitioner of the art, I’ve got a bit of advice: good muckraking requires more than just a good rake, Stefan. You also need to find a little, um… you know… muck.
Indeed, Stefan’s fanciful essay was so thin on fact and so thick on conjecture, it’s really not even worth refuting. But he and I have a special sort of personal bond, and I wouldn’t want to hurt his feelings by withholding my critique… so let’s take his fantasies in numerical order. Stefan writes:
Burner is inflating her resume. Burner’s campaign and supporters in the media call her a “former Microsoft executive”. This is an enormous exaggeration. She was not any kind of “executive”, a term customarily applied only to the most senior company officials…
Oh please.
Burner uses the word “executive” in the little “e” generic sense to describe her role at Microsoft to the general public. What did she do there? She managed a multimillion dollar budget. She managed managers and oversaw an entire team of employees. She worked with businesses from all over the world to help them benefit from Microsoft’s technology. So was she an “executive”…?