I spent most of the past couple days mucking around with WordPress 2.0, building a new template so that I could finally upgrade my cranky old copy of 1.2 and deal with comment spam assault I’m under. And things went pretty darn well… until I ran the 1.2 to 1.5 upgrade script late last night, and the mySQL server crashed. And then crashed again.
And I think, it’s all your fault. I’m guessing the problem is that my database is just plain huge… over 100 MB of comments alone.
So if anybody has a solution short of jettisoning the comment threads, please let me know.
In the meanwhile, I’ll delete the comment spam when I get around to deleting the comment spam. If people have a problem with that, don’t read the comments. But if I keep getting complaints about the spam via email or comment, I might as well just turn off comments altogether.