Did you catch the muppet version of Micheal Steele on John Stewart last night?
I liked their theory on how Steele will get people to forget his gaff. He will continue his trend to saying escalating outrageous things so very soon this comment about Afghanistan will pale in comparison.
Roger Rabbitspews:
God, I don’t ask for things very often, but I’m asking now. Please, God, let Michael Steele stay on as GOP national chair. Please, oh, please!
After years of fighting affirmative action as “racism against whites,” and phantoms of “political correctness” wherever they can be found, the Republicans’ Steele seems to be a product of this warped understanding of race politics (via Huffpost):
[Obama] wouldn’t have been voted president if he weren’t black. Somebody asked me over the weekend why does somebody earn a lot of money have a lot of money, because she’s black. It was Oprah. No, it can’t be. Yes, it is. There’s a lot of guilt out there, show we’re not racists, we’ll make this person wealthy and big and famous and so forth…. If Obama weren’t black he’d be a tour guide in Honolulu or he’d be teaching Saul Alinsky constitutional law or lecturing on it in Chicago.
# 3: Limbaugh’s racism is textbook. He got booted off NFL football commentary because he complained – on the air – that a particular NFL quarterback only received attention because he was black.
Limbaugh’s part of the “third wave” of bigots. The first wave of bigots argued that black people should never be allowed to have important jobs or responsibilities – like voiting – because they were inherently inferior and could never succeed. The second wave consisted of bigots who argued that even if discrimination was illegal, the failure of blacks to be hired was proof of their inferiority. After affirmative action paved the way for blacks to prove their ability to perform as well as whites, came the third wave of bigots – those that tried to explain away any sucesses by black Americans as being the product of affirmative action.
By the way, you might remember that the chicken-hawk Limbaugh avoided the draft during the Vietnam War by claiming he had a cyst on his rear end which prevented him from serving. Anybody want to wager what the chances were of a black male avoiding the draft during that time for the same reason?
I’ve long thought that the appointment of Michael Steele was just an elaborate way to demonstrate the ineffectiveness of affirmative action.
Having followed Michael Steele’s inexplicable career as RNC chair, I’m beginning to understand what so many Republicans have against affirmative action.
This is the kind of post I can get behind Goldy. Funny, without being profane. Even if I didn’t agree with it, I could admit that.
Since Steele seems unlikely to step down, and he apparently can’t be forced out, the Republican Party is stuck with him. While this will make for some interesting political theater, but I don’t see having much impact on the election in November.
Rand Paulspews:
Rush went off about Oprah, did he really mean Mr. Steel?
Mr. Sinical (...proud 'neath heated brow.)spews:
This is another instance of Republicans stating through a proxy (Steele) what they really believe rather than what they know to be true.
This is their way of announcing the new spin on Afghanistan: It’s Obama’s war.
Actually, we are in Afghanistan and Iraq to protect our oil interests and have permanent bases right next to irresponsible nuclear powers.
How do you spell succes in our middle eastern wars: Access to all the oil we’ll need in an emergency and the ability to take out Pakistani and Iranian nuclear arsenals when deemed necessary.
Give me any other reasons that make sense and I’ll change my views.
Rush is frustrated that Oprah has a bigger following than him. In his eyes, it must be because she’s black.
But you know, this is a solvable problem for Rush. There are lots of tinting proceedures out there, some temporary, some permanant. Rush could decide to try to pass for black, and see how much that improves his career.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
@9: Rush’s new book: “Black Whack Like Me”.
Orificially cystalowshus.
@8: This is exactly right:
How do you spell succes in our middle eastern wars: Access to all the oil we’ll need in an emergency and the ability to take out Pakistani and Iranian nuclear arsenals when deemed necessary.
Except the capability (under CentCom span of control) has been amped up to support two ground wars.
Withdrawal is well under way in Iraq.
A significant comment from the commanding general Maddow interviewed last night when asked about “Plan B” if the Afgans don’t step up July ’11:
Then we gave them the best chance they ever had.
We’re leaving on schedule.
So, I’d say your take is probably close to where O AND (significantly) the military are too.
Between the two drawdowns, O will free up about 150 Billion per year and end C+Augustus’ humiliating, no-win military nightmare.
No drama Obama, gettin’ shit done. The Rs are fucked in 2012.
Daddy Lovespews:
Wow, so much material, so little time!
Michael Steele has definitely prejudiced me against unserious loudmouthed douchebags.
At least I can say that Republicans are apparently tetlling the truth about what they think affirmative action is. Michael Steele proves that they really beleive that it is about promoting unqualified minorities over deserving white men in order to maintain a very visible but token minority presence in an organization. And although that is a woefully ignorant and incorrect view, it is to their credit that they are so obviously and deeply dedicated to it.
…chicken-hawk Limbaugh avoided the draft during the Vietnam War by claiming he had a cyst on his rear end
Maybe that’s why he’s always going on and on about anal cancer.
6. ConservativeFirst
“…the Republican Party is stuck with him. While this will make for some interesting political theater, but I don’t see having much impact on the election in November.”
Really? You mean that Michael Steele’s mismanagement resulting in complaints that the RNC is unusually, you might even say critically, low on cash in what many Republicans think is a pretty important election will not have “much impact?” Really? Ok.
Daddy Lovespews:
Iranian nuclear arsenal
Huh? No such creature.
@13: Not yet. But it is a credible threat, instead of, you know, the distractions in Iraq and Afganistan.
“The most qualified? No. I think they went for this — excuse me — political bullshit about narratives,” she said. “Every time the Republicans do that, because that’s not where they live and it’s not what they’re good at, they blow it.”
Stating the Obvious, I guessspews:
I’ve long thought that the appointment of Michael Steele was just an elaborate way to demonstrate the ineffectiveness of affirmative action.
Weird. I can see that, as a sort of dog whistle to their base.
I thought it was a cynical attempt to have an equivalent to Obama on the republican side, as in “See, we got one too!” to attract black voters. You know, since Clarance Thomas did such a good job, why not Steele?
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
Strange(well not really) that all the glaringly racist comments on this thread are coming from the progressives and those who are “left of center”
The republicans are fools for not getting rid of this idiot(Steele) – but then again, his comments pale in comparison to the current vice president’s record of gaffs and stupidity.
Whatever happened to the days of Patty Murray singing the praises of Saddam Hussein and his social programs? Oh, I forgot, we shalt not mention those
Mr. Sinical (...proud 'neath heated brow.)spews:
re 17: Is calling a gaffe a gaff a gaffe?
Contemplate that white boy.
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
Gee, thanks for the spell-check spelly-spellerton.
contemplate my sack on top of your wife’s brow….on a hot sweaty day.
Daddy Lovespews:
all the glaringly racist comments on this thread are coming from the progressives
Really? I haven’t seen one here yet. But then, Republicans think that mentioning racism is what makes one racist, which then makes you racist, doesn’t it? And now I am. Damn, what a stupid rule.
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
what a fine way to cover up hypocrisy.
Just imagine it isnt there, and POOF, its not there!
Mr. Sinical (...proud 'neath heated brow.)spews:
re 21: More to the case: Just imagine it is there and ‘poof’, it is.
If you want to prove your case, cite examples. This isn’t rocket surgery, Skippy.
In Defense of Steele ..
So, imagine if Goldy were recruited by Iran to had their PR effort.
Steele’s task is impossible …
anything he does as a Black man in a racist party will be tainted.
any suggestion he makes that is rational or scientific will appear ridiculous.
Steele’s only viable options would be to assume the role of Stepnfethcit or Alan Keyes.
@17 “all the glaringly racist comments on this thread are coming from the progressives and those who are “left of center””
It strikes me that you could use a reality check.
53. Troll spews:
Are you talking about the niggers beat Tubaman to death, and only going to be sentenced to weeks in jail?
04/03/2009 at 6:09 pm
5. Mr. Cynical spews:
Barack Obama got out of the shower and was drying off
when he looked in the mirror and noticed he was white from the neck up to
the top of his head.
In sheer panic and fearing he was turning white and might have to start
working for a living, he called his doctor and told him of his problem.
The doctor advised him to come to his office immediately. After an
examination, the doctor mixed a concoction of brown liquid, gave it to
Barack, and told him to drink it all.
Barack drank the concoction and replied, ‘That tasted like bullshit!’
The doctor replied, ‘It was, you were a quart low.’
07/08/2009 at 9:11 pm
70. mark spews:
“Racist Moron” is the Sherwin William color I painted my living room. I never sit around and think about race. EVER. Democrats bring it up every hour of their miserable existence, which is what it is. MISERABLE. I dont feel one way or another about jigaboos, most of them are a burden on society but so is YLB. I only use the term jigaboo to get a rise out of you tardnuggets. However, Obama holds the record for a jigaboo having a job. HAHAHAHAHAHAH Wingnut humor HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
08/16/2009 at 9:19 am
If progressives are such racists, why would it ever occur to a wingnut to use an expression of his own racism to “get a rise” out of us?
“what a fine way to cover up hypocrisy.
Just imagine it isnt there, and POOF, its not there!”
Poof! And just like that, progressives are racists and wingnut racism doesn’t exist.
Define “racism”, please. In particular, on an individual basis, what’s the difference between racism, and “freedom of speech”? At an organizational, corporate, or governmental level, acting against an individual, or group, because of their race/ethnicity/religion certainly meets the definition of racism, but how does that translate down to an individual?
I’d say that individuals calling blacks “niggers” and “jigaboos”, telling racist jokes and stating that blacks are a “burden on society” qualifies as racism.
Come on, we republicans need our Al Sharpton and Jesse Jacksons too!
Daddy Love spews @12:
Really? You mean that Michael Steele’s mismanagement resulting in complaints that the RNC is unusually, you might even say critically, low on cash in what many Republicans think is a pretty important election will not have “much impact?” Really? Ok.
Steele’s behavior has had little impact on the polling numbers thus far. Despite all his mismanagement, the last Gallup generic ballot I saw had Republicans ahead 49% to 43%.
The Republican Party has over $56 million cash on hand. That doesn’t seem “critically low” to me.
wrong thread
Thank you Steve. I agree that is the generally accepted definition. My question is why? If there is no overt action against the subject(s)of such perjoratives, then how does that really equate to anything more than poor taste, ignorance, and free speech?
I’m not trying to cause any arguments about this, just have an honest conversation. Race is one area where it is very difficult to have such, since for so many it is highly charged and controversial.
Were Steele an affirmative action pick, he would have been qualified. Affirmative action isn’t about elevating unqualified people to positions of responsibility. It is about giving a slight edge to blacks among the pool of qualified applicants.
Steele is there as a cynical, naive, and hopelessly failed attempt at attracting minority voters, especially blacks.
Steele isn’t an idiot, he’s just completely miscast. He doesn’t buy a lot of the GOP bullshit, but is charged with defending and promoting it.
I think it was Twain that said if you never lie, you don’t have to remember anything.
Steele is a hired shill whose job it is to lie for the Republican party. Too many lies will catch up with anyone.
He simply can’t reconcile his own relatively good sense with the indefensible, illogical Republican talking points.
I feel sort of sorry for the guy, but at the same time I’m disgusted by his lack of character. If he believed his own bullshit, that would somehow be almost better.
“If there is no overt action against the subject(s)of such perjoratives, then how does that really equate to anything more than poor taste, ignorance, and free speech?”
When such people do the hiring, firing and promoting, their acts can amount to a lot more than just a matter of taste, ignorance and free speech.
The funny thing about Steele is that his plan was to use this job as a spring board for running for President.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
He ain’t doin’ all that bad fund-raising and helping to whack ObaMao at the knees– Thursday, July 08, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 26% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Preside.ntial Approval Index rating of -17
Among those not affiliated with either major party, 16% Strongly Approve and 51% Strongly Disapprove.
Afghanistan is ObaMao’s War. He could have pulled troops as his first act…and chose not to. Instead he took 3 months after we had the Taliban on the run to decide what to do next…and he still ain’t done it. ObaMao allowed the Taliban to strengthen. Attacking Steele won’t change the FACTS.
This attack Steele thing is a desperate attempt to right the ObaMao ship. It ain’t workin’ folks.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
More bad news for the Government Unions and handout promotin’ Dummocrats–
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Most Americans would not pay higher taxes for specific public services in their states, but they are more supportive of paying for education and staffing law enforcement than supporting state employees and entitlement programs.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Adults shows that only 19% would be willing to pay higher taxes to avoid layoffs of state employees. Sixty-nine percent (69%) say they would not be willing to pay more in taxes for this reason. Another 11% are undecided. Adults feel similarly when it comes to funding entitlement programs. Twenty-two percent (22%) would pay higher taxes to prevent cuts in entitlement programs for low-income Americans. Sixty-three percent (63%) say they no.
9 out of 10 key issues, a majority supports R’s. Proof positive the ineptness and undesirability of rootless Atheist Progressivism.
Steve spews @24:
While I agree with you on the posts you provided, there is plenty of vitriol coming from the lefties in the comments of this blog. The use of the sexual term “teabaggers” for members of the Tea Party is but one example. While the term doesn’t have the history of the racial epithets thrown around to be “funny”, it’s just as offensive and equally as “funny”.
These people can be charitably called “low-information voters”.. It’s what happens when you take every utterance from Faux News as “the truth”.
Mr. Sinical (...proud 'neath heated brow.)spews:
re 37: ‘Teabaggers’ is the name that the Teabaggers gave themselves. Of course, that was before they knew what they were talking about — which, it seems to me, is the hallmark of their mindset.
If personal responsibility is what these Teabaggers crave, then they are going to have to own up to the fact that it’s not the mean old liberals that tagged them as Teabaggers, but themselves. I’m not going to let them (Teabaggers) escape the consequences of their own decision. Maybe in the future, they will think before they speak.
Same faces, different name. For me the “Tea Party” is just Dick Armey and friends understanding that the Republican/GOP brand was just too fucking soiled for words.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You are, as usual, an idiot in denial.
Trying to portray the Tea Party as blanket Republicans/GOP is not only dead wrong…it is a sure approach for the demise of the Progressive Movement.
ObaMao is waaaaaaaay behind in the polls with Unaffiliated Voters. He won that crowd 18 months ago. Now they hate him because he arrogantly chose to mock & ridicule and mischaraterize as you have.
This will be the cause of your limpdick progressive movement…arrogance and a lack of understanding of the Tea Party.
Mr. Sinical (...proud 'neath heated brow.)spews:
re 41: “ObaMao is waaaaaaaay behind in the polls with Unaffiliated Voters. He won that crowd 18 months ago. NOW THEY HATE HIM BECAUSE HE ARROGANTLY CHOSE TO MOCK & RIDICULE AND MISCHARATERIZE AS YOU HAVE.”
What in the deuce are you talking about? Examples please.
anybody who cares about being politically incorrect is a silly idiot
Did you catch the muppet version of Micheal Steele on John Stewart last night?
I liked their theory on how Steele will get people to forget his gaff. He will continue his trend to saying escalating outrageous things so very soon this comment about Afghanistan will pale in comparison.
God, I don’t ask for things very often, but I’m asking now. Please, God, let Michael Steele stay on as GOP national chair. Please, oh, please!
After years of fighting affirmative action as “racism against whites,” and phantoms of “political correctness” wherever they can be found, the Republicans’ Steele seems to be a product of this warped understanding of race politics (via Huffpost):
# 3: Limbaugh’s racism is textbook. He got booted off NFL football commentary because he complained – on the air – that a particular NFL quarterback only received attention because he was black.
Limbaugh’s part of the “third wave” of bigots. The first wave of bigots argued that black people should never be allowed to have important jobs or responsibilities – like voiting – because they were inherently inferior and could never succeed. The second wave consisted of bigots who argued that even if discrimination was illegal, the failure of blacks to be hired was proof of their inferiority. After affirmative action paved the way for blacks to prove their ability to perform as well as whites, came the third wave of bigots – those that tried to explain away any sucesses by black Americans as being the product of affirmative action.
By the way, you might remember that the chicken-hawk Limbaugh avoided the draft during the Vietnam War by claiming he had a cyst on his rear end which prevented him from serving. Anybody want to wager what the chances were of a black male avoiding the draft during that time for the same reason?
I’ve long thought that the appointment of Michael Steele was just an elaborate way to demonstrate the ineffectiveness of affirmative action.
This is the kind of post I can get behind Goldy. Funny, without being profane. Even if I didn’t agree with it, I could admit that.
Since Steele seems unlikely to step down, and he apparently can’t be forced out, the Republican Party is stuck with him. While this will make for some interesting political theater, but I don’t see having much impact on the election in November.
Rush went off about Oprah, did he really mean Mr. Steel?
This is another instance of Republicans stating through a proxy (Steele) what they really believe rather than what they know to be true.
This is their way of announcing the new spin on Afghanistan: It’s Obama’s war.
Actually, we are in Afghanistan and Iraq to protect our oil interests and have permanent bases right next to irresponsible nuclear powers.
How do you spell succes in our middle eastern wars: Access to all the oil we’ll need in an emergency and the ability to take out Pakistani and Iranian nuclear arsenals when deemed necessary.
Give me any other reasons that make sense and I’ll change my views.
Rush is frustrated that Oprah has a bigger following than him. In his eyes, it must be because she’s black.
But you know, this is a solvable problem for Rush. There are lots of tinting proceedures out there, some temporary, some permanant. Rush could decide to try to pass for black, and see how much that improves his career.
@9: Rush’s new book: “Black Whack Like Me”.
Orificially cystalowshus.
@8: This is exactly right:
Except the capability (under CentCom span of control) has been amped up to support two ground wars.
Withdrawal is well under way in Iraq.
A significant comment from the commanding general Maddow interviewed last night when asked about “Plan B” if the Afgans don’t step up July ’11:
We’re leaving on schedule.
So, I’d say your take is probably close to where O AND (significantly) the military are too.
Between the two drawdowns, O will free up about 150 Billion per year and end C+Augustus’ humiliating, no-win military nightmare.
No drama Obama, gettin’ shit done. The Rs are fucked in 2012.
Wow, so much material, so little time!
Michael Steele has definitely prejudiced me against unserious loudmouthed douchebags.
At least I can say that Republicans are apparently tetlling the truth about what they think affirmative action is. Michael Steele proves that they really beleive that it is about promoting unqualified minorities over deserving white men in order to maintain a very visible but token minority presence in an organization. And although that is a woefully ignorant and incorrect view, it is to their credit that they are so obviously and deeply dedicated to it.
Maybe that’s why he’s always going on and on about anal cancer.
6. ConservativeFirst
Really? You mean that Michael Steele’s mismanagement resulting in complaints that the RNC is unusually, you might even say critically, low on cash in what many Republicans think is a pretty important election will not have “much impact?” Really? Ok.
Huh? No such creature.
@13: Not yet. But it is a credible threat, instead of, you know, the distractions in Iraq and Afganistan.
Reminds me of Noonan’s take on Palin:
I’ve long thought that the appointment of Michael Steele was just an elaborate way to demonstrate the ineffectiveness of affirmative action.
Weird. I can see that, as a sort of dog whistle to their base.
I thought it was a cynical attempt to have an equivalent to Obama on the republican side, as in “See, we got one too!” to attract black voters. You know, since Clarance Thomas did such a good job, why not Steele?
Strange(well not really) that all the glaringly racist comments on this thread are coming from the progressives and those who are “left of center”
The republicans are fools for not getting rid of this idiot(Steele) – but then again, his comments pale in comparison to the current vice president’s record of gaffs and stupidity.
Whatever happened to the days of Patty Murray singing the praises of Saddam Hussein and his social programs? Oh, I forgot, we shalt not mention those
re 17: Is calling a gaffe a gaff a gaffe?
Contemplate that white boy.
Gee, thanks for the spell-check spelly-spellerton.
contemplate my sack on top of your wife’s brow….on a hot sweaty day.
Really? I haven’t seen one here yet. But then, Republicans think that mentioning racism is what makes one racist, which then makes you racist, doesn’t it? And now I am. Damn, what a stupid rule.
what a fine way to cover up hypocrisy.
Just imagine it isnt there, and POOF, its not there!
re 21: More to the case: Just imagine it is there and ‘poof’, it is.
If you want to prove your case, cite examples. This isn’t rocket surgery, Skippy.
In Defense of Steele ..
So, imagine if Goldy were recruited by Iran to had their PR effort.
Steele’s task is impossible …
anything he does as a Black man in a racist party will be tainted.
any suggestion he makes that is rational or scientific will appear ridiculous.
Steele’s only viable options would be to assume the role of Stepnfethcit or Alan Keyes.
@17 “all the glaringly racist comments on this thread are coming from the progressives and those who are “left of center””
It strikes me that you could use a reality check.
If progressives are such racists, why would it ever occur to a wingnut to use an expression of his own racism to “get a rise” out of us?
Poof! And just like that, progressives are racists and wingnut racism doesn’t exist.
Define “racism”, please. In particular, on an individual basis, what’s the difference between racism, and “freedom of speech”? At an organizational, corporate, or governmental level, acting against an individual, or group, because of their race/ethnicity/religion certainly meets the definition of racism, but how does that translate down to an individual?
I’d say that individuals calling blacks “niggers” and “jigaboos”, telling racist jokes and stating that blacks are a “burden on society” qualifies as racism.
Come on, we republicans need our Al Sharpton and Jesse Jacksons too!
Daddy Love spews @12:
Steele’s behavior has had little impact on the polling numbers thus far. Despite all his mismanagement, the last Gallup generic ballot I saw had Republicans ahead 49% to 43%.
The Republican Party has over $56 million cash on hand. That doesn’t seem “critically low” to me.
wrong thread
Thank you Steve. I agree that is the generally accepted definition. My question is why? If there is no overt action against the subject(s)of such perjoratives, then how does that really equate to anything more than poor taste, ignorance, and free speech?
I’m not trying to cause any arguments about this, just have an honest conversation. Race is one area where it is very difficult to have such, since for so many it is highly charged and controversial.
Were Steele an affirmative action pick, he would have been qualified. Affirmative action isn’t about elevating unqualified people to positions of responsibility. It is about giving a slight edge to blacks among the pool of qualified applicants.
Steele is there as a cynical, naive, and hopelessly failed attempt at attracting minority voters, especially blacks.
Steele isn’t an idiot, he’s just completely miscast. He doesn’t buy a lot of the GOP bullshit, but is charged with defending and promoting it.
I think it was Twain that said if you never lie, you don’t have to remember anything.
Steele is a hired shill whose job it is to lie for the Republican party. Too many lies will catch up with anyone.
He simply can’t reconcile his own relatively good sense with the indefensible, illogical Republican talking points.
I feel sort of sorry for the guy, but at the same time I’m disgusted by his lack of character. If he believed his own bullshit, that would somehow be almost better.
“If there is no overt action against the subject(s)of such perjoratives, then how does that really equate to anything more than poor taste, ignorance, and free speech?”
When such people do the hiring, firing and promoting, their acts can amount to a lot more than just a matter of taste, ignorance and free speech.
The funny thing about Steele is that his plan was to use this job as a spring board for running for President.
He ain’t doin’ all that bad fund-raising and helping to whack ObaMao at the knees–
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Afghanistan is ObaMao’s War. He could have pulled troops as his first act…and chose not to. Instead he took 3 months after we had the Taliban on the run to decide what to do next…and he still ain’t done it. ObaMao allowed the Taliban to strengthen. Attacking Steele won’t change the FACTS.
This attack Steele thing is a desperate attempt to right the ObaMao ship. It ain’t workin’ folks.
More bad news for the Government Unions and handout promotin’ Dummocrats–
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
9 out of 10 key issues, a majority supports R’s. Proof positive the ineptness and undesirability of rootless Atheist Progressivism.
Steve spews @24:
While I agree with you on the posts you provided, there is plenty of vitriol coming from the lefties in the comments of this blog. The use of the sexual term “teabaggers” for members of the Tea Party is but one example. While the term doesn’t have the history of the racial epithets thrown around to be “funny”, it’s just as offensive and equally as “funny”.
Here’s a teabagger:
Click on the link – nothing pornographic about it.
And want to see funny? Here’s Teabonics:
These people can be charitably called “low-information voters”.. It’s what happens when you take every utterance from Faux News as “the truth”.
re 37: ‘Teabaggers’ is the name that the Teabaggers gave themselves. Of course, that was before they knew what they were talking about — which, it seems to me, is the hallmark of their mindset.
If personal responsibility is what these Teabaggers crave, then they are going to have to own up to the fact that it’s not the mean old liberals that tagged them as Teabaggers, but themselves. I’m not going to let them (Teabaggers) escape the consequences of their own decision. Maybe in the future, they will think before they speak.
Same faces, different name. For me the “Tea Party” is just Dick Armey and friends understanding that the Republican/GOP brand was just too fucking soiled for words.
You are, as usual, an idiot in denial.
Trying to portray the Tea Party as blanket Republicans/GOP is not only dead wrong…it is a sure approach for the demise of the Progressive Movement.
ObaMao is waaaaaaaay behind in the polls with Unaffiliated Voters. He won that crowd 18 months ago. Now they hate him because he arrogantly chose to mock & ridicule and mischaraterize as you have.
This will be the cause of your limpdick progressive movement…arrogance and a lack of understanding of the Tea Party.
re 41: “ObaMao is waaaaaaaay behind in the polls with Unaffiliated Voters. He won that crowd 18 months ago. NOW THEY HATE HIM BECAUSE HE ARROGANTLY CHOSE TO MOCK & RIDICULE AND MISCHARATERIZE AS YOU HAVE.”
What in the deuce are you talking about? Examples please.
anybody who cares about being politically incorrect is a silly idiot