No, Democrats are not in trouble in Delaware. Of course not. Democratic Senate nominee Chris Coons is going to wipe the floor with crazy teabagger Christine O’Donnell, and the Dems will pick up the state’s lone House seat as well.
And yet, both President Obama and Vice President Biden are making a high profile campaign stop in the Diamond State.
Huh. Guess that doesn’t fit in all that well with the Republican meme that Obama’s upcoming rally in Seattle is as sign that Democrats here are desperate.
no it’s a sign that the 2012 campaign to re-elect the guy who has expanded war, is waging an unofficial drone war, has an assassination policy, continued to cover up under the “state secrets” doctrine, and dismissed universal healthcare or even a public option, has begun. and washington is supposed to be friendly turf since it provided o’bomber with so many cabinet members and 2 loyal senators and a governor who endorsed him. somehow those of us who worked to get the dood elected in 2008 are expected to fall in line for that pantheon of evil in 2012 b/c if we don’t we’ll be governed by crackpots and witches. got it?
@ 1 above, time to take your meds.
On to the actual thread. The D’s will take Delaware by a landslide. Absolutely no doubt about that (caveat, caveat, caveat), with that said Obama needs chits to call in, in two years. Pay backs are always a bitch, but that is what politics is all about.
They need to build up chits in every State they can that will pay off in 2012. Stumping for a looser will not help them down the road. They are looking at the map and saying where are we going to win – got to go there; where might we win – should go there; where are we going to tank – not a chance in hell.
With that said, they will be in Washington. Patty is going to win by 5.5% points.
All you need to know how bad it’s gonna be for the Dems can be discerned by the travel schedules of the “heavy hitters”
Obama, Biden Clinton tied down here at the end in Wash. state, DELAWARE, CALIFORNIA, ILLINOIS, for gawds sake.
They’ve already given up on Mo., Wis., Pa., Ohio, etc.
Heck, both Murray and Adam Smith are still having to run negative ads! That’s a sure sign of a losing incumbent, when they’re doing that in the last coupla weeks of an election!
They’re just trying to limit the level of embarrassment they’re gonna have in Nov.
& they deserve it, given the keystone kops attitude toward politics & policy —
the Republicans play for keeps, the Democrats play tiddlywinks — poorly
Actually, both Obamas will be in Ohio in the next few days. And Obama was just in Pa. and Wis. It’s also about fundraising.
Given the recent polling, its hard to understand why you think Murray is losing. Of course, maybe you don’t believe in polls … or evolution, or that the earth is more than 6,000 years old, etc.
re 3: Do you shake your poms while you’re cheering?
I hope Nikki @3 has influence with the GOP bigwigs, and tells them that MO, WI, PA, and OH are in the bag. No need to campaign there any more…
I guess while those who masturbate grow hair on their palms, Christ O’Dommy grows Sean Hannity’s balls in her back pocket.
Well, I agree with you on that one.
Murray has always practiced running for office as bloodsport.
Murray will keep running negative ads as long as Rossi keeps running negative ads. If that’s a sign that she is losing, what does that say about Rossi?
Come to think of it, when is the last Republican ad I’ve seen which wasn’t a negative ad? I can’t think of any.
Maybe Obama and Biden are going to Delaware as a favor to Biden.
You say that as if there is something wrong with it.
Democrats would win a lot more races if they remembered to throw their opponents an anvil when they are drowning and to always go in for the kill no matter how confident they are of their chances on election day.
These visits are as much about post-election spin and appearance. The White House needs to pick a few high-profile, seemingly “contested” races to weigh in on and help drive in the winning runs. Gives ’em clout with Congress as well as with K street.
Nothing wrong with at all. I wish more Democrats did.
What the fuck does “meme” mean? You use it all the time. Do you mean “theme?”
Keep up the good work!
I think theme is kind of right. Talking point, theme, purposeful repetition, something like that.
webster @15:
Y’know, if you had the slightest interest in actually finding out about memes, you could use teh google and read about it.
Democraps are going to get their ass kicked come NOV 2 Guarantee……………