Good morning. Here are some things.
– Some great reporting on the police officers on the Brady list in Washington.
– And speaking of police who shouldn’t be police.
– Get yourself on the Seattle mass vaccination site list. And keep on looking (and feel free to drop other locations in Washington in the thread.
– Wash your hands, you grubby weirdo.
– Biden’s judicial nominees seem pretty rad.
Gaetzgate just keeps on building.
Maybe nestor was his wingman?
Experts say Floyd died of lack of oxygen, not drugs.
America loves President Biden.
Approval soaring, disapproval plummeting.
RCP Average 55.2% Approve 39.6% Disapprove
I chalk it up to competence, empathy and lucidity, qualities which Doctor Dumbfuck and his raging orange man-baby so utterly lack.
Jesus Christ, talk about burying the lede.
183 is absolutely an undercount.
First of all, you need a state law that compels every state certified agency to report the names to the State Attorney General. The compiled list must be public, published, and searchable. And any county or agency official who omits or deletes a name must be held criminally liable for doing so. Nothing else works. Here’s why:
Let’s say you are defending a client accused of a crime. The prosecutor you are facing is obligated to disclose. That’s the “Brady” part (Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963)). Now let’s say your client is charged based upon an affidavit of arrest sworn to by a police officer who has been caught making false sworn statements. That police officer, with a proven record of swearing to false statements is going to be called to testify in support of their arrest affidavit. They will be sworn in front of the jury your client faces. And the record proves that they have given false testimony under just such an oath in the past. You need to know that. The jury needs to know that.
But what if the prosecutor does not know it? What if the police officer’s record of perjury has been withheld from the prosecutor? The prosecutor can’t disclose what they don’t know.
So what if the case goes forward to trial with none of the evidence of police perjury presented to the jury, and they vote to convict?
Grounds for appeal, right?
Wrong. It isn’t misconduct if the prosecutor did not know. The burden lies on you and your client to prove to the appellate court, not that the lying cop is a liar, but that the lying cop lied at trial in your case. The prosecutor presented their affidavit and their testimony in good faith. They didn’t know they were presenting a liar-cop. And just because the liar-cop is now revealed to be a liar-cop, doesn’t automatically mean that the liar-cop lied in front of your jury. The credibility of the lying cop is not an issue for appeal. The court assumes that the liar-cop told the truth to your jury unless you can prove they did not. The testimony of the liar cop can’t be stricken unless it can be shown to be a lie.
A system like this presents no compelling reason for law enforcement agencies to remove cops who routinely commit perjury by swearing false statements. Instead it creates very powerful incentives for agencies to withhold that information for prosecutors and for prosecutors to encourage this.
That’s your current system, kids. A liar-cop with a proven track record of committing criminal perjury can put you in jail and there’s nothing you can do about it. Even if you eventually learn about the lying cop. The system generally forbids any consideration of it after the fact.
Consequently, you can be absolutely assured that there are thousands of people doing felony time in your state prisons based upon the false sworn statements of police officers who have done it before, and who will do it again.
But hey! As long as their mostly doing it to the poors, the blacks, and the long-hairs, that’s the idea, right?
“Biden’s judicial nominees seem pretty rad.”
The more, the merrier: “Biden to order bipartisan commission to study Supreme Court expansion”
“Rep. Matt Gaetz has hired two top New York defense lawyers — one of whom currently represents the Trump Organization in an ongoing criminal probe — to represent him as the Florida Republican faces a federal sex trafficking investigation.”
There goes the millions the FBI extortionist tried to get from him.
P.S., nobody hires these guys to defend them against the parking tickets the GOP never pinned on Hillary despite spending over $1`00 million of taxpayer money investigating her. Still waiting for them to lock ‘er up.
That post script is scientifically designed to trigger the troll.
“42% of U.S. adults reported undesired weight gain due to Covid, according to a recent survey by the American Psychological Association. Average increase: 29 pounds”
Probably the same fatheads who voted for Trump.
Btw, I’m sure glad I have my own gym and a private trainer, because the workout joints will have waiting lists when their doors reopen.
@4 It wouldn’t be quite so bad if they did it to some Trumpers. Why should we care whether they’re guilty? Doctor Dumbfuck doesn’t.
@7 I guess that makes me a scientist.
Somebody should ask the troll how his GE shorts are doing.
Forensic pathologist: “Activities of the law enforcement officers resulted in Mr. Floyd’s death”
Defense: “He was whistling ‘Mary had a little lamb’ the whole 9 1/2 minutes”
I guess it boils down to the credibility of the witnesses.
“London (CNN) Prince Philip, the lifelong companion of Queen Elizabeth II and the longest-serving consort in British history, died at the age of 99 on Friday.”
To recap briefly, Q-anon is the massive “conservative” conspiracy theory which proposes that a vast, “deep state” of invisible bureaucrats enabled by Democrats and funded by Hollywood and entertainment industry elites is secretly engaged in a massive effort to destroy Donald J. Trump. The theory insists that this conspiracy exists because Donald J. Trump is secretly at work dismantling a global “Satanic” empire of child sex trafficking involving wealthy elites, Tom Hanks, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, and Prince Andrew to kidnap, warehouse, and transport huge numbers of pre-adolescent children in order to sexual abuse them, murder them, feast on their organs in Satanic rituals, and extract their adrenochrome in order to prolong life.
The Q-anon conspiracy theory is the lynchpin behind “The Big Lie” that the Nov. 3 presidential election was stolen. Proponents of “The Big Lie” depend upon Q-anon, not just for the motivation and support of angry white base voters, but also to provide the causative mechanism. The conspiracy provides the means by which they claim hundreds of individual election counts were falsified. It is a claim we’ve seen promoted by all of our trolls here, by ranking and senior Republican members of the US Senate, by Republican Governors and state party Chairs, and by member of Congress. It is specifically what Mike Flynn and mobs of Trump rally attendees were shouting about when they chanted “Lock her up”.
Here’s a brief profile of one of the original authors of the Q conspiracy theory from before Donald J. Trump’s rise within the GOP:
From the very beginning it was created by pedophile profiteers to provide cover for commercial sharing of child pornography. It was a smoke screen that leveraged the ignorance, superstition, paranoia, and partisanship found in abundance among Republican base voters to divert attention elsewhere.
Now the leading contenders for the GOP presidential nomination in 2024 are employing this same conspiracy theory to defend their own participation in these pedophile conspiracy activities. People like Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and Donald J. Trump argue that they are being targeted by the “Deep State” and other “hidden” conspirators. These leading Republicans and their followers, who actively engaged in promoting false claims about a child sex trafficking conspiracy to steal the election now argue that the same imaginary conspiracy is trying to silence them from further spreading those very same false claims. They call this “Cancel”.
It’s a perfect circular fallacy.
In essence it amounts to a variation of “I’m entitled to my opinion”.
Which may be true. But is also entirely irrelevant. Because that opinion is a falsehood. And more importantly it is a falsehood predicated on a carefully designed smokescreen for child pornographers.
They may be entitled to their opinions.
But they are not entitled to anyone’s approval of those opinions. And when you understand where those opinions come from it’s very difficult for any moral person to approve.
Here’s some red meat for doc: Black-on-white crime.
Or maybe they’re just another pair of anti-government protesters?
One of the “benefits” of living in GOP-governed states is waiting until Jesus’ birthday to get your first shot.
Ah, what the hell, they don’t believe in vaccines anyway.
@15 “It is a claim we’ve seen promoted by all of our trolls here, by ranking and senior Republican members of the US Senate, by Republican Governors and state party Chairs, and by member of Congress. It is specifically what Mike Flynn and mobs of Trump rally attendees were shouting about when they chanted ‘Lock her up’.”
And this is who Joe Manchin is telling fellow Democrats to listen to …
(shaking head, rabbit ears flopping side to side)
Coca Cola brand product placement* during key moments of the Chauvin murder trial.
Take that, Georgia!
*Chief ME drinking Dasani
@15 “From the very beginning it was created by pedophile profiteers to provide cover for commercial sharing of child pornography.”
For details, see
I wouldn’t be surprised if doc is one of their customers. I’m not saying he is, I’m not suggesting he is, I’m not even speculating he is. Nor am I imply customer of what. All I’m saying is I wouldn’t be surprised if he is a consumer of 8chan content. It’s not a large leap from fucking horses to surfing 8chan.
Let’s be fair.
Manchin depends upon a great many of these child porn conspiracy mongering idiots for his winning vote margins.
I trust that Manchin is wise and intelligent enough to recognize a dangerous psychotic pedophile when he sees one (and yes, I’m referring to Josh Hawley). But he may also need to retain some support among emotionally disturbed “conservative” voters in WV in order to win reelection. So it’s not unreasonable for him to tread carefully and most of all to try to reassure those emotionally disturbed “conservative” voters that “he listens”.
He doesn’t listen to psychotic pedophiles. He just needs some of their votes.
He wants to get shit done, same as any other Democrat, and same as Joe Biden. But he also realizes that Democrats can’t get anything done with 49 votes in the Senate. Protecting the 51 to 50 majority means protecting Joe Manchin through next year. That’s something we can all agree on. Protecting Joe Manchin means pretending to listen to emotionally disturbed “conservative” voters. That should be easy for us to agree on as well.
After all, we do it all the time with our trolls.
As I’ve long said, never, ever leave a child or a farm animal alone with a Republican. For if you do, something truly awful might come of it. Truth.
Curious to see the Chauvin defense. Their rebuttal of the prosecution so far has mostly consisted of “he was scared” and “he followed his training”. Neither of which are very compelling.
I fully expect them to present their own experts to challenge the prosecution. But that will be tough. So far the prosecution experts have been pretty unequivocal. I think it will be challenging for the defense to put on experts making equally certain declarations to the jury. And of course the prosecutor will then be allowed to recall his own experts to rebut the defense experts. So the likely argument to arise from it will be the more “tactical” and less “factual” argument wherein the defense scolds the people during closing for “confusing” the jury. Standard tactic. Generally only effective if the prosecution experts are weak.
Stock Market soaring too. Unfucking believable! Biden is a miracle worker! Rah, rah, rah, sis koom bah. Go Joe, go. Show the miserable fuck how it’s done!
Remember, this is not a crisis.
Biden’s southern border czar Roberta Jacobson to step down at the end of April
Although that certainly didn’t take long.
From Breitbart:
This time she’s resigning in disgust at First! Woman! President! Jill Biden’s border policies.
@ 13
Forensic pathologist: “Activities of the law enforcement officers resulted in Mr. Floyd’s death”
This isn’t the pathologist who conducted the autopsy.
Elsewhere in the link @ 13, the pathologist who did the autopsy, Dr. Baker, stated that he intentionally did not view the videos of the Floyd arrest prior to completing the autopsy. And yet he diagnosed:
Fair enough. But here’s my question:
If the pathologist didn’t view video, and if the pathologist did not find signs of neck injury that might result from compression, how would the pathologist have any reason to attribute the death to restraint and neck compression, more than to fentanyl intoxication? There was no autopsy evidence that any damage at all was caused to the neck area. None.
It was also cardiopulmonary arrest, complicating a choice by Floyd to get high, and then to pop more pills to hid them from LE. Which his dealer told him to do, and then took the Fifth to avoid having to disclose in court.
@ 23
Their rebuttal of the prosecution so far has mostly consisted of “he was scared” and “he followed his training”. Neither of which are very compelling.
I did not know that this is the phase of the trial during which the defense rebuts the prosecution. There’s a defense phase, yes?
There have been a dozen prosecuting attorneys present evidence. The defense attorney is on his own. He did cross-examine a use-of-force expert for a longer period of time than the prosecutor took during direct.
He has also been successful numerous times in compelling the witnesses to agree that what was done by Chauvin was, in fact, part of his training. That’s not rebuttal. That’s exculpatory evidence. And they aren’t even defense witnesses. Yet.
One of the prosecuting attorneys’ witnesses will be called as a defense witness, it was announced earlier this week. So much damage to the prosecution was done by this witness that apparently there’s more damage to follow when the defense is able to lead the questioning.
For some reason the prosecution suddenly stopped referring to Floyd’s “neck” and is now referring to Floyd’s “neck area”. Apparently different video angles we haven’t yet seen much of make it apparent that nobody was crushin’ on Floyd’s neck.
I haven’t seen much to suggest that Chauvin did anything wrong so far. I’ve seen plenty to suggest that Floyd caused his own death. It’s really not helpful to the prosecution that so many witnesses for the prosecution were threatening the officers when they were trying to do their jobs. That firefighter isn’t gonna be very popular when things settle down. Especially if Chauvin’s exoneration causes Minneapolis to be torched and a couple of her colleagues end up getting killed trying to put out the fires people who think and behave like her will set.
Why did the prosecuting attorney in the Chauvin trial have a reason to bring up John Wilkes Booth?
Now, Lincoln’s death…that was a homicide.
Prosecution witness and forensic pathologist Thomas:
Prosecution witness and forensic pathologist Baker, who conducted the autopsy:
Seems like Baker thinks there’s evidence to suggest he would have died had LE not been holding him down.
What’s the term used to describe this discrepancy? Oh, yes. Now I remember.
Reasonable doubt.
Covid-19 is raging out of control in Michigan, where a gang of Trumpers plotted to kidnap and possibly kill the governor for trying to save their lives.
Maybe it’s time to let ’em die.
Six degrees of Kevin Bacon. Just substitute white supremacy for KB.
White supremacy is the root of all race-related violence in the US
Every time a black dude coldcocks an elderly Asian heritage person it can be blamed on white supremacy in the same way that every instance of domestic abuse can be blamed on an unpopular president.
As you’re a racist who believes all black men deserve to die, I have no doubt you have seen plenty, Doctor.
@ 30
Covid-19 is raging out of control in Michigan…
States in which COVID-19 is NOT raging out of control:
And others that have not locked down their residents.
They were going after Whitmer due to her subsequently proven unconstitutional authoritarianism, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Of course, you don’t see their point. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, you never have a compelling reason to leave your shithole, pandemic or not. A lockup in your world, to you, looks like every other day you’ve lived in the last decade.
@19 It’s okay, I own Coca Cola stock.
@21 “After all, we do it all the time with our trolls.”
Trolls? Who’s the other one?
No, it was you and your raging orange man-baby repeatedly inciting violence against Asian-American citizens. Did you think only white supremacists heard your clarion calls for violence? You own it. You own all of it.
@27 Question: Are Whidbey Island cops trained to sit on people’s necks until they’re dead? Just curious.
You should be careful about surfing 8chan. The cops might come for you. If you stick with the horse, you’ll only get SPCA scolds.
@28 “Now, Lincoln’s death…that was a homicide.”
Are you sure? He didn’t die until the next day. Could have been old age.
@29 “Seems like Baker thinks there’s evidence to suggest he would have died had LE not been holding him down.”
Your problem is the witness didn’t say that. “Seems like” and “thinks” aren’t testimony. They’re just an armchair juror blowing smoke out of his ass.
@ 34
… I own Coca Cola stock.
Why, of course you do, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. It’s undoubtedly one of your big winners. Compared with GE, it’s gone killer.
KO shares in October 2017: about $46
KO shares in the present: about $53.
That’s a 15.2% gain over 3 1/2 years, or about 3.3% each year. Add in the dividend, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, and you’ve got yourself a solid investment that has increased at an annualized rate of 6.5%. As I said, it’s your big winner.
Look at S&P 500 tracking stock VTI over the same period, and it’s gone from $132/sh to $214/sh. Dividend yield 1.6%. That’s a 62% gain. Annualized and with dividend, it’s 19.3%.
So, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, your winner blue-chip shares in KO have increased at about one-third the pace of your S&P 500 average over the last three years.
Once again, YLB and gentleman, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has validated
The Notadumbfuck Method
investment strategy, popularized in these here parts several years ago. OK, five.
You keep being you, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. The rest of us will be cashing in by watching you and doing the opposite.
@32 I doubt he’s ever seen a black person. I’ve never seen one on Whidbey Island. He has to be a racist vicariously.
@ 39
They’re merely an armchair juror blowing smoke out of his ass.
It’s like you never wrote the Fleeing Felon screed, with your complete lack of self-awareness, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
There is absolutely no one on HA who has farted more smoke than you have.
As a retort to @ 40, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit will doubtless point out that his dividend from KO ownership is twice what he could have earned had he merely invested in the broader market.
This is why his family suffers.
@33 “And others that have not locked down their residents.”
Like the Dakotas? Tennessee, Arizona, Iowa, Oklahoma? Do tell.
Only 4 states have lower infection rates than Washington. None are red states. In fact, I don’t see a single red state in the bottom 10.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 44
You’re looking at total. What’s got Whitmer desperate is what is happening now.
2-week average change in new cases:
Michigan up 93.6%
North Dakota up 47.1%
South Dakota up 4.6%
Tennessee down 16.5%
Arizona up 21.6%
Iowa up 4.4%
Oklahoma up 5.8%
You’re a fucking clown, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. ND is the worst and only has half the problem that MI has on a per-capita basis.
You’re a fucking clown, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@ 45
Look who’s desperate to change the subject from what he started @ 30.
You’re a fucking clown, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@40 I’ll take 6.5% anytime. That’s better than the return on hay and horse trailers.
@42 “There is absolutely no one on HA who has farted more smoke than you have.”
Then why do the fire engines always go to your place?
@46 Why don’t we ask, “Why Michigan?”
Republican judges might be a good place to start.
Interestingly, in Michigan, the GOP controls both the state house
and state senate
even though its candidates got fewer votes in both houses.
Michigan voters aren’t crazy, they’re unfree.
@ 50
Republican judges might be a good place to start.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, if you’re going to blame Republicans for not imposing more restrictions, you need to blame Whitmer for the same thing:
Michigan governor promoting shots, not more restrictions, during surge
You had to go back six months for your link. I had to go back to yesterday.
Whitmer lost the confidence of too many people with overbearing restrictions that she didn’t follow herself, and she knows she’s toast at re-election time if she tries to reimpose restrictions now.
You’re a fucking clown, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Take the L and move on.
Chauvin jury alert:
According to Court TV. a woman juror, white woman in 50s (?) got a text from mother in law saying yesterday was bad day for defense. She didn’t respond, but told the court about it. The Judge said she would stay on the jury
In Michigan, more than 500,000 petition signatures are being verified to put this
An initiation of legislation to repeal the Emergency Powers of Governor Act, 1945 PA 302, MCL 10.31 to 10.33, entitled “An act authorizing the governor to proclaim a state of emergency, and to prescribe the powers and duties of the governor with respect thereto; and to prescribe penalties.”
on the ballot. Once people have the opportunity to vote, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit won’t be able to blame a court decision on Republican judges.
It strikes me that there probably is one thing that Whitmer prevented with her draconian lockdown of the state of Michican.
Natural immunity.
Sucks to be a Michigander under a Democrat governor.
more like his GE skirt?
This means that Whitmer is failing to reduce vaccine inventory already in Michigan state. She is doing so poorly that the feds are beginning to take over.
Biden to rush vaccinators to Michigan as gov urges limits
WASHINGTON (AP) — Washington will rush federal resources to support vaccinations, testing and treatments, but not vaccines, to Michigan in an effort to control the state’s worst-in-the-nation COVID-19 outbreak, the White House said Friday.
Like Democrat governors rolling out Obamacare – remember Cover Oregon?
Cuomo and Newsom are breathing sighs of relief – Whitmer’s failures are taking some of the news cycle heat off of them.
Meanwhile, CBS News focuses desperately on DeSantis and Publix.
Bob’s got the skirt on for the killer cop to go free. He could care less about what is just, so long as the fuck goes free.
Pathetic Bob, you really are.
You are seditionist, unloyaly unpatriotic to the founding principles of this nation. You traitor. You Putin loving fuck!
@52 “not more restrictions”
Because she can’t, and because, being a Democrat, she complies with court orders instead of making racist cracks about judges.
When you got a bunch of fucks that refuse to be vaccinated and would prefer to spread the virus around, why on earth would you need more vaccines?
What a DumbFuck…..Bob, look in the mirror… will see that you are a DumbFuck.
@54 Aren’t you getting a little ahead of the vote?
Also, just because something is popular, that doesn’t make it smart. See, e.g., POOL PARTY!!! and BEACH WEEK!!!
@55 I understand why you’re no longer a practicing doctor. I don’t understand how you ever were, even if only a radiologist.
@57 CBS News didn’t put 34k Floridians into the ground. (Do you really wish to argue that Republican mask, social distancing, and “reopen” policies saved lives, or even were intended to?)
Awww. A Capitol rioter who attacked cops tripped and fell in jail. I wish him a speedy recovery.
It’s not self-defense when you shoot them in the back.
@ 63
Do you really wish to argue that Republican mask, social distancing, and “reopen” policies saved lives…
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, fewer than 7 hours ago @ 8 you pointed out weight gains of nearly 30 pounds by nearly half the population due to COVID-19. Not packing on that much weight because some states stayed open certainly prevented some early deaths in those states.
Lives may also have been saved by the suicides and homicides avoided by letting people outside and letting them interact socially with other people.
I’m absolutely certain it is multifactorial. But the fact that Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit now has two labia majora on each side rather than one as a result of that extra skin fold she acquired due to the 29# she gained in the last year can’t make the Dumbfuck Rabbit household smell any better.
Small wonder you don’t feel like you’re missing anything with your ED. You wouldn’t want to hit that even if you could get it up.
Yes, I wish to argue that maintaining policies that prevent that much weight gain in only a year saved lives.
You’re a fucking clown, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@ 65
It’s not self-defense when you shoot them in the back.
It’s not Fleeing Felon when you shoot them in the chest, either. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, there’s that complete lack of self-awareness again.
With that extra pair of labia majora now sported by Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit, it gives “the clap” a whole new meaning in the Dumbfuck Rabbit household.
Also redefined in the Dumbfuck Rabbit household: “fetid“.
Yeah. There’s this thing called cross examination. During cross there are special rules for how a witness can be treated? Right? You’ve seen television?
Oh wait. I forget. Movies and television get this shit wrong most of the time. So it’s like this, the prosecution can only ask their own witnesses to answer specific, “direct” questions. Questions like “please describe what you saw”, and “what happened next”. They can’t suggest an answer at all. They can’t make a statement to their own witness and then ask them “is that correct”. That’s leading. Most of this gets cleaned up before trial. You review your line of questioning with a team. Some of them act as opposing counsel and object. So you re-phrase and you’re more careful at trial. You don’t want to have your jury hearing a bunch of sustained objections about “form”. It’s trivial, in a way. But it leaves the wrong impression on the jury. As prosecutor you get to carry the ball and call all the plays. You don’t want stupid penalties or interceptions. And it’s a shitty deal for the other team. They never get to carry the ball on offense. And the best outcome they can hope for is a no-score. Shitty, right?
So how the defense conducts cross is normally a very strong indication of their theory. Like I said, so far it’s “he was afraid” and “he was following his training”.
No, really. It’s defense rebuttal. You don’t get to ask a prosecution witness about anything outside of their testimony. There’s an exception that relates to witness credibility. So you can ask them about that other time they lied in court (if you even know about it). But you can’t use a prosecution witness to introduce all new evidence to “exculpate” your murderer. That’s not a thing. During cross you only are allowed to challenge the testimony they have already previously given in direct. So yeah. You’re wrong about that. That’s the main point of cross. If you can, to get a prosecution witness to rebut their own testimony under direct.
Once again, need to remind you, that while it may suck that the defense never gets to carry the ball or call plays on offense, the good news is that if the other team doesn’t score, the defense wins. And all it takes for a touchdown to get called back on a penalty is one random official to throw a flag,
Did I mention the officiating crew is comprised entirely of amateurs chosen at random with absolutely no training?
This was fun. Let’s do it again.
Yawn … Republican complaining about Democrats “steamroll[ing] the minority party” …
(picks at rabbit teeth)
@66 “Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, fewer than 7 hours ago @ 8 you pointed out weight gains of nearly 30 pounds by nearly half the population due to COVID-19. Not packing on that much weight because some states stayed open certainly prevented some early deaths in those states.”
“Here are the 10 states with the highest rates of obesity:
West Virginia (38.10%)
Mississippi (37.30%)
Oklahoma (36.50%)
Iowa (36.40%)
Alabama (36.30%)
Louisiana (36.20%)
Arkansas (35.00%)
Kentucky (34.30%)
Alaska (34.20%)
South Carolina (34.10%)”
All red states.
“The ten states with the lowest obesity rates are:
Colorado (23.8%)
District of Columbia (23.8%)
Hawaii (25.0%)
Massachusetts (25.2%)
California (26.3%)
Vermont (26.5%)
Florida (27.0%)
New York (27.1%)
New Jersey (27.3%)
Washington/Montana (28.3%)”
8 blue, 2 red
You were saying … ?
Never ask a question you don’t know the answer to.
The earth is tilting toward the equator because of a concentration of mass in the southern portion of North America.
@66 “Yes, I wish to argue that maintaining policies that prevent that much weight gain in only a year saved lives.”
That’s hypothetical. Now let’s get specific, starting with the poster-boy for “POOL PARTY!!!” and ‘BEACH WEEK!!!” governed by the most-outspoken shill for “reopen” policies:
And where are Florida’s hottest hotspots? Why, in Miami-Dade and Broward counties, of course.
While we’re looking at maps, where are Washington’s hotspots? Why, in Lincoln and Whitman counties. The latter has 4 times the infection rate of King County. They can’t give away vaccine there:
Friday nights after sunset… Yes fellow HA HEROES those were times to savor..
When the babbling butthole went *poof* at the strike of Friday sunset..
There would be peace.. there would be a respite from that miserable babbling.. that noise..
And sometimes teh butthole stuck around – putting we HA HEROES..
awww naughty freako.. no nookie from teh salt mining buddy in teh kingdom for you!
But now, it appears teh butthole has gone *poof* for good. What happened? Was it something yours truly said?
No matter… These are sweet times indeed.
Hey Dumbfuck maybe (not maybe….it is) this is the reason why you deadbeat dummy.
Hundreds of thousands of vaccine doses go unordered by states amid outbreaks, spurring calls for … – Democratic Underground
@76 I think he wore himself out. Ya gotta hand it to him, though (and doc, too), he had longevity. The average troll on this blog lasts two weeks. Those two have Forrest Gump persistence (but without the intelligence).
At least one police department has decided you can’t be a Proud Boy and a cop at the same time.
“A black family whose ancestors built a seaside resort near Los Angeles a century ago, only to have it taken from them by racist policies, will have the land returned, officials announced on Friday.
“Los Angeles County plans to return prime beachfront property in Manhattan Beach that could now be worth more than $72 million to descendants of the black couple, Willa and Charles Bruce, who built a seaside resort for African Americans.”
It’s not reparations. It’s simply returning stolen property to its rightful owners.
Gov. Ron Desantis still has absolutely nothing whatsoever to say about the child predator in his midst using Venmo to pay pimps for teen-hookers and Molly.
Shame, really. Greenberg will dime out all of them. It’s not like remaining silent is going to do them any good.
@81 DeSantis is a child predator.
“YouTube pulls video of DeSantis panel discussion urging no masks for children”
I want one on my street: