The candidate, Cheryl Haskins, is the Executive Director of an anti-gay marriage group, and her husband is a pastor of a conservative megachurch north of the city. She is African-American, a fact which makes her candidacy attractive to many voters in the racially diverse community, which currently has no people of color on its city council. Until recently, however, her anti-gay political activism and ties to the Religious Right were not part of the political discourse, and with her campaign signs and huge billboards plastering the city, she was destined to win the election without controversy.
Only five percent of Haskins’ contributions have come from within the city of Renton. This isn’t so great for a self proclaimed ten-year resident.
Haskins’ is also on the board of Alliance for Marriage and Children along with her husband Aaron Haskins, who is employed by City Church in Kirkland. A huge amount of Haskins’ contributions have come from donors with ties to City Church. (Ties to working-class Renton? Not so much.) We should all remember that Alliance for Marriage, with all their feel-good, up-with-people rhetoric, worked hard to protect an employers ability to fire a person simply for being gay or lesbian.
For more info, check out rentonfacts.
We’ve had this issue up on Washblog for more than a week. But, anyway, thanks Will this stealthy take over needs restistance on all levels.
Don’t most gays have enough of a sense of style not to live in Renton in the first place?
Cheryl & Aaron have very heartfelt, soulful, Biblical beliefs. The New Age Progressive goofballs that poop all over this site have a hard time with African-Americans rejecting the New Age Progressive beliefs.
Gayness is not something to be proud of.
It is a lifestyle decision many folks who truly believed they were gay have walked away from. That’s a fact.
Style, crap.
Naked is democratic, and no respecter of style or village.
“Only five percent of Haskins’ contributions have come from within the city of Renton.”
That’s still 5 times as much as Renton’s contribution will be to the $100 million Renton promised to put up for a $500 million basketball arena in Renton. They figured they’d get the other 99% out of other King County residents.
It’s always fun to spend other people’s money!
Frankly, those assholes probably deserve this gal, buuuuut … the rest of us don’t. And since Renton is flinging its taxing net over the whole county, it’s probably best to keep her off their city council. Otherwise, you’ll see mandatory school prayer in Kenmore schools … I’m just sayin’ …
So this means that y’all will run a search to find out how much of Darcy Burner’s funding comes from within her district, right?
I also don’t remember anyone here asking why a very large portion of funding for Al Franken’s Senate campaign is coming from Hollywood, CA (oddly enough, also a large source for Hillary’s two NY Senate races) which is no where near Minnesota.
Seriously, do Dems who run for office physically threaten you guys if you reveal that info? Why the stonewalling?
Or does it just not matter when the person has a (D) next to their name?
If you want to look at crap going down in Renton, check out the mayor’s race. Liberal incumbent Kathy Koelker is being slammed in the Renton Reporter. Which her opponent owns a stake of. Snoop it out?
If the pro-gay noise machine is attacking her based on her chuch affiliation and pro-family activism, that’s all I need to cast my vote for her.
Um, the pro-gay noise machine is just me, Mark, and you really owe it to yourself to check the facts before making such inane comments. Even if you agree with her “pro-family” activism, it’s pretty friggin’ difficult to ignore her complete lack of ties to the community she seeks to represent, as well as the source of her record-setting contributions. Her opponent, on other other hand, is a highly-respected pillar of the community, who’s very much a centrist.