There is supposed to be a Republican Primary debate starting at 6PM local. I haven’t got the streaming to work yet. I post what I can, when I can.
6:24: Okay…here is a working live stream.”
6:26: Santorum is all over Mitt right now…asking about whether felons who have served their time should get their voting rights back. “No,” says Mitt.
6:28: Mitt comes out against superPACs.
6:29: I missed the first 20 minutes or so, but things are a bit feisty. I tuned in while Santorum was attacking Mitt because a superPAC attacked him for voting to restore felon rights. Sounds like I missed some fireworks over Bain Capital.
6:36: Mitt is asked about flip-flopping and launches into a canned stump speech. Then the feed locks up.
6:39: I get tuned back in with Perry on a “war on religion rant.” Something about “sexually trafficing”
6:42: Newt speaks! “Unemployment should be tied to a job requirement.” Doh!
6:48: Again my feed cuts out and when I come back Ron Paul has, apparently, gone from making some point to descended into babbling mode.
6:50: Ron Paul wants 0 taxes for all..”just like we had until 1913.”
6:51: Did Mitt just agree to release his taxes in April?!?
6:54: Juan Williams as Santorum if he things there should be programs to help raise African Americans out of poverty. Santorum’s answer: “Work, graduate from high school, and get married before having children.” Yeah…sure. Just let know the magic formula and have ’em click their heels three times….
6:57: Ron Paul points out that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would agree with him on the drug war and the war wars. Maybe they would agree on a couple of issues, but the paths to get there are very different.
6:59: Newt mentions doughnuts…and my dinner is ready, so I’m going to go eat. Pretty fluffy debate so far….
7:14: I’m back…and Ron Paul is in an anti-war rant…again.
7:15: Mitt is all about killing!
7:15: Mitt claims that Obama is negotiating with terrorists…you know, like he did with Osama bin Laden.
7:16: Mitt seems to forget (or, perhaps, never knew) that the Taliban isn’t al Qaeda.
7:17: Shorter Santorum: Obama caused the Syrian unrest by coming into office and opening up a U.S. embassy there.
7:19: Debate moderator asks a question of Rick Perry that paints Turkey as an enemy of the U.S. Perry, “we need to send a message to Iran, and Syria, and Turkey…” Holy shit, is Perry an idiot!
7:21: Perry: “When the Department of Defense Secretary….”
7:23: Ron Paul gives Mitt a lesson about the difference between the Taliban and al Qaeda.
7:23: Mitt claims our Navy is smaller than it has been since 1917. Really?
7:26: Listening to the Mittster, Santorum, and Paul on the defense authorization bill (exp. detention of U.S. citizens), Santorum ends up the moderate, Mitt the extremist. And Ron Paul is the guy who reached so far to the right that he ends up on the left.
7:32: Gingrich begins an answer: “It is, as a historian, a fact based model….”
7:36: Mitt and Santorum have gotten so practiced at their stump speeches, that they can spit them out much faster than I can even track ’em.
7:39: Gingrich manages to point out in two consecutive answers that he balanced the federal budget four times.
7:40: Mitt says his Social Security plan is better because it doesn’t suffer the problem that Gingrich’s does: “Fiscal insanity.”
7:46: Mitt claims that he believes that Obama is trying to prevent law-abiding citizens from owning and carrying guns. Really? How?
7:47: Mitt has been hunting for either elk or moose since 2008.
7:48: Santorum suggests that if there were no gun manufacturers in the U.S., our second amendment rights would, “de facto be gone.”
7:51: First Santorum was asking Mitt to “coordinate” with his PAC, now Newt Gingrich is asking him to “coordinate.” Mitt, in fact, spanks Newt by making him agree that calling up the PAC would be illegal.
7:54: Citizen’s United takes a bite out of the G.O.P. field: Mitt, “We all would like to see superPACs disappear, to tell the truth.”
7:57: The debate ends. I missed about 1/3 of the debate, but from what I see, Mitt wins yet again. He exits without a scratch. The post-debate pundits are talking about what an exciting debate it was, with so much “substance”. Not so much. The questions were about 50% fluff, and about 80% of all answers were candidates saying a sentence or two just to lead into a canned stump speech.
Felons can have their right to own a gun restored, why can’t they have their right to vote restored.
S. Carolina is a war with the federal government? That’s never happened before!
Perry doesn’t seem to understand the concept of federal supremacy.
Bunch of nonsense. I’m out of here.
thats funny, neither do the legalize-pot supporters in WA state…
go figure…
Yeah, I’ve noticed that.
Jon Huntsman wins debate by dropping out!
Smith & Wesson has moved a bunch of their production off shore to… Turkey!
Michael @ 8,
There goes our right to bear arms!
I missed Romney getting booed because his grandfather’s what amounts to an ex-pat.
I didn’t see or hear the debate, being tied up with work until late last night. I did hear a short clip, where Romney (at least I think it was Romney) asserted that after three years as President, Obama had yet to have a jobs plan, whereas he has one as a (mere) candidate.
Funny, I can remember several jobs plans proposed by the President. The first one was the bailout of the banking system (no, not TARP, the one that came after that), and saving the auto industry of the U.S. Both of those passed Congress. As late as last summer the President was pushing yet another plan, which was dead in the House before it arrived, because the Republicans didn’t want the economy to improve while Obama was President.
These Republican candidates are all a bunch of liars and hypocrites.