The last Republican debate was spectacular—both comedy and tragedy. Here’s hoping tonight’s is equally entertaining.
You can stream the debate here.
Here’s your debate sandbox….
5:05: Mitt Romney SCORES…on the moderator.
5:10: The Paulistias are in force tonight!
5:28: Rick Santorum is asked, “If a Pakistani nuclear weapon goes missing, what do you do?” Rick proffers a complete non-answer. Correct answer for Santorum, “Shit my pants.”
5:30: Act I has concluded. Pretty disciplined debate so far. Lots of Obama bashing. But really, I haven’t heard much in the way of actual foreign policy proposals that differ from Obama’s.
5:37: Rick Santorum promises to surround himself only with people who think like he does. That’s fucking frightening!
5:35: And by asking Newt how he would “think outside the box,” I must assume the moderator means, “after pulling your head out of your ass.”
5:40: Rick Perry can see Mexico from his back porch!
5:41: Cain is no torturer…unless you consider his stint with Burger King and Godfather’s Pizza.
5:42: Cain is no torturer…except for stuff you can rebrand “enhanced interrogation.”
5:42: Michele BELIEVES in torture. I’m suspect that’s one of the things Marcus loves about her.
5:43: Kudos to Ron Paul for smacking down his fellow Republicans over the torture question.
5:44: And Kudos to Jon Huntsman for smacking down his fellow Republican over the torture question. Some things transcend party.
5:45: Mitt and Newt are pro-killing American citizens engaging in terrorism outside the U.S. Still…sounds like the Obama foreign policy!
5:48: Rick Perry is outrage that “cybersecurity can go on”?!?
5:50: Mitt will fix the china problem by, “Number one…acknowledge that they are currency manipulators.” There was no number two.
5:59: End of Act II. I missed the last 5 minutes of this act, so perhaps I missed something new, but I didn’t hear any real solutions (I mean, besides Michele and Herman reinstating torture).
6:02: Michele Bachmann way out-crazies my ability to liveblog about it!
6:04: Shorter Herman Cain on Middle East: “I can’t even put together a coherent sentence about the region, but Obama is doing everything wrong there.”
6:09: Rick Santorum’s understanding of the Constitution, the Geneva Conventions, and unlawful combatants is staggeringly naive!
6:11: Michele Bachmann has been chomping at the bit to get some zinger out about torture!
6:13: And…Michele Bachmann throws in her endorsement for Obama’s policies!
6:19: Wikipedia: “Two main goals of the Great Society social reforms were the elimination of poverty and racial injustice.” If I understood correctly, Michele Bachman just argued to reverse Johnson’s vision. Michele Bachmann: Pro-poverty, Pro-racial injustice?
6:24: There’s that “lost nuclear weapon” question for Rick Santorum again. “I’d shit my pants.” Just say it, Rick!
6:28: That’s it?!? Just like that? Sheesh!
Postscript: There were no big winners or losers in this debate. And it wasn’t very entertaining. The most annoying thing was the perpetuation of the myth that the debt is the biggest threat to the U.S. right now. No…that isn’t the biggest threat.
The single biggest threat is the willingness of politicians to put party ahead of the good of the country.
So who do you think is going to self destruct tonight?
Maybe we’ll get a two-fer…
Holy shit, Bachmann’s making sense.
So Cain doesn’t think we should have a civilian commander in chief? He’s going do what the military tells him to do?
Bachmann’s back to being crazy. We don’t have jails for terrorists and the ACLU is running the CIA?
Jon Huntsman can list more than three thing from memory. Take that Rick Perry!
Huntsman did good!
Perry thinks our relationship with China is like our relationship with Russia in the 80’s? Huh?
For a bunch of folks that are slamming Obama they sure sound like Obama.
Huntsman on China: work with the young people that are pro US and want to take down the crony capitalists. I’m liking Huntsman.
Nice to see CBS acknowledging that Jon Huntsman exists.
In a completely unrelated note, I hear it’s snowing pretty good in Spokane right now. Sticking on the roads and all that.
Bachmann wants modernization of Tri-Care and she wants to cut costs. Modernization means spending more cash, at least up front. And then she babbles about ObamaCare and we’re all going to die.
Cain babbles about the Arab Spring w/o making any sense.
Hey buddy, it’s time for Huntsman to get a question!
Hey, it’s Huntsman’s turn!
Dear Ricky, Terrorist were tried in civilian courts in previous admins and it worked just fine.
I kinda hate it when Ron Paul makes sense.
The crowd goes wild!
Rick Perry: I’m for toucher as long as we call it something else.
Yay, Ron Paul and the rule of law.
Sorry Mittens, getting rid of ObamaCare wont save you cash.
Mittens: I’ll give federal employees a pay raise! He’s going to pay federal employees the same as the higher paid private employees.
Huntsman lost me on the (lying) Ryan Plan.
And Bachmann’s just babbling again…
Bachmann: I’ll reduce the debit by getting rid of modern America and making us just like China.
And Cain’s just babbling.
Woot! Mittens can list 4 things from memory! Take that Rick Perry.
Dear righties, if every budget had to reset to zero every year and the people working with those budgets had no idea what level of funding they’d get every year every program would collapse.
Yays, they asked Huntsman a question.
Huntsman: we need to find new markets for exports to europe that will be shrinking in the future.
All in all, I think the Republicans did a lot better tonight.
It’ll be interesting to see if Huntsman’s 1% rating improves.
Shit, she said she wanted us to be like China. No food stamps, no FDIC.
I’m sure glad that Huntsman hasn’t a chance to win the R’s nomination. He’s the only one of them who’d have a chance to beat Obama. Sanity, competence, and principles (well, at least, he hasn’t gone totally to the right just to please Teabaggers). How refreshing. Those characteristics, however, eliminate him from the field of viable R candidates.
Newt thinks the Church Committee was a bad thing.
Yeah, lets ditch all civilian oversight of the CIA. That will fix everything!
The Randroid Ryan plan ASSumes 5 percent economic growth for the next 40 years????
Something that’s never happened in this country’s history AFAIK..
Thanks guys for watching so I didn’t have to..
Can you imagine that in the mid-70s Idaho had one of the better Senators in the country, Frank Church? A thoughtful, moderate Democrat who would have been a very good president? What the fuck happened to Idaho? Now, given that my dad no longer lives in that godforsaken state, when I head to Montana to fish, I try to avoid stopping in Idaho at all, unless to pee. No money to its merchants, no tax dollars to its state government.
Idaho’s always had a lot of conservative folks in it, but yeah it’s gone crazy now.
Barb Chamberlin, who’s fairly liberal, was a state rep from the coeur d’alene area for a while. I think about 18-20 years back.
6:19: Wikipedia: “Two main goals of the Great Society social reforms were the elimination of poverty and racial injustice.” If I understood correctly, Michele Bachman just argued to reverse Johnson’s vision. Michele Bachmann: Pro-poverty, Pro-racial injustice?
Yeah, Medicare, Medicaid, the Civil Rights Act. Those are the largest pillars of the Great Society left.
Bachmann, wearing her Christianity on her sleeve, has to advocate for poverty and racial injustice. How could she do otherwise? Is there any doubt that Jesus Christ was an industrialist, labor-bashing, friend of the money lenders? Just read the Scriptures. You’ll see how warmongering, gay-bashing, free choice hating, capitalism-promoting were primarily why God sent His Son to earth.
Surely, you must agree with my post above, don’t you? Didn’t Christ, in His Sermon on the Mount, proclaim free markets as His Father’s primary value? By the way, in the Old Testament, which mentions miscarriages about 9 times, is it ever suggested that a miscarriage required a funeral? Um, did the Old Testament ever reference a miscarriage as anything more than just an historical fact? And, turning to the Gospels, how many times did Christ talk about homosexuality? Would that number be zero, Puddy? Just asking. You’re probably more of a biblical scholar than me, but that’s what I come up with.
Apparantly the geniuses at cbs news accidently emailed Michelle Bachmanns campaign before the debate and let it slip that they were intentionally going to give her less questions then the other candidates. So now her campaign is kicking some a** with the cbs folks. Good for them. Its nice to actualy have some proof of the bias against conservative candidates. And its even better to see somebody thats not afraid to stand up to the msm and call them out for being as biased as they are.
It’s not a bias against conservative candidates, it’s a bias against candidates that aren’t polling well. I was surprised at how many questions Jon Huntsman got tonight, he’s been all but ignored in the last couple of debates.
The people running the debates should be giving the same number of questions and amount of time to all candidates, regardless of how they’re doing in the polls.
I, also, didn’t like the “no booing, only clapping” nonsense. Let people respond how they may.
Anyone who objectively views the media in this country recognizes its rightwing bias. Who funds the media, m’lad? Occupy Wall Street? Don’t think so. The Right’s mantra about the leftist media has gone on so long, and been so well-funded, that people like you probably believe it is true. If we actually had a fair media in this country, forget about a leftist media, a Republican (of the current ilk) would never get elected to public office.
The people running the debates should be giving the same number of questions and amount of time to all candidates, regardless of how they’re doing in the polls.
I couldnt aggree with you more on that one. It is backa**wards thinking for the debate moderators to give time only to the candidates that are doing well in the polls. Of course the other candidates arent doing as well in the polls. WE NEVER GET TO HEAR THEM TALK! Give everyone equal time and then we can have all the facts and make a more educated decision.
I do have to say I was pretty irritated to hear huntsman get so many questions tonight. I dont even know how that guy is still campaigining. I believe hes bringing in next to no money and has almost zero support in the polls. Plus, from the way he talks I swear hes more interested in getting another position in the obama administration then he is in getting the GOP nomination. Ive heard enough from him. He needs to either drop out or just sit there quietly. He doesnt have a chance.
It’s not a bias against conservative candidates,
I do have to dissagree with this point. I dont think its a cooincidence that Michelle Bachmann is one of the most conservative candidates in the race and shes the one thats being intentionally left out. There are other candidates that are lower in the polls then she is that got more time to talk. You have to aggree with that no matter what your politics are.
I, also, didn’t like the “no booing, only clapping” nonsense. Let people respond how they may.
I also dissaggree with this one. Could you imagine anyone booing during Kennedy/Nixon debate? Civility is gone from this country. If everyone stopped being so dissrespectful to people that they happend to dissaggree with that would be a HUGE step in the right direction.
Dude, go back and read the news reports CBS said they weren’t going to give as much time to people with lower polling numbers. Huntsman and Paul were also shortchanged. Huntsman’s been short changed from the start, to it would be more accurate to say that they’ve been biased against the more liberal guy. But, it’s really low polling numbers. They gots to sell their soap.
And rather than pretending that it still exists by telling people you can only express happy thoughts (nice bit of censorship, that) they should show the lack of civility by allowing the booing.
Do realize that your second paragraph contradicts your first one?
I’m starting to think our new friend Party’in Hard is really our old friend Troll. They use the same sentence structures.
Golly proud leftist… Jesus doesn’t need to repeat Himself for your benefit… He was in the Old Testament. He made two references from the Old Testament to tie into the New Testament. And I love how you frame the question without discussing Revelation – THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST.
Did you miss the quote John 10:30 – “I and my Father are one.”
Did you miss the quote Matt 5:17 – “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill.
Did you miss the quote Revelation 2:14 “But I have a few things against you: You have there some who hold to the teaching of Balaam, the one who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the people of Israel so that they would eat food sacrificed to idols and practice immorality.“
Did you miss the quote Revelation 9:21 “They did not repent of their murders, their deeds of witchcraft, their acts of sexual immorality, or their thefts.“
And while we are on it It was Jesus who commissioned Paul on the Road to Damascus.
Somehow you discount this. Jesus talked to Paul directly from heaven. So when Paul mentions this
you discount it too. And you are to son of a preacher man?
Bible Lesson done for the day!
To #48: Why does the second paragraph contradict the first one? Because I am irritated that huntsman got so much time to talk? Im not saying that he SHOULDNT have had that time to talk, Im just saying that if your going to give him so much time to talk lets at least give the others equal time. There are far more serious candidates in that race then huntsman.
To #46: I understand that they SAID that they werent going to give people time because of there poll numbers, but that point is moot by the fact that they gave huntsman a bunch of time to talk even though his poll numbers are lower then some of the others. I understand your point, but the whole basis of it is flawed.
To #49: Wrong. The first time I was ever on this website was 2 or 3 days ago.
It’s easy to explain why Huntsman got a lot of questions in a foreign policy-themed debate … he’s the only GOP candidate who knows anything whatsoever about the topic.
All the others are crazy-ass whackjobs or comic relief (and often both). Why would anyone want to listen to their ramblings and ravings when there’s a guy there who can speak intelligibly and rationally on foreign policy?
No wonder he doesn’t have a prayer of being the nominee.
I missed this debate, but it’s not hard from the comments to get the impression (already existing from previous debates) that Santorum is a lightweight. Bachmann vacillates between incoherence and just plain nuts. Has Perry hired a memory coach? If he showed up, his GPS must be working. None of this matters, because none of these three have a snowball’s chance in hell of being the nominee.
@43 “I believe hes bringing in next to no money and has almost zero support in the polls.”
Huntsman is wealthy enough to pay for his campaign all by himself. His poll numbers, on the other hand, are a real problem. Huntsman is probably the brainiest and best qualified candidate on that stage. His problem is he’s trying to run as a Republican with that kind of credentials. If that’s how he wants to run, he should be a Democrat.
@53 Man are you in for an education.
Whatever else you might say about Puddy Asswipe, you gotta hand it to him, he has grit. Few trolls have persevered so long in the face of so much abuse. Which convinces me he’s getting paid.
At the other extreme you have chickenshits like that John McDonald guy, who slithered over here from Stefan’s sucky little blog, and lasted only two weeks. I gathered he wasn’t getting paid.
@51 “There are far more serious candidates in that race then huntsman.”
PROVE IT Dipshit! Your “convictions” have been blown apart so long by some many.
Nope. He’s a masochistic goat fucker. He obviously gets off on being abused, then abuses his goat. He’s sick and twisted.
Huntsman is the only R with a chance of beating O. He’s just as conservative as any of them, just not crazy. Tom Ridge is running his campaign.
The Birchers (aka the R base) are looking for anybody but Romney. The recent Romney/Cain/Gingrich poll numbers speak volumes.
But there’s some way to go yet. If NH voters do the math (basic substraction), I worry about a Huntsman “surprise” in NH.
But I can’t see how he makes it past SC, the crackers (like our new troll) own the R party now.
@60 I don’t have to; your non-denial just did.
@62 The most recent poll numbers show Perry dropping like a rock. Cain not so much; I think that’s because many of his supporters want to believe his denials, but once his credibility collapses, we’ll see him plummet back to earth like Perry without a parachute.
There’s also an air of unreality permeating the stock market, whose underlying driver is the fact there’s lots of investment cash sloshing around with no place to go. Investors want to believe Europe will solve its problems, despite the fact the Eurozone’s pols are even more spineless and less inclined to do anything substantive than ours. The stock market is one place where you don’t want to pay a premium for “hope and change” — unless you hate your money. Let’s hope all the fools betting on Europe are Republicans. I like any easy money, but from my point of view, Republican money is best of all.
43. Party’in Hard spews:
From your words, you don’t want to hear from anyone that might not agree with you, or challenge your assumptions.
Hey Party’in Hard, given the candidates in the race, who would you like to see be the president and why?
What would be your favorite 3 policies you would like to see him or her enact, if they could make it happen?
This isn’t limited to party, anyone who wants to chime in, is welcome.
Elizabeth Warren – damn, will have to wait until 2016 or 2020.
OK, Obama.
1. Financial reform – shrink the banks, eliminate ‘too big to fail’, alter tax policy to shift burden upward and disincentivise massive wealth accumulation.
2. Election reform – remove money from politics, distribute vouchers to registered voters for purpose of publicly funding elections; fair access for everyone; put a stake through heart of Buckley v. Valeo, ‘voter fraud’, and Hans van Spakovsky (figuratively speaking only, see prior RR type disclaimer)
3. Massive infrastructure spending – to the tune of 3-4 Trillion, or more – focused on clean energy, clean transportation, education and research; eliminate use of fossil fuels, create jobs, future infrastructure and industries, patents.
I want Obama. Last time I voted for him, this time it’s because he’s the least bad of all the candidates.
1. Tax changes. Roll back the Bush and Reagan tax changes. Make taxes strong progressive again. Support keeping and growing jobs in America.
2. Restore and enforce the Sherman Anti Trust act
3. Get the money out of politics. Corporations are not people.
I liked “No Time for Fascists” better ;) – more euphonious.
Barney Frank’s for Huntsman!
I’ve been to Utah, it’s a nice, well run, place. Unemployment’s lower than most places, the roads are well paved, people seem to get along, you don’t see a lot of litter. It’s nice.
Absolutely excellent essay by Hunter, over at dailykos – read it!
Here are a few excerpts:
Read the whole thing – it’s excellent.
At this point in the Republican
presidential primaryclown show, the numerous debates have shown little to nothing.Sure, there is the display of Perry’s inability to speak and Bachmann’s bat-shit crazy BS and the like, but unless the purpose of the Republican presidential primary process is to provide fodder for late night comedy shows what have any of these candidates demonstrated?
Credit where credit is due, 9-9-9 is something, but as a tax and economic policy it doesn’t warrant more than a C- in an over generous freshman class.
And as we all know, Mitt Romney will be the nominee, what has he shown?
While we here on the liberal side can point and laugh, the really sad thing is that watching this train wreck is not limited to those of us in the USA. The disaster which is the Republican Party is on display to all the world. They’re not laughing with us, they’re laughing at us.
I liked “No Time for Fascists” better ;) – more euphonious.
I know but when I read the definition
Our current 1% really couldn’t care less about nation.
Maybe you missed it.
67. No Time for Oligarchies spews:
Hey Party’in Hard, given the candidates in the race, who would you like to see be the president and why?
What would be your favorite 3 policies you would like to see him or her enact, if they could make it happen?
I’d like to see that too. Good luck – Partyin’ spews a good line, along the lines of ‘golly, if y’all would just take a look at Newt, he’s got some pretty swell ideas that could put everybody back to work’ or some such nonsense.
Come on, partyin’ – who do you like for pres, and what three policies do you want to see implemented?
To #67: My ranking of the candidiates…
My 3 most crucial policies for the next president…
Let’s put Newtie aside for a moment, your #2 is a serial sexual assailant advocating a massive regressive tax hike for all but the very wealthy.
Cain’s 9-9-9 would massively increase taxes on almost everyone with both a 9% sales tax and a 9% income tax, even if you have poverty level wages. And it comes from SimCity.
How do you reconcile this with your boldcase #2, NO TAX INCREASES OF ANY SORT?
Do you read? Do you think? Is having him be a serial sexual assailant somehow mitigating (in favor) of a guy who wants to massively raise taxes on most people?
You have no intellectual consistency. Read this.
And you think the biggest issue facing the Republic is an expansion in availability of health care, filled mostly with old Republican ideas?
You must be another Republican with a really tiny dick.
To #78: Its funny that the article you posted the link to sounds almost identical to all of the points you are making. It gives me the impression that you are not doing any independent thinking of your own at all. It gives me the impression that all of “your ideas” are just regurgitated liberal talking points that your reading else where. Cant you see the hyprocricy in that?
As far as Herman Cain goes…
#1 your calling him a “sexual assailent”. Based on what? A bunch of heresay. We dont know that facts about what happened right now and until we do we need to act prudently in the way that we respond to that whole thing. In America everbody gets a fair shake before we label them as being something as serious as a sexual preditor. Lets just drop that whole thing until we have all the facts.
#2 The 999 plan is about fairness. So let me get this straight… You love tax increases unless they affect you. Is that accurate? So a person that works hard, handles there money respnosibly (and CREATES THE JOBS for the sector of the population that liberals champion), those people should be punished. But the people that benefit the most from the governments largess should get even more. Ok, lets put that to the side. The fact of the matter is that I dont particularilly care for the 999 plan anyway. But Im not going to base my support (or lack of support) around the 999 plan for one simple reason… The presdident of the USA does not control taxes as much as people think. Congress does that. And I think that the 999 plan is unpopular enough that even a republican house-senate is not going to approve it. So it is a moot point. So Im not going to even make it a big consideration when I choose a candidate to support.
I like Herman Cain because he has not been tainted by the American political system. He is a business man that knows how business works and will treat American business the way it deserves to be treated. HE WILL NOT PUNISH SMALL BUSINESSES. Small businesses are the backbone of the American economy and they have not had a fair shake under the administration of BHO. Not at all. Herman Cain is what America is all about.
You also seem to have a problem with my opposition against obamacare. Obamacare hurts small businesses. See my last paragraph.
You also seem to have a hard time understanding why I think America needs to be respected in the world community. Its as simple as this = If America is not respected (and it keeps appologizing for things it should not be appologizing for) the world will walk all over us.
@77 Party’in Hard on 11/13/2011 at 3:48 pm,
Leaving aside your other items on your wish list, and leaving aside the inappropriateness of the term “overturn” in scope of legislation and the executive branch, whatever happened to “Repeal & Replace”?
I seem to remember the vast majority of Republicans running for Congress in 2010 running on “Repeal & Replace”.
Where is the “& Replace” legislation coming out of the Republican led House of Representatives?
Your Mr. Newt has a Health Care Solution. Have you read it?
Your Mr. Newt demands “We must repeal and replace the left’s big government health bill with real solutions that will lower costs and improve health outcomes.”, yet the Congressional body the Republican Party controls refuses to act. Why is that?
Will your Mr. Newt chastise his Republican brethren in the House for their laziness? When?
Let me help you. No Republican is going to “Repeal & Replace” the Affordable Care Act.
@79. Party’in Hard
Who are you? Joe Paterno’s spokesperson?
To #81: Herman Cain is a selfmade man. He hasnt taken the easy route or any shortcuts for anything that he has ever done. He didnt use affirmitive action to become a ceo. He worked his way up through the chains and became the head of a big company with nothing but the merrit of his hard work. He is not running for President as a way of sastisfying his big ego like some other candidites. AND THAT IS what America is all about. Or what it used to be all about anyway. Its not about flipflopping and changing your positions to fit whatever direction the wind happens to be blowing on a certain day.
Party, thanks for posting honestly. It helps us understand where you are coming from.
You do realize that the progressive community is pretty much on the opposite side of #1, #2 and depending on nuance, parts of #3. You will get a lot of pushback to your views here. It will be interesting for everyone.
Why the all caps, by the way? It’s like you were shouting.
To #83: I dont mind the “pushback” from the other side. I just dont like it when its done in an overly dissrespectful manner (as Im finding is sometimes the case on this website). And I am very much aware that liberals do not see eye to eye with some or most of the things that I listed. But I like to challenge others and I like to be challenged. And who knows there is always a chance that minds might be changed on certain issues. Plus I just enjoy debating about politics in general anyway.
As far as the caps goes, in that case I just had “caps lock” on for the sake of saving time (although the time I saved by writting in all caps was probably negated by me having to write this explaination lol). But other times I write certain words or sentences in all caps to hammer home a particular point. It wasnt intended to mean that I was shouting.
Lord, our new troll is crazy, too. Herman Cain or Michele Bachmann waking in the middle of the night with an urgent call and the nuclear code. How is that not terrifying? Why can’t we get some decent trolls around here?
Yep, that’s us, sometimes. If we look at something and think it’s completely nuts chances are that we’re not going to respect it.
To #83: I dont mind the “pushback” from the other side. I just dont like it when its done in an overly dissrespectful manner (as Im finding is sometimes the case on this website).
Yeah, we can get pretty raucous. We have strong opinions. Many of the past conservatives have been overly disrespectful to us, so we tend to overcompensate. On the other hand, we could be worse, on the Hannity site for example, they just delete the accounts of the people who disagree with their echo chamber too much. I know from personal experience. And don’t even think about posting liberal ideas on the free republic site.
Oh, and we don’t suffer fools well. People who are just parroting right wing bullet points without thinking them through… it won’t be pretty.
From the Free Republic.
10 reasons Christians should reject Romney
Here are the top 10 reasons Christians can never vote for Mitt Romney – and they have nothing to do with his Mormon faith.
Are the principles of market economy, (fiscal conservatism, supply side economics, reduction of Government spending, reduction of all taxes, reduction of Government regulation and trusting the economic forces of the free market to address any and all human problems except the spiritual ones) an expression of Christian ideals?
Are they consistent with being a disciple of Jesus?
Did Jesus preach we should have unlimited guns?
Don’t get me started on their raving homophobia.
This list seems to be the polar opposite of the teachings of Jesus I learned in Sunday school.
Don’t know, but the economic and social justice ideas put forward by the left are!
C’mon, didn’t you know that Jesus Christ was a gun-toting, tax-cutting, gay-bashing, choice-hating, poor-dissing promoter of free markets? Just read the Beatitudes (Matthew 25). You’ll see all of such priorities laid out there.
The Catholics (well some of them anyway) even came up with their own economic system.
@82 Assuming all those things are true, we also have to ask whether the sexual harassment allegations against him are true, and if they are, what that means in terms of his fitness to lead the country; and
We also have to question the wisdom of his “9-9-9” tax plan, which will cut taxes for the rich and raise taxes on the poor and middle class, and which he intends to be merely transitional to replacing the federal income tax with a federal sales tax, which will cut taxes for the rich and raise taxes on the poor and middle class even more; and
We also have to ask whether either or both of these tax plans would increase deficits; and
We also have to question his utter lack of knowledge about foreign affairs, and his stated intention of relying on advisers (instead of his own knowledge and judgment), in making decisions of war and peace, and life and death for hundreds of thousands or millions of people;
And so on. If you are honest, you will ask these questions honestly, and consider the answers objectively.
Yep.. He’s accepted the patronage of the Koch brothers. He serves their interests – happily and proudly.
That alone disqualifies him.
Cain is corrupt.
To #94: Yes, we need to ask whether the allegations against him are true. And if they are true, then there will be some legitimate questions about his fitness to lead. But for now, there is no concrete proof that he did anything improper. And yet many on the left are acting as though he has already been tried and convicted. I remember the left being up in arms when the same thing happened to Clinton in the 90s. It was wrong when the right did it then, and it is wrong for the left to be doing it now.
I’d like to direct our little dufus here to this:
Knowledge is power, grasshopper.
Add @97…
Maybe a little less “party’in”…I’m just sayin’…
..and learn a little spelling, grammer and puctuation while you’re at it.
Do tell … got a plan?
@96 “But for now, there is no concrete proof that he did anything improper.”
Other than the fact four separate women said he did, one of whom has already gone public, and also the fact his former employer admits paying at least one settlement.
“And yet many on the left are acting as though he has already been tried and convicted.”
This isn’t a criminal court. The guy is running for President of the United States. A different standard and procedure applies to that.
“I remember the left being up in arms when the same thing happened to Clinton in the 90s. ”
Let’s skip over the fact that was a blatantly partisan impeachment and cut to the quick: I can’t speak for others, but if I had been a U.S. Senator then, I would have voted to remove him. I would be fired for that behavior on my job, so I think presidents — corporate or government — should get the same treatment. That’s good ol’ American egalitarianism at work. In fact, Boeing fired Harry Stonecipher for less than what Clinton did. What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.
But Clinton’s transgressions have absolutely nothing to do with whether Cain sexually harassed those women, or even if he didn’t, whether he’s qualified to be POTUS, or even if he is, whether we should support for his policies. Speaking for myself, I give that guy a failing grade on every count.
@79, partyin’ dude
Nope, not accurate. According to this, at the Atlantic, and this, at the Tax Policy center, my taxes would go down.
Is still don’t like it, just like I didn’t like the Bush tax cuts that benefited me personally in the short term. That’s just it with you tax whackos – you see a bit, or a lot, more income personally, at the cost of a crumbling nation, a nation unable to build road and repair infrastructure, a nation unable to effectively educate a wide swath of its youth, a nation unable or unwilling to pay for the research and development of future technologies and industries, a nation apparently comfortable with a widening proportion of citizens – led prominently by children – who are falling into deeper and deeper into poverty.
This libertarian tax fetish you guys exhibit is so juvenile, so simple-minded, so terribly self-centered – and so destructive to the nation. You can’t seem to see beyond the end of your nose to the wider needs of the society that you benefit from.
And please, please PLEASE don’t go there – we all know where that is – the smug and deeply unserious retort, “Well, if you like taxes so much, why don’t you send the treasury a check, just like George Soros and Warren Buffet should?”
This nihilism is the epitome of denial of community, of shared purpose and sacrifice, the manifestation of shirked responsibility and shunned participation in our society. It is the epitome of the greed society that the right has erected for the past 40 years.
I believe that you state correctly the philosophic heart of conservatism.
Whatamoron. It’s the only policy we see where ObamAA+ actually listed to his military personnel on and did something correct. BTW Newt skuuled Scott Pelley. It was PRICELESS!
It so amazing to see sanctimonious liberal MSM types arguing the rule of law when they have no concept of it.
Can you say SMACKDOWN?
What, exactly, does America “keeps appologizing (sic) for”?
Yeah the lady got upset when Cain told her she was the same height as his wife, which she put in her “deposition”. Did you actually read it rujax or this is another of your got something off the nets so let me post like your “motherjones” garbage?
Heh heh heh brainless even today!
Party sez
But there were many more witnesses including the Arkansas St Police. And we now know IT REALLY HAPPENED because under oath, Slick Willie was slicking his willie and paid Paula Jones $850 large!
You see if Cain had done half of Slick Willie’s actions there would be a clamor to put this black man in jail for harassing blonde white wimens.
Strange how ObamAA+’s “point man” David Axelrod acquired the sealed confidentiality agreements on this like he did to Jack and Jeri Ryan when he was running for Senator against ObamAA+ in Illinois. Just can’t trust DUMMOCRAPTS!
Yup, pudgey, over at Stefan’s sucky little blog, has permanently banned me from his posts because, according to him, I’m a LIAR!!!
If I leave a comment, he comes along and deletes it – funny thing is, though, that others there comment on it first and the deleted post, number scrubbed and all, lives on in the echoing whines of the glibertarians over there, and it looks like they’re shouting at voices in their heads! Too, too funny.
Yup, partyin’ we’ll shout at you and belittle you and call you mean names, often with profanity attached, but you’d have to be egregiously horrible or something worse to get you banned here. Hell, not even that relentlessly, mindnumbingly stupid and intellectually destructive puddy is banned here, despite the lobbying of some, myself included.
Fools and morons like Lib Headcase@108 don’t want to see real facts like how 1%er DUMMOCRAPT Jon Corzine gets a $12 Million golden parachute while about 1100 employees of MF Global got pink slips with NO SEVERANCE. Great Christmas present.
Fools and morons like Lib Headcase@108 don’t want to see real facts like how 1%er DUMMOCRAPT Jay Z was creating Occupy Wall Street T-Shirts to see and he would keep all the profits until Jay Z was called a hypocrite.
Fools and morons like Lib Headcase@108 don’t want to see real facts like how DUMMOCRAPT Eric Holder wouldn’t personally apologize for the mistakes HE MADE in the Fast and Furious program. Now people have identified 2500 guns run to Mexico so far.
Fools and morons like Lib Headcase@108 don’t want to see real facts like how DUMMOCRAPT led ObamAA+Care is going to cost over a $701 BILLION more than estimated now that we see Nanacy Pelosi was right when she said “we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.” Now we see up to 78 million Americans would lose their current health coverage as employers stopped offering insurance due to ObamAA+Care.
These and other tidbits of real facts scare Lib Headcase. He calls it intellectually destructive because facts like these destroy his little “intellectually deficient” cocoon he places himself in!
Fools and morons like Lib Headcase@108 don’t want to see real facts like how DUMMOCRAPTS jumped all over the Occupy Wall Street movement and immediately compared it to Tea Party Rallies. But now we see
He would rather not see facts like these discussed!
who or what could that be?
Nothing worth paying any sort of attention to it seems..
Ah, gee, ButtPutty. Sexual assaults happen at a rate of one every two minutes in this country. Even your hero Herman has contributed several assaults to the total.
So some outsider shows up and rapes a woman and it is the fault of the woman and the Occupy crowd. By that logic it must also be the fault of the veteran at Oakland when the cop nearly killed him.
Why weren’t the cops doing their job with the perp in the first place? According to your link:
The only reason that fucker was at the Occupy event was because the cops let him go.
We can now all thank pudiot for this morning’s talking points.
I do believe RR is correct when he asserts that puddy must be paid to post here.
I think his habit of latching on to a single factoid, or two, and harping over and over on them, you know:
as if that somehow negates broader facts about income and wealth disparity, children in poverty, wars of choice, randian glibertarian assault on our society, etc.
I have in the past argued in favor of banning pudiot, mostly because his posting here is purely destructive – not engaging, criminally stupid, dishonest – he is not about debate, but turning people off and shutting down discussion. I have had qualms, however, because of an essential disinclination to stifle speech.
However, given that pudiot is likely making money off of his very bad behavior, I think that is a much more compelling reason to ban him – that the administrators could deprive him of that ill-gotten income is delicious.
To #113: Just out of curiousity, who do you think is paying puddybuddy to write stuff on here? Is that a common practice for people to do that?
see here.
or here.
and here.
No one pays Puddy anything. Otherwise I’d be filthy rich smacking these libs around. I can find just about anything on the web regarding liberals and their filthy deeds.
Oh BTW I source my links.
1) They went to Kos and TPM and other locations funded by George Soros to call call Tea Party racists. Well that fell flat when Herman Cain appeared. It also fill flat when they backed 2 winning black congressmen, six winning hispanics including one senator from Florida, and 1 winning indian governor in south carolina.
2) Then these HA morons took up the mantra of well Herman Cain doesn’t know his place (left the lib reservation made for blacks) and made it on his own. This is what scares them the most. Demographic studies by DUMMOCRAPTS have blacks voting around 33% for Cain in a general election so they whip out some trumped up sex charge on a black man. You know black man messing with blonde white wimens.
3) Only thing is the public remembers the bimbo eruptions and how people like George Stephonallofus lied in public to cover Bill Clinton’s ass. The web is a wonderful tool to ferret out truths.
4) These morons want a leftist blog devoid of common truths. So when I find these facts delivering the most basic of telltale leftist lunacy I am accused of being paid by some “mysterious force”.
5) I don’t sit in my house copying someone else’s creation screen scraping people’s comments into my home computer waiting to use them in worthless attacks. But there is someone you’ll notice will always whip out a previous link to attack someone. He’s my personal stalker ylb, the crazed HA databaze keepa. He’ll out someone’s name morphing like he did with ekim over a month ago. Ekim used a different name and ylb outed him for me. Thanks again ylb. So if you ever need a link replayed, ylb has them. He tried 16 times using links to atack me and 16 times he was repulsed. Such an idiot.
Sorry leftist morons I do this for free. I call out headless lucy and his latest no time for oligarchies doppelganger. He can change the name but he can’t change the way he writes.
Liberalism is a mental disease.
To #115: It seems like the first link you gave me was to an article about AUTHORS of blogs getting paid to write favorable articles for the right. The second article seemed to be the one that was most in line with what your saying about puddybuddy, but that one seemed to be mostly speculation. And the third article seemed to be more about people who create entire phony PERSONAS with facebook pages and twitter accounts.
What your saying may actualy be happening somewhere, but I dont see any proof of it in any of those 3 articles.
On a side note I think I am much more concerned about the idea of actual AUTHORS of blogs being paid by special interests to write slanted articles. If there is hard proof of any one author being paid, that is something that I very much would like to know about. Whether its an author on the left or an author on the right, the last thing I want is to be getting information from somebody who is paid to promote a speicific point of view. I dont even know how that is legal.
Wow Lib Headcase, you are as wrong as ever. You should ask the crazed databaze keepa for the facts. I have used many links with multiple facts for each of those supposed slights done by DUMMOCRAPTS you listed above.
For instance it was 1400 guns run then 1800 guns run now 2500 guns run. Those are three separate facts being developed by news organizations like Sheryl Atkisson of CBS. You are still an idiot.
Still a moron even this morning.
To #116: Is that something that was actualy said on here?? That Herman Cain DOESNT KNOW HIS PLACE??? Please send me a link to that when you have a chance.
I know Ive said this before but WHY IS THE FACT THAT HERMAIN CAIN IS BLACK EVEN BEING BROUGHT UP AT ALL??? I never once made an issue out of BHO being black. NEVER. Nor did most of the conservatives that I know. It isnt an issue. It shouldnt be an issue. Period. Nobody deserves a leg up because of there race and nobody should be at a dissadvantage because of there race. We are now in the 2010’s. It has been 50 years since segregation ended. Yes, there was a time where people of various races were held back because of there race. And that was a horrible thing. But if I am remembering my history correctly, it was democrats that were the most guilty of racism historicaly. Abraham Lincoln (a republican) freed the slaves. And George Wallace (a democrat) encouraged physical harm on defensless black kids who just wanted to get an education. Why dont we talk about that?
What a fucking bore.
Karen Finney, DNC strategist on MSNBC, the favorite site of Roger Rabbit and others said this on teh Martin Bashir show:
Here is a classic case of Finney scrambling her words. I really think she meant to say is “Herman Cain is Black man who doesn’t know his place”. She has a place for Cain. He belongs on that liberal plantation occupying a space with all the other good, obedient little “mentally castrated” blacks. Herman should have been happy with the meager offerings of welfare dependence and broken families that the Democrat party has been serving up for decades. But instead he perservered and became who he is today without DUMMOCRAPTIC help. Herman should be heard from only when the left needs to insert into the loony leftist MSM an angry Black person into some issue or debate. When Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are both busy siring children outside of their marriage or evading taxes and the National Enquirer reports it the bimbo eruption machine starts attacking the National Enquirer.
You see Party, I am a proud black man. I don’t occupy the reservation like rujax so I get attacked. Good for me. Makes me tougher. Headless even used the house nigger/field nigger analogy. Others cheered her own while some said he was out of line. But that’s the standard of liberal thought. HA leftists are a group-think mentality. Leftists cloak their racism in garments of “activism” and “justice”. Leftists like those here on HA believe that Black people are simply incapable of thinking as separate, individual, diverse human beings. Hence when one steps out of line the liberal MSM will seek out other blacks to attack someone like Herman Cain. They look at Black Americans as a herd of animals, like sheep or lemmings or in ekim’s case goats. We all look alike. We all dress alike. You know with baggy britches showing our underpants. Now we see whitey kids doing the same. We all act alike. We all listen to the same music. We all watch BET. We all watch the same movies. And last but not least, when it comes to politics we have to think the same way; DUMMOCRAPTIC.
There is more much more… Cornel West professor at Princeton said
See libs refer to those they disagree with as needing and or using drugs. Black libs like West fell they can go overboard against Cain. Pay attention Party to the drug references used against me when they don’t like the comments I find and deliver here.
Then there is Michael Toure
Or there is David Gregory who said
The only grand wizard was the recent one in the DUMMOCRAPTIC party Robert KKK 3 Sheets Byrd.
So Party they can’t stand these facts about their party.
But Stupid Solution Steve claimed he skipped over Puddy’s comments. Truth is boring to someone with a mental disorder.
Yeah, the self-loathing black loon is a bore as well, mostly because he’s so fucking stupid.
Really? You’re going there?
You’re really trying to equate the Republican party of Lincoln with the Republican party of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, Nixon’s Southern strategy, and perhaps most emblematic of the big switcheroo you seem to deny, Strom Thurmond.
Puh-Leez – I was beginning to take you seriously, but if you’re either so naive and unthoughtful as to suggest what you’re suggesting credulously, or so disingenuous to do so, you’re not really worth the time to reply to.
To #125: I guess my point was that segregation ended 50 years ago, and yet we continue to make the case that black people and white people have different, seperate interests. As in someone who is black shouldnt vote republican because its not in there interest. But since the 1960s, black people and white people are the same in the eyes of the government. So why would they have seperate interests? If were going to dredge up things in the past (segregation), why dont we also talk about what the republican party was to black people versus how they were treated by the democratic party?
I guess the overall point I was trying to make is lets leave the past in the past. And if were not going to leave it there, lets talk about the WHOLE past. I guess I probally didnt make my point the way I wanted to. I was just trying to say that the past is the past.
This guy is just drowning here…black, white, red, yellow, green, blue…this guys a clown.
So now your front-runner is NEWT!!!!!
(I’m waiting for puddypussy’s spin on Newt, now that Cain is toast.)
When ALL people are treated equally…ALL people…then we can say that organized institutionalized discrimination is over.
But it’s not.
You only have to see how the poor and minorities were treated in the aftermath of Katrina…or the way Hispanics and African Americans and LGBT folks are demonized by Republican polititians to curry favor with their tea=party “base” to see really how far there is left to go…
…that “the past is past” shit just won’t fly until the past is truly the past.
The age of stupidity.
Cain is a butt-ignorant fool.
If he wants to lead he has to know something or at least have something of a framework with which he can field questions about a range of issues..
But his drive is to be led – by his billionaire patrons the Koch Brothers and other wealthy right wingers.
No benefit of the doubt whatsoever for this clown.
To #128: What happened after hurricane katrina is an example of GROSS INCOMPETENCE, not racism. If there was any sort of discrimination involved in the Bush administrations response, it was discrimination toward the poor, not blacks. Even if new orleans had a population that was 95% white, you would have seen the same response. On the other hand, if Houston had been hit the hardest during katrina, I think you would have seen a MUCH stronger response, even though only half of Houstons population is white. While there may have been specific instances of racism that occured during the governments response, I think the overall allegations have been greatly overblown.
As for “hispanics and blacks being demonized”, can you give me a specific example of hispanics being demonized (aside from something that relates to illegal immegration)? And how have Republican politicians demonized blacks? Im not asking how people in the media have demonized black people. I want to know how politicians on the right have demonized black people.
Look it up yourself little man…if you can’t find AT LEAST five, you’re stupider than I thought.
Out of curiosity…why the fuck are you defending Republicans? What the fuck is wrong with you?
shorter Lee Rujax! Roserberg: I dont know, Im just making shit up and I cant back up a single thing comes out of my loser pie-hole, so I will try and deflect it back to you.
can I be your facebook friend?
To #132: What is your problem??? Seriously.
he’s a loser, wannabe musician who’s life has turned sub-par. he’s sees successful people around him and it makes him jealous, angry, and a prick.
dont worry, he is too much of a pussy to say any of this stuff in person…he likes to act the tough guy on the internet only.
if you want a real laugh, check out his facebook page.
To #137: Thanks, but I have no interest in seeing his facebook page (or anything else about him). He is obviously someone who has been laughed at and picked on alot and I will not add to that. Its actualy really sad to see somebody like that because you can almost guarantee that he is somebody who has had a really tough life. Im sure hes actualy a totally different person in person. Poor poor man. All I can do is just ignore his angry messages and go on with my day.
Lee RUJAX Rosenberg does make a good puppet though…you pull on his strings and he dances like a marionette.
Yeah…THAT emeperor max-minidick with his big-ass SIX-FIGURE INCOME and his UNION-BUSTING FAMILY WAGE DESTROYING CONNECTION…the puffed up little prick who not only plays…he wins!!!!
Yeah…I am soooo jealous of the fucking jerk and his mocking demeaning comments about anyone who doesn’t think JUST LIKE HIM!!!
So jealous, right? The emperor max-minidick will Never have ANYTHING that I want.
And dear naive little partydarty…dude, get out more. There are lots of places you can find out what is going on without parrotting Republican talking points. Run along and do your homework. If you do I’ll be nicer. Promise.
LMFAO….see what I mean?
like a fucking marionette….
Couldn’t resist could you maxie…pwned.
whats up peeps?
143 – We had a right wing zombie attack here.
zzzzZZZzzzz.. Too dull for words.
kinda like your life.
145 – My life is not based on hate like yours.
Your on-line lifestyle based on hating others is about the dullest thing around these threads.
As for “Hispanics and blacks being demonized”, can you give me a specific example of Hispanics being demonized (aside from something that relates to illegal immigration)?
(I fixed your spelling errors)
FOX Claims Penélope Cruz Will Bear “Anchor Baby,” Latino Republicans Protest
And here are some choice comments
At least it will be an ATTRACTIVE anchor baby, and one that won’t need welfare benefits until it is 18 years old.
She’s an American citizen? That’s news to me.
When will we actually start winning battles against these parasites?
Javier and Penelope are both Spanish, not Hispanic, and are a million miles away from the “indigenous” and “semi-indigenous” who invade us from the South.
The ultimate score (as you say) is bringing in their elderly parents (grandparents) who have never worked a day in America but get to glom onto SSDI and free medical and subsidized housing. Though often the grandparent is living in the household and the SSDI check goes into the kitty for all to share. Chinese and Asians have been parlaying this scam for decades
New milestone: 1 in 6 in US is Hispanic
Distressing and depressing – not because they’re latino, but because you KNOW that many of the, perhaps most of them are either here illegally, or were born to someone who is here illegally. That is not a recipe for success for any nation.
25% are probably non-communist.
Your post #1 is exactly right. Note they don’t say, “1 in 6 Americans” is Hispanic. They don’t say, “1 in 6 US citizens” is Hispanic. “1 in 6 in US” means an enormous invasion on our southern border has taken place, while Obama dithers and plays golf.
We need a no-fly, no-drive, no-walk zone on our southern border, and we need to deport many of this “1 in 6 in US.”
So, what do you have to say about that?
Or doesn’t that rise to the level of demonization in your eyes?
Crickets from our conservatives….
To #147: In my earlier post, I was asking for an example of hispanics citizens being demonized by Republican politicians. The examples you list at #147 are horrifying, but I assume they were committed by the private citizens, not Republican politicians.
I would still like to hear an example of a GOP politican demonizing hispanics for something unrelated to illegal immigration. So far I have heard stories about hispanics being abused by inbread white trash low lifes. People that do not represent me, and I assume do not represent Rebublican elected officials. I have also heard examples of Republican politicians protesting illegal immigration.
What was implied by one of the earlier comments, is that outright racisim toward hispanics in general exists among Republican politicians. The kind of brainless racism that blacks experienced in the past. I just dont believe that to be the case.
@152, you should really do your own research. That said, a quick Google search brings up a number of interesting articles for your reading pleasure.
152 – Bigot Tom Tancredo demonized Sonia Sotomayor as being a member of NCLR (National Council of La Raza) a group he characterized in his words as “a Latino KKK without the hoods or the nooses”.
Fortunately the Senate did not buy this bigotry and Sonia Sotomayor sits on the Supreme Court.
To #154: If I had to name a single politician affiliated with the Tea Party who has made me question my involvement in the overall movement, it would be Tom Tancredo. I have repeatedly said that the leadership within the Tea Party should put as much distance as possible between Tancredo and the movement as a whole.
Tom Tancredo is a horrible racist that uses illegal immigration as an excuse to talk about his various small-minded views. Tom Tancredo stated publicly the only reason Obama was elected was because of his support among people who “couldn’t spell or say the word ‘vote’ in english”. I despise the fact that Tom Tancredo is even remotely affiliated with me or anything I believe in.
I won’t dispute that this is a valid response to my question. However, I do feel this is a case of “one guy ruining it for everyone”, because I think Tancredo’s outright racist views are relatively unique among elected Republican officials (on the national level at least).