A couple of months ago, State Auditor Brian Sonntag made the “difficult” decision to not jump into the gubernatorial race. At the time I wrote:
Sonntag is nominally a Democrat, with a track record that includes things like endorsing Republican King County Executive candidate Susan Hutchison,
snugglingspooningblowing Tim Eyman, and participating in Teabagger events.We can only hope that the buzz about a potential Sonntag gubernatorial bid has encouraged some talented people to think about running for the open Auditor seat. And with any luck, they’ll still run, but now against Sonntag. Otherwise, I’m afraid, Sonntag will maintain his grip on the State Auditor’s office…well, until it’s pried out of his cold, dead hands.
Sonntag remains amongst the living. But, apparently, he came up short on a self-performance audit. Today he announced his intention to retire from the position, leaving another statewide open seat—the fourth.
So let’s all follow Dwight Pelz’s lead and thank Brian and wish him well:
“Brian Sonntag’s 35 year record of public service goes nearly unmatched in Washington State. He has been a true state leader, an advocate for the people of Washington, and an independent voice in the Democratic Party. On his retirement from the auditor’s office, we wish him our heartfelt thanks and congratulations.”
I have no idea who will run for the open position. Perhaps Susan DelBene? DelBene has an MBA from the University of Washington. The former tech-sector CEO and Microsoft corporate VP ran unsuccessfully against Rep. Dave Reichert in 2010. She is currently director for the Washington State Department of Revenue. DelBene’s resume looks quite good for the position.
Republicans just don’t bother to put up candidates for the position anymore.
[S]tate GOP spokesman Josh Amato said Monday: “We liked what Brian was doing. We weren’t working on taking him out of office.”
With the office open, however, Republicans expect to have qualified candidates willing to run, Amato said.
Here’s an idea that will add some zest to the race: Republicans should draft Tim “Biggest Lie of My Life” Eyman. Tim should grow the fuck up and compete for a real job. He can then stop his continuous begging for (and occasional theft of) money from his supporters. And he can give up his whoring ways, “servicing” rich donors like Michael Dunmire and Kemper Freeman, Jr. Eyman can go all respectable on us.
On the other hand…maybe Republicans can repeat their 2004 strategy: putting Will Baker on the ballot for State Auditor.
Eyman would never give up his current job – where he gets to skim off the top of his campaign contributions – for a position on a fixed salary that’s accountable to the public.
He has neither the balls to try nor the integrity to succeed.
Damn straight.
While I don’t think Sontag was a good as Pelz made him out to be, I also don’t think he was a bad as Darryl thinks he was either.
I’m glad he deiced to step down. It’s time for a lot of folks that have been in government to find new things to do.
@Darryl, I assume you’re already on this. Looking forward to your post and discussion re redistricting:
WA Redistricting Maps Released
Here’s the official maps, which I’m having a hard time seeing some of the borders on.
As I previously posted, I think they should have sliced the state horizontally into strips, so Bellingham and Spokane would be in the same district.
Slade Gorton’s map is a partisan piece of crap! It puts Edmonds in the same district as Oroville!
Horizontally, Spokane’s almost inline with Seattle. Seattle’s at Latitude 47,36’35”. Edmonds is at 47,48’38”. Spokane’s at 47,39’32”.
Speaking of Edmonds, maybe Mike Cooper wouldn’t mind taking over for Sontag.
The maps are hard to read, but it looks to me like Gorton puts Edmonds in a the long skinny 7th CD.
Tom Huff’s CD map makes no Gawd Damn sense. But then, that’s Tom Huff for ya. I used to live down the street from the guy.
Huff doesn’t even know his own district well enough to know that no one in Gig Harbor want’s to share a CD with Eastern Pierce County.
Yeah, Huff’s LD map is just as stupid as his CD map. He should have to reimburse the citizens of the great state of Washington for any costs they’ve incurred do to his work in the redistricting committee.
Checkout what Gorton wants to do LD wise over in Spokane.
Gorton sounded proud that he was making Spokane into Washington’s Austin (carving up the Democratic city and putting each piece into an overwhelmingly Republican district, thereby making it an all-GOP area). As it is now, the 3rd is solidly Democratic and the 6th occasionally elects Dems.
Gorton’s a dick.
“Brian Sonntag’s 35 year record of public service…”
That’s too long for anyone to be on the government’s payroll. Maybe term limits are in order for the auditor’s position.
How’d the guy get to be state auditor when he hasn’t even got a college degree, much less a degree in accounting? Shouldn’t the state auditor at least be an accountant?
@14 “That’s too long for anyone to be on the government’s payroll.”
Really? Why? Do you think government has less need for experience than private enterprise? Why?
Granted, few people work for the same company for 35 years anymore. That’s because it’s getting hard to find a company that’s been around that long. The half-life of private enterprises is getting shorter every day. (Of course, some folks think that’s all the fault of bureaucrats like Sonntag.)
You sort of have a point, though — why would anyone want to work in government for 35 years? The pay is low, the working conditions are terrible, and roughly half of the public you serve are insufferable ingrates who think the fact you work for government gives them a license to abuse you.
No 35 years for me! Now they pay me to not show up anymore. Which suits me just fine. They can take that job and shove it.
3. Zotz sez: Redistricting Maps Released spews:
@Darryl, I assume you’re already on this. Looking forward to your post and discussion re redistricting:
No, darliepunk is hiding under his desk. Do you get paid extra to run away from your phoney studies, darliepunk?
When 70% of the people say you’ve got the job, you’ve got the job. But, things change over time and humans aren’t really all that good at changing, so you need to change the humans out every now and again. Sonntag’s done pretty good work, but it’s time for someone new.
Over 840 THOUSAND knee jerk dumbasses in 2004 voted for male exotic dancer and public meeting disrupter – the “international man of conspiracy” – Will Baker – for state auditor..
He had an “R” next to his name??
Sorry if I’m late to the game. Is there an inside joke I’m not aware of? Why do you keep misspelling Sonntag’s name?