Another day, another horrendous shooting.
Several people were shot, one of them fatally, by a gunman outside the Empire State Building shortly after 9 a.m. on Friday, according to the police and city officials. The gunman was killed by the police, officials said.
One city official said that eight people were wounded.
“There are two people on site dead, a civilian and the gunman,” said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to provide information to the media.
While the details are still murky, I think we can all agree that the shooter knew exactly what the founders were going for when they wrote the Second Amendment.
I’m sure the shooter was part of a ‘well-regulated militia…”
The founders were going for people being allowed to defend themselves with any suitable tool they can get. In New York they are not allowed. How is what you said relevant again?
I’m also sure the shooter used a muzzle-loading Brown Bess.
I think perhaps the one defining feature of a right-winger/Teahaddist/Republican is very VERY concrete thinking – the inability to see and interpret accurately relationships that exist 2 or 3 or 4 orders beyond that which is happening directly to one’s self, and/or the inability to grasp nuance or subtlety.
Guns are only part of the equation. Humans are the other part. You have to ask what is happening to humans? More hate brings about disrespect for life. Keep hating. Abortions should be illegal – every fetus should be given the opportunity to be murdered by a air breathing barbarians.
@5 You’re absolutely right! Get rid of humans, not guns! Guns aren’t a problem without humans. After you humans exterminate each other, rabbits will run this place, and I’ll be their king! I can’t wait.
Anders Brievik, a rightwing “Second Amendment Solutions” fanatic, got 21 years from a Norwegian judge for slaughtering
77 people, mostly children.
Well at least we managed to go for a few days this week without waking up to headlines about a mass shooting. But I knew it wouldn’t last and it didn’t. How long before the next one?
There are too many guns circulating in our country, and too many of them are in the wrong hands. Thanks for nothing NRA and Second Amendment nuts.
The Republican “solution” is to introduce legislation in Congress immunizing gun makers against lawsuits by victims and their families. That’s like giving Napolean a “Get Out Of Exile Free” card.
Okay, enough of mass murder and mayhem, what else is in the news (besides Lance Armstrong) today?
Er, this …
“Nineteen people were wounded in at least seven shootings within eight hours overnight Thursday in Chicago, police said. Eight of them, mostly teenagers, were struck in … a drive-by shooting …. Two 14-year-old boys, a 15 year-old boy, two 16-year-old boys and a 19-year-old woman were taken to area hospitals ….”
Cue puddles chiming in to blame Obama…
Be sure to send a thank-you note to the National Riffle Association and any of your acquaintances that belong to the NRA.
When did the verdict come down? Did he try an insanity defense?
Just as honor killings and burkhas are an expected consequence of misogynistic fundamentalism taken to its logical conclusion, as our resident theocrats advocate, Brievik is a consequence of rabid right-wing eliminationist rhetoric married to access to guns.
About the NYC shooting, apparently the gunman fired a single shot into his targeted victim, and the rest of the casualties were caused by the NYPD firing into a crowd at the man as he was running away.
Will keep reading on this.
The founders restricted firearms ownership to free white males who swore a loyalty oath to the American government and promised to show up on the double with their guns to defend the government when called.
# 14: If true, the entire NYPD needs to have their weapons taking away from them for a one-month “stand down” while everyone receives new training.
My first lessons in gun safety as an eight-year old were to treat every gun as if it’s loaded and to keep it pointed away from everyone. The next lesson was to make sure your background and fields of fire to the right and left are clear before opening fire.
Follow the link to his fairly stale blog (last update 2010) and then to the LinkedIn and Facebook links – the former has some hilarious business-process speak:
…and the latter ‘likes’ of Michelle Malkin, Hayek, von Mises, and pajamasmedia.
Oh boy!
(We should have a contest to see if any more cliches could be shoehorned into that paragraph above!)
Can one both keep “on the leading edge of technology” and “break the technology barrier down” at the same time?
Aren’t there relativistic physics rules against this?
I’ve worked with guys like that over the years, they tend to not get a lot done and are full of lame excuses.
Off topic, but over at (un)Sound they are having a fund raiser for hinges.
@23 pudge says
unfkin believable!
Matt Bissonette is now the world’s most famous triggerman.
@20 What’s next? The earth is flat?
I love when the raw insanity, the unvarnished stupidity is revealed for all to see.
*shaking head*
Maybe you should study up on norwegian fireams laws, “scientist”(insert laughter here)
Leave to the far leftnuts to somehow connect the 2nd amendment to a crime in norway comitted by a norwegian…
Reaching much………
Kim Jong Dipshit
Brievik was manifestly an eliminationist, and equally manifestly, he had a gun.
I said nothing about the 2nd Amendment, WRT Brievik.
Go back to your goatshed.
@14 The city’s gonna get to pay lots of money to those shot by the cops. NYC has one of the world’s highest concentrations of lawyers.
It took a lot of work, but it appears (u)SP finally deleted my comment. I asked pudge,
“And for an encore, you’ll prove the earth is flat?”
I can’t find it. It’s gone. Maybe that’s just a computer glitch, or maybe someone over there has a thin skin.
Heh. You have to ask?
If some of those shot do turnout to have been shot by the police, does it spell the end of Bloomberg as mayor?
@ 29
Possible. Guliani was brought down by the revealing of his “street crimes unit” that was barely anything other than a death squad for the NYPD. During the course of its existence, the SCU was responsible for over 400 Police shootings, many of them of people who were just running away. When it came out in the press about them firing over 90 rounds into an unarmed man, many of those after he was dead on the ground, Guliani tried every public-relations trick in the book to get the story suppressed or spun in a way favorable to his campaign.
All Bloomberg had to do was point out the fact that Guliani’s entire campaign was based on his actions during and immediately after 9/11, when the radios didn’t work inside the very building that he’d spent nearly $200 million building an entire backup Police Command Center in, had been hit by a large aircraft. All that after Guliani had campaigned on that very fact back when he was running against Cuomo, after the first WTC bombing.
Guliani is a serious persona non grata in New York City amongst the citizenry. They fuckin HATE the guy.
RE @ 14
Hm, Gawker seems to confirm this. Gawker is usually pretty reliable.
New York City’s finest indeed.
Guliani’s never impressed me. Up until lately when he’s gone a bit “Vladimir Putin” I’ve liked Bloomberg.
Bloomberg is a competent man. Unfortunately, the City has long since been almost totally unmanageable just due to it’s sheer size. It really is an incredibly massive metropolis.
I’ve never been to the Apple. But I do know a lot of folks who were born and raised there, and until they saw the Pacific Northwest or the beaches in Southern California, never thought they would ever leave it. New Yorkers have a seriously bipolar view of their own city. They love it more than anything, but they really just cannot stand it. My uncle lived there for many years while he was in graduate school. I know he loves the City. But he never wants to ever go back.
@20 Worse, there are a bunch of people lying to Pudge on that thread. And poor Rags, she’s reduced to chanting that the Democrats are “The Party of Death” over and over (she likes to do that bold thang). And someone calling himself “the Lonesome Goatherder” is giving Pudge fits. Too much!
All in all, not a bad thread.
Does anyone have a decoder ring for this Lib da schmuch bullshit?
Personally I have no problem with libtardos performing donkoinfanticide. Please keep culling your herd. The fewer rujax, buttspigots, ekims, rhpee6033, Lib da schmucks; especially headless lucy and his multiple doppelganger identities, Fraggys, DUMB Wabbit’s, etc. the better the world will be!
Interesting how Lib da schmuck makes these wild ass claims!
Investigators believe at least 7 of those 16 bullets struck the gunman, said Paul J. Browne, the Police Department’s chief spokesman. But the officers also struck some, if not all, of the nine bystanders who were wounded.
I’m not quite as critical as some others of the police here. We don’t know enough. My question is how, if trained officers hit bystanders can anyone in their right mind argue that armed citizens shooting their personal firearms in a crime situation is a good idea? The idea that an armed citizenry somehow makes us safer is truly absurd. How much more collateral damage would there be.
When was the last time those NY police officers were range qualified K? Why don’t you check that out before disparaging gun owners?
Video of the last few seconds of the incident. The police did react exactly as they are trained to do. New York is just too damn crowded. I dunno how things could have gone differently except for maybe the cops following at a distance where they could have waited for a better place to confront the man, and who knows who else he would have shot along the way.
I’m glad Mr. Guliani wasn’t able to get those MP-5s he wanted the cops to start carrying along with their sidearms. There woulda been 40 casualties.
LMAO!!! What an insane fool!
A woman having freedom over her body sure helped the Republicans in 2006 and 2008 and as Darryl has been pointing out, it’s turning up aces for Dullard and his Randghoul!
Once again another diarrhea stain left by the thing LHAO definitely not getting it. We want donkoinfanticide ya moron so keep culling your herd. PLEASE!
You make us laugh buttspigot! Laugh a lot!
@29 It seems they all were.
Dipshit, learn to read. The first quote is Roger Rabbit’s, the second one is mine.
You’re an idiot.
42 – The funniest thing is ONCE AGAIN you’re supporting lefties:
Ryan and Greenspan are inspired by Rand. You called Greenspan a lefty for being inspired by Ayn Rand.
Dullard supported individual mandate and said he was pro-choice and more pro gay rights than TED KENNEDY!
Awww looks like Joe BiteMe ain’t gonna show up in Tampa now! Lame excuse of having emergency resources are focused on Tropical Storm Isaac. Yet this is the the same DNC didn’t pay the bill for Obummer in Connecticut!
You make my point for me, puddles. Thank you.
LMAO!! “us” being the choir of voices in your pin head!
So only some zygotes are sacred? Figures.
You have nuthin buttspight@42. Absolutely nuthin new. Just new diarrhea stains from your buttspigot.
More pud spew and attempted redirect. I simply pointed out that more gun shots increase the potential for collateral damage. Do you really believe that in a situation like the dark Colorado theater that citizens shooting at where they thought the problem was from would make others safer? It is a hollow argument that second amendmenters make that I quite frankly find ridiculous.
@ 43
Exactly right. NYPD and I believe most police officers are required to re-certify twice a year at least. Seems to me that these yahoos weren’t very disciplined, they started busting caps before they had a clear, definite shot.
Imagine what some clown could do who’s fired his gun maybe 20 times in his life at a passive range.
If y’all wanna keep killing your unborn babies go ahead Lib da schmuck. Puddy will open the door for your “kind”! I am sad rujax supports Planned Parenthood who’s original aim through Margaret Sanger was to cull black babies. Any self respecting black man would be appalled but we know from today’s posts alone rujax doesn’t fit the bill!
That’s really all he has. Like a squid in many ways (Not an octopus – they’re SMART), spineless, wriggly, squirts a cloud of obscuring ink before shooting off.
Pud’s a mollusk!
50 – I agree with you!
Absolutely nada @ 42 but the ravings of a mad fool!
And lets say there are multiple civilians wielding firearms in response to a criminal shooting. The police arrive with their guns drawn. What do they do? Nothing because they are not sure who is the bad guy? Shoot them all because they are all dangerous?
The idea that an armed civilian population in a crowded situation is just stupid.
Ghoulish hypocrisy.
@35 Have you ever played chess, puddy? And if so, have you ever survived for more than half a dozen moves? No, I’d guess not. I once spent a week on a Navy hospital ship. One day I was passing time by playing chess. My opponent didn’t know anything about the game; he simply had memorized a couple of gambit openings. Gambits can suck the unwary into a checkmate, but real chess players avoid them because they’re intrinsically weak moves that fatally compromise your board position. The difference between you and that guy, puddy, is he knew when he’d had his ass handed to him. He gave up after losing a couple of games within a few moves. For some inexplicable reason you keep coming back.
Wrong again “K”. Do you understand what range certification means? You know… hit the right target? Seems Fraggy got a sentence right for once “K”.
Then he lost it as always. As a Philly Lieutenant, my cousin had to range qualify at least once a year. But stay stupid “K”, you still have it!
When shall we play Roger DUMB Wabbit? Timed or untimed? You want black or white?
@38 City police departments have big insurance policies. If a private citizen shoots an innocent bystander that’s guaranteed bankruptcy.
@39 How many gun owners have ever been on a range? Lots of them just buy a gun and throw it in a drawer.
I work with two. They go to the range often. Seattle Skeet & Trap Club!
That’s so easy. The non-criminal licensed gun owners will listen to the police. The criminals won’t. But stay stupid “K”, you still have it!
Finally HA’s ylbuttspigot admits he posts useless diarrhea stains with no redeeming value.
Another BITCHSLAP! Thanks for playing buttspigot!
You got the stupid, pud. I started with we do not know enough about the police reaction. I have enough personal experience with the press to know the first reports are incomplete at best and as often at not wrong. From there I looked at how having a bunch of folks with guns, likely few of them meeting your range certification standard, would create more risk and less safety. Now if you are proposing that in order to carry one must meet a certain standards, that is a different conversation.
Is that your position?
Re all the puddyspew in this thread: “insane fool” pretty well captures its essence.
Then you jumped on the armed populace
As a typical leftist you immediately jump on armed gun owners because the vast majority of them are conservatives. Maybe some of them can pick the gnat off your shitty ASS at 50 paces?
See how easy that was “K”?
@60 How about if I play black and you play white?
Still waiting for Roger DUMB Wabbit to determine when we should play chess. I offered timed or untimed. I offered black or white.
Okay you can play black! Since you don’t like gambits we play straight up eh?
@64 If the non-criminal gun owners have any fucking brains they won’t draw their weapons because to the police a gun is a gun, period.
Ummm Roger @71, go back to K’s original thesis!
We’ll wait for ya to catch up!
@68 “As a typical leftist you immediately jump on armed gun owners because the vast majority of them are conservatives.”
No, he jumps on armed gun owners (is there any other kind?) because any private citizen who gets involved in a shootout on a crowded city street is a fucking fool and very likely will soon be a dead fool.
And maybe some of them can’t. I ask again, are you proposing that to carry one should meet some standard? You seem to assume they all do. Recent evidence suggests they do not(see the “gentleman” who shot himself in the rear in a theater).
YES! Can’t you comprehend “K”? Ever been to an NRA event? Yeah didn’t think so!
I cannot comprehend what you do not respond to. What is the standard one should meet in order to possess a firearm in a crowded city?
We are in puddy playland where juvenile responses with CAPS and !exclamation! points is supposed to indicate a superior argument.
Grow up
One more thing. To give you some idea of how effective guns are in the hands of highly trained and experienced shooters, I’ve seen figures for U.S. small arms ammo expenditures in Vietnam ranging from 30,000 to 200,000 per enemy KIA. The number I saw published in an Army newspaper at the time was 114,000.
LOL! If it takes our military troops a quarter million bullets to kill one insurgent in Afghanistan, the average civilian shooter would need to have an ammunition train following him around wherever he goes!
Well “K” since most crowded cities are run by libtards and they try to pass laws keeping firearms out of the hands of normal citizens only the criminal element ususally get them. So in “K”-land no one owns guns except illegals. Remember what happened in Australia “K”?
Caps and exclamations… You excuse your own kind all the time “K”. You are so precious!
@76 There’s such a thing as an unarmed gun owner? I suppose if he’s not carrying; but in that case what’s the point of owning one?
The whole argument here is whether private citizens going in public armed is a good or bad idea. I say it’s a lousy idea. There are very few people who should be packing guns in public.
@79 You have exceptional talent for dodging the question that was asked and providing an answer no one asked for or wanted. You should’ve been a politician — a Republican politician!
You bore me pud. I am neither defending nor criticizing others. I foolishly tried to engage with you. You divert and ignore.
Go play with yourself. That’s all you do anyway.
I’ve wasted enough time.
The Mrs. is fucking with my screen name again … her idea of a prank … she distracted me with a Tootsie Roll Pop …
Ohhh wrong again “K” you made a veiled criticism here…
Criticism right there! You see “K” you make a specious argument and when called get on your hind legs and bray “I’m taken outta context!” “I’m done. I’m outta here”. Run silly boy! Puddy on the other hand delivers facts as always! The original post is gone so alternate link from the legislator!
No she knows you best and nailed ya perfectly!
@42 like you said @50?
That was not me stupid.
That was YOU! @50 you said nuthin was posted @42..
I agreed since YOU are the author of @42.
Thanks for playing.
More rambling of a caught buttspigot… You wrote and I quote
Nothing new from you!
Thanks for playing loser! ROTFLRHMBBAO! What a buttspigot!
Yes, when you enter the NYC city limits you are to enter unarmed Roger DUMB Wabbit. Puddy placed this on the blog months ago. I know I know… 24 hour moonbat moronic memory malady! You can ask the buttspigot to show you when Puddy placed it!
@89 Then there are no gun owners in NYC, are there? Except cops and criminals. Because if you’re not a cop having a gun makes you a criminal.
That’s a lie Dr. ASS..
I wrote:
What’s @ 50 ?
What’s @ 42?
The very definition of NOTHING!
Btw you called yourself “buttspight”..
Heh.. I like Dr. Buttface myself.
So I missed a number buttspigot. Doesn’t change facts. You have nuthin!
Roger DUMB Wabbit without researching farted
Well not exactly senile one…
There are gun owners in NYC, then Puddy agrees with the last part… the rest are criminals!
Hey Puffy you claim liberals are culling their own, how about heterosexuals doing the same?
Darryl, if your going to delete or hold my comments fir making that statmenr, which is really just a question, then you should do the same for Puffy
Now why didn’t this make the Friday Night Funnies
Well they know the DNC don’t pay it’s bills so why bother with Obummer!