lol, what are your gonna say when obama conducts this “war”, exactly as bush has done. because you have to be really naieve to think that either bush or obama “calls the shots”.
I was thinking it was going to be the right’s favorite pastor – Ted…
I guess the right wingers have to remember that America is laughing at them and voted them out of office and into oblivion because they are nothing but fools and idiots.
And their heros like the crook baby Alberto and the crack-using, gay pastor Ted are just part of the reason America rejected these punks on Nov 4.
On Jan 20 – their humiliation will be complete. I can’t wait. I’ve been laughing at every republican asshole I meet. I’ve been rubbing their utter and abject failure in their face. And they’ve been slinking away like dogs.
Sorry for the insult to dogs.
I am not naieve.
2 – Ted Haggard, yet another casualty of the right wing’s “war of terror” on the people of this country. Poor Ted, a willing victim and a true believer till the end. The right wing lives to make people afraid – that way they can control them and make them do their bidding.
Poor “Fredo”. Look at what media consolidation has done. All those Murdoch-owned publishing houses won’t look twice at Fredo’s tell-all book. Use a small liberal-oriented publisher Fredo. If the book tells the truth, people will read it. But I kind of doubt Fredo has any conception of what truth is.
Darryl: I think most soldiers and their families will think the people who made this video are exploitative assholes.
@2: I love how someone most of the right never HEARD of suddenly becomes the right’s “favorite pastor” just because he becomes famous in a scandal. Ted Haggard was not widely known, dummy.
And funny, the majority of Republican candidates I supported won: McKenna, Reed, Stevens, Pearson, Kristiansen, Bailey, Smith, Reichert … some “failure.”
@4: Funny, from where I sit, it’s the left that uses fear to make people do their bidding. Fear of environment, fear of health care, fear of economy, fear of joblessness, etc.
@5 He only lead 30 million evangelicals. So, yeah, I’m sure nobody on the right ever heard of him.
With hundreds of Republican candidates you only supported eight of them. Perhaps there’s hope for you yet.
Fear? Whatever happened to the Republican contribution called terror alerts? And wasn’t their purpose to instill fear in the American populace? And just what did Republicans do with that fear? I seem to recall that they used it to win elections and to start a war against a country that never attacked us and posed no threat, that is, unless you considered Saddam’s kids and their model airplanes a threat to the mightiest military power the earth has ever known.
@5 And in regards to where you sit, I do hope that you remember to flush when your done.
@6: First, I never implied nobody ever heard of him. Please don’t lie.
Second, he did not lead any such thing as 30 million people. He was the leader of the National Association of Evangelicals; maybe that is what you are referring to. But even if the members of the churches in the NAE amount to 30 million people, yes, overwhelmingly, most of those 30 million people never heard of him, I guarantee it.
I was for years a member of the a church in the Baptist General Conference, which works with the NAE, and I never knew the name of the leader of that organization, nor did I ever hear of Ted Haggard until the scandal broke. I was also a member of a church in the Southern Baptist Convention for awhile, and at one point I knew the name of the leader, but I did not know the name of the leaders before or after him.
Most people have no idea about these parent organizations and they don’t care about them or their leaders.
With hundreds of Republican candidates you only supported eight of them.
You don’t know how to read. Unsurprising.
Whatever happened to the Republican contribution called terror alerts?
That was not a “Republican” contribution, it was entirely nonpartisan.
And I notice you do not deny a single thing I mentioned that the Democrats use to instill fear. Good, because you can’t.
Oh pudge, pudge; do you actually read what you write? You just keep digging that hole deeper and deeper.
I defy you to present specifics of how anything I wrote is wrong or how I am “digging” “deeper.” It’s pretty obvious that you did not provide specifics because you cannot.
When conservatism is on the ballot it wins. The problem is libtard MSM defines what conservatism is. And… we conservatives allowed the libtard MSM to define us. Even re-run@15 claims he’s conservative at home with his chillen, but is a way out left-wing whack-job for other people’s children. That’s schizophrenia.
Go back and think about 2006 moron. Why did Nancy Stretch Pelosi recruit Heath Shuler and other “blue dog” Donkey? What are these peeps? Conservative Donkey. Wait there is more. As I remember Ned LaMont was the choice of left-wing whack-job Donkey. Didn’t Lieberman win? Do you think liberalism would have won where these blue dogs ran? If you can put that single brain cell you possess to work in 2006 (instead of thinking about Cindy McCain) Nancy Stretch Pelosi nominated moderate and conservative Donkey so they could elect whackjob-left Donkey leadership. And where is the Congressional Approval rating?
Now we come to 2008. Puddy already placed links which showed fewer conservatives voted for McCain in 2008 than Bush in 2006. Yet you ignored them. Truth explodes Donkey minds. Proposition 8 was placed on the ballot in CA. 70% of blacks and 67% of hispanics (95% of blacks voted for Obama and almost 80% voted for Obama in CA) helped Prop 8 pass. When you look at other states it also passed.
You see idiot@2, conservatives lost because we’re known as the non-tax and spenders. When idiots like Ted Stevens and Duke Cunningham act like Donkey, we deserve to lose.
You know abstinence works every time it’s implemented. With a moron like you byebyegoober, your parents should have listened and said no, not today!
@8 “And I notice”
Sorry, but I don’t respond to all drivel you spew.
Did you flush?
@9 Nailed it.
Puddybud, Hey it's the New Year...spews:
Pudge, when the Ted Haggard story broke we were in Florida. We looked at each other and said who is he?
Haggard had a 14,000-member church. But to rerun@4 and goat-luver@6 that’s 30,000,000 members.
You see it’s expected politicians like Eliot Spitzer, James McGreevey, and David Paterson act like a Donkey. It’s in their DNA. Or even Jesse Jackson who was telling everyone to stay out of the Bushes in 2000 when he was visiting Karen Stamford’s on a regular basis. When conservatives do it, they need to leave our brand.
If you also remember Pudge, McGreevey, didn’t challenged his ex-driver’s claim of a threesome with him McGreevey and Mrs McGreevey. If there were goats, I bet Steve’s leetle woody would have been there.
Why do you think Jerry Springer’s show does very well in Neilsen ratings? It’s the Donkey’s favrit show. How? Springer beat Oprah in Neilsen ratings for a while. And Springer was the Northwestern Law School commencement speaker this year. Now that’s funny.
@11 Still trotting out your “conservatism didn’t lose” line? Whatever gets you through the night, Pudz.
“conservatives lost because” You lost because you’re a gang of pedos and pervs who brought this great nation to the brink of ruin. You lost because the party of racial backlash has become the party of racism. Go ahead and sail off into obscurity singing “Barack the Magic Negro” oblivious to what you have become. Keep it up and you’ll never win another election outside of the deep south.
@14 “Now that’s funny”
You can’t get anything right, can you? What’s funny is that your state of denial leaves you blindly walking this earth with your head up your ass.
Puddybud, Hey it's the New Year...spews:
Steve@15, prove otherwise instead of worthless conjecture. The pedos and pervs were not conservatives. And fool Barack the Magic Negro is a libtard invention. I can see you don’t read much. Try the LA Times. It was invented there.
Show me URLs. I’ve posted mine before.
You are guys are claiming that you had never heard of Haggard. Is there any truth that your willing to face. Any??
Whatever you say, Pudz. I called you a neurotic. My bad. You’re a fucking psychotic, someone completely detatched from reality.
Puddy, It seems to me that when the more conservative end of your party runs, you lose. But, when the more moderate end runs you’ve got an honest shot and even win a few election.
I voted for Sam Reed and for Pierce County Council member Terry Lee (R) who was running for Pierce County assessor. But, there’s no way in hell I’d ever vote for anyone further to the right than they are.
You are claiming I *had* heard of Ted Haggard? Why would you do such a thing?
And Steve, you are now on the hook to back up uptown’s claim too, since you voiced agreement with it: name a single thing I got wrong, or one place where I “dug” “deeper.” Just one.
Michael: it depends on the races and candidates. Certainly where I live, in North Snohomish County, being conservative helps a lot, which is why all three of my state reps and my county councilman are very conservative Republicans who win re-election handily.
Statewide … it is widely viewed that McKenna is to the right of Reed, and he got re-elected handily too. He is also no closer to the middle than McGavick, who lost by a lot. And Rossi is to the right of all three of them, IMO, and he not only finished in a virtual tie in 2004, but might have won in 2008 if not for Obama.
Michael: what do racists in Montana have to do with anything? You think those idiots will magically go away because Obama is President? Really? Are you under the delusion that they exist because Bush was President?
@24 “Why”
Well, I admittedly don’t know with absolute certainty but the odds are with me on this because Republicans are habitual liars.
I’ll readily state that it’s probable that you never heard of any but a few of the hundreds of Republican pervs and pedos who’ve been busted over recent years. All the same, it reflects poorly on you, conservatism and the Republican party. Can you admit that much?
@26 It’s far easier to argue that Bush was elected president because the Republican party pandered to militants, racists, and their ilk. Think of it as the Republican idea of a “Big Tent”.
Steve: you cannot find an example of me lying. So no, there are no odds in your favor.
And no, of course Ted Haggard does not reflect poorly on me. And neither does Larry Craig or whatshisname from Florida. And I don’t think Blagojevich or William Jefferson or Sharpe James or Kwame Kilpatrick or any of the other many corrupt Democrats reflect poorly on you … unless you say you support them.
@28: it’s easy to argue it as long you don’t try to back it up with facts.
As for militants and racists, you failed to deliver so your going to lose that crowd anyway. Same with the evangelicals. You used them and they’re starting to wake up to it now. I mean, really, do you think Dobson or Robertson would have ever stood with Obama on the 20th as will Rick Warren? You’re losing them. What’s left? Psychotics like Pudz? That voting block won’t win elections for you, Pudge.
There’s room in the Democratic party big tent for decent conservatives like yourself, Pudge. You’ll have a voice. Turn your back on Pudz and come into the light. We’ll welcome you with open arms.
@29 I really do get the impression from your posts, website and your music that you’re a rather decent fellow, Pudge. Perhaps a little misguided, but aren’t we all? I’ve never claimed to be a liberal. And we actually do share some conservative views. I apologize for inferring that you’re a liar.
My take on the election is that people saw Rossi as a member of the far right and that’s why you only have a handful of polls, in the year proceeding the election, where Rossi was ahead.
And sure, far right conservatives will do well in conservative places. Just like far left folks will do well in Seattle’s Capitol Hill.
I live in the 26th LD, where the Republicans picked up a seat this year, it was the more moderate of the 2 republicans running that got elected. The 26th is one of the few swing districts in the state and 2 years ago Republicans ran a slate of far right folks in all 3 races, they all lost.
McGavic- lost
Rossi- lost
Nethercutt- lost
Linda Smith- lost
John Carlson- lost
Ellen Craswell- lost
Once you take the (far right) conservative out of the conservative area they tend to lose. Note I said they tend to lose, there will always be a few that that will win. Cathy Rogers can win in the 5th CD, but if she ran in a state wide election, she’d get the same low 40% that the folks I listed above got.
Run a moderate and you just might win. Terry Lee for Governor 2012? I might just vote for him again.
Um… That was when Clinton was President. I’m hoping they don’t show back up now that another Democrat is in the White House.
Probably should have stuck that one in the Open Thread.
And Pudge, I apologize for painting you with my oft times too broad brushed accusations of Republican immorality. I consider it probable that you are not that kind of person at all.
@31: You used [evangelicals] and they’re starting to wake up to it now. I mean, really, do you think Dobson or Robertson would have ever stood with Obama on the 20th as will Rick Warren? You’re losing them.
I don’t understand. The Republicans are losing them because (according to you) they won’t stand with a Democrat? I am completely lost by your line of reasoning.
There’s room in the Democratic party big tent for decent conservatives like yourself, Pudge.
That could only be true if the Democratic Party was not staunchly allied against conservatism, which it is. Sorry, no dice.
My only goal in politics is to enhance liberty, especially in regards to personal property. The agenda of the Democratic Party in this area is what I am involved to fight against.
@34: Michael: oh, I see your point; I didn’t realize you were trying to make a point about them from the 90s. But no, they did not go away the past few years, unfortunately.
@33: Again, Rossi was viewed by many as far-right, and he virtually tied in 2004.
I’m up on ya’ 10-1! ;-)
Glad to hear you agree with my on the crazies.
@36 Think abortion, for one. I believe Republicans have never intended to overturn Roe v. Wade.
Liberty. We share that one, Pudge, although I don’t prioritize property rights. Still, the shared desire for freedom can serve as a bridge between us.
In golf terms, it’s like Pudge is a slice and Pudz a hook. You can talk to a slice but a hook just won’t listen.
Only a liar or a fool could paint what happened to the GOP on Nov 4 as anything other than a complete rejection of the so-called “conservative” message. Try as one might to rationalize it – there’s no denying it was a LANDSLIDE. In a year where Dems should have LOST seats, they gained. Nationwide, we picked up 7 Governors, 8 big-city mayors, 9 US Senators, 29 House members and countless down ticket offices across the country. States that had been red since 1964 went blue. While fools like Pudge (who obviously cares MUCH more about republican values than American values) will vote GOP no matter what, most of the real freedom-loving Americans REJECTED the right wing fools.
Trying to re-write history won’t change the fact that even in Washington state, there were unusual victories. Taking both the Education and Lands seats for Dems was a real slap in the face of the GOP. Rossi was blown out – wasn’t even close. What an shameful showing!
It’s a glorious year for the Dems. And it’s nothing but horror and shame for the right.
We fucked the right wing fools in the ass on Nov 4. And now we’re just laughing at them while they do all they can do, that is hope for America to fail under Dem rule. Won’t happen fools. We’re stronger than you. Freedom is stronger that you.
Steve @39: I don’t understand your point about abortion. However, I don’t really care if Roe v. Wade is overturned; I would like a Constitutional amendment banning abortion nationwide, but I know it won’t happen any time soon.
I’m a Lincolnian. He (before the Civil War) wanted a gradual abolition of slavery over a long period of time: prevent its expansion, enact reasonable regulations, and work to change minds. This is my view on abortion. We cannot just make abortion illegal, if the people won’t agree with it. Roe v. Wade was a terrible legal decision in many ways, and overturning it would be good, but it’s mostly a side issue.
And yes, I have many liberal friends that share a common bond with me in regards to liberty. I’m in the tech business, and, for example, many of my friends agree with me on the DCMA and other copyright issues, on attempts to criminalize encryption, and so on.
Oh, and, um, “Bent” @41: despite all those Dem gains, the Dems LOST seats in the both houses of our owen Washington State Legislature. The Republicans gained in both. Apparently you didn’t know that: I am sorry to be the one to break the news to you.
Pudge, my point was that Republicans “used” evangelicals. I put abortion out there as an example. Right or wrong, I saw the Republicans as more than willing to keep the issue alive by paying lip service but not actually doing anything more than that. I see evangelicals as awakening to the deceit.
As for myself, I oppose abortion. However, realist that I am, I understand that it has always been with us, legal or not, through the ages. When a woman decides to abort, she will find a way, laws or no laws. I’m older than you and can recall the days of coat-hangers, back alleys, and the wealthy flying over the carnage to flee to states where abortion was legal and performed by physicians in proper medical facilities. I do not care to go back to those days. I see what you propose as taking us there. Our women deserve better. Again the realist, I prefer legality but at the same time, believe that we must make an effort as a society to address the conditions that lead to a woman’s desire to abort a child. I believe that is where real change can occcur. While we might disagree as to the means to the end, it appears we do agree on the end goal – few or no abortions. If we, conservatives and liberals, explore that common ground and work together, each side willing to compromise, then we just might get there someday.
Ah while bending over to be fucked the right wingers screamed – “but we won the dog catcher’s job!”
How fucking pathetic. As if winning two lowly statehouse seats could compare with LOOOOOOOSING lands and education – well it’s a joke. And trying to ignore the facts – i.e., the facts that the margin of victory in most races wasn’t even close, the fools on the right are only trying to stick their heads in the sand. I like it. As long as they ignore truth, we will win more seats.
They have no answer for why they lost the White House, more of the Senate, more of the House, more Governor’s offices, more Mayor’s offices, etc. They have no answer because they are idiots.
America rejected the right on Nov 4. Washington rejected the right on Nov 4. Now the right just needs to look up from its constant ass fucking, and realize it’s the laughing stock of America.
It’s better than the place that we are now, where millions of living human beings are legally killed.
If we, conservatives and liberals, explore that common ground and work together, each side willing to compromise, then we just might get there someday.”
I am not willing to compromise on the legality of abortion. I might, however, be willing to compromise on the legality of government involvement in what normally should be private charity (helping pregnant women) in order to avoid abortions.
@44: Being a state legislator is like being a dogcatcher? So apart from not knowing the Dems lost seats in the legislature, you also do not realize the state legislature is the second most powerful legal authority of the State of Washington (after the voters). Maybe you should learn more about the state you live in (assuming you live in WA …).
@46: And I will never compromise regarding reproductive slavery for women. If the goal was REALLY preventing abortions, then the “pro life” crowd would be pushing for more support for effective, safe, afforadable, contraceptives for both men and women. But it’s really about the sexual double standard and keeping women economically disadvantaged. You revealed your hand when you started going after birth control, and turning away women from pharmacies because of “personal ethics”. Funny how those ethics never extend to Viagra.
So yeah, let’s push abstinence. Ladies, just say no. Period. Ever. See how fast the pro-life men change their tune . . .
In the 1860s, our country decided, once and for all, that the right of property is not as great as the right of liberty. In the same way, in attempting to abolish abortion, we put the right of life above the right of liberty.
This is the order of things. You can call it “reproductive slavery” all you like, but it doesn’t change the fact that the right to life is greater than the right to liberty which is greater than the right to property.
And the reason why the pill you’re apparently referring to is opposed is NOT because of its “birth control” qualities. This pill can prevent fertilization, but if fertilization does happen, it can also destroy a blastocyst — which is an actual unique, living, growing homo sapiens by that point — from implanting in the womb.
Whether you call the prevention of implantation of the blastocyst an “abortion” or not is irrelevant: it’s a unique living human being, and we are therefore against its destruction for the same reason we are against abortion.
You obviously do not understand the issue. Not only that, but you ignorantly attack people who disagree with you as being anti-woman. A hell of a lot of well-educated and independent women disagree with you.
For you to attack people as having motives they don’t actually have, in the attempt to discredit them, is a clear logical fallacy, and using logical fallacies doesn’t help your case.
You are not willing to compromise on the legality of abortion. I am. I would concede that late term abortion should probably be illegal save for the usual exceptions.
Your giving a little on the government role in helping pregnant women is a start. However, that’s not really where I’m coming from. I’m not really into behavioralist psychology, but I can’t help but take note of how research studies reveal how animals placed in stress conditions will readily abort their young. I’ve been around long enough to see our society slip from the age of anxiety into an era of psychosis, hate and disintegration of social mores. In my opinion, any increase in abortion statistics since Roe v. Wade has little to do with the legal standing and much more to do with other factors that would lead a woman to abort a child. In short, I disagree with you. However, I would still pursue common ground for discussion and continued dialog. Looking at your exchange with Alex, I ask, how much are you really willing to compromise?
Puddybud, Hey it's the New Year...spews:
Steve, sorry to explode your little myth on conservatism but as I stated before when conservative points of view are from and center conservatives win.
You are too blind to see what happened 2007-2008. Pelosi didn’t get her way on certain issues because of blue-dog Donkey. Also when gay marriage was put on the ballot it failed. SO what do Donkey do. Run to the courts. Jerry Moonbeam Brown is doing that right now with Prop 8. Screw the conservative will of the people.
And to Byebyegoober above, now that there are only Donkey leaders in WA, the Donkey pervs and crooks will finally see the light of day in the libtard MSM. They have to print sumtin to fill those pages.
Puddybud, Hey it's the New Year...spews:
BTW Steve I affirm donkoinfanticide. As stated before, cull the Donkey herd. Puddy already posted how Al Gore would have won in 2000 if they hadn’t aborted so man Donk babies since 1972. He would have won by 5-6 Million votes.
I hate it when black women abort their babies.
Stupes @ all
LMAO!!! Why don’t you tell pudge about your disdain for McSame. Pudge was one of McSame’s biggest boosters over at (un)SP. I guess old John wasn’t “pure” enough for you – a rating by the American Conservative Union in the eightes is just “too liberal”.
Pudge @ all
LMAO!! First thing out of your mouth at the defeat of your beloved Dino Rossi – be very, very afraid: high taxes coming. Loser. Seen Gregoire’s budget?
Puddybud, Hey it's the New Year...spews:
Re-run@52: Why do I need to judge Pudge? He’s smacking your ass all over HA. He too sees the porn flashing in your eye. Everyday in every way.
If Pudge liked McCain then that’s his prerogative. You get judged becuz you can’t use standard MSM links. You live in the kool-aid!
@52 “cull the Donkey herd”
Puddy’s attempts to muster up some brain cell activity always amuses. So now it’s death to blastocyst Americans you might one day disagree with??? It would appear that fucking goats is the least of your problems. You’re just too fucked up for words, Pudz. Wave goodbye to neurosis and say hello to psychosis, because you’re well past the point of no return.
Steve: You are not willing to compromise on the legality of abortion. I am. I would concede that late term abortion should probably be illegal save for the usual exceptions.
Yes, I am not willing to compromise on its legality, just like the abolitionists were not willing to compromise on the legality of slavery. That the South was willing to concede that no new slaves should be imported and so on does not mean that they were better.
Again, this is about rights. The right to liberty is greater than the right to property, so slavery is illegal. Period. The right to life is greater than the right to liberty, so abortion should be illegal. Period. Except, of course, where the life of the mother is endangered, because then obviously is not merely about the mother’s right to liberty, but her right to life, too.
I can’t help but take note of how research studies reveal how animals placed in stress conditions will readily abort their young.
Animals are not people. Irrelevant. Animals and their young do not have a right to life, as people do.
However, your analogy actually supports me anyway. Why does the animal do that? Because its instincts tell it that it is necessary to survive. That’s the only reason. And it therefore fits right into my one and only exception, the “life of the mother” exception.
Looking at your exchange with Alex, I ask, how much are you really willing to compromise?
I already told you. I am willing to compromise on government support for mothers. I am not willing to compromise on the legality of abortion.
Now, again, I do not think abortion can be made illegal any time soon, and in the meantime, I’ll take what I can get. So yes, I would sign on to smaller restrictions, such as abortions in the third trimester, parental notification/consent, and so on. It’s not “all or nothing” with me, but it is, eventually, “all.”
First thing out of your mouth at the defeat of your beloved Dino Rossi – be very, very afraid: high taxes coming. Loser. Seen Gregoire’s budget?
What about it? Do you honestly believe that tax increases are NOT coming? Are you that gullible? She’s even said she wants to put it to a vote, because she DOES want taxes increased, she just wants to avoid responsibility for it.
And what about Gregoire, who endlessly attacked Rossi by saying his cuts, the cuts SHE is now proposing, are against “Washington’s values”?
Remember what Gregoire said in her state of the state in 2006: she said that we needed to even out our spending so we didn’t have Draconian cuts or massive tax increases down the road. Well, she and the Democrats instead increased spending by 33 percent in four years and we are facing exactly those things. This is entirely on the head of Gregoire and the Democrats.
It’s really cute when retards like Pudge pretend that they know anything or that anyone cares what they think.
Since that ass-fucking we gave you on Nov 4 was so tough on you Pudge, I’ll teach you a few things you obviously don’t know.
You talk about the importance of the State Legislature in an attempt to deflect from the fact that on a national level and even a state level, the GOP lost nearly every important race. Here’s a shocker Pudgey – we aren’t going to be impressed by your slight of hand.
You see – the Lands Commissioner job required STATEWIDE approval. A Legislative seat requires only that you win votes in a very small slice of the state. So while the GOP picked up two Legislative seats, we picked up two STATEWIDE offices, proving a further rejection and repudiation of the bullshit you and your co-horts spew every day.
As for the Governor and your bullshit about her decisions and the budget – guess what – on Nov 4, we bent you and Rossi over and said TOUGH SHIT ASSHOLE! The state OVERWHELMINGLY re-elected Chris. They had a chance to hear your lies, your bullshit and your terrible ideas. And they were…
R E J E C T E D!
Not a fucking thing you can do about it.
But do please continue these cute little posts where you pretend that you are in any way relevant. It’s amusing.
And please stay near so that in the 2010 election you can continue to spew the same old tired ideas that cost your side nearly everything in the last election.
And lastly – please stay glued to HA and other Dem – controlled sites on Nov 20 when we rub it in your face that the traitor McSame was DEFEATED and beaten like a drum by a BLACK MAN no less! Oh the shame!
Marvin Stamnspews:
8. pudge spews:
And I notice you do not deny a single thing I mentioned that the Democrats use to instill fear. Good, because you can’t.
For some reason steve never wants to talk about facts and stuff like that.
He sticks to goat sex and such.
Pudge is willing to “settle” by giving taxpayer money to pregnant women. How decent of him. What a “compassionate conservative”. Well he’s going to have to fight all those worshipers of Ronnie The Calvinist Raygun, the man is who is now rolling in his grave at the slightest mention of giving taxpayer dollars to “welfare queens”.
How deftly he sidesteps my point about right wing fear-mongering over higher taxes. What the hell do we need the money for? Over half the budget is for education. Yes decent pay and benefits for teachers so they don’t drift off to the private sector. Decent school buildings where kids have a shot at learning. And lots of support for all of the above like learning outside of the classroom. Aside from education, preventing bridges from collapsing would be a nice use of taxpayer money wouldn’t it?
But no, we hear the constant right wing mantra of cut spending, cut taxes, cut spending, cut taxes. Pudge’s vision of a right wing utopia for WA state is a backwater.
The only way he can prove his point is by lies. How bush like of him.
Pudge. A topic of discussion could be parental notification/consent.
Rather than a unique living human being, I believe a blastocyst is simply a blastocyst, unique for its combination of DNA, but little more. A blastocyst has no assurance of further development, being so easily sloughed off. Perhaps you inject our Christian faith? It oft times seems our God can be crueler than any man. Take blastocysts, for instance. He so often doesn’t even give the poor things a chance to develop gills, let alone breathe the air. And if man shall be as God, shouldn’t man destroy blastocysts too? I wonder.
Anyways, we probably won’t get anywhere with that one anytime soon so perhaps we should just stick with parental consent and notification. You could possibly get somewhere with that one. We’d have to start with the law and knowing how it presently reads. Got a link handy?
@59 Marvin had to check it out. I figured as much. – heh
Um. Lost nearly every important statewide race? How do you figure? I count four big statewide partisan races, and we won half of them. Yes, in the more minor statewide races, that didn’t get significant public attention, the Democrats won.
The GOP gains in the legislature are more significant than who is Lands Commissioner. Sorry.
YLB: How deftly he sidesteps my point about right wing fear-mongering over higher taxes.
I didn’t sidestep it. I directly stated that it is true. The Democrats are trying to raise taxes. One prominent Democrat is suing to make it easier to raise taxes, and Gregoire and the other Dems are working to get the voters to approve a tax increase.
If the Democrats get their way, we WILL HAVE HIGHER TAXES. This is a fact.
What the hell do we need the money for?
We don’t, obviously.
Pudge’s vision of a right wing utopia for WA state is a backwater.
Rather than a unique living human being, I believe a blastocyst is simply a blastocyst, unique for its combination of DNA, but little more.
Biologically, it’s a fact: it is a living, growing, unique homo sapiens, the scientific term for “human being.” Granted, we usually think of a “human being” as being something more than a biological entity.
A blastocyst has no assurance of further development
Neither do you or I. I don’t see the relevance.
Perhaps you inject our Christian faith?
No, I don’t. On the contrary, I am injecting agnosticism. We don’t know at one point a homo sapiens becomes a “human being,” and in the absence of that knowledge we should “first, do no harm.”
And if man shall be as God, shouldn’t man destroy blastocysts too?
God does not, normally, destroy blastocysts; rather, God allows a world to exist in which blastocysts are destroyed. Big difference. And I am not saying we should prevent blastocysts from being destroyed, I am saying we should not destroy them.
Anyways, we probably won’t get anywhere with that one anytime soon so perhaps we should just stick with parental consent and notification. You could possibly get somewhere with that one. We’d have to start with the law and knowing how it presently reads. Got a link handy?
No. Generally speaking, however, no medical procedure should be performed on a minor (however that is defined: under 18, under 17, whatever) without the consent of a parent or legal guardian. This includes abortion.
The only rational explanation I’ve heard against this is that the parent might be the one who caused the pregnancy, and the child might feel justifiably scared etc. This is not a rational reason to lack a parental consent law, however, because in such a case the child can go to law enforcement or an attorney and a judge can decide whether or not to put the child under the court’s supervision.
I still see no reason why you can’t gain some ground with myself and others on parental notification and consent, but as I said, I’d like to first know exactly how our state law reads. Got a link available? I searched the state WAC’s, RCW’s and Pending Bills using the search words “parental notification abortion” and came up with nothing.
Hey pudge I guess your boy McSame getting beat like a drum was “insignificant too!” HA HA.
Stay bent over. It suits you.
Oh boy, little pudgie moron is back. I just love whipping his tiny mind into knots.
Has Pudge explained how the GOP won the last election cycle?
Has Pudge explained how washington state is sooo ripe for the backwards and pathetic republican party?
Pudge is now a biologist!!!! How funny.
Biologically, it is a fact that billions of fertilized eggs never implant. So they never become human beings – you total moron.
Why don’t you stick to topics you know about, like how the republican party can’t count votes or how republicans have ruined the economy?
Surely, your great intelligence could figure those seminal questions out….
Pudge is my favorite rightwingnut to make fun of. A lousy musician who is even worse with logic.
A lousy musician
I love his “George Bush is Hitler” song. His “artistic” conception of those who disagree with him and his beloved Bush regime that he enabled twice.
We don’t, obviously.
Yes, we do you fool. We need educated kids AND adults. We need to build, upgrade and maintain infrastructure after years of neglect due to politicians being intimidated by right wing zealots.
Hey if you don’t like terminating a pregnancy don’t do it.
Just leave the rest of us the flip alone.
Puddybud, Hey it's the New Year...spews:
Steve@54: You really do have reading comprehension issues.
So One More Time Steve. Copy and paste this in MSWord and leave it on your desktop.
1) I have always stated I am against abortion.
2) I also said if Donkey wimens want to cull their own (their herd), then I support them as fewer Donkey the better. Abortion is the law of the land. I can easily be against it while supporting someone elses choice to cull the Donkey herd.
3) I proved over 40 Million abortions have occurred since RvW by 2000. It’s estimated that 65% are donkoinfanticide and 33% of those are from black wimens. Now based on that Al Gore would have won by 5-6 Million peeps. Now it’s almost 50 Million abortions and counting.
Cut and paste Steve. This is my final explanatory word on it.
Puddybud, Hey it's the New Year...spews:
Now Steve you took issue with me saying most of your mental DNA was left on the wet spot during your conception. Facts are facts. No one ever thought about goats except as Feta Cheese or Curry before you arrived on HA.
Ok, OK, I get it. You’re good with aborting those cute little liberal blastocysts. Geez, and they never even had a chance to grow gills. That’s so sad.
Steve, not good with it moron; I support their choice in it.
I’ve never taken issues with anything like that. Goats? Tell you what. You’re the HA search fanatic. Check it out. I wasn’t the first, although I wish I was. Now here’s an interesting one. Confine your search for the last month. Tell us how many times a troll has first brought up the subject versus all other HA posters. Then tell us how many times in the last month you’ve mentioned it versus myself. The search will reveal that you, Marvin and Cynical have got some real issues, Pudz. If you want to get well, then you all might want to consider a course of action other than continually projecting your shit on me.
This shithead is claiming Republicans never terminate pregnancies. What an idiot.
How many times did the shithead “re-run” the “Gorelick Wall” and the choices black women have made?
No one held a gun to their heads.
Puddybud, Hey it's the New Year...spews:
Steve, it was a librul named Alan in 2005 who first accused Republicans of liking goats.
Puddybud, Hey it's the New Year...spews:
rerun@76. Where did a shithead claim that? Oh… it’s false. He’s not a shithead and he didn’t claim it. Too bad you can’t read too well. Reread #70 re-run the moron!
79 – The shithead is you fool. Why do I have to spell it out? Easy! You’re a shithead.
Ok I read it again! You allow 2 PERCENT for REPUBLICANS? Maybe more if some of the black women are Republican.
Where do you get this right wing bullshit?
The usual sources of course…
According to Puddy’s abortion figures, there would be less and less democrats.
Then how did Democrats just win the presidency by the largest popular vote margin in history by a non-incumbent?
@71 “No one ever thought about goats except as Feta Cheese or Curry before you arrived on HA.”
@78 “Steve, it was a librul named Alan in 2005 who first accused Republicans of liking goats.”
And now how many times have trolls initiated the goat trash talk this last month? I recall that I’m guilty of doing that on one or two occasions, although I do tend to jump into the fray once it’s going. Otherwise, I’ve pretty much moved past that one, Puddy. I made my point long ago. It strikes me that it’s the trolls bringing it up now, along with a few others. Case in point, refer to the new Conservatives Repudiate Themselves thread and who goes there with it first:
@4. mark spews:
“Bawney Fwank, fudgepacker of the elite, hero
of YLB and Steve the goatherder. You go girls.”
You’ll see that I didn’t even bother with him even though he teed it up for me. These days I find it more challenging to explore common ground than call each other names. And there’s other, fresh directions to explore in a search for the humorous. So let’s either move on or get it on. It’s really your call.
Zillions of dead liberal blastocysts and fetuses, along the usual Republican attempts at vote suppression, and yet they still lose. They must be doing something wrong.
I see that Cynical has chimed in, Puddy.
@24 “Hey, did you hear the kids at steve’s high school let 3 goats lose in the school and numbered them 1, 2 & 4.”
I think this might be an attempt at humor but I couldn’t say for sure.
Man you libtards are stupid.
Giving the facts again: “It’s estimated that 65% are donkoinfanticide and 33% of those are from black wimens.”
65% – Donkey and 33% of those (Donkey) are black wimens. 35% are not Donkey. 33% of the 65% (of those) are black wimens. This was already covered long ago on HA fools.
Jesse Jackson once called abortion “black genocide”. Now he supports it. Fool.
Why are libtards so stupid?
I know teach, I know teach…
Yes Jimmy why?
Libtards are stupid because their memory capacity is 24 hours!
Correct Jimmy. You continually need to remind them of facts cuz facts hurt librul minds.
Where did I get these legal abortion facts? US government statistics. This has been tracked since 1973 fool! It is curious why California doesn’t report their abortions to the US. The curious case of illegal abortions are not reported but there are estimates if you look fool.
You see libtards you allow idiots like re-run@76 to control the conversation. He is HA’s clueless idiot.
Nevercorrectnottobright – where did I say there would be less and less Donkey? Man you are a mathematical genius!
85 – Brilliant exposition Stupes. Thanks for admitting that Republicans exercise reproductive choice once in a while. Now where does government stats track party affiliation of those who choose to terminate their pregnancies so you can crow about it here?
I doubt the government does that. Prove me wrong. To me it’s more likely that you get that party status from, yep, right wing bullshit.
And I don’t know why you or Jesse Jackson would demagogue about “black genocide”. If people didn’t like the option they wouldn’t exercise it. Prove to me that anyone is being coerced.
I don’t think you can.
And you’re the one trying to “teach” right wing bullshit here for years. All I do is call it for what it is – crap.
Re-run the Fool at #86. You can’t prove me wrong cuz you have no idea where to begin to look. Use that all -seeing eye for porn and start looking.
This is the type of ignorant shithead you are.
First you have reading comprehension issues. You can’t figger out percentages. Once I explain it so simply even an idiot savant such as you can figger it out, you write post #86.
Sorry bub. Prove me wrong. It’s so easy to extrapolate the data. Your left-wing BULLSHITTIUM stinks all the way to Andromeda. Do you know where that is butthead? Besides I don’t take orders from shitheads such as you. You can’t figger anything out without a map to direct you there, fool!
At least incorrectnottobright figgered out sumtin. I’m not sure what but he figgered out he was stupid and couldn’t do percentages either.
I still see no reason why you can’t gain some ground with myself and others on parental notification and consent
I see no reason for you to think there’s no reason (coming from me, anyway). Indeed, I explicitly stated, “I do not think abortion can be made illegal any time soon, and in the meantime, I’ll take what I can get. So yes, I would sign on to smaller restrictions, such as abortions in the third trimester, parental notification/consent, and so on.”
Has Pudge explained how the GOP won the last election cycle?
No. I explained how the GOP made gains in certain areas in the election cycle.
Has Pudge explained how washington state is sooo ripe for the backwards and pathetic republican party?
No such party exists.
Pudge is now a biologist!!!!
No. But I do know biological facts. I defy you to deny a single thing I said about biology.
Biologically, it is a fact that billions of fertilized eggs never implant.
Nothing I said in any way denied that, of course. You have no point here.
Why don’t you stick to topics you know about, like how the republican party can’t count votes or how republicans have ruined the economy?
You’re typically incorrect on both counts.
A lousy musician who is even worse with logic.
Says the guy whose post is filled with nothing but red herrings and question-begging fallacies. Shrug.
I love his “George Bush is Hitler” song. His “artistic” conception of those who disagree with him and his beloved Bush regime that he enabled twice.
You’re lying. I have never in my life had any conception of those who disagree with me. That “conception” was about people who, in fact, compare George Bush to Hitler, not about people who simply disagree with me about Bush.
Yes, we do you fool. We need educated kids AND adults.
We do not need more money to do it. Countless studies have shown we can educate better REGARDLESS of how much money is available.
We need to build, upgrade and maintain infrastructure after years of neglect due to politicians being intimidated by right wing zealots.
Oh please. I don’t think you can even convince your fellow leftists here that the right wing is to blame for any lack of funding of education in this state. Indeed, we spend well over $10,000 per student per year here. Funding keeps going up, and we get NOTHING to show for that increased funding.
Anyway, kids used to be more well-educated with just a handful of books and a small red schoolhouse than they are today. So you won’t get very far convincing me the problem is lack of money. It’s clearly not.
Hey if you don’t like terminating a pregnancy don’t do it. Just leave the rest of us the flip alone.
“Hey, if you don’t like slavery, don’t have a slave. Just leave the rest of us the flip alone.”
As I said, Pudge, I’ve searched the state for parental consent/notification law, including pending bills. I can’t find anything. I’ve asked repeatedly of you for any link to such a law in case I’ve missed something. You’ve offered nothing. Unless you can point to something that’s there now or pending, it looks like a non-issue in this state. I’ll ask again. Is there an existing law or pending bill worth discussing?
Little red school house? Good grief. Fine for you and yours, perhaps, just leave the rest of us the flip alone.
Steve: I am uninterested in discussing specific laws. I am talking about the broader debate.
As to the schoolhouse, the unassailably true point is we DO NOT NEED more money to well-educate our kids. We can do BETTER with LESS money. And you’ve got it entirely backward: it is *I* who should be asking to be left alone here, because you’re trying to take more and more of MY money to do a job that you don’t need my money for.
I’m more interested in discussing specific laws or pending bills. Here, I’ll put it out there for the group. Does anybody here know the current status of abortion/parental notification/consent law in this state?
Perhaps the little red school house is the wrong starting point for discussion of education expeditures, unless, of course, that’s what you want us to go back to. Please be more specific. Explain exactly how we can do better with less money. We can then examine and discuss what you propose to cut.
steve: you do better with less money by using books, focusing on learning, and getting rid of distractions. It’s not hard.
See the EFF film “Flunked,” which has some good clues in it. They show lots of administrators and teachers who did more with less. The flim is not about money, but it does show quite plainly how money doesn’t matter. Mostly, the film shows how kids are best off when teachers are allowed to simply do their job.
“using books” “It’s not hard.”
I’ll tell you what’s easy, you talking generalities. Specifics please.
Speaking of generalities, perhaps the movie has something specific to say but the website certainly doesn’t.
See the movie, it has lots of specifics. And I did give you specifics: using books, focusing on learning, and getting rid of distractions. Those are specific principles.
Also see what Michelle Rhee is doing in Washington DC. She is — in a very liberal Democrat city — significantly cutting costs AND increasing results. (She was featured on PBS NewsHour last night.)
@94 “And I did give you specifics: using books, focusing on learning, and getting rid of distractions. Those are specific principles.”
I took that for a simplistic rant, void of specifics.
Well what do you expect? Your response is simplistic. Can’t you be just a little more specific about any of these? Maybe expand on this just a wee bit?
I want to try to understand this. Are you saying that nobody uses books anymore? Are you saying that there is no focus at all on learning? What distractions are you talking about?
@88 “Biologically, it is a fact that billions of fertilized eggs never implant.
Nothing I said in any way denied that, of course. You have no point here.”
Do you think God values an implanted bastocyst more highly than one that doesn’t implant and which has no chance whatsoever to grow and develop? Do you think that a blastocyst that does not implant has a soul?
Steve: not here, no, I am not going to write a dissertation, especially when I gave you a film and an individual who can do it better than I.
And yes, there is no real focus on learning. The focus is on creating members of society, not on educating children.
Do you think God values an implanted bastocyst more highly than one that doesn’t implant and which has no chance whatsoever to grow and develop?
I don’t understand the relevance of that question. What’s God got to do with it? And even if my view were based on God, how does what he “values” have anything to do with it? You seem to think, or think that I think, that whether someone survives implies something about God’s valuation of that someone. I do not believe that.
Do you think that a blastocyst that does not implant has a soul?
I don’t know. No one does. Most likely, no one can.
Fair enough.
I’ll try to find time to watch the film soon. After that we can discuss again.
lol, what are your gonna say when obama conducts this “war”, exactly as bush has done. because you have to be really naieve to think that either bush or obama “calls the shots”.
I was thinking it was going to be the right’s favorite pastor – Ted…
I guess the right wingers have to remember that America is laughing at them and voted them out of office and into oblivion because they are nothing but fools and idiots.
And their heros like the crook baby Alberto and the crack-using, gay pastor Ted are just part of the reason America rejected these punks on Nov 4.
On Jan 20 – their humiliation will be complete. I can’t wait. I’ve been laughing at every republican asshole I meet. I’ve been rubbing their utter and abject failure in their face. And they’ve been slinking away like dogs.
Sorry for the insult to dogs.
I am not naieve.
2 – Ted Haggard, yet another casualty of the right wing’s “war of terror” on the people of this country. Poor Ted, a willing victim and a true believer till the end. The right wing lives to make people afraid – that way they can control them and make them do their bidding.
Poor “Fredo”. Look at what media consolidation has done. All those Murdoch-owned publishing houses won’t look twice at Fredo’s tell-all book. Use a small liberal-oriented publisher Fredo. If the book tells the truth, people will read it. But I kind of doubt Fredo has any conception of what truth is.
Darryl: I think most soldiers and their families will think the people who made this video are exploitative assholes.
@2: I love how someone most of the right never HEARD of suddenly becomes the right’s “favorite pastor” just because he becomes famous in a scandal. Ted Haggard was not widely known, dummy.
And funny, the majority of Republican candidates I supported won: McKenna, Reed, Stevens, Pearson, Kristiansen, Bailey, Smith, Reichert … some “failure.”
@4: Funny, from where I sit, it’s the left that uses fear to make people do their bidding. Fear of environment, fear of health care, fear of economy, fear of joblessness, etc.
@5 He only lead 30 million evangelicals. So, yeah, I’m sure nobody on the right ever heard of him.
With hundreds of Republican candidates you only supported eight of them. Perhaps there’s hope for you yet.
Fear? Whatever happened to the Republican contribution called terror alerts? And wasn’t their purpose to instill fear in the American populace? And just what did Republicans do with that fear? I seem to recall that they used it to win elections and to start a war against a country that never attacked us and posed no threat, that is, unless you considered Saddam’s kids and their model airplanes a threat to the mightiest military power the earth has ever known.
@5 And in regards to where you sit, I do hope that you remember to flush when your done.
@6: First, I never implied nobody ever heard of him. Please don’t lie.
Second, he did not lead any such thing as 30 million people. He was the leader of the National Association of Evangelicals; maybe that is what you are referring to. But even if the members of the churches in the NAE amount to 30 million people, yes, overwhelmingly, most of those 30 million people never heard of him, I guarantee it.
I was for years a member of the a church in the Baptist General Conference, which works with the NAE, and I never knew the name of the leader of that organization, nor did I ever hear of Ted Haggard until the scandal broke. I was also a member of a church in the Southern Baptist Convention for awhile, and at one point I knew the name of the leader, but I did not know the name of the leaders before or after him.
Most people have no idea about these parent organizations and they don’t care about them or their leaders.
With hundreds of Republican candidates you only supported eight of them.
You don’t know how to read. Unsurprising.
Whatever happened to the Republican contribution called terror alerts?
That was not a “Republican” contribution, it was entirely nonpartisan.
And I notice you do not deny a single thing I mentioned that the Democrats use to instill fear. Good, because you can’t.
Oh pudge, pudge; do you actually read what you write? You just keep digging that hole deeper and deeper.
I defy you to present specifics of how anything I wrote is wrong or how I am “digging” “deeper.” It’s pretty obvious that you did not provide specifics because you cannot.
When conservatism is on the ballot it wins. The problem is libtard MSM defines what conservatism is. And… we conservatives allowed the libtard MSM to define us. Even re-run@15 claims he’s conservative at home with his chillen, but is a way out left-wing whack-job for other people’s children. That’s schizophrenia.
Go back and think about 2006 moron. Why did Nancy Stretch Pelosi recruit Heath Shuler and other “blue dog” Donkey? What are these peeps? Conservative Donkey. Wait there is more. As I remember Ned LaMont was the choice of left-wing whack-job Donkey. Didn’t Lieberman win? Do you think liberalism would have won where these blue dogs ran? If you can put that single brain cell you possess to work in 2006 (instead of thinking about Cindy McCain) Nancy Stretch Pelosi nominated moderate and conservative Donkey so they could elect whackjob-left Donkey leadership. And where is the Congressional Approval rating?
Now we come to 2008. Puddy already placed links which showed fewer conservatives voted for McCain in 2008 than Bush in 2006. Yet you ignored them. Truth explodes Donkey minds. Proposition 8 was placed on the ballot in CA. 70% of blacks and 67% of hispanics (95% of blacks voted for Obama and almost 80% voted for Obama in CA) helped Prop 8 pass. When you look at other states it also passed.
You see idiot@2, conservatives lost because we’re known as the non-tax and spenders. When idiots like Ted Stevens and Duke Cunningham act like Donkey, we deserve to lose.
You know abstinence works every time it’s implemented. With a moron like you byebyegoober, your parents should have listened and said no, not today!
@8 “And I notice”
Sorry, but I don’t respond to all drivel you spew.
Did you flush?
@9 Nailed it.
Pudge, when the Ted Haggard story broke we were in Florida. We looked at each other and said who is he?
Haggard had a 14,000-member church. But to rerun@4 and goat-luver@6 that’s 30,000,000 members.
You see it’s expected politicians like Eliot Spitzer, James McGreevey, and David Paterson act like a Donkey. It’s in their DNA. Or even Jesse Jackson who was telling everyone to stay out of the Bushes in 2000 when he was visiting Karen Stamford’s on a regular basis. When conservatives do it, they need to leave our brand.
If you also remember Pudge, McGreevey, didn’t challenged his ex-driver’s claim of a threesome with him McGreevey and Mrs McGreevey. If there were goats, I bet Steve’s leetle woody would have been there.
Why do you think Jerry Springer’s show does very well in Neilsen ratings? It’s the Donkey’s favrit show. How? Springer beat Oprah in Neilsen ratings for a while. And Springer was the Northwestern Law School commencement speaker this year. Now that’s funny.
@11 Still trotting out your “conservatism didn’t lose” line? Whatever gets you through the night, Pudz.
“conservatives lost because” You lost because you’re a gang of pedos and pervs who brought this great nation to the brink of ruin. You lost because the party of racial backlash has become the party of racism. Go ahead and sail off into obscurity singing “Barack the Magic Negro” oblivious to what you have become. Keep it up and you’ll never win another election outside of the deep south.
@14 “Now that’s funny”
You can’t get anything right, can you? What’s funny is that your state of denial leaves you blindly walking this earth with your head up your ass.
Steve@15, prove otherwise instead of worthless conjecture. The pedos and pervs were not conservatives. And fool Barack the Magic Negro is a libtard invention. I can see you don’t read much. Try the LA Times. It was invented there.
Show me URLs. I’ve posted mine before.
You are guys are claiming that you had never heard of Haggard. Is there any truth that your willing to face. Any??
@17 “The pedos and pervs were not conservatives”
Whatever you say, Pudz. I called you a neurotic. My bad. You’re a fucking psychotic, someone completely detatched from reality.
Puddy, It seems to me that when the more conservative end of your party runs, you lose. But, when the more moderate end runs you’ve got an honest shot and even win a few election.
I voted for Sam Reed and for Pierce County Council member Terry Lee (R) who was running for Pierce County assessor. But, there’s no way in hell I’d ever vote for anyone further to the right than they are.
More whining about how Republicans are victims:
Wait, what is that I hear? Is that a black helicopter circling my house?*
When are you going to apologize to me, Pudz? Oh, that’s right. You can never admit when you’re wrong. How symptomatic of what ails you that is.
Puddy requested a link.
You are claiming I *had* heard of Ted Haggard? Why would you do such a thing?
And Steve, you are now on the hook to back up uptown’s claim too, since you voiced agreement with it: name a single thing I got wrong, or one place where I “dug” “deeper.” Just one.
Michael: it depends on the races and candidates. Certainly where I live, in North Snohomish County, being conservative helps a lot, which is why all three of my state reps and my county councilman are very conservative Republicans who win re-election handily.
Statewide … it is widely viewed that McKenna is to the right of Reed, and he got re-elected handily too. He is also no closer to the middle than McGavick, who lost by a lot. And Rossi is to the right of all three of them, IMO, and he not only finished in a virtual tie in 2004, but might have won in 2008 if not for Obama.
So … nope, don’t think you’re correct there.
I really hope crap like this:
stays a thing of the past.
Michael: what do racists in Montana have to do with anything? You think those idiots will magically go away because Obama is President? Really? Are you under the delusion that they exist because Bush was President?
@24 “Why”
Well, I admittedly don’t know with absolute certainty but the odds are with me on this because Republicans are habitual liars.
I’ll readily state that it’s probable that you never heard of any but a few of the hundreds of Republican pervs and pedos who’ve been busted over recent years. All the same, it reflects poorly on you, conservatism and the Republican party. Can you admit that much?
@26 It’s far easier to argue that Bush was elected president because the Republican party pandered to militants, racists, and their ilk. Think of it as the Republican idea of a “Big Tent”.
Steve: you cannot find an example of me lying. So no, there are no odds in your favor.
And no, of course Ted Haggard does not reflect poorly on me. And neither does Larry Craig or whatshisname from Florida. And I don’t think Blagojevich or William Jefferson or Sharpe James or Kwame Kilpatrick or any of the other many corrupt Democrats reflect poorly on you … unless you say you support them.
@28: it’s easy to argue it as long you don’t try to back it up with facts.
As for militants and racists, you failed to deliver so your going to lose that crowd anyway. Same with the evangelicals. You used them and they’re starting to wake up to it now. I mean, really, do you think Dobson or Robertson would have ever stood with Obama on the 20th as will Rick Warren? You’re losing them. What’s left? Psychotics like Pudz? That voting block won’t win elections for you, Pudge.
There’s room in the Democratic party big tent for decent conservatives like yourself, Pudge. You’ll have a voice. Turn your back on Pudz and come into the light. We’ll welcome you with open arms.
@29 I really do get the impression from your posts, website and your music that you’re a rather decent fellow, Pudge. Perhaps a little misguided, but aren’t we all? I’ve never claimed to be a liberal. And we actually do share some conservative views. I apologize for inferring that you’re a liar.
All see is a sea of blue:
My take on the election is that people saw Rossi as a member of the far right and that’s why you only have a handful of polls, in the year proceeding the election, where Rossi was ahead.
And sure, far right conservatives will do well in conservative places. Just like far left folks will do well in Seattle’s Capitol Hill.
I live in the 26th LD, where the Republicans picked up a seat this year, it was the more moderate of the 2 republicans running that got elected. The 26th is one of the few swing districts in the state and 2 years ago Republicans ran a slate of far right folks in all 3 races, they all lost.
McGavic- lost
Rossi- lost
Nethercutt- lost
Linda Smith- lost
John Carlson- lost
Ellen Craswell- lost
Once you take the (far right) conservative out of the conservative area they tend to lose. Note I said they tend to lose, there will always be a few that that will win. Cathy Rogers can win in the 5th CD, but if she ran in a state wide election, she’d get the same low 40% that the folks I listed above got.
Run a moderate and you just might win. Terry Lee for Governor 2012? I might just vote for him again.
Um… That was when Clinton was President. I’m hoping they don’t show back up now that another Democrat is in the White House.
Probably should have stuck that one in the Open Thread.
And Pudge, I apologize for painting you with my oft times too broad brushed accusations of Republican immorality. I consider it probable that you are not that kind of person at all.
@31: You used [evangelicals] and they’re starting to wake up to it now. I mean, really, do you think Dobson or Robertson would have ever stood with Obama on the 20th as will Rick Warren? You’re losing them.
I don’t understand. The Republicans are losing them because (according to you) they won’t stand with a Democrat? I am completely lost by your line of reasoning.
There’s room in the Democratic party big tent for decent conservatives like yourself, Pudge.
That could only be true if the Democratic Party was not staunchly allied against conservatism, which it is. Sorry, no dice.
My only goal in politics is to enhance liberty, especially in regards to personal property. The agenda of the Democratic Party in this area is what I am involved to fight against.
@34: Michael: oh, I see your point; I didn’t realize you were trying to make a point about them from the 90s. But no, they did not go away the past few years, unfortunately.
@33: Again, Rossi was viewed by many as far-right, and he virtually tied in 2004.
I’m up on ya’ 10-1! ;-)
Glad to hear you agree with my on the crazies.
@36 Think abortion, for one. I believe Republicans have never intended to overturn Roe v. Wade.
Liberty. We share that one, Pudge, although I don’t prioritize property rights. Still, the shared desire for freedom can serve as a bridge between us.
In golf terms, it’s like Pudge is a slice and Pudz a hook. You can talk to a slice but a hook just won’t listen.
Only a liar or a fool could paint what happened to the GOP on Nov 4 as anything other than a complete rejection of the so-called “conservative” message. Try as one might to rationalize it – there’s no denying it was a LANDSLIDE. In a year where Dems should have LOST seats, they gained. Nationwide, we picked up 7 Governors, 8 big-city mayors, 9 US Senators, 29 House members and countless down ticket offices across the country. States that had been red since 1964 went blue. While fools like Pudge (who obviously cares MUCH more about republican values than American values) will vote GOP no matter what, most of the real freedom-loving Americans REJECTED the right wing fools.
Trying to re-write history won’t change the fact that even in Washington state, there were unusual victories. Taking both the Education and Lands seats for Dems was a real slap in the face of the GOP. Rossi was blown out – wasn’t even close. What an shameful showing!
It’s a glorious year for the Dems. And it’s nothing but horror and shame for the right.
We fucked the right wing fools in the ass on Nov 4. And now we’re just laughing at them while they do all they can do, that is hope for America to fail under Dem rule. Won’t happen fools. We’re stronger than you. Freedom is stronger that you.
Now bend over and take your medicine.
Steve @39: I don’t understand your point about abortion. However, I don’t really care if Roe v. Wade is overturned; I would like a Constitutional amendment banning abortion nationwide, but I know it won’t happen any time soon.
I’m a Lincolnian. He (before the Civil War) wanted a gradual abolition of slavery over a long period of time: prevent its expansion, enact reasonable regulations, and work to change minds. This is my view on abortion. We cannot just make abortion illegal, if the people won’t agree with it. Roe v. Wade was a terrible legal decision in many ways, and overturning it would be good, but it’s mostly a side issue.
And yes, I have many liberal friends that share a common bond with me in regards to liberty. I’m in the tech business, and, for example, many of my friends agree with me on the DCMA and other copyright issues, on attempts to criminalize encryption, and so on.
Oh, and, um, “Bent” @41: despite all those Dem gains, the Dems LOST seats in the both houses of our owen Washington State Legislature. The Republicans gained in both. Apparently you didn’t know that: I am sorry to be the one to break the news to you.
Pudge, my point was that Republicans “used” evangelicals. I put abortion out there as an example. Right or wrong, I saw the Republicans as more than willing to keep the issue alive by paying lip service but not actually doing anything more than that. I see evangelicals as awakening to the deceit.
As for myself, I oppose abortion. However, realist that I am, I understand that it has always been with us, legal or not, through the ages. When a woman decides to abort, she will find a way, laws or no laws. I’m older than you and can recall the days of coat-hangers, back alleys, and the wealthy flying over the carnage to flee to states where abortion was legal and performed by physicians in proper medical facilities. I do not care to go back to those days. I see what you propose as taking us there. Our women deserve better. Again the realist, I prefer legality but at the same time, believe that we must make an effort as a society to address the conditions that lead to a woman’s desire to abort a child. I believe that is where real change can occcur. While we might disagree as to the means to the end, it appears we do agree on the end goal – few or no abortions. If we, conservatives and liberals, explore that common ground and work together, each side willing to compromise, then we just might get there someday.
Ah while bending over to be fucked the right wingers screamed – “but we won the dog catcher’s job!”
How fucking pathetic. As if winning two lowly statehouse seats could compare with LOOOOOOOSING lands and education – well it’s a joke. And trying to ignore the facts – i.e., the facts that the margin of victory in most races wasn’t even close, the fools on the right are only trying to stick their heads in the sand. I like it. As long as they ignore truth, we will win more seats.
They have no answer for why they lost the White House, more of the Senate, more of the House, more Governor’s offices, more Mayor’s offices, etc. They have no answer because they are idiots.
America rejected the right on Nov 4. Washington rejected the right on Nov 4. Now the right just needs to look up from its constant ass fucking, and realize it’s the laughing stock of America.
@44 “but we won the dogcatcher’s job”
Good one.
@43: I see what you propose as taking us there.
It’s better than the place that we are now, where millions of living human beings are legally killed.
If we, conservatives and liberals, explore that common ground and work together, each side willing to compromise, then we just might get there someday.”
I am not willing to compromise on the legality of abortion. I might, however, be willing to compromise on the legality of government involvement in what normally should be private charity (helping pregnant women) in order to avoid abortions.
@44: Being a state legislator is like being a dogcatcher? So apart from not knowing the Dems lost seats in the legislature, you also do not realize the state legislature is the second most powerful legal authority of the State of Washington (after the voters). Maybe you should learn more about the state you live in (assuming you live in WA …).
@46: And I will never compromise regarding reproductive slavery for women. If the goal was REALLY preventing abortions, then the “pro life” crowd would be pushing for more support for effective, safe, afforadable, contraceptives for both men and women. But it’s really about the sexual double standard and keeping women economically disadvantaged. You revealed your hand when you started going after birth control, and turning away women from pharmacies because of “personal ethics”. Funny how those ethics never extend to Viagra.
So yeah, let’s push abstinence. Ladies, just say no. Period. Ever. See how fast the pro-life men change their tune . . .
alex @47:
In the 1860s, our country decided, once and for all, that the right of property is not as great as the right of liberty. In the same way, in attempting to abolish abortion, we put the right of life above the right of liberty.
This is the order of things. You can call it “reproductive slavery” all you like, but it doesn’t change the fact that the right to life is greater than the right to liberty which is greater than the right to property.
And the reason why the pill you’re apparently referring to is opposed is NOT because of its “birth control” qualities. This pill can prevent fertilization, but if fertilization does happen, it can also destroy a blastocyst — which is an actual unique, living, growing homo sapiens by that point — from implanting in the womb.
Whether you call the prevention of implantation of the blastocyst an “abortion” or not is irrelevant: it’s a unique living human being, and we are therefore against its destruction for the same reason we are against abortion.
You obviously do not understand the issue. Not only that, but you ignorantly attack people who disagree with you as being anti-woman. A hell of a lot of well-educated and independent women disagree with you.
For you to attack people as having motives they don’t actually have, in the attempt to discredit them, is a clear logical fallacy, and using logical fallacies doesn’t help your case.
You are not willing to compromise on the legality of abortion. I am. I would concede that late term abortion should probably be illegal save for the usual exceptions.
Your giving a little on the government role in helping pregnant women is a start. However, that’s not really where I’m coming from. I’m not really into behavioralist psychology, but I can’t help but take note of how research studies reveal how animals placed in stress conditions will readily abort their young. I’ve been around long enough to see our society slip from the age of anxiety into an era of psychosis, hate and disintegration of social mores. In my opinion, any increase in abortion statistics since Roe v. Wade has little to do with the legal standing and much more to do with other factors that would lead a woman to abort a child. In short, I disagree with you. However, I would still pursue common ground for discussion and continued dialog. Looking at your exchange with Alex, I ask, how much are you really willing to compromise?
Steve, sorry to explode your little myth on conservatism but as I stated before when conservative points of view are from and center conservatives win.
You are too blind to see what happened 2007-2008. Pelosi didn’t get her way on certain issues because of blue-dog Donkey. Also when gay marriage was put on the ballot it failed. SO what do Donkey do. Run to the courts. Jerry Moonbeam Brown is doing that right now with Prop 8. Screw the conservative will of the people.
And to Byebyegoober above, now that there are only Donkey leaders in WA, the Donkey pervs and crooks will finally see the light of day in the libtard MSM. They have to print sumtin to fill those pages.
BTW Steve I affirm donkoinfanticide. As stated before, cull the Donkey herd. Puddy already posted how Al Gore would have won in 2000 if they hadn’t aborted so man Donk babies since 1972. He would have won by 5-6 Million votes.
I hate it when black women abort their babies.
Stupes @ all
LMAO!!! Why don’t you tell pudge about your disdain for McSame. Pudge was one of McSame’s biggest boosters over at (un)SP. I guess old John wasn’t “pure” enough for you – a rating by the American Conservative Union in the eightes is just “too liberal”.
Pudge @ all
LMAO!! First thing out of your mouth at the defeat of your beloved Dino Rossi – be very, very afraid: high taxes coming. Loser. Seen Gregoire’s budget?
Re-run@52: Why do I need to judge Pudge? He’s smacking your ass all over HA. He too sees the porn flashing in your eye. Everyday in every way.
If Pudge liked McCain then that’s his prerogative. You get judged becuz you can’t use standard MSM links. You live in the kool-aid!
@52 “cull the Donkey herd”
Puddy’s attempts to muster up some brain cell activity always amuses. So now it’s death to blastocyst Americans you might one day disagree with??? It would appear that fucking goats is the least of your problems. You’re just too fucked up for words, Pudz. Wave goodbye to neurosis and say hello to psychosis, because you’re well past the point of no return.
Steve: You are not willing to compromise on the legality of abortion. I am. I would concede that late term abortion should probably be illegal save for the usual exceptions.
Yes, I am not willing to compromise on its legality, just like the abolitionists were not willing to compromise on the legality of slavery. That the South was willing to concede that no new slaves should be imported and so on does not mean that they were better.
Again, this is about rights. The right to liberty is greater than the right to property, so slavery is illegal. Period. The right to life is greater than the right to liberty, so abortion should be illegal. Period. Except, of course, where the life of the mother is endangered, because then obviously is not merely about the mother’s right to liberty, but her right to life, too.
I can’t help but take note of how research studies reveal how animals placed in stress conditions will readily abort their young.
Animals are not people. Irrelevant. Animals and their young do not have a right to life, as people do.
However, your analogy actually supports me anyway. Why does the animal do that? Because its instincts tell it that it is necessary to survive. That’s the only reason. And it therefore fits right into my one and only exception, the “life of the mother” exception.
Looking at your exchange with Alex, I ask, how much are you really willing to compromise?
I already told you. I am willing to compromise on government support for mothers. I am not willing to compromise on the legality of abortion.
Now, again, I do not think abortion can be made illegal any time soon, and in the meantime, I’ll take what I can get. So yes, I would sign on to smaller restrictions, such as abortions in the third trimester, parental notification/consent, and so on. It’s not “all or nothing” with me, but it is, eventually, “all.”
First thing out of your mouth at the defeat of your beloved Dino Rossi – be very, very afraid: high taxes coming. Loser. Seen Gregoire’s budget?
What about it? Do you honestly believe that tax increases are NOT coming? Are you that gullible? She’s even said she wants to put it to a vote, because she DOES want taxes increased, she just wants to avoid responsibility for it.
And what about Gregoire, who endlessly attacked Rossi by saying his cuts, the cuts SHE is now proposing, are against “Washington’s values”?
Remember what Gregoire said in her state of the state in 2006: she said that we needed to even out our spending so we didn’t have Draconian cuts or massive tax increases down the road. Well, she and the Democrats instead increased spending by 33 percent in four years and we are facing exactly those things. This is entirely on the head of Gregoire and the Democrats.
It’s really cute when retards like Pudge pretend that they know anything or that anyone cares what they think.
Since that ass-fucking we gave you on Nov 4 was so tough on you Pudge, I’ll teach you a few things you obviously don’t know.
You talk about the importance of the State Legislature in an attempt to deflect from the fact that on a national level and even a state level, the GOP lost nearly every important race. Here’s a shocker Pudgey – we aren’t going to be impressed by your slight of hand.
You see – the Lands Commissioner job required STATEWIDE approval. A Legislative seat requires only that you win votes in a very small slice of the state. So while the GOP picked up two Legislative seats, we picked up two STATEWIDE offices, proving a further rejection and repudiation of the bullshit you and your co-horts spew every day.
As for the Governor and your bullshit about her decisions and the budget – guess what – on Nov 4, we bent you and Rossi over and said TOUGH SHIT ASSHOLE! The state OVERWHELMINGLY re-elected Chris. They had a chance to hear your lies, your bullshit and your terrible ideas. And they were…
R E J E C T E D!
Not a fucking thing you can do about it.
But do please continue these cute little posts where you pretend that you are in any way relevant. It’s amusing.
And please stay near so that in the 2010 election you can continue to spew the same old tired ideas that cost your side nearly everything in the last election.
And lastly – please stay glued to HA and other Dem – controlled sites on Nov 20 when we rub it in your face that the traitor McSame was DEFEATED and beaten like a drum by a BLACK MAN no less! Oh the shame!
For some reason steve never wants to talk about facts and stuff like that.
He sticks to goat sex and such.
Pudge is willing to “settle” by giving taxpayer money to pregnant women. How decent of him. What a “compassionate conservative”. Well he’s going to have to fight all those worshipers of Ronnie The Calvinist Raygun, the man is who is now rolling in his grave at the slightest mention of giving taxpayer dollars to “welfare queens”.
How deftly he sidesteps my point about right wing fear-mongering over higher taxes. What the hell do we need the money for? Over half the budget is for education. Yes decent pay and benefits for teachers so they don’t drift off to the private sector. Decent school buildings where kids have a shot at learning. And lots of support for all of the above like learning outside of the classroom. Aside from education, preventing bridges from collapsing would be a nice use of taxpayer money wouldn’t it?
But no, we hear the constant right wing mantra of cut spending, cut taxes, cut spending, cut taxes. Pudge’s vision of a right wing utopia for WA state is a backwater.
Of course steve would lie and put up a fake link.
The only way he can prove his point is by lies. How bush like of him.
Pudge. A topic of discussion could be parental notification/consent.
Rather than a unique living human being, I believe a blastocyst is simply a blastocyst, unique for its combination of DNA, but little more. A blastocyst has no assurance of further development, being so easily sloughed off. Perhaps you inject our Christian faith? It oft times seems our God can be crueler than any man. Take blastocysts, for instance. He so often doesn’t even give the poor things a chance to develop gills, let alone breathe the air. And if man shall be as God, shouldn’t man destroy blastocysts too? I wonder.
Anyways, we probably won’t get anywhere with that one anytime soon so perhaps we should just stick with parental consent and notification. You could possibly get somewhere with that one. We’d have to start with the law and knowing how it presently reads. Got a link handy?
@59 Marvin had to check it out. I figured as much. – heh
Um. Lost nearly every important statewide race? How do you figure? I count four big statewide partisan races, and we won half of them. Yes, in the more minor statewide races, that didn’t get significant public attention, the Democrats won.
The GOP gains in the legislature are more significant than who is Lands Commissioner. Sorry.
YLB: How deftly he sidesteps my point about right wing fear-mongering over higher taxes.
I didn’t sidestep it. I directly stated that it is true. The Democrats are trying to raise taxes. One prominent Democrat is suing to make it easier to raise taxes, and Gregoire and the other Dems are working to get the voters to approve a tax increase.
If the Democrats get their way, we WILL HAVE HIGHER TAXES. This is a fact.
What the hell do we need the money for?
We don’t, obviously.
Pudge’s vision of a right wing utopia for WA state is a backwater.
You’re a liar.
Rather than a unique living human being, I believe a blastocyst is simply a blastocyst, unique for its combination of DNA, but little more.
Biologically, it’s a fact: it is a living, growing, unique homo sapiens, the scientific term for “human being.” Granted, we usually think of a “human being” as being something more than a biological entity.
A blastocyst has no assurance of further development
Neither do you or I. I don’t see the relevance.
Perhaps you inject our Christian faith?
No, I don’t. On the contrary, I am injecting agnosticism. We don’t know at one point a homo sapiens becomes a “human being,” and in the absence of that knowledge we should “first, do no harm.”
And if man shall be as God, shouldn’t man destroy blastocysts too?
God does not, normally, destroy blastocysts; rather, God allows a world to exist in which blastocysts are destroyed. Big difference. And I am not saying we should prevent blastocysts from being destroyed, I am saying we should not destroy them.
Anyways, we probably won’t get anywhere with that one anytime soon so perhaps we should just stick with parental consent and notification. You could possibly get somewhere with that one. We’d have to start with the law and knowing how it presently reads. Got a link handy?
No. Generally speaking, however, no medical procedure should be performed on a minor (however that is defined: under 18, under 17, whatever) without the consent of a parent or legal guardian. This includes abortion.
The only rational explanation I’ve heard against this is that the parent might be the one who caused the pregnancy, and the child might feel justifiably scared etc. This is not a rational reason to lack a parental consent law, however, because in such a case the child can go to law enforcement or an attorney and a judge can decide whether or not to put the child under the court’s supervision.
I still see no reason why you can’t gain some ground with myself and others on parental notification and consent, but as I said, I’d like to first know exactly how our state law reads. Got a link available? I searched the state WAC’s, RCW’s and Pending Bills using the search words “parental notification abortion” and came up with nothing.
Hey pudge I guess your boy McSame getting beat like a drum was “insignificant too!” HA HA.
Stay bent over. It suits you.
Oh boy, little pudgie moron is back. I just love whipping his tiny mind into knots.
Has Pudge explained how the GOP won the last election cycle?
Has Pudge explained how washington state is sooo ripe for the backwards and pathetic republican party?
Pudge is now a biologist!!!! How funny.
Biologically, it is a fact that billions of fertilized eggs never implant. So they never become human beings – you total moron.
Why don’t you stick to topics you know about, like how the republican party can’t count votes or how republicans have ruined the economy?
Surely, your great intelligence could figure those seminal questions out….
Pudge is my favorite rightwingnut to make fun of. A lousy musician who is even worse with logic.
I love his “George Bush is Hitler” song. His “artistic” conception of those who disagree with him and his beloved Bush regime that he enabled twice.
Yes, we do you fool. We need educated kids AND adults. We need to build, upgrade and maintain infrastructure after years of neglect due to politicians being intimidated by right wing zealots.
Hey if you don’t like terminating a pregnancy don’t do it.
Just leave the rest of us the flip alone.
Steve@54: You really do have reading comprehension issues.
So One More Time Steve. Copy and paste this in MSWord and leave it on your desktop.
1) I have always stated I am against abortion.
2) I also said if Donkey wimens want to cull their own (their herd), then I support them as fewer Donkey the better. Abortion is the law of the land. I can easily be against it while supporting someone elses choice to cull the Donkey herd.
3) I proved over 40 Million abortions have occurred since RvW by 2000. It’s estimated that 65% are donkoinfanticide and 33% of those are from black wimens. Now based on that Al Gore would have won by 5-6 Million peeps. Now it’s almost 50 Million abortions and counting.
Cut and paste Steve. This is my final explanatory word on it.
Now Steve you took issue with me saying most of your mental DNA was left on the wet spot during your conception. Facts are facts. No one ever thought about goats except as Feta Cheese or Curry before you arrived on HA.
Ok, OK, I get it. You’re good with aborting those cute little liberal blastocysts. Geez, and they never even had a chance to grow gills. That’s so sad.
Ahhh re-run@67: Still having those BDS episodes…
Steve, not good with it moron; I support their choice in it.
I’ve never taken issues with anything like that. Goats? Tell you what. You’re the HA search fanatic. Check it out. I wasn’t the first, although I wish I was. Now here’s an interesting one. Confine your search for the last month. Tell us how many times a troll has first brought up the subject versus all other HA posters. Then tell us how many times in the last month you’ve mentioned it versus myself. The search will reveal that you, Marvin and Cynical have got some real issues, Pudz. If you want to get well, then you all might want to consider a course of action other than continually projecting your shit on me.
This shithead is claiming Republicans never terminate pregnancies. What an idiot.
How many times did the shithead “re-run” the “Gorelick Wall” and the choices black women have made?
No one held a gun to their heads.
Steve, it was a librul named Alan in 2005 who first accused Republicans of liking goats.
rerun@76. Where did a shithead claim that? Oh… it’s false. He’s not a shithead and he didn’t claim it. Too bad you can’t read too well. Reread #70 re-run the moron!
79 – The shithead is you fool. Why do I have to spell it out? Easy! You’re a shithead.
Ok I read it again! You allow 2 PERCENT for REPUBLICANS? Maybe more if some of the black women are Republican.
Where do you get this right wing bullshit?
The usual sources of course…
According to Puddy’s abortion figures, there would be less and less democrats.
Then how did Democrats just win the presidency by the largest popular vote margin in history by a non-incumbent?
@71 “No one ever thought about goats except as Feta Cheese or Curry before you arrived on HA.”
@78 “Steve, it was a librul named Alan in 2005 who first accused Republicans of liking goats.”
And now how many times have trolls initiated the goat trash talk this last month? I recall that I’m guilty of doing that on one or two occasions, although I do tend to jump into the fray once it’s going. Otherwise, I’ve pretty much moved past that one, Puddy. I made my point long ago. It strikes me that it’s the trolls bringing it up now, along with a few others. Case in point, refer to the new Conservatives Repudiate Themselves thread and who goes there with it first:
@4. mark spews:
“Bawney Fwank, fudgepacker of the elite, hero
of YLB and Steve the goatherder. You go girls.”
You’ll see that I didn’t even bother with him even though he teed it up for me. These days I find it more challenging to explore common ground than call each other names. And there’s other, fresh directions to explore in a search for the humorous. So let’s either move on or get it on. It’s really your call.
Zillions of dead liberal blastocysts and fetuses, along the usual Republican attempts at vote suppression, and yet they still lose. They must be doing something wrong.
I see that Cynical has chimed in, Puddy.
@24 “Hey, did you hear the kids at steve’s high school let 3 goats lose in the school and numbered them 1, 2 & 4.”
I think this might be an attempt at humor but I couldn’t say for sure.
Man you libtards are stupid.
Giving the facts again: “It’s estimated that 65% are donkoinfanticide and 33% of those are from black wimens.”
65% – Donkey and 33% of those (Donkey) are black wimens. 35% are not Donkey. 33% of the 65% (of those) are black wimens. This was already covered long ago on HA fools.
Jesse Jackson once called abortion “black genocide”. Now he supports it. Fool.
Why are libtards so stupid?
I know teach, I know teach…
Yes Jimmy why?
Libtards are stupid because their memory capacity is 24 hours!
Correct Jimmy. You continually need to remind them of facts cuz facts hurt librul minds.
Where did I get these legal abortion facts? US government statistics. This has been tracked since 1973 fool! It is curious why California doesn’t report their abortions to the US. The curious case of illegal abortions are not reported but there are estimates if you look fool.
You see libtards you allow idiots like re-run@76 to control the conversation. He is HA’s clueless idiot.
Nevercorrectnottobright – where did I say there would be less and less Donkey? Man you are a mathematical genius!
85 – Brilliant exposition Stupes. Thanks for admitting that Republicans exercise reproductive choice once in a while. Now where does government stats track party affiliation of those who choose to terminate their pregnancies so you can crow about it here?
I doubt the government does that. Prove me wrong. To me it’s more likely that you get that party status from, yep, right wing bullshit.
And I don’t know why you or Jesse Jackson would demagogue about “black genocide”. If people didn’t like the option they wouldn’t exercise it. Prove to me that anyone is being coerced.
I don’t think you can.
And you’re the one trying to “teach” right wing bullshit here for years. All I do is call it for what it is – crap.
Re-run the Fool at #86. You can’t prove me wrong cuz you have no idea where to begin to look. Use that all -seeing eye for porn and start looking.
This is the type of ignorant shithead you are.
First you have reading comprehension issues. You can’t figger out percentages. Once I explain it so simply even an idiot savant such as you can figger it out, you write post #86.
Sorry bub. Prove me wrong. It’s so easy to extrapolate the data. Your left-wing BULLSHITTIUM stinks all the way to Andromeda. Do you know where that is butthead? Besides I don’t take orders from shitheads such as you. You can’t figger anything out without a map to direct you there, fool!
At least incorrectnottobright figgered out sumtin. I’m not sure what but he figgered out he was stupid and couldn’t do percentages either.
I still see no reason why you can’t gain some ground with myself and others on parental notification and consent
I see no reason for you to think there’s no reason (coming from me, anyway). Indeed, I explicitly stated, “I do not think abortion can be made illegal any time soon, and in the meantime, I’ll take what I can get. So yes, I would sign on to smaller restrictions, such as abortions in the third trimester, parental notification/consent, and so on.”
Has Pudge explained how the GOP won the last election cycle?
No. I explained how the GOP made gains in certain areas in the election cycle.
Has Pudge explained how washington state is sooo ripe for the backwards and pathetic republican party?
No such party exists.
Pudge is now a biologist!!!!
No. But I do know biological facts. I defy you to deny a single thing I said about biology.
Biologically, it is a fact that billions of fertilized eggs never implant.
Nothing I said in any way denied that, of course. You have no point here.
Why don’t you stick to topics you know about, like how the republican party can’t count votes or how republicans have ruined the economy?
You’re typically incorrect on both counts.
A lousy musician who is even worse with logic.
Says the guy whose post is filled with nothing but red herrings and question-begging fallacies. Shrug.
I love his “George Bush is Hitler” song. His “artistic” conception of those who disagree with him and his beloved Bush regime that he enabled twice.
You’re lying. I have never in my life had any conception of those who disagree with me. That “conception” was about people who, in fact, compare George Bush to Hitler, not about people who simply disagree with me about Bush.
Yes, we do you fool. We need educated kids AND adults.
We do not need more money to do it. Countless studies have shown we can educate better REGARDLESS of how much money is available.
We need to build, upgrade and maintain infrastructure after years of neglect due to politicians being intimidated by right wing zealots.
Oh please. I don’t think you can even convince your fellow leftists here that the right wing is to blame for any lack of funding of education in this state. Indeed, we spend well over $10,000 per student per year here. Funding keeps going up, and we get NOTHING to show for that increased funding.
Anyway, kids used to be more well-educated with just a handful of books and a small red schoolhouse than they are today. So you won’t get very far convincing me the problem is lack of money. It’s clearly not.
Hey if you don’t like terminating a pregnancy don’t do it. Just leave the rest of us the flip alone.
“Hey, if you don’t like slavery, don’t have a slave. Just leave the rest of us the flip alone.”
As I said, Pudge, I’ve searched the state for parental consent/notification law, including pending bills. I can’t find anything. I’ve asked repeatedly of you for any link to such a law in case I’ve missed something. You’ve offered nothing. Unless you can point to something that’s there now or pending, it looks like a non-issue in this state. I’ll ask again. Is there an existing law or pending bill worth discussing?
Little red school house? Good grief. Fine for you and yours, perhaps, just leave the rest of us the flip alone.
Steve: I am uninterested in discussing specific laws. I am talking about the broader debate.
As to the schoolhouse, the unassailably true point is we DO NOT NEED more money to well-educate our kids. We can do BETTER with LESS money. And you’ve got it entirely backward: it is *I* who should be asking to be left alone here, because you’re trying to take more and more of MY money to do a job that you don’t need my money for.
I’m more interested in discussing specific laws or pending bills. Here, I’ll put it out there for the group. Does anybody here know the current status of abortion/parental notification/consent law in this state?
Perhaps the little red school house is the wrong starting point for discussion of education expeditures, unless, of course, that’s what you want us to go back to. Please be more specific. Explain exactly how we can do better with less money. We can then examine and discuss what you propose to cut.
steve: you do better with less money by using books, focusing on learning, and getting rid of distractions. It’s not hard.
See the EFF film “Flunked,” which has some good clues in it. They show lots of administrators and teachers who did more with less. The flim is not about money, but it does show quite plainly how money doesn’t matter. Mostly, the film shows how kids are best off when teachers are allowed to simply do their job.
“using books” “It’s not hard.”
I’ll tell you what’s easy, you talking generalities. Specifics please.
Speaking of generalities, perhaps the movie has something specific to say but the website certainly doesn’t.
See the movie, it has lots of specifics. And I did give you specifics: using books, focusing on learning, and getting rid of distractions. Those are specific principles.
Also see what Michelle Rhee is doing in Washington DC. She is — in a very liberal Democrat city — significantly cutting costs AND increasing results. (She was featured on PBS NewsHour last night.)
@94 “And I did give you specifics: using books, focusing on learning, and getting rid of distractions. Those are specific principles.”
I took that for a simplistic rant, void of specifics.
Rant? Oooooooo K.
Use books? Learning? Distractions?
Well what do you expect? Your response is simplistic. Can’t you be just a little more specific about any of these? Maybe expand on this just a wee bit?
I want to try to understand this. Are you saying that nobody uses books anymore? Are you saying that there is no focus at all on learning? What distractions are you talking about?
@88 “Biologically, it is a fact that billions of fertilized eggs never implant.
Nothing I said in any way denied that, of course. You have no point here.”
Do you think God values an implanted bastocyst more highly than one that doesn’t implant and which has no chance whatsoever to grow and develop? Do you think that a blastocyst that does not implant has a soul?
Steve: not here, no, I am not going to write a dissertation, especially when I gave you a film and an individual who can do it better than I.
And yes, there is no real focus on learning. The focus is on creating members of society, not on educating children.
Do you think God values an implanted bastocyst more highly than one that doesn’t implant and which has no chance whatsoever to grow and develop?
I don’t understand the relevance of that question. What’s God got to do with it? And even if my view were based on God, how does what he “values” have anything to do with it? You seem to think, or think that I think, that whether someone survives implies something about God’s valuation of that someone. I do not believe that.
Do you think that a blastocyst that does not implant has a soul?
I don’t know. No one does. Most likely, no one can.
Fair enough.
I’ll try to find time to watch the film soon. After that we can discuss again.