Well, apparently, state Rep. Fred Jarrett is no longer my favorite Republican elected official.
Marking the end of an era in which the Republican Party once dominated Eastside politics, Jarrett will officially switch parties before the start of the 2008 session, while declaring his candidacy as a Democrat for the seat being vacated by Democratic state Senator Brian Weinstein.
Oh, did I mention Weinstein is stepping down after one term in office? It’s been a busy day.
For months rumors have swirled that Weinstein might not seek a second term, or that Jarrett might run for the seat regardless, but any hope of a GOP pick-up is erased by Jarrett’s long-overdue move across the aisle. Jarrett, the last remaining Eastside Republican legislator, has faced growing pressure in recent races despite his moderate voting record and well-earned popularity, but as a Democrat, he’s a virtual shoo-in. Meanwhile, Republicans face a daunting challenge in holding taking back the 41st LD House seat without the universally well-liked Jarrett on the ticket.
More coming….
1. The last remaining GOP legislators on the Eastside are the three in the 5th Legislative District.
2. When did Weinstein say he would not run again and who did he say it to?
Can you say “collapse”? Wingnuts have transformed a major political party into a screaming mob of crazies. It’s no surprise that voters, the general public, and career politicians are turning their backs and walking away. We are witnessing the death throes of the Republican Party.
From your keyboard to the FSM’s noodly appendages, oh lagomorphic one!
Roger Rabbit,
“Wingnuts have transformed a major political party into a screaming mob of crazies.”
Well put, my furry friend.
Roger Rabbit,
“We are witnessing the death throes of the Republican Party.”
I doubt that very much. I remember hearing that when Clinton was elected in 1992. And of course people said the Democrats were a dying party after the 2000 election.
This seems to be just another case of the pendulum going back towards the left. Or do you know something I don’t? Care to share?
Hey Goldy, the 5th LD is still on the Eastside and it still has three GOP legislators.
@4 “Or do you know something I don’t? Care to share?”
Are you blind? Look at what the GOP has become: Nuts. Incompetent. Corrupt. Reckless. Off the wall, and approval ratings sinking off the charts. Not all distressed stocks are turnaround plays; some never come back, and keep sinking all the way into bankruptcy. What’s left of the GOP has absolutely nothing going for it, no saving grace, no socially redeeming qualities, there’s simply nothing there that customers want to buy. This isn’t a pendulum swing; it’s a leap off the cliff. The GOP is done for.
There simply are times when CPR won’t help. http://www.livingpictures.org/.....adfox1.jpg
You can tell by the smell.
What a beautiful day.
The new Eastside Dem state legislators from 2004 and 2006 were successful in large part because a majority of the public here felt that they addressed the need for major infrastructure change.
The Republicans couldn’t put up candidates that were convincing at addressing this point. They were focused more on making sure their anti-tax and religious right bases were enough in their corner to do the necessary election grunt work for them. They attempted to make soothing noises, but it wasn’t enough.
Development versus infrastructure will be a major crossroads issue for the Eastside over the next few years. Whoever is seen as best with their proposed and enacted solutions will reap future gains.
It is a rare opportunity for the political landscape to change, at least for a time. The Republicans had six years holding all three branches of government, and they promptly took the nation directly down the drain. In the process they managed to betray some of their most cherished principles, including fiscal conservatism and freedom from government intrusion, in favor of advancing the economic interests of the wealthiest “two percenters”.
Even the Evangelicals have been discovering that Republican support for their values was all lip-service (I think there’s a pun there somewhere, but prudence forbids me from exploring the ramifications further).
But the Republicans are still capable of pulling a rabbit out of the hat, and limiting their losses. They have already shown how they will do that. Rove is making the talk-radio circuit, with some rather outragious charges that the Democrats in Congress in the fall of 2002 are somehow responsible for the failure of the occupation in Iraq. I’d explain his reasoning, but it tortures logic and distorts commonly known facts to such a point I don’t even want to try to explain it. Something about “forcing a vote on the war” when Bush wasn’t ready. Hell, he could have simply postponed the war until he was ready, obviously the fact that he wasn’t ready, and the vote on the war, didn’t make any difference to him or Cheney or Rumsfield. But this is Rove’s forte’ – taking the opposition strong points, and turning them against him through lies and smoke and mirrors.
Rove is also pulling the old tax issues out of the hat, claiming that the Democrats have a secret plan to raise the taxes of the average American family by “hundreds of dollars”, and that they have (gasp!) had an entire year to do something about the Alternative Minimum Tax which will bite upper-middle taxpayers soon, as it was never indexed for inflation. Of course, the Republicans were in charge of Congress between 1992 and 2000, and in charge of ALL THREE branches of government for the next six years, and you didn’t hear a peep from them about that issue then. Why? Because they wanted to use the taxes on the upper-middle class to help finance their tax cuts for the upper two-percenters, and then blame the consequences on the Democrats, using it to rally their base.
The Republican candidates for President are already running against Hillory Clinton, claiming that “nobody wants to return to the 1990’s”. Gee, peace and prosperity, it’s hard to imagine why anybody would want that! They want to proclaim the Republicans as the “party of the future”. But what they are really trying to do is the same thing they do in three-card monty and David Copperfield illusions – use showmanship to distract you from their past failures, and then insist that we should only be “looking to the future”.
Yea. A future without Republicans in government. That’s a future I could look forward to.
New Webster’s Dictionary, circa 2012: Republican Party definition: A major political party in the U.S. between 1856 and 2009. Now inactive, having been disbanded after losing every single election in the 2008 elections, with public opinion polls indicating that there was no hope of any Republican politician of winning an election in the foreseable future.
New Webster’s Dictionary, circa 2012: Republican definition: A member of the now-defunct Republican Party, considered extinct by most scientists, with the last-known sighting in 2009. Alternate Definition: A liar and a thief of historic proportions. Considered to be one of the worse insults which can be directed toward a person.
Hey Urban Liberals, just want to thank y’all for all those dollars we are gittin cause we voted down them thar new taxes and such. Whooeee! My barn was ready to fall down and along came the flood. Just like in the bible – thump thump thump.
Anyhoo, my barn is gittin rebuilt from all this. Gonna git me some new head of cattle too. Shucks.
Hopefully twill be done in time November so I can hang a big Rossi sign on the side of it. Of course I won’t be using your union boys to build it. Bubba and jethro will help me raise it. But don’t fret none urban boys, we will report union rates to the fed gov’ment.
I reckon you fellers in the big city raisin yer taxes is a good thang after all! But dontch’all be a coming raisin mine. You all be taxed nuff for both of us!
And remember, Jesus Saves.
Darcy is emerging as the Boss Tweed of the Eastside!
Roger et all who live and drink the HA kookaid and live in the HA bubble….
Can you say “collapse”? Wingnuts have transformed a major political party into a screaming mob of crazies. It’s no surprise that voters, the general public, and career politicians are turning their backs and walking away. We are witnessing the death throes of the Republican Party.”
Hard evidence to the contrary…..Special election results from the death throws…..
“Bob Latta decisively defeated Democrat Robin Weirauch in Ohio’s 5th District.”
“Rob Wittman won a landslide victory over Iraq war veteran Phil Forgit(D)”
Old Republican values that I actually buy into (but that are no longer republican values):
A. Fiscal reponsibility: I beleive government should live within a budget, as I do. Bush and Reagan created the largest budget deficits in history. Clinton was the only president to run a surplus and bush quickly turned that into a deficit. This is a deficit that my kids will be paying off 30 years from now. The deficit created by the Republican president and the republican controlled congress is out of control due to:
1. The Iraq war
2. The big Pharma giveaway – no bargaining on drug prices – pay retail so the drug companies maek a bundle.
3. Tax cuts for the richest 2% of Americans
4. Tax cuts for oil companies: Just to make sure that the record profits for these companies don’t ever drop.
5. Earmarks for Alaska: and the whole corrupt republican congressional delegation form that sorry state.
6. The corrupt congresscritters who were bought off by Abramoff (Duke Cunningham, Bob Ney and the other not yet convicted due to the corrupt Justice department.
B. Efficiency in government:
1. By now it has become clear that the Bush cronyism (Brownie at FEMA, gonzalez at Justice and Bremer and inexperienced republican hacks in Iraq) doesn’t work well.
2. Hiring out “private” contractors: This was supposed to be more free market and work better – but as Blackwater and others have demonstrated – it doesn’t work, either.
C. Keeping the government out of private lives:
1. but not out of Gay peoples lives
2. but not out of suspected terrorists lives – or ordinary americans who make phone calls overseas.
3. and not out of our internet communications.
D. Preserving the constitution and the laws of the US:
1. but reinterpreting the powers of the executive to include interpreting court orders and signing statement on bills passed by congress that try to allow the executive to interpret the bills as they please (the so-called Unitary executive).
2. but allowing torture – well – because even though waterboarding has been illegal for over 100 years and we have tried our own military and Japanese soldiers for it – suddenly it is not torture and we don’t need to abide by the geneva convention.
E. Honesty in government:
Well, the republican/bush lies include:
Why we went into Iraq
why the Attorneys General were fired
why Abramoff visited the white house so much
why the NIE and the PDB were ignored
why Scooter Libby was the fall guy
why Plame was outed
why no one in the Justice dept. can remember anything about why people were fired
why we need to give retroactive immunity to telecoms that spied on us illegally
Right Stuff:
We will see what happens in 08. Right now less people identify as republicans than democrats and the numbers are falling for the gOp (emphasis on OLD).
Iraq, corruption, lack of values and inept republican leadership will be the main issues and bring down the GOP. Still – there are about 30% of the population still drinking the republican cool-aid – who still think bush is doing a great job.
Well, I gotta say Goldy, you called it.
It is kind of sad – republicans are an endangered species here in WA – I should learn to treasure our special trolls more…
18 You mean, sort of like baboons?
15: Don’t forget one of the big ones: Republican attempts to subvert the Constitution and the Electoral Process to ensure a “permanant Republican majority” (i.e., stealing elections), by:
(a) stopping recounts while they are in progress and declaring the Republicans the winner (Florida 2000).
(b) Taking polling booths out of Democratic precincts and putting them in Republican ones in swing states, thereby making likely Democratic voters wait in line for hours to vote, while likely Republican voters have no line at all (Ohio 2004)
(c) Illegally reporting likely Democratic voters as not living at their registered addresses and having them removed from the lists of registered voters, without any notice or effective opportunity to respond, even though in many cases their “absence” was due to service in the military in Iraq (Ohio 2004).
(d) Using the Florida 2000 misadventure as an excuse to replace punch-card voting in Florida with electronic machines with no audit or paper trail ability, ignoring reports that votes were being cast the opposite of what voters had indicated, and then having key precincts report voting results which gave Bush a victory completely beyond the any probability (i.e., over 90% of registred Democrats in the princinct would have had to vote for Bush) (Florida 2004).
(e) Attempting to change the method of counting electoral votes in the 2008 Presidential election in large Democratic-leaning states (such as California), but not in Republican-leaning states.
(f) Subverting the U.S. Dept. of Justice into a partison tool, by pressuring prosecutors to bring charges against Democrats and to announce those charges shortly before elections (New Mexico), to punish prosecutors who prosecute Republicans for corruption (California), to not investigate allegations of election fraud by Republicans (generally), and presuring prosecutors to bring unfounded charges of election fraud against Democrats (Washington State).
(g) Use the “K Street Strategy” to bring in an enormous flow of lobbyist money to fund Republican campaigns, and punish lobbyist who fund Democratic campaigns by denying them access to government officials.
(f) To engage in schemes to launder tax money to fund Republican electoral campaigns, on a large scale. Example: DeLay was instrumental in creating an office in Washington D.C. to represent the interests of Texas there. (Funny, I thought that was DeLay’s job). This office was paid for by Texas tax dollars. It’s main expenditure, aside from renting a small office and hiring a small staff, was to hire lobbyists, including Abramoff, to represent Texas. Abramoff and his cronies then make huge donations to the re-election campaigns of Republican politicians. Voila! Tax money becomes a campaign contribution! This has been repeated on a MUCH larger scale with Haliburton, KBR, Blackwater, et al…. The Bush administration gives no-bid contracts to friendly private companies with HUGE profit margins and inadequate auditing of their performance, the companies or their owners then give large portions of the same money back to the Republican party and its candidates (after laundering it to comply with election financing laws). VOILA! Tax money becomes Republican campaign money!
(g) Change the rules regarding FCC licensing of broadcast media, so that Republicans currently owning one radio, TV station, newspaper, or local cable TV franchise can own ALL of the news outlets in a selected market, thereby controlling the flow of news and information into that market (rule change pending).
I could go on, but there’s just so much, it’s hard to keep track of it all. Just some of the details of Republican rigging of elections can be found here:
Was the 2004 Election Stolen? How the Republicans ensured that they won the 2004 elections, and how they plan to win again in 2008.
The K Street Project How the Republicans turned government into a “Pay to Play” system.
Karl Rove in a Corner Some nice background on the master of electoral dirty tricks.
correctnotright: “It is kind of sad – republicans are an endangered species here in WA – I should learn to treasure our special trolls more…”
We probably should round them up and quarantine them while we still have a few left. We’d have to find a reservation for them where they would never get exposed to facts, new ideas, or reason as such exposure can cause a Republican to shed his or her Republicanism. Some of our resident trolls here, however, appear to have developed a stiff immunity to such exposure and would probably always remain model citizens of the Republican reservation.
More like ancient relics (with a vocabulary all their own), that still spout cold-war era platitudes and still believe that a senile ex-president was great despite all the evidence to the contrary (deficits, Iran contra and a lousy economy etc.).
Socialism is still a dreaded insult: for example “socialized medicine” – even though every other industrialized country in the world has a single-payer government system.
or Free market (said with religous fervor and meant to cure all the countries ills) – as if there is anymore free market with multinationals, government subsidies and telecom monopolies.
22 Not to mention a penchant for finding amusement in the deaths of other peoples’ children.
I grew up in the South. I’m an Eagle Scout, former athlete (football player and swimmer), JROTC cadet, and a marksman (BB gun, 22 Rifle, M-14). I am an active member and financial contributor of an evangelical church, and have been most of my life. I am a fiscal conservative (I believe that you don’t spend more money than you bring in, whether in government or private life). I believe charity begins at home and with the local church, synagogue, or temple. I believe government should stay out of private lives as much as can be reasonably demanded, short of risking the life or health of others. I believe that in personal or business life, you clean up after your own mess – you don’t make others due if for you.
In short, if you believe in what the Republicans say are their important values, then I should, by all accounts, be a Republican. But I’m not, because long ago I realized that while the Republican Party gives lip service to those values, its real purpose is to protect the hold of power and income of the top 2% of the wealthy in this country.
If the Republicans can’t hold onto me, what chance do they have of surviving as a party?
Gee, awful quiet here – think the wingnuts figured its better not to get involved in this discussion? I bet if they do, they will try to change the subject.
@10 It isn’t the Democrats who are blocking AMT relief for the middle class. That’s the fault of the usual suspects — obstructionist Republicans.
rhp6033: I grew up in the South. I’m an Eagle Scout…
Well as an Eagle Scout didn’t they teach you not to lie while you were mastering your hundreds tasks (depending on the troop up to 500) and your chosen badges by your 18th birthday? How many chosen badges did you complete rhp6033?
As I remember an Eagle Scout must be: cheerful, thrifty, brave, trustworthy, courteous, reverent, kind, obedient, loyal, helpful, friendly, and clean.
Trustworthy: I guess you pulled the wool over their eyes on that one rhp6033 with this continual canard you post:
(a) stopping recounts while they are in progress and declaring the Republicans the winner (Florida 2000).
Even Goldy didn’t respond when I placed the truth for all to read when he tried this same antic.
So be trustworthy and stop lying here.
Golly Pelletizer (TM) The Democrats placed onerous restrictions on the AMT like always. They can’t pass a clean bill. They don’t care about the middle class.
@18 A baboon is much more useful than a Republican. And a better companion, too.
I believe government should stay out of private lives as much as can be reasonably demanded
I don’t get your point here , you are saying your a democrat or just not a republican ? I believe there were about 1000 bills proposed in the last full session , those bills almost all have some kind of effect on people , good and bad is debatable , but all meant for good and all limiting freedoms . . Almost all take dollars to implement , or mandate to others to use their money .
The republican party surely has gone to period where they have not stuck to their principles of smaller government . But the folks here would be screaming about that if they did keep to those principles also . rhp6033 are you saying Jarrett was a republican ?
In name only , he was the Tim Sheldon of the Republican party , Tim is a conservative in the democrat party , his 35th District democratic party web site called him a bigot for voting against the domestic partnership bill . He supports property rights .
Jarrett admits he always was a liberal , which in this state means he is quite the liberal . You realize that right ? Watch political debates in other states on c span , and you will see how left we are out here .
Perhaps the Gop did not loose you , perhaps you were one of those folks who was always a democrat , but because of tradition or whatever of times past you voted republican out of ignorance , but idealogically aligned more with the dems .
I recall when Clinton was President their was a very large turnover of dems joining the GOP . Use to get emails from conservative organizations all the time highlighting it . I see that more as opportunists , perhaps some of it was because the democrats were going through a change , but Bill Clinton I always considered a moderate , not a liberal .
Like I said , I know many people who have lost interest because of republicans principles being dis regarded , but you sound like your against those principles anyway if your supporting this blog and point of view prevalent here . These folks are quite to the left on almost all the issues . and you can’t say they a very tolerant bunch either .
@28 You mean insisting Congress PAY for the tax cut instead of adding $50 billion a year to the deficit?
But here’s the really nifty thing about the AMT from Bush’s point of view. Bush knew all along the AMT would repeal the portion of his tax cuts that went to the middle class, while not touching his tax cuts for the rich. And it didn’t even take an act of Congress or his signature; it would happen automatically. And if a Democratic Congress did something about it, Republicans could blame Bush’s deficits on the Democrats. Now is that cool or what?
@32 Why the hell should we tolerate wingnuts? They don’t tolerate us. You can kiss my cute cottontail! In fact, for a good time, call 1-900-SUCK-ROG. This is a toll call. All proceeds go to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.
Roger ,
So what did I say that identified me as a wingnut ? You don’t even know me . I am a republican , and almost always vote for them . Or is that a wing nut ?
Anyway , the other fella asked for a republican’s comment.
It’s truly humorous when an admitted liar and confessed addict is lecturing others on morality.
Get help.
Roger Rabbit says: “You mean insisting Congress PAY for the tax cut instead of adding $50 billion a year to the deficit?”
How about cutting some worthless social program $50 Billion?
What? Huh? Did Killatroll@36 fart, barf, catball, upchuck, leave a shit in Pelletizer’s (TM) burrow?
@ 35 Mick
Not sure here, but sometimes one has to look at the comments, play Sherlock Holmes. Took me a bit to figure out, when I first came here to HA. If one or two comments get Deleted/YANKED, then the #s change, that’s why I always try to reference the poster’s handle myself. Don’t know if that’s what happened here, just giving my drift. Appears like some troll’s blubberings were deleted tonight, shuffling #s, and making things rather confusing.
Mick: You have to excuse the person who calls himself a “rabbit”, brags he f&CK% other “rabbits” (isn’t that bestiality) and then Pelletizes the blog with his multiple one or two sentence insane inane comments. That’s why I call him the Pelletizer (TM). When caught in a lie or trying to stir up the pot he’s never typed a mea culpa… he just Pelletizes the next thread.
About three weeks ago he went toe-to-toe with Piper regarding Piper’s legal status. When Piper called him on it, did he apologize for the “libelous” comments he made? Hell no.
But you see, Pelletizer (TM) is a crusty, bitter old man and it comes out in his blog presentations. He’s the master of cutting and pasting unrelated thread topics which Perfesser Darryl should delete but he gets a pass, so many of us whom think right do the same now and dare Perfesser Darryl to delete ours. Once in a while he’s funny but a good Internet search proves him wrong many times a day!
Speaking of the 5th district….Jay Rodne is a decent guy but what is up with Pflug and Anderson? Rumors of hanky panky abound.
Puddy at 29: I remember the events of 2000 very well, thank you. The results were certified by that dingbat Florida Secty of State before the recounts were completed. One of the reasons they weren’t completed was because Republican activists bussed in gangs to pound on the doors of the offices where the recounts were taking place, threatening and intimidating the counters and forcing them to close for the day “for their own safety”. I remember it well, because it reminded me of Nazi tactics in 1932. The actual legal principle in the U.S. Supreme Court decision was whether the courts had the authority to order the recount to continue, despite the Florida Secty of State Harris having certified the results for Bush, even while the recount was still in progress.
I don’t know what you posted previously, nor do I care. You and your sources have no credibility, I don’t waste my time any more trying to sort out the tiny bit of wheat from the immense amount of chaff the represent.
And you have the Scout Law all mixed up. What order did you learn them in? From my memory: ” A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.”
I don’t have any memory at all of how many merit badges I earned – it was enough to make Eagle Scout. Oh, and by the way, I was Vigil Honor of the Order of the Arrow, also.
The Republican Party has become the party of BIAW, DOOFUS and PuddyDope -just like Roger said, a bunch of greedheads and screaming crazies.
Hey, Puddy actually raised a good point – let’s use the Boy Scout Law as a method of evaluation. Let’s start with our current President, George W. Bush:
Trustworthy – Gee, do I really have to give the details? He lied about the reasons for going to war with Iraq, he lied about the reasons for the delayed federal response to Katrina, he lied about the reason for the firings of the attorney generals, he lied about, well – just about everything!
Loyal – He is indeed loyal to his friends and supporters – just ask the two percenters who have received the lions’ share of his tax cuts and no-bid contracts. But for his subordinates, it’s a mixed bag. He is loyal as long as you are willing to fall on your sword for him. Just ask Scooter Libby. If you become dead weight, he will sacrifice you like a passover lamb.
Helpful – Same deal – he’s extraordinarily helpful to the two percenters. Others? Not so much. Ask the people in New Orleans, many of whom are still waiting for all that promised federal aid.
Friendly – He’s very friendly, in a salesman/frat-boy kind of way, as long as you don’t cross him. Your either for him, or agin’ him, in his book.
Courteous – I guess so, in a Texas good-old-boy sort of way (remember him squeezing the German leader?)
Kind – Gee, I don’t know, on a personal level he might be very kind. He’s just not very charitable on a large scale.
Obedient – Well, he’s obeying somebody, I don’t know who. Certainly not the Constitution, or his oath of office, or the law of the land. Perhaps Belzebub?
Cheerful – I’ll give him that one.
Thrifty – You’ve gotta be kidding. He took a budget surplus when he arrived at office, gave huge tax cuts to his friends, pretty much let them have the keys to the treasury through no-bid contracts, and turned the surplus into huge deficits and mounting federal debt which our grandchildren will have trouble paying off. He spends money like a drunken sailor, all the while complaining that the Democrats are “fiscally imprudent” for wanting to let poor kids see a doctor.
Brave – He lost this one when he used his Daddy’s influence to fight the Viet Cong in Texas, rather than risk going to Vietnam. I wouldn’t mind that so much, except that he’s so hypocritical about it – allowing his supporters to impugn the bravery of real combat soldiers and sailors who just don’t happen to agree with him, arguing that the war in Vietnam could have been won, or allowing thousands of the best of our sons and daughters to fight his war for him in Iraq.
Clean – Physically, I have no idea, nor do I care to find out. On a more philosophical level, he loses this one, too.
Reverent – I don’t like to criticize other people’s religious lives, so I won’t do so here.
Summary: In my troop, he wouldn’t get past Tenderfoot.
FricknFrack and Puddybud , thanks for getting back to me .
rhp6033 made some comments and stated he had previously had a republican commitment which has eroded . Well I can understand that , but from his comments he appears to be quite leaning on the political left side of the compass.
Jared was always leaning that way also . I just commented on that after rhp6033 asked for a republican comment . And I also notice this does a bit in your face with the comments here , hard to distinguish sometimes what even the subject is .
But basicaly republicans who believe in local control and smaller government should be ticked with Bush , but rhp6033 appears as I said before he would be ticked with Bush if he actually did make government smaller , that is all I was saying . So would Jarred .
Like the guy Goldie said on his blog , welcome home to this representative , he was not a republican in idealogy anyway , its better he is a democrat I would think ? His district appears to lean left , and now they have represntation that is better suited . But by no means is rhp6033 making any kind of point that I could figure out , besides he asked for a republican response then just ignored what I said .
rhp6033: Standard MOONBAT! line: My sources have no credibility. Wow, using Jesus’ Biblical Wheat and Chaff argument. Your liberal friends won’t comprehend that rhp6033. I don’t know what white sticky kool-aid you continue to drink rhp6033, but I suggest you find another source.
Lets see: Newspaper recounts say Bush wins. NY Times, Miami Herald, Philly Enquirer, etc.
Lets see; The Supreme Court said the 63 counties were disenfranchised if you don’t recount them and only count the 4 chosen by Al Gore. Count was stopped. Al Gore’s own words I should have asked to recount the whole state instead of just the 4 democratic leaning counties.
Lets see: Seminole and Martin counties – absentee ballot suppression by Gore in David Bois lawsuit.
Lets see: Suppression of the overseas military vote. Worried it would break 70/30 against when counted only broke 58/42 against.
Liberal MSM facts ignored by the small single celled mind of rhp6033.
This argument is about your qualities you started bragging on. I asked about trustworthy and the pain, oh the pain became too much so you are projecting yourself upon George W. Bush? I caught you in your hour of untrustworthiness!
Notice YLB – The Clueless One really added to this thread.
Noted: nothing said so nothing ventured!
Puddybud is using a variation of the old ad hominim argument. I originally said that if the Republicans couldn’t count on me, with my background and basically conservative leanings, then how do they expect to hold onto the rest of the country??? He responds by arguing that since I don’t agree with him regarding the 2000 election, I’m not trustworthy, and then repeats it.
Here’s a news flash for PuddyBud: “trustworthy” is not a synnonym for agreeing with you and Fox News. I’ll pull my resources together and we can argue about the 2000 election next week.
Mick: I didn’t see your comments earlier, sorry. I don’t claim to have ever been a Republican. Most of my life I’ve generally been independent or slightly leaning Democrat, or what I call a “Southern Democrat”. Just about the time I get upset with the Democrats and become tempted to become a Republican, they get into office and I’m reminded “Oh, yea, right. That’s why I’ve never become a Republican”. But the past six years have pushed me pretty far into the “anti-Republican” camp, whatever that might be. I have serious doubts about our nation’s ability to survive another year of the Bush administration without sustaining irreversable damage – something I never felt before, despite living through the Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and Bush I presidencies.
Personally, I think the “left/right” division which has been popular for decades in the news media, because it allows them to apply shorthand labels without serious discussion of the issues, may be just about obsolete now. The conflict within the Republican Party between the Neo-Con Bush supporters and the Fiscal Conservatives and Libertarians may well cause a complete political re-alignment.
rhp6033: Ummm…. NO I DIDN”T. I didn’t resort to the old leftist tactic of a leftist HorsesASShole. The ad hominim argument was perfected by you lefties. It’s the way you all operate.
You postulated a lie, proven to be a real lie from many sources. I placed the sources for you to arrive at the correct conclusion, but your lie is so ingrained in your psyche you can’t give it up.
I gave you Al Gore’s own words and you continue to swallow the 2000 denier kool-aid. I can’t help you anymore rhp6033. Live your lie.