From Wikipedia:
Saddam Hussein (28 April 1937 – 30 December 2006) was the fifth President of Iraq and Chairman of the Iraqi Revolutionary Command Council from 1979 until his overthrow by US forces in 2003. He was executed after being found guilty of war crimes at his trial in 2006.
And you know what else? He’s a registered voter.
I blame Dean Logan, of course.
Any doubt he voted democrat??
Any doubt he voted democrat??
Who would Saddam Hussein vote for? The party that took him out of power or the party that wanted to keep him in power?
Talk about not being attached to reality.
@ 1
Any evidence he voted at all?
After reading some of the other comments around HA, it occurs to me that Mr. Wolner isn’t quite bright enough to figure out the implications of my question, so I’ll offer a hint, taken from Mr. Wolner’s own words:
Who would Saddam Hussein vote for? The party that took him out of power or the party that wanted to keep him in power?
“Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein,” Iraqi President Saddam Hussein greets Donald Rumsfeld, then special envoy of President Ronald Reagan, in Baghdad on December 20, 1983.
This exchange between me and Proud Leftist is so good, I am going to post it in every thread on HA from now on. It destroys the Publicans’ stupid talking points – period.
“I’m working really hard to understand how President Bill Clinton’s actions act as justifcation for the righties. Read this fuckwads.
If your lame ass argument is that Bill Clinton was a bad President – which is what you say – and if your argument now is that the AWOL coward GW Bush is in someway comparable to Bill Clinton, what you are actually saying is that GW Bush is NO BETTER THAN CLINTON.
Does it hurt to be that stupid? I really want to know.
proud leftist says:
RES @ 18
You’ve hit it on the nose. The rightwing fringefucks consider Clinton to be the personification of evil–indeed, he is the devil incarnate in their twisted little minds. Nonetheless, their justification for all of the Bushites’ sins is, always, “well, Clinton did it, too.” Methinks they never studied logic.”
And what’s better, is that the rightie traitor keeps pointing out that this is true. Thanks MTR. Please keep proving my point for me.
Looks like most of the to Catch A Predator guys were registered Publicans. Figures.
@1 “Brandon Wolner says: Any doubt he voted democrat?? 07/15/2007 at 11:05 am”
Absolutely. Saddam was a dictator. He stifled free speech and suppressed critics. He started wars and built concentration camps. He amassed personal wealth from his country’s resources and built gaudy palaces. This guy had “Republican” written all over him.
@1, 3, etc. Looks like we have a new (and exceptionally sophomoric) troll here! Stick around for a while, Brandon. We’re going to enjoy playing with you, like a cat does with a mouse before killing it.*
* Just kidding! We like word plays with Ann Coulter death jokes on this board.
Stefan, who apparently intends to make it his life’s work to personally check the validity of every voter registration in the state of Washington, past and present, living and dead, missed his calling. He would have been a most excellent bureaucrat, had he not lacked the foresight to pursue a public service career.
Not to be overlooked are the magnanimous benefits of such a career. After 30 years of dutiful service, he would have been allowed to retire — on a pension funded with his own money, deducted from his paychecks over the years — and to buy health insurance at market rates from his own pocket; with no taxpayer subsidy whatsoever of either his pension or retiree health benefits. And, not least, to enjoy the appreciation of his unwavering service by fellow citizens who think he was overpaid because his salary was merely 30% to 70% below the competitive market.
Finally, there is the work itself. Where else but in a government office can you sit in a windowless and airless cubicle, year after year, hand-checking millions of voter registrations to make sure some wingnut jerkoff with too much time on her hands didn’t slip through a voter registration for her goddamned dog?
Superficially, it seems utterly amazing that Stefan is willing to do this kind of work for free. However, when you look at the details, Stefan actually hopes to be paid a large amount of money — taken from taxpayers — in the form of a judgment against King County for alleged public disclosure law violations.
Here’s how it works. King County gave Stefan free use of a room in a public building (at taxpayer expense) AND the services of a full-time staff member as his personal butler (also at taxpayer expense) for six weeks AND access to over 600,000 (six hundred thousand) documents — all in response to Stefan’s numerous public disclosure requests.
One may speculate that King County, in attempting to fulfill Stefan’s public disclosure requests, may have missed a half dozen documents or so. At least, that’s what Stefan hopes, and that’s what his lawyer alleges in Stefan’s lawsuit against county taxpayers.
It’s a sneaky way for a bureaucrat-wanna-be to get a place at the public tit without going through the normal hiring process.
And, to add a touch of irony to this charade, Stefan makes a point of criticizing governmental inefficiency and complaining about waste of taxpayer monies.
Does Stefan have a case? I would guess probably yes. Having done public disclosure work for government entities myself, I surmise that when you have to dig up over half a million documents for a citizen you’re bound to miss a few pages somewhere. The bright side of this, for the county taxpayers whose pockets Stefan is trying to dip into to get compensated for his backdoor “public service,” is that judges have discretion over whether to award damages when PDA violations are found to have occurred. They can award nothing at all, and are often inclined to do so when the violations are technical in nature and unintentional.
Judicial discretion is a good thing, because it protects us from the Stefans of the world.
Hey Stefan! I know you read this blog, so stop pretending you don’t know I’m asking you this question: Are you gonna share the proceeds of your lawsuit against Dean Logan and KCRE with the generous donors to your “legal action fund” who helped pay for the lawsuit, or keep all the money for yourself? As one of your most ardent fans, I want to know!
BTW, how’s that lawsuit coming along? You’ve been awfully quiet about it for going on two years now. Is it still alive? Did you survive the county’s motion for summary judgment? Have depositions been started yet? Did the lawyers employed by King County’s REPUBLICAN prosecutor laugh you out of court?
Maybe the reason Stefan hasn’t made a distribution to his generous supporters who donated money to his “legal action fund” is because there’s no distribution to make.
I wonder if Stefan ran this lawsuit past his corporate lawyer wife before filing it. I’ll bet he didn’t. It’s also kind of interesting that he’s represented in this case by some lawyer nobody ever heard of, not by his wife.
Well, anyway, it’s nice for Stefan that at least one person in his household has a real job, so he can afford to live in an $850,000 house. I’ve seen the place, and it beats this fucking dirt hole that I live in, here in Green Lake Park.
Wheres Joel Connely’ opinion on this vital matter?
After all, weren’t Sadam and Joel friends ‘with benefits’? I recall him mourning over the loss.
Because, of course, no Democrat has, or would, ever do those things, eh?
Please. I know this is a Lib blog, but have you really imbibed that much koolaid? Face it. There is NO governmental corruption in a vacuum. And certainly no unique corruption. Whatever one party has done, or is doing, so is, or has the other.
The DemoPub politicians are all corrupt, by definition. And you folks counting on *your* group to do things differently are in for one hell of a rude awakening, sooner or later.
No, actually, we’re waiting for our folks to do unto the Republicans as they have done unto us, thus keeping the universe in balance, which, you will doubtless allow, is a desirable thing. Unbalanced universes are even worse than (pardon the redundundancy) unbalanced Republicans.
Since the Republicans have been remarkably uncivilized about the procedure for the past few years, it promises to be quite a show, and there’s no charge for admission.
Enjoy. Or not, depending on your persuasion….
Thanks guys…
I made a bet with a friend that a post on an extreme left board would result in name calling.
I almost feel I should share the steak dinner with you guys.
Thanks again!!
Roger Rabbit says:
@1 “Brandon Wolner says: Any doubt he voted democrat?? 07/15/2007 at 11:05 am”
Absolutely. Saddam was a dictator. He stifled free speech and suppressed critics. He started wars and built concentration camps. He amassed personal wealth from his country’s resources and built gaudy palaces. This guy had “Republican” written all over him.
Since when have dems cried crocodile tears over the death of a republican…. oh wait… more bullshit from the rabbit. Nevermind. woof woof
As usual, Roger Rabbit shows his lack intelligence by all of his comments
“@1, 3, etc. Looks like we have a new (and exceptionally sophomoric) troll here! Stick around for a while, Brandon. We’re going to enjoy playing with you, like a cat does with a mouse before killing it.*
* Just kidding! We like word plays with Ann Coulter death jokes on this board.”
Hmmmm! Bill Maher made the original joke but Roger does not understand that and Ann has never specifically posted here.
So Roger – you are a total idiot and all of your posts on any BLOG should be ignored!
Saddam Hussein named his elite military units the
[ ] 1. Democratic Guard
[ ] 2. Republican Guard
@21 Reading Roger Rabbit’s comments is a voluntary activity, and if you’re stupid enough to read them, then you’re dumber than a bunny!
@11 “Whatever one party has done, or is doing, so is, or has the other.”
This is the latest wingnut defense: Republicans are guilty of gross corruption, malfeasance, and incompetence but it’s okay because Democrats did it too.
No, Democrats didn’t do it too. Not on this scale. Not at this level of perfidy and deliberate dishonesty. Not with this incredible scope of corruption. The Democrats never ever fucked up anything this bad.
A quick way to fix the voter fraud problem in this State, execute all the dems.*
* Just kidding of course. Everyone knows that liberal pussies can dish it out but can’t take it. woof woof
No they did it on this scale:
Drug trafficking (3), racketeering, extortion, bribery (4), tax evasion, kickbacks, embezzlement (2), fraud (12), conspiracy (5), fraudulent loans, illegal gifts (1), illegal campaign contributions (5), money laundering (6), perjury, obstruction of justice.
– Number of individuals and businesses associated with the Clinton machine who have been convicted of or pleaded guilty to crimes: 47
– Number of these convictions during Clinton’s presidency: 33
– Number of indictments/misdemeanor charges: 61
– Number of congressional witnesses who have pleaded the Fifth Amendment, fled the country to avoid testifying, or (in the case of foreign witnesses) refused to be interviewed: 122
Number of Starr-Ray investigation convictions or guilty pleas (including one governor, one associate attorney general and two Clinton business partners): 14
– Number of Clinton Cabinet members who came under criminal investigation: 5
– Number of Reagan cabinet members who came under criminal investigation: 4
– Number of top officials jailed in the Teapot Dome Scandal: 3
The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance
– Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates*
– Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation
– Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify
– Most number of witnesses to die suddenly
– First president sued for sexual harassment.
– First president accused of rape.
– First first lady to come under criminal investigation
– Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution case
– First president to establish a legal defense fund.
– First president to be held in contempt of court
– Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions
– Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions from abroad
– First president disbarred from the US Supreme Court and a state court
Bank and mail fraud, violations of campaign finance laws, illegal foreign campaign funding, improper exports of sensitive technology, physical violence and threats of violence, solicitation of perjury, intimidation of witnesses, bribery of witnesses, attempted intimidation of prosecutors, perjury before congressional committees, lying in statements to federal investigators and regulatory officials, flight of witnesses, obstruction of justice, bribery of cabinet members, real estate fraud, tax fraud, drug trafficking, failure to investigate drug trafficking, bribery of state officials, use of state police for personal purposes, exchange of promotions or benefits for sexual favors, using state police to provide false court testimony, laundering of drug money through a state agency, false reports by medical examiners and others investigating suspicious deaths, the firing of the RTC and FBI director when these agencies were investigating Clinton and his associates, failure to conduct autopsies in suspicious deaths, providing jobs in return for silence by witnesses, drug abuse, improper acquisition and use of 900 FBI files, improper futures trading, murder, sexual abuse of employees, false testimony before a federal judge, shredding of documents, withholding and concealment of subpoenaed documents, fabricated charges against (and improper firing of) White House employees, inviting drug traffickers, foreign agents and participants in organized crime to the White House.
All backed up by the congressional record and the USDOJ. The Clinton administration is by far the most corrupt ever to to occupy the White House. Period woof woof
@25: “Jane Balogh’s dog says:
A quick way to fix the voter fraud problem in this State, execute all the dems.”
With this kind of eliminationist rhetoric can there be any doubt about where the real danger to freedom and liberty comes from these days?
@26: Other wingnuts have cut and pasted that same tripe here. You continue their proud tradition of exhibiting absolutely no originality, a trait often found in conjunction with mendacity, hypocricy, lying, cheating, stealing, and general perversity.
See…post 27 is an example of why dems are such pussies. They make movies about assassinating our current president, but if a repub dishes it right back they come undone.
Yeah, yeah. If you can’t handle the truth that’s your problem. Deal with it. woof woof Damn pussies geeeessshh
#23 You are ‘dumber than a bunny’ for even posting such nonsense
Jane- the Bush move was made by a British film maker. Not an American Democrat.
But you don’t worry about facts. As for the truth, youy wouldn’t know it if it hit you in the face.
Really? First of all, I’m not defending *anyone*. For one who seeks to project such a sophisticated veneer, you are remarkably naive
You do know that machine politics was invented by Democrats, I assume? Or are you implying that all Dem corruption was/is local, so “better” in some way that Republican corruption?
Like I said, keep drinking that koolaid.
Tom- you can argue about who did what, when. We KNOW that this administration, with Republicans in charge of the House and Senate, lied to get us into a war which has become a no-win situation, distorted the workings of government to install cronies, and pushed this country agin into substantial deficits. THey clearly violated the law using federal offices and employees for political purposes.
The Democrats certainly do not have clean hands as the acquiesed to this, but it was Republicans running the show.
DO you have kids? DO you accept, “but everyone else is doing it” as an excuse?
I’m not trying to justify anything. I’m simply trying to point out that corruption is corruption. Period. And is, in my opinion, pretty well synomomous with ‘politician’ regardless of their polical persuasion. My original contention was just that. Democrat = Republican and to expect anything different is naive, at best.
As for the whole Bush lied, etc. meme…. Highly debatable. And also a whole different topic.
Yeah, I used to have a synomomous. I found that a trackball works better.
You know, if there were a Koufax award for best commentors or best comments on a blog, you’d all lose.
I don’t think most of you appreciate how generous it is on Goldy’s part not to moderate comments here and let you all say what you have to say. And the weird part is that 80% of you have nothing relevant to say.
I can’t tell you how frustrating it is to come here, read good posts from Goldy, Will, Darryl and everyone else, and then see all conversation evaporate into utter imbecilty. I say that in all frustration because I think 80% of the people who look at this blog are intelligent people. But one wouldn’t know it from reading the comments here.
re 26: I don’t see a lot about convictions. I see a lot of accusations.
For convictions we have to go to Reagan, BushI, Bush II.
What does a Republican say if he bumps into the president?
Pardon me?
Number of individuals and businesses associated with the Clinton machine who have been convicted of or pleaded guilty to crimes: 47
– Number of these convictions during Clinton’s presidency: 33
The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance
– Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates*
You must be blind. False accusations have been the bread and butter of the dems for the last 6 1/2 years. Just ask Tom Delay or Scooter. Hell ask Dan Rather…. wooof woof hehehehe
I would say Saddam Hussein historically had more support from Republicans than Democrats. Look at Ronald Reagan supporting him and George H.W. Bush deliberately allowing him to stay in power after being utterly defeated. If Al Gore had been President, Saddam may very well have been removed by military action — but something more like Kosovo with international coordination and general good will, instead of Bush’s go-it-alone make-a-huge-profit-for Halliburton strategy. Remember that Bill Clinton wasn’t a friend of Saddam either, and we had some pretty large scale air campaigns there in the late 1990’s (in which the British, French and others also participated).
Awww come on Richard.
Reagan supported Saddam because the enemy of my enemy is your friend. Did you forget the wonderfully nanaged Iranian Hostage Crisis and the indecision of Jimmy Cahhhhhhhhhrter? We befriended Saddam to fight the Iranians as a proxy.
Did you forget the UN Resolution did not allow us to depose Saddam? You Moonbat!s claim we neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed to follow the UN and when we do you try and throw the following into our collective face?
Richard you’ve rejoined the Borg. I can see you think like the Collective (‘Wipes) again.
I think Stefan had an interesting post a couple of days ago showing that the “person of interest” in the death of that little girl in Tacoma (Zina L.) is a convicted sex offender, an illegal alien, and is registered to vote in Pierce County.
Why would an illegal alien be allowed to vote in Pierce County?
ALL republicans are allowed to register in Pierce county, regardless of their planet of origin.
@26 listed a big long list of investigations and convictions under President Clinton, why won’t a proud democrat do the same about Bush?
Are you not familiar with how to do searches on the DOJ website? Too lazy? Or maybe you’ve been watching too much Keith Olberman and learned how to argue without using facts.
Stop licking yourself.
ALL democrats are allowed to register in King county, regardless of their planet of origin.
Sorry Richard, you won’t be able to snuggle up to your new friends with that garbage…
Let’s sum up your post
Richard Pope…..“how can I somehow convince those on HA that I really am changing my political view? hmmmm….Oh, I know, I’ll invoke Al Gore, throw in a little Reagan and Bush bash, mix it up with some Haliburton PROFITS, and finally end it up with a little Bill Clinton wasn’t a friend of Saddam either, and we had some pretty large scale air campaigns there in the late 1990’s, they’ll eat it all up…… now how to word this……?”
That about right Pope?
Anybody miss their filing deadlines by 3 minutes recently?