… Fuck you!
I mean honestly, what an incredibly rude and an uncivil act, to dump your garbage on somebody else’s property. Why don’t you just take a shit on my front steps well you’re at it.
It’s also, by the way, a great metaphor for capitalism and the wonders of an unregulated free market. It was of course in this asshole’s economic self-interest to dump his garbage on somebody else, as he is now free of his own waste, and at no personal cost. And if we lived in the teabaggers’ libertarian dystopia, there would be no city provided illegal dumping hotline for me to call to deal with the matter.
I hope the city rifles through your garbage and finds something to track you down, so they can stick you with a big, fat, socialist fine.
Why don’t you just take a shit on my front steps well you’re at it.
It’s on the back steps . . .
When I first read the headlines, I thought you were complainging about the wingnuts posts on your comment boards.
I both cases the garbage they dump (literal and figurative), has no value, stinks, is unwanted, and transfers upon someone else the cost for providing a repository for their debris. In the case of the comment boards, they also complain that you don’t provide a more suitable place for their garbage (i.e., complaints about your choice of topics, etc.).
Goldy, don gloves, dig through trash, find their address and bills, post who they are and how much they spent on internet porn last month.
When I first read the headlines, I thought you were complainging about the wingnuts posts on your comment boards.
Well, it’s easy to see how you could have become so easily confused, RHP.
Dig through it and find a recipt with their name on it. I bet it was Didier.
Hey goldy, wasnt it you that was fucking with Mayor Nickels house last year?
whats that they say about karma?
Dreg @6,
oh..and you are completely off the mark with the comparison to capitalism.
This was a socialist act: whats theirs is now yours.
maybe it was one of those evil rich people just sharing his wealth with you. You seem to like taking others people stuff so much, well now you can take their garbage.
I’m sure it blended in nicely with the ramshackle hut with the caving in roof on your property.
@7…..I seem to remember you posting about how you dumped a bunch of dog shit on the mayors sidewalk because you had some beef with him.
ask tenderhands YLBleeder to look it up in his database.
It was Frank Blethen and it was a joke!
Despicable and low-life actions? Yes.
Could it have happened to a more deserving Libtard? No.
Don’t get your panties in too much of a wad there Goldy, unfortunately this type of shit happens all the time. Maybe you’ll get lucky and locate a full tube of Rogaine in one of said bags. :)
Michael @10,
Oh… he means this post. Yes, it was Frank Blethen, and leave it to somebody like Dreg not to be able to tell the difference between reality and satire… even when my satire intentionally makes the same exact point about civility that I made in this post.
@12….lol…fair enough.
“ask tenderhands YLBleeder to look it up in his database.”
Isn’t that “database” simply called “The Google”?
@14…um no…please try and keep up. Tenderhands YLBleeder is very proud of his HA database. He spent a lot of time on it.
Goldy, you missed a golden opportunity to make a parable about the Gulf oil gusher and BP’s lack of civic responsibility. Shame on you!
Maybe your next Bible quotation discussion should be about Luke 6:31.
Dr. Dre,
“please try and keep up. Tenderhands YLBleeder is very proud of his HA database. He spent a lot of time on it.”
Sound to me like you’ve succumbed to another whopper concocted in PuddyWorld™
Even if you disagree with Goldy on virtually everything, it is still completely acceptable to admit that dumping garbage (a bio-hazard) on Goldy’s property is in and of itself unacceptable. And whoever did it is a total fuckhead whose actions don’t deserve the effort it would take to even rhetorically defend them.
Redistribution of filth?
@18…perhaps you should ask Tenderhands YLBleeder himself.
old pizza, cottage cheese, empty shampoo bottles, etc are biohazards? huh?
Dr. Dre @ 21,
“perhaps you should ask Tenderhands YLBleeder himself.”
Perhaps you should seek the psychological help you are so desperately crying out for, there, Squirt.
you sound somewhat familiar with the contents of said bags of garbage
@19….dumping garbage in someone’s lawn, keying peoples cars with “W” stickers, breaking windows of houses with republican candidate sign…..yes, I agree, all of those things are very uncivil and unacceptable.
@24…..no, those are just typical things in peoples garbage….
nice try though..
Hmm, sounds like Bo Gritz’s slice of “Almost Heaven” out in Idaho. Gritz was going to create a community free of rules, until people started dumping garbage anywhere they pleased, refused to help pay for grading roads or stringing power lines. In other words, chaos.
@23…perhaps you should just go screw yourself, squirt.
Those are not typical of things I put in my garbage. But you sound like an expert on garbage, I’ll just leave it at that.
@29…ok champ, you just leave it at that.
This goes against the Republican meme that they are always the victims — that’s why it’s OK for them to retaliate — with garbage.
perhaps it was just a random act of someone being a dick. or perhaps one of goldy’s neighbors doesnt like him.
someone tried breaking into one of my cars a few weeks ago….I should probably blame the democrats.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
I hope the illegal dumping hotline takes the illegal dumping seriously. I don’t know what volume the six bags are, but check out the volume-specific penalties:
It probably isn’t a cubic yard (that is about four 55 gallon drums-worth) but is probably greater than a cubic foot.
Could be some derilect hobo.
Good thing Seattle has lots of highly trained bureaucrats to deal with this critical issue of Mr. Goldstein’s.
They probably have 1 bureaucrat to assess the problem, one bureaucrat to measure the amount of garbage, another to track down the culprit, then the court system & jail system…plus every bureaucrat has at least 1 supervisor.
Seems cheaper in the long run to fire all the bureaucrats and just take the garbage to the dump, doesn’t it Goldy?
Perhaps you need a free Public Mental Health professional to help you thru the trauma of this nightmare.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Add this one to long sorry list of right wing freak attacks on Goldy – from reporting HA.org as a kiddie porn site to other reprehensible behavior that Goldy has reported here but I won’t repeat.
Typical behavior of right wing scum – or perhaps in this case your run of the mill asshole.
goldy, imagine you owned a downtown store; some bum pisses on your doorway every night.
Isn’t that the same as the bag of garbage on your lawn?
I’ll bet you love the former and hate the latter (when it became personal)
Have you looked at your waste collection bill lately, Goldy?
The city raised rates after enacting forced recycling. They then raised rates again after enacting force composting.
The poor, underprivileged soul who left you their trash probably just couldn’t afford to pay their trash bill if they had these bags picked up at their own home, and knowing how much you care about those who have been repeatedly victimized by “The Man”, figured you wouldn’t mind tripling your waste disposal bill for the month for their benefit.
In fact, how dare you complain about it, Goldy! You should feel privileged to help out a person so deserving of a helping hand!
Pssst, Goldy, you’re in the middle of Seattle. Chances are it was a Democrat who did it.
Maybe there is some condoms in that trash and you could be a good liberal and recycle.
It’s the Republican garbage flingers. We’re onto you.
It’s as close as a Republican can come to a metaphor.
Re: The garbage
It is truly remarkable how our trolls respond to a very uncivil act. They politicize incivility. They justify rudeness. They condone littering. Yet, they claim to be the people who want to “take our country back.” If you folks are who are country was, I most surely don’t want to go back there.
No Professor Darryl…
The arschloch actually took the whole HA blog and stores it on his personal system for feckless attacks!
EPIC FAIL every time. He’s the caboose of every thread!
Proud Goatist is referring to the progressive anarchists who attend every GX/WTO leadership meeting.
Goldy reporting on kiddie porn and the arschloch remembers it?
Figgers with the arschloch guy with the left porn eye. He’s the caboose of every thread!
@44….ummm, hey dummy, it was goldy who politicized the garbage dumping with this write-up for this thread.
hey goldy you reap what you sow
And I thought this was about the Didier campaign.
49. xyz
How Republican of you to blame the victim instead of the perp.
17. ConservativeFirst
How Republican of you to blame the victim instead of the perp.
@ daddylove
how liberal of you to assume actions and demogauging don’t have consequences.
8. Dr. Dre
Nope. What, Goldy was in need of garbage on his lawn, so one who had the ability to create a lot of garbage filled that need? What a ridiculous and ignorant statement you made. But you don’t even know what socialism is, do you?
No, Goldy was correct that it is an apt metaphor for capitalism. Some jerk who thought they could get away with it avoided paying for the real social costs of his actions by dumping it off on an underemployed private citizen and passed the costs on to the community.
And the only thing standing between this metaphorically capitalist jerk and doing it again and again are the laws of the land carried out by our deicated public servants, paid for by our taxes. Like always.
53. xyz
And how Republican of YOU to attempt to excuse what you are all but calling acts of political intimidation and speech suppression.
Typical…free speech for thee but not for me.
On, and it would be “demagoguing.” When you stick to the words you know, you look fooloish less often. Or try using a dictionary.
ALthough I like the idea of a demogauge. We can use it to measure how democratic a person is. You aren’t.
Hmm, I see that some of the casualties of the conservative war on education are commenting in this thread.
@54…nice attempt at spin, but TEH UBER FAIL.
first of all, go out and try to find a sense of humor – you will live longer – or at the very least get your ass beat fewer times.
HAHHAHAHHA @ “underemployed citizen”…ya, and that is BY CHOICE.
pull your head out, socialist boy.
leave it to the limp wristed socialists to try and spin this into some political nonsense…LMFAO. get a life.
@ daddylove
so we have here and now you saying whatever Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh want to say is acceptable even if you dont agree with it because demagoguery is democratic.
on that thought, i wonder how many death threats glenn beck and rush limbaugh get. Goldy should count himself as lucky that no one is trying to harm him physically or his daughter.
point being im not saying anyone shouldnt say anything but david is a demagogue not as bad as rush or glenn but is one nonetheless. So basically if you are going out there and saying your views fine but you should always be prepared for the consequences