The biggest blockbuster movie of the summer won’t be M-i-III or United 93 or even the Da Vinci Code. Sure, they may draw a little more audience, but the biggest film this summer, in terms of impact, is going to be a documentary based on a lecture by a former politician with a reputation for being dry and stiff.
Of course, I’m talking about Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth.
The movie’s trailer (which I strongly urge you to watch) bills itself as “By far, the most terrifying film you will ever see.” And I don’t believe that is a typical, Hollywood overstatement.
The film is based on Gore’s touring presentation on global warming, which I had the privilege to attend a few weeks back in Seattle. Frankly, I was stunned, not so much by the scientific research — I already knew most of that — but by the way Gore so compellingly connected the dots to drive home the full impact of our impending global climate crisis.
An Inconvenient Truth has the potential to change minds and move people to action, and thus deserves all the hype it can get. It opens May 24 in select markets, and Friday June 2 in Seattle. The film’s website asks you to pledge to see the movie on the opening weekend, and I’d like to try to organize a group here in Seattle.
The film will be playing at The Guild 45th and the AMC Pacific Place. (I’ll post show times as soon as I have them.) Please let me know in the comment thread, or via email, if you’re interested in joining me.
Richard Cohen describes the film:
Boring Al Gore has made a movie. It is on the most boring of all subjects — global warming. It is more than 80 minutes long and the first two or three go by slowly enough so that you can notice that Gore has gained weight and that his speech still seems oddly out of sync. But a moment later, I promise, you will be captivated, and then riveted, and then scared out of your wits. Our Earth is going to hell in a hand basket.
You will see the Arctic and Antarctic ice caps melting. You will see Greenland oozing into the sea. You will see the atmosphere polluted with greenhouse gases that block heat from escaping. You will see photos from space of what the ice caps looked like once and what they look like now and, in animation, you will see how high the oceans might rise. Shanghai and Calcutta swamped. Much of Florida, too. The water takes a hunk of New York. The fuss about what to do with Ground Zero will turn naught. It will be under water.
If Al Gore had a clue I would agree with you.
Yeah when Bush sees this he’ll just say it’s his kids’ problem. No matter how much evidence you show a right wing turd, he’ll still try to pad his pockets with money from Big Energy and screw the consequences. Frankly the planet deserves to die.
BigV @1,
Put your Gore hating aside for moment, open your mind, and go see the movie. Or at the very least, watch the trailer and read the stuff on the web site.
Goldy, frankly I think you’re an alarmist, and you’re overstating the consequences of global warming. Most of us will do just fine. In fact, extinction of the human species will materially improve conditions for bunnies and other furry creatures! :)
Would love to participate in your opening-weekend group, Goldy, but there are at least a few of us who will be spending the June 2 weekend communing with our fellow politicos in lovely Yakima.
Hm, that’s strange. I thought the Green “political suicide” Party was trying to tell us Gore was an anti-environment corporate sellout in 2000. Just goes to show how clueless and worthless the Greens are.
Thanks for the tip, Goldy. I’m going to go see it.
N @5,
Damn. I forgot.
I’ll be seeing it on opening day when/if it comes to the Grand in Tacoma. As for the film changing any minds on the Republican side, well, I have to once again trot out Upton Sinclair’s saying, which is roughly: “It’s hard to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”
Goldy, looks like the trailer link is broken somehow.
The sun and the planets orbit around the earth.
The earth is flat.
The Catholic Church is the one true apostolic church.
The Divine Right of Kings is a mandate from heaven.
The fossil record was placed by god during the 6 days of the Creation.
A rising tide raises all boats.
The 16th Amendment to our Constitution is “unconstitutional”.
The Jews stabbed Germany in the back, leading to defeat in WWI.
The Holocaust never happened.
The domino theory.
Deficits don’t matter.
We will be met “with flowers” in Iraq.
Tax reductions will actually increase government revenue.
Global warning is a myth.
Anybody see a pattern here?
oops. should be “warming”.
I got the message a long time ago. I’ll catch it on DVD.
Drive less (it’s getting expensive). Consume products made closer to home. Consume less because almost all consumption these days amounts in the end to burning hydrocarbons.
If your electric utility has a green consumption option, take advantage of it. It won’t cost you much more per month.
The whole energy basis of the economy has to shift away from burning hydrocarbons within a generation or two if our kids are going to have a prayer of having anywhere near the life we had.
I thought Al Gore was too busy (he’s real serial about it) chasing ManBearPig.
So, now the knucklehead wants to be Michael Moore? How many millions of gallons of fuel does that private jet of his consume each year?
I’m interested in going. I don’t know exactly when the earth is going to implode, but unlike some things, it might not be the kind of thing we can afford to get wrong and fix later, as most politicians like to do.
Al Gore is an idiot.
Rememver the “50 cent a gallon [more] Federal gas tax”?? Think Al Gore should bring it up now??? [hehe]
Remember the “50 cent a gallon [more] Federal gas tax”?? Think Al Gore should bring it up now??? [hehe]
Here’s a sort of point of interest…since my initial reaction to yesterday’s Finkbeiner story was “Toby WHO”, I did a little quick online research. Turns out Nixon hasn’t exactly drunk every last drop of right-wing Kool-Aid…he’s active in an organization of “green Republicans” whose Web site contains one of the most concise and lucid summaries of the entire global warming issue I’ve even seen. Everyone who can’t space the hour and a half to see gore’s flick ought to at least go read it:
Now, if the freepers want to make complete fools out of themselves by badmouthing their own guy, go ahead–knock yourselves out.
Maybe the Chicomms will listen to Al Gore and stop using fossil fuels!!! [hehe]
And Everyone: Please listen to the new Neil Young record!
The most balls-out patriotic record I’ve ever heard! Every verse righteous and heartfelt.
What an inspiration!
“Global cooling is caused by global warming.” [Al Gore]
22, Isn’t Neil Young a Canadian??
During a September 26 press conference at the Department of Energy, Bush stated:
[W]e can all pitch in by using — by being better conservers of energy. I mean, people just need to recognize that the storms have caused disruption, and that if they’re able to maybe not drive when they — on a trip that’s not essential, that would be helpful.
A September 27 New York Times article reported that the president’s remarks “were particularly notable because the administration has long emphasized new production over conservation.” To illustrate this point, the Times highlighted a comment made by Vice President Dick Cheney during a 2001 speech: “Conservation may be a sign of personal virtue, but it cannot be the basis of a sound energy policy.”
On the September 26 edition of ABC’s World News Tonight, ABC chief White House correspondent stated, “Until the hurricane struck, conservation had always seemed to be something of an afterthought for this administration.” Moran then aired a clip of himself asking former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer a question about energy conservation during a May 7, 2001, press briefing:
MORAN: Does the president believe we need to correct our lifestyles to address the energy problem?
FLEISCHER: That’s a big no. The president believes that’s an American way of life.
Reinforcing this apparent disregard for energy conservation is the Bush administration’s record on fuel economy standards and hybrid technologies. The San Francisco Chronicle reported in October 2004 that the administration has “successfully opposed attempts by Democrats to increase federal fuel-efficiency standards for new cars; and supported only a small increase in the average fuel economy standard for light trucks.” More recently, the White House supported several major measures that it claimed would improve conservation. But critics have suggested that the bills and proposals in question do little to curb fuel consumption:
Bush supported and signed into law the energy bill Congress passed in 2005, which he claimed represented an “unprecedented commitment to energy conservation and efficiency.” The legislation provided $14.5 billion in tax breaks intended to revive the nuclear industry, encourage development of coal plants, increase oil exploration and expand refining capacity. But interest groups and Democratic lawmakers criticized the measure for failing to improve fuel efficiency standards. While the bill did provide tax credits to automotive manufacturers that produce hybrid vehicles, it also capped the number of vehicles eligible for the credits.
Although Bush’s record on fuel consumption clearly contrasts with his recent request that U.S. consumers “be better conservers of energy,” the following television programs, radio shows, and newspapers all highlighted his appeal while failing to mention his administration’s prior record on this issue:
The Washington Post [9/27/05]
Los Angeles Times [9/27/05]
USA Today [9/27/05]
Chicago Tribune [9/27/05]
CBS Evening News [9/26/05]
NBC Nightly News [9/26/05]
“Bush doesn’t care”
Who the fuck is talking about Bush? Not me, I was talking about Al Gore. Why the fuck does every conversation have to be about Bush and Clinton?
And people wonder why prices for energy are high………..
Dem energy policy [ex Kerry and Kennedy’s private jets, 110 ft Chris Crafts, mansions, water craft, and SUVs]
– tax as many parties as possible
– don’t drill anywhere, but it’s OK for the Chicomms and Cubans to drill 75 miles from Key West, FL because they are sweet and socialist. – blame Bush
– don’t pursue nuclear power. Only the French should because they are socialist.
– Always blame Bush
– don’t allow new hydro
– blame oil companies. Tax them even more. Add 50 more in taxes per gallon.
– tear down old hydro
– blame Republicans
– don’t allow wind mills if they spoil a Kennedy view
– blame people that drive to work alone. Democrat welfare hacks who need to power their 42 inch Sony plasma HDTVs are OK.
– don’t use coal
– blame businesses that use energy to produce products or generate jobs
– don’t give incentives to anyone, anywhere to find and develop hydrocarbons
– blame capitalists and sharholders of any energy companies for being “greedy”.
And people wonder why prices for energy are high………..
Dem energy policy [ex Kerry and Kennedy’s private jets, 110 ft Chris Crafts, mansions, water craft, and SUVs]
– tax as many parties as possible
– don’t drill anywhere, but it’s OK for the Chicomms and Cubans to drill 75 miles from Key West, FL because they are sweet and socialist. – blame Bush
– don’t pursue nuclear power. Only the French should because they are socialist.
– Always blame Bush
– don’t allow new hydro
– blame oil companies. Tax them even more. Add 50 cents more in taxes per gallon, then blame Bush for higher pump prices!!!.
– tear down old hydro
– blame Republicans
– don’t allow wind mills if they spoil a Kennedy view
– blame people that drive to work alone. Democrat welfare hacks who need to power their 42 inch Sony plasma HDTVs are OK.
– don’t use coal
– blame businesses that use energy to produce products or generate jobs
– don’t give incentives to anyone, anywhere to find and develop hydrocarbons
– blame capitalists and sharholders of any energy companies for being “greedy”.
Meanwhile, Bush brings us an energy bill that includes eight billion dollars in welfare payments to the oil business, just as the nation’s oil companies report the highest profits in the entire history of the industry. Americans struggle to pay for gasoline, while the Bush administration refuses to increase fleet efficiency standards, stop the $100,000 tax break for buying Hummers, or maintain and build Amtrak. George Bush Jr. is arguably right that gas prices are spiking because we don’t have an energy policy. But instead of blaming Clinton, he should be pointing to the Reagan/Bush administration, and to his own abysmal failures over the past four years.
In case anyone is actually reading our irritating resident troll’s constant garbage about gasoline.
The usage of gas guzzlers today is not party specific. People drive what is available for their needs. Dennis Hastert looked very uncomfortable yesterday, since he’s a big man, getting in and out of that hydrogen car prototype. It isn’t any wonder that he climbed out and got into his Suburban after the photo op.
Republican presidents and Congresses have stripped CAFE standards since the Reagan administration. Had the policies of Jimmy Carter been adhered to, 40 MPG would be the national average today.
One party that isn’t being taxed is big oil. They don’t even pay royalities on the oil they pump from public lands.
Drilling in ANWR will produce 1.1 million bbls of oil a day for 7 years, then fall off to about 200,000 bbbls. In prime producing years that amounts to 1.3% of the world oil supply. At the pump, it will mean nothing. Alaska represents 35% of all potential oil reserves in the US.
A rather well know liberal (now), David Sirota, and the Governor of Montana (a democrat) are very high on coal gasification.
C02 is a leading cause of global warming, which is a reality. Coal technologies produce lots of C02. There is a promising method of pumping C02 back into the earth to trap it. It is promising, but not feasible at present.
Countries with the most hydro-electric capacity
* Canada, 341,312 GWh (66,954 MW installed)
* USA, 319,484 GWh (79,511 MW installed)
* Brazil, 285,603 GWh (57,517 MW installed)
* China, 204,300 GWh (65,000 MW installed)
* Russia, 173,500 GWh (44,700 MW installed)
* Norway, 121,824 GWh (27,528 MW installed)
* Japan, 84,500 GWh (27,229 MW installed)
* India, 82,237 GWh (22,083 MW installed)
* France, 77,500 GWh (25,335 MW installed)
Drilling in ANWR will produce 1.1 million bbls of oil a day for 7 years, then fall off to about 200,000 bbbls. In prime producing years that amounts to 1.3% of the world oil supply. At the pump, it will mean nothing.
Just look to Hanford when you think about the desireablility of nuclear power. They told Washingtonians it was perfectly safe in 1950, too.
The rest of the blather has no basis in fact, it is merely filler to make it hard to read the blog. Talks of attacks by other parties amid a plethora of attacks is too stupid for words and requires no rebuttal.
Apparently , Al Gore has not read the two page “studies” that assure us everything’s OK. Ask any FREEPER, they’ll have read not just the summarizing paragraph of their bogus “study”, but both double-spaced pages ( not including colourful bar-graph ).
Now that you’ve finally mentioned a fact , can you tell me where you found it?
JCH, you do realize you’re posting this screed in a thread where the subject is how our love affair with hydrocarbons is going to submerge a lot of Florida, right? So how does burning MORE coal or oil help that?
I especially like the part where you blame Democrats for being welfare hacks. Go look at a chart of statewide distribution of federal spending per capita sometime. Hint: “red” states do better than “blue” ones. Not that you’d admit this, since it would require you to do something other than spout your usual diatribes on Evil Nasty Liberal Democrats.
I do see why Goldy keeps you around though- comedy and instructional value. Don’t you feel embarrassed wearing those big floppy shoes, red nose and white pancake makeup in EVERY thread, though? Could you possibly, for once, post something that doesn’t read like something a Freeper would post after drinking a fifth of Ole Grandad? I’d actually like to see what an intelligent conservative thinks about the prospect of global warming. Pity there are so few of them posting here.
re 10: Relax… Have a smoke. It won’t hurt you.
I have scientific evidence!
re 24: Isn’t Arnold Scwarznegger an Austrian?
I have a large cucumber in my bum — and I love it!!!
Eddie, one of the big problems about nukes is that we design each nuclear power plant in the US as a one-off. It’s about as sensible as making every car on the road in the US be a custom model. France standardizes, which makes a big difference.
That being said, I am receptive to the idea that nuclear power represents a fair amount of carbon to get to the nuclear power plant. I just don’t buy the “ZOMG TEH NUKES WILL BLOW YOU UP” philosophy- not when I live within shouting distance of a volcano and in an earthquake zone that regularly cranks out tsunami-inducing earthquakes no large structure could survive without damage. I want empiricism, not the appeal to emotion that some Green groups try to use.
The problem is that the faith-and-oil-based Republicans aren’t particularly interested in empiricism- at least not right now. We’ll see how Jeb Bush’s family reacts when Florida starts having to do Holland-style civil engineering projects to keep it from becoming part of the Gulf of Mexico.
People – I filter JCH out. Just ignore him, don’t feed the trolls, etc. People did a good job for the most part ignoring klake. Where is he now?
Here’s why we have high gas prices.
We let a bunch of thieves who work in the oil business take over the White House. Remember folks, for six years, that’s right six years, the GOP has had the chance to do something about this. Where they been?
Hanford is an easy shorthand for reasoning beind the current ban on nuclear in the US.
The deceptiveness of GE, Westinghouse and the rest on the issues of building and running reactors has always been a problem. That standardization in France, does it have anything to do with a nationalization of nuclear plants?
There is also the matter of nuclear waste. The Yucca Flats dump site poses the spectacle of tractor trailer loads of nuclear waste criss-crossing the nation on the interstates. Even if the people of Nevada get that turkey imposed upon them, there will be many accidents waiting to happen.
Post #30 from Commentby Eddie Valiant aka Harry Tuttle aka Voter Advocate— 4/28/06@ 12:17 pm – is a real laugher!
That’s why I call Harry Tuttle aka Voter Advocate Mummified Brain! If his mummified brain was working he would have remembered this “partnership” that occurred in 1993.
Once again the truth prevails over mummified brain matter!!!
I ate the cucumber in the bum of JCH
I never thought sgmmac was a hater…but alas, I was wrong.
Pee-Dookie wouldn’t recognize “truth” if it was wrapped in spinach and stuffed down his pie-hole…
“You can’t handle the truth!”
…dumbass…and REALLY you are a dumb, dumb and dumber dumbass.
We oughta take your gray pudding, piddling, puddling brain apart to see just WHAT makes you so GOD DAMN stupid. Glad God loves ya’ man cause everybody else thinks you’re a stupid peice of shit.
Oil Companies
The Oil Companies gave record hi donations to G. Bush in 2000 and 2004. Does anybody really wonder why we now have reocrd high gas prices and record high oil company profits?
Notice that the article states that the CAFE standards were stymied in 1985, and that the Clinton administration wanted to go to 40MPG by 2000.
The Big Three said that was impossible, killing the prospect of Congressional approval. Clinton, taking the DLC “third way” (split the difference) went with the giveaway to big business and declared victory.
That’s why Democrats like me don’t like Clinton (or his wife.)
So, I’ll restate.
The fucking Republicans killed the CAFE standards, then hoodwinked a semi-Democrat president into another giveaway to big business. When they regained power, the Republicans didn’t do a damn thing to increase fuel efficiency standards.
That makes the Republicans even worse, and more diabolical than what I originlly said they were. It’s one thing to do nothing, even worse to do the wrong thing.
A fair amount of the nuclear waste at Hanford was generated as part of the Manhattan Project and buildup for the Cold War, before there was a lot of understanding of what to do with the stuff, and a tremendous hurry- stuff like waste in tanks where we forgot to account for hydrogen buildup and so on. (I have a relative working there as an industrial hygenist, so I get some insight into the science of the place.)
As far as storage- I prefer breeder technology + onsite monitored retrieval (or limited transport to monitored retrieval if necessary). Yeah, it’s only good for a couple hundred years. But we don’t KNOW what we’ll be doing in a couple hundred years… and I have more faith in saying
“OK, let’s look at the problem then and build a solution that works for a good while now” than thinking we can engineer storage for 10,000 years right now.
Rudejacks: The only thing you can post is from daily kurse or media morons mutterings. Enter the REAL blogosphere and provide proof of your intelligence mental midget man! Your puny arguments are so easy to dissect, hence your resort to ad hominem attacks. Go for rudejacks! Tell me how Gore kept the CAFE standards high rudejacks?
At least they will have an easy time reviewing my mental matter. With your nanometric brain, an electron microscope is the only tool to use!
I’m not disagreeing that it is possible to produce nuclear energy safely, the track record in the USA isn’t comforting.
Three Mile Island, Arroyo Seco, there has to be a big change in the way they are built and supervised.
Big bidness hasn’t done well at it.
Puddybud: how many days has it been since you were at Free Republic?
Nuclear power.
While I sometimes have to flee Party meetings when the uninformed greens tell us that anything nuclear = bad, I am also pretty sure the same global energy companies like GE and Bechtel are gonna have anyones interest but their own (and short term too) on their minds.
The Federal gov has made huge mistakes in siting of nuclear plants on the east coast. Savanna is one, and there are several others whose containment building cannot deal with a hurricane on the eastern seabord.
Nuclear power is possible and relativly safe, (statisticly safer than living in Orting WA or even Tacoma) the long term issue of nuclear waste should be dealt with before we go on a reactor building binge.
When the cost of energy becomes so high that we cannot pay it, lets hope that some substitute source is still affordable. It seems to me that a crash research program should pay off more if done now rather than down the road when the cost of such research, or our ability to pay for it, is too high to manage.
The short term thinkers on the far right will tell us that it’s easier to take it from those fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to live on top of it and not speak ‘merikin.
At the rate we are using it, as well as emerging industrial countries, that is short term thinking indeed.
Hey Dookie-
Did you get an “ad hominum” for Christmas? Bored with it yet?
What fucking “real blogosphere” are you talking about you moron.
Oh…and did I say you were really, REALLY stupid?
Stupid. I mean it.
Put your Gore hating aside for moment, open your mind, and go see the movie.
Right, Whenever I want to see real science I go see a movie. You Libs ain’t too smart are you?
REAL blogosphere…littlegreenbarfballs, (poopstained) pajamasmedia, wingnutdaily, and the good little boy mattie drudge.
The OXY-moron, and all the haters on KVI.
Dude…you REALLY need to get into the INTERNETS man…the REAL blobosphere.
Fuck…you’re stupid.
You know, Dookie…
…You know I hate to encourage a dumb fuck like you, but OK…I read the article.
“All carrot and no stick.”
OK fine…the policy didn’t work. At least SOMEBODY TRIED SOMETHING.
Better than this numbnuts fucking whore to the oil and gas industry we got now.
P.S.- I don’t know WHAT point you were trying to make with that cite. But if that’s the BEST you can do…some ambiguous criticism of some complicated scheme to work Auto-makers into an environmental plan when auto-makers were LAUGHING at environmental concerns…and Clinton-Gore had just gotten a REALLY embarassing smack-down by the bought and paid for members of Congress and the health care lobby…boy THAT helped all Americans didn’t it…if THAT REALLY is the best you can come up with out of your “REAL blogospere” to prove some kind of POINT…then…
…You are really stupid…stupider than even I thought.
And I think you’re REALLY stupid.
I think Al Gore is going to be in town for an advanced screening of this film next week.
You know, Dookie…
…You know I hate to encourage a dumb fuck like you, but OK…I read the article.
“All carrot and no stick.”
OK fine…the policy didn’t work. At least SOMEBODY TRIED SOMETHING.
Better than this numbnuts fucking whore to the oil and gas industry we got now.
P.S.- I don’t know WHAT point you were trying to make with that cite. But if that’s the BEST you can do…some ambiguous criticism of a complicated scheme to work Auto-makers into an environmental plan when auto-makers were LAUGHING at environmental concerns…and Clinton-Gore had just gotten a REALLY embarrassing smack-down by the bought and paid for members of Congress and the health care lobby…boy THAT helped all Americans didn’t it…if THAT REALLY is the best you can come up with out of your “REAL blogospere” to prove some kind of POINT…then…
…You really ARE stupid…stupider than even I thought.
And I think you’re REALLY stupid.
I’m glad that post went out twice.
It needed to.
Bush Tells Americans that It’s Good for Oil Companies to Rip You Off, Rejects Tax on Oil Company Windfall Profiteering
Shareholders of oil and energy stocks are greedy and must be taxes at 115%!!! hehe……Yes, you “guvment” hacks with pensions holding XON must pay back even more than you made!!! hehe
I think jch is klake on meth.
What do you guys think? Anybody ever seen ’em in the same room?
And Democrat dumbass liberals wonder why prices for energy are high………..
Dem energy policy [ex Hollywood Democrats, Kerry and Kennedy’s private jets, 110 ft Chris Crafts, mansions, water craft, and SUVs]
– tax as many producers as possible
– don’t drill anywhere, ingored the Russian drilling in Siberia, but it’s OK for the Chicomms and Cubans to drill 75 miles from Key West, FL because they are sweet and socialist. – blame Bush
– don’t pursue nuclear power. Jane Fonda’s movie taught all Democrats everything we need to know!! Only the French should because they are socialist.
– Always blame Bush
– don’t allow new hydro
– blame oil companies. Tax them even more. Add 50 cents more in taxes per gallon, then blame Bush for higher pump prices!!!.
– tear down old hydro
– blame Republicans. Oil Companies must not show any profits.
– don’t allow wind mills if they spoil a Kennedy view off Cape Cod.
– blame people that drive to work alone. Make them use bicks and/or walk. No horses because of horse poop. Democrat welfare hacks who need to power their 42 inch Sony plasma HDTVs in Detroit, Gary, Philly, and South Central LA are OK.
– don’t use coal. Coal kills.
– blame businesses that use energy to produce products or generate jobs. “Guvment” jobs: good, private sector jobs: bad, must tax them until they go away.
– don’t give incentives to anyone, anywhere to find and develop hydrocarbons. “All you need is love”!!
– blame capitalists and shareholders of any energy/oil companies for being “greedy”. Russian oil companies are OK. So are Chicomm energy companies. EXXON is a four letter word!!
klake’s grammer is awful…
jch is WORSE.
klake’s point’s are non-existant…
jch is incomprehensible and delusional.
klake is mildly dydpeptic…
jch is sociopathic and if he really exists…dangerous…certifiable, really.
And Democrat dumbass liberals wonder why prices for energy are high………..
Dem energy policy [ex Hollywood Democrats, Kerry and Kennedy’s private jets, 110 ft Chris Crafts, mansions, water craft, and SUVs]
– tax and litigate as many energy/oil/transportation/retailers/corner gas station owners [ producers] as possible
– don’t drill anywhere, ingore the Russian drilling in Siberia, but it’s OK for the Chicomms and Cubans to drill 75 miles from Key West, FL because they are sweet and socialist. – blame Bush
– don’t pursue nuclear power. Jane Fonda’s movie taught all Democrats everything they need to know!! Only the French should because they are socialist.
– Always blame Bush
– don’t allow new hydro
– blame oil companies. Tax them even more. Add 50 cents more in taxes per gallon, then blame Bush for higher pump prices!!!.
– tear down old hydro
– blame Republicans. Oil Companies must not show any profits. Profits are evil.
– don’t allow wind mills if they spoil a Kennedy view off Cape Cod.
– blame people that drive to work alone. Make them use bikes and/or walk. No horses because of horse poop. Democrat welfare hacks who need to power their 42 inch Sony plasma HDTVs in Detroit, Gary, Philly, and South Central LA are OK.
– don’t use coal. Coal kills.
– blame businesses that use energy to produce products or generate jobs. “Guvment” jobs: good, private sector jobs: bad, must tax them until they go away.
– don’t give incentives to anyone, anywhere to find and develop hydrocarbons. “All you need is love”!!
– blame capitalists and shareholders of any energy/oil companies for being “greedy”. Russian oil companies are OK. So are Chicomm energy companies. EXXON is a four letter word!!
Sorry that was dy-S-peptic.
“So, now the knucklehead wants to be Michael Moore? How many millions of gallons of fuel does that private jet of his consume each year?” Commentby sgmmac— 4/28/06@ 11:10 am
The correct answer is zero, because Gore doesn’t own a private jet. You’re the knucklehead, Mac.
“Rememver the “50 cent a gallon [more] Federal gas tax”?? Think Al Gore should bring it up now??? [hehe]” Commentby Hillary [JCH]Clinton— 4/28/06@ 11:20 am
Funny you should mention that, JCH! Because Gore was right. If the federal gas tax had been raised 50 cents, it would have dampened demand for fuel, encouraged more people to drive fuel-conserving vehicles, and the American public probably would be paying significantly less for fuel today. What we got, instead, was a proliferation of gas guzzlers, a surge of consumption, and a price explosion. Not to mention lower deficits, a more stable dollar, and less of our debt (and interest) going to China — which would have further dampened demand (and prices) by not giving the Chinese the means to bid up the price of oil (not to mention steel, lumber, and other commodities).
But … it’s politically impossible to ask Americans to pay more for gas in the short term, so they can pay less in the long run. American consumers are short-sighted and stupid.
Can’t put too fine a point on things, guys…they won’t get it.
I’m not sure I get it…
Republicans have had control of the House of Representatives since 1994. They’ve had control of the Senate all but two years since 1994. They’ ve had control of the White House since 20001.
How exactly are high fuel prices (or any other fucking thhing that goes wrong for that matter) the fault of the Democrats?
C’mon, ya pussies. It’a all on you. Own the fuck up to it.
Despite Algore’s impressive contributions to the field of network technology, he doesn’t know shit about anything else, including the environment.
He’s just another useful idiot…
Friday, April 28, 2006 – Page updated at 03:26 PM
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Rush Limbaugh arrested on prescription drug charges
The Associated Press
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Rush Limbaugh was arrested Friday on prescription drug charges, law enforcement officials said.
Limbaugh turned himself in to authorities on a warrant issued by the state attorney’s office, said agency spokeswoman Teri Barbera.
The conservative radio commentator came into the jail at about 4 p.m. with his attorney Roy Black and was released an hour later on $3,000 bail, Barbera said.
The warrant was for fraud to conceal information to obtain prescription, Barbera said.
Tell the whole story Pope…. prosecutors will drop charges in 18 months…
Great example of librul media bias. It was so bad even Pope fell for it. Press reports Limbaugh was arrested. Totally false. He turned himself in to make a settlement which was accepted. Charges dropped in 18 months. End of story.
But that’s not how librul media reported it. Screaming headlines about him being “arrested”. I’m sure you’re all breathless to see him do a perp walk. Sorry, did’t happen.
Story is over.
Damn Democrats. This fuel crisis is all because of them.
“…contrary to optimistic expectations, Iraq’s oil production has slipped further and further since the U.S.-led invasion, to an average of 2 million barrels a day. It has never regained even the reduced production levels that prevailed in the 1990s, when Iraq was under tough U.N. sanctions.”
Limbaugh? That drug addicted bloviator?
Now YOU’RE only telling half the story.
“Limbaugh turned himself in to authorities about 4 p.m. on a warrant for fraud to conceal information to obtain a prescription, the first charge in the nearly 3-year-old case, said Teri Barbera, a spokeswoman for the state attorney. He was released an hour later on $3,000 bail…Limbaugh entered a plea of not guilty in court Friday.”
So Mark, on the charge of fraud, he enetered a not guilty plea and has yet to go to triel.
“Limbaugh’s attorney, Roy Black, said his client and prosecutors reached a settlement on a charge of doctor shopping…Under the deal, Limbaugh would eventually see the charge dismissed in 18 months if he continues treatment for drug addiction, Black said.”
On the charge of doctor shopping they reached a settlement (probably what’s known as “deferred prosecution”) and eventually the charges will be dismissed.
Beginning of story.
Poor Rush…
As the right wing would say, “Must be a character flaw”..chortle chortle
Heh heh. Limbaugh and his high priced William Kennedy Smith lawyer get deferred prosecution.
You know, the kind of “soft on crime” settlement (pick and choose) conservatives like Mark the Redneck usual get OUTRAGED over!
But, when it’s Rush Limbaugh, MTR suddenly becomes a mitigating circumstances / soft on crime / moral relativist LIBRUL!
Now, how funny is that?!
So, doesn’t the doctrine of “personla responsibility” mean that you can’t plead not guilty?
Rather, doesn’t the doctrine of “personal responsibility” mean that you can’t take deferred prosecution when you’re guilty as sin? I mean, shouldn’t he do the hard time just to make the point?
-klake’s grammer is awful…-
When klake used the term “escape goat,” I knew we weren’t dealing with an intellectual heavyweight here….
Funny thing is, klake is always complaining about the state of public education…err, I mean, government schools.
The term “fraud to conceal information to obtain a prescription” is exactly the same charge as “doctor shopping”.
I think Rush Limbaugh got the same deal as most anyone else who is charged with this offense in Palm Beach County, Florida.
Maybe a tougher deal for Limbaugh, since he had to pay for the costs of the investigation. A middle class or lower class defendant would not have had to pay these costs, just the court costs, fines, and probation costs.
You’re the idiot (not to mention fraud, liar and welcher) Mark the Fuckhead.
Gawd…dson’t we all wish you were useful.
I read more elsewhere and I am wrong and you are right. I think that is sloppy writing on the AP’s part.
However, Rush is an addict, and he has to stay clean. Will he?
Oh no!!!! Hawaii will be under water soon if I don’t vote Democrat and raise taxes on the rich [anyone working in the private sector]!!! We need to raise taxes on gas by 2 to 3 dollars and listen to Al Gore!!!!! [Democrats: economic and social idiots]
Global warming is the single biggest threat to humanity in the 21st Century, yet it fails to hold the attention of this thread. Our culture seems to suffer from a bad case of journalstic ADD — we fixate on the latest “news” rather than taking a step back to assess what’s really important.
Lately I’ve been reading about efforts in Europe to respond to global warming. Some truly amazing work is being done at all levels of government and in the private sector as well. The U.S., in contrast, is developmentally disabled on this issue. Apparently climate change is going to have to hit us in the face before we start paying attention. Of course, by then it will be too late.
I give Gore lots of credit for trying to cultivate greater public awareness on global warming. This illustrates how he is a genuine stateman whose reputation will grow rather than diminish with the passage of history. Only a wingnut could say the same thing about Shrub.
Let’s play the blame game! We can start by blaming the chief executive, the self-described “Decider” : George W. Bush. You remember him, don’t you? He’s the guy with , “The Buck Starts Here Sign” on his desk.
Why is it there?
Because that’s what he decided and he’s the , “Decider”!
Al Gore is just as bad as Michael Moore in this pathetic environmental satire.
Global Warming is another environmental EXCUSE just like the spotted owl fallacy!
There is an endless supply of natural resources on this planet that God has provided to us. Unfortunately we have mental midgets, many of which proudly call themselves Green or Democrat who refuse to let us mine, drill and cut trees in order to supply the demands.
The cost of everything is going up because of deranged environmental terrorism and this film is just another terrorist recruiting tool.
UR, do you really believe that or are you a paid flack for the fossil fuel industry, e.g., is this Kevin Cairns in another guise?
“Deranged environmental terrorism”? Amazing. Do you really see the world in such white-and-black images?
re 88: Compared to you Al Gore is a Renaissance man and a genius and Michael Moore is an Omaha Steak to your strip of chemicalized Oberto “Turkey Jrkey”.
The faith-based climatologists on this board should keep a careful record of what they’ve said about global warming and the people warning us about it, to be passed down through their families over the generations.
If they’re right, then history will record that their out-of-their-ass predictions were correct, while the consensus view of actual climate scientists was not.
If they’re wrong, then their descendants will know who to curse for the hell they will have inherited.
I doubt anyone who reads this blog and is left leaning has the guts to read this and much less the brains to understand, but perhaps there are a few more scientific and intellectually honest amongst you. Certainly not Goldstein.
There’s been a wealth of documentation by MIT Climatologist Dr. Richard Lindzen that is far more rational and credible than anything advanced by the many scientists who use computer models with additive feedback to predict global warming. The key word there being “predict.” Everything in Gore’s movie is based on computer model predictions. As they say in Computer Science, Garbage In, Garbage Out.
But this has all been distilled down for you into a readable page that tells the truth about the temperature on Earth. At best there’s been a one degree celsius rise in temperature during the past century.
Anyway, read this article, and do the research yourself rather than be goaded by Gore’s Oliver Stone like propaganda film. Have the guts to find out for yourself.
deafen,invitation.ramrod Taylor:suppose stall mischief – Tons of interesdting stuff!!!