Note: You may remember the Republicans riffing on the “all we want is an Up or Down vote!” when Democrats were threatening filibusters over some of George W. Bush’s nominees. It’s time to let them hear those words again. Please take a few minutes to send your own message to Speaker Boehner here.
Dear Speaker Boehner,
Must I remind you that you are the Speaker of the HOUSE, not the Speaker of the Republican Party. As second in line for the presidency, I expect you to show careful stewardship of our nation.
You’ve failed. You’ve failed to uphold your oath of office. You, and the band of terrorists that control you, are now engaging in treasonous acts of sabotage against the U.S. (I remind you that you are not immune from prosecution for Treason under Article I, section 6 of the Constitution.)
I demand that you stop your collusion with the terrorists. Put a CLEAN continuing resolution up for a vote IMMEDIATELY.
All Americans want is an up or down vote on a clean resolution. Call it the “Constitutional option”, an up or down vote put before House members. This is what the Speaker of the House is obligated to do.
Up or down vote!
Do it!
He can’t, because it would pass, and that would end the GOP’s campaign to hold the government hostage for defunding of Obamacare.
Considering most of “ObamaCare” consists of rule changes that don’t need funding, and that insurance companies and healthcare providers are going to continue with regardless of that the government does, I’m having a hard time figuring out WTF the Republicans are doing.
The Economist, a U.K.-based conservative news and opinion magazine, pegs Ted Cruz (R-texass) — who bills himself as a teller-of-truth-to-power — as a panderer:
“Mr Cruz … does not speak unpopular truths; he panders. He assures nervous conservative voters that there is no need for changes they dislike or fear.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now, trolls, go ahead and label The Economist as “lamestream liberal media.” Go ahead — I dare you!
Having a clean vote would rob them of their chance to play doctor for TV today.
First of all, so the “free market” isn’t the solution to everything. Do tell, or as the President would say…”Go On.” So, there’s a role for government funding to play that private enterprises will never play? What, WHAT?
That’s an amazing bit of theatre too. There are 18 members of the House Republican Doctors Caucus. (yes, that’s apparently a thing.)
If the pressured their party for an up or down vote and voted to end the closure and restore the funding for research the vote would be 200D + 18 R doctors (218 yea) to 232R- 18R Doctors (214 nay). Continuing resolution passes.
So ‘splain to us why we should pressure the president to pass your favorite bit of wasteful government spending instead of pressuring your party to restore necessary Government spending across all sectors of the economy.
These guys are as coherent as GOATBOY.
Should we send them “Get well soon” cards or something? Would that make them feel better?
This is amazing read, a snapshot into the mind of the republican party
Inside the GOP:
Report on focus groups with Evangelical, Tea Party, and moderate Republicans
Understand that the base thinks they are losing politically and losing control of the country and their starting reaction is “worried,” “discouraged,” “scared,” and “concerned” about the direction of the country and a little powerless to change course. They think Obama has imposed his agenda, while Republicans in DC let him get away with it.
Now do we “negotiate” with people who don’t think at all like we do?
All of Washington state’s “moderate” House Republicans are supporting the government shutdown. There are 21 GOP reps who have indicated that they would vote for a “clean” continuing budget resolution that would fund the government without the tea bagger wish list. Reps Dave Reichert and Jaime Herrrera-Beutler are not among them.
@8. Let me reword this.
How do we negotiate when the things we need to compromise on, are the things republicans fear the most? Every compromise republicans make, means the things republicans value are slipping away and the things republicans fear the most are coming to pass.
That last part is fascinating. I never saw what I feel is the proper role of goverment through that lens. Progressives are not promoting voting rights and health care and the middle class and marriage equality and the dream act because it’s the right thing to do, it’s cynically only because it gets votes for the democratic party.
Boehner doesn’t view himself as working for the American people, or even his own constituents in Ohio. He takes his orders from a “higher power”: The Koch brothers, Wall Street and Grover Norquist.
@11 The basic liberal/progressive philosophy of government (and presumably that of our nation’s founders, or they wouldn’t have bothered go to the trouble of establishing a government) is that it directs the common wealth to serve the common good. We’ve seen a shift on the right from grudging acceptance of that to a hardline declaration that there is no such thing as a “common good” and that “common wealth” is tantamount to larceny. This represents an idealogical triumph of capitalism over democracy.
Darryl, I’ve be writing the Speaker all week.
I don’t see it doing any good with the exception that if any journalists/historians come by later they’ll see what the “American People” have been saying to this abysmal Speaker.
We are locked in the crazy by the CRAZY! caucus.
To lighten your spirits and to give you hope
Sen. Warren on the Shutdown and Why Government Matters
Now, ain’t you glad we suffered with McDreamy Brown in that seat so that we got her? :-)
I’m thinking that the best “compromise” for the GOP is a vote by acclimation, so that the votes don’t have to be recorded. That way the GOP reps can claim to the Tea Part pitchfork people that they voted against the bill, but actually vote in favor of it (and thereby in the national interest).
Obama should “compromise”? Are you f**king kidding me? Obama can “compromise” on the Affordable Care Act…if Republicans will “compromise” on expanded background checks for guns. Both parties get something they can’t get through the normal legislative process. Fair! Even! Right? Never gonna happen! Compromise to Republicans means ONLY they get something…you have to move toward them they will NEVER move toward you. The ENTIRE Affordable Care Act is ALREADY a compromise! That’s the Republican/Conservative alternative to Hillary Clinton’s “single payer” option proposed in the 90s. This was the Newt and Heritage Foundations proposal as an alternative! Obama has already implemented a Republican idea (what Romney put in place in Mass). How much MORE should he compromise without the Republicans giving up ANYTHING on their side?
How do you compromise on a binary issue? Either it’s funded now, or it’s not. It’s like trying to compromise on being pregnant.
The shutdown is no longer about OBAMACARE ’cause OBAMACARE is up and running and gaining popularity.
Washington Healthplanfinder Sees More than 180,000 Site Visits since OCT 1 Launch
Key numbers since the OCT 1 launch include:
–Unique Visitors: 43,629
–Total Site Visits: 184,810
–Page Views: 850,284
–Unique Page Views: 61,263
–Accounts Created: 28,374
–Call Center Volume: 20,363
–Call Center Wait Time Average: 14 minutes
A total number of applications completed will be available on Monday OCT 7. This figure will be available every Monday moving forward.
And then there is the pettiness of Obummer
180,000 Site Visits
Accounts Created: 28,374
Hmmm… 15.76% – Yeah weally weally pupolar!
BUTTCANDY @20 thinks the Washington Times is a credible source?
I guess he would at that.
Republicans are upset(?) that people are enforcing the shut down they voted for? Why do they expect workers are supposed to work for free? Why do they expect that they should get free stuff?
Republican don’t get to fund just the things they ideologically approve of, or the things that generate bad press for them. Democrats shouldn’t cooperate with blackmailers and extortionists. Send up a clean CR and follow the democratic process.
The Seinfeld shutdown
Quick: What do Republicans want in exchange for ending the government shutdown? If you know the answer, congratulations — because Republicans sure don’t.
So we’ve gone from defunding Obamacare . . . to delaying Obamacare . . . to delaying parts of Obamacare . . . to funding the government piecemeal without touching Obamacare at all. If Republicans have already conceded the defunding of Obamacare, what’s the point of keeping the government closed? Why on earth would the GOP pass “clean” bills to fund individual parts of the government but not the whole government?
It calls to mind the episode of “Seinfeld” where Jerry and George are coming up with an idea for a show to pitch to NBC — and decide it will be “a show about nothing.” That’s what this standoff has become — the Seinfeld Shutdown, a shutdown about nothing.
In a world where a pageview conversion to purchase 2% is considered gangbuster sales, yeah…once again you don’t know a thing about which you speak.
I think that’s the best comment on this mess that I’ve read so far.
@22 Puttybutt’s a moonie?
More credible than the sources used to create the Friday Night Comix!
So now checkmate compares the SIGNATURE “achievement” of Obummer’s sad presidency to a page view?
1) It depends on 18-29 year old people signing up in droves, otherwise ObummerMath fayles epically! Were those UW students saying no thanks I’ll take the penalty?
2) Supposed to cover everyone
It’s been touted since 2010 checkmate. The signup rate should be closer to 75%.
The STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPID is strong in this one.
checkmated AGAIN!
It’s always fun when Piddles shows up to defend his idiocy.
Did you notice the stupidity of your math? I’ll wait here.
(Jeoparday theme plays…dododododododo-doot-dodododo-do-do-bumbum)
44,000 UNIQUE visits (rounded for the thick)
Accounts created 28,000.
So what percentage of actual people who visited the site got an account? (ponder how many who already have insurance may have visited to see if they can get a better deal while the Jeopardy theme plays again…)
Roughly 64%.
Actual Results are a Merv Griffen production. Thanks for playing. For our departing moron Piddles we have absolutely nothing!