One thing to note about yesterday’s pro-health reform rally is that there were no violent confrontations between supporters and counter-protesters… which is really too bad, because with a few thousand of us and only a couple dozen of them, we could’ve really kicked us some teabagger ass.
Oh, it’s not that I advocate violence, it’s just that apparently that’s the only way we’re going to get any media attention, for on the same day that the Seattle Times totally ignores a massive—and peaceful—pro-reform rally in its own backyard, it sees fit to reprint an AP story on the finger-biting incident Los Angeles.
Large, peaceful, pro-reform rally in Seattle: not newsworthy. Isolated and bizarre finger-biting incident in LA: stop the presses! That’s the level of coverage of the health care debate we’re getting in Seattle.
Next time, perhaps I’ll show up at one of these events armed to the teeth and swinging a samurai sword; betcha that’s worthy of a headline.
Hope they include a photo.
That’s capitalism for you. Finger biting sells media advertising than Rational debate. Which do you think they will run, unless forced by something like the Fairness Doctrine?
We need government rules when the Free Market fails.
@2 “Finger biting sells MORE media advertising than Rational debate. ”
Typing too fast and the Edit button is missing.
When can we expect your new book out, Goldy?
The art of whining: How modern liberalism relates to the oral and anal stages of freudian childhood development.
Goldy, remember that the Samurai sword needs to be less than six feet long if you want to legally conceal it.
Or you could go around asking counter-demonstrators why they hate cupcakes, Goldy while you film their response with a camcorder. That was definately one of your more odd moments.
Did they empty out the Discovery Institute to round out the corners?
it’s just that apparently that’s the only way we’re going to get any media attention, for on the same day that the Seattle Times totally ignores a massive
You focus on the Times. Can you point to any local media outlet – television, SeattlePI, The Stranger, Seattle Weekly – that gave this coverage let alone prominent coverage?
Also, where did the 3000 figure come from? 3000 – assuming that’s a reasonable estimate – is not much in view of the region’s population. “Massive” is a highly debatable characterization, especially in view of the issue.
Ahem. The Seattle Weekly gave coverage. And chatting with the Seattle PD, the total was closer to 2,000. Which was right on par with the estimates given by event organizers I interviewed prior.
The Seattle Who gave coverage?
Posted within a blog at 1:25 pm today, soon to be pushed far down the list. Very few will ever see this. In particular, it didn’t merit your “Top Stories” list.
One of the reasons I’ve never used the Seattle Times as a primary news source is because there’s no news in it.
Thanks for the laugh, Goldy. You couldn’t fight your way out of a wet paper bag. I’d bet in a real confrontation, you’d piss your pants and shriek like a little schoolgirl. LOL
@4 A rather ironic comment considering how much childish behavior is coming from the right these days.
@6 “more odd”? What’s wrong with “odder”? Geez, Ward, you’re supposed to be a professional journalist and you butcher the English language like that?
@13 I sure wouldn’t want you in my foxhole in a “real confrontation.”
re 13: I was there and I attempted to talk to some of the ‘baggers. None of them had any facts to dispense, beyond the fear that a dead Kevorkian might become the health czar.
An older ‘bagger stated that he would punch me in the face if cops weren’t there. When I chuckled and said that I was twice as big as he was, he ran off to a cop saying that I had threatened him by saying That I was bigger than he was.
What a jerk.
re 13: We all know your type. All talk.
I think you will get a substantially higher IQ out of a pile of rocks, than some of these tea-bag idiots.
I can only assume then that you’ve tuned in to his radio program…err, when he had his radio program on KIRO.
What would Roger Rabbit know about a “foxhole”? The most combat action you’ve seen was probably divorce court proceedings.
Dumb Fuck @20
RR is a Viet Nam vet.
Yeah, what #21 said.
@21 & 22:
That would certainly explain Roger’s batshit crazy behavior on these threads. e.g. claiming to be moral yet advocating “pissing on the grave” of journalist Robert Novac on this hate site the day after his death.
Class act that Roger.
Can’t any of you wingnut freaks* spell my name correctly?
* Sorry, but I had to convert to liberalism in order to get past St. Peter, that bastard.
You are a fucking piece of shit.
Compare and contrast test:
The signs above in Goldstains post with their hand made signs. That’s genuine outrage against a government take over of the health care system.
Now, compare these signs by the pro government take over of the health care system. Carried by gullible and fairly confused folks that are handed a manufactured sign to compliment their manufactured outrage.
A picture really is worth a thousand words.
re 23: Why do you hate our soldiers? Are you a surrender monkey?
I can read people pretty well and Marine or no Marine, that yelling Marine was definitely quaking in his boots when he was complaining that he was being challenged before showing up to yell into the mike again.,
I’ll be the first one to admit that I feel fear in the presence of danger, but I’ve been trained to take that adrenalin and turn it into some sort of approprite response.
re 26: The handmade signs are a response to the critcism of the original’baggers that their signs were all preprinted.
Everything you guys do is an attempt to perfect your propaganda technique.
Your fatal weakness is that you are full of shit — and you know it.
You wanna fight Roger Rabbit? Let’s go. I’ll fuckin’ bury your sorry ass you communist son of a bitch. Bring Goldy along with you too. I’ll paint the town red with your blood. You just name the time and place. I’m so sick of you fucking assholes. If you want a war you’ve got it.
29 Right Wing Mobster
Oh, My, another 8th grader using his mama’s computer.
Time for your nap,Junior. When you grow up we’ll talk about why you can’t be a real man.
Right Wing Mobster,
“You wanna fight Roger Rabbit?”
I wonder what Micki and Matt would think of your childish threats?
BTW: I know Roger Rabbit, and I know who you are. Roger Rabbit would kick your fucking pansy ass from here to Spokane!!!
Any chance I can get in on this one? Bashing these bastards over the internet isn’t quite as satisfying as looking at the little fucks in the eyes.
Proud Leftist,
Naaa…I cannot do that. But maybe our boy mobster would accept your personal invitation. Believe me, it would not be very satisfying pummeling this uber-dork.
Think: former 90 lb weakling.
In the long run, what’s the point? We bash them intellectually, and presumably we could bash many of them physically, yet the odds of any of them learning a lesson are not good. So, we must bash them solely for the simple pleasure of bashing them. On the other hand, if Mobster wants to know where to find me, feel free to tell him.
@34 Nice circle jerk you and Darryl got going on.. And just about the closest any of y’all will ever get to physically confronting anyone – right, left, or anything else.
I-Burn @ 35,
“ And just about the closest any of y’all will ever get to physically confronting anyone – right, left, or anything else.”
Let’s hope so!
“we?” That’s a bit presumptious. The bussed in SEIU goons might have done some ass kicking like they did in St. Louis.
You, I can see, are more of a girlish biter.
Forget bringing weapons. Some of those dudes have concealed carry licenses and are packing. If you have a sword, they can legally shoot you at a range of 20 feet. If you use a (sign)stick as a weapon, even against a third party, they can shoot you.
After that finger business, things changed…use your voices, and be cool. The legal niceties are moot if you get dead.