The government shutdown was not only a disaster for Republicans, it was also a costly disaster for all Americans.
For example, we paid federal employees during the shutdown, but they were prohibited from working. (So…the next time you hear a Wingnut complain about how inefficient the government is, be sure to point out that the government isn’t the problem…Republicans are!)
How much damage did Republicans do to the U.S. economy by shutting down the government for 16 days? Try $24 Billion.
To put that $24 Billion in proper perspective, consider this: the direct damage from the September 11th terrorist attacks is estimated as follows:
The four civilian aircraft that were lost: $385 million.
Replacement costs of the World Trade Center buildings: $3 to $4.5 billion.
Damage to the Pentagon building: up to $1 billion.
Cleanup costs: $1.3 billion.
Property and infrastructure damage: $10 billion to $13 billion.
With some adjustment for inflation, the costs to our economy from the Republican terrorist attack on the U.S. government is, essentially, same as the direct costs of the al Qaeda terrorist attack on our country.
Now I understand more fully what’s meant by “all enemies, foreign and domestic” in the oath of office taken by congresscritters and other federal officials.
Because the Republicans believe certain current policies might cause future problems, they were willing to cause an economic train wreck now.
Republicans are the Taliban dressed up as Mother Teressa.
Gov. Christie in a gubernatorial debate said that he would support his kids in any way and tell them to follow thier dreams…..but, if they wanted to get married to the same sex he would tell them that he doesnt agree with them nor support them. What a class act this guy is. Telling your kids, presumably after the age of being an adult, that daddy thinks he can still treat you like a kid.
Given the nature of the Norquist “Taxpayer Protection Pledge”,
this oath:
The highlighted text there is already being violated as soon as those legislators open their mouths. How is signing an agreement before taking that oath to refuse any upward adjustment in tax revenues not a “mental reservation” in the context of that oath? Their first loyalty is to the Norquist pledge, not the Constitution.
Seems to me, these TeaFascists do indeed have mental reservations, and are not faithfully discharging the duties of their office. It is illegal for them to pick and choose which portion of their constituency they will be serving once they take that oath.
Bear in mind, that any sitting Legislator that refused to sign that pledge was openly threatened with primary opposition unless they did. And that the Primary opposition would be someone who did sign that pledge, and that individuals’ campaign would be extremely well financed and operated by a few Texas or New York Billionaires.
How is that not Sedition?
The rich made out just fine. The stock market’s aggregate value increased by $524 billion on Thursday and Friday, according to Barron’s magazine.
Just a slight problem with that DUMMOCRETIN logic. Obummer has the power of executive order. He chose to not act.
And… Harry Reid decided to NOT bring to the floor any funding resolutions like the one to pay for the funerals of our heroes.
Good try DUMMOCRETINS. Good try.
Sux to ignore the truth!
5, 6 — Yep, I’m looking forward to seeing Piddles defend the execrable Tea Party Republicans. Fun! fun! fun!
Person Playing Puddybud @ 5,
“Just a slight problem with that DUMMOCRETIN logic. Obummer has the power of executive order. He chose to not act.”
Really? So your character believes that Obama could have used an executive order to keep the government open? That an almost adorable innocence you give to your character!
“And… Harry Reid decided to NOT bring to the floor any funding resolutions like the one to pay for the funerals of our heroes.”
That doesn’t seem particularly relevant. Allowing piecewise funding is nothing short of capitulating to the demands of the terrorists.
Huh. I remember when you wingnutburgers used to espouse the notion of never negotiating with terrorists. How times have changed!
@5. Puddybud-ish
To Da Perfessa who has lost he reading skillz… You wrote earlier
Obummer could have decided which federal employees to stay employed. Instead he ORDERED the Park Service to close open air venues all over the United States. Now why did Obummer do that and not have other needed services staffed Da Perfessa.
Very relevant. The whole kerfluffle over Ken Fisher and Fisher House covering those 5 American heroes funeral expenses who died in Obummer’s war. Too bad relevance isn’t your strong suit lately!
Terraists? Thank you for proving Puddy’s point two weeks ago about DUMMOCRETIN name calling. Y’all don’t get your way so it’s ad hominem attacks and name calling.
Call waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaa whaaaaaaaaaaaaamblamps.
Thanks moron!
Now here are domestic enemies in Massachusetts. This young woman saves her friend from potential problems of drinking and driving and libtard DUMMOCRETINS terrorize her and her college chances
DUMMOCRETIN Terrorism at it’s best.
More domestic enemies… Holding the Bay Area hostage… Union Terrorists… BART strike putting all those cars on the road in the Bay Area. Another side effect of ObummerCare
Seems the village idiot is back.
So we’re treated to a couple of breathless stories from Fox and the Examiner…YAWN…about a local school issue that is somehow politicized in the puddibigot’s ‘mind’, and some typical union-bashing by a union-member’s husband (I understand that Mrs. puddibigot is in the SEIU, yes?)
Yes, folks, that seems to be all he’s got. That and some child-like fantasies as to how the Federal government works.
Where was GOATBOY was during the RETHUG SHUTDOWN?
Maybe GOATBOY will explain?
On second thought, never mind, I don’t care.
Yup, noticeably absent. I wouldn’t think he’d be ashamed of all that, though. He has made some weak-tea attempts at parroting Sean Hannity, deflecting culpability.
Who knows, who cares?
Likely thing is, the Motel-6 he was staying in in Fargo didn’t have WiFi, and the motherfucker was too stupid to go to Starbuck’s.
Nothing like getting up at 4 in the morning to get off a few hate filled rants. Kind of a pre-church warm up.
Once again everyone views the ad hominem hatred of SCHMUCKO-MORON! SSDD. BTW Mrs Puddy not SEIU. THat was HA’s unemployed moron. Butt he left after getting his arschloch smacked day after day after day. Puddy knows he’s still capturing all Puddy’s comments and will come back in 2014 and give his latest crazed databaze scorecard.
Same shit… different day.
Ta da SCHMUCKO-MORON. It still…… Sux to be you!
You don’t understand the meaning of ‘ad hominem’, do you?
Once again, the English language kicks the puddibigot’s ass.
I think his whacky cult has its get-togethers on Saturday.
And, he may have found a Drury Inn in Fargo with Wifi – so he might be a couple of hours later than us.
@18 “Same shit… different day.”
I’m under the impression you volunteer to make a fool of yourself on this blog. Surely, as a longtime HA troll, you know what HA’s ad hoc posting rules are. In case you lost your copy, I’m reposting them:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here, except JCH.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of America-hating rightwing trolls.
5. No mercy for wingnuts!
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender, and there will be trials.
7. klake is a nazi.
Any questions?
ekimgoatlover… It was Harry Reid’s shutdown. Harry Reid kept the senate from passing any bill. Hence Ken Fisher had to step up to allow 5 dead soldiers families under Obummer’s war to get their deserved death benefits.
DUMMOCRETINS only care about themselves; no one else. How does anyone explain forcing Americans into Obummercare when everyone else has a pass?
There goes SCHMUCKO-MORON with his definitions again. Unfortunately SCHMUCKO-MORON’s latest EPIC FAYLURE was with /snark.
You don’t understand the meaning of ‘/snark’, do you?
No Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit… Puddy leaves that to you. Your exemplary record perform that task has no equals.
@11, 12, 13, 18, 22, 23, and 24. Puddybud-ish
Derp derpity-derp derp. Derp.
I understand ‘snark’ perfectly well…it was you who misused the term ‘/snark’
As with your relentless revisionism, it is impossible for you to either tell the truth or admit error (which usually involves telling the truth.)
As with right wing Teahaddists EVERY DAMN TIME, it again comes down to, “Stupid, or lying?”
I think even FoxNoise has given up calling it “Obama’s Shutdown” – it’s so manifestly weasely, such an obvious rout of the Teahaddists, it’s too much even for them.
But not for the puddibigot.
While watching the dumbfuck Coburn on MtP this morning, he made an interesting slip…
He said, “Obamacare, I mean the Affordable Care Act…”
“Obamacare” is no longer a pejorative, and that means we’re winning. Gotta watch the language closely.
Person Playing Puddybud @ 10:
“Obummer could have decided which federal employees to stay employed. Instead he ORDERED the Park Service to close open air venues all over the United States.”
Ahhh…so now your character goes from amusingly stupid to inane babble. The the Park Service closing is has no real relevance to the topic of this post, which is the Republican terrorists causing $24 Billion dollars of damage to the U.S. economy.
“Now why did Obummer do that and not have other needed services staffed Da Perfessa.”
Because that’s what happens when the government is not funded. It would seem even a 4 year old would not have to grapple much with that question!
“The whole kerfluffle over Ken Fisher and Fisher House covering those 5 American heroes funeral expenses who died in Obummer’s war. Too bad relevance isn’t your strong suit lately!”
What the fuck? Now your character isn’t even saying anything relevant to his/her previous comment.
If you are going to play in the non-open threads, please don’t descend into babble.
Pud- you never answered my question from a thread. Which party ran candidates who promised to shut down the government? That is the party which owns the mess which occurred.
Washington Post, September 28, 2013:
puddibigot is an imbecile
@32 Not really. He knows better. He’s a craven liar.