The biggest threat to the planet is Republicans. The next biggest threat is global warming. The third biggest thread is nuclear weapons. The fourth biggest threat is the sales tax.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Al Gore is a great man. Dubya is a mental midget.
Roger Rabbitspews:
correctnot rightspews:
It is still unbelievable that the Nobel prize winner Al gore lost an election to GWB – a man who can’t speak and reads nothing. Of course Gore actually had more votes – but it should never have been close.
I blame:
the supreme court
the media (trying to be “fair” they found that a half way decent performance by Bush was “above expectations” in any debate.
Ralph Nader: who claimed there was no difference between Bush and Gore and that Nader was a better environmetalist than Gore.
Beware of extremist democrats who tell you Hillary is just like bush (she is not my preference – but I sure as hell wil vote for her over ANY republican).
bush lies about:
compassionate conservatism (no such thing ever occured during his preidency)
Uniter not divider
the pathetic Bush record
Beware of republicans hwo suddenly sound moderate after the republican primary – they are NOT moderate.
Remember: all of the republican candidates (except Paul who is wacko and supports no government actions) support the unjustifiable war.
@ #4
And I am sure you support those in Olympia protesting the “RETURN OF EQUIPMENT” from IRAQ.
The Normal American see’s only THAT. They don’t get any message other than, Why are the protesters protesting those coming HOME from the war, with their equipment?
So who side are you on? The anti-war croud or the current Olympia Protester’s perfect message of “I’m on Osama Bin Laden’s side
Sorry, dude, but a clear majority of Americans believe that
a) The Olympia protestors are a little screwy
b) George W Bush is a failed president who has committed impeachable offenses
c) Anyone who is still on the internet trying to defend the Iraq War is dumber than a box of nails
Man you libs are delusional. I got news for you, GW Bush won the 2000 election. Get over it. Oh, and global warming is a hoax.
#7 Lee:
If a “clear majority” believe Bush has committed “impeachable offenses” what are the spineless Dems waiting for?
55% of Americans believe Bush has committed an impeachable offense (but less than 50% actually believe he should be impeached now).
8 Right. And Santa Claus really comes down the chimney, the check’s in the mail, your zits will go away when you’re 21, and God promises not to come in your mouth.
Check Out the Brain on Rab!spews:
#2, as in shit: Al Gore, who dropped out or flunked out of law school and God school, was beaten by moron Bush at Gore’s own stupid game. Kind of nails down Gore’s place in the basement of the hierarchy and in the turd end of the pecking order, doesn’t it?
correctnot rightspews:
@5 wow:
Pathetic is the only name for your vile writing.
bottom line: Iraq is an illegal war started by lies.
which lie do you believe?
1. WMDs
2. Saddam was a threat to us
3. Nuclear mushroom cloud
4. Democracy in the Middle East
Oh, by the way – it was bush that let OBL get away in bora bora. Iraq was much too damn important than actually catching bin Laden.
we are less secure today and our military is stretched too thin to respond to other problems because of Iraq.
so – mthanks for weakening our country and ruining our relationship with our allies and the world.
If you really loved this country, you would be protesting this absurd war and trying to bring home our troops. We have already caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, wasted millions on corrupt contractors who got nothing done and most of the talented people have fled the country.
The biggest threat to the planet is Republicans. The next biggest threat is global warming. The third biggest thread is nuclear weapons. The fourth biggest threat is the sales tax.
Al Gore is a great man. Dubya is a mental midget.
It is still unbelievable that the Nobel prize winner Al gore lost an election to GWB – a man who can’t speak and reads nothing. Of course Gore actually had more votes – but it should never have been close.
I blame:
the supreme court
the media (trying to be “fair” they found that a half way decent performance by Bush was “above expectations” in any debate.
Ralph Nader: who claimed there was no difference between Bush and Gore and that Nader was a better environmetalist than Gore.
Beware of extremist democrats who tell you Hillary is just like bush (she is not my preference – but I sure as hell wil vote for her over ANY republican).
bush lies about:
compassionate conservatism (no such thing ever occured during his preidency)
Uniter not divider
the pathetic Bush record
Beware of republicans hwo suddenly sound moderate after the republican primary – they are NOT moderate.
Remember: all of the republican candidates (except Paul who is wacko and supports no government actions) support the unjustifiable war.
@ #4
And I am sure you support those in Olympia protesting the “RETURN OF EQUIPMENT” from IRAQ.
The Normal American see’s only THAT. They don’t get any message other than, Why are the protesters protesting those coming HOME from the war, with their equipment?
So who side are you on? The anti-war croud or the current Olympia Protester’s perfect message of “I’m on Osama Bin Laden’s side
oops Paragraph # 3 sb “crowd” not croud.
Sorry, dude, but a clear majority of Americans believe that
a) The Olympia protestors are a little screwy
b) George W Bush is a failed president who has committed impeachable offenses
c) Anyone who is still on the internet trying to defend the Iraq War is dumber than a box of nails
Man you libs are delusional. I got news for you, GW Bush won the 2000 election. Get over it. Oh, and global warming is a hoax.
#7 Lee:
If a “clear majority” believe Bush has committed “impeachable offenses” what are the spineless Dems waiting for?
If a “clear majority” believe Bush has committed “impeachable offenses” what are the spineless Dems waiting for?
No idea. But I’d also say that a clear majority of Americans do believe the Democrats are spineless as well.
#10 Lee:
You are fucking delusional.
About what?
55% of Americans believe Bush has committed an impeachable offense (but less than 50% actually believe he should be impeached now).
8 Right. And Santa Claus really comes down the chimney, the check’s in the mail, your zits will go away when you’re 21, and God promises not to come in your mouth.
#2, as in shit: Al Gore, who dropped out or flunked out of law school and God school, was beaten by moron Bush at Gore’s own stupid game. Kind of nails down Gore’s place in the basement of the hierarchy and in the turd end of the pecking order, doesn’t it?
@5 wow:
Pathetic is the only name for your vile writing.
bottom line: Iraq is an illegal war started by lies.
which lie do you believe?
1. WMDs
2. Saddam was a threat to us
3. Nuclear mushroom cloud
4. Democracy in the Middle East
Oh, by the way – it was bush that let OBL get away in bora bora. Iraq was much too damn important than actually catching bin Laden.
we are less secure today and our military is stretched too thin to respond to other problems because of Iraq.
so – mthanks for weakening our country and ruining our relationship with our allies and the world.
If you really loved this country, you would be protesting this absurd war and trying to bring home our troops. We have already caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, wasted millions on corrupt contractors who got nothing done and most of the talented people have fled the country.
heckuva job Bushies!