With so many relatives living in the NYC area, there’s a very good chance that Puddy has a gay relative very close in the family, maybe even trans. Otherwise, a relative that is tapping their feet under the church bathroom stall.
Or possibly even a looter in the family, based on his own thinking.
gman @ 1 is the relative his family won’t admit exists.
Roger Rabbitspews:
With things go to hell in the polls, Trump replaced his campaign manager today. What Republicans really need to do, though, is replace their candidate.
Oh, and this: “On a call, three people familiar said, Trump shouted at Parscale and berated him about the poll numbers. At one point on the call, Trump threatened to sue him.” Trump’s bad polls are, of course, Parscale’s fault; Trump himself has nothing to do with it.
The motorist is in the wrong for not obeying the officer’s order to exit the vehicle. For that he can be arrested and charged with obstruction. That obstruction charge would of course hinge entirely the the legality of the search of the vehicle, which was the purpose for which he was ordered from the vehicle. The search is illegal. So the obstruction charge would be invalid.
But none of that explains the use of violence on the part of this officer. What does explain it?
The officer’s demeanor, obvious hostility and complete lack of professionalism. In other words, he’s a completely bog standard violent cop. Got get rid of ’em or none of us are safe.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Was I wrong to trust Puddy then?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“The Trump administration has ordered hospitals to send data on coronavirus patients to the Department of Health and Human Services in Washington rather than to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.”
Next: Banning family notifications and funerals, and invoking the Defense Production Act to draft slaughterhouses to grind up the bodies.
@ 3
Trump’s bad polls are, of course, Parscale’s fault; Trump himself has nothing to do with it.
Now do Robby Mook and Hillary Clinton’s election results.
I have never heard of Givebutter.
There’s a fund to raise donations for Dawit Kelete’s legal defense.
When you scroll through the list of donors, a lot of the names would fit a category of US residents about whose members Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has described with a slur when he posts on HA.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Cancel Cops & Make China Great Again Bombshell News – Biden-Einstein History Channel- Biden-Einstein (D-China) Campaign Lies About Biden-Einstein Travel Ban History.
[Biden-Einstein Fake History]
Now the Biden campaign wants you to believe they supported travel bans all along. Deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield told CNN on April 3 that Biden “supports travel bans that are guided by medical experts, advocated by public health officials and backed by a full strategy,” adding, “Science supported this ban, therefore he did too.”
[Biden-Einstein Real History]
On Jan. 27, Biden wrote an oped in USA Today anticipating the upcoming travel ban and blasted President Trump’s calls in 2014 for travel restrictions during the Ebola outbreak as “reactionary”.
Biden wrote, “I remember how Trump sought to stoke fear and stigma during the 2014 Ebola epidemic. He called President Barack Obama a ‘dope’ and ‘incompetent’ and railed against the evidence-based response our administration put in place — which quelled the crisis and saved hundreds of thousands of lives — in favor of reactionary travel bans that would only have made things worse.”
On Feb. 1, after Trump shut down travel from China, Biden said in Iowa, “We have, right now, a crisis with the coronavirus… This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia — hysterical xenophobia — and fearmongering to lead the way instead of science… Diseases have no borders, they have no borders.”
On March 12, when Trump issued more travel restrictions on Europe Biden said in a speech, “Banning all travel from Europe or any other part of the world may slow it but as we’ve seen will not stop it. And travel restrictions based on favoritism and politics, rather than risk, will be counterproductive.”
The same day, Biden tweeted, “A wall will not stop the coronavirus. Banning all travel from Europe — or any other part of the world — will not stop it…” https://theminnesotasun.com/2020/07/15/commentary-biden-sides-with-china-world-health-organization-again-as-trump-begins-process-of-leaving-the-who/
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Cancel Cops & Make Crime Great Again Bombshell News – Biden-Einstein (D-China) Police Support Grows After Biden-Einstein Endorses Defunding.
The National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) endorsed President Donald Trump for president on Wednesday, abandoning their previous support of former Vice President Joe Biden.
“Our endorsement recognizes your steadfast and very public support for our men and woman on the front lines, especially during this time of unfair and inaccurate opprobrium being directed at our members by so many,” the letter from NAPO President Michael McHale read.
NAPO has endorsed President Trump in his reelection campaign. Here is our endorsement letter which was issued following today’s meeting. pic.twitter.com/mf6ZUTf10l
— NAPO (@NAPOpolice) July 15, 2020
NAPO previously endorsed the Obama-Biden presidential ticket in both 2008 and 2012 and did not endorse a candidate in 2016.
The organization represents more than 1,000 police associations and 241,000 sworn officers. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/07/15/national-association-of-police-organizations-ditches-joe-biden-endorses-trump-for-president/
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 They’re having a sad because their license to murder black people is being taken away, and their guns and badges may be next to go.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 ” … a category of US residents about whose members Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has described with a slur …”
That’s true only if you define 19 dead Saudi pilot trainees as “U.S. residents.” But fidelity to fact isn’t exactly a strong suite of dumbfucks.
” … when he posts posted on HA 12 years ago.”
ftfy, again for factual accuracy. Obviously, you need an editor.
Now that WalMart is requiring face masks for all customers a lot of Trumper’s gonna starve.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 It’s amazing how many white, anti-government, rightwingers think obeying the police is optional, and how few of them get shot by police for resisting. LaVoy Finnicum had to really work at it.
@ 14
LaVoy Finnicum had to really work at it.
Mike Brown made it pretty clear he was done livin’, too.
“Everybody loves the half shit sandwich and urine soup. What the fuck you mean you can’t sell the whole shit sandwich. I threw in a free side of virus. AND a large room temperature raw egg shake. A moron could sell that, Brad. You must be a moron. Leave the White Hood and the Kerosene cross on my desk. You’re not even qualified to call yourself Alt-Right. You’re fired.”
Donald, according to my sources talking to Brad Parscale, Bastille Day+1, 2020.
Fresh off of no doubt murdering @ 11 some black people, here’s a white cop clearing the obstructed airway of a baby born to immigrants. Right in front of the dashcam.
Sterling Heights Police Officer Cameron Maciejewski responded to the home last Thursday to find the distraught family holding the 3-week-old baby, who was not breathing, police said.
In dashcam footage released by police, Maciejewski can be seen taking the baby in his arms and performing back thrusts in attempts to clear the child’s airway.
The tot then coughed up whatever had been obstructing her breathing — and began to cry, police said. The object was not immediately identified.
“She’s got a pulse and she’s breathing, okay,” Maciejewski could be heard saying to crying relatives.
Fortunately, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit continues to bask in the afterglow of the murdered Bothell LEO, so this won’t ruin his evening.
Well NO Shit?spews:
So occasionally LE does the kind of thing they are supposed to do.
That you find that heroic or extraordinary says something.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will be oh-so-proud to learn that the murderer of the Bothell LEO has a Facebook profile photo showing him holding a gun, with the black fist icon and “BLACK LIVES MATTER” inscribed along the bottom of the photo.
Doctor Dumbfuck never uses racist slurs to describe black Americans. He merely celebrates their needless deaths.
138,000 Americans dead
224,000 American dead anticipated by November 1st
Tens of millions of Americans unemployed
Russian bounties on our troops
When you fuck up, Doctor, you really fuck up.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Gosh! An objectively kind thing. I’m not even sure he’s required to do it.
Important question: How many black teen murders does that earn a guy? Does he get the full credit even if the kid ends up suffering some long term deficits from the O2 deprivation? Is it worth more if she grows up and “looks hot” and has “some wide ones”?
Puddybud, The One and Onlyspews:
With so many relatives living in the NYC area, there’s a very good chance that Puddy has a gay relative very close in the family, maybe even trans. Otherwise, a relative that is tapping their feet under the church bathroom stall.
NOPE! all hetero. Good try WTF! Were you dropped on your head at birth?
We are from Philly. Fly Eagles Fly!
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
gman @ 1 is the relative his family won’t admit exists.
Wow godwinha, that was a “low blow”!
Puddybud, The One AND Only Demonstrating BeerPong Really Is A Moronspews:
BeerPong farted
When trying to prove knowledge, try not to go with a place so referenced in popular culture that one could know a lot about it withoutactually ever having been there.
Smooth move ex-lax. Brother been in StuyTown since 1974. Apparently you have no idea where it is because you claim it’s in Brooklyn. StuyTown is not in Brooklyn.
Wrong again Mike Rogers. Here let Puddy help you. Look up StuyTown! I could care less where Shawn Carter is from. He ain’t from StuyTown! He and his wife like Obummer. He shot his older brother over jewelry and he wasn’t even a teenager yet.
While you are looking at the map you may find the Bagel Boss! Puddy’s brother lives less than 2 blocks away. Butt then again you thought it was Bed-Stuy. You really are ignorant of NYC! You are like dot bombed. Ignorant of so many real life things.
Puddybud, The One AND Only Demonstrating BeerPong Really Is A Moronspews:
BeerPong farted
When trying to prove knowledge, try not to go with a place so referenced in popular culture that one could know a lot about it withoutactually ever having been there.
Smooth move ex-lax. Brother been in StuyTown since 1974. Apparently you have no idea where it is because you claim it’s in Brooklyn. StuyTown is not in Brooklyn. I tried four times to link it in. Apparently https://wwwstuytown.com is a blocked link for whatever reason. Inserted upon editing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 Isn’t it refreshing to read that some cops still save lives instead of taking them?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’m perusing the Voters Pamphlet that came in the mail today. Looks like we have several Republican parties in Washington now: The Republican Party, the Trump Republican Party, the Fifth Republican Party, and the Pre2016 Republican Party. Will each of these parties have a nominee, or will they run a joint nominee? Just curious.
Roger Rabbitspews:
There’s no Libertarian Party candidate for governor, so we’ll have to find a suitable candidate for Doctor Dumbfuck. He’s obviously not a Democrat, but I have just the candidate for him, right up his alley, i.e. someone he has a lot in common with, whose Voters Pamphlet blurb is reproduced below:
“Leon Aaron Lawson”
“Prefers Trump Republican Party”
“Elected Experience”
“I grew up in Shelton, WA. I created a family business in 2011. I have never been in politics. If your indented outcome for this election is complete restructure from the ground up; I am the obvious choice. I have dcalt with the negligent Bureaucracy, Tortious interference, the lack of training and oversight of this state for many years.”
“Other Professional Experience”
“Shelton High School Class of 1994; POL”
“Community Service”
“Despite years of being treated like a criminal, by the criminals; I continue to rise above and remain an asset to my community. I work to provide services to families and citizens of Washington.”
“I was treated like a criminal growing up because I chose Marijuana over prescribed pharmaceuticals. But now the state picks and chooses who is allowed to sell and grow marijuana with its unconstitutional Lottery. decriminalize it and stop the states theft. I am a small business owner who was targeted and attacked by the corrupt negligent powers of the current administration. In 2017, they ran me out of business, slandered me to customers and made false reports about me cooking meth. I asked, even begged them for help, but they just deepened their attack. but I am from Shelton a street fighter and because of our current Presidcnt and and the transparency, I was able to request and receive FOIA. I found out exactly what they were doing with overwhelming evidence. I taught myself law and represented myself ProSe. I took the state to the courts and won Thurston county superior court case 19-2-01200-34. I promise to fight and remove the corrupt levers of power that control our state; and I know where the Fraud and waste is going. So, I re-opened my store and started this grassroots campaign to take our state back. I trust the people of Washington to think for themselves and trust themselves, so I know you ahve my back. I have people who know me in every city in this state. We will change the levers of power together and turn the tide on the ones that tried to make us criminals. WWG1WGA, so I can’t lose. We will change it from the tippy top.”
I looked up “WWG1WGA” and found this: “WWG1WGA stands for Where We Go One, We Go All. That’s an adage or motto associated with a string of interconnected conspiracy theorists known collectively as Q, or QAnon.”
Not as low as one of your relatives getting on their knees in the bathroom stall, after a foot tap dance.
NOPE! all hetero.
As in Aaron Shock hetero or Lindsey Graham hetero.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
It would be just a bit more “refreshing” if the act of human decency were not accompanied by the expectation of being granted an unlimited license to sport-murder.
I’m not even sure “refreshing” is the term for this.
Puddybud, The One and Onlyspews:
Not as low as one of your relatives getting on their knees in the bathroom stall, after a foot tap dance.
You have some strange fantasies WTF. Like the one where you were offering Steve to give Puddy a blow job when Puddy demonstrated the website actually displayed the data as Puddy showed earlier in the thread!
Carry on wtf. You are what you named yourself!
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Oh noes! Looks like MSDNC’s Joyless Reid is getting the court smackdown on another of her “I was hacked” twatter deliveries.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
HotAir (◔_◔)
First stop for up to the minute news on Moon Face.
Puddybud, The One and Only, Showing Everyone How Really Stupid Dot Bombed Isspews:
Is the court case correct dot bombed? Since you have issues with the truth from Hotair, here it is from MSN, sister of MSDNC.
Life really sux when TRUTH BOMBS are a flying from everywhere at your libtard ASS!
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Anybody know what a trigger warning for a trigger warning is called?
Asking for science.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Ooooooh noessss… Time to trigger the dot bombed litard again… Oh noes, Chicago Mayor Lightfoot calling for more gun control when they already have gun control in Cook County.
On August 30, 2015, Breitbart News reported a University of Chicago Crime Lab study showing criminals in the Cook County jail largely spoke of having acquired guns in undetectable ways on the street.
Another ramification of criminals’ means of acquiring guns is that Lightfoot’s n0-fly, no-buy suggestion is moot. Such a law would have no impact on Chicago gun violence because it presupposes criminals are buying their guns from a retail store instead the street.
Libtard dummocretin mayors always talk a good story butt produce nuthin!~<blockquote
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Golly it seems almost all of you dummocretin libtards descended from BARBARIC DEVILS!Well, let’s not be so harsh. Maybe y’all are just nasty bloodsuckers!
Christopher Columbus and those like him were not different then [sic] Hitler. The crimes they committed were unnecessarily cruel and can only be described as acts of the devil. Africans had been to the Americas long before Columbus or any Europeans. The difference is that Africans had the decency and respect for human life to learn from the Native Americans and trade technology with them. The pyramids of the Aztecs and the great stone heads of the Olmecs are lasting monuments to the friendship of these two peoples.
Breitbart brings it!
Nikole Hannah-Jones, of the NY Slimes said so. It’s in the NY Slimes so to a dummocretin that’s ‘libtard gospel’.
Who knew?
You have some strange fantasies WTF. Like the one where you were offering Steve to give Puddy a blow job when Puddy demonstrated the website actually displayed the data as Puddy showed earlier in the thread!
What? What?
How are your goats doing?
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
How are your goats doing?
Don’t own any. You? Benny Hill humor maybe?
You forgot when Steve mistakenly misunderstood the website data and then blogged a dummocretin website that had it way wrong too? You forgot your offer to the wronged party?
Memory issues? Ask the crazed databaze purveyor. He’ll give you “justice”.
Puddybud, Best Thing To Happen to AssesHorse Libtardsspews:
Dubbed the “Elon Musk of the developing world”, the Saudi-born venture capitalist gave the man a puzzled look, and as the victim emerged from the lift, which opened into his apartment, he was either shot or zapped with a stun gun during a struggle, causing him to fall to the floor it is reported.
The killer then went to work cutting up Mr Saleh’s body with an electric saw and sorting the remains into plastic bags.
All of which reminds me. The Kitchen is a fun 2019 release. Melissa McCarthy, Tiffany Haddish, Elisabeth Moss.
@ 41
Anybody know what a trigger warning for a trigger warning is called?
Tenure track in the social sciences.
Examples of Republicans bringing it.
140,000 dead Americans
224,000 dead Americans anticipated by November 1st
1.3 million new unemployment claims filed last week
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
With about 100 days left before the voting, the US is now entering into the “character/personality defining” phase of a presidential election. This is the period, preceding the debates and the defining of “the issues”, where the personalities of the presumed nominees are put on display, refined, and framed in the minds of most voters.
The nominating conventions have always played a big roll in this process. As the years have gone by, the conventions have gradually become less and less about party, constituency, and issues, and more and more of a personality parade for the running mates, their families, and their personal stories. And even for incumbent presidents it has served as a way to redefine the candidate in terms of their record (or not). But while this year’s conventions may be lighter than usual on pageantry and energy, as television events they still have the capacity to help define the image of the candidates in that way.
So there’s still time, still opportunity, and still some room left for the campaigns to try and define their candidate and their opponent. But it’s really only a few weeks. After that the narrative shifts toward pitting those two personalities against each other in terms of whatever “issues” are defined.
What’s become most fascinating to me, and something I honestly did not expect, is that at this point Trump2020 and the Rapepublican party have been almost entirely ineffective at framing their opponent’s personality/character in negative terms. What they are working with is at best only mildly negative. Meanwhile Biden’s personality/character is increasingly being perceived in either neutral terms or generally positive, such as “mild”, “sensible”, “moderate”, “boring”, “plain”, “safe”.
These are not always positive or successful impressions depending on the ultimate issues debate and the contrasts. So-called “safe” personality alternatives have been both successful and not successful. Johnson, despite the reality, was perceived as the “safe” personality in comparison to Goldwater. On the other hand, Bush 41 was also the “safe” personality. So the mood of the voters, the issues, and the campaigns still define the outcomes.
With Biden’s personality framing shaping up to be the “safer” and more “mild” choice, it will become imperative for Trump2020 to present a palette of “issues” that demand a more extreme and harsh personality. I don’t think Trump2020 has any hope or interest in redefining their candidate. So they are already focusing on “issues” that “require” a personality like his. Trump obviously squandered that opportunity with COVID-19 response. “Burning cities” looks to be his next effort. It could work too. It would be immensely helpful if police would refrain from sport-murdering unarmed citizens for the next 100 days or so.
But they won’t.
Since May 2020 declared party affiliation has shifted dramatically.
What was a 3% Democratic edge 47-44 is now 11% 50-39.
What could have happened in so short a time for so many Americans to abandon the GOP?
That’s a 50% jump in the S&P 500 index since The Chardonnay Lady’s attempt to bring it failed so spectacularly, Steve.
Another example of Republicans bringing it:
Highest individual marginal tax rate, 2016: 39.6%
Highest individual marginal tax rate, 2020: 37.0%
The Washington Scalpers was proposed, but the tribal leaders could not be convinced that the name referred to DC politicians and Super Bowl ticket prices.
Look on the bright side: if the schools don’t open or have reduced levels of attendance, we taxpayers won’t be on the hook for the free breakfast and lunch program for the kids living in Section 8 housing whose single moms are meth whores.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Only 23,276 to go and Putin’s two stooges, Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron, can finally claim that the performance of the DJIA under those two treasonous Klowns has finally matched what it did under the usurping black Muslim from Kenya.
Highest individual marginal tax rate, 2020: 37.0%
Is that what you’re going to campaign on? Better get on it. You’re running out of time.
■ Non-White patients admitted with confirmed COVID-19 infection were more likely to present with increased disease severity on admission chest radiographs, as measured by mRALE score (adjusted average difference=1.6, p<0.01).
■ Higher mRALE scores were associated with increased likelihood of adverse composite clinical outcomes for White/Non-Hispanic (Adjusted HR=1.3, p<0.001) and Non-White patients (Adjusted HR=1.2, p<0.001).
■ Increased radiographic severity among Non-White patients was associated with delayed presentation, low English proficiency, and obesity.
43% of the study enrollees had limited English proficiency. This is probably primarily a white vs. Latinx comparison.
Interestingly, death rate in this study was 23% for white patients, and only 9% for non-white patients. More white patients required supplemental oxygen. I’m wondering if there were a shit-ton of obese white patients to explain this, or if there just a bunch of slovenly POS white patients who couldn’t be bothered to log off of HA, get off their fat asses, and go to the hospital – I’m envisioning Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit here.
@35. Conservatives. For our enemies, we will use every law on the book. For our friends, nothing.
I wonder if The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 61 has ever heard of Lois Lerner.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
It was around 12:30 a.m. on May 25, according to a criminal complaint, when police approached Joseph because, Officer Shimul Saha said, he was “occupying more than one seat” on the near-empty No. 6 train.
Maybe our cities are burning. But it’s the cops and prosecutors lighting all the matches.
Thanks to the “load-em-up/deal-em-down” charging decisions of Vance’s office this homeless kid now faces a 7 year felony bit. Or his PD deals him to a misdemeanor plea. All to protect brutal cops from consequences for sport-wilding on low status victims.
The next time this transit cop loses his shit it might be you.
Fire the cops. Build more shelters.
@ 63
So, when white guys don’t do what the cops tell them, it doesn’t go well. I thought it was only black guys who experienced this. Isn’t that what the last seven weeks have been about?
Somehow I get the feeling that “occupying more than one seat” means the modern-day Woody Allen dude was planning to spend the night on the train. After all, he’s homeless and it’s 12:30 a.m. Cop tells him to move on, he doesn’t, and here we are.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
In re 63.
Think about it practically. Eight police. Two EMTs. Booking. Psych eval. A month of confinement in Rikers. A senior supervising prosecutor, and two assistant prosecutors, A public defender. A felony arraignment. Negotiations. Pleading down. A 60 day bit and some post confinement supervision by NYC board of corrections.
How does that cost compare to a night in a shelter bed?
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Isn’t that what the last seven weeks have been about?
Nope. Because you don’t give a fuck, you don’t get it. And because you don’t get it, you can’t understand why you’re so completely wrong, and why you are doing nothing but losing on this.
It’s a fundamentally brutal, indifferent, irrational and unjust system. We have deliberately designed it to be this way. Systemic flaws in that already brutal, indifferent, irrational system makes it fall more heavily on POC, trans, gay, lesbian, and poor people. Both features of our criminal justice system obviously delight you. But as this case amply demonstrates, they also cost you.
Boiling down sadistic police sport-wilding on low status citizens to “guys don’t do what the cops tell them, it doesn’t go well” will not save the taxpayers of NYC the six figures this arrest and prosecution will cost them without the federal civil rights violations. It removes one homeless person from the streets for maybe two months. For the same sum of money you could move two of him off the street forever.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Also, and not for nuthin’,
if the kid had been black, he’d have been dead.
It’s precisely because the kid is “modern-day Woody Allen dude” that he’s merely punched and pepper sprayed, and facing a felony.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The statue of the slave trader stood for 125 years. A BLM protest statue stood in its place for only 24 hours. I guess Britain isn’t there yet.
@56 Courting the single mother vote, I see. How’s that working for you so far? Maybe proposing life in prison for miscarriages, as they do in Central America, would turn things around with this demographic?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 “Republicans” are people who complain about taxes they don’t pay.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@60 Wishing aside, rumor has it I’m neither dead nor in a hospital.
@65, 66 Republicans bitch about taxes they don’t pay, bitch about deficits when insufficient taxes are collected to pay for all this, and also bitch about there not being more of this.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
MTA does not issue tickets for the subway.
And he had a mask until the unmasked cop punched it off his face.
I know next to nothing about the kid. Don’t really need to.
Because what I do know is that the taxpayers of NYC are about to invest something north of six figures in dealing him to a couple of cheap misdemeanor convictions, housing him for a couple of months, and launching him into an irreversible social decline that will cost the city vastly more before he dies of exposure in an alley in ten years. If nothing changes this kind of encounter with loutish, violent, thug cops will become his destiny. And each such encounter will be accompanied by a similar price tag.
The United States can do better than this.
Someone who is totally obsessed with ratings can’t be happy.
Mary Trump’s book has sold 950,000 copies on release week. That’s a record open for the 96 year old publisher Simon and Schuster.
Donald brags that he has the #1 selling business book of all time (at 1.1M copies sold this isn’t even close to being true) but another 150K copies bought up by consumers and interest groups just trying to stick a finger in his eye and Donald won’t even have the #1 selling book among his blood relations.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Take him seriously and literally. He will at least try to do what he says he will do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“An Arizona corrections officer … accidentally shot himself and another man, officials said. Raul Burruel, 30, … was not on duty when he fired the gun and was not acting in an official capacity …. The gun was not issued by the Sheriff’s Office …. Burruel has worked for the corrections department for seven years …. According to detectives, Burruel fired a handgun, and the bullet when through his hand and into the chest of the other man ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Dumbshits shouldn’t have guns or badges.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Cue a sudden reinterpretation of “State’s Rights” by Trolls4Trump.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Probable suicide-by-cop in Shoreline this AM. Unfortunately an innocent person and his dog were hurt, and another innocent person was attacked. I sure hope the victim and dog will be all right.
Portland cops tackle a bicyclist. Unclear if he was a protester or just a passerby caught in the crossfire, but he wasn’t doing anything in the video except riding his bike.
Yep, Steve’s blog is alive and well. Chew on this, doc.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If the feds are gonna occupy Portland, they should clean out the skinheads while they’re there.
141,000 > 15
Today’s new case number is a record high. The 11th time in July a record has been set.
Heckuva job Donnie! Almost too good.
Several Puget Sound school districts announced today that online school is happening in the fall. Some are splitting enrollment and will do two days of classroom. That’s going to work out great for working parents who have run out of benefits or who have been forced to go back to work out of the house. If the kids bring the virus home from school and Mom and Dad die the parents don’t have anything to worry about. Right?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@88 Will Trump send the 82nd Airborne Division to force the schools to open?
U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero seems to be out of patience as Donnie’s lawyers basically refilled the motion SCOTUS just ruled on for today’s deadline. Gave them until a week from Monday to amend.
CW that SCOTUS kicking it back down to the district court would buy them time past the election isn’t sitting well with the judge who recognizes a blatant attempt to run out the clock in today’s proceedings.
Puddybud, The One and Onlyspews:
Twatter was hacked. No! Really! And some nutjob dummocretins thought they could make a fast buck.
They knew whom to hack and how it would be received. Taking money from the patently stooooooooooooooooopid dummocretins. Great!
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Trump will reopen the work houses and put Ivanka in charge.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
We have deliberately designed it to be this way.
Malcolm X was right…
“The white liberal is the worst enemy to America, and the worst enemy to the black man. Let me explain what I mean by the white liberal. In America there is no such thing as Democrat or Republican anymore. In America you have liberals and conservatives. The only people living in the past who think in terms of I’m a Democrat or Republican, is the American Negro.[Insert Al NotSo Sharpton, Jesse HiJackson, Jim Fried Brains Clyburn, John Dumbo Lewis, Maxine Loudmouth Waters, etc.] He’s/[She’s] the one that runs around bragging about party affiliation. He’s the one that sticks to the Democrat or sticks to the Republican. But white people are divided into two groups, liberals and conservative. The Democrats who are conservative, vote with the Republicans who are conservative. The Democrats who are liberal vote with the Republicans that are liberal. The white liberal aren’t white people who are for independence, who are moral and ethical in their thinking. They are just a faction of white people that are jockeying for power. The same as the white conservative is a faction of white people that are jockeying for power. They are fighting each other for power and prestige, and the one that is the football in the game is the Negro, 20 million black people. A political football, a political pawn, an economic football, and economic pawn. A social football, a social pawn. The liberal elements of whites are those who have perfected the art of selling themselves to the Negro as a friend of the Negro. Getting sympathy of the Negro, getting the allegiance of the Negro, and getting the mind of the Negro. Then the Negro sides with the white liberal, and the white liberal use the Negro against the white conservative. So that anything that the Negro does is never for his own good, never for his own advancement, never for his own progress, he’s only a pawn in the hands of the white liberal. The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros, and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked, or deceived by the white liberal then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man. The only way that our problem will be solved is when the black man wakes up, clean himself up, stand on his own feet and stop begging the white man, and take immediate steps to do for ourselves the things that we have been waiting on the white man to do for us. Once we do for self then we will be able to solve our own problems’ “The white conservatives aren’t friends of the Negro either, but they at least don’t try to hide it. They are like wolves; they show their teeth in a snarl that keeps the Negro always aware of where he stands with them. But the white liberals are foxes, who also show their teeth to the Negro but pretend that they are smiling. The white liberals are more dangerous than the conservatives; they lure the Negro, and as the Negro runs from the growling wolf, he flees into the open jaws of the “smiling” fox. One is the wolf, the other is a fox. No matter what, they’ll both eat you.”
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Susan Collins sent her opponent Sara Gideon a nice note congratulating her on winning her primary and then concluded by, gulp, begging her to please, please, pretty please agree to hold sixteen debates.
One of my dogs makes that same smell when she hears fireworks.
Just who does Puddy think he is with such a blatantly long cut-and-paste?
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, but with an ability to get it up?
It’s looking like Jayson Blair has resurfaced as a writer for The Atlantic
When social justice activist and lawyer Derecka Purnell was just 12 years old, she and her sister watched a police officer shoot a young boy in a city recreation center because he had ignored the basketball sign-in sheet. This jarring, emotional, and deeply unsettling story was published July 6 at The Atlantic, in the section reserved for ideas, under the bold, attention-grabbing headline, “How I Became a Police Abolitionist.”
Purnell’s deeply personal story of shattered innocence and shattered bones at the end of a policeman’s gun was shared widely among top journalists and activists. “I started her article thinking abolition was impossible and ending thinking it must happen,” the president of a social justice think tank at Harvard wrote on Twitter, quoting his mother. “This is a beautifully written piece,” the Atlantic’s constitutional law editor agreed. “Derecka is the future,” an activist journalism executive declared.
Wonderful piece, I’d imagine. Except for the fact that there’s no unearthed tangible evidence that the shooting actually happened.
…can you detail the fact-checking process for this story?
IE which editor was tasked with confirming the details alleged in the story?
Can you provide the name of the officer responsible for the alleged shooting? Can you provide the name of the recreation center where this allegedly happened? Can you provide a police report of the incident? Can you provide the date of the shooting?
Who knows? Maybe the editor will respond, although he didn’t respond to the two emails sent already.
Malcolm X was right…
“Well if Trump ever becomes president one thing his presence in the White House will do, it will make black people in America have to face up the facts probably for the first time in many many years,” Malcolm X said.
“This in itself is good in that Trump is a man who’s not capable of hiding his racist tendencies,” he added. “And at the same time he’s not even capable of pretending to Negroes that he’s their friend.”
“So in one sense Trump’s coming in will awaken the Negro and will probably awaken the entire world more so than the world has been awakened since Hitler”
Substituted Trump for Goldwater.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Substituted Trump for Goldwater.
Stoooooooooooooopid Solution Steve reaching into the earth for the gates of hell again!
Sad so sad! Hanging around these assesHorse dummocretins has tarnished your rep dude!
@98 Do you really think Malcom X would speak better of Trump than he did of Goldwater??
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Puddy subscribes to Goodreads. The rest of the Malcolm X story is there. He was way ahead of his time identifying the white liberal. They are the cause of almost all of the inner city blacks ills! How he spotted
The liberal elements of whites are those who have perfected the art of selling themselves to the Negro as a friend of the Negro.
them back in the early 1960s is amazingly prescient to what is happening today. Then Van Jones’ comment May 29, 2020 was even more damning:
CNN’s Van Jones says that a “white liberal Hillary Clinton supporter” is a bigger threat to black people in America than a member of the Ku Klux Klan
It’s too bad Al and Jesse are the Pied Pipers of our doom!
Yes he would. Black unemployment was the lowest level ever under Trump. Black people had new opportunities. Even CNN’s head black man Van Jones admitted this! Black people felt good about themselves because many had a job. You listen to the race hustlers [even libtard loving big brother calls them that now] Al and Jesse make idiotic claims blacks were better under Obummer when economists admit blacks were doing much better under Trump’s economy before the pandemic.
@98 Try imagining what Malcom X would have to say about Doctor Dumbfuck, a racist white man who celebrates the deaths of black males.
Okay you got me there. godwinha has said some head scratching things over the years. Butt then again the senile idiot wabbit has too! Maybe they cancel each other out?
Richard IIIspews:
Why do you people always favor an authoritarian government?
Black unemployment is staggeringly high, much higher than under Obummer, and blacks are dying by the tens of thousands due to Trump’s abject failure in dealing with Covid-19.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Why do you people always favor an authoritarian government?
Because libtards would be the authors of the new draconian laws and free speech would die. Did you watch that Karen go nutzo when the lady held up a sign mourning the death of the black federal officer David Dorn in Oakland on one side and Police Lives Matter on the other side and this libtard dummocretin creature tried to hit her, kick her and then attempt to steal her sign? It was precious how dummocretin want to shut anyone up who disagrees with their pathetic positions!
Hence we have the cancel culture!
@103 Good to see we can talk civilly, my friend.
Puddybud, The One and Onlyspews:
Steve@107, We always have. It’s the other Karen morons here that need civility lessons!
Good night!
Puddybud, The One and Onlyspews:
Steve@107, We always have. It’s the other Karen morons here that need civility lessons!
Wow babbling butthole… Black people aren’t paying attention to you..
They voted for Hillary and Biden in droves in the primaries thwarting the challenge from Bernie. Black women elected Doug Jones in Alabama.
And today they loathe drumpf. They know a racist when they see one. Mary Trump and Michael Cohen confirm he used racial slurs like the n-word and many anti-semitic words. The freak is an abomination to any decent person.
They’ll turn out for Joe Biden. Any blacks who flirted with drumpf are now through with that. Black people and other people of color, native americans especially are suffering the most with COVID. What has drumpf done about that?
NOTHING.. Hydroxy?? Give me an f’in break.
Black people respect Malcolm but they know a dishonest cherry-picker like you when they see one.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Black unemployment is staggeringly high, much higher than under Obummer, and blacks are dying by the tens of thousands due to Trump’s abject failure in dealing with Covid-19.
Only now due to covid-19. Trump has made some mistakes butt I have put forth all the early Dr. Fauci comments and your dummocretin assesHorse friends forgot and still forget them. Remember BiteME! called Trump xenophobic for the China travel ban! You all forget that!
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Black unemployment is staggeringly high, much higher than under Obummer, and blacks are dying by the tens of thousands due to Trump’s abject failure in dealing with Covid-19.
Only now due to covid-19. Trump has made some mistakes butt I have put forth all the early Dr. Fauci covid no worse than the flu comments and your dummocretin assesHorse friends forgot and still forget them. Trump repeats Fauci comments and you guys went nutzo. Remember BiteME! called Trump xenophobic for the China travel ban! You all forget that! Pelosi called his move a distraction to the impeachment trial. You all forgot that!
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
@112 “I have put forth all the early Dr. Fauci covid no worse than the flu comments”
Science evolves as more information comes in. Trump doesn’t.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Just a reminder: We rabbits don’t mind if there’s a human population die-off. More room for us.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@103 “Maybe they cancel each other out?”
What a stupid butthole question. I crush him with one paw.
Puddybud, The One and Only, Delivering The Smackdown to the Buttspigotspews:
Puddy has a few things to say to you yellowishleakingbuttspigot even though Puddy is wasting the sentences on this “Karen”:
1) The more level headed blacks like Van Jones are still calling it right. Trump will get more of the black vote racial slurs aside. We have seen BiteME! in action calling anyone who doesn’t vote for him “ain’t black”.
2) BiteME! has a racist record in the public domain. Just like Hillary was a racist in Arkansas in her early years, your actions always overcome what one may say from their mouth. The four anti-busing letters he wrote to the racist James Eastland were offered by CNN. Calling Obummer clean and articulate is racist! That should tell you enough of what is happening. Racism is rampant in the dummocretin party and now we see Joe is a cancel cultist too.
3) BiteME! has gone full Bernie and AOC. When these positions are fully understood his support will wane. People will realize there is no pot of gold and there is no rainbow. All these “special programs” will cost something so exorbitant even the whackjob like you, an admitted couch sitter sucking off the guvmint tit all these years, will have to pay some taxes back. Sanders admitted it earlier this year.
4) You see yellowishleakingbuttspigot, I despise you here because you have not renounced inner city latino members killing blacks to get their gang stripes. You continue to support hate groups La Raza and Aztlan, and further support the La reconquista philosophy. When Jameil Shaw, Jr was killed by a illegal gang thug in LA you have not denounce the action, to this day. When MS-13 gang members killed those young teenage black girls on Long Island you did not renounce their deaths. When Trump said he would go after MS-13 members do you remember what you wrote when Puddy confronted you on it here on assesHorse? Go back to the crazed databaze because your mind is very faulty.
You claim Puddy’s repeated attempts for you to admit your wrongheaded support “tiresome”. You hate black people and it’s been apparent on this blog since 2005, 15 years and clock is still running. So no, no respect for your silly ASS yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
5) Now with the Goya “boycott” that has become a buycott, you can’t even answer do you support AOC on ber boycott or not. Last night Mrs Puddy and me laughed at fools like yourself when the buycott came on and shelves were empty of Goya products. You wait to see where the sentiment lies then you jump in. You never take a lead position here. You have always lived vicariously from the well worn couch while Mrs yellowishleakingbuttspigot slaves in her SEIU nursing job! This is why we on the right have no respect for you yellowishleakingbuttspigot or your demented positions!
6) As Puddy stated before, a Black Muslim man takes his manhood seriously. If he takes a wife, slides it in and makes her pregnant, he takes any job available to ensure the wife and children are fed, clothed and sheltered. The money the wife makes in her job is hers and if she decides to add it to the family finance pot good for her. That’s the only thing Puddy supports in their philosophy and Puddy has lived that for about 40 years. You yellowishleakingbuttspigot, instead, wasted all those months creating the crazed databaze as an unemployed moron living off her salary. You aren’t a real man and your postulations above are worthless to me, a proud black man who worked hard and has been blessed by God and His Son Jesus, listening to and being guided by the Holy Spirit; all activities you admittedly reject.
7) This is why Puddy left the dummocretin plantation. Puddy sees the race hustlers for what they are and libtard dummocretin for what they are.
The liberal elements of whites are those who have perfected the art of selling themselves to the Negro as a friend of the Negro.
To me assesHorse whites are not my friends, except for Steve and GBS! In a life or death situation each of you would sell Puddy out to save your sorry ASSes! I broke bread with GBS and have offered the same with Steve. I honestly feel these two would not sell Puddy out by their comments on this blog. Anyone can sit on their ASS and write vitriolic comments behind their computer. Puddy came to multiple Drunken Libtards so they know who I am! We saw that last week with that college geek working on his finance masters attacking the young college lady. Puddy does not look for guvmint handouts [where’s my guvmint cheese] like you yellowishleakingbuttspigot. One needs to leave a mark in life not erase other peoples marks like you do!
8) BiteME!’s support of Robert KKK 3 Sheets to the Wind Byrd and Strom Thurmond’s racist positions are very sickening to real black people. You are always known for the company you chose to keep, even when you were young because God gave every human the ability to choose. BiteME! chose those!
So to sum up what you wrote above: BIG YAAAWWWN!
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
What a stupid butthole question. I crush him with one paw.
Hardly senile one. Your A-Game from years past is now very close to D-. Back in the day you would have responded to dot bombed wrong headed comments on Ghislane Maxwell skating do to some silly statue of limitations voted on by Congress. Today you let it slide when anyone with law skills or one with law relatives would have immediately spotted that mistaken position. Your stock market A-Game has also gone bad regarding stock market trends and activities. That too is now around the D level.
So your paws are also getting very old and worn!
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Recently WTF asked about goats. While mowing the lawn yesterday that comment reminded Puddy of Donnageddon, the one Puddy called Donna Gelded. So Puddy wonders?
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
…racial slurs aside.
I’d gladly hold him to that, except for the fact that I have more than a couple of people of color in my fam about whom I care greatly. I would not hurt or disrespect them merely to mock this stupidity.
The dismal truth is that for probably most of his supporters Trump symbolizes permission to tell racist jokes around the roach coach. And that’s the reason why, not he, but they must be removed from civic life forever. They’ve had five decades to get over the loss of the Civil War, slavery and the symbolic pull they held in American culture.
It’s no mere coincidence that this election year has been accompanied by this so-called “cancel culture” moment. And certainly no amount of social shaming would ever address the pervasive cruelty and injustice deliberately built-in to our criminal justice system. But if being forced to watch and reckon with the casual sport-murder of George Floyd was enough to finally get people to come to terms with how much work is left to be done, at least he will have died for something.
Cancel them all. The argument was made decades ago and affirmed into law. While the vast majority of Americans alive today either grew up with expectations of equality and decency, or gradually acquired them over time, these people denied it all. And for all of that time most of the rest of us looked the other way, or made excuses and apologies (like Puddy here), or begged them to lower their voices, but otherwise did nothing. We had to be shown how deadly that silence was, by enabling the sickness that continued to grow in our midst. A sickness that came to be at the center of the Republican Party’s electoral strategy by the end of the last century. So that now that core strategy forces them into this corner overtly defending racism and racists.
Cancel Republicans.
Puddybud, The One and Onlyspews:
The cancel culture started way before George Floyd. Noah Chomsky was a big proponent of it. When they came for his head “oh Noes, it has gone too far!” Chuckle Chuckle!
A sickness that is still at the center of the dummocretin Party’s electoral strategy now.
FTFY! You still don’t get what Malcolm X was saying. You are too blinded by FACTS that you can’t see you are the issue!
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
With so many relatives living in the NYC area, there’s a very good chance that Puddy has a gay relative very close in the family, maybe even trans. Otherwise, a relative that is tapping their feet under the church bathroom stall.
Or possibly even a looter in the family, based on his own thinking.
gman @ 1 is the relative his family won’t admit exists.
With things go to hell in the polls, Trump replaced his campaign manager today. What Republicans really need to do, though, is replace their candidate.
Oh, and this: “On a call, three people familiar said, Trump shouted at Parscale and berated him about the poll numbers. At one point on the call, Trump threatened to sue him.” Trump’s bad polls are, of course, Parscale’s fault; Trump himself has nothing to do with it.
Shitty, violent, sport-murdering cops still at it.
The work goes on until this stops.
The motorist is in the wrong for not obeying the officer’s order to exit the vehicle. For that he can be arrested and charged with obstruction. That obstruction charge would of course hinge entirely the the legality of the search of the vehicle, which was the purpose for which he was ordered from the vehicle. The search is illegal. So the obstruction charge would be invalid.
But none of that explains the use of violence on the part of this officer. What does explain it?
The officer’s demeanor, obvious hostility and complete lack of professionalism. In other words, he’s a completely bog standard violent cop. Got get rid of ’em or none of us are safe.
Was I wrong to trust Puddy then?
“The Trump administration has ordered hospitals to send data on coronavirus patients to the Department of Health and Human Services in Washington rather than to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.”
Next: Banning family notifications and funerals, and invoking the Defense Production Act to draft slaughterhouses to grind up the bodies.
@ 3
Now do Robby Mook and Hillary Clinton’s election results.
I have never heard of Givebutter.
There’s a fund to raise donations for Dawit Kelete’s legal defense.
When you scroll through the list of donors, a lot of the names would fit a category of US residents about whose members Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has described with a slur when he posts on HA.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Cancel Cops & Make China Great Again Bombshell News – Biden-Einstein History Channel- Biden-Einstein (D-China) Campaign Lies About Biden-Einstein Travel Ban History.
[Biden-Einstein Fake History]
Now the Biden campaign wants you to believe they supported travel bans all along. Deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield told CNN on April 3 that Biden “supports travel bans that are guided by medical experts, advocated by public health officials and backed by a full strategy,” adding, “Science supported this ban, therefore he did too.”
[Biden-Einstein Real History]
On Jan. 27, Biden wrote an oped in USA Today anticipating the upcoming travel ban and blasted President Trump’s calls in 2014 for travel restrictions during the Ebola outbreak as “reactionary”.
Biden wrote, “I remember how Trump sought to stoke fear and stigma during the 2014 Ebola epidemic. He called President Barack Obama a ‘dope’ and ‘incompetent’ and railed against the evidence-based response our administration put in place — which quelled the crisis and saved hundreds of thousands of lives — in favor of reactionary travel bans that would only have made things worse.”
On Feb. 1, after Trump shut down travel from China, Biden said in Iowa, “We have, right now, a crisis with the coronavirus… This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia — hysterical xenophobia — and fearmongering to lead the way instead of science… Diseases have no borders, they have no borders.”
On March 12, when Trump issued more travel restrictions on Europe Biden said in a speech, “Banning all travel from Europe or any other part of the world may slow it but as we’ve seen will not stop it. And travel restrictions based on favoritism and politics, rather than risk, will be counterproductive.”
The same day, Biden tweeted, “A wall will not stop the coronavirus. Banning all travel from Europe — or any other part of the world — will not stop it…”
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Cancel Cops & Make Crime Great Again Bombshell News – Biden-Einstein (D-China) Police Support Grows After Biden-Einstein Endorses Defunding.
The National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) endorsed President Donald Trump for president on Wednesday, abandoning their previous support of former Vice President Joe Biden.
“Our endorsement recognizes your steadfast and very public support for our men and woman on the front lines, especially during this time of unfair and inaccurate opprobrium being directed at our members by so many,” the letter from NAPO President Michael McHale read.
NAPO has endorsed President Trump in his reelection campaign. Here is our endorsement letter which was issued following today’s meeting. pic.twitter.com/mf6ZUTf10l
— NAPO (@NAPOpolice) July 15, 2020
NAPO previously endorsed the Obama-Biden presidential ticket in both 2008 and 2012 and did not endorse a candidate in 2016.
The organization represents more than 1,000 police associations and 241,000 sworn officers.
@10 They’re having a sad because their license to murder black people is being taken away, and their guns and badges may be next to go.
@8 ” … a category of US residents about whose members Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has described with a slur …”
That’s true only if you define 19 dead Saudi pilot trainees as “U.S. residents.” But fidelity to fact isn’t exactly a strong suite of dumbfucks.
” … when he
postsposted on HA 12 years ago.”ftfy, again for factual accuracy. Obviously, you need an editor.
Now that WalMart is requiring face masks for all customers a lot of Trumper’s gonna starve.
@4 It’s amazing how many white, anti-government, rightwingers think obeying the police is optional, and how few of them get shot by police for resisting. LaVoy Finnicum had to really work at it.
@ 14
Mike Brown made it pretty clear he was done livin’, too.
“Everybody loves the half shit sandwich and urine soup. What the fuck you mean you can’t sell the whole shit sandwich. I threw in a free side of virus. AND a large room temperature raw egg shake. A moron could sell that, Brad. You must be a moron. Leave the White Hood and the Kerosene cross on my desk. You’re not even qualified to call yourself Alt-Right. You’re fired.”
Donald, according to my sources talking to Brad Parscale, Bastille Day+1, 2020.
Fresh off of no doubt murdering @ 11 some black people, here’s a white cop clearing the obstructed airway of a baby born to immigrants. Right in front of the dashcam.
Michigan cop saves choking baby girl with ‘quick, calm’ response
Fortunately, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit continues to bask in the afterglow of the murdered Bothell LEO, so this won’t ruin his evening.
So occasionally LE does the kind of thing they are supposed to do.
That you find that heroic or extraordinary says something.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will be oh-so-proud to learn that the murderer of the Bothell LEO has a Facebook profile photo showing him holding a gun, with the black fist icon and “BLACK LIVES MATTER” inscribed along the bottom of the photo.
4. Washington’s Facebook Page Includes a Profile Photo Expressing His Support for the ‘Black Lives Matter’ Movement & Photos of Guns & Drugs, Along With Pictures of His Kids
Cop killer.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit approves this message.
Doctor Dumbfuck never uses racist slurs to describe black Americans. He merely celebrates their needless deaths.
138,000 Americans dead
224,000 American dead anticipated by November 1st
Tens of millions of Americans unemployed
Russian bounties on our troops
When you fuck up, Doctor, you really fuck up.
Gosh! An objectively kind thing. I’m not even sure he’s required to do it.
Important question: How many black teen murders does that earn a guy? Does he get the full credit even if the kid ends up suffering some long term deficits from the O2 deprivation? Is it worth more if she grows up and “looks hot” and has “some wide ones”?
NOPE! all hetero. Good try WTF! Were you dropped on your head at birth?
We are from Philly. Fly Eagles Fly!
Wow godwinha, that was a “low blow”!
BeerPong farted
Smooth move ex-lax. Brother been in StuyTown since 1974. Apparently you have no idea where it is because you claim it’s in Brooklyn. StuyTown is not in Brooklyn.
Wrong again Mike Rogers. Here let Puddy help you. Look up StuyTown! I could care less where Shawn Carter is from. He ain’t from StuyTown! He and his wife like Obummer. He shot his older brother over jewelry and he wasn’t even a teenager yet.
While you are looking at the map you may find the Bagel Boss! Puddy’s brother lives less than 2 blocks away. Butt then again you thought it was Bed-Stuy. You really are ignorant of NYC! You are like dot bombed. Ignorant of so many real life things.
BeerPong farted
Smooth move ex-lax. Brother been in StuyTown since 1974. Apparently you have no idea where it is because you claim it’s in Brooklyn. StuyTown is not in Brooklyn. I tried four times to link it in. Apparently https://wwwstuytown.com is a blocked link for whatever reason. Inserted upon editing.
@17 Isn’t it refreshing to read that some cops still save lives instead of taking them?
I’m perusing the Voters Pamphlet that came in the mail today. Looks like we have several Republican parties in Washington now: The Republican Party, the Trump Republican Party, the Fifth Republican Party, and the Pre2016 Republican Party. Will each of these parties have a nominee, or will they run a joint nominee? Just curious.
There’s no Libertarian Party candidate for governor, so we’ll have to find a suitable candidate for Doctor Dumbfuck. He’s obviously not a Democrat, but I have just the candidate for him, right up his alley, i.e. someone he has a lot in common with, whose Voters Pamphlet blurb is reproduced below:
“Leon Aaron Lawson”
“Prefers Trump Republican Party”
“Elected Experience”
“I grew up in Shelton, WA. I created a family business in 2011. I have never been in politics. If your indented outcome for this election is complete restructure from the ground up; I am the obvious choice. I have dcalt with the negligent Bureaucracy, Tortious interference, the lack of training and oversight of this state for many years.”
“Other Professional Experience”
“Shelton High School Class of 1994; POL”
“Community Service”
“Despite years of being treated like a criminal, by the criminals; I continue to rise above and remain an asset to my community. I work to provide services to families and citizens of Washington.”
“I was treated like a criminal growing up because I chose Marijuana over prescribed pharmaceuticals. But now the state picks and chooses who is allowed to sell and grow marijuana with its unconstitutional Lottery. decriminalize it and stop the states theft. I am a small business owner who was targeted and attacked by the corrupt negligent powers of the current administration. In 2017, they ran me out of business, slandered me to customers and made false reports about me cooking meth. I asked, even begged them for help, but they just deepened their attack. but I am from Shelton a street fighter and because of our current Presidcnt and and the transparency, I was able to request and receive FOIA. I found out exactly what they were doing with overwhelming evidence. I taught myself law and represented myself ProSe. I took the state to the courts and won Thurston county superior court case 19-2-01200-34. I promise to fight and remove the corrupt levers of power that control our state; and I know where the Fraud and waste is going. So, I re-opened my store and started this grassroots campaign to take our state back. I trust the people of Washington to think for themselves and trust themselves, so I know you ahve my back. I have people who know me in every city in this state. We will change the levers of power together and turn the tide on the ones that tried to make us criminals. WWG1WGA, so I can’t lose. We will change it from the tippy top.”
I looked up “WWG1WGA” and found this: “WWG1WGA stands for Where We Go One, We Go All. That’s an adage or motto associated with a string of interconnected conspiracy theorists known collectively as Q, or QAnon.”
Not as low as one of your relatives getting on their knees in the bathroom stall, after a foot tap dance.
As in Aaron Shock hetero or Lindsey Graham hetero.
It would be just a bit more “refreshing” if the act of human decency were not accompanied by the expectation of being granted an unlimited license to sport-murder.
I’m not even sure “refreshing” is the term for this.
You have some strange fantasies WTF. Like the one where you were offering Steve to give Puddy a blow job when Puddy demonstrated the website actually displayed the data as Puddy showed earlier in the thread!
Carry on wtf. You are what you named yourself!
Oh noes! Looks like MSDNC’s Joyless Reid is getting the court smackdown on another of her “I was hacked” twatter deliveries.
HotAir (◔_◔)
First stop for up to the minute news on Moon Face.
Is the court case correct dot bombed? Since you have issues with the truth from Hotair, here it is from MSN, sister of MSDNC.
Life really sux when TRUTH BOMBS are a flying from everywhere at your libtard ASS!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa
My bad. Should have included a trigger warning.
Yeah, triggered by the truth from right thinking sites.
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa
Did not get the memo about “The New Federalism”.
Anybody know what a trigger warning for a trigger warning is called?
Asking for science.
Ooooooh noessss… Time to trigger the dot bombed litard again… Oh noes, Chicago Mayor Lightfoot calling for more gun control when they already have gun control in Cook County.
Libtard dummocretin mayors always talk a good story butt produce nuthin!~<blockquote
Golly it seems almost all of you dummocretin libtards descended from BARBARIC DEVILS!Well, let’s not be so harsh. Maybe y’all are just nasty bloodsuckers!
Breitbart brings it!
Nikole Hannah-Jones, of the NY Slimes said so. It’s in the NY Slimes so to a dummocretin that’s ‘libtard gospel’.
Who knew?
What? What?
How are your goats doing?
Don’t own any. You? Benny Hill humor maybe?
You forgot when Steve mistakenly misunderstood the website data and then blogged a dummocretin website that had it way wrong too? You forgot your offer to the wronged party?
Memory issues? Ask the crazed databaze purveyor. He’ll give you “justice”.
Looks like Friends of the Bidens are in action again.
Control. Just like the cancel culture of the whackjob dummocretins!
C’mon, look at the bright side. No more mask requirement.
Grisly details as dismembered millionaire tech CEO found by sister ‘with no head’
All of which reminds me. The Kitchen is a fun 2019 release. Melissa McCarthy, Tiffany Haddish, Elisabeth Moss.
@ 41
Tenure track in the social sciences.
Examples of Republicans bringing it.
140,000 dead Americans
224,000 dead Americans anticipated by November 1st
1.3 million new unemployment claims filed last week
Speaking of “Friends of the Bidens”.
Rupert Murdoch’s son and daughter-in-law drop more than $2 million to help elect Biden and Democrats
With about 100 days left before the voting, the US is now entering into the “character/personality defining” phase of a presidential election. This is the period, preceding the debates and the defining of “the issues”, where the personalities of the presumed nominees are put on display, refined, and framed in the minds of most voters.
The nominating conventions have always played a big roll in this process. As the years have gone by, the conventions have gradually become less and less about party, constituency, and issues, and more and more of a personality parade for the running mates, their families, and their personal stories. And even for incumbent presidents it has served as a way to redefine the candidate in terms of their record (or not). But while this year’s conventions may be lighter than usual on pageantry and energy, as television events they still have the capacity to help define the image of the candidates in that way.
So there’s still time, still opportunity, and still some room left for the campaigns to try and define their candidate and their opponent. But it’s really only a few weeks. After that the narrative shifts toward pitting those two personalities against each other in terms of whatever “issues” are defined.
What’s become most fascinating to me, and something I honestly did not expect, is that at this point Trump2020 and the Rapepublican party have been almost entirely ineffective at framing their opponent’s personality/character in negative terms. What they are working with is at best only mildly negative. Meanwhile Biden’s personality/character is increasingly being perceived in either neutral terms or generally positive, such as “mild”, “sensible”, “moderate”, “boring”, “plain”, “safe”.
These are not always positive or successful impressions depending on the ultimate issues debate and the contrasts. So-called “safe” personality alternatives have been both successful and not successful. Johnson, despite the reality, was perceived as the “safe” personality in comparison to Goldwater. On the other hand, Bush 41 was also the “safe” personality. So the mood of the voters, the issues, and the campaigns still define the outcomes.
With Biden’s personality framing shaping up to be the “safer” and more “mild” choice, it will become imperative for Trump2020 to present a palette of “issues” that demand a more extreme and harsh personality. I don’t think Trump2020 has any hope or interest in redefining their candidate. So they are already focusing on “issues” that “require” a personality like his. Trump obviously squandered that opportunity with COVID-19 response. “Burning cities” looks to be his next effort. It could work too. It would be immensely helpful if police would refrain from sport-murdering unarmed citizens for the next 100 days or so.
But they won’t.
Since May 2020 declared party affiliation has shifted dramatically.
What was a 3% Democratic edge 47-44 is now 11% 50-39.
What could have happened in so short a time for so many Americans to abandon the GOP?
Must have been Hunter Biden’s business dealings.
@ 49
Also an example of Republicans bringing it:
Market close the night Hillary couldn’t bring herself to publicly concede:
Dow: 18,332.74, +73.14, (+0.40%)
S&P 500: 2,139.56, +8.04, (+0.38%)
Nasdaq: 5,193.49, +27.32, (+0.53%)
Market right now:
Dow 26,724.77 -145.33 -0.54%
S&P 500 3,208.06 -18.50 -0.57%
Nasdaq 10,436.45 -114.04 -1.08%
That’s a 50% jump in the S&P 500 index since The Chardonnay Lady’s attempt to bring it failed so spectacularly, Steve.
Another example of Republicans bringing it:
Highest individual marginal tax rate, 2016: 39.6%
Highest individual marginal tax rate, 2020: 37.0%
The Washington Scalpers was proposed, but the tribal leaders could not be convinced that the name referred to DC politicians and Super Bowl ticket prices.
Navajo leaders take back idea of ‘Code Talkers’ as Washington NFL name
Look on the bright side: if the schools don’t open or have reduced levels of attendance, we taxpayers won’t be on the hook for the free breakfast and lunch program for the kids living in Section 8 housing whose single moms are meth whores.
Or in The “New” Chicago school.
Or really any field at Liberty.
Only 23,276 to go and Putin’s two stooges, Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron, can finally claim that the performance of the DJIA under those two treasonous Klowns has finally matched what it did under the usurping black Muslim from Kenya.
Is that what you’re going to campaign on? Better get on it. You’re running out of time.
Arizona: Trump vs. Biden, OH Predictive Insights
Biden 49, Trump 44 Biden +5
Florida: Trump vs. Biden, CNBC/Change Research
Biden 50, Trump 43 Biden +7
If only these people paid taxes.
Try not to worry. There’s always a chance vaccine will fix it.
Just published online today, Harvard and Mass General:
Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Disease Severity on Admission Chest Radiographs among Patients Admitted with Confirmed COVID-19: A Retrospective Cohort Study
43% of the study enrollees had limited English proficiency. This is probably primarily a white vs. Latinx comparison.
Interestingly, death rate in this study was 23% for white patients, and only 9% for non-white patients. More white patients required supplemental oxygen. I’m wondering if there were a shit-ton of obese white patients to explain this, or if there just a bunch of slovenly POS white patients who couldn’t be bothered to log off of HA, get off their fat asses, and go to the hospital – I’m envisioning Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit here.
@35. Conservatives. For our enemies, we will use every law on the book. For our friends, nothing.
I wonder if The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 61 has ever heard of Lois Lerner.
Maybe our cities are burning. But it’s the cops and prosecutors lighting all the matches.
Thanks to the “load-em-up/deal-em-down” charging decisions of Vance’s office this homeless kid now faces a 7 year felony bit. Or his PD deals him to a misdemeanor plea. All to protect brutal cops from consequences for sport-wilding on low status victims.
The next time this transit cop loses his shit it might be you.
Fire the cops. Build more shelters.
@ 63
So, when white guys don’t do what the cops tell them, it doesn’t go well. I thought it was only black guys who experienced this. Isn’t that what the last seven weeks have been about?
Somehow I get the feeling that “occupying more than one seat” means the modern-day Woody Allen dude was planning to spend the night on the train. After all, he’s homeless and it’s 12:30 a.m. Cop tells him to move on, he doesn’t, and here we are.
In re 63.
Think about it practically. Eight police. Two EMTs. Booking. Psych eval. A month of confinement in Rikers. A senior supervising prosecutor, and two assistant prosecutors, A public defender. A felony arraignment. Negotiations. Pleading down. A 60 day bit and some post confinement supervision by NYC board of corrections.
How does that cost compare to a night in a shelter bed?
Nope. Because you don’t give a fuck, you don’t get it. And because you don’t get it, you can’t understand why you’re so completely wrong, and why you are doing nothing but losing on this.
It’s a fundamentally brutal, indifferent, irrational and unjust system. We have deliberately designed it to be this way. Systemic flaws in that already brutal, indifferent, irrational system makes it fall more heavily on POC, trans, gay, lesbian, and poor people. Both features of our criminal justice system obviously delight you. But as this case amply demonstrates, they also cost you.
Boiling down sadistic police sport-wilding on low status citizens to “guys don’t do what the cops tell them, it doesn’t go well” will not save the taxpayers of NYC the six figures this arrest and prosecution will cost them without the federal civil rights violations. It removes one homeless person from the streets for maybe two months. For the same sum of money you could move two of him off the street forever.
Also, and not for nuthin’,
if the kid had been black, he’d have been dead.
It’s precisely because the kid is “modern-day Woody Allen dude” that he’s merely punched and pepper sprayed, and facing a felony.
The statue of the slave trader stood for 125 years. A BLM protest statue stood in its place for only 24 hours. I guess Britain isn’t there yet.
This guy must be white, because if he was black, he’d have been shot or strangled. Probably a Trumpublican, too.
I assume Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron will come down on Putin with the same ferocity as they did when Putin put a bounty on our troops.
Russian hackers have been accused of targeting covid-19 vaccine researchers
@56 Courting the single mother vote, I see. How’s that working for you so far? Maybe proposing life in prison for miscarriages, as they do in Central America, would turn things around with this demographic?
@59 “Republicans” are people who complain about taxes they don’t pay.
@60 Wishing aside, rumor has it I’m neither dead nor in a hospital.
@63 No mask. Probably no ticket, either.
@65, 66 Republicans bitch about taxes they don’t pay, bitch about deficits when insufficient taxes are collected to pay for all this, and also bitch about there not being more of this.
MTA does not issue tickets for the subway.
And he had a mask until the unmasked cop punched it off his face.
I know next to nothing about the kid. Don’t really need to.
Because what I do know is that the taxpayers of NYC are about to invest something north of six figures in dealing him to a couple of cheap misdemeanor convictions, housing him for a couple of months, and launching him into an irreversible social decline that will cost the city vastly more before he dies of exposure in an alley in ten years. If nothing changes this kind of encounter with loutish, violent, thug cops will become his destiny. And each such encounter will be accompanied by a similar price tag.
The United States can do better than this.
Someone who is totally obsessed with ratings can’t be happy.
Mary Trump’s book has sold 950,000 copies on release week. That’s a record open for the 96 year old publisher Simon and Schuster.
Donald brags that he has the #1 selling business book of all time (at 1.1M copies sold this isn’t even close to being true) but another 150K copies bought up by consumers and interest groups just trying to stick a finger in his eye and Donald won’t even have the #1 selling book among his blood relations.
Unmarked vehicles.
No ID.
No names.
No badges.
Domestic Renditioning.
I guess if you haven’t done anything, you don’t need habeas.
@78 Clearcut case of self-defense if they get shot by someone who thinks he’s being abducted by criminals.
Looks like the first city Trump intends to burn will be Portland.
Take him seriously and literally. He will at least try to do what he says he will do.
“An Arizona corrections officer … accidentally shot himself and another man, officials said. Raul Burruel, 30, … was not on duty when he fired the gun and was not acting in an official capacity …. The gun was not issued by the Sheriff’s Office …. Burruel has worked for the corrections department for seven years …. According to detectives, Burruel fired a handgun, and the bullet when through his hand and into the chest of the other man ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Dumbshits shouldn’t have guns or badges.
Cue a sudden reinterpretation of “State’s Rights” by Trolls4Trump.
Probable suicide-by-cop in Shoreline this AM. Unfortunately an innocent person and his dog were hurt, and another innocent person was attacked. I sure hope the victim and dog will be all right.
Portland cops tackle a bicyclist. Unclear if he was a protester or just a passerby caught in the crossfire, but he wasn’t doing anything in the video except riding his bike.
Need a laugh?
Yep, Steve’s blog is alive and well. Chew on this, doc.
If the feds are gonna occupy Portland, they should clean out the skinheads while they’re there.
141,000 > 15
Today’s new case number is a record high. The 11th time in July a record has been set.
Heckuva job Donnie! Almost too good.
Several Puget Sound school districts announced today that online school is happening in the fall. Some are splitting enrollment and will do two days of classroom. That’s going to work out great for working parents who have run out of benefits or who have been forced to go back to work out of the house. If the kids bring the virus home from school and Mom and Dad die the parents don’t have anything to worry about. Right?
@88 Will Trump send the 82nd Airborne Division to force the schools to open?
U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero seems to be out of patience as Donnie’s lawyers basically refilled the motion SCOTUS just ruled on for today’s deadline. Gave them until a week from Monday to amend.
CW that SCOTUS kicking it back down to the district court would buy them time past the election isn’t sitting well with the judge who recognizes a blatant attempt to run out the clock in today’s proceedings.
Twatter was hacked. No! Really! And some nutjob dummocretins thought they could make a fast buck.
They knew whom to hack and how it would be received. Taking money from the patently stooooooooooooooooopid dummocretins. Great!
Trump will reopen the work houses and put Ivanka in charge.
Malcolm X was right…
Susan Collins sent her opponent Sara Gideon a nice note congratulating her on winning her primary and then concluded by, gulp, begging her to please, please, pretty please agree to hold sixteen debates.
One of my dogs makes that same smell when she hears fireworks.
Just who does Puddy think he is with such a blatantly long cut-and-paste?
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, but with an ability to get it up?
It’s looking like Jayson Blair has resurfaced as a writer for The Atlantic
Wonderful piece, I’d imagine. Except for the fact that there’s no unearthed tangible evidence that the shooting actually happened.
Who knows? Maybe the editor will respond, although he didn’t respond to the two emails sent already.
“Well if Trump ever becomes president one thing his presence in the White House will do, it will make black people in America have to face up the facts probably for the first time in many many years,” Malcolm X said.
“This in itself is good in that Trump is a man who’s not capable of hiding his racist tendencies,” he added. “And at the same time he’s not even capable of pretending to Negroes that he’s their friend.”
“So in one sense Trump’s coming in will awaken the Negro and will probably awaken the entire world more so than the world has been awakened since Hitler”
Substituted Trump for Goldwater.
Stoooooooooooooopid Solution Steve reaching into the earth for the gates of hell again!
Sad so sad! Hanging around these assesHorse dummocretins has tarnished your rep dude!
@98 Do you really think Malcom X would speak better of Trump than he did of Goldwater??
Puddy subscribes to Goodreads. The rest of the Malcolm X story is there. He was way ahead of his time identifying the white liberal. They are the cause of almost all of the inner city blacks ills! How he spotted
them back in the early 1960s is amazingly prescient to what is happening today. Then Van Jones’ comment May 29, 2020 was even more damning:
It’s too bad Al and Jesse are the Pied Pipers of our doom!
Yes he would. Black unemployment was the lowest level ever under Trump. Black people had new opportunities. Even CNN’s head black man Van Jones admitted this! Black people felt good about themselves because many had a job. You listen to the race hustlers [even libtard loving big brother calls them that now] Al and Jesse make idiotic claims blacks were better under Obummer when economists admit blacks were doing much better under Trump’s economy before the pandemic.
@98 Try imagining what Malcom X would have to say about Doctor Dumbfuck, a racist white man who celebrates the deaths of black males.
Okay you got me there. godwinha has said some head scratching things over the years. Butt then again the senile idiot wabbit has too! Maybe they cancel each other out?
Why do you people always favor an authoritarian government?
Black unemployment is staggeringly high, much higher than under Obummer, and blacks are dying by the tens of thousands due to Trump’s abject failure in dealing with Covid-19.
Because libtards would be the authors of the new draconian laws and free speech would die. Did you watch that Karen go nutzo when the lady held up a sign mourning the death of the black federal officer David Dorn in Oakland on one side and Police Lives Matter on the other side and this libtard dummocretin creature tried to hit her, kick her and then attempt to steal her sign? It was precious how dummocretin want to shut anyone up who disagrees with their pathetic positions!
Hence we have the cancel culture!
@103 Good to see we can talk civilly, my friend.
Steve@107, We always have. It’s the other Karen morons here that need civility lessons!
Good night!
Steve@107, We always have. It’s the other Karen morons here that need civility lessons!
Good night!
Wow babbling butthole… Black people aren’t paying attention to you..
They voted for Hillary and Biden in droves in the primaries thwarting the challenge from Bernie. Black women elected Doug Jones in Alabama.
And today they loathe drumpf. They know a racist when they see one. Mary Trump and Michael Cohen confirm he used racial slurs like the n-word and many anti-semitic words. The freak is an abomination to any decent person.
They’ll turn out for Joe Biden. Any blacks who flirted with drumpf are now through with that. Black people and other people of color, native americans especially are suffering the most with COVID. What has drumpf done about that?
NOTHING.. Hydroxy?? Give me an f’in break.
Black people respect Malcolm but they know a dishonest cherry-picker like you when they see one.
Only now due to covid-19. Trump has made some mistakes butt I have put forth all the early Dr. Fauci comments and your dummocretin assesHorse friends forgot and still forget them. Remember BiteME! called Trump xenophobic for the China travel ban! You all forget that!
Only now due to covid-19. Trump has made some mistakes butt I have put forth all the early Dr. Fauci covid no worse than the flu comments and your dummocretin assesHorse friends forgot and still forget them. Trump repeats Fauci comments and you guys went nutzo. Remember BiteME! called Trump xenophobic for the China travel ban! You all forget that! Pelosi called his move a distraction to the impeachment trial. You all forgot that!
Respectfully, my submission for this week’s FNME:
@112 “I have put forth all the early Dr. Fauci covid no worse than the flu comments”
Science evolves as more information comes in. Trump doesn’t.
Just a reminder: We rabbits don’t mind if there’s a human population die-off. More room for us.
@103 “Maybe they cancel each other out?”
What a stupid butthole question. I crush him with one paw.
Puddy has a few things to say to you yellowishleakingbuttspigot even though Puddy is wasting the sentences on this “Karen”:
1) The more level headed blacks like Van Jones are still calling it right. Trump will get more of the black vote racial slurs aside. We have seen BiteME! in action calling anyone who doesn’t vote for him “ain’t black”.
2) BiteME! has a racist record in the public domain. Just like Hillary was a racist in Arkansas in her early years, your actions always overcome what one may say from their mouth. The four anti-busing letters he wrote to the racist James Eastland were offered by CNN. Calling Obummer clean and articulate is racist! That should tell you enough of what is happening. Racism is rampant in the dummocretin party and now we see Joe is a cancel cultist too.
3) BiteME! has gone full Bernie and AOC. When these positions are fully understood his support will wane. People will realize there is no pot of gold and there is no rainbow. All these “special programs” will cost something so exorbitant even the whackjob like you, an admitted couch sitter sucking off the guvmint tit all these years, will have to pay some taxes back. Sanders admitted it earlier this year.
4) You see yellowishleakingbuttspigot, I despise you here because you have not renounced inner city latino members killing blacks to get their gang stripes. You continue to support hate groups La Raza and Aztlan, and further support the La reconquista philosophy. When Jameil Shaw, Jr was killed by a illegal gang thug in LA you have not denounce the action, to this day. When MS-13 gang members killed those young teenage black girls on Long Island you did not renounce their deaths. When Trump said he would go after MS-13 members do you remember what you wrote when Puddy confronted you on it here on assesHorse? Go back to the crazed databaze because your mind is very faulty.
You claim Puddy’s repeated attempts for you to admit your wrongheaded support “tiresome”. You hate black people and it’s been apparent on this blog since 2005, 15 years and clock is still running. So no, no respect for your silly ASS yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
5) Now with the Goya “boycott” that has become a buycott, you can’t even answer do you support AOC on ber boycott or not. Last night Mrs Puddy and me laughed at fools like yourself when the buycott came on and shelves were empty of Goya products. You wait to see where the sentiment lies then you jump in. You never take a lead position here. You have always lived vicariously from the well worn couch while Mrs yellowishleakingbuttspigot slaves in her SEIU nursing job! This is why we on the right have no respect for you yellowishleakingbuttspigot or your demented positions!
6) As Puddy stated before, a Black Muslim man takes his manhood seriously. If he takes a wife, slides it in and makes her pregnant, he takes any job available to ensure the wife and children are fed, clothed and sheltered. The money the wife makes in her job is hers and if she decides to add it to the family finance pot good for her. That’s the only thing Puddy supports in their philosophy and Puddy has lived that for about 40 years. You yellowishleakingbuttspigot, instead, wasted all those months creating the crazed databaze as an unemployed moron living off her salary. You aren’t a real man and your postulations above are worthless to me, a proud black man who worked hard and has been blessed by God and His Son Jesus, listening to and being guided by the Holy Spirit; all activities you admittedly reject.
7) This is why Puddy left the dummocretin plantation. Puddy sees the race hustlers for what they are and libtard dummocretin for what they are.
To me assesHorse whites are not my friends, except for Steve and GBS! In a life or death situation each of you would sell Puddy out to save your sorry ASSes! I broke bread with GBS and have offered the same with Steve. I honestly feel these two would not sell Puddy out by their comments on this blog. Anyone can sit on their ASS and write vitriolic comments behind their computer. Puddy came to multiple Drunken Libtards so they know who I am! We saw that last week with that college geek working on his finance masters attacking the young college lady. Puddy does not look for guvmint handouts [where’s my guvmint cheese] like you yellowishleakingbuttspigot. One needs to leave a mark in life not erase other peoples marks like you do!
8) BiteME!’s support of Robert KKK 3 Sheets to the Wind Byrd and Strom Thurmond’s racist positions are very sickening to real black people. You are always known for the company you chose to keep, even when you were young because God gave every human the ability to choose. BiteME! chose those!
So to sum up what you wrote above: BIG YAAAWWWN!
Hardly senile one. Your A-Game from years past is now very close to D-. Back in the day you would have responded to dot bombed wrong headed comments on Ghislane Maxwell skating do to some silly statue of limitations voted on by Congress. Today you let it slide when anyone with law skills or one with law relatives would have immediately spotted that mistaken position. Your stock market A-Game has also gone bad regarding stock market trends and activities. That too is now around the D level.
So your paws are also getting very old and worn!
Recently WTF asked about goats. While mowing the lawn yesterday that comment reminded Puddy of Donnageddon, the one Puddy called Donna Gelded. So Puddy wonders?
I’d gladly hold him to that, except for the fact that I have more than a couple of people of color in my fam about whom I care greatly. I would not hurt or disrespect them merely to mock this stupidity.
The dismal truth is that for probably most of his supporters Trump symbolizes permission to tell racist jokes around the roach coach. And that’s the reason why, not he, but they must be removed from civic life forever. They’ve had five decades to get over the loss of the Civil War, slavery and the symbolic pull they held in American culture.
It’s no mere coincidence that this election year has been accompanied by this so-called “cancel culture” moment. And certainly no amount of social shaming would ever address the pervasive cruelty and injustice deliberately built-in to our criminal justice system. But if being forced to watch and reckon with the casual sport-murder of George Floyd was enough to finally get people to come to terms with how much work is left to be done, at least he will have died for something.
Cancel them all. The argument was made decades ago and affirmed into law. While the vast majority of Americans alive today either grew up with expectations of equality and decency, or gradually acquired them over time, these people denied it all. And for all of that time most of the rest of us looked the other way, or made excuses and apologies (like Puddy here), or begged them to lower their voices, but otherwise did nothing. We had to be shown how deadly that silence was, by enabling the sickness that continued to grow in our midst. A sickness that came to be at the center of the Republican Party’s electoral strategy by the end of the last century. So that now that core strategy forces them into this corner overtly defending racism and racists.
Cancel Republicans.
The cancel culture started way before George Floyd. Noah Chomsky was a big proponent of it. When they came for his head “oh Noes, it has gone too far!” Chuckle Chuckle!
FTFY! You still don’t get what Malcolm X was saying. You are too blinded by FACTS that you can’t see you are the issue!
Way to go, Urkel.