- Thanks to everyone who donated during Goldy’s fund raiser for yours truly. I am very thankful. If you still feel like donating, click here.
- New media, old people. I wonder what the average age is over there at the ‘cut? I remember a forum on “News On The Web” which featured Crosscut’s Chuck Taylor. He was asked what his website was going to do to attract younger folks. His answer was , “I don’t think we have to.” Bless his pea-pickin’ heart.
- Ron Paul superfans to Sen. McCain: “You’ve got T-Rex Arms”
- If you haven’t already, meet Meghan McCain. Apparently, she’s “socially liberal and economically conservative.” My favorite?
And what will the young McCain do at the end of Election 2008?
According to GQ, “(McCain) insists she wants to properly commemorate the experience’ by getting another tattoo at the end of the campaign. (She already has a star outline on the top of her right foot, a souvenir of spring break in San Diego last year.) She and her friends are batting around ideas. The only proposal that’s gained any traction so far is to have McCain written in Old English on the small of her back.”
As Vince Vaughn would say, it “might as well be a bullseye.”
- Ballard Denny’s? Landmark. Seattle’s longest continually running hotel? Not a landmark. Go figure. Thing is, the folks who own The Sorrento actually want it to have landmark status, while the owners of the shuttered Ballard Denny’s don’t.
- Cigar bars? Illegal, but maybe not for long.
- What do you do when your favorite band never leaves Austin? Watch their concerts on YouTube, that’s what. Besides blogs, YouTube is the best thing about the web.
What’s more:
- The hardest part about baking a cake? The frosting. Add too much water, and the frosting looks like- well, it looks bad. The cake part is so easy. The frosting part- not so much.
- If you emailed me at “will@horsesass.org” in the last several months, I just now got your email. Sorry. It was busted for a while, and Goldy just fixed it. I didn’t much mind since most of it was awful, awful spam, but some of it was really important, time-sensitive hate mail. Oh well.
She’s gonna get a ‘McCain’ tramp stamp? Oh boy, is she going to regret that someday.
reichert speaks in auburn and hearts iraq occupation more than ever:
also a report of reichert’s love for iraq chaos and murder in today’s (free at your doorstep) bellevue reporter (not finding that story online)
here is a money quote: But Reichert, U.S. Representative for the 8th Congressional District since 2005, said Wednesday afternoon in Auburn that given the intelligence on weapons of mass destruction available at the time, he knows what he would have done.
“I’ll be honest with everybody in this room,” Reichert told members of the Rotary Club of Auburn meeting for lunch at Grace Community Church. “If I was there, I would have voted yes. Some people won’t admit that.”
please flog this goldy, et al. (and there’s more gold in that link)
oh ok the auburn reporter and bellevue reporter stories are the same story by same guy. i imagine the same wingnuts own both papers.
water? No wonder you’re having problems.
Just make my yummy cream cheese frosting:
1 pkg Neuchatel cheese (low-fat cream cheese)
1 stick butter
Let these warm to room temperature, the plop them in a mixing bowl. Mix on low speed with a mixer, gradually adding 1-2 cups of confectioner’s (powdered) sugar.
I don’t like so much sugar myself. The original recipe I got calls for a pound of sugar, but I think that’s too sweet.
This is especially good on my secret recipe carrot cake. Best carrot cake evah.
It’s snowing on earth day. That reminds me I have to turn on all my lights at eight PM. It just my patriotic duty.
Hey is it warm enough for you donks…. hehehehehe Dumbasses.
Golly I forgot to turn off my lights for Erf Day.
Oh Darn.
In an effort to support Earth Day – President George Bush said he was turning off the light that serves as his brain. Given the fact that it’s only a 10W bulb – it won’t make a big impact – but every little bit helps.
After getting to know Meghan, I’m convinced the tat should read (in very old, old English), bleach blonde bimbo hypocrite.
but some of it was really important, time-sensitive hate mail. Oh well.
Yeah, just ignore all those orders Stupes barks at people around here.