Tim “Biggest lie of my life” Eyman has been accused of shoplifting. It appears he stole a chair, valued at $70, from an Office Depot in Lacey. Have a look for yourself:
Via KOMO News:
When [officers] responded, one of the employees told officers he had noticed an office chair near the entrance was missing, checked surveillance video and saw a man wearing a shirt with the words “Let the voter decide” emblazoned across the front, the police report said.
Surveillance video from the store showed Eyman walking from a service desk where one employee said he was helping him sort out an issue with his printer, the police report said. Eyman then can be seen walking into the foyer, sitting on a displayed office chair, spinning in it and wheeling it out the front door.
The employee said he did not pay for the chair.Eyman then walked back into the store to exchange a printer for two other ones. An employee helped him out to his vehicle but was stopped just short of it and told by Eyman, “I’ve got it from here,” the report said.
The officers investigating the theft have “forwarded a recommended charge of third-degree theft to the City Attorney.”
Of course, Eyman owes the State a boatload of money after being held in contempt of court following his refusal to turn over court-ordered documents. He is also being sued by WA AG Bob Ferguson for pilfering and misusing initiative campaign funds.
The lawsuit and fines have, apparently, led to a divorce, and to Eyman declaring bankruptcy late last year.
So…I suppose he was just trying to furnish his new bachelor pad?
The list of shading behaviors that Tim Eyman has been accused of and, in some cases, has confessed to is long: lying and stealing donor’s money for his own personal gain, campaign finance violations, misappropriating campaign money, and contempt of court.
Alas, it appears we can add shoplifter to the list.
It’s like the guy is building his resume for a 2024 GOP Presidential nomination.
He’s hard up these days. If you see this man panhandling, give him a sandwich, but don’t give him cash.
Maybe he’s homeless and deliberately got caught so he’ll have a warm place to sleep in this cold weather.
Well, that should have the regular crew cackling for days!
He really shouldn’t be stealing anything valued over $30.
Same shit, different Republican
The Trumpublican Publisher of The Pittsburg Post-Gazette got drunk and dragged his 12 year old daughter into the news room last Saturday night and went off on the staff in a full blown violent meltdown while his terrified daughter sobbed uncontrollably.
Also caught on video.
What a pathetic, degenerate, self destructive bunch of pussies Republicans have become.
They are becoming a real danger to themselves and others.
The situation is not safe at all. Self repecting people are wise to steer well clear of any conservative at this point.
@5 Thank God they were all draft dodgers and I didn’t get stuck in a foxhole with them.